Ido-English Dictionary

by L.H. Dyer

Note: the numbered references (e.g. III—37) are to the volumes and pages of the journal "Progreso"

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   Geog. nomi


a (ad): (general sense) to. indicating that toward which there is movment, tendency, or position, with or without arrival; opposed to from (de, ek); (cf. vers, til); il iris a la kirko: he went to (the) church; il venas de Paris a London: he is on his way from Paris to London; la hundo jetis su a la kato: the dog sprang at the cat; del (de la) esto al (ad la) westo: from (the) east to (the) west; de tempo a tempo: from time to time; de un dio a l'altra: from one day to another, from day to day; de la supro a l'infro: from top to bottom; (dative: indirect object) donez a me la bastono: give me the stick; il parolis ad el: he spoke to her. (object of action, thought, desire) il elevas su a la richeso e a la honori: he is rising to weather and honors; atencema a la diskurso, attentive to the discourse; surda a la ditreso-krii: deaf to the cries of distress; amo a Deo: love to God; me deziras a vu omna feliceso: I wish you all happiness. (comparison or relation) agreabla a la gusto: agreeable to the taste; ca okupo konvenas ad il: this occupation suits him; (proportion; total) tri raportas a non quale du a sis: three is to nine as two is to six; evaluar lua revenuo a 10.000 franki; taxar ol a 400 franki: to estimate his income as (amounting to) 10,000 francs; to tax it at (at the rate of, a total of) 400 francs. Note: Ad is often joined to other prepositions, to verbal roots, adverbs, particularly to add the idea of motion. — FILS

abad-(ul)o: abbot; -ino: abbess; -eyo: abbey; -eso: abbotship; -ala, -ey-ala: abbatial. — DeFIRS

abak-o*: (math., arch.) abacus. — DEFIS

abandon-ar: (tr.) to abandon, (wholly) give up, (totally) relinquish, forego, forsake. Ex.: Abandonar navo, domo, projeto, infanto. Abandonar su a desespero, a joyo. Ant.: gardar, retenar. V. exp.: Livar urbo, portuo, domo, persono ... esas simple forirar de ol sen ula sentimental impliko. Abandonar persono, ofico, posteno, esas sive lasar li, nevolunte o kontrevole, sive violacante ula devo (abandonar infanti, parenti). Retretar esas retromarchar: la senco primitiva e propra esas militala; senci figurala e derivta: livar la mondo (religiala retreto), funciono od agado (retreto di oficisto, komercisto, e.c.); II — 647. — EFIS

abas-ar: (tr.) to lower: let down to a lower level; (fig.) to abase (morally), debase; abasez la tirani: down with the tyrants; abasez la manui: hands off!; abasez la chapeli: hats off! Ex.: Abasar la kapo, la brakio, la manuo; abasar levero, standardo, espado, fusilo, velo; omno to signifikas pozar (plu) infre. En la figurala senco, on abasas persono, reduktante lu ad infra rango, kondiciono, e.c.; on abasas su, prenante infra rango, humila posturo, e.c.; IV — 286. Ant.: levar, elevar. V. exp.: Abasar ne esas basigar. Basigar esas igar (plu) basa, des-altigar (E. to make less in height); abasar esas igar decensar ad infra nivelo. — eFI

abat-ar: (tr., phys. sense) to knock, beat, strike down, fell; -aj-aro: (fort.) abatis. Ex.: Abatar arboro, domo, muro, persono — eFIS

abatis-o: (of fowl, game) refuse parts, as head, feet, wings, skin, etc.; small edible parts, as giblets. Def.: Mikra parti di pultro, anke di leporo; VII — 197. — F

abces-o (med.) abscess; -eskar: to become or turn to an a. Def.: Pusoza kavajo en la korpo. — DEFIRS

abcis-o* (geom.) abscissa. — DEFIRS

abdik-ar: (tr.) to abdicate. V. exp.: Abdikar dicesas precipue pri la reji o suvereni, qui cesas regnar por transmisar la povo a sucedanto, sive naturala, sive selektata; abdikar ne esas simple demisionar, ma demisionar por ulu, do facante ankore ago di suvereneso; IV-100. Vid. abnegar, renuncar, rezignar. — DEFIRS

abdomin-o: abdomen. V. exp.: Abdomino esas ciencala vorto, plu preciza kam ventro: IV-512. — DEFIS

abdukt-ar: (tr., physiol.) to abduct. Note: Not abduct: to kidnap; cf. raptar. — DEFIS

abel-o: bee; -eyo: apiary; -uyo: beehive; -ino: female or queen-bee; -ulo drone-bee; -edukado: bee-culture; eduk-isto: bee-master. — FIS

aberac-o: (astr., opt.) aberration; -ar: (intr.) to be aberrant. — DEFIRS

abiet-o: (bot.) fir-, spruce-tree (genus: Abies). — eFIS

abism-o: (also fig.) abyss. — EFIS

abjekt-a: (morally) abject, mean; -eso, abjectness (quality); -ajo a. act. Def.: Qua esas di extrema grado di etikala abaseso. Ex.: Persono, sentimenti abjekta. Ant.: nobla. — DEFIS

abjur-ar: (tr.) to abjure. Def.: Renuncar publike e solene. Ex.: Abjurar religio, doktrino, opiniono. — DEFIS

ablacion-o: (surg.) ablation; -ar: to ablate: to remove by surgical operation. Ex.: Ablaciono di membro, di tumoro. — DEFIS

ablakt-ar: (tr.) to wean; -(ad)o, -eso: (act, state) weaning, ablactation. Def.: Deskustumigar (infanto) de l'alaktado; IV-512, 600. — DeFIS

ablativ-o: (gram.) ablative (-case). — DEFIRS

ablegat-o*: (eccl.) ablegate. — DEFI

ablet-o: (ich.) ablet, bleak (Alburnus lucidus). — eF

ablucion-ar: (tr., relig., med.) to purify by washing; -o: ablution. Def.: Lavar parto di la korpo segun medicinal (o religiala) preskripti; IV-515. — DEFIS

abneg-ar: (tr.) to abnegate, deny one-self; -o, -eso abnegation, self-denial. V. exp.: Abnegar esas renuncar omna profito, personal interesto o mem plezuro, por konsakrar su ad altru or ad ula sociala religiala verko. Abnegar esas propre renuncar su ipsa t.e. sua propra feliceso; IV-101; vid. renuncar, abdikar, rezignar. — DEFIS

abolis-ar: (tr.) to abolish; -ismo: abolitionism; -ism-ano: abolitionist. V. exp.: Abolisar, abrogar, supresar: Supresar esas la generala vorto, la du altra esas specala e teknikal termini. On abrogas lego per altra lego, dekreto per altra dekreto, qua nuligas l'antea. On abolisas institucuro o kustumo (ex. rejeso, privileji, sklaveso); II-649. — DEF

abomin-ar: (tr.) to abominate, abhor, loathe, detest (cf. odieg-ar, horor-ar); -ajo: an abominable act or object; -inda: abominable, detestable, execrable. — EFIS

abon-ar: (tr.) to subscribe for or to (a periodical) igar-ar: to cause (ulu) to subscribe to (ulo); -o: subscription (to a journal); -o-preco: cost of subscription; -anto-, -into: subscriber. — DFIRS

abord-ar: (tr.) to land on a (shore, a wharf, etc.); to board (a ship, a vehicle); (fig.) to go alongside, come up close to. Def.: Irar sur ulo o, per extenso, venar flanke ad, bordo an bordo kun ulo (por irar sur ol). L’etimologiala senco esas: irar a (sur) la bordo di ulo. Ex.: La Portugalani esis le unesma qui abordis la literi di India. Abordar la navo dil enemiko. La navo abordas (ad, an) la warfo. La pasajanti abordas sur la warfo. — eFIRS.

aborijen-a, -o: aboriginal, autochthon. V.exp.: Aborijeno, indijeno: Indijeno signifikas simple la populo (raso) qua habitas la lando «de l’origino» (historiala). Ex. Omna Amerikani qui naskis en Amerika esas indijena, opozite a l’enmigranti ed a l’Europani (mem samlingua e samrasa), ma nur l’Indiani e simila rasi esas aborijena; IV-512-3.  — EFIS

abort-ar: (intr.) to abort, miscarry; (fig.) to come to nothing, fail; -o: miscarriage; -ala: abortive; -igar: to cause a. to (ulu); -igo: miscarriage (caused); -ig-iva, -anta: abortive (capable of producing and abortion); -ig-ivo, -ilo: something causing abortion; -uro: an abortive child or thing. — DEFIS

aboy-ar: (int., also fig.) to bark, bay; -etar: to yelp; -achar:  to give tongue falsely, snarl, bawl. — FI

abrevi-ar: (tr.) to abbreviate (words), abridge (a book), curtail (a narrative); (cf. rezumar, kurt-igar); -(ad)o, -uro: abbreviation, abridgment. — DEFIS

abrikot-o: (fruit) apricot; -iero: a. tree. — DEFIRS

abrog-ar: (tr.) to abrogate, repeal, annul. V. exp.: vid. abolisar. — DEFIS

abrotan-o: (bot.) abrotanum, southernwood (Artemisia Abrotanum). — ISL

abrupt-a: precipitous, cragged, abrupt; (fig.) rough, broken, unpolished. Ex.: L’abrupta flanko di monto. Stilo, karaktero abrupta. V. exp.: vid. eskarpa. — DEFIS

absent-a: absent: not present (de); -(ul)o: absentee; -eso: absence; -eskar: to absent oneself, keep out of the way; -a de Paris: a. from Paris; -a per konjedo: a. on leave. Ant.: prezenta. — DEFIRS

absint-o: (bot.) absinth, wormwood; -o-liquoro: absinth(e) (the liquor). — DEFIRS

absolut-a: absolute: unlimited, unrestricted; -ajo: (philos.) something unconditioned; -o: an absolute being; -e: absolutely; -ismo: absolutism; -isto: absolutist; ablativo absoluta: ablative absolute. Ex.: Povo, rejo absoluta. Absoluta neposiblajo. — DEFIRS

absolv-ar: (tr.) to absolve, acquit, exculpate; -o: (rel.) absolution, (jur.) acquittal; (cf. indulgar). Def.: Deklarar senkulpa (do nepunisebla) ula akuzato; III-699. Ant.: kondamnar. — DEFIS

absorb-ar: (tr.,physical sense) to absorb; (fig.) to engross (attention); -o, -eso: absorption; -iva, -anta; -ivo, -ilo: absorbent; -iva papero: blotting paper; -o-puteo: cesspool. Ex.: Sablo absorbas aquo. Lo nigra absorbas la lumo. Absorb-esar da meditado. Vaskularo absorbiva. — DEFIS

absten-ar: (tr.) to abstain (voluntarily) from, to refrain from (ulo); -(ad)o abstention; -anta, -ema: abstemious, sober; -anto, -ero: abstainer; -emeso: abstinence (habitual state); igar ar: to cause (ulu) to abstain from (ulo); -eskar: to begin to abstain; Ex.: Ne esas facila abstenar drinkar, kande on durstas. V. ex.: Abstenar, karear: Karear ne implikas «vole», ol prefere implikas «nevole» o mem «kontrevole». On abstenas kozo, quan on havas o povus havar; on kareas kozo, quan on ne havas o ne povas havar (nun). Ex.: En voyajo on mustas karear multa kozi (pro ke la kozi mankas); ma se on havus li, probable on ne abstenus li, IV-658. — DEFIS

absters-ar*: (tr., surg.) to absterge, cleanse (wounds). — DEFIS

abstinenc-ar*: (intr., relig.) to abstain (from meat), to practise abstinence (from pleasure), to fast (de). — DEFIS

abstrakt-ar: (tr.) to abstract: separate in thought, -ala: abstract (science, question); -ema, -ata, -ita: (of mind) preoccupied, absent-minded; -uro, -ajo: abstract idea, object. — DEFIRS

abstruz-a: abstruse, recondite. Del.: Desfacile komprenebla e tedanta; II-706. — DEFIS

absurd-a: absurd, preposterous. Del.: Kontre la komuna raciono. Ant.: saja, racion-oza. — DEFIRS

abuli-o*: (med.) abulia. — DEFIS

abund-ar: (intr.) to abound, be plentiful (de); -anta: abundant, exuberant, luxuriant; -eganta: superabundant; -o-korno: horn-of-plenty, cornucopia. Ant.: esar skarsa, mankar. — EFIS

abut-ar: (intr.) to abut (ad), come out (into), end (in); (abscess) to come to a head. Def.: Tushar per un extremajo. Ex.: Omna radii di cirklo abutas al centro. — EFIS

abutment-o: (arch.) abutment (as of a bridge). — E

aceler-ar: (tr.) to accelerate, hasten, quicken. Ex.: Acelerar la pazi. Ant.: moderar, (plu)lent-igar. — EFIS

acend-ar: (tr.) to light (a lamp), to kindle (a fire), to turn on (electric light); (fig.) to inflame (the passions); -ilo: (instr.) lighter; -o-ligno: kindling. Ant.: extingar. — LIS

acens-ar: (tr., intr) to go up, ascend, mount; -anta: ascending, rising; -eyo:place to mount (as stair, ascent); -ilo: lift, elevator, hoist; -o-festo: Ascension Day; -o rekta:(astron.) right ascension. Def.: Irar ad-supere; II-136. Ex.: .Acensar (sur) kavalo, eskalero, monto. Ant.: decensar. — DEFIS

acent-o: accent: stress of voice (not written accent, cf. super-signo); -izar; to accent, lay stress on; -izo, -iz-uro: accentuation; sen-acenta, ne-acent-izita: unaccented.   — DEFIRS

acept-ar: (tr.) to accept (something willingly, as a proposal, condition apology, challenge), to receive (a guest); -o: acception, reception, greeting; -ebla: acceptable, receivable (of guests); -anto:acceptor (also of bills); -inda: worth accepting; -o-dio: reception-day, levee. Vu esas plezure aceptata: you are welcome, Ant.: refuzar. V. exp.: recevar. — DEFIRS

acer-o: (bot.) maple-tree (genus: Acer) — FILS

acerb-a: (also fig.) acerb: sour, bitter and harsh in taste (as unripe fruit); -eso:: acerbity, harshness; severity. Ex.: Frukto acerba. Parolado acerba. V. exp.: vid. aspera. — EFIS

aces-ar: (tr.) to have access to (ulu, ulo); (med.) to have an access, an attack; -o: access, entry; (med.) attack; -ebla: accessible, approachable. Ex.: Il acesas loko, persono (o havas aceso a loko, persono). Loko, persono acesebla. Aceso di febro, (fig.) aceso di iraco, furio, desespero. — EFIS

acesit-o: accesit: honorable mention accorded to a student. — DeFIS

acesor-a: accessory, subsidiary; (cf. help-anta, konfirm-anta, surogata); -o,-ajo: an accessory; (milit., ledra-) accoutrement. Def.: Qua akompanas precipuajo. Ant.: esencala, precipua. — DEFIRS

acetat(-acido): acetic acid.—DEFIS

acetilen-o: (chem.) acetylene; -lampo: a. lamp. — DEFIRS

acetometr-o: acetimeter. — DEFIRS

acian-o: (bot.) bluebottle, cornflower, (Centaurea Cyanus). — DISL

acid-a: acid; acetous; -eta: sour, (cf. acerba, akra); (chem.) acid; -ajo:an a. substance; -eso: acidity; -igar: to acidify; -eskar: to become a., turn sour; -igo, -esko: acidification; -oza, -atra: acidulous: -izar: to acidulate. — EFIRS

acident-ar: (tr.) to cause an accident to; -o: accident (generally in an ill sense), mishap; (philos.) accident; -a, -ala: accidental; -anto: on who or that which causes an a. -ito: vicitim of an a.; -oza: full of a.s; -e: accidentally, by chance. Def.: Efektigar acidento ad ulu (ulo); IV-105, VI-162. Ex.: Acidento bona o mala. La infirmaji e acidenti di la vivo homala. Kozo acidental. Deskovrar acidente ulo. — EFIRS

acidometr-o: acidimeter. — EFIRS

acion-o: (fin.) share (of a bank, railway, joint-stock company, etc.); -i: stock; -iero: share-, stock-holder; — DFIRS

acipitr-o: (orni.) goshawk (Astur palumbarius). — LF

aciz-o: town or city tax on commodities, excise, octroi. — DeFIRS

a(d): see a, ad.

adapt-ar: (tr.) to adapt ulo ad ulo; -ar su: a. oneself; -esar: to be adapted. — DEFIRS

ad-avan, -e, -a: forward (with movement). Ex.: Avane marchar.

ad-base: (with movement) to the bottom, (cf. ad infre). (cf. II-163.)

ad-dextre: (with movement) to the right (hand side).

ad-dope: (with movement) backwards.

ad-dukt-o: (anat.) adduction; -anta, -iva: adducent, afferent.

ad-en: (with movement) into. Ex.: Irar aden la gardeno. La ucelo flugis aden la kajo.

adept-o: adept. — DEFIRS

adequat-a: adequate. Ex.: Havar ideo adquata pri kozo. — DEFS

ad-flu-ar: (int.) to flow or run (to, into, as a river to the sea); (med.) to rush (as blood to the head); -(ad)o: afflux.

ad-heme: (with movement) to or toward home.

adher-ar: (intr.) to adhere (ad): stick close to, be attached; (fig.) to give adhesion (to a party, a principle); -o: adhesion, adherence; -iva: adhesive; -em-eso: adherency (tendency); -anta, -ema: adherent, sticking (ad); -anto: adherer, follower; -igar: to cause to adhere, stick. Ex.: La epidermo adheras a la pelo. Donar sua adhero a projeto. — DEFIS

adi-ar: (tr.) to bid adieu to (ulu), say good-bye; -o: adieu; -ala vizito: farewell visit. — DEFIS

adiabat-a*: (thermodynamics) adiabatic.

ad-ibe: (over) there, thither, (with movement). Ex. Omnube vu iros, adibe me iros kun vu.

adicion-ar: (tr., math.) to add: cast up (numbers, cf. ad-juntar) -o: addition. Ant.: sustracionar. — DEFIS

ad-infre: (with motion) down(ward); (cf. ad-sube, ad-base). Ex.: Irar adinfre sur l'eskalero.

ad-ir-ar: (intr.) to go to, toward; to approach.

ad-jac-ar: (intr.) to be adjacent; -anta: adjacent: bordering upon.

adjektiv-o: (gram.) adjective. — DEFIS

adjudik-ar: (tr.) to adjudicate, adjudge: to award (ulo ad ulo) judicially in a controversy: (at auctions) to knock down to, declare to be the purchaser of; -o: awarding (of prizes), granting (of contracts): -ario: person who receives the award; highest tenderer; -ajo what is awarded. Ex.: Adjudikar la domo a la plendanto. Adjudikar premio ad ulu. — DEFIS

ad-junt-ar: (tr., physical sense) to add (ulo od ulo); -o: adding, subjoining, adjunction; -ajo: something added, an addition; -ita: additional. Ex.: Adjuntar plu multa sukro a siropo. Facar adjuntajo a domo. Adjuntaji a domeno. Modesteso adjuntita a merito.

adjur-ar: (tr.) to adjure: command in the name of God, to charge solemnly. Ex.: Me adjuras vu, dicar la verajo. — EF

ad-just-igar: (tr.) to adjust (ulo ad ulo), to fit, to rectify, correct. Ex.: Adjustigo esas la ago igar ulo justa ad ... Talioro adjustigas vesto ad ulu. Adjustigar balanco, mezurilo.

adjutant-o: (milit. title) adjutant, aide-de-camp. — DEFIRS

ad-latere: (with movement) sideways.

ad-maxime: at (the) most.

ad-minime: at (the) least.

administr-ar: (tr.) to administer: to manage, conduct (a business, an estate, a department of government); -eyo: office of a; -ant-aro: (collect.), -erio: (as institution) board of administration. — DEFIRS

admir-ar: (tr.) to admire; -inda; worthy of admiration, admirable. Ant.: des-prizar, des-estimar. — EFIS

admiral-o: (title) admiral. — DEFIRS

admis-ar: (tr.) to admit, to receive (ulu, ulo; cf. agnoskar); -o, -eso: admission, admittance, affiliation; -ebla, -inda: admisable, allowable. Ex.: Admisar ulu aden domo, ulu en societo. — EFIS

ad-monte: above (i.e. further up on the same general level; not overhead, cf. super), up stream (toward the mountain, the source of the stream). Aernavo flugas trans la rivero admonte de la urbo: the airship flies over (crosses) the river above (i.e. not over the city itself, but up-stream from the city). Ant.: ad-vale.

adolec-ar: (intr.) to be adolescent; -o, -eso, -tempo: adolescence, period of life between puberty and maturity; -anta: adolescent; -anto: an adolescent. — EFIS

adopt-ar: (tr.) to adopt (an opinion, a system); (jur.) to adopt (a child); (in assemblies) to agree upon, carry (a motion, resolution), to pass (a bill); -ito: an adopted child or person. Ant.: repulsar. — DEFIRS

ador-ar: (tr., rel.) to worship (Deo); (gen.) to adore, idolize (ulu, ulo); -inda: adorable. — EFIS

ados-ar: (tr.) to set the back (di ulu, ulo) to (ulu, ulo), to put back to back; -ar su: to lean one's back; ados-taluso: (gard.) sloping bed (backed against a wall). Def.: Apogar la dorso; II-17. — FIS

ad-port-ar: (tr.) to bring: carry (ulo) to a person or place; (cf. ven-igar, quer-igar); -ajo: material brought. Ex.: Adportar ulo de Paris a London. Adportez a me ta libro.

ad-poz-ar: (tr.) to affix: put (ulo) on (ulo); (cf. sur-pozar, sigl-izar); -o: affixing; (gram.) apposition.

adragant-o*: (bot.) gum-tragacanth, gum-adraganth. Def.: Gumo extrakita de tragakanto. IV-644. — DEFIRS

adres-o: address (on a letter, parcel, etc.); -izar; to address: put an a. on (a letter). Ex.: Ca letro esas adresizita a vu. — DEFR

adsorb-ar: (tr., tech.) to adsorb: to condense by adsorption. — DEFI

ad-sub: (with motion) under. Ex.: La kato kuris adsub la tablo.

ad-sur: (with motion) on to. Ex.: Irar adsur agro.

ad-ube: (with motion) (toward) where, whither. Ex.: Adube vu iras?

adult-a: adult; -o, -ulo, -ino: an a.; -eso: a. state. — EFIS

adulter-ar: (intr.) to commit adultery; -o, -eso: adultery; -anto, -into: adulterer; -ala: adulterous, adulterine. — EFIS

adurol-o*: (chem.) adurol.

ad-vale: below: further down on the same general level; (not below = under, cf. sub), down stream (toward the valley, the outlet); vid. ad-monte. Ant.: ad-monte.

ad-ven-ar: (intr.) to come (towards). V. exp.: vid. arivar.

advent-o: (rel.) Advent. — DEFIS

adventiv-a*: (biol.) adventitious.

adverb-o: (gram.) adverb; -a; -ala: adverbial. — DEFIRS

ad-ver-e: indeed, in truth, it is true, to be sure. Ex.: Advere il venis, ma il agas nulo. Il venis, advere sen instrumenti.

advers-a: adverse; -o, -ulo, -ino: adversary, opponent. Ex.: Fortuno adversa. Ant.: (adverso) partenero, teder-ito, help-anto, defensanto. — EFIS

ad-vok-ar (tr.) to call, call to, hail. Ex.: Advokar la konduktoro, la guardo.

advokat-(ul)o: advocate, barrister (who pleads in court); -eso: bar (profession); -aro: the bar (collect.); -o statala: prosecuting attorney; -o konsilanta: chamber counsel. — DEFIRS

adyunt-o: deputy, associate: assistant (in some duty); -a: adjunct; -o-profesoro: assistant professor; -o di komon-estro: deputy mayor. — DEFIRS

aer-o: air; -ala: aerial; -izar: to air, renew the air, (chem.) aërate; -igo, -ifo, -izo: aeration, ventilation; -iz-ita: aired, ventilated; -oza: airy, well-ventilated; -iz-ilo: aerator, ventilator; -flu-eto: draught (of air); -o-dinamiko: aero-dynamics; -o-navo: airship (dirigible balloon; cf. aerostato); -o-nav-isto: aëronaut; -navig-(ad)o: aërial navigation, aeronautics; -o-statiko: aërostatics; -o-terapio: air-therapeutics; -o-timo: aërophobia; en libera aero: in the open air. — DEFIS

aerobi-a*: (biol.) aërobic: -i: aërobia, aërobes. — DEFIS

aerolit-o: aërolite. — DEFIRS

aerometr-o*: aërometer. — DEFIRS

aerometri-o: aërometry. — DEFIRS

aeroplan-o*: aëroplane. Note Technical terms may be found in IV-330-333. DEFIRS

aeroskop-o*: aëroscope. — DEFIRS

aerostat-o: aërostat, balloon (without motive power); -ala: aërostatic. Def.; «Balonegi» qui flotacas passive en l'aero (ne la «direktebla baloni» a qui esas rezervita la nomo: aernavo). 11-706. — DEFIRS

aes: (mus.) A flat.

afabl-a: affable, amiable; -eso: affability; -ajo: amenity, courteous act. Ant.: des-, ne-afabia, ruda, impertinenta. — EFIS

atazi-o: (med.) aphasia; -iko: person suffering from a. — DEFIS

afecion-ar: (tr.) to have an affection for, to delight in, to be fond of (ulu, ulo); -ema, -oza: affectionate, fond, loving; -ata: beloved, devoted, Ex.: La Polonani afecionas sua patrio. Afecionoza fratino.El afecionas sua matro.Ant.: antipatiar, odiar, abominar. — EFIS

afekt-ar: (tr., psychol.) to touch (the feelings), to move (emotionally); (med.) to take effect on, to sicken; -esar (da): to be moved, affected (by). Ex.: Lua desfeliceso afektis me. Afekteso nervala. — DEFIRS

afektac-ar: (tr., intr.) to pose, to make an artificial show, to pretend ostentatiously ; -(ad)o: affectedness, affectation, mannerism; -anta, -ema: affected, pretentious, finical. Ex.; Afectacar la vertuo.Afektacar kom richulo, kom eleganto. — DEFIRS

afeli-o*: (astron.) aphelion. — DEFIRS

afer-o: (com..) business; (gen. sense) affair: matter, thing, concern, question, etc.; (leg.) cause, legal action; -i: (com.) trade, business; -isto: business-man; -agento: business-agent; -o politikala: political a.; -i extera: foreign a.s.; -o mala: a bad a.; a bad business; -o amor-ala: a love a.; -o honorala: a matter of honor; pledar afero: to plead a cause. V. exp.: La vorto afero aplikesas ne nur a l'aferi komercala e financala, ma a le judiciala, politikala, mem social e moral entraprezi ed agadi; V-623. — DeFIR

afidi-o: (ent.) aphis, plant-louse. EFIS

afin-a: (chem.) having affinity (ad); (fig.) akin, congenial; -eso: affinity; -esar (ad): to have a. (to). Def.: Qua havas tendenco a kombino, ad uniono. Ex.: Karbono afinesas ad oxo. Afineso spiritala, mentala. Ant.:repuls-anta, -iva. — DEFIS

afirm-ar: (tr.) to affirm, aver (the truth, or that something is true); -o: affirmation, vouching for, asseveration; -ajo: what is affirmed, the affirmative; defensar la afirmajo: to support the affirmative. Ant.: negar, dementiar. — DEFIS

afish-o: poster, bill: placard posted in a public place; -igar: to publish, gazette (ulo); -o-glutinar: to post bill, billstick; -expozo, -o-glutino: bill posting; -eyo, -tabelo: place for bill, bill-board; -o-glutin-isto: bill-sticker. — DEFIRS

afix-o: (gram.) affix: a prefix or a suffix. — DEFIRS

aflikt-ar: (tr.) to afflict: to cause to suffer mentally, to distress, grieve; -o, -eso: affliction; -anta, -iva: afflicting, distressing; -ar la karno: (fig.) to mortify the flesh. — EFIS

aforism-o: aphorism. — DEFIRS

afrank-ar: (tr.) to frank: to prepay (postage on letters), carriage on parcels); -o-, -uro: prepayment; -ita, ite: post free (of letters), carriage paid (of parcels); -ita ye bordo; (f. o. b.) free on board. — DeFIRS

afront-ar: (tr.) to affront: to meet front to front, to face; (fig.) to brave. Def.: Opozar (su) fronto a fronto: figurale on afrontas danjero, tempesto, e.c.; II-136. — EFIS

aft-o, -i: (med.) aphtha(e), thrush. — DEFIRS

afust-o: (gun-)carriage. — FIS

afuzion-ar: (tr.) to affuse. -o: (med., rel.) affusion; pouring of water, etc., on the body. — DEFIS

ag-ar: (tr., intr.) to do, to act; -igar: to make, cause (ulu, olu) to do (ulo); -(ad)o: acting, deed, action; -anta, -ema, -iva: active; -iv-eso; -em-eso: activity; -eskar: to begin to act, to come into play; -anto, -into: doer. V. exp.: Agar, facar: La difero inter agar e facar esas proxime ta qua existas inter D. tun a machen (E. to do, to make). Ica du verbi esas transitiva, ma kun diversa senci. On facas ula kozo, konkreta objekto; ma ago havas nul objekto extera. Pro to on darfas e devas dicar: Quon vu agas? Me agas nulo (t.e.; me facas nula ago). La sequanta frazi indikas ica difero: "Quon vu agas dum la tota jorno, se on interdiktis a vu facar irga laboro manuala? Ho! me ne restas nul-aganta; me facas argila statueti (V-623, VI-482). Note: Agar is also used as a suffix with the names of instruments to denote the act done with the particular instrument, as: baston-agar: to beat (with a stick), martel-agar: to hammer; fusil-agar: to shoot, etc. — DFIS

agac-ar: (tr.) to set on edge (teeth); (fig.) to irritate, annoy, tantalize, -anta, -iva: irritating, provoking. Def.: Senco propa esas iritar la nervi (specale e prope di la denti, ex. per la froto di kultelo sur plado o vitro); II-136. Ex.: Limar segilo agacas mea denti. (fig.) Agacar hundo. — F

agam-o*: (biol., bot.) agamic, asexual.

agap-o: (rel.) agape: love-feast. — DEFIRS

agarik-o: (bot.) agaric. — EFIRS

agat-o: (min.) agate. — DEFIRS

agav-o: (bot.) agave (genus: Agave). — DEFIRS

agend-o: agenda: memorandum of things to be done. — DeFIS

agent-o: (all senses) agent; -erio: agency (establ.) -eso: agency (function); -eyo: agency (office); bors-agento: stock-broker; -o kemiala: chemical a. — DEFIRS

agit-ar: (tr.) to shake, agitate (ulo, ulu); to wave (a flag, the hand, a handkerchief); (cf. ond-ifar); (fig.) to excite (the feelings; -esar: to be agitated; -(ad)o, -eso: agitation, (tossing as by waves); -anto, -ero: agitator (person); -ilo: agitator (inst.) Ex.: Agitar liquido. Agitar pupulo. El agitis sau brakio vers me. — DEFIRS

aglo-o: (orni.) eagle; (fig.) heraldry, (milit. standard) eagle; (astron.) Aquilo; -o-nazo: aquiline nose. Ex.: (fig.) Romana agli. — EFIS

aglomer-ar: (tr.) to agglomerate, conglomerate; -ajo: agglomeration. — DEFIRS

aglosi-o*: (zool.) aglossity: state of being tongueless.

aglutin-ar: (tr.) to agglutinate: stick as with glue; (fig.) to join together. — DEFIS

agnel-o: (poetical and rel.) lamb; (cf. muton-yuno); -eto: lambkin; -ino: ewe-l. — FIR

agnosk-ar: (tr.) to acknowledge, admit, own (something as right, good, true, false); Me agnoskas vua motivi: I admit your reasons (i.e. receive them as valid); Me agnoskas la neceseso facar ol: I admit the necessity to do it. Agnoskar guvernerio: to recognise a government. L

agoni-ar: (intr.) to be in the death agony, in the last death struggle, in death pangs, in extremis. DeFIRS

agorafobi-o* (med.) agoraphobia; morbid dread of, or giddiness in crossing open spaces. — EFIRS

agost-o: August; -o-mezo: the middle of A. — DEFIRS

agr-o: field: piece of ground; (cf. feldo); -ala: agrarian, rural; -ano, -isto: agrarian, country person; -o-kultiv-(ad)o: agriculture; -kul-tiv-ala: agricultural; -kultiv-isto: agriculturist; -o-mezur-(ad)o: land-surveying. Def.: Plu o min granda parto di sulo; VI-140. — DeFIRS

agraf-o: hook, hook-and-eye (to fasten dresses, etc.); clasp (for book-lids, cloaks, etc.); snap (of a necklace, bracelet, etc.); (ancient) agraffe; -agar: (tr.) to hook, clasp. DeFIS

agreabl-a: agreeable, pleasant; -ajo: a. act or object; -eso: agreeableness, charm. Ex.: Agreabla muliero, loko, figuro, sento. Ant.: des-agre-abla, des-plez-anta; ofens-iva. — EFIS

agreg-ar: (tr.) to aggregate, incorporate; to admit (into a society, university); -o: aggregation, admission; -ajo: aggregate; -ala grado: a special French university degree, lower than doktoro (F. agrégé). — DEFIRS

agrimoni-o: (bot.) agrimony. — DEFIS

agronom-o: agronomist: a scientific agriculturist. — DeFIRS

agronomi-o: agronomics: the theory of agriculture; -ala: agronomic. — DEFIRS

agul-o: needle; (R.R.) switch, (England) point; -edo: needleful; -ag-isto: needle-worker, seamstress; switch-man; -if-isto: needle-maker; -agar: to ply the needle; to switch, shunt; -truo: eye of a n.; -pinto: point of a n. trikot-agulo: knitting n.; magnet-agulo: magnetic n. — FIS

ah!: ah!

ailant-o: (bot.) ailanthus. — DEFIRSL

ais: (mus.) A sharp.

aji-o: (finan.) agio: exchange premium. — DEFIRS

ajil-a: agile, nimble, quick; -eso: agility; -e: quickly, on the jump! Ant.: lenta. — EFIS

ajiot-ar: (intr.) to speculate (in public securities, stocks), to be a stock-jobber; -(ad)o: agiotage; stock-jobbing; -anto, -ero: stock-jobber. DeFIRS

ajorn-ar: (tr.) to adjourn, put off, defer, (ulo til); -o: adjournment, postponement, reprieve; -ema: dilatory. — EFI

ajur-o: ajour-work: open-work, fret-work, (of fabric) webbed: carving, metal work, embroidery, etc. where background is pierced or removed, or where it is translucent; iz-ita kloz-ilo: lattice; -oza kesto: crate. — DeF

ajust-ar: (tr. tech.) to adjust, regulate, set (cf. ad-just-igar); Ex.: Finita instrumenti esas ajustebla. On ajustas teleskopo por la disto (ne por la direciono: apuntar); III-219; cf. regular. — EF

ajut-o: ajutage: nozzle, spout. Def.: Specala tubulo o fino di tubo, destinita ne a juntar du tubi or recipienti (quale tubulo), ma a determinar la formo di la sprico ekiranta (ex. ya la fino di lanco por arozar); VII-197. — eF

akaci-o: (bot.) acacia; (cf. robinio). — DEFIRS

akademi-o: academy: learned society, (not "high-school"); -ala: academical; -ano: academician. V. exp.: Akademio esas societo de ciencisti (generale elektita ed en fix nombro) qui ne docas. On devas do evidente rezervar akademiala a ta senco, e ne uzar ol parolante pri universitato (profesori, studenti, kursi, e.c.); III-496 — DEFIRS

akant-o: (bot.) acanthus. — DEFIRS

akanton-ar*: (tr., milit.) to canton: billet, allot quarters (to troops in a locality); -eyo: cantonment, quarters DeFIS

akapar-ar: (tr., finan.) to corner (goods, the market); (fig.) to monopolize. Def.: Amasigar komercaji en granda quanto por skarsigar li e cherigar lia preco. — FI

akar-o: (ent.) acarida; mite, tick. — EFIRSL

aklam-ar: (tr.) to acclaim: to shout approval or applause. Ex.: La rejo esis kronizata inter la aklami di la turbo. Li aklamis il kom rejo. Li aklamis la propozajo. — DEFIS

aklimat-ar: (tr.) to acclimate, acclimatize: to season, to inure, accustom to a climate; (fig.) to habituate, make one feel at home. — DEFIRS

akne-o: (med.) acne; -oza, -iz-ita: pimply, blotched. — EFIS

akolut-o: acolyte. — DEFIRS

akomod-ar: (tr., tech., opt., etc.) to accomodate: adapt, adjust; -o: accommodation. — DEFIRS

akompan-ar: (tr., also mus.) to accompany: escort; (-ad)o: accompanying; -uro: accompaniment; -ar su per piano: to a. oneself on the piano. — EFIRS

akonit-o: (bot.) aconite, wolfsbane, monkshood. —DEFIRS

akont-o: installment, partial payment; -e pagar: to pay on account. Def.: Partal pago di toto debo; II-75. — DeFIS

akor-o*: (bot.) calamus, sweet flag, (Acorus calamus). — L

akord-ar: (intr., mus.) to be in tune; (cf. konkordar); (gram.) to agree; -igar: to tune; (gram.) to make agree; -o, -eso: accord, agreement; -igo: tuning; -ig-ilo: (instr.) tuner; -ig-isto: (person) tuner; dis-, mis- ne- -o: discord (cf. disonanco). — DEFIRS

akordeon-o: (mus. instr.) accordion. — DEFIRS

akr-a: acrid (taste, smell); (cf. acerba, acida); harsh (in voice); (fig.) acrimonious; -eso: acridity, asperity; -a-humora: crabbed, peevish, -a-dolca: bitter-sweet. Ant.: dolca. — EFIS

akredit-ar: (tr.) to accredit: to give credit or sanction to (ulu, ulo); -ita: accredited; -o-letro: (dipl.) letter of credence, credential. — DEFIRS

akrid-o: grasshopper, cricket; (family: Akrididae); (cf. lokusto). — L

akrobat-o: acrobat: -ajo: a. act; -ala: acrobatic. — DEFIRS

akroch-ar: (tr.) to hang (on a hook), to hook on (ulo ad ulo), to interlock, grapple (a ship): -o: hitch, hooking on; -ar su ad: to cling (like grim death) to. — F

akromat-a: (opt.) achromatic; -eso: achromatism. — DEFIRS

akromi-o*: (anat.) acromion. — DEF

akropol-o: acropolis. — DEFIRS

akrostik-o: acrostic. — DEFIRS

akroterio-o: acroterium. — DEFIRS

akt-o: (theater; legal document) act. — DEFIRS

aktini-o: actinia: sea-anemone. — DEFIRS

aktiv-a: active (opposed to passive; also used in com., fin., gram., mil. senses); (cf. agema, ajila); -eso: activity; -o: (gram.) active (voice); a-debaji: debts which a person has to receive: assets. Ex.: Aktiva puero, homo. Aktiva parto (en afero). Aktiva verbo. La aktivi e pasivi di ban-krotinto. Ant.: pasiva. — DEFIRS

aktor-(ul)o: actor; -ino: actress; -acho: bad a. — DEFIRS

aktula-a: actual; -ajo, -eso: actuality, question of the hour; -igar: to actualize. Def.: Qua traktesas od interesas en la nuna instanto (proxime reala); fakte e komplete existanta, opozite a to quo povus esar, ma ne esas, ed a to quo naskas o divenas (ica od ita); IV-495. Ex.: Aktuala energio, opozata a potencial energio. La evento aktuala esas . . . . La jurnali povas vivar nur per aktualaji (E. journals can live on passing events). — DEFIS

akul-ar: (tr.) to bring to bay (ulu a ulo): To drive into a place from which there is no escape. Ex.: On povas akular kombatanto a muro, armeo a rivero o monto, bestio chasata a klozilo; IV-135. — FIS

akumul-ar: (tr.) to accumulate; -(ad)o, -ajo: accumulation. Ex.: Akumular richaji, trezori, pruvi. Ant.: dis-donar. — DEFIRS

akumulator-o: (elec.) accumulator. — DEFIRS

akurat-a: punctual. Def.: Qua venas (persono) od eventas precize ye la loko, ye la kloko fixigita, konvencionita, IV-102. V. exp.: Persono povas dicesar akurata, ma ne exakta o preciza. Akurateso indikas la ideo di sorgo; IV-102. — DIRS

akush-ar: (tr., obstet.) to deliver (a woman); (cf. parturar): -o accouchment: delivery in child-bed; -ist-ino: midwife; -ala: obstetrical; -arto: obstetrics. — DeFR

akustik-o: acoustics; -ala: acoustical; -ala tubo: hearing-tube; ear trumpet. — DEFIRS

akut-a: (also fig. of sound, pain, sickness, accent) acute, sharp, keep; -ajo: a sharp object; edge; -igar: to sharpen, whet, put an edge on; -ig-ilo: sharpening instrument; whetstone; -eso: (pr. and fig.) acuteness, keen-ness; -a angulo: acute angle; -arista: sharp-edged. Ant.: obtuza. DEFIS

akuz-ar: (tr.) to accuse, inculpate, charge with, indict; -o, -ajo: accusation: impeachment (for state offenses); charge (before a police magistrate); indictment (for larceny, etc.); -ala: accusatory; -ato, -ito: the accused, the defendant; -anto, -ero: accusor, indicter, prosecutor; -ebla: chargeable, impeachable; -motivo: reason for accusation. Def.: Imputar kulpo, delikto, krimino ad ulu. Ant.: justifikar. — EFIS

akuzativ-o: (gram.) accusative (case). — DEFIRS

al: (= a(d) la.

al-o: (also fig. of army, aeroplane, building, windmill, etc.) wing; -eto: small wing, pinion, aileron; -oza, -iz-ita: winged; -o-forma: aliform, wing-shaped: -o-stroko: wing beat, flap; brandisar la ali: to clap, flap the wings. — eFIS

alabastr-o: alabaster. — DEFIRS

alakt-ar: (tr.) to suckle, give suck to; -(ad)o: lactation, nursing; -ato: nursing; cf. ablaktar; -o-fratulo: (fig.) foster-brother; -o-fialo:, -vazo: nursing bottle; -ata porkyuno: sucking pig. — eFIS

alambik-o: still (for distilling); (chem.) alembic. — DEFIRS

alantoid-o*: allantois; -ala: allantoidal. — DEF

alarm-ar: (tr.) to alarm: sound the alarm, give signal of danger; -o: cry or signal of danger; (fig.) sense of danger, fright (cf. pavoro); -ema, -emo, -isto: alarmist; -o-klamo: shout of alarm; mis-alarmo: false a.; sonigar l'alarmo: to sound the a. — DEFIS

alaud-o: (orni.) lark. — FISL

alb-o: alb. Def.: Longa, blanka robo portata da la sacerdoto dum la meso; III-42. — DEFIS

albatros-o: (orni.) albatross. — DEFIRS

alberg-o: inn; -estro: inn-keeper. —DFIS

albin-a, -(ul)o: albino. — DEFIRS

album-o: album: book for photographs, autographs, cards, etc. — DEFIRS

albumen-o: albumen: white of egg; -izar: (cook.) to glair. — DEFIRS

albumin-o: (chem.) albumin; -oza: albuminous. — DEFIRS

albuminoid-a, -o: albuminoid. — DEFRIS

albuminos-o*: (med.) albuminosis.

albuminuri-o: (med.) albuminuria; -ika: suffering from a. — DEFIRS

alburno-o: (bot.) sap-wood, alburnum. — EFISL

alcion-o: (myth.) halcyon; -ala dii, h. days. —DeFIS

alcedo: (orni., genus.) Alcidae (genus Alcedo). — L

aldehid-o*: (chem.) aldehyde. — DEF

ale-o: lane, walk, path (in a garden, park, wood, etc., generally between rows of trees); (cf. strad-eto). — DeFR

aleg-ar: (tr.) to allege, adduce, advance (arguments, facts, etc. in order to prove or justify something); -o: allegation (act); -ajo: allegation: what is alleged. V. exp. vid. citar. DEFIS

alegori-o: allegory; -ala: allegorical. DEFIRS

alej-ar: (tr., phys. sense) to lighten, relieve (of a load); (fig.) to alleviate, ease, relieve (the mind, etc.). Ex.: Alejar mulo di qua la portajo esas pezoza. Alejar navo. Alejar dento-doloro. Alejar la mento. (vid. lejer-igar. — eFIS

alen-o: awl (shoemaker's, sailmaker's, etc.; cf. punc-ilo). — F

alert-a: alert: wide-awake, smart, brisk, sprightly; (cf. ajila, ag-ema, aktiva). EF

aleuron-o*: (bot. & chem.) aleurone. — DEF

alexandrin-a, -o: alexandrine (verse). — DEFIRS

alez-ar: (tr.) to ream, bevel out, bore smooth (inside of a cannon, steam cylinders, etc.); (cf. borar) -ilo: reamer; -ala diametro: diameter of bore. Def.: Glatigar l'internajo di tubo, truo. — FIS

alfabet-o: alphabet; -ala: alphabetical; -libro: primer; alphabet book. — DEFIRS

alfenid-o: alfenid: silver-nickle alloy. — DEFIRS

alg-o: alga(e): sea-weed, kelp, dulse, sea-lettuce, etc.; (cf. fuko). — DEFIRS

algebr-o: algebra; -ala: algebraic. — DEFIRS

algoritm-o*: (math.) algorism, algorithm. — DEFIRS

ali-o: garlic; -o-pano: bread rubbed with g.; -sauco: g. sauce. — FISL

alianc-ar: (tr.) to unite, ally (families by marriage); -o: family alliance (by marriage); -ito: relation by marriage; (cf. mis-aliancar). V. exp.: Ta verbo ne esas sinonimo di mari-ajar, qua relatas nur la gespozi; aliancar relatas lia familii; II-706. DEFIS

alibi-o: (jur.) alibi; pledar -o to plead an a. — DEFRS

alidad-o: (tech.) alidade. — DEFRS

alien-ar: (tr.) to alienate: to sell, dispose of (estates, property, rights); ne -ebleso: (jur.) mortmain. (cf.enemik-igar, igar des-favor-oza). Ex.: Alienar sua havaji. — DEFI

alienac-ar: (intr.) to be in a state of alienation (mental derangement); -ika, -iko: deranged, insane (person). — EFIS

aligator-o: alligator. — DEFIRSL

aliment-ar: (tr.) to supply with what is necessary (as water, fuel to a machine, provisions to a town, food to a family or person); (cf. nutrar); -o: alimentation: supply, maintenance, feeding; -ala, -anta; alimental: sustaining. — DEFIS

aline-o: (print.) a line of which the first word is indented; a new paragraph. — DFI

aliterac-ar: (tr., intr.) to alliterate. Def: Komencar (finar) per la sama sono o soni; IV-649.— DEFIS

alizarin-o: (chem.) alizarine. — DEFIRS

alize-o: trade-wind. Def.: Vento qua suflas konstante dum la tota yaro inter la tropiki; II-641. — FIS

alk-o: (zool.) elk, (Cervus alces). — DEISL

alkad-o*: (Spanish magistrate) alcade, alcalde. — DEFIS

alkali-o: (gen. sense) alkali; -oza, -atra: alkaline; -ema: alkalescent; -igar: to alkalize (turn into a.); -izar; to add a. to; -oz-eso: alkalinity. — DEFIRS

alkaloid-a,-o: (chem.) alkaloid. — DEFIRS

alkemi-o: alchemy; -isto: alchemist. — DEFIRS

alkohol-o: alcohol; -oza, -ema, -atra: alcoholic, spiritous; -igo, -izo: alcoholization; -ismo: alcoholism; -ajo: spirits; -oz-eso: alcoholicity; -ika, -iko: (med.) alcoholic (person); -macerajo: a. extract. — DEFIRS

alkoholometr-o*: alcoholometer. — DEFIRS

alkov-o: alcove: recess. — DEFIRS

almanak-o: almanac: yearly calendar with variety of information; (fig.) year-book; adres- -o: directory. —DEFIRS

alme-o: alme(h): Egyptian musical entertainer. — DEFIS

almon-ar: (intr.) to give alms (ad ulu); -o: alms, alms-giving; -ema, -oza; charitable (in giving); -ero, -isto; -ulo, -ino: almoner; charitable person; -kesto: poor-box. — DEF

aln-o (bot.) alder(-tree) (Ainus); -bosko: a. grove. — FIL

alo-o: aloe (plant); -ligno: a. wood: agalochum; -suko: juice of a. —DEFIRSL

alodi-o: allodium, freehold estate, fee-simple estate; (opp. to feudo); -ala; allodial. — DEFIRS

along-e: along, at the side of; -irar: (tr.) to go along, skirt, coast. Ex.; Ni iris alonge (od, alongiris) la bordo dil lago. — EFI

alonj-o: lengthening piece; leaf (of telescope, table), (jur.) allonge (of bills of exchange); Def.: Tubo quan on adjuntas ad altra por longigar ol o por igar ol komunikar kun altra tubo o vazo (III-134), anke uzata por (la prolonguro di) la tabli e trati; VII-197. — DeF

alopati-o: allopathy. — DEFIRS

alopeci-o: (med.) alopecia: loss of hair, baldness; (cf. kalva, sen-hara, senpila). — DEFIS

alos-o: (ich.) alose: shad (genus: Alosa). DeFSL

alotrop-a: (chem.) allotropic; -eso: allotropy. - DEFIRS

alloy-ar: (tr.) to alloy; combine metals by fusion; -o, -uro: alloy (of metals); (fig.) any impure mixture; quality (of things in general); bon- -a: good quality, blue-blooded (of per-sons), high standard of quality (of things). Ex.: Bronzo esas aloyuro. (fig.) Esas poka vertui sen kelka aloyeso. — EF

alp-o: alpine pasture; -ala, -atra: alpine; -acens-isto; a. climber. — DEFIRS

«alpari»: (fin.) at par; (cf. para).

alt-a: high, tall, lofty (also used with pressure, sound); -ajo: a high object, a height; -ulo: a tall man; -eso: highness; -igar: to make higher, raise; -eskar: to rise, get higher; -a-reliefo: (art.) high relief; alta grad-a, -o: of high degree, high grade; minim-alteso (di aquo): low-water mark; ica chambro esas alta de dek e kin pedi: this room is 15ft. high. V. exp.: alta, basa; suba, supera; infra, supra; sura; inferiora, superiora: Alta e basa expresas dimensiono. Ex.: La supra etajo esas basa e la infra etajo esas alta (E. the uppermost story is low and the lowermost story is high). Anke en la tekniko, on parolas pri vaporo ye alta (basa) preso, od en la muziko, pri alta o basa noto, sono. Suba e supera havas senco relativa ed indikas nur situeso o direciono relate determinita punto, t.e. nivelo plu a min alta. Exemple, konsiderante domo kun sis etaji, e parolante de la vidpunto di ta, qua lojas sur la triesma, la supera etaji esas la 4ª, 5ª, 6ª; la suba etaji esas la 2ª, la 1ª e la ter-etajo. Supra ed infra havas senco absoluta, ed indikas loki o parti en determinita objekto. Según la supera exemplo, la supra etajo esas la 6ª, la infra esas la ter-etajo. Sura relatas ulo supera e kontakte kun ulo, do la sura etajo esas nur la 4ª. On uzas prefere la supr-ajo, la infr-ajo por indikar la materiala parto di l’objekto, e la supro e la infro por indikar la geometrial extremajo o surfaco. Ex.: la supro di la komodo esas horizontal; la suprajo de la komodo esas marmora (od: ek marmoro). En citado, on dicas: Videz supere (E. look (anywhere) above) o videz supre (E. look at the top); videz sube (E. see below) o videz infre (E. see at the bottom). On uzas superiora, inferiora en la sociologiala e ekonomikala senco por indikar ta qua esas rispektive super o sub ulu per la povo ed autoritato; II-163, 664; III-411. Ant.: basa. — eFIS

alt-o: alto-viola, -violin; -o-voco: a. voice, counter-tenor; o-ple-isto: a. player; saxhorn-alto: alto-horn. — DEFIRS

altar-o: (rel.) altar. — DEIRS

alte-o: (bot.) althaea: marsh-mallow (Althaea officinalis). — DeFIRSL

alter-ar: (tr.) to alter; modify the nature or quality of anything (generally for the worse); -o, -eso: alteration; adulteration, deterioration; -ebl-eso: alterability. Kelka veneni alteras la kompozeso di la sango: some poisons alter (change) the composition of the blood. Alterar la beleso: to spoil beauty. Alterar moneti: to debase coins; alterar linguo: to corrupt a language. Def.: Chanjar la naturo o qualeso di kozo (generale a min bona); VII-203. — DeFIS.

altern-ar: (intr.) to alternate, take turns; -igar: to cause to a.; -(ad)o: alternation, succession; -anta: alternating (movement, crop, etc.) -igar la kultivo: to vary, rotate the crops. Ex.: La sezoni alternas. — DEFIS

alternativ-o: alternative, choice, option. Def.: Posibleso di selekto inter plura kozi, hipotezi. — DEFIS

altitud-o: altitude; ye- -o de: at an a. of. Def.: Alteso di loko relate la mar-nivelo. — EFIS

altr-a: other, another; -o, -ajo: another thing, something else; -u: another person; -i: others; -e: otherwise; -e, -a-nome: (leg.) alias; -igar: to alter; (cf. alterar); -a-loke: elsewhere; -a-tempe: at another time; -a-maniere: in another manner or way; -ube: elsewhere, somewhere else; -a-vorte: in other words or terms; l’una, l’altra: one another, each other. — DeFIRS

altru-ismo: altruism; -isto: altruist. Ant.: egoismo. DEFIS

alud-ar: (tr.) to allude to, have reference to, refer to; -o: allusion; -anta, -iva: allusive, suggestive. — EFIS

alumet-o: match (lucifer); -uyo: m. holder; -if-isto: m.-maker. — F

alumin-o*: (chem.) alumina; -oza, atra: aluminous. — EFIRS

alumini-o*: (metal) aluminium. — DEFIRS

alun-o: alum. — DEFIS

alur-o: gait, pace. Def.: Maniero mar-char; IV-234. — DFR

aluvion-o: alluvium; -ala: alluvial. — DEFIRS

alveol-o: honey-comb cell; alveolus: tooth-socket; -ala, -atra: alveolar; -oza: alveolated. — DEFIS

am-ar: (tr.) to love: to like (very much), care for, have affection for, cherish; (cf. amorar, prizar, afecionar); -o: love; -ado: loving; -anto: lover; -ata, ato: beloved; -eg-ata: darling; -anta, -oza, -ema: loving; -inda: worthy of l., loveable; kind; -ind-eso: lovableness; kindness; pro amo a Deo: for the love of God, for God's sake. — eFIS

amalgam-o: (metal and fig.) amalgam; -igar: to amalgamate; -igo: amalgamation. — DEFIRS

amans-ar: (tr.) to tame, make docile (animals), to make tractable, sociable (persons); -esar: to be t.; -(ad)o:, -eso: taming (act); docility (state); -ebla: tamable. Def.: Igar la animalo min sovaja; (fig.) igar persono plu sociema. Ex.: Amansar leono, urso. Il esas homulo di humoro sovaja; on ne povas amansar il. V. exp. vid. domtar. — IS

amar-o: mooring-cable, hawser; lashing (as for a gun, etc.); -agar: (tr.) to moor (by cable), to belay, make fast; -ago: mooring (act). — FIS

amaranto-o: (bot.) amaranth; -ea: a. colored. — DEFIRS

amas-o: mass, heap, pile; -igar: to heap up, hoard up, amass; -eskar: to get together, crowd; -igo: piling up or together; -ig-anto: stacker. — DEFIR

amator-o: amateur; kolomb- -o: pigeon fancier; sport- -o: sportsman; -o-teatro: theater run by a.s. — DEFIRS

amauros-o*: (med.) amaurosis. — DEFIS

amazon-o: amazon; (fig.) mannish woman; -robo: riding habit — DEFIRS

ambaj-o, -i: ambage(s): circumlocution, beaing around the bush. — eFIS

ambasad-o: (function) embassy; -erio: (administrative unit) embassy; -eyo: (residence) embassy; -isto: ambassador. — DEFIS

ambici-ar: (tr.) to be ambitious of, to aspire to; -o: ambition; -oza, -ozo: ambitious (person); -ar la mastreso: to aspire to (aim at) the mastery. — DEFIRS

ambidextr-a: ambidextrous. — DEFIS

ambigu-o: ambiguous, equivocal (cf. du-senca, plur-senca); -eso: ambiguousness; -ajo: an ambiguity. Ant.: unasenca, klara. — DEFIS

ambl-ar: (intr., of horses, etc.) to amble. — EFIS

ambliop-a: (med.) amblyopic; -eso: amblyopia. — EFIRS

ambon-o: (rel. arch.) ambo. — DEFIRS

ambos-o: anvil. — D

ambr-o: ambergris. — DeFIRS

ambrozi-o: (pr. and fig.) ambrosia. — DEFIRS

ambulanc-o: ambulance: field hospital following an army; -isto: a. attendant; furgon- -o: ambulance (vehicle). — DeFIRS

ameb-o: (biol.) amoeba. — DEFIRS

"amen": amen. — DEFIRSL

amend-o: (pecuniary) fine, penalty. — eFIS

ament-o*: (bot.) catkin, ament. — EFIS

ametist-o: (min.) amethyst; -ea: a. colored. — DEFIRS

amfibi-a: amphibious; -o: amphibian. — DEFIRS

amfiox-o*: amphioxus, lancelet (Amphioxus lanceolatus). — EFL

amfiteatr-o: (all senses) amphitheater. — DEFIRS

amfor-o: (antiq.) amphora. — DEFIRS

amiant-o: (min.) amianthus. — DEFIRS

amid-o: (chem.) amide. — DEF

amidol-o*: (photog.) amidol. — DE

amik-o: friend; -a, -ala: friendly, amicable; -eso: friendship, friendliness, amity; -al-ajo: friendly act; -eskar kun ulu: to become friendly with some one; Franc-amanto, -amiko: Francophile. Ant.: enemiko. — eFIS

amil-o: starch: (chem.) amylaceous substance in plants; (gen.) fecula used to stiffen linen; (cf. starch-ivo); -izar: to starch: put starch on (cf. starchar); -iferio: s. works; -atra: amylaceous, starchlike. — DeFIS

amnesti-ar: (tr.) to grant a general pardon; -o: amnesty. — DEFIRS

amnezi-ar*: (intr.) to have amnesia; -o: amnesia: loss of memory; -if-anta: amnestic. — DEFIS

amnion-o: (anat.) amnion. — DEF

amon-o*, -o-gaso ammoniacal gas. — DeFIRS

amoni-o*: (chem. radical NH4) ammonium. — DEFIRS

amoniak-o: (chem.) ammonia; -o-sala: sal-ammoniac; -ala, -oza, -atra: ammoniacal; -o-gumo: gum-ammoniac. — DEFIRS

amonit-o*: ammonite: a fossil shell. — DEFIRS

amor-ar: (tr.) to love (as man or woman); -o: love: expresses not merely the sexual relation but also the sentiment between sexes; -egar: to adore; igar -ar: to make fall in love, cause to love; -eskar: to become enamored, smitten; -anta, -oza, -ema: loving amorous, enamoured; -anto, -oz(ul)o: lover, wooer, sweetheart; -eto: petty love affair, intrigue, amour; -eg-ata, -ato: well-beloved, darling; -ist-ulo: ladies' man, gallant; -em-ino: flirt; -em-ulo: woman chaster; -ist-ino, -vend-ist-ino: courtesan; -deklaro: declaration of love; -letro: love letter; -kurtezado: courtship; -deo: (myth.) god of love, Cupid. Def.: Expresas specale l'amo di la sexui, ne kom relato sexuala e pure korpala, ma kom specala sentimento; VI-322. — DEFIRS

amorc-ar: (tr.) to start a thing off, set going (an instrument or a force); to prime (a gun); to fetch (a pump); -ilo: (of firearms) primer. — F

amorf-a: (biol.) amorphous. — DEFIRS

amortis-ar: (tr.) to weaken, deaden, break, (the force of a stream, a blow, a fall or shock); to calm (passions); to abate (inflammation); to blunt the feelings; to tone down, soften (colors); (fin.) to pay, liquidate (a debt), to redeem (an annunity); (jur.) to amortize: to sell in mortmain; (cook.) to make (meat) tender by long-keeping; -(ad)o: deadening; liquidation, amortization; -uro, -ajo, -pekunio: (fin.) sinking-fund; -ebla: redeemable; -ita kuglo: spent bullet; -ilo extinguisher (for charcoal, etc.). Def.: Igar ulo min violent-oza; febl-igar; extingar debajo per pagar la kapitalo; igar plu mola. — DeFIRS

ampelops-o*: (bot.) Virginia creeper. — FSL

ampl-a: ample: (of space) spacious; (of garments) full, easy; (of supplies) abundant; (of reward) liberal, etc.; -eso: amplitude; -igar: to amplify; -igo: amplification. V. exp.: Expresas relato inter du kozi de diversa speci, maxim ofte la relato di kontenanto e kontenajo. "Ampla" no-mizesas mantelo, qua fitas tre laxe la portanto, chambro od agro ube granda kunveno devas eventar; provizuro qua satisfacas la demandi esas "ampla", stato qua havas granda mar-komerco mustas havar "ampla" floto; IV-596. Ant.: streta. — EFIS

amplitud-o*: (astron., physics) amplitude. — DEFIRS

ampul-o: ampulla: a bellied phial, glass bulb; (med.) a blister (on feet as from walking, or on hands from rowing). — eFIS

amput-ar: (tr., surg. and fig.) to amputate, cut off. — DEFIRS

amulet-o: amulet. — DEFIRS

amuz-ar: (tr.) to amuse, entertain; (fig.) to distract, divert (cf. distraktar); -ar su; -esar: to a. oneself (per, pri), to be amused (da); -(ad)o: amusement (act): -ivo:, ilo: that which amuses: plaything, toy; -anta, -iva: amusing; -anto, -ero, emo: entertainer; -achar su: to trifle away one's time. — DEF

an: (prep.) at, on (indicates contiguity, juxtaposition); dorso an dorso: back to back. Def.: Expresas relato di kontigueso, di apud-pozeso IV-409. Ex.: Apogar skalo an muro. Pendar pikturi an la parieto. Glutinar afisho an muro. Pendar chapelo an hoko. Sidar, sideskar an tablo. An la bordo (rivo) di la fluvio. Ula urbo jacas an rivero, an maro, an monto. Ta domo esas situita an la strado X . . . La fenestri an la strado esas granda; ma la fenestri an la korto esas mikra; IV-409. — De

anabaptism-o: (rel.) anabaptism. — DEFIRS

anabaptist-o: (rel.) anabaptist.

anad-o: (orni.) duck (family: Anatidae); -ulo: drake; -ino: female d.; -yuno: duckling; -o nigra: black d. (Anas nigra); -lag-eto: d. pond.; -em-busk-eyo: d. ambuscade; -fus-ilo: d. gun. — FISL

anaerobi-a*: (biol.) anaerobic. — DE

anagal-o: anagallis: pimpernel. —DeFIS

anagram-o: anagram. —DEFIRS

anakoulut-o: (gram.) anacoluthon. — DEFIRS

anakoret-o: (rel.) anchoret, anchorite. — DEFIRS

anakronism-o: anachronism: error in chronology; something incongruous in time. — DEFIRS

anal-o, -i: annal(s). — DEFIS

analgezi-ar*: (tr.) to lull the sensibilities, produce insensibility to pain; -o: analgesia. — EFIS

analitik-o: (math.) analytics; -ala: analytic(al). Ex.: Lingui, geometrio analitikala. — DEFIRS

analiz-ar: (tr., log., chem.) to analize; -o: analysis; -ala: analytical. Ant.: sintezo. — DEFIRS

analog-a: analogous, similar; -eso: (relation, quality) analogy; -ajo: something analogous. Es.: Rezonado analoga. La linguo Italiana havas multa analogeso a la linguo Latina. An.: ne-simila. — DEFIRS

anamorfos-o*: (opt.) anamorphosis. — DEFIRS

ananas-o: (fruit) pineapple; -iero: p. plant. — DFIRS

anapest-o: (pros.) anapest. — DEFIRS

anarki-o: anarchy; -ismo: anarchism; -ista, isto: anarchist. — DEFIRS

anastigmat-a*: (opt.) anastigmatic. — DEF

anastomos-o: (bio., anat.) anastomosis. — DEFIRS

anatem-ar: (tr.) to anathematize; -o: anathema; -ita, ito: anathematized (person). — DEFIRS

anatomi-o: (science) anatomy. — DEFIRS

ancestro-o: ancestor; -ala: ancestral; -i, -aro: ancestors; -ino: ancestress. — EF

anchov-o: (ich.) anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus). — DEFIRS

ancien-a: ancient, old; -eso: oldness, ancientness; -ajo: something old. V. exp.: anciena, nova; yuna, olda; antiqua: anciena, nova relatas prefere la kozi; yuna, olda relatas precipue l'evo, ma on darfas parolar pri homo anciena o nova en lua profesiono, en ofico o funciono. Ex.: Persono qua esas yuna (per evo) ma anciena en ofico (t.e. homo qua havas "ancieneso" en ula ofico, kontraste ad oficisto qua ne tam longe okupas sua ofico quale l'altru. Antiqua koncernas exkluzive l'epoko, t.e. la antea yarcenti, e plu precize la tempi di la Greki e Romani. Domo, moblo, vesto povas esar anciena, e tote ne esar antiqua. O se on qualifikas oli "antiqua," to esas nur per jokoza or ironioza hiperbolo; III-225. Ant.: nova. — DeFIS

andrinopl-o*: "andrinople" a cotton fabric. — FIS

androce-o*: (bot.) androecium. — DEF

androgin-a, -o: (biol.) androgynous, androngyny. — DEFIRS

anekdot-o: anecdote. — DEFIRS

anemi-o*: (med.) anemia, anaemia; -ala: (relating to disease) anemic; -ika, iko: anemic (person); -igar: to render anemic. — DEFIRS

anemometr-o: anemometer: wind-guage. — DEFIRS

anemofil-a*: (bot.) anemophilous. — DEFIS

anemon-o: (bot.) anemone (genus: Anemone). — DEFIRS

aneroid-a: aneroid: -a barometro: a. barometer. — DEFIRS

anestezi-ar: (tr.) to anesthetize (as by ether or chloroform); -o: anesthetizing (act); -eso: anesthesia (state); -iva, ivo: anesthetic. — DEFIRS

anet-o*: (bot.) anet: dil (Anethum graveolens). — eFIRS

anevrism-o*: (med.) aneurism. — DeFIRS

anex-ar: (tr.) to annex; -o, -eso: annexation; -ajo: an annex: -ita: annexed. — DEFIRS

angel-o: fish-hook; -agar, -kaptar: (tr.) to hook; -izar: to put a hook on. (cf. peskar). — DS

angelik-o: (bot.) angelica (Angelica archangelica). — DEFIRS

"angelus": (rel.) angelus. — DEFIRS

angin-o: (med.) angina, quinsy. — DEFIRS

angiosperm-o, -a: (bot.) angiosperm(ous). — DEFIS

Angl-a: English; -(ul)o, -ano: English-man; -a-parol-anto: one who speaks English; -ia: England; -atra, -a-mode: in the English fashion: -o-mani-ika, iko: anglomaniac, -ago: E. idiotism, anglicism; -o-odio: anglophobia; -o-odianta, -anto: anglophobe (person); la Angla: the English language.

anglikan-a, -o*: Anglican; -ismo: Anglicanism. — DEFIRS

angor-ar: (intr.) to be in anguish; -igar: to cause a. to, to agonize; -o: anguish: pang, agony, violent pain (of body or mind); -ig-anta: agonizing; -oza: full of a. V. exp.: vid. pavorar. — eFIS

angora*-kapro: Angora-goat, -kato: A.-cat. — DEFIRS

anguil-o: (ich.) eel (order: Apodes); -o-pesko: eel-fishing. — FIS

angul-o: angle, corner; -eto: small angle, nook; -ala: angular, corner; -oza: many cornered, angulated; -o akuta: acute angled; -o faciala: (anat.) facial a.; ort- -a: right-angled; -o obtuza: obtuse a.; -o-petro: corner-stone; -o-peco: corner-piece; -faldar: (tr.) to fold the corners of (ulo); -moblo: corner-piece (furniture); -ruptar: to break the corners off (ulo). — EFIS

anhel-ar: (intr.) to pant, gasp for breath; -igar: to put out of breath, to wind; -(ad)o: panting; (med.) anhelation. Ex.: Ca hundo anhelas. Lu arivis anhelegante, tante rapide lu esis kurinta. Me anheligis me, acensante ta eskalero. — eFIS

anhidr-a: (chem.) anhydrous. — DEFIRS

anilin-o: (chem.) aniline. — DEFIRS

anim-ar: (tr.) to animate: endow with life; (fig.) to enliven, give animation to; -o, -eso: animation; -ata, -oza: animated. Ex.: La anmo animas la korpo. La konversado esis animoza. — DEFIRS

animal-o: animal; -ala: animal; -eto (mikroskopala): animalcule; -eso: animality; -aro: group of a.s; kingdom, fauna. — DEFIRS

animism-o: (philos., physiol.) animism. — DEF

anion-o*: anion. — DEFIRS

aniversari-o: anniversary; -o mortala: commemoration. — DEFIS

aniz-o: (bot.) anise (Pimpinella Anisum); -o-semini: aniseed; -liquoro: anisette. — DEFIRS

anjel-o: angel; -ala, -atra: angelic; gard-anjelo: guardian a. — DEFIRS

anke: (adv., conj.) also; me anke ne (od, anka me ne) I neither; ma anke: but also, but yet. Ex.: La lakto esas plu salubra kam la biro ol esas anke plu nutriva. — I

ankilos-ar: (tr., surg.) to anchylose: make stiff; -esar: to be to become anchylosed; -o, -eso: ankylosis, anchylosis. — DEFIRS

ankore: (adv., conj.) yet, still, until now, until then (refers to a fact or act already existing); lu ankore ne arivas: he has not yet arrived; kad vu ankore hungras? are you still hungry. V.exp.: Ankore ja: Ankore signifikas duro di ago o stando plu longa, e ja komenco di fakto od ago plu frua kam on opinionis; III-335. — FI

ankro-o: anchor; -o-jetar, -agar: (tr.) to anchor; -ago: anchoring; -esar-agita: to be at anchor; -ag-eyo: anchorage; -o-trabo: (nav.) cat-head; -o-boyo: a.-bouy; driftar sur sua ankri: to drag one's anchors. — DEFIRS

anm-o: soul (cf. psiko); -izar: to put soul into, to hearten; -oza: soulful, with spirit; sen- -a: without soul, inanimate; kantar kun -o: to sing with spirit. Def.: L'ento metafizikala, la principo di vivo e di penso; V-32. —DeFIS

anobi-o: (ent.) death-tick, -watch (Anobium); ligno- -o: wood-fretter. — FL

anod-o*: (elec.) anode: positive terminal. — DEFIRS

anomal-a: abnormal, anomalous: irregular; -eso, -ajo: anomaly, abnormality. — DEFIRS

anonim-a: anonymous; -eso: anonymity; -(ul)o: a. person. — DEFIRS

ans-o: handle: the arc shaped handle of a cup, bucket, etc. — F

antagonism-o: antagonism. — DEFIRS

antagonist-o: antagonist; (cf. adverso). — DEFIRS

antarktik-a: antarctic. — DEFIRS

ante: (prep.) before (of time); -a: preceding, former, previous, last, prior; -e: previously, before, heretofore; -eso: anteriority, priority; -ke: before (that); lu arivis ante me: he arrived before me; ante du kloki: before two o'clock; ante ne-longe: not long ago; ante nun: before now; -diluvia: antediluvian; -hiere: the day before yesterday; -lasta: (the one) before last; -mariaja: antenuptial; -mortar: to predecease: die first; -pre-lasta: antepenultimate. Ant.: pos. — DeFIRS

antecedent-o: (gram., log., math.) antecedent. Ex.: La antecedenti di individuo, t.e. lua antea historio e konduto. — DEFIS

anten-o: (zool., elec.) antenna, feeler. — DEFIS

anter-o: (bot.) anther. — DEFIS

anti-: contra (use generally as a prefix with scientific words) (cf. kontre-) anti-bakteria: bactericide. — DEFIRS

anticip-ar:(tr.) to anticipate; -o, -eso: anticipation; -e: in anticipation; -ala pago: advance payment. — DEFIS

antidot-o: (also fig.) antidote. Def.: Substanco qua neutrigas l'efekti di la veneni; IV-76. — DEFIRS

antifon-o: antiphon: anthem; -aro: antiphonary. — DEFIRS

antifraz-o: antiphrasis. Def.: Figuro di retoriko, qua konsistas en uzar ula vorto o frazo en senco kontrea a lua vera signifiko. — DEFIRS

antikrist-o: antichrist. — DEFIRS

antilogi-o*: (log.) antilogy; contradiction in ideas. — DEFIS

antilop-o: antelope. — DEFIRS

antimilitar-ismo: antimilitarism; -isto: antimilitarist. — DEFIS

antimoni-o: (min., chem.) antimony. — DEFIRS

antinomi-o: (jur., philos.) antinomy. — DEFIRS

antipati-ar: (tr:) to have an antipathy, aversion to (or against); -o: antipathy; instinctive aversion, natural repugnance; -inda: (what is) antipathetical, repugnant; -oza: (who feels         antipathetical, full of aversion. Ant: simpatiar. — DEFIRS

antipirin-o: (chem., meet.} antipyrin. — DEFIRS

anti-patriot-a: antipatriotic. — EF

antipod-o, -i: antipode(s). — DEFIRS

antiqu-a: antique, ancient: of a former epoch; -ajo: an antique; -eso: antiquity; -aj-isto: antiquary.  Ex.: Antiqua moblo, kustumo; muzeo di antiquaji. V. ex.: vid. anciena. Ant.: moderna, nun-tempa, prezenta, nuna, — DEFIRS

anti-semid-a: anti-Semitic; -(ul)o: anti-Semite; -ismo: anti-Semitism. — DEF

antisepsi-ar: (tr.) to antisepticize; -esar: to be antiseptic; -eso: antiseptic state; -iva, -ivo: antiseptic. Def.: Kombatar kontre la mikrobi per antisepsiivo. — DEFIRS

antitez-o: (log., rhet.) antithesis; -a, -ala, -atra: antithetic(al). DEFIRS

antitoxin-o*: antitoxin. — DEF

anti-verm-o: vermifuge.

antologi-o: anthology. — DEFIRS

antonim-o*: antonym; -eso: antonimity. Ant.: sinonimo. — DEFIRS

antonomazi-o: (rhet.} antonomasia. Def: Remplasigo di propra nomo per komuna nomo equivaianta, o reciproke; V-483. Ex.: L'anjelo     di la skolo (vice Santa Thomas). — DEFIRS

antracit-o: anthracite, hard-coal. —DEFIRS

antrax-o: (med.) anthrax: carbuncle. — DEFIS

antropoid-a, -o: anthropoid. — DEFIRS

antropologi-o: anthropology. — DEFIRS

antropomori-o*: anthropometry. —DEFIRS

antropomorf-a*: anthropomorphic; -ismo: antropomorphism. — DEFIRS

anunc-ar: (tr.) to announce; -o, -ajo: (act; what is announced) announcement; -anto, -ilo: announcer; klame -ar vari; to cry wares (for sale); korne -ar: to wind the horn; -o-festo; (rel.) Annunciation (March 25th). DEFIS

anus-o: (anat.) anus; -ala floso: anal fin. — DEFIS

anxi-ar*: (intr.) to be anxious, -o: anxiety; -oza: anxious. — DEFIS

aorist-o*: (gram.) aorist. — DEFIRS

aort-o: (anat.) aorta. — DEFIRS

aortit-o*: (med) aortitis. — DEFIRS

apanaj-o: appanage: royal grant of domain or allowance; -izar: to endow with an a. — DEFIRS

apar-ar: (intr.) to appear (to or before: -o, -ajo: appearance (act); ad, avan ulu); to become visible, be in sight, come to light; -igar: to cause to a. to; apparition (thing visible); to put in an appearance, -anta: apparent, plain, obvious, ostensible, specious; -ar por la formo: show oneself; fantom- -o: apparition (ghost) Ant: Des-aparar. — DEFIS

aparat-o: (tech., surg.) apparatus; machine, instrument or appliance used to perform a certain operation. —DEFIRS

apart-a: apart: separately, aside, alone; -a paroli: words spoken aside. Def.: Signifikas quaze separita, izolita, sola; VII-154. Ex.: Aparta parolo (en teatro od en vivo); aparta lernado (lernar aparte, t.e. sole e sen docanto); prenar ulu aparte (por parolar a lu specale, exter e for la ceteri). Lu dormas en aparta chambro (ne en la komuna dormeyo). Lu manjas an aparta tablo (ne an la   komuna tablo). — DEFIS

apartament-o: apartments: suite of rooms; flat. — DEFIRS

aparten-ar: (intr.) to appertain, pertain; belong to by right, nature or custom; -ajo: appurtenance. Ex.: Algeria apartenas a Francia. Il apar tenas a bona familio. Domo e lua apartenaji. — EFIS

apati-o: apathy: want of feeling, indifference: (cf. indiferent-eso); -oza: apathetic, impassive. Ant.: anim-oz-eso, viv-em-eso. — DEFIRS

apel-ar: (intr.) to appeal (in law); (fig.) to call for aid or sympathy (ad ulu, pri ulo); facar apelo: to lodge an a.; asignar -o: To give notice of a. (pri). Ex.: Me apelas a vu por regulo di ca questiono; apelar pri un judicio o tribunalo ad altra. — DEFIRS

apendic-o: (lit., anat., zool., bot.) appendix; -o verm-atra, -o-forma: vermiform a. Def.: Parto qua servas kom prolonguro di parto precipua. — DEFIS

apendicit-o*: (med.) appendicitis. — DEFIS

apene: (adv.) hardly, scarcely, barely. Ex.: Il apene arivis. Il apene eskapis la morto. — FIS

apert-ar: (tr.) to open, unclose (also fig. with heart, soul, etc.); -(ad)o: (act) opening; -uro: aperture, hole, gap; -e openly, plainly, frankly; (cf. kandida); -iva, -ivo: aperient, laxative; mi- -ar: to half open (a door, etc.). An.: klozar. — DeFIS

apetit-ar: (tr., pr. and fig.) to have an appetite for; crave or desire (instinctively); -o: appetite, longing; -ig-iva, -ivo: appetizing, appetizer; -igar: to give or cause an a. for; -ig-anta: appetizing, relishing. Ex.: La stomako apetitas la nutrivi. Apetito sensual, karnal, perversa. Il havas nesaturebla apetito por richaji. Ant.: saturar. —DEFIRS

api-pomo: ‹‹api››: a small red apple (Malum Appianum).

api-o: (bot.) smallage, wild celery (Apium). — DEFIRS

aplanat-a*: (opt.) aplanatic. — DEF

aplast-ar: (tr.) to crush, squeeze, squash (soft objects); (fig.) to overwhelm, overburnden, oppress; rul- -ilo: (a steam or other) roller (as on streets). Ex.: Aplastar insekto per la pedo, vit-beri per presilo. Aplastita per laborego. Aplastar adverso en diskuto. V. exp.: On povas presegar stala bulo sen aplastar ol, kontre ke on aplastas argilo sen presegar; III-198. — FIS

aplaud-ar: (tr.) to applaud, clap; (fig.) to express approbation, -(ad)o: applauding; -i: plaudits; -anto, -ero: applauder; -ist-aro: claque (paid clappers at theater). — DEFIRS

aplik-ar: (tr.) to apply, lay on, impose; -ar su: (fig.) to apply oneself (the mind, attention); -o: application: applying; -ajo: thing applied; -ebla: applicable, apposite, suitable. Def.: Pozar ulo sur ulo. — DEFIRS

aplomb-o: (fig.) assurance, self-confidence, self-possession (cf. audaco); (inst.) plummet, plumb-line; -a: upright, plumb, self-assured, confident; stacar aplombe: to stand upright, plumb. Def.: Signifikas propre: vertikala pozeso, vertikaleso, e nur metafore: fido en su ipsa, audaco (t.e. sentimento, ke on stacas vertikale, solide sur sua pedi). IV-528. — DeFIRS

apodiktik-a*: (log.) apodictical. — DEFIS

apofiz-o*: (anat.) apophysis. — DEFIS

apog-ar: (tr.) to prop (up), stay, support; to lean, to rest; to base, found, ground (assertions, reasons, etc.) -o: propping, supporting: -ilo, -trabo: prop, stay, support, pillar, strut, stanchion, brace; -arko: (arch.) flying buttress; (fig.) mainstay; shultr- -ar: to press to the shoulder (firearms, etc.); -punto: point of support, fulcrum; dors- -ilo: a support for the back; kap- -ilo: head-support; apogar skalo an la muro: to prop (or set) a ladder against a wall; apogar edifico per apog-arki: to support a building by buttresses; me apogis me an la muro: I leaned against the wall: apogar sua manui sur tablo: to lean one's hands on a table; sur quo vu apogas vua aserti: on what do you base your assertions? Def.: Suportar (o, igar suportar) per lateral od obliqua forco; III-102. Suportar, sustenar per la moyeno di apogilo. — FIS

apoge-o: (astr.) apogee. Ant.: perigeo. — DEFIRS

apokalips-o: apocalypse. — DEFIRS

apokrif-a: apocryphal. — DEFIRS

«Apollon»: (myth.) Apollo. — DEFIRS

apolog-o: apologue: moral fable. — DEFIRS

apologi-ar: (tr.) to vindicate (in writing or speech); -o: apology: written or spoken discourse to justify a person, a thing; -ala, -atra: apologetical, exculpatory; -arto: apologetics; -isto: apologist. Ant.: blamar, denigrar, difamar. Note: For the translation of apologize in the sense of «to beg pardon» cf. exkuzar. — DEFIRS

aponevros-o*: (anat.) aponeurosis. — DEF

apoplexi-o: (med.) apoplexy; -ala, -ema, -atra: apopleptic; aceso di -o: apopleptic attack; cerebrala -o: cerebral a. — DEFIRS

apostat-a, -o: apostate; -eso, -esko: apostacy; -eskar: to become an a., to apostatize. — DEFIRS

aposteriori-e, -ala*:  a posteriori.

apostil-o: apostil: marginal note, annotation; recommendatory note (to back a petition); -izar: to add an a.; (cf. pos-skrib-ajo). — eFIS

apostol-o: apostle; -ala: appostolic; -eso: apostleship. — DEFIR

apostrof-o: (gram.) apostrophe; -izar: to mark with an a. — DEFIRS

apotek-o: (Eng.) chemist’s shop; (U.S.) drug-store, pharmacy; -isto: chemist, apothecary, druggist. — DEFIRS

apotem-o: (geom.) apothegm. — DEFIRS

apoteos-o: apotheosis, deification. — DEFIRS

apozicion-o: (gram.) apposition; -ala: appositive (word). — DEFIRS

apr-(ul)o: wild-boar; -o-kush-eyo: lair of w. b. — DRL

aprentis-o: apprentice (pri); -eso: apprenticeship; -esar: to be an a., obligar ulu kom -o: to bind as an a.; pikto- -o: painter’s pupil. — DEFIS

apret-ar: (tr., tech.) to dress: put a finish on calicoes, leather, etc. by applying a glaze dressing or varnish. - DFIR

april-o: April. — DEFIRS

apriori-e, ala*: a priori, presumptive. — DEFIRS

aprob-ar: (tr.) to approve, give approbation to. Ant.: des-, ne-aprobar. — DEFIRS

aproch-o, -i: (milit., fortif.) approaches: the works, trenches, etc. made by besiegers. — DEFIRS

apsid-o: (arch.) apse; (astron.) apsis; -ala: apsidal. — DeFIRS

apt-a: apt, fit, appropriate, good for, suitable (ad); -eso: aptitude, aptness, qualification; -igar: to make fit or suitable; -a a milito: fit for war (service); -a por nulo: fit for nothing. Ant.: Des-, ne-apta, -justa, -kapabla, -konven-anta. — EFIS

apud: (prep.) close by, next to, beside, -a: near, neighboring, adjacent; -esar: to be near or close; -aleo: side-lane; -pozar: (tr.) to juxtapose; apudaji ed abutaji: (fig.) the ins and outs (of an affair). Ex.: Apud la domo esas puteo. Apud la generalo stacis lua adjutanto. — IL

apunt-ar: (tr.) to point (a fire-arm); take aim at; level at; -ilo: sight. — DeFIS

aqu-o: water, -ala: aquatic; -oza, atra: aqueous, watery; -oz-eso: aquosity; -izar: to water (streets, etc.); -es-pruva: w. proof; -o-fosato: w. trench, moat; -o-falo: w. fall; -o-kontilo: w. meter; -o-melono: w. melon; -o-pento: w. shed; -o-rezerv-uyo: reservoir; -o-turmo: w. tower; -o-vazo, -krucho: ewer; -o santa: holy-w.; reze di l’aquo:  on a lavel with the w.; pluv- -o: rain w.; rejala  -o: (chem.) aqua regia; sal-o: salt w., brine, pickle; sod- -o: soda-w; -o-boko: water nozzle, hydrant; -pikturo: washed drawing; -o-sprico: jet of w.; -o-spric-ilo: w. nozzle. -espruva mantelo: w. proof cloak, -espruv-eso: w. proofness. — DEFIRS

aquafort-o: (chem.) aqua fortis: nitric acid; -ajo: a.f. etching. — DEFIRS

aquamarino-o: (min.) aquamarine. Def.: Varietato de berilo. — DEFIRS

aquarel-a, -o: (painting) water-color; -piktar: to paint in w.c. — DEFIRS

aquari-o: aquarium. — DEFIRS

aquatint-o: (engraving) aquatint. — DEFIRS

aquedukt-o: aqueduct. — DEFIRS

aquilegi-o: (bot.) columbine (genus: Aquilegia). — L

aquilon-o: (poet., lit.) Aquilon: the north wind personified. — DeFIRS

aquir-ar: (tr.) to get (through one's own exertions), to become the possessor of (by purchase, by labor, etc.), to acquire, win; to contract (a habit, a sickness); to gain (affection favor), to incur (dislike, hatred); -o: (act) acquisition, attainment; -ajo: what is acquired. — DEFIS

ar-o: (metric sys.) area: 119.6 sq. yds. — DEFIRS

Arab-a: Arab-ic, -ian; -o: an Arab; -ia: Arabia; -a linguo: A. language.

arabesk-o: arabesque. — DEFIRS

arach-ar: (tr.) to pull or drag out (a nail, etc.); to tear out (the hair, the eyes); to grub up (roots); to tear away (a child from its mother); to snatch, wrest, extort, wring (ulo de ulu); Ex.: arachar afisho, konfeso, krii, lakrimi. Arachar ulu de la morta. — FS

arak-o: (spirits) arrack, — DEFIRS

araknoid-o*: (anat.) arachnoid. — DEF

arane-o: spider; -atra: s.-like, araneous; -reto, -telo: spider-, cob-web; -pedo: s. leg. — eFIS

aranj-ar: (tr.) to arrange: make orderly disposition of, dispose of in a proper manner; (cf. ordinar) -o, -eso, -uro: (act, state, result) arranging, disposition; Ex.: Aranjar libri sur tablo. Aranjar afero, mariajo, kofro, lito Aranjar por facar ulo. — DEFI

arbalest-o: arbalist; cross-bow; -iero: cross-bowman. — DEFIRS

arbitr-ar: (tr.) to arbitrate: award as an arbitrator, decide, judge, settle (ulo); -o: arbitration; -anto, -ero, -isto: arbitrator; umpire; referee; -ala: arbitral. — DEFIRS

arbitraj-ar: (tr., com.) to carry on arbitrage: to buy and sell on the market. — DEFIRS

arbitri-o: free-will; -ala: arbitrary, discretionary; -ajo: arbitrary act, caprice: -e: ad libitum, at will; segun la arbitrio: at the discretion or will (di ulu). — DEFIS

arbor-o: tree; -ala: arboreal; -atra: arborescent; -oza: woody; -aro: clump of t.s.; -izar: to afforest, plant with t.s.; -kultiv-(ad)o: arboriculture; -gluo: bird-lime; -o genealogi-ala: genealogical t.; -stumpo: t. stump; -trunko: t. trunk; -speco: specie of t.; -rano: t. -frog (Hyla aborea); -eduk-eyo: (hort.) nursery; sen- -igar, des- -izar: to clear of t.s.; dorn- -o: thorn-t. eben- -o: ebony-t.; Kristo-naskala- -o: Christmas t.; ax- -o: (tech.) axle-t., -shaft; movo-, trans-mis- -o: main-, transmission shaft. — eFIS

arbust-o: shrub, bush (not over three feet in height); sub- -o: underbrush; -aro: thicket. — FIS

arbut-o: arbute berry; -iero: (European) arbutus (genus: Arbutus). — EFIL

arch-o: (Noah's) ark; -o di kontrato: ark of the covenant (Bibl.). — DeFIS

ardez-a, -o: slate; -ea, -atra, -oza: slaty; -a krayono: s. pencil; -a tabelo: slate (for writing); -kolor-izar: to cover, with s. color: -kovrar: to cover, roof with s.: -min-eyo: s. quarry. — FI

ardor-ar: (intr.) to be aglow, glowing, hot, fiery (cf. brular, kombustar); (fig.) (of passion, zeal) to be ardent, fervent; (of animals) to be in heat, rut; -o: heat; ardor, eagerness; rut; -anta, -oza: fiery, burning, full of ardor, passionate; -igar: to make burn, set on fire, make ardent. — DEFIS

ardu-a*: arduous: (of mountains, etc.) steep, rugged: hard to climb (cf. eskarpa); (of tasks, etc.} difficult to perform. — EFIS

are-o: area; extent of surface: (geom.) superfices. — DEFIS

arek-o: areca-, betel-nut (cf. betel-ajo);-iero: areca-palm (Areca). — DEFIRS

aren-o: arena, ring. V. Exp.: Areno esas spaco rondatra od elipsoiorma e klozita, por la ludi e kombati cirklala. Lico esas longa kureyo, generale duopia (por iro e riveno) por kuri o por turniri, II-646. —DEFIRS

areol-o: (anal., med.) areola. — DEFIS

areometr-o: areometer. — DEFIRS

areometri-o*: (phys.) areometry. —DEFIRS

areopag-o: (also fig.) Areopagus; -ano: Areopagite. — DEFIRS

arest-ar: (tr., legal) to arrest: make a prisoner of, put under a.; -esar: to be a.ed; -o, -eso: a.; custody; -anto, -ero: person; -ato, -ito: person a ed; -impero: order for a. — DEFIRS

argal-o: (orni.) marabou-stork (Leptoptilus Argala). — F

argan-o: (lifting-) gin, sheer-leg (ci. krano). — US

argil-o: argil; clay, potter's earth; -a, -oza, -atra: argillaceous, clayish; -izar: to marl (land). —DeFIS

argon-o*: (chem.) argon- — DEF

argonaut-o: (myth.) Argonaut. — DEFIRS

argumenta-ar;(intr.) to argue: hold an argument. Def.: Rezonar por pruvar ulo. — DEFIRS

«argus»: (myth.) Argus; (fig.) spy. — DEFIRS

ari-o: (mus.) tune, air. — DEFIRS

arid-a: arid: dry and barren; (cf. sterila); -eso: aridity, Ant: humida, fruktoza,fertila. — DEFIRS

ariet-o: (instr. of war and tech.) battering-ram; Aries, sign of the Zodiac; hidraulikala -o: hydraulic ram. — IS

arist-o: (geom.) edge, projecting angle; (arch. and carp.) arris; (bot.) awn, beard (of barley, wheat, etc.); ridge (of nose, of mountain, of a bayonet, etc.); -o-trabo: ridge-piece, hip-rafter; (angular) fish-bone — eFIS

aristokrat-a, -ata: aristocratic; -(ul)o: aristocrat; -aro: (collect) aristocracy ; -eso;aristocracy, nobility (quality); -ismo: aristocracy (political system); -igar: to make a.; -eskar: to become a. — DEFIRS

aristoloki-o: (bot.) aristolochia, birth-wort. — DEFIRS.

Aristotel-ana, -ala*:Aristotelian. — DEFIRS

aritmetik-o: arithmetic; -ala probiemo,operaco: arithmetical problem, operation; -ero, -isto: arithmetician.— DEFIRS

aritmograf-o*: arithmometer: calculating machine. — DeFIRS

aritmologi-o*: theory of numbers. —DFIRS

aritmomanci-o*: arithmomancy: divination by numbers. — DEFIRS

aritmonietr-o*: arithmometer: calculating machine. — DEFIRS

ariv-ar: (intr.) to arrive (at destination, at a certain place). V. exp.; Se ulu venas de Berlin ad Paris, lu advenas dum la tota voyajo; nia lu arivas nur ye la tino (lasta momento) di la voyajo; e lu povas advenar sen anvar (se lu esus haltigata da acidento); VI-322- Ant.: departar. — EFIS

arjent-a, -o:silver; -izar: to silver over, plate; -oza, -atra, -ea: argentiferous, silvery; -aji, -ajaro,-a vazaro: silver-ware; -a moneto, peco: silver coin; lingot-a -o bar silver; -o-nitrato silver nitrate, lunar caustic. — eFIS

arjentan-o*: (alloy) argentan. —DEFIS

ark-o (geom., arch., elec.) arch (as of bridge), arc; -iz-uro: archway, vault; -igar: to arch: bend, curve, in form of a.; apog- -o: arch-boutant: flying buttress; arm- -o: bow; ciel-, pluv- -o: rainbow; (arm-)ark-ero, -isto, iero: archer, bow-man; elektrala -o: electrical a.; klozar -o: (geom.) subtend; micirkla -o: semi-circular a.; sel- -o:saddle-bow; triumf- -o: triumphal a. vult- -o: covering of an a.; -o-petro: a.-stone; -apogar: to buttress; -lampo: arc-lamp, -light. — DEFIRS

arkabuz-o: arquebuse. — DEFIRS

arkad-o: (arch.) arcade. — DEFIRS

arkaik-a, -ema: archaic: old, antiquated; -ajo: a. object. — DEFIRS

arkaism-o: archaism: antiquated form of speech; -ema: archaic (tendency in speech). — DEFIRS

arkan-a: arcane: hidden, secret; -o: arcanum: great secret of nature. V. exp.: Sekreta, arkana, okulta: Sekreta esas la maxim generala vorto. Arkano esas sekreto ciencala (o, pseudo-ciencala), quan on revelas o docas nur ad iniciati (ex.: l'arkani di l'alkemio). Ol esas analoga a misterio, ma misterio apartenas a religio, ed arkano a cienco o tekniko. Okulta dicesas omno quo koncernas la mondo di la spiriti e nia (asertita) relati kun li (ex. magio, astrologio, spiritismo, e.c.). La ‹‹okulta cienci›› ne esas simple sekreta cienci ma la cienci qui pretendas revelar a ni l'altra mondo o komunikigar ni kun olu; (kp. IV-237). — DEFIRS

arkeolog-o: archeologist. — DEFIRS

arkeologi-o: archeology; -ala: archeological. — DEFIRS

arki-anjel-o: archangel.

arki-chambelan-o: archchamberlain.

arki-diakon-o: archdeacon.

arki-duk-o: archduke; -ala: archducal; -ino: archduchess; -io: archduchy (estate); -eyo: a. palace; -eso: archduchy (dignity, office).

arki-episkop-o: archbishop.

arki-kancelero: arch-, high-chancellor.

arkimandrito-o*: (Greek Ch.) archimandrite. — DEFIRS

arkipelag-o: archipelago. — DEFIRS

arki-sacerdot-o: archpriest.

arkitekt-o: architect. — DEFIRS

arkitektur-o architecture; -ala: architectural. — DEFIRS

arkitrav-o: (arch.) architrave. — DEFIRS

arkiv-o, -i: archive(s): record(s), state-paper(s); -isto: archivist: keeper of the records. — DEFIRS

arkivult-o: (arch.) archivolt. — DEFIRS

arkont-o: (hist.) archon. — DEFIRS

arktik-a, -o: arctic; -a ganso: wild goose (Anser hyperboreus). — DEFIRS

arlekin-o: harlequin, merry-andrew; -ajo: a piece of buffoonery; -vesto: h.-dress; (fig.) patch-work, medley. — DEFIRS

arm-o: arm: weapon; -aro: weapons (collect.); -eyo: armory (depot); -ifar: to manufacture a.s; -if-isto: gun-smith; -izar: to a.; arm-arko: long-bow; paf- -o: fire-arm; -frato: brother-in-arms; (hom)- -aro: armor (for persons; cf. kuraso); gamb- -o: leg-armor; abasez la -i: down, ground arms! depozar -i: to lay down arms; -izita de kapo a pedi: Armed from head to feet; trupo -izita: armed force; -o-hakilo: battle-axe; portez -i: shoulder arms! — DEFIS

armadil-o: (zool.) armadillo (Dasypus). — DEFIS

armator-o: shipowner. Def.: Posedanto ed equipanto di navo; III-75. — FIRS

armatur-o: (elec.) armature; (tech.) iron braces, stays (to strengthen masonry, etc.); kabl- -o: wire covering about a cable; -izita cemento: reinforced cement. — DEFIRS

arme-o: army; -o de triadek mil viri: a. of 30,000 men; -chefo, -estro: head of the a., general; -korpo: a. corps; (fig.) cielal- - o: celestial a.; reserv- -o: a. in reserve. — DEFIRS

armistic-o: armistice, truce. — DEFIS

armor-o: cupboard; -eto: cabinet; fer- -o: iron chest, strong-box; glaci- -o: ice-box; linj- -o: linen press; mur- -o: c. in a wall; nutriv-, para-mush- -o: pantry; screened c.; vest- -o: wardrobe; plad- -o: dish-closet. — FIS

armoraci-o*: horse-radish (Cochlearia Armoracia). — FISL

arnik-o: (bot. and med.) arnica (Arnica montana). — DEFIRS

arog-ar: (tr.) to arrogate (ulo a su): to make undue claims; -ema, -anta: arrogant, overbearing, supercilious, haughty. Ex.: Il arogas a su autoritato sen havar la yuro. — DEFIS

arom-o: aroma: spicy flavor or smell. — DEFIRS

aromat-o: aromatic: fragrant vegetable substance. — DEFIRS

arorut-o: arrowroot: starchy flour of Maranta arundinatea and other plants. — DEFR

aroz-ar: (tr.) to moisten, wet, water (with any liquid); -ilo: watering-pot; -venturo: sprinkling cart; V. exp.: aquizar, aspersar, irgacar: On povas arozar materiale o figurale, per mult altra liquidi kam aquo. La biblo dicas, ke Noa ‹‹arozis›› la vito sucedante per sango di pavono, per sango di simio, per sango di leono e per sango di porko. Do on ne povas uzar ‹‹aquizar››. On aspersas planti ed arbori por preventar ula morbo. Asperso relatas saneso. Irigaco esas brancho di agrokultivado. Ol aquizas tota farmi, distrikti per fluigar aquo de riveri, lagi, e.c., en artificala kanali a la kultivo-loki; IV-353, 459. — F

arpej-ar: (intr.) to play arpeggios; -o: arpeggio. — DEFIRS

arsen-o: (chem.) arsenic. — DEFIRS

arsenal-o: arsenal. — DEFIRS

art-o: art: practical skill guided by rules; occupation requiring such skill; -isto: artist (in fine arts), adept (at anything); -ala: artistic: (relating to arts); -ist-ala: relating to the artist; -al-eso: artistic quality or character (of a thing); -e, -oze: artfully, skillfully, cunningly; -ema: artistic (person); -ist-ino: female artist; -i bela: (the) fine arts; -o-verko: work of art; -i societ-ala: social accomplishments; -i liberal, mekanikal: the liberal, mechanical arts or professions; poezi- -o: the poetic art; akush- -o: abstetrics (as a profession); -i utila: useful arts; skrib-arto: the art of writing. Def.: Aplik(ad)o di konoci por realigar koncepto. — DEFIRS

artemizi-o: (bot.) mugwort (genus: Artemisia); -absinta: common worm-wood. — FL

arteri-o: (anat.) artery; -ala: arterial. — DEFIRS

arteriit-o*: arteritis: inflammation of the arteries; (cf. flebito). — DEF

arteriologi-o*: arteriology. — DEFIRS

arteriotomi-o*: (surg.) arteriotomy. — DEFIRS

artez-a: Artesian; -a puteo: A.-well. — DEFIRS

artichok-o: (bot.) artichoke (Cynara Scolymus). — DEFR

artific-o: artifice: artful or ingenious expedient; -ala: artificial; (cf. falsa): -acho: (in a bad sense) cunning, craft, wile, trick; -(ach)oza: artful, crafty, factitious; sen- -a: frank. Ex.: Artificala dentaro, gambo, rido. La artifico qua movigas automato. — DEFIS

artik-o: (anat., bot.) articulation: joint; -ala: articular; -izar: to articulate: supply with a.s; -oza, -iz-ita: articulated, jointed; bul- -o: arthrodia; -o inter la kruro e la hancho: the a. of the thigh with the hip: the hip-joint; des- -izar: to unjoint. — DEFIS

artikl-o: (newspaper, gram.) article; (cf. varo, komerc-ajo); -o redaktistal: editorial; kred- -o: a. of faith; defin-ita -o: definite a. — DEFIRS

artikul-ar: (tr.) to articulate: pronounce, utter words; ne- -ita: inarticulate. — DEFIRS

artilri-o: artillery: body of troops; (cf. kanon-aro); -ano: a. man, gunner; ped- -o: foot a. — DEFIRS

artr-o: (anat.) part or segment of a limb or body; movable articulation. Ex.: La korpi di kelka insekti havas multa artri. — FS

artrit-o: (med.) arthritis; -ika, -iko: (person) suffering with a. — DEFIRS

artrodi-o*: (anat.) arthrodia. — DEF

artropod-o: (zool.) arthropod, articulata. — DEFIS

aruf-ar: (tr.) to ruffle up, turn back (feathers, hair); karezar kato arufe: to stroke a cat the wrong way. — I

arum-o: (bot.) arum: cuckoo-pint, wake-robin (genus: Arum). — DEFIRS

aruspic-o: (Rom. antiq.) (h)aruspex. — DEFIRS

Aryan-a, -o: Aryan (race, language). — DEFIRS

as-o: ace (cards, dice); kordi- -o: ace of hearts. — DEFIS

asafetid-o: asafetida: gum resin of Ferula Asafoetida. — DEFIS

asalt-ar: (tr.) to assault, storm (a fortified place); to assault, charge (the enemy); -anto, -ero: assailant aggressor; ek- -ar to make a sally, sortie; ri- -ar: to charge again; -ar quik l'obstaklo: (fig.) to take the bull by the horns; sonigar por -o: to sound the charge; -o-skalo: scaling-ladder; ne- -ebla: unassailable, impregnable; -e kaptar, konquestar: to carry by assault, (cf. atakar, asomar, atentar). — EFIRS

asasin-ar: (tr.) to assassinate. Def.: Mortigar kun preintenco ed embuske o surprize; III-698. — DEFIS

asbest-o: (min.) asbestos. — DEFIRS

asekur-ar: (tr., finan.) to insure, underwrite (against loss); -ar su: to insure oneself; -ito: insured person; -isto: insurer, underwriter; -ar pluse, pose: to take out additional i.; -o-akto, -kontrato: i. policy; -o-kontoro: i. office; -o-taxo: premium (paid by insured to insurer). — DeFIS

asel-o: (ent.) woodlouse (Oniscus Asellus). — DIL

asembl-ar: (tr., gen.) to assemble: collect, bring together (people, materials, etc.); -o, -uro, -ajo: assembl-y, -age; -o publika, politikala: public, political meeting. V. exp.: vid. muntar. — EFI

asent-ar: (tr.) to give assent to: agree to, aquiesce in. Ex.: Me asentas vua judiko (t.e. me opinionas same, me judikas to kom vera. V. exp.: Asento koncernas opinioni pure teoriala; konsentar relatas prefere opinioni praktikala, t.e. propozi e rezolvi; VII-98. — DEFIS

asept-a: aseptic; -eso: asepticism (state); -igar: to asepticize; -ig-(ad)o: asepsis (act). Def.: Qua ne havas mikrobi; IV-175. — DEFIRS

asert-ar: (tr.) to assert, allege, set forth, protest (declare); -ita: pretended, asserted, so-called; -ar la falseso di: to deny in toto; -ar per sua honoro: to a. upon his honor, give his word of honor; -o pri fideleso: protestation of fidelity; -ita inventuro: so-called invention; esar -ita absenta: to be reputed (regarded, considered) as absent. — EFIRS

asesor-o: assessor: an assistant judge. — DeFIRS

asfalt-o: asphalt(um); -isar: to asphalt; -a, -izita choseo: asphalted road. — DEFIRS

asfixi-ar: (tr.) to asphyxiate; -esar (da): to be a.ed (by); -o, -eso: asphyxiation (act, state); -ita: a.ed. V. exp.: Sufokar esas la vulgara, asfixiar la ciencala vorto. Asfixiar esas la halto dil arterio-pulsado. Ol esas stando sucedanta al neperfekta oxigenizo dil sango, finanta per la morto, kande lu tro duras. Sufoko esas speco de asfixio, per obstaklo al adveno dil areo til pulmoni, obstruktado di naztrui, di boko, kompreso di kolo, e.c.; II—137, VI—248, 342. — DEFIRS

asfodel-o: (bot.) asphodel (genus: Asphodelus). — DEFIRS

asidu-a: assiduous: constant, regular (in attendance or work). V. exp.: Diligenta relatas la fervoro od agemeso, ed asidua la akurata e reguloza prezenteso, la kontinueso di laboro; II—137. Ant.: ne-akurata, neglij-anta. — EFIS

asign-ar: (tr.) to assign, to appropriate, allot, set apart (a sum), to fix, appoint (a day, place, rank), (fig., legal) to summons, cite, subpoena; (cf.atribuar, cedar); -o-letro: (jur.) subpoena, writ, summons. Ex.: La ministraro asignas sumo por pagar salarii. Asignar dio por pagar debajo, la limiti (di ulo), a singlu lua rango, lua tasko. — DEFIS

asimil-ar: (tr.) to assimilate (physiol. and fig.). Ex.: La animali povas asimilar nur animala o vejetala substanci. Usa asimilas multa populi. — DEFIRS

asimptot-o: (geom.) asymptote. — DEFIRS

asist-ar: (tr.) to be present at, attend; -o: attendance, presence; -anto, -ero: person present, onlooker, bystander (not helper; cf. help-anto); -ant-aro: audience, congregation; Ex.: On asistas spektaklo, acidento, disputo. Il ne nur asistis, ma parto-prenis ta diskuto. La diskurso esis asistata da multa personi, qui ofte aplaudis ol. — DFIRS

askarid-o: (zool.) ascarid (Askaridae; genus: Ascaris). — DEFIRS

asket-o, -ala: ascetic; -eso, -ismo: (state, doctrine) asceticism; -aji: a. acts, austerities. — DEFIRS

askolt-ar: (tr.) to listen to, hearken to, give ear to; -anto, -ero: listener. V. exp.: Askoltar implikas sempre intenco e volo. Audar esas perceptar per l'orelo, vole o nevole. Ex.: Me askoltas vu ma me ne audas pro la bruiso; V—35. — I

asn-o: donkey, ass; -ulo: jackass; -ino: she-ass; -al-ajo: asinity; stupidity, silly blunder; -acho: stupid ass; -et-yuno: ass's colt; -oreli: ass's ears; -o-karg-ajo: load of an ass; -o-dukt-isto: donkey driver; -o-bramo: bray of an ass; ped-frapo di -o: kick of an ass. — eFIS

asoci-ar: (tr.) to make (a person) one's associate, partner, colleague, companion, accomplice (in an ill sense); to make (ulu) participate or share in (ulo); -o, -uro: association, partnership; -ito: associate, fellow, companion; -it-aro: an association, society (persons) -ema: sociable; -em-eso: sociability; -ado di idei: a. of ideas. — DEFIRS

asom-ar: (tr.) to fell, to knock down: to knock on the head; -isto, -ero: feller (of oxen); -ilo: loaded bludgeon. V. exp.: On povas asomar per mazo o sen instrumento (ex. per pugnobato); II—707. — F

asonanc-ar: (intr). to be assonant (kun); -o: assonance; -anta, -oza: assonant. — DEFIS

asort-ar: (tr.) to assort, match, suit, sort out, classify things alike, or somewhat alike, or suited to each other; -(ad)o, -ajo: assortment; -uro (di dimanti, di pladi, di kulieri, e.c.): a set of diamonds, plates, spoons); butil- -ajo: stock (of a shop). — DEFIR

asparag-o: (bot.) asparagus; -o-pinto: the tip (or top) of a. shoots; -eyo: a. bed. — DEFIRS

asparagin-o*: (chem.) asparagine. — DEFIRS

aspekt-ar: (intr.) to look (like, as if: quale), to seem (to be), appear; -o: aspect, view, sight, look, phase; -ar felica: to look happy; -ar quale fola, folo: to look like, seem to be a fool; -o yun(es)ala: youthful look; la kozi chanjis sua -o: the aspect of things changed. — DEFIRS

asper-a: (of touch) rough, uneven. V. exp.: Acerba koncernas la gusto, aspera la takto; II-707. Ant.: glata. — eFIS

aspers-ar: (tr.) to sprinkle (to prevent disease); (rel.) to asperse; -ilo: sprinkler; (rel.) aspergillum. V. exp.: vid. arozar. — DeFIRS

asperul-o*: (bot., genus) asperula; -o odor-oza: woodruff. — eFISL

aspik-o: (zool.) asp (Naja Haje). — eFIRS

aspir-ar: (tr.) to inhale, draw in (air, smoke, etc.); to suck in or up (liquids); (gram.) to aspirate (a sound); to aspire: desire eagerly, long for, aim at; -(ad)o: inhaling, inbreathing, suction, aspiration: ardent wish; -ilo: (chem) aspirator; -ajo: (gram.) aspirate; -signo: (gram.) sign of aspiration; -ar la honori, ofici: aspire to honors, office; -ar la krono, rejeso: aspire to the crown, to kingship; (cf. ambiciar); -ar la venjo: to long for vengeance; -o di aero en la pulmoni: inhaling of air into the lungs; -o-tubo: suction pipe; pumpilo aspiras l'aquo: a pump sucks (draws) up the water; la feliceso quan me -as: the happiness which I long for. V. exp.: vid. sugar. Ant. expirar. — DeFIRS

astatik-a: (magnetism) astatic. — DEFIRS

astenop-a*: (bot.) asthenopic. — DE

aster-o: (bot.) aster; Chiniana -o: China a. — DEFIRS

asteri-o: (zool.) asterid, star-fish (genus: Asterias). — DeFIRS

asterism-o: (astron., opt. of crystals) asterism. Def.: Optikal fenomeno; reflekto radianta di la lumo sur ula lapidi; III-135. — DEFIRS

asteroid-o: (astron.) asteroid. — DEFIRS

astigmat-a*: astigmatic: -eso: astigmatism. — DEF

astm-o: (med.) asthma; -ika, iko: asthmatic (person). — DEFIRS

aston-ar: (tr.) to astonish, surprise, amaze: -egar: to astound, aghast; (fig.) to stupify; (cf. stupor-igar); -esar: to be a.ed (da). — EF

astr-o: star: any heavenly body; -ala: astral, sidereal; -aro: constellation; fixa -o: fixed s.; -o-fiziko: astrophysics. V. exp.: Stelo, astro: La astri esas omna cielala korpi, qui kontenas ne nur las steli (dicita fixa), ma la planeti, lia sateliti (exemple la luno), la nebulosi, la kometi, e.c. VI-191. — DEFIRS

astragal-o: (anat., arch.) astragal. — DEFIRS

astrakan-o: astrakhan (pelt). — DEFIRS

astrikt-ar: (tr.) to have an astringent effect on; -(ad)o, -eso: (med.) astriction; -iva, ivo: astringent. Def.: Astrikto esas densigo di ula organika texuri: ex. ‹‹aluno esas astriktiva›› II-645. — DEFIS

astrolab-o: (astron. instr.) astrolabe. — DEFIRS

astrolog-o: astrologer. — DEFIRS

astrologi-o: astrology. — DEFIRS

astronom-o: astronomer. — DEFIRS

astronomi-o: astronomy; -ala: astronomical. — DEFIRS

asum-ar: (tr.) to assume, take on oneself, undertake; (cf. entraprezar); -ajo: assumption: something taken for granted; -ar afero: take a hand in an affair; -ar debi: a. debts; -ar devo, la responso: to a. a duty, the responsibility; -ar la spensi: to undertake the expense; -ar la instrukto di la infanto: to undertake the instruction of the child (cf. supozar). — EFIS

asuncion-o: (rel.) Assumption (of the Virgin Mary). — DEFIRS

atak-ar: (tr.) to attack; (milit.) to take the offensive; (cf. asaltar, asomar, atentar); -o: (alo med.) attack(ing); -anto, -into, -ero: attacker, assailant, aggressor; -ebla: assailable; -anta, -ema: aggressive, attacking, offensive (attack); -em-eso: aggressiveness; cirkum- -ar: to a. on all sides; flanke -ar: to a. on flank; -ar dorse, surprize: to a. at the rear, to make a surprise a.; kontre- -o: counter a.; noktal -o: night a.; -iva federo: offensive alliance. — DEFIRS

ataraxi-o: (philos.) ataraxy: perfect piece of mind. — DEFIRS

atashe-o: (diplo.) attaché. — DEFIR

atavism-o: atavism. — DEFIRS

ataxi-o*: ataxia (med.) -ika, iko: ataxic (person); -o lokomocala: locomotor a. — DEFIS

ateism-o: atheism; -ala: atheistic (doctrine, teaching). — DEFIRS

ateist-a, -o: atheist; -ala: atheistic (of persons); -aro: a.s (collect.). — DEFIRS

atenc-ar: (tr.) to pay attention to (ulu, ulo); to apply the mind to, heed; -o: attention, care, heed; -ema: attentive, mindful; -ez: attention! mind! look out! ne- -oza, -ema: inattentive, heedless; sen- -ajo: inadvertence, oversight (act). — DEFIS

atene-o*: Athenaeum (temple and literary institution). — DEFIRS

atent-ar: (tr.) to make a criminal attempt on (ulu, ulo); -o: attempt (to commit an offense or crime); attack, assault (on persons or property), outrage; -a, -anta, -ema: assailing, unlawful, hostile; -ar la honoro di ulu: to assail the honor of some one; -ar la vivo (di ulu): to make an attempt on a person's life; -ar su ipsa: to attempt suicide; -o kontre la majesto: crime of lese-majeste; -o kontre la pudoro: criminal (or indecent) assult. — DeFIS

aterom-o*: (med.) atheroma. — DEFIRS

atest-ar: (tr.) to attest: certify, bear witness, give proof of; -(ad)o: attestation, testimony, deposition, certification; -uro: certificate, voucher; deb- -o: acknowledgement of debt; demandar -o (di ulu): to call for witness: donar -o: (jur.) to depose; examen- -o: brevet, certificate, diploma; facar -o (pri ulo, ulu): to bear witness; falsa, menti- -o: false testimony; mariaj - o: certification of marriage; -o di slaubreso: health certificate; -ala: testimonial: relating to testimony; la dei -as to: the gods are witness to it, as the gods are our witnesses. — DEFIRS

atik-o*: (arch.) attic, a. story; (cf. mansardo). — EF

atik-ismo: Atticism; -isto: Atticist. — DEFIRS

ating-ar: (tr.) to attain, reach; ta infanto ruptas irgo quon il povas -ar: that child breaks everything he can reach; la vito -as le triesma etajo: the vine reaches to the 3rd story; -ar sua skopo: to hit one's mark, attain one's aim; ta kalumnii ne povas -ar ni: those calumnies cannot reach (hurt) us; -ar la simileso: to hit off the resemblance; ye fusil- -o: at (within) gun shot; -o-disto: hand's reach; ne -ebla: beyond reach. — EFIS

atlant-o: (arch.) atlas; (pl.) atlantes; (cf. kariatido). Def.: Virala figuro, qua servas kom suportilo. — DEFIRS

Atlantik-o, -a oceano: Atlantic (ocean); trans- -a: transatlantic. — DEFIRS

atlas-o: (anat., geog.) atlas. — DEFIRS

atlet-o: athlete; -ala, -atra: athletic; -ismo, -exerc-ado: athletics. — DEFIRS

atmosfer-o: atmosphere; -ala: atmospheric; -o-preso: a. pressure. — DEFIRS

atom-o: atom; -ala pezo: atomic weight; -ismo: atomism (theory); -isto: atomist (philos.). — DEFIRS

atoni-o: (med.) atony; -oza: atonic. — DEFIRS

atrakt-ar: (tr. also fig.) to attrack, draw; -(ad)eso: attract -ing, -ion; -iva, -ivo: attractive, inviting, engaging, winning (object); -ilo di desfortuno: something which brings bad luck. Ex.: La magneto atraktas la fero. Atraktar l'atenco di ulu. Atraktar la odio di la publiko. Un desfortuno atraktas (E. brings on) un altra. Atrakto-forco, -povo. Mieno atraktiva. Ant.: repulsar, antipatiar. — DEFIS

atrap-ar: (tr.) to entrap: take in, trick, hoax, dupe; April- -o, -ilo: April hoax; -ita da fripono: taken in by a rogue. — DeFS

atribu-ar: to assign, give, bestow, vest, allocate, invest with (something as due and appropriate); -ar a ta ofico la konoco di ica od ita aferi: to assign to that office the cognizance of such and such affairs; la funcioni atribuita a policestro esas tre multa: the functions assigned (or vested in) the chief of police are very numerous; on atribuis bela honorarii a ta ofico: handsome emoluments have been assigned (attached, annexed) to that office; -ar la kulpo ad ulu: to throw the fault on some one; -ar a su la honori di: to take the credit, claim the honors of. (cf. imputar). DeFIS

atribut-o: (log., gram.) attribute, attributive. — DEFIRS

atric-ar*: (intr., theol.) to feel attrition; -o: (theol.) attrition: grief for sin arising from fear of punishment. — DeFIS

atrofi-ar: (tr., med.) to atrophy; -esar: to be atrophied, waste away. — DEFIRS

atropin-o: atropin(e). — DEFIRS

atun-o: (ich.) tunny (-fish) (Scomber thynus). — DeFIRS

aturd-ar: (tr.) to stun. V. exp.: Aturdar ne esas sempre vertijigar, nek ebriigar; en sua propra senco, ol indikas nekoncio o preska nekoncio produktita exemple da frapo, granda shoko, e.c. IV-1102. — FIS

aucion-ar: (tr.) to bid for, offer a higher price; -(ad)o: bidding, bid; -anto: bidder; -e vendar: to auction off, to sell at auction; -o, -vendo: auction; -ven-ist-o: auctioneer; -ar domo: to bid for a house. Def.: Ofrar preco plu alta kam altru. VI-417. — DeFRS

aud-ar: (tr.) to hear: receive sensations by the ear; -(ad)o, -eso: hearing, audition; -ala, -iva: auditory, auricular; -anta: audient, listening, hearing; -anto, -ero: hearer, auditor; -ant-aro: audience, auditors, congregation; per -o: by hearsay. V. exp.: vid. askoltar, kp. auskultar. — DeFIRS

audac-ar: (tr.) to dare, venture, be so bold as; -o: audacity, hardihood; -oza, -anta: bold, daring, intrepid; -ego: temerity; -anto, -ozo: audacious person; -igar: to embolden; -eskar: to grow bold; -ar ek-asalto: to venture (dare) a sortie; me ne audacas informar il pri la mala novajo: I do not dare to inform him of the bad news; simular -o: to bluster. V. exp.: vid. riskar. — EFIS

audienc-o: audience, sitting, hearing (granted by person in authority); not audience as in theaters, etc; cf. aud-ant-aro; -eyo: a. chamber; Sro. X havis -o kun la rejo: Mr. X had an a. with the king; hori di -o: (fixed) hours for hearing, times for cosultation (physicians, barristers). — DEFIRS

auditor-o: auditor: judicial-hearer, assessor (functionary). — DeFIRS

augment-ar: (tr., intr.) to augment: to increase, enlarge, to make larger or more numerous; to raise (rents, prices, wages, etc. (cf. plu-cher-igar); -(ad)o, -eso, -uro: augmentation, increase, aggravation; rise (in price); (gram.) augment; -iva, -ivo: augmentative; pluse -ar: to raise higher. Ex.: Augmentar sua fortuno; augmentar la preco di nutrivi; augmentar sua domo, sua domeno. Augmentar la salarii. La desfacilaji augmentis cirkum lu. Ant.: diminutar, reduktar. — DEFIS

augur-ar: (tr.) to augur (de ulo); -o: augury, omen, presage; -isto: augur, soothsayer; mal- -a: ominous; -ar bone pri kozo: to augur well (have a favorable opinion) of a thing; Ex.: Ta evento esas bona auguro. To bone auguras. — DEFIRS

august-a: august: imposing awe or veneration, majestic. Ex.: Il esas persono di august aspekto. — DEFIRS

‹‹aula››: aula: hall in universities, colleges, etc.; -ala konsilistaro: aulic council. — DeFIRS

aureol-o: (pr. and fig.) aureole, halo, nimbus; -izar: to put a halo around (as in painting); (fig.) to crown with glory. — DEFIRS

aurikul-o: (anat.) auricle. — DEFIS

auror-o: aurora, dawn; -o pol-ala: a. borealis. — DEFIRS

auskult-ar: (tr., med.) to auscultate. — DEFIRS

auspic-o, -i: (lit. and fig) auspice(s); me entraprezas ica afero kun -i favoroza: I undertake this business under favorable a.s. — DEFIS

auster-a: austere: (in a moral sense) strict, rigid. Def.: Tre severa por su pri la mori, kun nuanco di rigoro ed asketeso; II-707. — DEFIS

austr-o: (poet.) a south wind; -ala: austral: southern; -ala latitudo: southern latitude. — DeFIRS

autentik-a: authentic, genuine, properly attested; -igar: to authenticate; garantiar la -eso di: to guarantee the authenticity of - - - — DEFIRS

auto-: (prefix for scientific and technical words) auto-, self-; auto-movanta: self-moving, -acting. — DEFIRS

autobiografi-o: autobiography. — DEFIRS

‹‹autodafe›› auto-da-fe. — DEFIRS

autodidakt-a, -o: autodidact: self-taught (person) — DeFIRS

autograf-a: autographic: written by one's own hand; -o: autograph: original signature or writing. — DEFIRS

autokalv-o: autoclave: (French) steaming vessel; -o da Papin: Papin's digester. — DeFIRS

autokrat-o: autocrat; -a rej-ido: autocratic prince; -ala guvernado: a. government; -aro: autocracy (coll.); -eso: autocracy (quality); -ismo: autocracy (regime). — DEFIRS

automat-o: automaton; -a: automatic: self-acting; -ala: automatic (relating to an automaton); -eso: automatism. — DEFIRS

automobil-o: automobile: motor-car; -ero, -isto: automobilist; -duktisto: chauffeur; -ismo: automobilism; -korno: a. horn. — DEFIRS

automorf-a: (math.) automorphic. — DEFIRS

autonom-a: autonomous: self-governing, independent; -eso: autonomy. — DEFIRS

autopsi-ar: (tr.) to hold an autopsy on (ulu); -o: autopsy, post-mortem. — DEFIRS

autor-o: (lit.) author; (fig.) creator, originator; -acho: scribbler; -yuro: copyright. — DEFIRS

autoritat-o: authority: legal or rightful power; -ozo, -ozi: authorit-y, -ies; -oza, -ema: authoritative. — DEFIRS

autun-o: autumn: fall of the year; -ala: autumnal. — EFIS

av-o: grand-parent; -ulo: grandfather; -ino: grandmother; ge- -i: grand-parents (both sexes); pre- -o: great grandparent; forefather; tri-esma -ulo: great-great-grandfather; prim- -o: (our) first parent; -ala nomo patronymic. — ILS

aval-o: aval: guaranty, surety: a signature at bottom of a bill to guarantee payment; -izar: to guarantee (a bill by endorsement). — DeFIS

avalanch-ar: (intr.) to fall in an avalanch; -o: avalanch. — EFIS

avan: (prep.) in front of, ahead of; before (in space, cf. ante); -e: (adv.) in front; -a: advance, forward, front; -o: the front; -ajo: thing, object in front, forepart; (fig.) forequarters (as of a horse); -irar: (intr.) to advance, go forward; kun la avano dope: with the front behind, or hindpart foremost; la akuzato sidas avan la jurio: the defendant sits before the jury; -brakio: fore-arm; -ceno: front of the stage, proscenium; -chambro: front-room, anteroom; -guardo: vanguard; -holdo: forward hold (of a ship); -kastelo: (mar.) fore-castle, -korpo, -parto: forepart; -pedo: front foot (of an animal); -portuo: outer harbor; -posteno: (milit.) outpost; -tekto: fore-roof, projecting roof, eaves; -viro: front man; (milit.) chief of file. Ant.: dop. —DeFIRS

avanc-ar: (tr. intr.) to advance: to go forward, move, put forward, (in space and time); -inta frukti, flori: forward fruits, flowers; -inta posteno: (milit.) advanced post; -e: forward, onward, in advance; -ez: forward! Ex.: Avancar la manuo, la pedo. La armeo avancas en la lando. Avancar sua departo. Avancigar la laboro. Ant.: retro -irar; regresar, tard-igar. — DEFIS

avantaj-o: advantage; -oza: advantageous; -izar: to advantage, bestow an a. on, to favor; publika, statala- -o: public, state utility. Ex.: Ula persono povas havar avantajo relate altra. La avantaji dil paco. Ant.: des-avantajo. — DEFIS

avantal-o: apron (for persons or vehicles), pinafore. — SP

avar-a, -acha: avaricious, miserly, greedy, covetous; -eso: avarice; -acho: sordid miser, skinflint; -eg-eso, -ach-eso: niggardliness, stinginess. Ant.: prodig-anta, spens-ema, disipanta. — EFIS

avari-ar: (tr.) to damage (in conveying goods); -o: damage, loss, (com.) average. Def.: Avario indikas omna domajo, ne nur di navo, ma di kozi transportita per navo, fervoyo, veturo; II-138. — DeFIRS

avelan-o: filbert, hazel-nut; -iero: filbert-tree (Corylus Avellana); -ea: hazel colored. — FISL

aven-o: oats; -ala, -atra: avenaceous; -grani: oat-grains; -porciono: a feed of oats; -gruelo: porridge. — eFISL

aventur-ar: (intr.) to seek adventures, go on adventures, lead an adventurous (or roving) life; -o: adventure; -ema, -oza: adventurous, venturesome. (cf. riskar). — DEFIRS

avenu-o: avenue. Def.: Larja voyo arborizita, duktanta ad ula loko, kastelo, monumento (forsan placo), III-16. — DEFRS

avers-o: front-, right-side (of cloth, medals, etc.) first page (of a book); -e: front side to; (cf. facio). Ant.: reverso. — DF

avert-ar: (tr.) to give notice, apprise, caution, advertise, warn (N.B. not necessarily to warn of danger); -o: warning, hint; -anto, -ero: cautioner; -anta: admonitory, premonitory; -ilo: warning instrument; -ar ulu pri ulo: to inform or apprise a person of something; -ar la patrulo pri la konduto di lua filiulo: to apprise the father of his son's conduct; mea infirmeso avertas me pensar pri morto: my infirmities warn me to think of death; -ilo di incendio: fire alarm. Def.: Informar ulu pri ulo futura, bona o mala. — DEFIS

aviac-ar: (intr.) to practice aviation, to fly; -(ad)o: aviation; -isto, -ero: aviator; -ilo: flying machine (heavier than air). Note: for technical terms see IV-330-333. — DEFIRS

avid-a: avid, greedy, rapacious, craving, eager; venj- -a: vindictive; pekuni- -eso: cupidity; -e askoltar ulu: to drink in the words of someone. Ant. jeneroza. — DEFIS

aviz-ar: (tr.) to apprise, advise, give notice of (pri ulo); -o: notice, notification (generally an order or prohibition); -o-navo: advice-, dispatch-boat. Def.: donar ula praktikal informo, konsilo od impero; II-646. V. exp.: Avizo, notico: Avizo koncernas generale preskripto od interdikto; (III-204). Notico esas texto instruktiva teoriale, sive en etiketo, sive en mikra libro o broshuro. Exemple, se on eniras muzeo, on trovas ye la pordo tala avizi: ››La muzeo esas apertita de 10 til 16 kloki; ol esas klozita omna lundio; on ne darfas enirar kun parapluvi, bastoni, hundi‹‹ e.c. Ma enirinte, on vidas notici sub la objekti expozata, qui indikas lia autoro, tempo, origino, e.c.; on povas komprar libreti titulizita notico pri ula objekto or serio di objekti (N.B.: ne katalogo, qua implikas numeral ordino) V-32-33. — DFIRS

››avoué‹‹: (French) attorney-at-law. — F

ax-o: (all senses) axis, axle; -ala: axial; (rot-)axo: axle (tree); manivel- -o: cranked axle; rotac- -o: axis of rotation: the line round which a body revolves; -o-boxo: a. case; -o-metro: (nav.) tell-tale (of a tiller); -o-stifto: a. bolt, pin; -arboro: horizontal shaft. — DEFIS

axel-o: (anat.) axilla: arm-pit; (bot.) axil(la). — DEFIS

axiom-o: axiom; -ala: axiomatic. — DEFIRS

axoid-o: (anat.) axis: second vertebra of neck; -ala: axoidal. — DeFIS

axonometri-o: (math.) axonometry. — DEFIS

azale-o: (bot.) azalea (genus: Azalea). — DEFIRS

Azi-ana, -ano: Asiatic. — DEFIRS

azil-o: asylum: place of refuge for poor, sick, or helpless; (fig.) any place of retreat or security; infant- -o: infant a.; -yuro: right of sanctuary; blind- -o: a. for blind. — DEFIS

azim-a: unleavened; -o, -a pano: azym: unleavened bread; (cf. oblato). — DeFIS

azimut-o*: (astron. and. geodesy) azimuth; -ala busolo: a. compass. — DEFIRS

azot-o: azote: nitrogen. — EFIRS

azur-o: (color) azure, sky-blue: (pigment) smalt; -oza, -atra, -ea: a. colored; -iz-ita: azured (artificially). — DEFIRS


b: (mus.) ti: seventh note diatonic scale.

ba: (interj.) bah! poof! pshaw! — DEFRS

››baba‹‹: baba: French bun, plum-cake. — DeFRS

‹‹Babel››: (lit. and. fig.) Babel; -turmo: tower of B. — DEFIRS

babil-ar: (intr.) to babble, prattle (as infants); to chatter (as a magpie); to gossip, gabble, prate (of grown persons); -(ad)o: chit-chat, gossiping, trifling talk; -ero, -emo: babbler, tattler, chatter-box; -era, -ema: talkative, loquacious; -ajo: a matter of gossip; -acho: busy-body. — DEF

babuch-o: babouche: Turkish heel-less slipper. — DEFIRS

babuin-o: baboon (Cynocephalus Babuin). — DeFIRS

bacheler-o: bachelor (of a university); -eso: bachelorship, b. degree; -o pre cienco: b. of science: -o-kandidato: aspirant, candidate for the b. degree; (cf. celibulo). Def.: l'unesma (minim alta) universitatala grado; III-72. — DEFIRS

bacil-o: bacillus; -ala, -atra, -forma: bacillary, bacilliform. — DEFIRS

badern-o: (nav.) paunch-matting, chafing-mat, thrummed mat. — FIS

badlan-o, -i: (bot.) star or Chinese aniseed; -iero: badian: aniseed tree (Illicium anisatum). — DEFRS

badijon-ar: (tr.) to badigeon; -ivo: badigeon: a cement or distemper paste of powdered stone and plaster. — eF

bagaj-o: baggage, luggage; -vagono: b. car; bilieto di -o: ticket for b.; depoz-eyo di- -o: b. room; manu- -o: hand b.; -uyo: holder, boot (of a carriage); enskribeyo di -o: b. check-room; portisto di -i: b. porter. — DEFIRS

bagatel-o: bagatelle, trifle, trash, bauble; -verko: literary trifle. DeFIS

bagn-o: bagnio: convict hulk or prison; -ano: galley-slave, -convict. — DeFIS

bak-ar: (tr.) to bake (dry heat); freshe, nove, heme -ita: fresh, newly, home baked; -o-forno: b. oven. — DE

Bak-o: Bacchus; -ala: Bacchic; -an-ino: bacchante; -ano: a follower of B. — DEFIRS

bakanal-o: (lit. and fig.) bacchanalia: a drunken feast or revel. — DEFIRS

bakteri-o: bacterium; -ala, -atra: bacterial; -ocid-ivo: bactericide. — DEFIRS

bakteriologi-o: bacteriology; -isto: bacteriologist. — DEFIRS

balo: ball (dance); mask- -o: masked b.; puer- -o: children's dance; travesti- -o: fancy (dressed) ball; -chambro: ball-room; -shui: pumps; -acho: public-house dance, shindy. — DEFIRS

balad-o: ballad, ballade: epic dance and song. — DEFIRS

balanc-o: balance: scales; -o Romana: steelyard; letro- -o: letter-scale; tordo- -o: torsion b.; ponderar per -o: to weigh by a b. — DEFIRS

balancier-o: (of machines) a balancing body; fly-wheel; gimbals (of a compass). Def.: Maso (generale roto-forma) qua ocilas cirkum sua baricentro per risorto; II-641. — DeFIRS

balas-rubin-o: a balas ruby. — DEFIRS

balast-o: ballast (for railways, ships); -eyo: b. space; -izar: to b.; sen- -igar; des- -izar: to unb. — DEFRS

balay-ar: (tr.) to sweep; -ilo: a broom; -il-eto: brush; -aji: sweepings; mancho-, shafto di -ilo: broom handle; fac-isto di -ili: b. maker; strado- -isto: street-sweeper (vehicle). — F

balbut-ar: (tr., intr.) to stutter, stammer (from emotion); to lisp (as an infant); to boggle; hem and haw, to hesitate in reading and reciting; (cf. barbuliar). V. exp.: vid. stoterar. — FIS

bald-e: soon, ere long, shortly; -a: which will soon take place; til -e: (fig.) goodbye for the moment; tam -e kam: as soon as; esos -e du kloki: it is near two o'clock. Ex.: Ni venis maxim balde posible. Ni departos balde. — D

baldakin-o: baldachin: tester (of a bed); canopy (of a throne, altar, etc.); lito kun -o: bed with canopy. — DEFIRS

baldri-o: baldric, shoulder belt (for sword, etc.). — DEFI

balen-o: whale; -yuno: young w.; -pesk-isto: whaler; -o-navo: w.-ship; -kanoto: w. boat; -oleo: w. oil. — FISL

balet-o: ballet; -ist-ino: b. dancer. — DEFIRS

balif-o: bailiff: a judicial functionary. — EFIS

balis-o: (nav.) sea-mark, buoy, beacon; (cf. boyo); (land) signal-pole (on R.R. or towpath); -eto: (surveyor's) ranging rod; -izar: to buoy, erect beacons. — FS

balist-o: ballista: a war machine. — DEFIRS

balistik-o: ballistics. — DEFIRS

balkon-o: (arch.) balcony; (nav.) stern gallery (of a ship); fenestro kun -o: window with b. — DEFIRS

baln-ar: (tr.) to bath, bathe, lave; -uyo: bath (receptacle); -ala: bathing; -eyo: bathing place; -anto, -ero, -isto: bather, bath-keeper; -o-kuvo: b. tub; -o-mantelo: b. robe; -o-aquo: bath water; -o-kalsono: bathing-drawers; pedo-o: foot-b.; sedo- -o: hip-b.; mar- -o: sea-bathing; maria- -o: (chem.) water-bath; -o-chambro: b. room; -o-terapio: b. therapeutics; term-ala -i: thermal b.s. — DeFIRS

balon-o: ball or sphere filled with air; -eto: small ball (as for tennis, etc.); -o, -ego: air-balloon (For technical terms cf. IV-330-1). — V. exp.: Sfero esas la geometrial, abstraktita figuro. Bulo e globo konkreta materiala sfero. On uzas bulo precipue por la ludi (bulo di biliardo, di kegoludo), e globo precipue por la cienci (la tera globo, sive reala, sive reprezentata per kartona globo). Buleto esas uzata sive por la infantala ludo, sive en la tekniko (rulo sur buleti). Kuglo esas rezervata a la projektili di pafilo (fusili, pistoli, e.c.) qui en nia tempo neplus esas sfera o sferatra. Kuglego esas projektilo di kanono. Balono esas globo o bulo kava, mola, plena de aero (kompresita) e konseque elastika, por ludar. Baloneto esas la Angla »ball« por ludar. Balonego esas la vulgara nomo di la (sferata) aerostati (plena de gaso). On povas nomar li simple baloni, kande nula ambigueso esas posibla; III-99. — DEFIRS

balot-ar: (tr.) to elect (ulu) by second ballot, -o: second-ballot (in Europe; necessary when no candidate has obtained an absolute majority). -voto: vote by ballot. — DEFIRS

balote-ar: (intr., med. and gen.) to wabble, shake, tremble, quiver (pro). Def.: La vulgara senco di ica vorto expresas la movo ocilanta o tremanta di maso solida, ma elastika o viskoza (quale gelatino). IV-516. Ex.: Lua karno baloteas pro la shoko. — FIS

balustr-o: baluster: upright support for railing. Def.: Mikra pilastro faasonita. — DEFIRS

balustrad-o: balustrade, railing, (cf. pasamano). Def.: Rango formacita ek balustri, generale horizontala. — DEFIRS

balzam-o: balsam: fragrant resin used as medicine; (fig.) balm, consolation; -ala, -oza: balsamic; balmy (odour, air, etc.); -iero: (genus) balsamodendron; -izar: to embalm (a body); -iz-ero, -isto: embalmer; pektoral -o: pectoral b.; -o di Gilead: balm of Gilead. — DEFIRS

balzamin-o: (bot) garden balsam (Impatiens balsamina). — DEFIRS

bambu-o: (bot.) bamboo. — DEFIRS

banan-o: (fruit) banana; -iero: b. tree (Musa sapientum). — DEFIRS

band-o: band (group), company, crew; (of fish) shoal; -acho: gang, clique; -o de furtisti: b. of robbers; rapt- -o: b. of brigands; haringo- -o: shoal of herrings. — DEFIRS

bandaj-o: (surg.) bandage; truss; (of a wheel) tire; -izar: to bandage; put a tire on; herniala -o: truss for rupture; menton- -o: chin-b. — DEFIRS

bande-ar: (intr. nav.) to have a list, be lopsided; -igar: to cause to list; -o: listing. — FIS

banderol-o: pennant, streamer, banderole. Def.: Bendo longa ek stofo, qua flotacas en l'aero; finas ofte per du pinti; en pikturi, portas surskriburi; II-708. — DeFIRS

bandit-o: bandit; -eso, -ismo: (state, system) banditism. — DEFIRS

bandolier-o: bandolier: cross-, shoulder-belt. Def.: Rimeno o sharpo pozita sur un shultro e suportanta ula kozo (ex. espado) sur l'altra latero, do pasanta oblique sur la korpo; II-708. — DEFIRS

baner-o: banner (as used by societies, orders); -ala fronto: (fig.) front line of battle, in battle array. Def.: Speco di rektangula insigno (en stofo) fixigita per horizontal latero a stango di sama longeso, qua pendas per du kordi de la stango per qua on portas la insigno; III-31. — DEFIS

bank-o: (fin.) bank; -isto: banker; -o-bilieto: b. note; -o-aciono: bank share, -stock; emiso- -o: b. of issue; -o di diskonto: discount bank. — DEFIRS

bankrot-ar: (intr.) to be (or become) bankrupt; -igar: to bankrupt: cause bankruptcy to: -o: bankruptcy; -into,-ero: a bankrupt; (cf. ne-solventa). Note: this word implies something disgraceful or criminal; cf. faliar. — DEFIRS

baobob-o: (bot.) baobab (Adansonia digitata). — DEFIRS

bapt-ar: (tr.) to baptize; -o-fili-(ul)o: godson, godchild; -o-matro, -o-patrino: godmother; -o-patrulo: godfather; -o-nomo: Christian name, first name; -ala vasko, kuvo: baptismal font, tank; -eyo: baptistery, place for baptism. — EFIS

bar-ar: (tr.) to bar to stop up (a way, a door, etc.); -o-stango, -o-trabo: a bar (of wood or metal as for doors, windows); -ilo: barrier (in general); -il(o) -gardisto: gate-keeper; strado- -ilo: street barrier; (fig.) toll-gate; -ilo kontre-epidemia: sanitary cordon; turn- -ilo: turnstile, (surg.) tourniquet. — DEFIRS

baro-flux-o: bore, eger, eddy-tide. Def.: Granda mar-ondo avane precipitanta, qua avancas ad-monte en ula estuarii; IV-452.

barak-o: shed, hut; temporary wooden building to shelter soldiers, fishermen, etc.; booth, covered stall (in a fair); -o di jonglisto: juggler's booth. — DeFIRS

barakan-o: barracan: a camel's hair fabric. — DEFIRS

barakt-ar: (intr.) to struggle: strive to get away, writhe, strive (kontre); (cf. luktar). Ex.: La kaptata fisho baraktas en l'aquo. Baraktar per manui e pedi. (fig.) La sovaji ne forte baraktas kontre la morto. — R

baratri-o: (nav.) barratry. Def.: Fraudo da la kapitano o navestro kontre armatori od asekuristi; II-75. — DEFIRS

barb-o: beard: hair on the chin, lips and cheeks of men and animals; -oza: bearded; -isto: barber; -o- -pinselo: shaving brush; vango- -o: whiskers; menton- -o: chin -b.; labio- -o: mustache; blonda -o: blond b.; -o du-dia: a two-day b.; griz- -(ul)o: grey b.; kapro- -o: billy-goat b.; portar -o: to wear a b.; lanug- -o: down (on the face); -o nivatra, nivea: a snow-white b.; sen- -a: beardless. — DEFIRS

barbakan-o: (arch.) barbican; loop-hole; escape-hole (in retaining wall for water). — DEFIS

barbar-a, -(ul)o: barbarian; -atra: barbarous; in a b. manner; -eso: (state) barbarism; -ismo: (linguistic) barbarism; -igar: to barbarize. — DEFIRS

barbel-o: (ich.) barbel (Barbus). — DEFIRS

barbot-ar: (intr.) to dabble, paddle, splash, flounder about (in mud or water). — FIS

barbuli-ar: (tr.) to sputter, splutter, mumble;(cf. balbutar). Def.: Parolar iro rapide e konseque neklare e konfuze, nekompreneble; III-6. — FIS

bard-o: bard (poet). — DEFIS

bardan-o: (bot.) burdock (Lappa). — FIS

barej-o: (fabrik) barege; silka -o: grenadine (fabric). — DEFIRS

barel-o: barrel, cask; -eto: small keg; -ego: hogshead, tun; -ifar: to cooper; en- -igar: to barrel (ulo); vendar -ope: to sell by the b.; cherpar de la -o: to draw off from the b.; fish- -o: fish-b.; -o-boko: bung (-hole); -o-robineto: faucet, tap of a b.; vin- -o: barrel for wine; -o de vino: b. of wine. — DEFIS

bari-o*: (chem.) barium. — DEFIS

baricentr-o*: center of gravity. — FIS

barikad-o: barricade; inkluzar su per -o: to b. oneself; obstruktar per -o, -e klozar, -izar: to b. — DEFIRS

barit-o*: (chem.) baryta. — DEFIRS

bariton-o: baritone; -voco: b. voice. — DEFIRS

bark-o: bark: small boat as wherry, punt, skiff. Def.: Mikra kanoto senmasta, movanta per remili, e ne generale uzata in maral aqui; (mitol.) la paromo di C(h)aron en la rivero Styx. — DEFIRS

barkarol-o: barcarolle: (Venetian) boat song. — DeFIRS

barkas-o: long-boat, launch (of a war-ship). — DFIRS

barograf-o: barograph. — DEFIRS

barok-a: odd, queer-looking, uncouth, baroque, bizarre; ill-shped, distorted (of pearls); -eso: oddness; -ajo: an oddity. Def.: Qua havas aspekto nereguloza o stranja (ex. perlo, stilo); IV-2. — DeFIS

barometr-o: barometer. — DEFIRS

baron-(ul)o: baron; -ino: baroness; -eso: (rank, dignity) barony; -aro: (collect.) baronage; -io: (domain) barony. — DEFIRS

baroskop-o: baroscope. — DEFIRS

barsh-o: (ich.) umbrina. — DFI

bart-o: whalebone; -izar: to stiffen, fit with w. — D

basa: (of dimensions, also pressure, sound) low (cf. alta); -igar: to make low: shorten the height of (cf. abasar); to lower (in tone, in pressure); -e: below (cf. infre); -o, -ajo, -parto: the lowers part; (mus.) bass; -eskar: to decline, wane, begin to droop, drop; spekular pri la bas-igo: (fin.) to bear stocks, speculate for a fall; -ig-isto: (fin.) bear operator; -voco: bass (voice); -reliefo: bass-relief; -voco infra: counter-bass; -ranga, -origina, -klasa: lowly, humble; -Germana: low German (dialect). V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: alta.

basament-o: (arch.) basement. V. exp.: Ne konfunenda kun fundamento: basamento esas l'infra parto (bazo) videbla di edifico, qua jacas sur la fundamento; III-670. — DEFIS

basen-o: (dock, river, water-works) basin; (geog.) valley, hollow; (dish) deep, wide pan; baln-o -o: wash-b.; fish- -o: fish-pond; pulver- -o: pan (of a flint-lock). — DEFIRS

bask-o: flap, skirt, tail (of a garment); -o-robo: (garment) basquine. — eFS

baskul-ar: (intr.) to see-saw: sway up and down; -igar: to make s.s., to rock back and forward; -ilo: a see-saw; swing (for play); rocker (of a chiar); sweep (of a well); (tech.) rocking lever; -charioto, -veturo: dump-cart; tumbril-cart (for the condemned); -stulo: rocking chair; lev-ponto kun -ilo: draw-bridge with plyer, bascule bridge. Def.: Baskulilo en teknikal mekaniko esas levero, qua ne ocilas spontane (pro sua propra pezo), ma falas de un pozeso ad altra, sub influo di pezo o forco e ne rivenas a l'antea pozeso se altra (kontrea) pezo o forco ne agas; III-72. — DeFS

bason-o: (mus. instr.) bassoon. — DEFIS

basot-o: dachshund, basset-hound. Def.: Hundo karakterizata da gambi tre kurta e tordita; VI-604. — eFIS

bast-o: (bot.) bast, fiber: inner fibrous bark. — DE

bastard-a, -o: bastard, illegitimate (of children); mongrel (of animals); hybrid (of animals, plants, etc.). — DEFIRS

basting-o: (nav.) quarter-netting, waist-cloth; -izar: to rig the boarding-nettings. — FI

bastion-o: (fort.) bastion. — DEFIRS

baston-o: stick, staff, cane, cudgel; -eto: baton; -agar, -batar: to cudgel, cane; -ago, -bato: beating, bastinade; -skerm-isto: cudgel-player; biliard- -o: billiard cue; espad- -o: sword-cane; komando- -o: staff, baton of command; pesko- -o: fishing pole; tambur- -o: drum-stick; -ifar: to make sticks, canes. — DeFIRS

bat-ar: (tr.) to beat: strike repeatedly (ulu, ulo); -(ad)o: beating, striking, drubbing; -anto, -ero, -emo: beater (person); -ilo: beater (instr.); -ita: beaten; (dispute) inter-batar, batar reciproke: fight, quarrel, exchange of blows; -ar la pedo: to beat (the soles of) the feet; -ar per vergo: to strike with a ferule; -ar sur la glutei: to beat on the buttocks; -ar per l'ali: to beat the wings; pulso -o: beat of the pulse. V, exp. Frapar, batar: Frapar esas la plu general termino: ol aplikesas ad omna shoko, korpala o mentala: »Me frapas me kontre la muro; on frapis la pordo; to frapis mea okuli, mea atenco, mea spirito«. Batar esas donar ad ulu od ulo plura frapi sucedante, generale per utensilo: ad ulu, por dolorigar lu; ad ulo por netigar ol (batar sidili, tapisi). Bato esas do esnce volata e duranta ago, sempre korpala; III-349. — DEFIS

batali-ar*: (intr.) to (give) battle; -o: battle (between armies); -agro: battlefield; (cf. kombatar, militar). — DEFIRS

batalion-o: (milit.) battalion, — DEFIRS

batel-o: launch, barge, lighter; boat(s) (in general); -eto: small boat, skiff; -edo: boatful; -isto: boatman; -estro: boat-captain; -ponto: bridge of b.s; drag- -o: dredger; exkurs- -o: excursion b.; fish- -o: fishing b.; kanal- -o: canal-b.; karbon- -o: coal-b.; -o de karbono: boat filled with coal; pilot- -o: pilot-b.; rem- -o: row-boat; seglo- -o: sail-b. Def.: General nomo donita ad omnaspeca naveti, ma precipue a naveti di pasable granda dimensioni, quale gabari, e.c. — DFIS

bateri-o: (milit., elec.) battery. — DEFIRS

batist-o: battiste: cambric; -a naztuko: c. pocket-handkerchief. — DeFIRS

batrak-o: (zool.) batrachian. — DEFIS

bav-ar: (intr.) to slobber, drool, slaver; -o-tuko: bib. V. exp.: Bavar esas lasar fluar la salivo ek la boko. Do bavajo esas nur salivo ekfluanta (on povas anke bavar snago, e.c.). — FIS

bay-o: bay (cf. golfo). — DEFIRS bayader-o: bayadere: East-Indian dancing-girl. — DEFIRS

bayonet-o: bayonet; espado- -o: sword-b.; prizentar la -o: to bring the b. to a charge; -agar: to b. (ulu), to use the b.; skermar per la -o: to fence with the b. — DEFIRS

baz-o: base: lowest part of anything, foundation, bottom, foot; (fig.) basis, foundation, grounds; (chem.) base; -ala, -atra: basal, basic; -ajo: something which is basic; basement; -lineo: (math.) base-line; arko- -o: springing (of an arch); sen- -a: baseless; -o-krusto: (cook.) under crust; Ex.: La bazo di monto, di piedestalo, di triangulo, di sistemo, di yusteso, di metalo. — DEFIRS

bazalt-o: (geol.) basalt. — DEFIRS

bazar-o: baza(a)r. — DEFIRS

bazil-o: (bot.) sweet-basil (Ocimum basilicum). — DEFIRS

bazilik-o: (arch.) basilica. — DEFIRS

bazilik-veino: (anat.) basilic vein. — DEF

bazilisk-o: (myth., zool.) basilisk. — DEFI

be-ar: (intr.) to open the mouth, to gape (fig.) to yawn; spektadar -ante: to look gapingly. Def.: Apertar la boko, anke en figurala senco »beanta truo«; III-386. — F

beat-a: blissful, blessed; (iron.) sanctimonious; -eso: (state) bliss; (rel.) beatitude. — DeFIRSL

beatifik-ar*: (tr., Cath., rel.) to beatify. — DEFIRS

bechik-a: (med.) bechic, pectoral: cough relieving. — eFIS

bed-o: (agri., hort.) bed; floro- -o: flower-b.; sterko- -o: hot bed, forcing-bed; gazon- -o: grass--plot. — DE

bedel-o: beadle: apparitor; usher. Def.: La nomo di ta qua preiras o sequas la procesioni (generale religiala); VII-43. — DEFIRS

Beduin(ul)o: a Bedouin. — DEFIRS

begin-o: beguine: a kind of nun in the Netherlands; -kofio: b. cap. — DeFIRS

begoni-o: (bot.) begonia. — DEFIRS

bek-o: beak: bill of a bird; (tech.) beak, spout (of a vessel); -edo: a beakful; -agar, -pikar: to peck (at); -agado: pecking; -agar reciproke: to peck at each other; -forma: beak formed; en- -igar, -nutrar: to feed (young birds, etc.). — EFIS

bekafik-o: (orni.) beccafico, garden warbler, fig-eater (Sylvia hortensis). — DEFIS

bekas-o: (orni.) woodcock (Scolopax rusticola); -eto: snipe (Scolopax gallinula). — DEFIRS

bel-a: beautiful, fine, handsome; -eta, -ata: pretty, rather handsome; -(ul)o: a handsome person; -ete: prettily; -ino: a belle; -ajo: a b. object; -eso: (quality) beauty; -et- -eso: prettiness; -acho: fop, cox-comb, insipid beauty; -igar: to beautify, embellish; -eskar: to become, grow b.; -a stroko: a lucky, fine stroke, hit or happening; lo bela: The Beautiful. Ant.: leda

beladon-o: (bot., med.) belladonna (Atropa belladona). — DEFIRS

belemnit-o: (fossil.) belemnite. — DEFIRS

belveder-o: (arch.) belvedere. DEFIR

bemol-o*: (mus.) flat. — FIRS

bend-o: bank: long, narrow piece of cloth, paper, metal, etc., strip, stripe, streak; fillet (for head), (hat) band; -izar: to bind up, place a band on; sen- -igar: to take off the band, unband; agro- -o: a strip of field; bordo- -o: piping, welt (of cloth); ledro- -o: strip, slip, band of leather; plat- -o: (arch.) platband; -o-segilo: b. saw; (cf. strio). Def.: Surfaco limitizita per du linei paralela; IV - 463. Ex. La standardo di Usa kontenas bendi (alterne reda, blanka), ne strii. — DeFIRS

»benedicite«: grace (before meals). — DFIS

benedik-ar: (tr.) to bless, pronounce a benediction on. — DEFIS

benediktan-o*: Benedictine (monk or nun); kuvento di -i: B. convent. — DEFIRS

benefic-o: (eccl.) benefice, living; reprezento- -o: (theat.) benefit performance (where the proceeds are given to some particular person or purpose); -iero: beneficiary: holder of a benfice; recipient of the profits from a benefit performance. — DEFIRS

Bengal-ucel-o*: (orni.) Bengal finch.

benigna: benign: kind, morally good; mild (of medicines, diseases). — DEFIS

benk-o: bench, long seat, settle, form; (in boats) thwart; -o-veturo: wagonette: wagon with long sets. Def.: Sidilo longa (ligna ex.) kun o sen dors-apogilo; II-647. — DEFIRS

benzin-o: benzine, benzene; -motoro: b. motor. — DEFIRS

benzo-o: (bot.) benzoin; resin from the tree Styrax benzoin. — DEFIRS

benzoat-o*: benzoate (a salt); -acido: aenzoic acid. — DEF

benzol-o*: benzol(e). — DEFIRS

bequadr-o*: (mus.) natural. — FIRS

ber-o: berry; -atra: bacciform, berry-like; -port-anta, -if-anta: bacciferous, berry producing; vit- -o: grape; sika vit- -o: raisin; frangul- -o: alder-berry; muskat- -o: muscatel grapes. — DE

Berberi-a, -ala: of, relating to Barbary; Berber-o: a Berber. — DEFIRS

berberis-o: (bot.) barberry, berberry, (fruit); -iero: b. bush (Berberis vulgaris). — DEFIRS

bered-o*: beret: round, flat cap such as worn by Basque peasants. — DEFIR

berenjen-o: (bot.) aubergine, mad-apple, egg-plant (Solanum Melongene). — FS

bergamot-o, -oranjo: bergamot pear, -orange; -iero: b. tree; (Citrus Bargamia, Bergamota); -esenco: essence of b. — DEFIRS

beril-o: (min) beryl. — DEFIRS

berjer-o: cushioned arm-chair. — DFR

berlin-o: berlin: a kind of coach. — DeFIRS

berlok-o: trinket, charm (such as attached to watch chains). — DFIR

berm-o: (fort. and gen.) berme: narrow shelf. Def.: Parto horizontal en taluso. — DeFRS

bernakl-o: (orni.) bernicle-goose (Branta bernicla). — DEFIS

bers-ar: (tr.) to rock (a child); -(ant)e dormigar: to lull to sleep; -ilo: cradle; -o-kanto: lullaby, cradle-song. — F

bes: (mus.) B flat.

besti-o: beast, any animal except man, (cf. animalo, bruto) -ala, -atra: bestial; -al-eso: bestiality (cf. brut-al-eso); -aro: fauna, beasts (collect.); -ala debocho: bestial debauchery; kargo- -o: b. of burden; tir- -o: draught animal; -o-edukado: rearing of animals; -o-kapt-isto: trapper; -o-kulto: zoolatry, animal worship; -o-trupo: herd, drove, flock. — DEFIRS

bestiari-o*: (rom. antiq.) bestiarius: person doomed to fight with wild beasts. — DeFIR

bet-o: (bot.) beet (genus: Beta); (cf. betravo). — DEFIS

betel-o: betel (Piper betle); -ajo: betel: a masticatory. — DEFIRS

beton-o: beton: concrete; -izar: to cover with c.; -(iz)ajo: object covered with c.; -o fer-izita: reinforced c.; -a masonuro: c. masonry. — DeFIRS

betoni-o*: (bot.) betony (Betonica officinalis). — DEFIS

betrav-o: beetroot, beet (edible: Beta Rapa); (cf. beto). — FS

bezig-o: bezique; a card game. — DEFIS

bezoar-o: bezoar. — DEFR

bezon-ar: (tr.) to need; be in want of something necessary; -o: need; -ata: needed, wanted; ne plus -ar: to have no further need of, use for; -ar dormar: to need to sleep; en kazo di -o: in case of n.: if n. be, if needful; ocito-, rido- -o: to have an inclination to yawn, laugh; sen- -a: unneeded; -ar pekunio: to n. money; la bezoni publika: the public necessities (or requirements); la -i korpala: the bodily needs; la -i di la anmo: the needs of the soul; (cf. indijar, mankar). — FI

bibl-o: Bible; -ala: Biblical; -o-citajo: passage from the B.; -experta: versed in the B. — DEFIRS

bibliofil-o: bibliophile: book-lover. — DEFIRS

bibliografi-o: bibliography; -isto: bibliographer. — DEFIRS

bibliomani-o: bibliomania; -iko: bibliomaniac. — DEFIRS

bibliotek-o: (ediface) library; (furniture) book-case; (cf. libr-aro); -isto: librarian; -o publika: public l.; -o vitrizita: glassed book-case; planko di -o: book shelf. — DEFIRS

biceps-o*: (anat.) biceps. — DEFIS

bicikl-o: bicycle; -ego: a large b.; the old-fashioned, high b.; -isto, -ero: cyclist; viral-, mulieral- -o: a man's. a woman's b.; -irar: to bicycle. — DEFIRS

bi-denta: (anat.) bidentate; two-toothed.

bidet-o: (furniture) bidet; a kind of Sitz bath. — DeFIRS

bidon-o: can (for oil etc.) (milit.) canteen. Def.: Ladovazo klozita por oleo, petrolo, benzino, e.c. qua kontenas de un til 10 litri; gurdatra kontenilo ek lado, quan la soldato portas. (III—198.) — FIRS

biel-o: (mach.) connecting-, side-rod; kuplo- -o: coupling-rod; -kapo: cross-head. Def.: Stango qua ligas un peco ad altra, generale, stango di pistono a manivelo, e transformas movo rektolinea a movo rotaca. II—641. — FIS

bifsteko: beefsteak. — DEFIRS

bifurk-ar: (tr. intr.) to bifurcate, branch off (from), fork (ek, kun) -o, -eyo: bifurcation, crotch (of a tree); -ilo: (R.R.) point, switch; -o-stationo: R. R. junction; -eyo, -o-voyo: junction of two roads; -anta: forked. — DEFIS

bigam-a: bigamous; -eso: bigamy; -(ul)o: bigamist. — DEFIRS

bigot-a: bigoted; -(ul)o: a b.; -eso: bigotry; -esar: to be b. — DEFI

bi-kap-a: bicephalous; two-headed.

bi-kolor-a: bi-colored.

bi-konkav-a: bi-concave.

bi-korn-a: bi-cornous: two horned; -a chapelo: bicornered hat.

bi-kotiledon-o, -a: dicotyledon(ous).

bikursal-a*: (math.) bicursal. — DEFI

bikuspid-a (dento): bicuspid. — DEFIS

bil-o: bile, gall (fluid); -ala vaskuli: b. ducts; -o-veziko: gall-bladder; -oza: bilious; -kalkolo: gallstone. — DEFIS

bilanc-o: (com. fin.) balance, balance-sheet; facar- -o di: to b., draw a b. of (an account). — DEFIRS

bi-later-a: bi-lateral.

bilkoket-o: cup and ball (used in a game). — DFIR

bilg-o: (nav.) bilge, lower part of a hold, well. — DE

biliard-o: (game) billiards; -eyo: b. hall or room; -o-bastono: b. cue; -o-tablo: b. table; -o-bulo: b. ball. — DEFIRS

biliet-o: a written order or ticket; banko- -o: bank-note; teatro- -o: theater ticket; fervoyala -o: railway-ticket; -o kun retro-veno: return trip ticket; komercala -i: commercial paper: notes in hand, promissory notes, bills of exchange; lojo- -o: (milit.) official requisition on a person for lodging; lojio- -o: box ticket (theater); gratuita -o: free-pass; kontrol- -o: check (theater). — DeFIRS

bi-lingu-a: bilingual.

bilion-o: billion: a million millions: (1,000,000,000,000) N. B. not as in U.S.: a thousand millions. — DEFIRS

bi-lob-a: (bot.) bilobate.

bi-lorn-eto: opera-glass, (double) field-glass.

bi-manu-a: (zool.) bimanous; bimanual.

bi-metal-ismo: bimetalism; -a, -ala: bimetallic.

binar-a: (math., mus., chem.) binary. — DEFIS

bind-ar: (tr.) to bind (books); -(ad)o: binding (act); -uro: binding (result); -isto: book-binder; ne- -ita: unbound; karton- -ar: to bind in boards; ledro- -uro: leather binding. — DE

binet-o: (garden-) hoe; -agar: to hoe. — FS

binokl-o: double eye-glass; -(if)isto: eye-glass maker, optician; naz- -o: nose-glasses; orel- -o: spectacles; manu- -o: glasses with handle; etuyo di -o: case for eye-glasses. Def.: Du okulvitri solidara. V—I. — DEFIRS

binokular-a: (opt.) binocular. — DEFIRS

binomi-o, -ala: (math.) binomial. — DEFIRS

biodinamik-o*: biodynamics. — DEFIRS

biogenez-o*: biogenesis. — DE

biografi-o: biography; -ala: biographical; -ero, -isto: biographer. — DEFIRS

biokemi-o*: biochemistry. — DEFIRS

biologi-o: biology; -isto: biologist. — DEFIRS

bi-ped-a, -o: biped.

bi-plan-o: (aeron.) biplane.

bi-punto: (print.) colon.

bi-quadrat-a: (math.) biquadratic.

bir-o: beer; -ifar: to brew; -if-erio: brewery; -if-isto: brewer; -(vend)-erio: beer selling establ.; -o-glaso: beer glass; glaso de -o: a glass of beer. — DEFI

bi-refrakt-ar: (intr.) to be birefracting, birefringent.

birem-o: bireme. — DEFIRS

biret-o: biretta: R. C. ecclesiastic square cap; kardinal- -o: cardinal's b. — DEFIRS

birk-o: birch-tree (genus: Betula); -o-ligno: b. wood. — DE

bis: twice, (in theaters) encore! repeat! klamar bis: to encore; (repetition of numbers); No. 3 bis: No. 3 twice or again; bis: (mus.) B sharp. — DFIRS

bis-o: (fabric, zool., bot.) byssus. — DEFIRS

bi-sak-o: (beggar's) double-wallet, -pouch.

bi-sek-ar: (tr.) to bisect (geom.)

bisextil-a: bisextile; -a yaro: leap-year. — DEFIS

bi-sexu-a: bisexual.

bi-sid-ilo: seat for two persons, small sofa.

bi-silab-a: dissyllabic.

bisk-o: bisk (soup). — DEF

biskot-o: rusk, zwieback. Def.: Loncho de pano rostita o grilita; III—633. — FIS

bismut-o: bismuth. — DEFIRS

bisquit-o: (U. S.) cracker; (England) biscuit; -if-erio: cracker bakery; -o navala: hardtack. — DEFIRS

bistr-a, -o: bistre: a dark-brown pigment. — DEFR

bisturi-o: (surg.) bistoury. — DEFIRS

bit-o: (nav.) bitt. — DEFIRS

bitr-a: (lit. and fig.) bitter: hot and acid; sharp, poignant; biting; acrimonious; -eso: bitterness; -ajo: a b. thing; -igar: to make (ulo) bitter; (fig.) to embitter; absinto esas -a: absinth (wormwood) is bitter; -e plorar: to cry bitterly; reprocho -a: sharp, severe reproach; -a mandeli bitter almonds; -a quale bilo: a b. as gall. Ant. sukra, dolc-ega. — DE

bitum-o: bitumen; (cf. asfalto). — DEFIRS

bivak-ar: (intr.) to bivouac; -eyo: a b. (place). V. exp.: Bivakar esas kampar sen tendi, sub la cielo (generale cirkum fairi), nun por un nokto; II—645. — DEFIRS

bi-valv-a, -o: bivalve.

bizanc-ala, -atra, -ana: diletante (in discussion); -ano: quibbler. Def.:Qua prizas perdar sua tempo en diskutar subtilaji neutila; IV—258. — F

bizantin-a: (fig.) Byzantine. — DEFIRS

bizel-o: (carp.) beveled-edge, feather-edge, chamfer; -izar: to bevel; -izita: beveled; -izo, -uro: beveling; -iz-ilo: a bevel. Def.: Bordo (di planko, cizelilo, e.c.) tranchita oblique. — FS

bizon-o: (zool.) bison (Bos americanus). — DEFIRS

blam-ar: (tr.) to blame, find fault with, reprobate, disapprove the actions or conduct of (ulo, pri, pro). V. exp.: vid. reprochar Ant.: laudar. — DEFIS

blank-a: white; (fig.) blank: not written or printed on (page, etc.), -o, -ulo, -ino: a white person; -eso: whiteness; -ajo: a white object; -atra: whitish; -igar: to whiten, to bleach (clothes): -eskar: to become or turn white; -e vestizita: dressed in white; -a signaturo: signature in blank; -a-hara: white haired; Ant.: nigra. — DeFIRS

blasfem-ar: (tr.) to blaspheme, swear; (cf. maledikar); -o: blasphemy, oath. — DEFIS

blastem-o*: (biol.) blastema. — DEF

blat-o: cockroach (Blatta.) — DFI

blaz-ar: (tr.) to blunt, pall, cloy, sicken (ulu, pri ulo); -esar: to be palled, surfeited; ecesi -as la gusto: excesses pall the taste; forta liquori -as la palato: strong liquors blunt the sensibilities of the palate; il blazesis da la kustumo di indulgo: habitual indulgence made him blase. — DeF

blazon-o: blazon: coat of arms, armorial bearing; -arto: heraldry; -ala: heraldic; -libro: book of hearaldry; -izar: to put armorial bearings on; interpretar -o: to explain a blazon. — DeFIS

blendo: (min.) blende: sulphuret of zinc. — DEFIRS

blez-ar: (tr.) to lisp. Def.: Pronuncar s quale th angla o c hispana (t. e. kun la lango-pinto inter la denti); III—136. — FI

blind-a: blind, sightless; (fig.) deluded; ignorant; -o, -ulo, -ino: a b. person; -eso, -igo, -esko: blindness; -e, -atre: blindly; -igar: to cause blindness to; -esar: to be b.; -eskar: to become b.; -a entuziasmo: b. enthusiasm; -a obediemeso: implicit obedience; -o-ludo: blindman's buff. — DE

blok-o: block, lump (of wood, stone, iron, etc.); -e: in bulk, in the lump; -ala exkluzo: (sociol.) lock-out; ligna -o: wooden block; komprar, vendar -e: to buy, sell in the lump; -o-venturo: truck (for heavy loads). Def.: La toto di korpo; una amaso granda e pezoza. — DEFIRS

blokhaus-o*: (milit.) blockhouse. — DEF

blokus-ar: (tr.) to blockade (a port), to invest (a town); -eso, -stando: state of b.; des- -ar: to raise a b. of — DEFIRS

blond-a: blond, fair-colored; -acha: »peroxide blond«. — DEFIRS

blotis-ar: (intr.) to lie close to the ground, crouch, cower; (cf. squatar). Ex.: Blotisar en angulo; blotisar dop hego o pordo. — F

blu-a: blue; -o: b. (the color); -eso: blueness (quality); -ema, -atra: bluish; -ajo: something b.; -igar, -eskar, -esar: to make, become, be b.; -et-igar: to b. (linen); azur- -a: azure b.; -ciel- -a: sky-b. — DEFI

blut-ar: (tr.) to bolt, sift (flour, meal); -ilo: sifter. — F.

bluz-o: blouse (as worn by workers, painters); smock (peasant's). — DEFIRS

boa-o: (zool.) boa constrictor. — DEFIRS

boa-furo: boa: a fur comforter.

bobin-o: bobbin (for winding thread), spool; (cf. spul-ilo). — DEFRS

bodruch-o: goad-beater's skin. — F

bo-fili-ino: daughter-in-law; -ulo: son-in-law.

bo-frat-ulo: brother-in-law.

bogi-o: bogie-frame, -truck. Def.: Ensemblo di quar (o du) roti qui formacas vagoneto e surportas l'extremajo di vagono o di lokomotivo; III—136. — DeFS

boikot-ar: (tr.) to boycott. — DEFIRS

bok-o: (anat.) mouth; orifice, opening, entrance (of a utensil, implement, volcano, harbor, etc.); -edo: mouthful; -o sent-ema: a tender m.; -o-peko: m. piece (of musical instruments, etc.); -o-stop-ar: to gag; -o-stop-ilo: a gag; dopa -o: back of m.; -o-tuko: napkin; -o-bruiso: mouth noise (in eating); -o-tuko-ringo: napkin-ring; -o di fus-ilo: the m. of a gun. — FIS

bokal-o: glass-jar. Def.: Vazo cilindra o cilindratra, ek vitro, sen pedo, kun plato fundo el larja boko, uzata precipue en kemio, farmacio (e por konfituri); II—645. — DFIRS

bol-o: bowl; -edo: b. full. — DEFS

»bolero«: bolero: a Spanish dance. — DEFIRS

bolet-o: (bot.) boletus; -o manjebla: esculent b. — DEFIS

boli-ar: (intr.) to boil: be in a state of ebullition (cf. ebuliar); -igar: to boil (ulo); -o-karno: boiling-beef; -o-poto: kettle; -o-tubo: boiler-tube: -o-varma: boiling hot; ante -ar l'aquo murmuras: the water sings before boiling; -o-punto: boiling point. — EFIS

bolid-o: (astr.) bolide: brilliant meteor. — DEFIRS

bolt-o: bolt: long iron-pin; -agar: (tr.) to bolt (ulo); -ifar: to make b.s.; -izar: to put a b. on. — DER

bo-matr-o: mother-in-law.

bomb-o: bomb (-shell); -if-isto: b. maker; -espruva: b.-proof. — DEFIRS

bombard-ar: (tr., milit.) to bombard; -ilo: bombarding instrument, as a mortar (cf. obus-kanono); -o-galioto: b.-ketch. — DEFIRS

bombinator-o*: orange-speckled toad (Bombinator igneus). — FSL

bon-a: good; -e: well; -ega: exquisite, excellent; -o, -ulo, -ino: a g. person; -eso: goodness; -acha: silly, simple; -ajo: a g. thing; -igar: to make (ulu, ulo) g.; plu- -igar: to better; -eskar: to become, grow g. or better; -igo, -esko: betterment, improvement; -a stando: (state of) well-being; lo bona: The Good (abstract); maxim -a posible: as g. as possible; -anma: g. souled, g. natured, gentle; -a Deo: good God; bon-facar: (intr.) to do g., be a benefactor; (tr.) to do good to (ulu); bon-faco: benefaction, good-office, benefit, favor; bon-fac-anto, -ero: benefactor; bon-facem-eso: beneficence; bon-fac-anta, -era, -ema: beneficient, beneficial; bon-humor-a: genial, good-tempered (fig.) jolly, playful, sprightly; dicar o dezirar bon-jorno: to wish good-day, good-morning (ad ulu); bon-odor-ar: (intr.) to smell sweet or nice; bon-odor-izar: to perfume, scent; bon-semblanta: well seeming, specious; bon-ven-o, -anta, -oza: welcome; bon-viv-anto: bon-vivant, high-liver; bon-volar: (intr.) to be kindly disposed, (tr.) to wish well to (ulu); bon-volo: benevolence, good-will. Ant.: mala. — DeFIRSL

bonbon-o: bonbon: confection, sweet-meat. — DEFIRS

bonet-o: rimless cap; bonnet (for woman or child); nokto- -o: night-cap; navano- -o: sailor's cap. Def.: Kapvesto mola, senborda; IV—600. eFIS

boniment-ar: (intr.) to make a mountebank's speech, claptrap speech. Def.: Bonimento: diskurso fanfaronema, quan facas la sharlatani e feriala aktori por laudar sua vari od aktraktar la publiko. Bonimentar: facar bonimento; IV—705. — F

bonz-o: bonze: Buddhist priest. — DEFIRS

bo-parent-o: wife's or husband's relative; -eso: relationship by marriage.

bo-patr-ulo: father-in-law.

bor-ar: (tr.) to bore, pierce (with a turning instrument); -(ad)o: boring (act); -uro: bore (result); -ilo: borer, drill; -il-eto: gimlet. Def.: Truifar kun rotaco (vid. perforar); III—165. Bor-ilo esas portata e movata da drilo (vid. drilo). — DER

bor-o*: (chem.) boron. — DeFIRS

borach-o: (bot.) borage (Borago). — DeFIRS

borax-o: (chem.) borax. — DEFIRS

borborigm-o: (med.) borborygm: rumbling of water or wind in the stomach. — DeFIS

bord-o: border, margin, brink, edge, brim, (ship's) side; -izar: to edge, hem, border (ulo); -umo: trimming, edging, piping, selvedge, (of clothing); -iz-uro: (of ships) planking, sheathing; -o an -o: alongside, edge to edge; reze la bordo: full to the brim; super la -o: over the edge; -o-petro: curb stone. — DEFIRS

borde-ar: (intr., nav.) to tack (ship), beat to windward. Def.: Avanirar (navo) zigzage kontre la vento; III—72. — FIS

bore-o: (poet.) boreas, north-wind; -ala: boreal. Def.: Mitologiala nomo di la nordvento, de qua venas boreala; III—72. — DEFIRS

borgez-(ul)o: bourgeois: a member of the commercial or middle class, townsman, tradesman; -aro: bourgeoisie (collect.); -eso: (quality) bourgeois; -ala: b. (adj.); -iar: to make into a b.; -eskar: to become a b. — DEFIRS

bors-o: bourse: stock-exchange; -agento: stock-broker; -o-kurso: b. quotations, market-price; -o-krako: b. panic. — DeFIRS

bosaj-o: (arch.) bossage, boss-work. — DEFI

bosel-ar: (tr., tech.) to emboss, chase (plate, leather). Def.: Formacar reliefi en metalo per martelago (de interne); VI-382. — DeF

bosk-o: a small wood; -eto: grove, coppice, bosk; -ala, -oza: woody, bosky; -o-bat(ad)o: battue; hunt, beat; querk- -o: a wood of oaks. — DeFIS

boston-o: (card-game, dance) boston. — DEFIRS

bot-o: boot (long, as for riding); -eto: shoe; half-b. (cf. shuo); -izar: to put, pull on boots; -ifar: to make b.s; -vend-erio: b.-selling establ.; -form-iz-ilo: b. tree, -last; -des-met-ilo, bot-tir-ilo: b.jack; laco- -eto: laced shoe; laco di -o: boot-lace; paro de -i: a pair of b.s. Def.: Boto kontenas la gambo, e boteto kontenas l'infra gambo. IV-101. — EFRS

botanik-o: botany; -ala gardeno: botanical garden; -isto: botanist. — DEFIRS

botaniz-ar: (intr.) to botanize, herborize. Def.: Kolektar por la botanikal studio (ne praktikar o studiar la botaniko); III-169. — DEFIRS

botel-o: bottle; -eto: small b. (for drugs, etc.); -ego (grosa): carboy; -fak-aro: bottle-rack; (fg.) wine-bin. V. exp.: Flakono esas mikra botelo, kun stopilo generale vitra o metala. Fialo esas mem min granda, kun streta kolo (boko), quale on uzas precipue por farmacial liquidi; II-645. — DEFIRS

bov-o: a beef; bull, cow, ox; -ulo: bull, ox; -ino: cow; -yuno: calf; -yun-ino: heifer; -karno: beef, meat; -eyo, -stablo: cattle stall or stable; -gardisto, -duktisto: cowherd, drover; -ala: bovine; -o-feko: cow-dung; -o-lumbo: sirloin; laktifanta, lakto- -ino: milch-cow. — eFIS

box-ar: (tr.) to box; -anto, -ero: boxer; -isto: pugilist; -uro: boxing-blow; -o-gant-(eg)o: boxing-glove; -o-kombat-o: boxing-match. — DEFR

boy-o: (nav.) buoy; -ego: large buoy; bollard; salv- -o: life buoy. — DEFIRS

boyar-o: (title) boyar(d). — DEFIRS

brac-o: (nav.) brace of a yard; -agar: to brace (a rope of a yard). — DEFIS

bracelet-o: bracelet. — DEFIRS

brach-o: (knee-) breeches, knickerbockers (cf. pantalono); -izar: to but b. on; sen- -igar, des- -izar: to take b. off; -if-isto: b. maker; -junt-uro: flat of b. — eFIS

bradip-o: (zool.) bradypus: the sloth. — eFIS

brak-o: brach-hound; Def.: Speco di chas-hundo, rezapila e oreli pendanta. — DeFIS

braki-o: arm (anat. and fig. as a. of sea); -ala: brachial; -edo: armful; -umo: brassard, armlet (to show function or office); -o-truo: a.hole; ye -o-disto: at arm's length; kun -i inter-plektita: a. in a. — DeFIS

brakicefal-a: brachycephalous. — DEFIRS

brakiopod-o: brachiopod. — DEFIS

brakistokron-o*: (math.) brachistrochrone. — DEFI

brakte-o: (bot.) bract(ea). — DEFIS

bram-ar: (intr.) to make the characteristic call of any animal, except that of the dog, fox, cat, cock, crow, frog, hen; -(ad)o: bellowing (of a bull); lowing (of cows); braying (of an ass); bleating (of sheep); neighing (of a horse); (fig.) roaring, yelling (of a mob). Def.: vorto generala por omna krii di bestii; III-7. — FIS

braman-o: Brahman; -ismo: Brahmanism. — DEFIRS

bran-o: bran; -o-pano: b.bread. — EF

branch-o: (also geom., genal.) bough, branch (cf. ramo); -aro: boughs, branches, ramifications; -eto: twig; -oza: branchy; -ifar: to produce branches; -igar: to cause to b.; -izar: add a b. to (a gas or water-main); komerco- -o: b. of commerce; -o-fasko: bundle of fagots; -o-taliar, -tranchar, sen- -igar: to trim, prune, cut off the b.s; (cf. emundar); -o-voyo: b. way, connecting road; sen- -a: branchless. (note: for branch of knowledge fako). — DEFIR

brand-o: (fire-)brand; a piece of wood partly burnt; -o-agitar: to stir up, poke the fire. — DEFI

brandi-o: brandy. — DEF

brandis-ar: (tr.) to brandish, flourish (a sword, etc.). — EFIS

brankard-o; -i: shaft(s) (of a cart, wagon, etc.) V. exp.: Brankardo ne esas timono: veturo havas, od un timono (por du kavali) o du brankardi (por un kavalo, o tri kavali); IV-136. — F

branki-o: (zool.) branchia: gill. — EFIS

brankiopod-o: (zool.) branchiopod. — DEFIS

bras-ar: (tr.) to stir: mix up ingredients; (fig.) to concoct, contrive, polot, (schemes, plots, etc.); afer- -isto: company promoter, etc. Ex.: Brasar oro ed arjento en la kruzelo. — FIS

brav-a: brave, valiant, valorous, bold; -(ul)o: a b. person; -eso: (quality) bravery; -ajo: a b. act; -acho: swaggerer, blusterer; -e: bravely; (interj.) bravo! — DEFIRS

bravur-ario: (mus.) bravura (-air). — DEF

braz-ar: to braze: join with spelter (hard solder). V. exp.: vid. weldar. — EF

brech-o: breach, break, gap, opening (in a wall, etc.) dento-brech-oza: gap-toothed; -izar: to make a breach, gap in (ulo). — DEFIRS

brek-o: break; light wagonette. — DEFIS

brelan-o: brelan: a card game. — DFI

brem-o: (ich.) bream (Abramis Brama). — EFS

bretel-o: strap (to carry a knapsack, pack, etc.) strap, sling (for a musket, rifle); brace, suspender (to hold up trousers); -i, paro: a pair of suspenders, braces. — FI

brev-o: (pope's) brief. — DEFIRS

breviar-o: (rel.) breviary. — DEFIS

brez-o: embers, live coals; -koquar: to broil, braise (in e.); -uyo, -koquilo: broiler, braiser; -baseno: brazier, warming-pan. Def.: Ligno konvertita en karbono per komusto, sive ardoranta, sive extingita; II-708. — EFIS

brid-o: bridle (of a horse) (fig.) check, curb; -eto: snaffle-b.; -izar: to a b. on; -agar: (fig.) to check. — EFIS

brig-o: (nav.) brig; -seglo: spanker. — DEFIRS

brigad-o: (milit.) brigade; -generalo: brigadier-general. — DEFIRS

brigantin-o: (nav.) brigantine. — DEFIRS

brik-o: brick; -eto, karbon- -o: briquette, patent fuel; -ea: b. colored; -izar: to b. up; -ifar: to make b.s; -if-erio: b.-kiln, -yard; -o polisanta: bathbrick; -o-mason-isto: brickmason; -imit-uro: b. imitation; -konstruktado, -masonado: brick-laying. — DEFR

brilar: (intr.) to shine: emit or reflect light; be luminous, bright, brilliant, radiant; to glitter, glisten (cf. cin-til-ifar); -o, -eso: sheen, shining, brilliancy; -egar: to be resplendent, to glare; -anta stilo: brilliant style; Ex.: La suno, steli, oro, okuli brilas. — DEFIS

briliant-o: (gem.) brilliant, diamond. — DEFRS

brin-o: short end or bit (of a cord, rope); Def.: Parto (seciono o segmento) di kordo; V-157. — FS

brioch-o: brioche; a buttered cake or roll. — F

brisk-a: brisk, lively, sprightly. — E

briz-o: breeze (of wind); -oza: breezy. — DEFIRS

brizant-o: sunken-reef, -rock. V. exp.: Rifo salias super l'aquo, ma brizanto esas rokajo reze l'aquo, sur qua la ondi ruptesas; V — 492. — F

broch-o: brooch; -o-pinglo: breast-pin, scarf-pin; safety-pin. — DEFRS

brod-ar: (tr.) to embroider: ornament with figures, needle-work. — eFS

brokant-ar: (intr.) to deal in second-hand goods; -isto, -ero: broker: second-hand dealer. — eF

brokat-o: (fabric) brocade. — DeFIRS

brokatel-o: (fabric and min.) brocatel. — DEFIRS

brokoli-kaulo*: broccoli: a hardy variety of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis). — DeFI

brom-o: (chem.) bromine. — DEFIRS

bronki-o: (anat.) bronchus; -ala: bronchial; -i: bronchia. — DEFIRS

bronkit-o: (med.) bronchitis. — DEFIRS

bronz-o: bronze; -ea: b. colored; -izar: to bronze; -o gis-ita: cast in b. — DEFIRS

bros-ar: (tr.) to brush (the hair, etc.); -ilo: a b. — EFS

brosh-ar: (tr.) to stitch, sew (books); -uro: brochure: pamphlet stitched, with paper covers; (cf. pamfleto); -ita; stitched, in paper covers. — DEFR

brov-o: eye-brow, brow; -ala: superciliary; -oza: thick-browed; -agar, -movar, -kontraktar: to knit one's b.s to frown, flinch. — DER

bru-o: husk, shell (of nuts). Def.: Verda shelo (generale, di nuco); III—198. — F

bruet-o: wheelbarrow; -agar, -portar: to wheel in a b. — F

bruis-ar: (intr.) to make a noise: rustle, rattle, rumble, clatter, hum; -(ad)o: noise of any kind, but chiefly when loud or disagreeable; rattle, rumbling, roaring, whistling (of wind); report (of a gun); bang, slam (of a door), etc; -ego: a loud noise; crash, din, tumult, uproar; -etar: to rustle, murmur; -igar: to cause (ulo) to make a noise, to rattle. — F

brul-ar: (tr., intr.) to burn: consume with fire (wood, coal, oil); to wound or injure with fire; to scorch, parch, dry up; (fig.) to be inflamed (with passion), to be ardent; -(ad)o: burning (act); -eso: burning (taste, smell); blight; -brul-oleo: lamp oil, coal oil, kerosene; brul-spegulo: burning glass; -ajo: a burnt object; -ita: burnt; -uro, -vund-uro: a burn; -ebla: combustible, inflammable; -odoro: smell of burning; Ex.: La Romani brulis Carthage. La suno brulas la planti. V. exp.:Brular esas la vulgara, kombustar esas la ciencala vorto. On uzas brular ne nur por kombusti videbla, kun flamo, ma anke por la vundi facita da bolianta aquo. Altraparte, on uzas kombustar por omna oxidigo, mem nerapida e nevidebla: ex: la respirado esas kombusto; explozo esas anke kombusto. Nur la vulgara vorta uzesas metafore; on dicas »Me kordio brulas de amo.« On povas dicar, ke ulo kombustar sen brular, se ol nek flamifas nek ardoras (t.e. divenas fairoreda); IV—101. — F

brun-a: brown; dusky, swarthy (complexioned), dark (haired); -ino: a dark (dark-haired, dark-complexioned) woman; -et-ino: brunette; -atra: brownish; -igar: to make b., darken; (fig.) to sunburn; -reda: red-brown, baycolored; -or-a, -ea: golden b.; -eskar: to turn b. — DEFIR

brunis-ar: (tr., tech.) to burnish (brass, gold, etc.). Def.: Procedo por polisar metali; III—72. — DeFIS

brusk-a: brusque: gruff, abrupt, blunt (in address or manners); -a departo: abrupt departure; -a repliko: a gruff reply; -eso: abruptness, rudeness; -ajo: offensive language, act or manner. — DEFIS

brut-o: brute (animal; fig. of man); -ala: brutal; -al-eso: brutality (cf. besti-al-eso); -al-ajo: an act of brutality; -igar: to brutalize; -eskar: to become brutalized; -atra, -ema: brutish; -ig-anta: brutalizing; -ale traktar: to treat (ulu) brutally. — EFIS

bub-(ul)o: a street Arab, gamin; -ino: gypsy-like girl; hoyden; -acho: young scamp, blackguard. Def.: Mizeroza o malicoza puero vaganta en la stradi; IV-101. — D

bubal-o: (zool.) bubalis: African antelope (Bubalis —). — EFIRS

bubon-o: (med.) bubo; -ala,-oza pesto: bubonic plague. — DEFIRS

buch-ar: (tr.) to butcher, slaughter (animals); -erio: abattoir. — EF

bud-ar: (intr.) to be sulky, sullen, look sour (cf. facar muzelo); -(ad)o: sulking; -era, -ero, -ema, -emo: sulky (person). Def.: Manifestar nekontenteso, mala humoro per silenco, agado, expreso di la fizionomio. Ex.: La puero budas, nam ilua patrino ne permisas ke il ludas. — F

budjet-o: (fin.) budget. — DEFR

buduar-o: boudoir: lady's private room. — DEFR

buf-ar: (intr.) to swell, puff out; to distend (as cheeks by blowing); to stand out (as stout silks, starched muslin, etc.); -igar: to cause to puff, swell out; stofo buf-anta: stuff that stands out well (does not cling to the figure). — DF

bufal-o: (zool.) buffalo; -ledro: b. leather, hide. — DEFIS

bufet-o: buffet: refreshment foom (at balls, R.R. stations, etc.). — DEFR

bufon-o: buffoon, jester, clown, merry-andrew; -ala, -atra: buffoonlike, facetious; -aji: buffoonery; -esar: to be a b.; (fig.) to be jocose; -opera: opera bouffe; -kant-isto: comic singer; facar -aji: to play the b.; make jests. — DEFRS

bufr-o: buffer (as on R.R.). — DER

bugl-o: key-bugle. Def.: Trumpeto kun klavi. — DEFS

bugran-o: buckram. Def.: Tolo forta e rigida (gumizita); III-73. — eFIS

buh-o*: great-owl, eagle-owl (Bubo maximus); (cf. IV-296).

buji-o: candle (made from wax, etc.); (surg.) bougie. — DeFS

buket-o: bouquet, nosegay; -uyo, -vaso: b.holder. — DEFR

bukl-o: buckle (of girdle, shoe, etc.); -o-pinto: tongue of b.; -agar: to b. — EFIRS

bukolik-o: bucolic (poem). — DEFIS

bul-o: ball (as for play in billiards, basseball, etc.); -eto: small ball, marble pellet (not E. bullet, vid. kuglo); -o-ludo: ball play; aero-bul(et)o: air-bubble; niv- -o: snowball. B. exp.: vid. balono. — EFS

bul-letro: (papal) bull. bulb-o: (bot. anat.) bulb; -oza, -atra: bulbous. — EFIS

buldog-o: bulldog. — DEF

buletin-o: bulletin. Def.: Mikra jurnalo, revuo, o periodala raporto; III-199. — DEFIS

bulimi-o: (med.) boulimia. Def.: Nenaturala, nesaturebla apetito. — EFIS

bulin-o: (nav.) bowline. Def.: Kordo qua tensas la seglo per l'infra angulo; VI-530. — DEF

bulion-o: broth, bouillon (clear beef soup). — DEFRS

bulvard-o: boulevard. — DEFIR

bumerang-o*: boomerang. — DEFIRS

bunt-a: many-colored; motley, streaked, checkered, piebald, dappled; -igar, -izar: to varigate (with colors), to streak (with many colors). — D

bur-o: short-hair or other materials used in stuffing saddle-pads, making mortar, etc.; wad, wadding (for guns); -izar: to wad, tamp, pad, stuff; -iz-ilo: tamping-bar; ramrod. Def.: Amaso de pili, sive di animali, sive di ula lana o silka stolo; to quon on pozas sur la kargajo di la pafili; III-8. — FIS

burask-o: (nav.) squall; (fig.) outburst of passion. Def.: To ne esas ventego, nek tempesto, ma subita e neduranta ventobato; III-8. — FIS

burbilion-o: core (of boil or abcess). — F

burdon-o: humble-, bumble-bee. (Bombus) — F

burel-o: frieze, baize: a coarse woollen fabric. — FIS

buret-o: (tech.) burette: graduated measuring glass. — DEFS

burgo: borough, market-town. — eFS

burgrav-o: (title) burgrave. — DEFIS

burjon-o: burgeon, bud; -oza: budded, full of buds; -ifar: to bud. — eF

burlesk-a: burlesque; ludicrous; -ajo, la -a: a b. — DEFIS

burnus-o: bernouse, Arab cloak. — DEFR

burokrat-(ul)o: bureaucrat; -ala: bureaucraatic; -aro, -ismo: bureaucracy; (fig.) -ach-ismo: red-tapism. — DEFIS

burs-o: purse, wallet, pocket-book; -o-furt-isto, -ero: cut-purse, pick-picket. Def.: Saketo por portar moneti en la posho; IV-690. — DeFIS

bus-o: (bot.) box(-wood) tree (genus Buxus); -ligna, -o: box-wood. — DeFIRS

bush-o: thicket, spinney (cf. arbusto); -eyo, -agro, -bosko, -lando: bush-land. — DEFI

bushel-o: bushel. — EFR

busk-o: busk: corset stays. — eF

busol-o: (mariner's) compass; -buxo: binnacle. — DFI

busprit-o: bowsprit. — DEFIRS

bust-o: bust: head and shoulders of body, or as represented in sculpture and painting. — DEFIRS

bustrofedon-o: boustrophedon; an ancient mode of writing. — DEF

but-ar: (intr.) to stumble, butt, knock, run, strike (sur, kontre ulo); -ilo, -bufro: buffer: anything so placed as to act as a stop; -stono, -ig-ilo: stumbling-block; -juntar, -pozar: to butt-joint; adjust two boards side by side or end for end so as not to overlap (opp. to clinker-build); (cf. klinar and IV-354); kapo-, pedo- -ar: to strike with the head or foot (cf. mis-pazar). Ex.: Ca kavalo butas ye singla pazo. — eF

butik-o: (Eng.) shop; (U.S.) store; -isto: tradesman, shopkeeper; -serv-isto: shop-boy, -assistant; -komizo: (shop-) clerk. — FI

butono-o: button (of a garment); -agar: to b.; -izar: to fasten b. on; -ifar: to make b.s; -truo: b.hole; -tir-ilo: b. hook; kolumo- -o: collar-stud; paramento- -o: cuff-link. — EFIS

butor-o: (orni.) bittern (genus Botaurus). — F

butr-o: butter; -ifar: to b. (ulo); -if-eyo: b. dairy; -uyo: b. dish, b. holder; -if-ilo: churn; -o-lakto: b. milk; -iz-ita pano: (a slice of bread and b.). — DEFIR

buvrel-o: (orni.) bullfinch (Pyrrhula vulgaris, P. rubicilla). — F

bux-o: box; letro- -o: letter-b.; -o-kovrilo: b. cover. — DE

buzard-o*: buzzard (genus: Buteo vulgaris). — DEFS


ca (abbr. if ica): this (cf. (i)ta); -o: this; -i: these; ca-die: today; ca-hore: at this hour; ca-maniere: in this manner; ca-matine: this morning; ca-monate: (during, in this month); ca-nokte: tonight; ca-tempe: at this time; ca-yare: in this year. Note: »This« in Ido is often translated by (i)ta, but when it is necessary to point out a near object or emphasize a particular object ica is used: Kad vu preferas ica od ita kavalo? When ica comes after two nouns, it refers to the latter, ita to the first. When necessary or desirable to indicate the gender of the object referred to, ica is preceded by the proper personal pronoun: ilca, ilci, elca, elci, olca, etc. Ex.: La Yuni e la oldi tre deziras lo: iti (la yuni), pro ke li pensas, ke ol amuzos li, ed ici (la oldi), pro ke li pensas, ke ol esos utila por li. Quon drinkas blanka vino ed elti drinkas nigra kafeo. — F

car-(ul)o: czar, tsar; -ino: czarina; -ido: child of c.; czarevitch; -ala: relating to the c. — DEFIRS

c.e.: (=co esas) i.e. (that is to say).

ced-ar: (tr.) to cede, yield (up); give (up); to assign (property);(cf. alienar); -o: yielding, relinquishment; -ema: conciliatory; -ebla: transferable, assignable; -ario: grantee, assignee. — EFIS

cedili-o: (gram.) cedilla. — DEFIRS

cedr-o: (bot.) cedar (-tree). — DEFIRS

cedrat-o: (fruit) cedrate: a kind of citron (cf. citrono); -iero: c. tree; -konfit-ajo: candied c. — DeFIS

cedul-o: cedula, private memorandum, note — eFIRS

cefalopod-o: (zool.) cephalopod. — DEFIS

cek-o: (anat.) caecum. — EFIRS

cel-ar: (tr.) to hide, secrete, conceal, keep secret; -ita: hidden, clandestine; -e, -eme: secretly, by stealth; -etar, -achar: (intr.) to be sly, affect mystery; -ach-em-(ul)o: a sly or mysterious person; cele pafar: to shoot from cover; celo-trovo: (game) hide and seek; ludar ye celo-trovo: to play at hide-and seek. Ant.: revelar, montrar, divulgar. — eFIS

celebr-ar: (tr.) to celebrate, commemorate. Ex.: Celebrar mariajo, funero, jubileo, aniversario, meso; (III-199). — DEFIS

celeri-o: (bot.) celery. — DEFR

celib-a: celibate, unmarried; -o, -ulo, -ino: a c.; -eso: celibacy, single life; -ul-eyo: bachelor's room(s). — DEFIS

celul-o: cell: small room in convent, prison, etc.; small cavity (as in a honey-comb); -ala, -oza: cellular, cellulous. — DEFIRS

celuloid-o: celluloid. — DEFIRS

celulos-o: cellulose. — DEFIRS

cement-o: cement: kind of mortar for building, as Portland c.; -izar: to c.; (of teeth) to fill a cavity with c. — DEFIRS

cementac-ar: (tr., metall.) to cement: to convert iron into steel, to case-harden; -o: cementation. — DEFIRS

cen-o: scene, scenery (theat.); -ala: scenic: theatrical, dramatic; -eyo: stage; -o-plano, -aro: scenario; en- -igar: to put (ulo) on the stage; la -o chanjas: the s. changes; la -o esas en Roma: the s. is in Rome. — DEFIRS

cenobit-o: a cenobite. — DEFIS

cenotafi-o: cenotaph. — DEFIS

cens-o: »cense«: amount of taxes, income, which entitles a person to vote; -o elektala: electoral qualification. Def.: La revenuo evaluata da la statal autoritati, sive por taxo, sive por ula yuro (elektiveso); III-137. — DeFIRS

censor-o: (Roman magistrate) censor. — DEFIRS

censur-ar: (tr.) to censure (mail, books, plays); -anto, -isto: censor. — DEFIRS

»cent«: (money) cent (pl. cent-i). — DEFIRS

cent-o: one hundred; (in reckoning interest or fractional parts) cent.; -opl-a, -o: centuple, a hundredfold; -imo: a hundredth part (for other derivatives cf. duo); -esma aniversario: centenary; -yara: centennial; -yar-ulo, -ino, -iero: centenarian; yar-cento: a century; mi-yar- -o: a half-century; tri po cento: three per cent. — DEFIRS

centaur-o: (aston., myth.) centaur. — DEFIRS

centaure-o: (bot.) centaury (Chlora perfoliata Centaurea). — EFIS

centezimal-a: centesimal (fraction, division). — DEFIRS

centiar-o: centiare: 1.196 sq. yd. — DEFIRS

centifoli-o: (bot.) cabbage-rose, centifolious rose (Rosa centifolia). — DeF

centigrad-a: centigrade. — DEFIS

centigram-o: centigram. — DEFIRS

centilitr-o: centiliter (0.61028 — DEFIRS

centim-o: (money) centime; -serch-isto: pinch-penney, curmudgeon. — DEFIRS

centimetr-o: centimeter (0.3937 in.). — DEFIRS

centon-o: (mus., litr.) cento. — DeF

centr-o: (also fig.) center; -ala: central; -al-igar: to centralise; -al-ig(ad)o: centralization; -al-ig-anta, -ema: centralizing. — DEFIRS

centrifug-ar: (tr.) to act on something by centrifugal force; -ala: centrifugal. Def.: Agar, traktar per centrifugala forco; IV—199. — DEFIRS

centripet-ala: centripetal. — DEFIRS

centuri-o: (Rom. hist.) century: division of 100 men. — DEFIRS

centurion-o: (hist.) centurion. — DEFIS

cep-o: (bot.) boletus edulis, esculent boletus. — F

ceptr-o: scepter. — DEFIRS

cer-o: wax-taper, church candle. — eFIS

ceramik-o: ceramics. — DEFIS

cerat-o: (pharm.) cerate (ointment). — DEFIS

cerber-o: (pr. and fig.) Cerberus. — DEFIRS

cereal-a, -o: cereal. — DEFIS

cerebel-o: (anat.) cerebellum. — EFIS

cerebr-o: brain; -ala: cerebral; -ago: cerebration. — DEFIS

ceremoni-o: ceremony, formalities prescribed by authority or etiquette; -ala: ceremonial; -ema, -oza: ceremonious, formal; -aro, i: ceremonial, etiquette; facar -i: to stand upon ceremonies. — DEFIRS

cerfoli-o: (bot.) chervil. — FIL

ceriz-o: cherry; -iero: c. tree; -ea: cerise, c. colored; -ier-eyo:c. orchard. — eFS

cerizlaur-o: cherry-laurel, laurel-cherry; laurel bay, (Cerasus (prunus) laurocerasus).

cern-ar: (tr., milit., and fig.) to make a circle or ring around, encircle, to beset on all sides, besiege, beleaguer, blockade, invest, hem in; to cut or dig around (a tree); okuli blu-cern-ita: eyes with dark circles. V.exp: Cernar ne esas simple cirkondar, ma enemike cirkondar ed enklozar, por kaptar. Vorto necesa, ne nur en milital arto, ma metefore en la komuna linguo; IV—9. — DF

cert-a: certain, sure, indubitable, positive; -e: certainly, surely, assuredly (cf. sen-dube); -ajo: a certainty; -eso: certitude, assurance; -igar: to certify: make certain, assure, guarantee; -igo: certification; -ig-ajo, -uro: certificate, testimonal; -ig-anto: certifier, guarantee. — EFIS

cerumen-o: cerumen; ear-wax. — DeFIS

ceruz-o: ceruse: white-lead. Def.: Sub-karbato di plombo, uzata kom farbo blanka; IV—2. — eFIS

cerv-o: deer; -ino: hind, roe; -ulo: stag, hart; -yuno: young d. — FIRS

ces: (mus.) C flat.

ces-ar: (tr., intr.) to cease; to come to an end, leave off, stop; -igar: to put a stop or an end to, discontinue; -o: cessation; -igo: discontinuation; sen- -a: unceasing. — EFIS

cesi-o*: (chem. elem.) caesium. — DEFIRS

cest-o: (Rom. antiq.) cestus. — DEFI

cetace-o: (zool.) cetacean animal. — DEFIS

ceter-o, -i: rest, remainder; -e: besides, moreover, for that matter, in other respects; e ceter-i, -e: (e.c.) et cetera (etc.) — L.

Cezar-ala: Caesarean; -ismo: Caesarism; -ala operaco: C. operation.

cezur-o: (verse) caesura. — DEFIS

chagren-ar: (intr.) to grieve, to have sorrow; -igar: to grieve, render gloomy, sadden; -o: grief, sorrow: mental suffering (cf. doloro); -anta: sorrowful, sad. Ant. chagreno: joyo, gayeso. — F

chak-o*: (milit. headdress) shako. — DEF

chaket-o: »jacquet«; a kind of backgammon. — FS

chalaz-o*: (bot., embryol.) chalaza. — DE

chalenj-o: challenge-cup (N.B. not the E. »challenge« (cf. defio). Def.: (Premio en) konkurso en qua la premio ne donesas, ma prestesas dum tempo a la vinkinto, til ke altra partiso vinkas ica e konquestas la premio; VII-198. — F

cham-o: (zool.) chamois (Rupicapra tragus); -o-pelo: shammy-skin, chamois-leather; -ea: shammy color, buff. — EF

chamad-o: chamade: trumpet or drum signal for parley. — DeFR

chamar-o: (coat) polonaise. Def.: Speco di redingoto kun transversa kordoni avane, polona vesto de revolucional epoko dil XIX yarcento; V-222. — S

chambelan-o: chamberlain. — EFIS

chambr-o: chamber, room; (fig.) a house of parliament; -eto: small room; -aro: rooms (collect.), a suite; -o mobl-iz-ita: a furnished room; -o di komerco: c. of commerce; -o di deputati: c. of deputies; -o-robo: dressing-gown; -o-serv-isto: valet; -o-(serv)ist-ino: chambermaid; manjo- -o: dining room; balno- -o: bath-room. — EFI

champani-o: champagne (wine). — DEFIRS

champion-o: champion; -eso: championship; -o per libereso: c. of liberty; lukto- -o: c.wrestler. — DEF

chanc-o: (good or bad) chance, luck, fortune; possibility; la -i di milito: the fortunes of war; probar la -o: to run the risk, take a chance; la -i di morto en la diversa evi: the chances (probabilities) of death at different ages. — DEFI

chanfren-o: face of a horse (or other animal, from ears to nostrils). Def.: Avana parto di kapo di kavalo; VII-198. — eF

chanj-ar: (tr., intr.) to change, shift; (cf. kambiar, permutar, alterar); -ebla, -ema: changeable, mutable, fickle. Def.: Substitucar ula kozo ad altra en un sama loko o funciono, anke prenar un kozo vice altra, o pos altra; VII-203. Ulo chanjas, kande, restante la sama esence, ol recevas altra stando, figuro, o qulaeso; III-37. Ex.: Me chanjas mea vesti. Me chanjas la tapiso. El chanjas sua kofio. On chanjas sua fako, vagono, treno, lojeyo (co nule signifikas ke on alteras ta kozi o transformas li; on livas li generale nealterita). Ant.: mantenar, restar, konservar. — EFI

chankr-o: (med.) chancre. — DEFR

chant-o: the small side or edge of a large flat body; libro pozita sur chanto: a book placed on end or edge. Def.: Laterala, streta edro di korpo larja e plata; III-420. — DF

chap-o: ferrule, cap; (ch. vest) cope; (arch.) coping. — DFS

chapel-o: hat (with brim all around, for man or woman); -uyo, -buxo: hat-holder, -box; -if-isto: hat-maker; -vend-isto: hat-seller; -levo, -saluto: a lifting of hat; deprenar la -o: to take off, remove the hat; -o tri-korna: a three-cornered hat; klerik- -o: clerical hat. — FI

chapitr-o: chapter (of a book). — DEFIRS

chaplet-o: chaplet, rosary. — I

char-o: (antiq.) chariot; (modern) a two wheeled cart or a four wheeled ornamented car; -eto: any light two wheeled cart, jaunting-car, cariole; -edo: cart-load; dukt-isto: carter; -(et)agar: to cart (ulo); bovo- -o: ox-cart; funerala -o: hearse; triumfala -o: triumphal car. — DeFIS

chariot-o: good van, truck: four-wheeled sided wagon for carrying goods; -agar: to cart, truck. Def.: Kargo-veturo kun quar roti; IV—66. — F

charj-ar: (tr.) to load, burden (somebody or something with something), to load (a gun), lade (a vehicle); charjo-bestio: beast of burden; -eg-ita: overloaded; super- -ar: to overload. V. exp.: On kargas vari sur veturo e charjas veturo per vari; (V—66). — EFIS

charm-ar: (tr.) to charm: delight, captivate, enchant; (cf. ravisar, facinar, sorcar); -o, -eso: charm, enchantment; -anto, -ero: charmer; -anta, -iva: charming, delightful, pleasing; -egar: to ravish, greatly enchant. — EF

charnir-o: hinge (of a door, a box, etc.); (mechan.) joint (as compasses); universal -o: (mechan.) universal joint (cf. gondo). — DFIRS

chart-o: charter: document granting special rights or privileges. — DEFIRS

chas-ar: (tr., intr.) to chase: hunt; -ajo: game; -ant-aro: hunting party; -er-ino: huntress; -fusilo: fowling-piece; -gard-isto: gamekeeper; -hundo: hunting-dog. — eFIS

chast-a: chaste: untainted by lewdness; (fig.) refined, pure (in taste, style); -eso: chastity. — EFIS

chazubl-o: (eccl.) chasuble. — EF

che (prep) at, to, in (somebody's house, home, or place), with (to indicate customs); che la bakisto: at the baker's; venez che me: come to my house; hiere me esis che mea onklulo: yesterday I was at my uncle's; che la Spartani esis kustumo expozar febla infanti: it was customary with the Spartans to expose weakly infants. — F

chef-o: chief, leader, head; -a: chief (of things; cf. precipua); -ala: chief's, relating to the leader; chief; -eso: (position, authority) leadership; -esar: to be chief, be in command; -injerioro: chief engineer; -a klefo: master-key; -kontrolisto: superintendent, comptroller, overseer; -ministro: prime minister, premier; -sacerdoto: chief priest; -urbo: chief town, capital (cf. metropolo). — DEFRS

chek-o: (bank-) check, cheque; -o-kayero: c. book. — DEFRS

Chek-o: Czech.

chelat-o: (helmet) sallet. Def.: Speco di kasko uzata en la mezepoko e 16a yarcento; IV—523. — EFIS

cher-a: dear (in price), costly; -eso: dearness, high price; (plu-) -igar: to cause (ulo) to raise in price; -eskar: to become, grow dearer. Def.: Multe kustanta; IV—690. Ant. chipa. — FIS

cherp-ar: (tr.) to draw liquids; (cf. rakar); (fig.) to take, borrow. Ex.: Cherpar aquo de fonto, de rivero. Cherpar vino de barelo. La autoro cherpas peco de altra autoro. — R

chevron-o: (arch.) chevron (fig.) any inverted V-shaped object, as a rafter. — EFRS

chifr-ar: (tr.) to write in secret cipher (cf. kriptografar); -o: cipher: secret mode of writing; des- -ar: to translate from cipher; (cf. dechifrar). V. exp.: Chifrar expresas l'ago kompozar kriptografuro, t.e. sekreta texto, qua tradukas la vera texto per ula moyeno o regulo nomita klefo. Dechifrado ne esas l'inversa ago di chifrar, ma la deskrovo di la klefo e la traduko di la kriptografuro; V—402. — DEF

chig-o: (ent.) chigoe, jigger (Sarcopsylla penetrans). — EFS

chik-a: chic, stylish and original, natty, smart; -eso: chic, knack, skill, address (in doing anything); originality and taste (as in dress). — DEFR

chil-o: (physiol.) chyle. — DEFIRS

chim-o: (physiol.) chyme. — DEFIRS

chimpanze-o: (zool.) chimpanzee. — DEFIRS

Chini-ana: Chinese; -ano: Chinaman.

Chini-inko: Indian-ink.

chinion-o: chignon: back hair of a woman. — DeF

chip-a: cheap, low (in price). Def.: Poke kustanta; IV-690. Ant.: chera. — E

chitin-o: (biol.) chitin. — DEFIS

choan-o: choana, posterior nares. — DEFISchokolad-o: chocolate. — DEFIRS

chom-ar: (tr., intr.) to be out of work, to suspend work on, to rest from work; -(ad)o: remaining idle from want of work; -eso: (state) cessation or want of work. Ex.: On chomas la sundii. La laboristi chomas pro blokal exkluzo. — F

chopin-o: a beer glass (containing about a pint); (fig.) a pint; -edo: a pintful. — DE

chose-o: roadway, causeway, travelling part (for horses, carriages, etc.). — DF

chuv-o: (orni.) jackdaw ((Corvus monedula).

cian-o: (chem.) cyanogen; -a acido: cyanic acid. — DEF

cianhidr-a: cianhydric, hydrocyanic, prussic.

ciatik-a: sciatic; -nevralgio: sciatica.

cibol-o: (bot.) cibol, a kind of onion. (Allium fistulosum). — DeFIRS

cibori-o: (eccl.) pyx, ciborium. — DEFI

cicisbe-o: cicisbeo. Def.: Amoranto di siorino, qua esas quaze oficale agnoskata e servas el publike; V-621. — DeFIRS

cidro: cider. — DEFIRS

ciel-o: (pr. and fig.) sky, heaven; -ala: celestial, heavenly; danko a la -o: thanks to heaven, to God! -blua: sky-blue; -skrap-ero: sky-scraper; -vulto: the celestial vault. — FIS

cienco: science; -ala: scientific; -oz-(ul)o, isto: scientist, savant; learned or erudite person in any branch of knowledge; -ist-acho: pedant; -oz-ega: most learned. Def.: Savo exakta e sistemigita pri ula temo o grupo di temi, qua relatas la arti libera (gramatiko, logiko, muziko, e.c.). — EFIS

cifr-o: digit (1, 2, 3, 4; I, II, III, etc.); -o-plako: dial-plate (with numbers; cf. skalo-plato); -eto: small number at side of a larger number, as 32. Def.: Tipo o signo qua reprezentas nombro (Araba o Romana). — DeFIRS

cigan-o: gipsy. — DFIR

cign-o: swan; -eto, -yuno: cygnet; -o-kanto:; -o-kolo: s.neck. — eFIS

cikad-o: (ent.) cicada. — DEFIRS

cikatr-o: scar, cicatrice: mark remaining from wound or ulcer; -igar, -eskar: to cicatrize. — EFIS

cikl-o: cycle: time period; velocipede. — DEFIRS

ciklamen-o: (bot.) cyclamen. — DEFIS

ciklit-o: cyclitis. — DEFIS

cikloid-o: (geom.) cycloid. — DEFIRS

ciklometri-o*: (math.) cyclometry. — DEF

ciklon-o: cyclone, tornado, typhoon; a violent rotary wind. — DEFIRS

ciklop-o: (myth. and fig.) Cyclops. — DEFIRS

cikoni-o: (orni.) stork (genus: Cyconia). — FISL

cikori-o: (bot.) chicory (Cichorium). — DEFIRS

cikut-o: (bot. tree or poison) hemlock (Conium maculatum and species of Cicuta). — L

cili-o*: eyelash; (biol.) cilium; -ala: ciliary; -iz-ita: ciliated.

ciliar-a*: (anat.) ciliary.

cilic-o: cilice: haircloth (worn in mortification). — DeFIS

cilindr-o: (geom., tech.) cylinder; -a, -ala, -atra: cylindrical. — DEFIRS

cim-o: (ent.) (bed-)bug (Cimex lectularius). — IL

cimas-o: (arch.) cyma, ogee. — DEFIS

cimbal-o: (mus. instr.) cymbal. — DEFRS

cimitar-o: scimitar, Oriental saber. — EFIS

cinabr-o: cinnabar, (in the Fine Arts) vermilion; -ea, -o-reda: vermilion colored. — DEFIRS

cinam-o: cinnamon (bark); -iero: c. tree; -vino: hippocras. — DER

cindr-o: ash(es), cinders (of coal); embers (of wood); dust: remains of the dead; (cf. eskarbilo; -ea: ash colored; -o-blonda: pale ashburn; -oza, -atra: ashy; -uyo: ash-holder, -pan, -box; -igar: to reduce (ulo) to ashes, incinerate (cf. kremacar; -igo: incineration; -izar: to cover with ashes; -o-merkurdio: Ash-Wednesday. — EFI

cinem-o: popular abbr. for cinematografilo or, more especially a moving-picture theater, cinema, picture-house.

cinematik-o: (physics) kinematics. — DEFIRS

cinematograf-ar: (tr., intr.) to show moving pictures; -uro: moving picture; -ilo: kinetoscope, bioscope, cinematograph.

cinerari-o: (bot.) cineraria (Cineraria). — DEFIS

cinetik-a: kinetic (energy). — DEFIRS

cinik-o: cynic; -a, -ala, -atra: cynical; -eso: cynicism. — DEFIS

cinocefal-o: (zool.) cynocephalus: dog-faced baboon (family: Cynocephalus). — eFIS

cintil-o: spark (of fire); sparkle (of anything shining or vivid); -ifar: to emit sparks, to shine brightly, glitter, glisten, sparkle, flash, twinkle, scintillate. — eFIS

cipo: (arch.) cippus: small pillar or column. — DEFIRS

cipres-o: (bot.) cypress(-tree) (genus: Cupressus). — DEFIRS

ciprin-o: (ich.) cyprinoid, scientific name for the carp: genus: Cyprinus. — EFIS

ciraj-o: polish (as for boots), (boot-)blacking; -izar: to black or polish (boots); -iz-isto: bootblack. — FIS

circinata: circinate, rolled up like a young fern leaf. — EFS

cirk-o: circus; -o-kavalo: c. horse. — DEFIRS

cirkl-o: circle (cf. rondo); -a, -ala, -atra: circular, round; -o-kurvo, periferio: circumference of a c.; quadratigo di la -o: squaring of c.; jirar -e: to turn in a c. — EFIRS

cirkonciz-ar: (tr.) to circumcise; -o: circumcision; -ita, -ito: circumcised (person). — EFIS

cirkond-ar: (tr.) to surround, embrace, encompass (cf. cernar); -anta: surrounding; -ata, -ita: surrounded, enclosed; -anti: (fig.) confidants, friends, relations; Ex.: Me vidas oldi cirkondita da infanti.

cirkonflex-a, -o: circumflex (accent). — DEFIS

cirkonspekt-a: circumspect, wary, cautious; -e: cautiously. V. exp.: Cirkonspekta ne esas simple prudenta, ma predenteso desfidema, qua »regardas cirkum su«, konsideras omna lateri od elementi ante decidar od agar; III—199. Ant.: sen-reflekta, ne-atenc-ema. — EFIS

cirkonstanc-o: circumstance: a fact, occurence, or condition attending something else; -ala: circumstantial; -i tenu-ig-anta: extenuating circumstances. — EFIS

cirkonvalacion-o*: (fort.) circumvallation. — EFIRS

cirkonvolucion-o*: cirkumvolution; that which is rolled around something (cf. parafrazo). — EFIS

cirkuit-o: circuit: circumference, compass; roundabout way; (Eng. and U.S.) circuit (of judges); kurta -o: (elec.) short c. Ex.: La cirkuito di ca urbo esas kin kilometri. Irar en cirkuito. — EFIS

cirkul-ar: (intr.) to circulate: to move around, to flow in a circuitous channel; (of money, etc.) to pass from hand to hand; -igar: to cause to c., move around; (money) put into circulation, issue. Ex.: La sango cirkulas en la korpo. La tero cirkulas cirkum la suno. Cirkulado di idei. — DEFIRS

cirkuler-o: circular (letter, notice). — DEFIRS

cirkum, -e: (prep., adv.) around, about, roundabout (place, time, quantity); (cf. proxim); -ajo, -aji: surroundings, environment, frame, setting; (cf. medio) -irar: (tr., intr.) to go or wind around (as an obstacle); -iro, -turno: circuitous way, detour; -klozar: (tr.) to fence around, inclose; -lekar: to lick around (one's chops), (fig). to gloat over; -muro: inclosure-wall; -navig-(ad)o: circumnavigation; -pola: circumpolar; -skribar: (tr., geom.) to circumscribe; -vicina, -jac-anta: circumjacent. Ex.: Vu mustas vartar cirkume un horo. Vi departos cirkum tri kloki. El spensis cirkume duadek dollar-i. Me promenis en la tre interesant cirkumajo. — L

cis: (prep.) on this side of (anything); -e: this side; -a: hither; -alpa: cisalpine; - la ponto: on this side of the bridge

cis: (mus.) C sharp. Ant.: trans. — L

cisoid-o: (math.) cissoid. — DEF

cistercian-o*: (monk) Cistercian.

cistern-o: cistern, tank (for storing rain-fall). — DEFIRS

cit-ar: (tr.) to cite, quote; -(ad)o: citing, citation (act); -ajo: text cited, citation; -ato: author cited; -o-hoketo: quotation mark. V. exp.: On citas autoro repetante lua paroli o texto; on mencionas autoro o libro, kande on nomas li sen citar li. On referas ad autoro, libro, e.c. kande on indikas la loko, en qua trovos ulo aludata o benzonata. On alegas fakti, argumenti, atesti, motivi, por pruvar o por justifikar ulo; II—647. — DEFIRS

citadel-o: (also fig.) citadel. — DEFIRS

citar-o: (antiq. music) cithara, cithern. — DEFIRS

citiz-o: (bot.) cytisus. — DEFIRS

citodierez-o*: (biol.) cytodieresis, mitosis.

citron-o: (fruit) citron, lime; (cf. limono, cedrato); - iero: citron-tree, lime-tree (Citrus); -suko: lime-juice; -liquoro: citron-water (cf. limonado). — DEF

civet-o: (zool.) civet-cat: (Viverra zibetha). — DEFIRS

civil-a: civil: pertaining to a citizen and his rights (not milit., or criminal) lay (opposed to ecclesiastical); -(ul)o: civilian; -a kodexo: c. code; -a mariajo: c. marriage; -a stando: civil condition: social state of persons, whether married or single, living or dead, etc. Def.: Civila stando: Ensemblo di la docukumenti, relativa a la sociala stando di singla civitani. IV—706. — DEFIRS

civiliz-ar: (tr.) to civilize; -eso: civilization: state of advancement in the arts and sciences (cf. kulturo). — DEFIRS

civism-o: civism: civic spirit; -ala: civic. V. exp.: Civismo esas devoteso di homo a sua sam-civitani o sam-statani; patriotismo: esas devoteso, amo a patrio. — DEFIS

civit-o: city: the older, most ancient part of a town (cf. urbo); -ano: citizen; -an-eso: citizenship; -an-igar: to confer the rights of a citizen, (cf. nacion-al-igar): -an-igo: naturalization; -an-ala milito: civil war; -an-ala yuro: common law. — IS

ciz-o: scissors; -ego: shears; -agar: (tr.) to scissor, shear. — EFI

cizel-ar: (tr.) to chisel, chase; -ilo: chisel; kava -ilo: gouge (cf. skultar). — DEFIRS

co: cf. ca.

«conquistador»: conquistador: conqueror of Spanish America.

«corpus juris»: (jur.) corpus juris: body of the law.


da: (indicating agent after passive verb) la patri esas amata da sua filii: the parents are loved by their children; sendita da Deo: sent by God; trapikita da kuglo: pierced by a bullet; (agent) l'ocido di Caesar da Brutus: the murder of Caesar by Brutus; (authorship) dramati da Shakespeare: dramas by Shakespeare; Da qua esas ta libro? Ol esas da Petro: By whom is that book? It is by Peter. (object of a transitive verb compounded with -igar) me manjigas l'aveno manjesas da la kavalo = l'aveno manjesas da la kavalo: I make my horse eat oats; lu kredigis ita rakonto da l'dupo: he palmed this tale off on the dupe (la dupo kredis la rakonto); me sendigas mea letri da mea spozino = igar la spozino sendar mea letri: I make my wife send my letters. Def.: Montras individuo, objekto, kozo o kauzo qua igas, facas od efektigas ulo, II-731. V. exp.: vid de. — FI

dag-o: dirk: a short shord or kind of poniard. — eFIS

«dahlia»: (bot.) dahlia (genus: Dahlia). — DEF

daim-o, -ulo, -ino: fallow-deer (Cervus dama). — F

daktil-o: (poet.) dactyl. — DEFIS

dal = da la.

dalmatik-o: (vestment) dalmatic. — DEFIRS

daltonism-o: Daltonism: color-blindness; -ika, -iko: color-blind (peron). — DeFIRS

damo: married or widowed woman; dame; (in cards, chess, checkers) a queen; -i: (game) draughts, checkers; ludar per -i: to play checkers; -o-planko: checker-, draught-board; -igar: (chess, checkers) to crown; -ifar: (checkers) to go to king, (at chess) to go to queen. — DeFIS

damask-o: (fabric) damask. — DEFIRS

damaskin-ar: (tr.) to damascene, damaskeen (iron, steel). — DEFIRS

damijan-o: demijohn; (cf. korbo-botelo). — EFIS

damn-ar: (tr., theol., fig.) to damn; -ito: person damned, a lost soul. (cf. maledikar, blasfemar) Ex.: Deo damnas la maligni. Doktrino damninda. — DEF

damzel-o: young lady, miss, maid, damsel; unmarried woman, spinster; (before a proper name) Miss; -acho: wench; honor- -o: maid of honor; kontor- -o: office-girl, -woman; du -i di kinadek yari: two maiden ladies of fifty. — EF

dandi-o: dandy: fop; coxcomb. Def.: Homulo eleganta, segun la modo. — DEFR

danjer-o: danger, peril, jeopardy; -igar, pozar en -o: to endanger, jeopardize; -oza: dangerous. — EF

dank-ar: (tr.) to thank (ulu, pri, pro ulo); (cf. gratitudar). — DE

dans-ar: (tr., intr.) to dance. — DEFRS

dard-o: dart (pointed missile); sting (weapon of insects). — EFIS

darf-ar: may, to have a right to, be permitted; me darfas: I have the (legal) right or permission, or, it is not forbidden to me; on devas ne mentiar (o, on ne darfas mentiar): one should not (or, ought not to) lie. Def.: Havar la yuro o permiso; ol havas la senco legala, kontrea a l'ideo di interdikto; VI-487. Ex.: On darfas uzar darfar nur pri la kozi, qui dependas de lego o regulo, do de la volo, altravorte, nur kande on povas imaginar permiso od interkikto. On povas ya facar multa agi, quin on ne darfas facar. V. exp.: darfar = permisebleso, posibleso; devar = obligo morala; povar = povo; mustar = obligo fizikal, absoluta; expresas kurte l'ideo «oportas ke» o «necesa esas ke» (vid. oportar); II-166.

darn-ar: (tr.) to darn (garments). Def.: Specala modo di rapecar stofi, vesti, ne pozante peco, ma imitante la texuro; III—199. — E

Darwin-ismo: Darwinism; -ala: Darwinian. — DEFIRS

dat-o: (time) date; -izar: to date (a letter, etc.). — DEFIS

datel-o: (fruit) date; -iero: d. tree (Phoenix dactylifera). — DeFIS

dativ-o: (gram.) dative (-case). — DEFIRSL

datur-o: (bot.) datura (genus: Datura); thorn-apple, Jimson weed (Datura stramonium). — EFIRS

dax-o: (zool.) badger (genus: Meles Taxus). — DI

dazl-ar: (tr.) to dazzle: to overpower by bright or moving lights; (fig.) to blind; (fig.) to excite to admiration by brilliancy, display (of beauty, money, honors, etc.) (cf. facinar). Def.: Trublar instantale la vid-povo per tro brilanta lumo, o per tro rapida movado, agitado, e.c. VI—530. Ex.: La sun-radii dazlas la vidado. La fortuno e la honori dazlas la ambicioni. — E

de: (prep) (starting point, origin, derivation) la treno de Lyon: the train from Lyons: blinda de nasko: blind from birth; de omna lateri: from all sides; de supre ad infre; from top to bottom; de ta vidpunto: from that viewpoint; komprar de ulu: to buy of someone; arachar de la morto: to snatch from death; malada de febro: sick with (from) fever; (measure, quantity) unu de li: one of them; un horo de marcho: an hour's walk; dek-e-duo de ovi: a dozen eggs; tri metri de rubando: three meters of ribbon; glaso de aquo: a glass of water; peco de pano: a piece of bread; el esas la maxim bela de la fratini: she is the most beautiful of the sisters; duo de rejini: a pair of queens; (after adjectives denoting dimenions, size, contents): ponto longa de du Angla milii: a bridge two English miles long; barelo plena de vino: a barrel full of wine; konstrukturo alta de duadek etaji: a building twenty stories high; («since», duration of time). N. B. in this sense de-pos is preferable to de alone: me savas lo de(pos) quar dii: I have known it these (since, from) four days; me esas hike de du monati: I have been here for two months; de(pos) la morto di sua spozino: since the death of his wife; de kande vu lojas hike? me lojas hike de un monato: How long (from when) have you lived here? I have lived here one month (I am living here from one month). de pos: since, after; de longe: for a long time past; de kande: since when, how long since; de lore: from that time, since then; de pose: from that time, afterwards; de pos ke: (conj.) since (that); de nun: from now, henceforth, hereafter; de sub: from under; de dop: from behind. V. exp.: da, de, di: Praktikal regulo por selektar inter ta tri prepozicioni esas la sequanta: Se la senco postulas klare l'ideo di l'agento od autoro, uzez da; se ol postulas klare l'ideo di deveno, o di konteno o di quanto, uzez de; en cetera kazi (do en omna dubebla) uzez audace di; nam olca esas la maxim generala de la tri, korespondanta a la genitivo; II—33. On povas generale sequar ica regulo (por selektar inter de o di): Uzez di kande la sequanta substantivo havas artiklo; uzez de kande ol hava nula artiklo; (III—624). — FIS

de-o: God, a god; -ino: goddess; -a, -ala: divine: of or relating to God; -ajo: a divinity: divine object; -eso: godhead; -igar: to deify; -ismo: deism; -atra: godlike; -o bona! ho Deo: good God! oh God! danko a Deo thank God; Deo pardonez: may God pardon; Se plezos a Deo, se Deo volos: if God wills. — EFIS

deb-ar: (tr.) to owe (ulo, ad ulu); (intr.) to be under obligation (ad ulu, por ulo); -ajo: a debt; -izar: to get (ulu) into debt; -o honor-ala (honor- -o): a debt of honor; charjar su per debi: to run into debt; -rest-ajo: balance due. Ex.: Pagez to quon vu debas. Me debas a lu mea vivo. Donar deb-atesto. — eFIRS

debat-ar: (tr.) to debate. Def.: Diskutar kun un o plura konversanti en ordinoza ed atencoza maniero, singlu prizentante l'argumenti servanta sua propra interesto o prefero; V—678 (III—323). — DEFIRS

debet-o: (com.) debit (after the balance of an account), debit-balance; -igar: to d. (a sum to somebody's account); -konto: d. account. — DEFIRS

debil-a: (of persons) weak, feeble; (cf. frajila), -igar: to debilitate, enfeeble; -ig-anta, -ig-iva: debilitating; -ach(ul)o: a puny person. Def.: Febla per naturo, temperamento; III—668. Ant.: forta, robusta, vigoroza. — EFIS

debit-ar: (tr.) to sell (goods, supplies, ordinarily at retail); -o, -ajo: sale, supply, retail; -ar engrose, endetale: to sell wholesale, by retail; vari di bona -o: goods that have a ready sale. — FIS

deboch-ar: (intr.) to go to excess in sensual pleasures, to live dissolutely, to revel, carouse; -igar: to debauch: entice to debauchery, to corrupt with lewdness; -eskar: to become profligate; -anta, -ema: dissolute, profligate (cf. laciva); -ist-ino: harlot; -anto, -ero: debauchee, rake: -ig-anto: debaucher. V. exp.: Krapulo esas nur maxim desnobla e vulgara debocho. Debochanto povas esar (restar) eleganta. Pro to debocho koncernas prefere la sexuala ne-etikaleso, krapulo la trouzo di manjado e drinkado, l'ebrieso kustumal, e.c. On povas parolar pri debaucho krapuloza; III—411. — EFR

debush-ar: (intr., milit.) to debouch. — DEF

debut-ar: (intr., theat.) to make one's debut, first appearance; (fig.) to start, set out: take one's first steps; -anto, -ant-ino: debutant, debutante; (fig.) a beginner. — DEFIS

dec-ar: (intr.) to be decent, suitable, correct, proper; (cf. esar justa); -o: decency, propriety; -anta, -oza: decent, becoming, decorous; -ante: decently, with decency; -as: (imper.s) it is proper. — DEFIS

decembro-o: December. — DEFIRS

decend-ar: (intr.) to descend (de, of race); -(ad)o: descent, lineage, pedigree; -anto: descendant, offspring; -ant-aro: progeny, posterity (collect.). — DEFIS

decens-ar: (tr., intr.) to go down, descend: to move or pass from a higher to a lower plane; -eyo: descent (place). Ex.: Decensar (de) monto en valo. Decensar (de) arboro. Decensar eskalero. La mareo, la temperaturo decensas. Ant.: acensar. — EFIS

decept-ar: (tr.) to disappoint, to defeat (the hopes, expectations of someone); -anta, -iva: disappointing. — eFIS

dechifr-ar: (tr.) to decipher: to discover the key to a secret writing. V. exp.: vid. chifrar. — DEFIRS

decid-ar: (tr., intr.) to decide, settle, determine; -oza, -ema: (of persons) strong-minded, determined; -ita: (of things) decided; -ite, -eme: decidedly, positively; -em-eso: determination (of character); -iganta, -iva: decisive, conclusive; facar -o: to make a decision; agar -oze, -eme: to act with decision. Ex.: Decidar afero, problemo, debato. Judicial decido. Ad il mankas decidemeso (di karaktero). Il esas homulo decidema. Il uzas decidoza tono. La kozo esas decidita. Kauzo, motivo decidiganta. Bataliodecidiva. V. exp.: On decidas teoriala questioni, on rezolvas agi facenda. Ni decidas, ke l'akuzato esas la sola autoro dil krimino. Ni rezolvas facar turo en la urbo; VII-98. — EFIS

decidu-o: (physiol.) deciduous membrane. — DEFIS

decigram-o: decigram: 1.5432 grains. — DEFIRS

decilitr-o: deciliter: tenth part of a liter: 6.1 cu. in. — DEFIRS

decim-o: decime. Def.: Dekimo di franko, o 10 centimi; III-324. — DEFIRS

decimac-ar: (tr.) to decimate. — DEFIS

decimal-a, -o: (arith.) decimal. — DEFIRS

decimetr-o: decimeter: tenth of a meter: 3.937 in. — DEFIRS

dedik-ar: (tr.) to dedicate: consecrate to a Divine Being; to devote to a sacred use; to inscribe or address to a patron or friend; (cf. konsakrar). — DEFIS

dedukt-ar: (tr., log.) to deduce, infer; -(ad)o, -ajo, -uro: deduction, inference; -ala, -iva, -ema: deductive; -ebla: deducible. — DEFIRS

defekt-o: defect, imperfection, flaw, fault, blemish.

defektiv-a: (gram.) defective. — DEFIS

defens-ar: (tr.) to defend, protect (ulu, ulo, su, kontre); -ebla: defensible, tenable; -ilo: a means, instrument of defense; -iva: defensive. Ex.: Defensar sua patrio, sua honoro, sua opiniono. — DEFIS

deferenc-ar: (tr.) to defer to, show deference to; -o: deference, regard, respect. Def.: Deferenco: Respekto qun on manifestas ad ulu exekutante lua volo o deziro. Nociono komplexa, qua ne esas simpla respekto. III-323. Ex.: On devas deferencar sua patri. Kun omna deferenceo qua esas debata a vu. Ant.: (deferenco) des-prizo, aarog-em-eso. — DEFIS

deferent-a (tubo): (physiol.) deferent. — DEFIS

defervec-ar: (intr., med.) to cool down (fever). — DEFIS

defi-ar: (tr.) to defy, challenge, dare (ulu, pri ulo, o facar ulo); -o: challenge, defying, defiance. — EFIS

deficit-o: (com.) deficit. — DEFIRS

defil-ar: (intr.) to defile, file off, march past (avan ulu). — DEFIS

defile-o: defile: narrow mountain pass. — DEFS

defin-ar: (tr.) to define: give the definition of; -o: definition; -ita: defined; definite (article); sen -a, ne -ita: indefinite. V. exp.: Definar esas indikar, enunciar la senco di vorto. Determinar esas fixigar o precizigar ula konocajo: on determinas la alteso di la suno, la disto di du loki, per astronomial o geografial operaci (mezuri e kalkuli). Kozo povas esar tre determinita, e nule definita o definebla: ex.: ula partikulara koloro. On definas vorto; on deklaras sua opiniono; on explikas fakto, libro, frazo; IV-464, 465. — DEFIS

definitiv-a: definitive: final, ending; -e: definitely. Ex.: Aranjo, judiko definitiva. — DEFIS

de-flex-ar: (tr.) to deflect, bend from; (fig.) to swerve, deviate.

deform-ar: (tr.) to deform, put out of shape; -it(ul)o: a deformed person; -esar: to be deformed. — DEF

degener-ar: (intr.) to denegrate, deteriorate; -anto, -into: a d. — DEFIS

degn-ar: (intr.) to deign: condescend, vouchsafe. — EFIS

degrad-ar: (tr.) to degrade: reduce in rank, remove from office. — DEFIS

de-jet-ar: (tr.) to throw from (horse, etc.).

dejun-ar: (intr.) to breakfast: (the first repast of the day); have b., -eto: a light b., frua -o: early b. Def.: Dejuno esas repasto di dimezo, VI-162. — F

dejur-ar: (intr., milit.) to be on duty; -anta oficir-o: officer-of-the-day; orderly officer. — DR

dek: ten; -imo: a tenth part; -esma, -esmo (ordinal) tenth; -opla, -oplo: tenfold; -opl-igar: to increase tenfold; -ope: by tens; du deki: two tens; -foye: ten times; yar- -o: decade; -e-du: twelve, a dozen; dek-e-du-esma: twelfth; -e-du-imo; (fraction) one twelfth. — EFRS

dekad-ar: (intr.) to be decadent, be in state of decay, decline (physical or moral); -o: decadence: decline to a worse or less perfect state, tendency towards dissolution or extinction. Ex.: La dekado di l'imperio Romana. La dekado di arti. Ni vivas en dekandanta epoko. — DEFIRS

dekaedr-o*: decahedron.

dekagon-o*: decagon

dekagram-o: decagram: 0.3527 oz. — DEFIRS

dekalitr-o: decaliter: 2.64 gals. — DEFIRS

dekalog-o: Decalogue: the Ten Commandents. — DEFIS

dekametr-o: decameter: 32.809 ft.

dekan-o: (eccl., university, collegiate) dean; -eso: deanship. — DFIRS

dekant-ar: (tr.) to decant (liquids); -ilo: decanter. — DEFIS

dekap-ar: (tr.) to scale, scrape, scour (metals). — DFIS

dekaster-o: decastere: 13.08 cu. yds.

dek-e-du-o: dozen (de); (cf. dek).

dekalm-ar: (tr.) to declaim; to speak or deliver rhetorically; -acha: bombastic; -ach(er)o: haranguer, stump-orator, ranter. — DEFIRS

deklar-ar: (tr.) to declare (ulo, ad ulu). Ex.: Deklarar sua intenci, sua opinioni, Deklaro di milito. — DEFIRS

deklin-ar: (tr., gram.) to decline, inflect; (intr., phys.) to deviate from the true north, as magnetic needle; (astron.) to remove from the equator, as a heavenly body. — DEFIS

dekokt-ar: (tr., pharm.) to decoct; -o, -uro: decoction, extract from a body boiled in water. — DEFIRS

dekolt-ar: (tr.) to cut low (a dress); to bare the neck and shoulders; -ita: décolletté, in a low dress; (n.) dekolturo; -ach-ita: uncovered to an improper degress. — DeFR

dekor-ar: (tr.) to decorate (a house, etc.). — DEFIRS

dekret-ar: (tr.) to decree, enact. — DEFIRS

dek-silab-a: decasyllabic.

dekubit-ar: (med.) to like down in bed, decubation. — DEFIS

dek-yar-a: decennial: continuing for ten years; (cf. yar-dek-ala).

del: de la.

deleg-ar: (tr.) to delegate (someone as agent); -ato, -ito: delegate; -it-aro: delegation; (cf. prokuraco). — DEFIRS

delekt-ar: (tr.) to delight (ulu); -esar: to be delighted; -(ad)o, eso: delight(ing); -anta, -iva, -oza: delightful, delectable. — DeFIS

delfin-o: (ich.) dolphin (genus: Delphinus); -(ul)o: (Fr. history) dauphin; -ala: delphine (classics). — DeFIRS

deliber-ar: (intr.) to deliberate. Def.: Ponderar en su ipsa o kun altri, pri questiono solvenda o rezolvo facenda, la motivi por e la motivi kontre la decido; V—678. — DEFIS

delic-o: delight; high degree of pleasure or enjoyment; the cause of the pleasure; la delici di Paris: the delights, the charms of Paris; -oza: delicious, delightful. — EFIS

delikat-a: delicate, refined; -(ul)o: a d. person; -ajo, -eso: delicacy; -ega: exquisite, superfine. Ex.:Delikata infanto, organi. La delikateso di la pelo, di linguo, di gusto. — DEFIRS

delikt-ar: (intr.) to commit an offence (against law and order); (cf. kontravencar); -o: offense; (jur.) misdemeanor: offense punishable by fine or imprisonment; (cf. krimino); -(al)a: unlawful, felonious, punishable; -anta, -atra: delinquent; -anto, -into: offender, malefactor; en flagranta -o: in the very act; materio di la -o: corpus delicti: substance of the offence. — DEFIRS

deliquc-ar: (intr., chem.) to deliquesce: become liquid. — DEFIS

delir-ar: (intr.) to be delirious, to rave; -o, -eso: delirium; (fig.) nightmare; -anta, -ema, -atra: delirious, frenzied, frantic; -anto: d. person. — DEFIRS

delt-o: (geog.) delta. — DEFIRS

demagog-o: demagogue. — DEFIS

demagogi-o: demagogy, demagogism. — DEFIRS

demand-ar: (tr.) to ask for (ulo); (N.B. Not the E. «demand», (cf. postular); -o: request, asking; (polit., econ.) demand (cf. ofro); -anto: asker, applicant; me -as pardono: I beg (ask) your pardon; quon vu demandas pro facar l'operaco: What do you ask to perform the operation; ni ne recevos la permiso demandita: we shall not receive the permit asked for. V. exp.: On demandas de ni la difero di la sequanta vorti. On demandas e postulas nur kozi; on pregas e solicitas nur personi. Demandar ulo de ulu, esas pregar ta «ulu», ke lu donez ta «ulo». Postular ulo esas demandar ulo, a qua on havas yuro; tala demando esas do insistanta, obliganta e kelke imperema. Solicitar esas pregar ulu autoritoza o potenta per obtenar ulo, qua havas plu o min karaktero di favoro; III-224. On demandas kozo quan on deziras havar; on questionas persono pri ulo, quon on deziras savar; II-78. En la ekonomiko, on traktas pri la lego di l'ofro e di la demando, qua determinas la preco di la vari sur ula merkato; II-167. — eFIS

demarsh-ar: (intr.) to take steps, measures (to obtain something); -o: step, proceeding; act, measure taken in business; Def.: Demarshar implikas sempre l'ideo di «pazi» facata extere, en la socio, port atingar ula skopo, por obtener irga helpo, favoro, e.c.; IV-100. V. exp.: Esforco esas propre ago muskulala, o generale, mekanikala; demarsho esas social ago, per qua un persono volas influaar altra por obtener ulo; IV-204. — F

dement-a: demented, insane; -(ul)o: a d. person; -eskar: to become d.; -eso: dementia; -erio: insane asylum; -ajo: insane act. (cf. fola) — DEFIS

dementi-ar: (tr.) to give the lie to (ulu, pri ulo); to deny (flatly, publicly); -o: flat contradiction, denial. — FIS

demision-ar: (intr.) to resign: give in one's rsignation; (milit.) to throw up one's commission; (parl.) to vacate one's seat. V. exp. vid. abdikar. — DFIS

demiurg-o: demiurge. — DEFIRS

demokrat-a, -ala: democratic; -(ul)o: a democrat. Def.: Demokraato esas partisano di la demokratio, e plu generale, ta qua havas la mento demokratiala o demokratiema; VII-154. — DEFIRS

demokrati-o: democracy; -ala: relating to a d.; -igar: to democratize. Def.: La rejimo en qua la populo guvernesas da su ipsa (t.e. da sua elektiti); lua principo esas la suvereneso dil populo; VII-154. — DEFIRS

demolis-ar: (tr.) to demolish, pull down, break up (a house, a fortification, an old ship); -o: demolition; -ar bona reputeso: to ruin a reputation; -ar doktrino: to overthrow a doctrine. — DEFIS

demon-o: (myth. and fig.) demon, evil spirit, genius; -ala, -atra, -oza, -ika; -ozo, -iko: demoniac(al). — DEFIRS

demonstr-ar: (tr.) to demonstrate: prove by arguments; to make evident; -o: (lig., polit., milit., naval) demonstration. Ex.: Demonstrar propoziciono. Lua redesko demonstas lua shamo. Demonstri enemikala. — DEFIRS

demonstrativa-a, -o: (gram.) demonstrative. — DEFIRS

demotik-a*: (antiq.) demotic (writing, characters). — DEF

denar-o: (antiq. coin) denarius. — DEFIRS

denatur-ar: (tr., chem.) to denature (alcohol, etc.). — DEFIRS

denigr-ar: (tr.) to disparage (ulu, ulo): run down, decry, depreciate, vilify, blacken the record of; (cf. difamar, kalumniar, maldicensar). Def.: Inspirar mala opiniono pri ulu (o ulo) per severa o nejusta aserti e judiki; IV—411. Ant.: exaltar, laudar. — F

denominator-o: (arith.) denominator. — EFIS

dens-a: dense: having its parts crowded together; compact, close: (cf. dika); -igar: to thicken (liquids); (cf. plu-dik-igar). Ex.: Densa turbo, vaporo. Platino havas la maxim granda denso de omna metali. Ant.: skarsa, dis-sem-ita, ne-, des-densa. — EFIS

densimetr-o: densimeter. — DEFIRS

dent-o: (also fig.) tooth; -ala: dental; -o-sono: (gram.) dental; -oza, -iz-ita: toothed, notched, denticulated; -izar: to furnish with teeth; (fig.) to cog; indent; to put scallops in; -ifar: to make teeth; to cut teeth; -aro: set of teeth; -isto, -if-isto: dentist; -ego: tusk; -o-stumpo: stump of a t.; -extirp-isto: tooth puller; -o di saj-eso: wisdom tooth; -o-roto: cog-wheel; -o-pik-ilo: t. pick; -o-tenalio: dentist's forceps; -et-roto: pinion, small gear wheel; -o-kolo: neck of a t.; -if-uro: (result) dentition; sen- -a: toothless; sen- -igar: to break, knock out the teeth of (ulu); sen- -eskar: to lose one's teeth. — eFIRS

dentel-o: lace (-work); -if-ist-ino: female l. maker; -a naz-tuko: lace handkerchief. — F

dentifric-a, -o: dentifrice, tooth-cleaning (powder, etc.). — EFIS

denunc-ar: (tr.) to inform against, denounce (a guilty person). — DEFIRS

depart-ar: (intr., also fig.) to depart (ek, de); -o-punto: point of departure; esar -onta: to be on the eve of setting out, be about to start; -o-preparo: preparations for a start; (nav.) getting underway. Ant.: arivar. — EFIS

department-o: (territorial) department, province, (cf. ministerio); -ala: departmental. Def.: Teritoriala dividuro or resortiso; VI—242. Ex.: La departmenti di la Nord, di la Somme, di l'Aisne en Francia. — DeFIRS

depend-ar: (intr.) to depend: be conditioned or contingent (de); to rely on for support; to be a dependency (di); ne- -o: independence; ne- -ante, sen- -e: independently. Ex.: L'efekto dependas de la kauzo. Omno dependas de la maniero segun qua on komencas. Ca teritorio ne dependas de Francia, o, ca teritorio esas nedependanta de Francia. — EFIS

deperis-ar: (intr.) to pine away, gradually lose strength; wither; slowly decline or perish. Def.: Debilesko duktanta ad (se ne til) la morto; III—602. Ex.: La saneso, la flori deperisas. — FI

depesh-o: dispatch: urgent message; (cf. telegramo). — DEFIRS

deplor-ar: to deplore: to feel or express deep grief; -inda: deplorable, lamentable, wretched. Ex.: Deplorar la desfortunaji di ulu, la morto di ulu. — EFIRS

deponent-a, -o: (gram.) deponent. — DEFIS

deport-ar: (tr.) to depart: to transport into banishment; to convey to a penal colony. V. exp.: vid exilar. — DEFIRS

de-pos: cf. de.

depoz-ar: (tr.) to depost: to lay, set or put down; to lodge for safekeeping; to bond (in warehouses); -(ad)o: depositing (act); -ite: on deposit; -anto, -ero: depositor; -ajo: deposit; -eyo: place of deposit, as a depot, depository, warehouse; -ario: trustee, depositary, guardian, warehouse-keeper. Ex.: Depozar portajo. Nil(e) depozas omnayare slamo fekunda. Depozanto di pekunio en panko. — DEFIRS

de-pren-ar: (tr.) to take from (ulo de ulu).

depres-ar: (tr., phys. and moral) to depress: to press down; to deject; -(ad)o, -eso, -uro: depression. — DEFIS

deput-ar: (tr.) to depute, deputize, send (ulu) as a deputy; -at-aro: deputation (delegation); chambro di -ati: (parl.) chamber of deputies (cf. suplear). — DEFIRS

deriv-ar: (tr., math., gram.) to derive (ulo de); have its root (de); -o: derivation (gram.); -ito, -ajo: derivative; de qua vu derivas ca vorto? La vorto derivesas de: Whence do you derive this word? The word is derived from. — EFIS

derm-o: (anat.) derma. — DEFIS

de-rod-ar: (tr.) to gnaw away, erode.

derog-ar: (intr., jur.) to derogate: to act contrary, invalidate, annul (in part), to depart from (a custom); -anta, -iva: derogatory. Def.: Teknikala termino di yuro-cienco: facar ecepto, violaco instantala di ula lego, regulo; III-329. Ex.: Ica du partisi derogis de lia kontrato (E. both parties have invalidated some part of (or, have departed from) their contract). Derogar de la lego, de kustumo establisita. — DeFIS

dervish-o: dervish. — DEFIRS

des: (mus.) D Flat.

des-abon-ar (su): to withdraw one's subscription (from a periodical).

des-afabla: crabbed, cross, churlish, surly, ungracious, uncivil.

des-agnosk-ar: (tr.) to disown, disavow, disclaim.

des-agraf-agar: (tr.) to unclasp, unhook.

des-agreabl-a: disagreeable, unpleasaant (ad); -ajo: a d. thing or experience.

des-agreg-ar: (tr.) to disaggregate, to disintegrate.

des-ajust-ar: (tr.) to to put out of adjustment, to derange.

des-akord-ar: (intr., mus.) to be out of tune; (gram.) not to agree; -o: discord; -anta: discordant.

des-akroch-ar: (tr.) to unhook (ulo de).

des-amar-agar: (tr., nav.) to unmoor.

des-amorc-ar: (tr.) to uncap, unprime (fire-arms).

des-ankr-agar: (tr., intr.) to weigh anchor, get up a. on.

des-apar-ar: (intr.) to disappear, vanish.

des-aprob-ar: (tr.) to disapprove of.

des-aranj-ar: (tr.) to disarrange, derange, unsettle.

des-arm-iz-ar: to unarm, disarm.

des-artik-izar: to disarticulate, unjoint; -izo: (surg.) disarticulation: amputation, excision of a joint.

des-asembl-ar: (tr.) to disassemble, take to pieces, separate.

des-asimil-ar: (tr., phys. and fig.) not to assimilate (ulo).

des-asoci-ar: (tr.) to disassociate, dissociate; to dissolve (a partnership).

des-asort-ar: (tr.) to unmaatch, break the set of, spoil a collection of (ulo).

des-avantaj-o: disadvantage.

des-balast-izar (o, sen--balast-igar): to unballast: discharge or unload a ship from ballast.

des-bar-ar: (tr.) to unbar, remove barriers.

des-bel-igar: (tr.) to disfigure, take away the beauty of.

des-blind-igar: (tr.) to open the eyes of, make to see; (fig.) undeceive.

des-blokus-ar: (tr.) to raise the blockade of.

des-bolt-agar: (tr.) to unbolt.

des-bot-izar: (tr.) to pull or take off the boots.

des-bril-igar: (tr.) to tarnish, dull.

des-bukl-agar: (tr.) to unbuckle.

des-buton-agar: (tr.) to unbutton; -izar: to remove the buttons from.

des-centr-izar, -al-igar: to decentralize.

des-charj-ar: (tr.) to discharge: unload, take away the burden of (ulu, ulo, de); (fig.) to ease, free, throw off the care of (a thing): -eyo: unloading place; quanta- -o: good riddance; -ar sua koncienco: to clear one's conscience.

des-charm-ar: (tr.) to disenchant.

des-civiliz-ar: (tr.) to uncivilize (ulu).

des-dens-igar: to loosen, make less compact, rarefy, to open up (ranks, a crowd).

des-ebri-igar: to sober; -eskar: to sober down; (fig.) to come to one's senses.

desegn-ar: (tr.) to draw, design, delineate, sketch, (cf. esbosar, skisar); -(ad)o, -uro: drawing; -arto: art of drawing; -anto, -ero, -isto: drawer, draughtsman; -o-planko: drawing-board. Def.: Riproduktar, per krayono o plumo, la formo di objekti. — EFIS

des-embaras-ar: (tr.) to disencumber, rid of, disembarras.

des-embark-ar: (tr., intr.) to disembark, land.

des-embrag-ar: (tr.) to throw out of gear, disengage (tech.).

des-engaj-ar: (tr.) to disengage: discharge, free from service.

des-en-korp-igar: to disincorporate.

des-enoy-igar: to cheer up, divert, bring out of the dumps.

des-entrav-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to unshackle, unfetter.

des-envelop-ar: (tr.) to unwrap, unshroud.

des-equilibr-igar: to upset the equilibrium of, unpoise, unbalance.

des-equip-ar: to dismantle; lay up (ships).

deser-o: dessert; -disho: d. dish. — DEFR

desert-ar: (tr., intr., milit. and gen.) to desert, abandon, quit, forsake. — DEFIRS

deserv-ar*: (tr., intr., eccl.) to serve (a living), have the parochial duties of (a chapel, hamlet); (cf. oficiar). — DEFS

des-esper-ar: (intr.) to despair, to be in d.; -igar: to drive to d.; to dishearten; -anta: despairing, desperate; -anto: one who despairs; -ato: one of whom one d.; kom -ala remedio: as a last resource, shift.

des-estal-ar: (tr.) to take in goods (exposed for sale); (fig.) to shut up shop, stop the display.

des-estim-ar: (tr.) to contemn, despise (ulu); -igar: to bring into disrepute, discredit, contempt; -anta, -ema: contemptuous, scornful; -inda: contemptible, despicable.

des-fac-ar: (tr.) to unmake, undo.

des-facil-a: difficult; -ajo: a d. thing; -eso: (state, condition) difficulty; -igar: to render d. (ulo).

des-fald-ar: (tr.) to unfold.

des-fang-izar: to rub off the dirt, clean, scavenge; -iz-ilo: scraper (as for shoes).

des-fatig-ar: (tr.) to refresh, relax.

des-favor-ar: (tr.) to disfavor, withhold favor from, to put out of favor; to disadvantage; -oza: unfavorable, disadvantageous; -izar: to disgrace; -iz-ita: disgraced.

des-felic-a: miserable, unhappy; -(ul)o: an u. person; -ajo: u. event, mischance.

des-fer-izar: to take the iron from, to unshoe (a horse).

des-fianc-ar: to disengage (from a betrothal).

des-fid-ar: (tr.) to distrust, mistrust.

des-fil-izar: to unstring, unthread, unravel.

des-flor-izar: to strip of blossoms; (cf. sen-flor-eskar).

des-forest-izar: to clear, denude of forest, disafforest.

des-fortifik-ar: (tr.) to unfortify.

des-fortun-o: misfortune, reverses, run of ill-luck; -oza: unfortunate; -ajo: calamity, mischance (the event); -e: unluckily.

des-fren-agar: (tr.) to unlock or take off the brake.

des-fresh-igar: to destroy the freshness of.

des-friz-ar: (tr.) to uncurl.

des-frok-izar: to unfrock (a monk).

des-frost-ar (intr.), -igar (tr.): to thaw.

des-fruns-ar: (tr.) to unwrinkle, unpucker.

des-futer-izar: to remove the lining of.

des-gaj-igar: to take out of pawn.

des-gant-izar: to pull off the gloves from.

des-garnis-ar: (tr.) to untrim.

des-gib-izar: to take out the bumps; the humps from; to smooth out.

des-gips-izar: to unplaster.

des-glat-igar: to roughen, ruffle.

des-glu-izar: to remove the paste, glue from.

des-glutin-eskar: to become unglued, unpasted.

des-gras-izar: to remove the grease or fat; (fig.) to scour.

des-gros-igar: to thin, reduce; remove the grosser parts.

des-gum-izar: to ungum (silk, etc.).

des-gurt-izar: to ungirth, unstrap, unband.

des-hard-igar: to soften.

des-help-ar: (tr.) to disoblige, to hinder.

des-hered-igar: to disinherit.

des-honest-a: dishonest; (fig.) indecent.

des-honor-o: dishonor, opprobium, disgrace; -izar: to dishonor, bring d. upon; -iz-iva: dishonorable.

des-human-igar: to dehumanize, imbrute.

desikator-o: desiccator. — DEFIRS

des-iluzion-igar: to disabuse, disillusion.

des-imbast-ar: (tr.) to unbaste, untack (garments).

des-infekt-ar: (tr.) to disinfect; -iva, -ivo: disinfectant.

des-infl-ar: (tr.) to deflate; reduce the swelling of.

des-ingran-ar: (tr.) to throw out of gear.

des-inkombr-ar: (tr.) to deobstruct, disencumber, clear from impediments.

des-intrik-ar: (tr.) to disentangle, unravel; (fig.) to extricate, free.

des-jung-ar: (tr.) to unyoke (oxen); take out horses from (a carriage).

des-junt-ar: (tr.) to disjoin, take to pieces, separate; -iva: (gram.) disjunctive.

des-kamp-ar: (tr.) to break camp.

des-karg-ar: (tr.) to unload (things; cf. charjar).

des-katen-izar: to unchain.

des-kest-izar: to uncase.

des-klef-agar: (tr.) to unlock.

des-kloz-ar: (tr.) to unclose, throw open.

des-kolor-izar: to lose color, fade, come off (of colors).

des-komand-ar: (tr.) to countermand.

des-komfort-o: discomfort.

des-kompoz-ar: (tr.) to decompose.

des-konfes-ar: (tr.) to recant; unsay: take back what one has said.

des-konkord-igar: to cause disagreement, set at variance.

des-konsil-ar: (tr.) to dissuade.

des-kontent-igar: to discontent, cause d. to.

des-korp-izar: to disembody.

des-kortic-izar: to bark, peel.

des-kovr-ar: (tr.) to uncover: take the cover off; to discover, disclose, detect (what was not known before); -ar disho, korbo: to uncover a dish, a basket; -ar trezoro, fonto: to discover a treasure, a spring.

des-kras-izar: to remove the (surface) dirt from, to clean.

des-kredit-izar: to discredit: to deprive of credit, bring into disrepute.

des-kresk-ar: (intr.) to cease to grow, to wane, fall off.

deskript-ar: (tr.) to describe (by words); -o, -uro: description; -iva: (also geom.) descriptive. — EFIS

des-kron-izar: to uncrown.

des-kruc-igar: to uncross.

des-kuaf-ar: (tr.) to dishevel, undress the hair of.

desk-kupl-ar: (tr., mechan.) to uncouple, disconnect.

des-kuraj-oza: cowardly.

des-kurv-igar: to unbend, straighten.

des-kustum-igar: to break the habit of (ulu, pri ulo); -eskar: to break oneself of, lose the habit of; -inta: unaccustomed.

des-lac-igar: to unlace.

des-lauta: soft (to hearing).

des-lern-ar: (tr.) to unlearn.

des-lig-ar: (tr.) to untie.

des-lok-iz-ar: to delocalize.

des-lokac-ar: to vacate (a lodging).

des-lokl-izar: to uncurl (hair).

des-loyal-a: disloyal.

des-magnet-igar: to demagnetize.

des-magnetiz-ar: to unmesmerize (ulu).

des-makul-izar: to clean spots from, remove the stains from.

des-manch-izar: to take off the handle of.

des-mariaj-ar: (tr.) to unmarry, annul the marriage of.

des-mask-ar: (tr.) to unmask.

des-maskul-igar: to emasculate.

des-mast-izar: to dismast.

des-merit-ar: (intr.) to be undeserving; to forfeit the esteem (de ulu, per ulo).

des-met-ar: (tr.) to take off (a garmet, etc.).

des-mix-ar: (tr.) to separate.

des-mobl-izar: to unfurnish, strip of furniture.

des-monet-igar: to demonetize (cf. sen-valor-igar).

des-munt-ar: (tr.) to dismount, take apart (a machine).

des-muzel-lig-ar: (tr.) to unmuzzle.

des-nacion-al-igar: to denationalize; -an-igar: to denaturalize.

des-naiv-igar: to sharpen the wits of.

des-net-a: dirty, unclean, untidy; -igar: to dirty; -ig-anta: soiling; (cf. sordida).

des-nobl-igar: to debase, -eso: ignominy, meanness; -igo: debasing; -ig-anta: debasing, ignominious.

des-nod-igar: to untie a knot in.

des-obedi-ar: to disobey.

des-obstrukt-ar: to deobstruct, clear; -iva, -ivo: (med.) deobstruent.

des-oportun-a: inopportune; -ajo: something i.

des-ordin-ar: (tr.) to disorder, derange, disturb; -ogo: hurly-burly.

des-organ-izar: to disorganize.

des-orient-izar: (lit.) to turn from the east; (fig.) to put out of one's element; to put on the wrong scent, to lose one's bearings.

des-ost-izar: to bone, to fillet (fish); -iz-ita dindo: boned turkey.

des-ox-izo: disoxygenation.

des-oxid-igar, -izar: to disoxidate, deoxidize.

des-pak-igar: to unpack, unbundle.

des-pav-izar: to unpave, take up the pavement.

des-pekt-ar: (tr.) to uncomb.

des-pend-ar: (tr.) to take down, unhang (a chandelier, etc.).

despens-o: pantry, larder, buttery, steward's office; -isto: steward. — FIS

des-persuad-ar: (tr.) to dissuade, persuade to the contrary of (ulu pri ulo, ulu per ulo).

des-pia: impious, ungodly, undevout.

despit-ar: (intr.) to be vexed; to fret. Def.: Despito: chagreno mixita kun iraco. Ex.: Ilua agi despitigas me (E. his acts vex me); Quo importas, sive il esas joyoza sive il esas despitoza (E. what do you care whether he is joyous or vexed). Lasar eruptar sua despito; (E. to vent one's ill humor). — eFIS

des-plan-igar: to put out of true, (of wood) to warp.

des-plas-izar: to displace (ulu, ulo).

des-plen-igar: to diminish the contents of, to empty; -eskar: to get low.

des-plez-ar: (intr.) to be displeasing (ad ulu); (tr.) to displease (ulu).

des-plezur-o: displeasure, grief, sorrow.

des-plum-izar: to pluck (feathers).

des-polar-igar: to depolarize.

des-polis-ar: to remove the polish, to rough.

des-popul-izar: to depopulate.

des-popular-igar: to render unpopular.

des-posed-igar: to dispossess, oust.

despot-o: despot; -a, -ala, -atra: despotic. — DEFIRS

des-priz-ar: (tr.) to disdain, scorn, despise; -igar: to bring into disrepute, discredit (ulu).

des-profund-ajo: shoal, shallow.

des-propr-igar: to renounce (property in something).

des-pur-a: impure; -eso, -ajo: impurity.

des-qualifik-ar: to disqualify.

des-quiet-a: (mentally) uneasy, anxious; -eso: inquietude, disquietude; -ig-anta: disquieting.

des-racion-o, -eso: unreasonableness, senselessness.

des-rig-izar: to unrig (a ship).

des-rigid-igar: to make pliant, unstiffen.

des-rigl-agar: (tr.) to unbolt.

des-rug-izar: to unwrinkle, smooth (the face).

des-saja: unwise, foolish.

des-sal-izar: to remove the salt from.

des-sel-izar: to unsaddle.

des-sepult-ar: (tr.) to exhume.

des-serv-ar: (tr.) to disoblige, not to serve.

des-sigl-ar: (tr.) to unseal.

des-skrub-agar: (tr.) to unscrew (ulo); (cf. des-visar).

des-sold-ar: (tr.) to unsolder.

des-spul-ar: (tr.) to unwind (from a bobbin or spool).

des-stop-ar: (tr.) to unstop, uncork; -ilo: corkscrew.

des-strand-igar: to get afloat, refloat.

des-stult-igar: to sharpen the wits of.

des-suol-izar: to take soles from; (fig.) to wear off the soles of.

des-sut-ar: (tr.) to unsew, unstitch.

des-tens-ar: to slacken, relax.

des-tex-ar: to unweave.

destin-ar: to destine (ulo, ulu, ad ulo). Ex.: Destinar sua filiulo esar advokato. Esar kontenta pri sua destino (E. to be content with one's lot). — DEFIS

des-tord-ar: (tr.) to untwist.

des-torpor-igar: to remove the numbness from, to quicken.

des-tromp-ar: (tr.) to undeceive.

des-tron-izar: to dethrone (a king).

destrukt-ar: (tr.) to destroy. — DEFIRS

des-trus-ar: (tr.) to untuck, let down (a garment).

des-union-ar: to disunite.

des-valid-igar: to invalidate.

des-varm-igar: to cool or make cold (a hot body).

des-vel-izar: to unveil; (fig.) to disclose.

des-vest-izar: to take the clothing from, undress, divest.

des-virg-igar: to deflower (a virgin).

des-vis-ar: (tr.) to unscrew (a screw); (cf. des-skrub-agar).

des-volv-ar: (tr.) to unroll, unwrap.

des-zon-izar: to ungird, loosen a girdle.

detach-ar*: (tr., milit., nav.) to draft: to send away, to send off for a particular service (from the main body). — DEF

detachment-o: (milit.) detachment, draft. — DEF

detal-o: detail, particular: a minute or distinct part; -a, -oza: detailed; -e: in, with d.s, minutely, piece-meal, bit by bit; -igar: to particularlize, state circumstantially, give the d.s of; sen- -e: briefly, in a few words. Ex.: La detali di afero, di listo. Detaloza kalkulo. Il detale naracis sua historio. Il detaligas sua historio. — DEFIRS

detektiv-o: detective: secret policeman. — DEFR

determin-ar: (tr.) to determine: to fix the limits of; to ascertain or settle the exact truth about (ulo); (gram.) to fix the extent, the meaning of a word or sentence; -o: determination (not resolution, cf. rezolvo). Ex.: Lavoisier determinis la kompozuro di l'aero. Determinar disto de la tero a la suno. La determino di la volo. Determinita nombro. La doktrino di determinismo. V. exp.: vid. definar. — DEFIRS

deters-ar: (tr.) to deterge: to cleanse, purge away (as foul matter); -anta, -iva, -ivo: detergent. Ex.: Detersar la intestini. — DeFI

deton-ar: (intr.); -igar: (tr.) to detonate; -o, -uro: detonation, report. — DEFIS

de-tranch-ar: (tr.) to cut off, excise.

detriment-ar: (tr.) to prove detrimental to, be prejudicial to; Ex.: Ica fakto detrimentis mea reputeso. Ica aranjo esas facita a mea detrimento, lo detrimentas me. V. exp.: Detrimentar e domajar esas diversa speci di nocar. Domajar (ulo) esas facar material altero, qua minbonigas kozo (o la korpo di persono). Detrimentar (ulu) esas efektigar a lu ula perdo, mem nerekte e nevole; IV-237-8. — EFIS

de-turn-ar: (tr.) to turn away, aside (ulu, ulo, de).

dev-ar: (tr.) to have the obligation of, have the duty of, ought, should; -o: duty, obligation. Def.: «Devar» konvenas ad omna ed omnaspeca obligesi (moral od altra), do devas uzesar en omna imperi, preskripti e konsili. Ex.: Se vu volas bone standar, vu devas esar sobra. Vu devas ne adulterar, furtar. V. exp.: vid. darfar; kp. mustar. — FIS

devanc-ar: (tr.) to out-run, out-strip, out-do, to distance. V. exp.: On preter-iras kozo senmova, ma devancar implikas ke la objekto movas, e movas en sama sinco kam la subjekto; IV-137. — F

devast-ar: (tr.) to devastate, lay waste, ravage, desolate. Ex.: Ula uragano, ula pesto devastis la lando, la urbo. — EFIS

develop-ar: (tr.) to develop: make larger, fuller; to unfold (a plot, etc.); -(ad)o, -eso: development; growth, increase, progress. Ex.: Gimnastiko developas la korpo. Developar la mento di infanto. Developo di arboro. V. exp.: Developar indikas generale la kreskado gradoza e reguloza, sive di l'organismi, sive di omna kozi simila od analoga ad organismi. Evolucionar expresas la preciza ciencala (e filozofiala) ideo di evoluciono, enduktita la Lamarck, Darwin, e.c.; ol karakterizas ula speco di developo, ed implikas transformo (ol opozesas a la dissolvo, qua esas l'inversa fenomeno). Singla organismo, ento «developas su»; nur spci «evolcionas» tra la longa serio de yarcenti, chanjante sua formo, adaptante su ad altra kondicion ai di vivo, e.c.; III-221. — EFI

deviac-ar: (tr., intr.) to deviate, swerve (de). Ex.: La deviaco di magneta agulo. — EFIS

deviz-o: device: emblematic design; blazon- -o: heraldic bearing. — DEFIRS

devoc-o: devotion: act of religion, external worship (cf. pi-eso); -oz-a, -(ul)o: a devout (person); -ala: devotional; facar devocaji: to perform one's devotions. — DEFIS

devon-o*: (geol.) Devonian strata. — DEF

devor-ar: (tr.) to devour, eat greedily; -anta, -ema: devouring, ravenous, voracious; -em-eso: voracity. — EFIS

devot-a: devoted; -eso: devotedness, devotion; -esar, -igar su: to be d., to devote oneself. Ex.: Esar tote devota ad ulu, ad ulo. Devoteso a sua patrio. Devotigar su ad ula skopo. — DEFI

dextr-a: right (handside); -e: on the r.; -a manuo: r. hand; -uz-ero:a r. handed person; -ano: (parl.) member of party on right (a conservative); turnar ad-dextre: to turn to the r. Ant. sinistra. — eFIS

dextrin-o: (chem.) dextrine. — DEFIRS

dezert-a: desert, deserted; -o: a desert, wilderness; -igar: to make a d. of (ulo). Def.: Qua esas sovaja (od arida) e ne habitata. Ex.: Insulo dezerta. Sahara esas dezerto. Lando dezerta e nehabitata (E. a wild and uninhabited country). — EFIS

dezinenc-o: desinence: formative suffix, word-ending. Def.: Finalo di vorto, precipue por indikar la flexiono. — DeFIS

dezir-ar: (tr.) to desire: to wish for earnestly, long for, hanker for, covet; -egar: to greatly covet, lust after; -inda: desirable; -ajo: a desirable object, a desideratum; il ardoroze deziris richaji: he ardently desired wealth; me deziras ke vu parolez: I wish you to speak; me desiras a vu omna feliceso: I wish to you all happiness. — EFIS

dezol-ar: (tr.) to make disconsolate, distress, grieve (ulu); -eso: affliction, desolation (mental); -anta, -iva: grievious, disheartening. Ex.: La morto di mea amiko dezolas me. — eFIS

di: (marks the genitive, possession, belonging to) la domo di mea patrulo: my father's house; en la tempi di la Romani: in the time of the Romans; la rejo di Anglia: the king of England; la fenestri di la domo: the windows of the house; di qua, di qui: whose, of which; la puero di qua me vidis la libro: the boy whose book I saw; la libri di qui vu prizis la binduro: the books, the binding of which you liked; di qua esas ica granda fabrikerio: whose is this great factory? V. exp.: vid. de

di-o: day (of 24 hours; cf. jorno); -ala: daily; de un dio a l'altra: from one day to another; la dii dil semano: the days of the week. — eFIS

diabas-o*: (petrog.) diabase: trap, greenstone. — DEF

diabet-o: (med.) diabetes; -ika, iko: diabetic (person). — DEFIRS

diabl-(ul)o: (theol. and fig.) devil, fiend; -ala, -atra: diabolic, devilish; -eto: little d., imp; -ino: she d.; -ajo: act of devil(t)ry; per la -o: what the devil; diablatra infanto: a little demon (child); facar diablatra tumulto: to make a devlish uproar. — DEFIRS

diachilon-o*: diachylon: a kind of a plaster for wounds. — DE

diadem-o: diadem. — DEFIRS

diafan-a: diaphaneous, transparent, pellucid; (cf. translucida); -a marko: watermark (on paper). Def.: Qua lasas pasar la lum-radii, tale ke on povas klare dicernar objekti tra ol. Ex.: Aquo, polisita vitro, esas diafana. Ant. opaka. — eFIS

diafiz-o*: (anat.) diaphysis: the shaft or main part of a long bone. — DEF

diafragm-o: (anat., elec., opt.) diaphragm. — EFIRS

diagnoz-ar: (tr., med.) to diagnose. — DEFIRS

diagonal-a, -o: (geom.) diagonal. — DEFIRS

diagram-o: (geom.) diagram. — DEFIRS

diakon-o: (eccl.) deacon. — DEFIRS

diakonis-o: (eccl.) deaconess. — DEFIS

diakritik-a, -o: diacritic. Def.: Teknikala termino por omna signi adjuntita a literi (supersigni, subsigni, e.c.); III—670. — DEFIRS

dialekt-o: dialect. Def. Vario regionala di linguo. — DEFIRS

dialektik-o: (log.) dialectics. — DEFIRS

dializ-o: (chem.) dialysis. — DEF

dialog-ar: (intr.) to dialogue: take part in a dialogue (kun); -izar: to put in form of a d. (ulo). — DEFIRS

diamant-o: (stone) diamond; -atra: d. like, -o-forma: d. shaped; -izar: to cover with d.s (ulu, ulo); -o tali-ita: cut-d.; -o kruda: rough d.; -o-garnituro: set of d.s; -o(frot)-polvo: d. dust; muntar -o: to set a d. — DEFIRS

diametr-o: (geom.) diameter; -o (interna): caliber, bore (of guns, etc.) — DEFIRS

diant-o: (bot.) pink (genus: Dianthus). — L

diapazon-o: tuning-fork. — DeFIRS

diare-ar: (intr.) to have a diarrhoea. — DEFIS

dias-o*: (geol.) dyas: the Permian formation. — DE

diastaz-o: (chem.) diastase. — DEFIRS

diastol-o: (physiol.) diastole. Ant.: sistolo. — DEFIS

diatez-o: (med.) diathesis. — DEFIS

diatome-o: (zool.) diatom. — DEFIRS

diatonik-a: (mus.) diatonic. — DEFIRS

diatrib-o: diatribe. — DEFIRS

dic-ar: (tr.) to say, tell, (ulo, ad ulu): -o, -ajo: saying, what one says; su-dic-anta: so-called, self-styled. V. exp.: Gramatikale, dicar esas transitiva, parolar netransitivia: co konstitucas granda, esencala difero. Dicar sempre relatas ula objekto, t.e. la kozi (frazi) quin on dicas; parolar expresas la pura ago di la voco. «On devas parolar por dicar ulo; ma existas multa homi, qui parolas por dicar nulo»; V—35. — FIS

dicern-ar: (tr.) to discern: to see and identify by noting differences; -(ad)o, -uro: discernment, discrimination; -iv-eso: discernment (faculty); -ebla: distinguishable. Def.: Vidar o komprenar la difero di du kozi (t.e. ke li diferas); III—495. Ex.: Dicernar la verajo de la eroro. La daltonismiki dicernas male la kolori. Agar sen dicerno. V. exp.: Me dicernas la du soni s e sh, e me distingas la per adjuntar h a s en l'una kaso; III—495. Ant.: konfundar. — EFIS

dicion-o, -arto: elocution, delivery (utterance; N.B. not «diction»: choice of words; cf. stilo); -isto: elocutionist. Def.: Arto, maniero parolar o deklamar; III—670. Ex.: Diciono klara, inciziva. Diciono esas la arto di aktoro. — DeFIRS

diciplin-ar: (tr.) to discipline (children, soldiers, etc.); sen- -a, n- -ita: undisciplined. — DEFIRS

dicipul-o, -ulo, -ino: disciple — EFIS

didaktik-o: didactics. — DEFIRS

didelf-o: (zool.) opossum (Didelphis). — L

diedr-a*, -o*: (geom.) dihedral. — DEF

diet-o: (med., also legislative) diet; -al-a: dietary; -igar: to d. (ulu); impozar -o ad ulu: to place someone on a d.; esar en -o: to be on a d. Def. (Nutranta) rejimo sequenda; parlamentatra kunveno. VI—51; III—138. — DEFIRS

dietetik-o*: (med.) dietetics. — DEFIRS

diez-o: (mus.) a sharp (#). — DF

difam-ar: (tr., jur.) to defame, traduce, libel, asperse; -anta, -iva, -ema: defamatory; (cf. maldicensar, kalumniar, denigrar). Def.: Dicar ulo vera o nevera qua atakas la honoro or reputeso; ago, punisebla da la civila lego; II—645, IV—203. — EFIRS

difer-ar: (intr.) to differ: be different, be unlike; (of opinion) to disagree; -o: (math.) difference; -anta: different. Ex.: La sentimenti, la interesti di homi diferas. Diferar opinione de ulu. La difero inter tri e un esas du. V. exp.: Difer-anta: esence des-simila (per speco); diversa: plu multa kam un. Ex.: La diversa dezinenci di vorto havas senci diferanta: (E. the various terminations of a word have different meanings). — DEFIS

diferenci-ar: (tr., intr., biol., sociol.) to differentiate, to acquire or give a distinct or separate character (cf. diferencial-igar); -(ad)o: differentiation, the modification or specialization of parts or organs. — DEFIS

diferencial-o: (math.) differential; (tech.) d. gear; -igar: (math). to differentiate; -ig-(ad)o: differentiation. — DEFIRS

difrakt-ar: (tr., opt.) to defract. — DEFIS

difteri-o: (med.) diptheria; -ik-a, -o: diphtheritic (person). — DEFIRS

diftong-o: (gram.) diphthong. — DEFIRS

difuz-ar: (tr.) to diffuse: to spread, disperse widely. — DEFIRS

dig-o: dike, dam, coffer-dam; -izar: to dike, dam. Def.: Konstrukturo por preventar indundado. — FIS

digest-ar: (tr., physiol.) to digest; -ig-ivo: (med.) a digestive. — DEFIS

digital-o: (bot.) digitalis. — DEFISL

digitalin-o*: (med.) digitalin, digitalis. — DEF

digitigrad-a, -o: (zool.) digitigrade. Ant. plantigrada. — EFIS

dign-a: worthy; meriting, deserving; having merit, worth, virtue; -eso: worthiness; (cf. respekt-ind-eso). Ex.: Digna de rekompenso, de laudo, de puniso. — FIS

digram-o: digraph; a combination of two or more letters to represent one sound, as ch, sh. — DeFIS

digres-ar: (intr.) to digress (de); -o: (also astron.) digression: departure from main subject. — EFIS

dik-a: (dimension) thick; (plu-) -igar: to thicken (cf. pludens-igar:); vitro dika de un centimetro: glass one centimeter thick. Def.: Relatas nur un dimensiono (di geometriala solido), la 3a (pos longeso e larjeso); III—544. V. exp.: Grosa relatas du dimensioni e havas la kontreajo: tenua. Exemple, texuro, papero, metala plako esas dika o dina; filo, kordo, kolono, esas grosa o tenua. Ant. dina. — DE

diklin-a: (bot.) diclinous. — DEFIS

dikotiledon-o*: (bot.) dicotyledon. — DEFIS

dikotom-a*: (bot.) dichotomous. — DEFIRS

dikotomi-o: (log.) dichotomy. — DEFIRS

dikt-ar: (tr.) to dictate; utter sentences to be written down; (cf. imperar, impozar). — DEFIRS

diktam-o: (bot.) dittany (genus: Dictamnus). — DEFIS

diktator-o: dictator. — DEFIRS

dil: di la.

dilat-ar: (tr.) to dilate. Ex. Kaloro dilatas korpi. — EFIS

dilem-o: dilemma. — DEFIRS

dilet-ar: (tr.) to have a great liking for, be partial to, be an amateur in (music, etc.); -anta, -anto: diletante. — DeFIRS

diligent-a: diligent. Def.: Qua agas kun zelo e rapideso. V. exp.: vid. asidua. Ant. lenta, indolenta, ne-ag-ema. — EFIS

dilijenc-o: diligence, stage-coach. — DEFIRS

dilut-ar: (tr.) to dilute; thin by admixture of a liquid; -anta, -ema: (of style, etc.) diffuse. — FIS

diluvi-o: deluge, flood; -alo, -ala formacuro: (geol.) diluvium. — DeFIS

dimension-o: dimension. — DEFIS

diminut-ar: (tr., intr.) to diminish, lessen, -iva, ivo: dimunutive; (cf. min-grand-igar, min-gros-igar). Ant. Augmentar, kreskar, ampligar; developar. — DEFIS

dimiti-o: (fabric) dimity. — DE

din-a: thin; on dimension of a paper, plank, etc.; (plu-)din-igar: to make t.; -e taliar: to mince, cut thin (meat, etc.) V. exp.: vid. dika. Ant.: dika. — DE

dinam-o (-mashino): dynamo. — DEFIRS

dinamik-o: dynamics. — DEFIRS

dinamism-o: dynamism; the doctrine that all substance involves force. — DEFIRS

dinamit-o: dynamite; -agar: to d. — DEFIRS

dinamometr-o: dynamometer. — DEFIRS

dinasti-o: dynasty. — DEFIRS

dind-o: turkey. — FI

dine-ar: (intr.) to dine, to be at dinner; -o-horo: d. time; frua -o: early d. Def.: Dineo esas la repasto dil vespero; VI—162. — DEF

dinosauri-o*: (paleon.) dinosaur(ian). — DEF

dinoteri-o*: (paleon.) dinothere. — DEF

diocez-o: diocese (of a bishop). — DEF

dioptr-o: (opt.) diopter: sight-vane. Def.: La fesnestreto tra qua on regardas por vizar punto per l'instrumento nomata alidado; IV—292. — DEIRS

dioptri-o: (opt.) diopter; unit of refractive power. Def.: Uneso di mezuro por la «okulvitri»; IV—292. — DEFIRS

dioptrik-o: dioptrics. Def.: Teorio di la optikala vitri (kp. katoptriko); IV—292. — DEF

dioram-o: diorama: — DEFIRS

diorit-o: (min.) diorite. — DEFIRS

diplas-ar: (tr.) to displace; to change the place of (ulo); to misplace; put out of place (ulo); -ar su: to change one's place or residence; -o-pezo: (nav.) displacement (of a ship); il diplasas omno en sua chambro: he puts everything out of place in his room; -ar libro: to misplace a book; (cf. egarar). — EF

diplom-o: diploma; -izar: to confer a d. upon (ulu). — DEFIRS

diplomac-o: diplomacy, diplomatics; (fig.) tact, shrewdness; skill in conducting any kind of negotiation or social matter; -ema, -atra: diplomatic; -isto: diplomat. — DEFIRS

diplomatik-o: diplomatics: science of ancient writings. — DEFIRS

diport-o: (stock exchange) backwardation. Def.: Ajorno til proxima borsal liquidaco di la livro di valori vendita, pagante premio; la premio pagata por ta ajorno; II—75. — DFIS

dipter-a, -o: (ent.) dipteral (insect). — DEFIS

diptik-o: diptych: ancient tablet of two leaves. — DEFIS

direcion-o: (line of) direction, bearing (both ways). Ex.: Du paraleli havas la sama direciono; IV—4. V.exp.: vid. sinso. — DEFIRS

direkt-ar: (tr.) to direct; manage, conduct; put in a direction, (ulu, ulo, ad); -(ad)o: direction, management; -eyo, -erio: manager's house or office; -anta, iva: directive, managing; -anto, -ero, -isto: director, manager; -ist-eso, -er-eso: directorship; -ist-ala, -er-ala: directorial -ebla: dirigible; mis- -ar: to mismanage. Ex.: Direktar veturo, navo, armeo, teatro. Direktisto di fabrikerio. Direktar sua regardi vers objekto. Direktar la studiado di ulu. Direktebla balono esas aer-navo. V. exp.: vid. guidar. — DEFIRS

direktori-o*: (Fr. hist.) Directoire. — DEFIRS

diret-a: direct (opposite to indirect, as: direct way, discourse, method); -a treno: through train. Ex.: La Suez-kanalo esas la voyo maxim direta de Europa a la extrema oriento. V. exp.: La voyo direta de A a B povas ne esar rekta (E. straight). Ant.: ne-direta. — DEFIS

dis: (mus.) D. sharp.

dis-don-ar: (tr.) to distribute promiscuously, deal out; -(ad)o: distribution, giving (gifts, etc.), deal (at cards); (cf. distributar, repartisar). Def.: Donar hike ed ibe (ordinare hazarde); VI—79. Ex.: Disdonar prospekti a la pasanti.

disenteri-o: (med.) dysentery; -ala, ika: (persons) dysenteric. — DEFIRS

disert-ar: (intr.) to dissertate; -o, uro: dissertation; oral or written examination on a question; disquisition; (college) theme. — DeFIRS

dish-o: dish (of food), viand, mess; -o frianda: a toothsome d.; karno- -o: meat dish, dish of meat. — E

disident-a: (rel.) dissident, dissenting; -(ul)o: dissenter; -eso: dissent. Def.: (Teknikala termino di religiala historio): qua ne konsentas kun la maxim multa samreligiani pri ula punto, dogmato; III—389, 634. Ex.: Sekto disidenta. — DeFIRS

disimul-ar: (tr.) to dissimulate, dissemble; hide under a false appearance; -anta: two-, double-faced, artful, sly. Def.: Celar sua pensi, opinioni, sentimeni, o fingar altri; III—199. Ex.: Disimular sua joyo, kulpi, desfeliceso. Me ne disimulas la danjero ube me esas. (I do not hide the fact that there is danger where I am). — EFIS

disip-ar: (tr.) to waste, squander; (cf. extravagar, prodigar); -(ad)o, -eso: dissipation, waste; -anto, -ero, -emo: squanderer, spendthrift, prodigal, waster. Def.: Spensar abunde ed ecese sua havaji en multa frivola o sterila spensi, e havas prefere blamanta senco. Figurale, on disipas sua forteso, sua atenco inter multa objekti e skopi; IV—102; (kp. prodigar). — EFIS

disk-o: disc, disk; (games) quoit, discus; -o di luno: d. of the moon; signal- -o: signal d. (as on R.R.). — DEFIRS

diskont-ar: (tr., com.) to discount: advance money on a bill, deducting the interest; -isto: bill-broker. — DEFIRS

diskret-a: discreet, -eso: discretion. Ex. Il esas saja e diskreta persono. Atingar la evo di diskreteso. Fidar a la diskreteso di ulu. V. exp.: Modesta esas ta qua havas pri su opiniono moderata, ne exajerata, e ne havas ecesa pretendi; humila esas ta, qua havas pri su basa opiniono, e qua pozas su base, sub la ceteri; diskreta esas ta qua evitas jenar or tedar la ceteri per sua demandi, o nocar li per ne-prudenta agi, exemple revelanta la sekretaji; IV—465. Ant.: ne-diskreta, ne-oportuna. — DEFIRS

diskriminant-o*: (math.) discriminant. — DE

diskurs-ar: (intr.) to make a speech, deliver a discourse, an address to discant (pri); -achar: to rant. — DEFIRS

diskursiv-a*: (phil.) discursive: proceeding regularly from premises to conclusion. — DEF

diskut-ar: (tr.) to discuss (a questoin, project, point of law, etc); -achar: to wrangle, dispute, cavil; -ebla, -inda:: discussable, debatable. Def.: Examenar questiono ponderante la «por» el la «kontre». Parolante pri personi ne havanta la sama opiniono, kambiar argumenti pri ula temo; V—678. — DEFIRS

dislok-ar: (tr.) to dislocate: disarrange, put out of order or place; (milit.) to break up (an army); to dismember (a state). Ex.: On dislokas, sive mobili, utensili, mashini, sive armeo od armeo-korpo; III—324. V. exp.: Luxacar koncernas nur l'artiki. — DEFIS

dism-o: tithe; impozar la- -o: to t., levy t.s. — FIS

disoci-ar: (tr., chem.) to dissociate; break up into consitutents. — DEFIRS

disonanc-ar: (intr., mus.) to make a dissonance, discord; (cf. des-, mis-, ne-akordar). — DEFIRS

dispach-o: (mar. insur.) adjustment of averages; -isto: nautical assessor. — DFS

disparat-a: (log.) disparate; (fig.) incongruous; -ajo, -eso: disparity. Def.: Teknike e precize, aplikesas a du nocioni, qui ne apartenas a la sama genero, nek esas genero l'una di l'altra. Vulgare e laxe, dicenas pri omno quo esas tre nesimila, nekoheranta, neharmonianta; III—389. — DEFIS

dis-part-igar: to dismember; take part from part, take limb from limb.

dis-pec-igar: to dismember; take piece from piece, carve up.

dispens-ar: (tr.) to dispense (ulu de ulo) to exempt, excuse from, give leave not to do or observe (ulo); -o: dispensation; (cf. permisar). Ex.: Dispensar de la fasto. La granda evo dispensas la oldi militar. Ant.: obligar, koaktar. — DEFIRS

dispensari-o: dispensatory, dispensary (med.) Def.: Loko en qua la povri povas konsultar medicinisti e recevar flegi o medikamenti (sen lojar en ol); III—389. — EFIS

dispepsi-o: (med.) dyspspsia; -ika, -iko: dyspeptic. — DEFIS

dispers-ar: (tr.) to disperse, scatter. Ex.: La vento dispersas la nubi, la folii. Armeo vinkinta dispersas l'enemiki. Disperso di la Judi. V. exp.: Dispersar esas preske sinonima di dissemar, ma kun ideo plu agema, ideo di lanso, pulso ad fore; IV—465. — DEFIS

dispon-ar: (tr.) to have the disposal of, have (ulo) at one's disposal; to dispose of (ulo); -ebla: disposable, available; (milit.) unattached; -ebl-eso: disposability: (milit.) state of being unattached; Ex.: Ca homo disponas sua domo, sua havaji. (power of disposal). La libri esas en vua dispono. Me havas cento de franki disponebla por komprar. Oficiro, trupi disponebla. Me donas a vu la disponebleso di mea havaji. Esar sub la dispono di ulu. (E. to be at a person's beck and call). — DEFIRS

dis-poz-ar: (tr.) to dispose, lay out, parcel out; -(ad)o, -eso: disposition, arrangement.

disput-ar: (intr.) to have a dispute, to quarrel, wrangle, bicker; -o: quarrel, altercation; -achar: to squabble, brawl, wrangle about trifles; -ebla: disputable, contentable; -ema: disputatious, quarrelsome; inter- -ar: to mutally quarrel. Def.: Diskutar senordine e grosiere; V—678. — DeFIRS

dis-rupt-ar: (tr.) to disrupt, break asunder.

dis-sek-ar: (tr.) to dissect.

dis-sem-ar: (tr.) to disseminate: sow, scatter (seed); to strew, (things); spread abroad (ideas, error, truth, etc.).

dis-send-ar: (tr.) to spread, send in different directions.

dis-solv-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to dissolve, liquify; (fin.) liquidate, wind up; -o, -eso, -uro: dissolution, solution; -ema, -iva, -ivo: solvent, dissolvent. Ex.: Aquo dissolvas sukro. Dissolvar societo. Dissolvo di parlamento, di mariajo.

dist-ar: (intr.) to be distant, be remote; -o: distance; distanta de Paris per 5 km.: to be 5 km distant from Paris. — DEFIRS

dis-tens-ar: (tr.) to distend.

distik-o: (verse) distich. — DEFIS

distil-ar: (tr.) to distil. — DEFIRS

disting-ar: (tr.) to distinguish; set apart; to characterize; to make distinct or different by sign, mark or characteristic; -o: distinction: making different; -eso: distinctness, characteristicness; -anta, -ebla: distinct, characteristic; -ita: distinguished (person, object); -iva: distinctive. Def.: Facar ulo por ke altru povez discernar; III—495. Ex.: La raciono distingas la homo. La distingivi extera posibligas ke on povas dicernar l'una objekto de l'altra. Parolez, skribez distingeble. Oficiro distingita. V. ex.: vid. dicernar. Ant.: konfundar. — DEFIS

dis-tord-ar: (tr.) to distort.

distrakt-ar: (tr.) to distract, divert; -(ad)o, -eso: distraction, diversion, recreation; (fig.) absence of mind; -ita: diverted; (fig.) absent-minded; -anta:, -iva: diverting entertaining. Def.: Deturnar la mento, l'atenco de sua objekto per amuzivo, sive per irg altra moyeno. Existas menti naturale distrakata o distraktebla, qui distraktesas da irga extera kauzo, o mem da nula; IV—465. V. exp.: On distraktar kom sinonimo di amuzar, ma ol nultempe esas exakte sinonima: ol sempre konservas sua propra senco, mem kande la distrakto esas efekto o konsequo di amuzo; IV—465. — EFIS

dis-tranch-ar: (tr.) to cut up (into pieces), carve (off).

distribut-ar: (tr., gen. and tech.) to distribute; to deal out, apportion, dispense; (cf. disdonar, repartisar). V. exp.: Distributar esas donar (o sendar) a siversa personi o loki, ma kun dicerno, ne hazarde. Exemple, on distributas premii a la skolani. Teknikale, on distributas la vaporo a la du parti di cilindro en oportuna tempo; VI—79. — DEFIRS

distrikt-o: district. Def.: Limitizita teritorio sub un judicial resortiso. — DEFIRS

diten-ar: (tr.) to detain; withhold, keep back (what belongs to another); -o: detention: withholding; -anto, -ero: holder, possessor (of public property); one who withholds from another. (N.B. not used in sense of imprison, cf. en-karcer-igar). Def.: Konservar til ula evento; II—75. Ex.: Dum milito la guvernerio ordinare ditenas la havaji di rezidanta enemiki. — DEFIS

ditiramb-o: dithyramb. — DEFIRS

distres-o: distress; -krio: cry of d.; -ala signalo: signal of d. — EF

divag-ar: (intr., lit. and fig) to ramble, wander, rove, stray, divagate. Ex.: Bestii divigas. La divagi di aquofluo. Alkoholiko divagas en sua parolado, t.e. vagas en sua parolado o mem sua pensado, sen ordino nek raciono; III—199. — eFIS

divan-o: divan. V. exp.: Divano ne havas dors-apogilo, ma nur movebla kuseni. Sofao havas dors-apogilo (esas quaze repozlito). Kanapeo esas quaze larja stulego por plura personi, kun dors-apogilo e brakio-apogili; II—647. — DEFIRS

diven-ar: (intr., tr.) to become; to get, grow, pass into some new state or condition; to become of; be the final condition of; quo il -os?: what will he become? or what will become of him? (cf. -esk-). Ex.: Divenar malada, povro, richa, grasa. La homo, diveninta plu saja, agas plu bone. — FI

diverg-ar: (tr.) to diverge (de, ek). Def.: Deviacar, dispersar di un punto a diferanta direcion-o, -i; (fig.) esar ne-konkordanta. Ex.: Lumradii divergas. Divergo di opinioni. Ant.: konvergar. — DEFIS

divers-a: sundry, diverse, several, various; -aji: sundry articles: distinct things, not necessarily different in kind; -eso: diversity; variety, multiplicity. Def.: Qua esas plu multa kam un, ma ne granda nombro. Ex.: Diversa personi. La diversa interesti di la nacioni. La diversa senci di vorto. — DEFIRS

diversion-o: (milit.) diversion; turning aside; -ar: (intr.) to make, cause a d. Def.: Atako (en kombato) por deturnar l'atenco e la fortaji di la enemiko; simila taktiko en la konversado, por deturnar ol de temo jenanta, desagreabla, nekonvenanta, e.c. (Ne konfundenda kun digreso); III—329. — DEFIRS

divid-ar: (tr., math. and gen.) to divide (ulo, per ulo); maxim granda komuna -anto: greatest common divisor; -ebla: divisible (per); -endo: (math., fin.) dividend. — DEFIRS

divin-ar: (tr.) to divine: guess (by any means); -ajo, -endo: puzzle, poser, riddle; (cf. konjektar, pre-dicar). Ex.: Divinar la intenci di ulu. Divinar engimato. Me donas a vu di foyi divinar ol. Divino di la futuro. — EFIS

divizion-o: (milit.) division. — DEFIRS

divorc-ar: (intr.) to be divorced (de); -igar: to divorce; -inta, -into: divorced (person). — EFIS

divulg-ar: (tr.) to divulge; reveal, make known (a secret, news, etc.). — DEFIS

dizastr-o: disaster. Def.: Desfortuno tre granda e subita, generale koncernanta multa homi o tota socio, ex. grava vinkeso, granda incendio, naufrajo; III—324. — EFIS

«djin»: djinn, jinni.

do: (mus.) do: first tone of diatonic scale.

do: (prep.) therefore, then, so, consequently, (introduces a conclusion). Ex.: Me pensas, do me existas. Il esas vua patro, do vu devas respektar il. L'alkoholo foligas, do ol esas veneno. — FI

doari-o: jointure, dower, marriage-settlement (provided by the bride-groom or his family; cf. dotar); -ier-ino: dowager. — FI

doc-ar: (tr.) to teach; (cf. instruktar, lernar); -ajo: something taught; -ant-aro: teachers (collect.). — L

docent-o: private docent; private teacher or lecturer (university). — DeR

docil-a: docile, tractable. Def.: Facile docebla e duktebla; II-19. Ex.: Skolano docila. Docila kavalo. — EFIS

dodekaedr-o*: (geom.) dodecahedron. — DEFIRS

dodekagin-a*: (bot.) dodecagynian: having twelve styles. — DEFIS

dodekagon-o*: (geom.) dodecagon. — DEFIRS

dog-o: mastiff. — DF

dogan-o: (institution) customs; -eyo: custom-house, place; -pago, -taxo: custom-duty; -uniono: c. union. — FIS

dogmat-o: dogma; -ifar: to dogmatize. — DEFIRS

dogmatik-o: dogmatics. — DEFIRS

dogr-o: (boat.) dogger. — DeFIS

doj-o: (title) doge. — DEFIR

dok-o: dock. Def.: Mar-baseno por konstruktar o reparar navi; baseno cirkondita da kayi o warfi por charjar o descharjar navi. — DEFR

doktor-o: doctor; holder of a doctorate; -eso: doctorate; -o pri yurcienco: d. of laws; -o pri literaturo: d. of letters. — DEFIRS

doktrin-o: doctrine. — DEFIRS

dokument-o: document; -izar: to document; supply with d.s. — DEFIRS

dol-o: (jur.) fraud, deception, malice; evil or criminal intent; -oza trompo: fraudulent deception; -oza krimino: malicious crime. Def.: En la kriminal yuro, ol signifikas la kontrelega volo vizanta l'exekuto di krimino (doloza krimino); en la civila yuro: l' ago intence kontrelega, ex. pri kontrati; VI—76. — DFIS

dolc-a: pleasing to the taste: -a oranjo, vino: sweet orange, wine; -a odoro, (ek-)sufluro: a sweet smell, breath; pleasing to the ear: -a voco, murmuro: a sweet voice, a gentle murmur; pleasing to the mind; -a influeso: a gentle influence; -a memoro: a pleasant remembrance; -a koloro, lumo: a soft (or pleasing) color, light; (miscel.) -a vetero: mild weather; -a dormo: a soft slumber; -a humoro: a gentle humour; -a kiso: a sweet kiss; (cf. sukr-oza). — FIS

doli-o: (tech.) dolly-end; -iero: dolly, holding-on-tool. Def.: Doliiero esas specala instrumento, qua uzesas en la rivetago pro impedar la riveto ekbatesar per la martelagi. Dolio esas la kavajo, qua esas ye l'extremajo di la doliiero; III—79. — E

dolikocefal-a, -o: dolichocephal(ous). — DEFIRS

«dollar»: (pl.-i) dollar.

dolman-o: hussar's pelisse. — DeFIS

dolmen-o: domen, cromlech: table-stone. Def.: Speco di megalita monumento; VI—74. — DEFRS

dolomit-o: (min.) dolomite. — DEFIRS

dolor-ar: (intr.) to feel a pain, to suffer (physically; cf. chagrenar); -o: physical suffering: pain, ache; -i: throes, pangs; -anta, -oza: painful, sore; -igar: to cause pain to (ulu), to make sore, make suffer; -ig-anta: which causes pain, painful; havar reumatism-ala dolori: to have rheumatic pains. — FIS

dom-o: house; -ala: domestic; relating to a house; -eto: small h., cottage; -estro, -mastro: head of h.; -o-chefo: major-domo; -o-guvern-ist-ino: house-keeper; -korpo: main building. — eFRL

domaj-ar: (tr., phys. sense) to damage; to injure, harm, impair, spoil; -iva: injurious, hurtful; ye lua -o: to his injury, cost; sen- -a, ne- -ata: undamaged. Ex.: La pluvo domajas la rekoltajo. La kanono domajis ta edifico. V. exp.: vid. detrimentar. — EFI

domen-o: domain; estate (cf. ter-hav-ajo); -o-domo: manor-house. — DEFIRS

domestik-a: (of animals) domesticated; -igar: to domesticate (cf. domtar, amansar). — EFIS

domicil-o: domicile; residence, place of abode; -ala: domiciliary; -izar: to d., settle (ulu). — DEFIS

dominant-o*: (mus.) dominant; fifth note of scale. — DEF

domin-o: (game) dominoes; (mantle) domino; -o-stono: domino (single-piece). — DEFIRS

dominac-ar: (tr.) to have dominion over, sovereign authority, sway over; (fig.) tower, rise above, command, control; -o: domination, dominion; -anta, -ema: dominant, predominant, prevailing; -ach-anta: domineering. Ex.: Napoleon deziris dominacar Europa. Dominacar la pasioni. Monto dominacanta la maro. Fuorto dominacas la urbo. Religio dominacanta. — DEFIRS

dominikan-o*: Dominican (friar). — DEFIRS

domt-ar: (tr.) to subdue, subjugate, quell. V. exp.: On domtas propre la sovaja bestii (sen vere amansar oli, nek igar oli domestika). On domtas figurale la pasioni, la furioza amaso (turbo), e.c.; III—468. — DFIS

don-ar: (tr.) to give; -o: giving; -ajo: what is given; (fig.) gift (cf. donacajo); -ema: generous; -(at)ajo, -aji: datum, data. Ex.: Donar manjajo. Donar donacajo. Donar sua filiino en mariajo. Donar signo di vivo. Donar la manuo. Donar puniso, apetito, letro ad ulo. V. exp.: Me donas manjajo ad ulu, ma me ne donacas la manjajo, nam me postulas pekunio por ol. Ant.: aceptar, recevar. — eFIS

donac-ar: (tr.) to give: make a donation, a gift, a present of (ulo, ad ulu), to give away, bestow; -ajo: gift; -ario: donee; -anto, -into, -ero: donor. Ex. Donacar almono. Donacar (senrekompense) manjaji a la povri. V. exp.: vid donar. — EFIRS

dop: (prep., in space) behind, back of, after, posterior; (cf. pos); -e: from behind, in back; -a: rear, back, hinder; -ajo: object or part behind; - la domo: behind the house; -a butiko: back-shop; -a korto: back-yard; -a masto: after mast; mizzenmast; -irar: to come after (not necessarily «to follow»); -lando: hinterland; -rem-ar: to scull; -rem-ilo: sculling oar. Ant. avan. — I

dorad-o: (ich.) dorado: a species of dolphin (Coryphaena hippurus). — DFIRS

Dori-ana: Dorian (race, dialect). — DEFIRS

dorik-a: (arch.) Doric. — DEFIRS

dorlot-ar: (tr.) to coddle, pet; (fig. to nurse); -achar: to pamper (a child, a person); me prizas dorlotar me: I love to take my ease, to coddle myself. Def.: Traktar delikat-ege, -ache. — F

dorm-ar: (intr., tr.) to sleep, be asleep, slumber; -anta: sleeping, dormant; -etar: to doze; -ema: (momentarily) sleepy (cf. somnolar); -emo: sleepyhead; -eyo: sleeping place, dormitory; -eskar: to fall asleep; -igar: to lull, send (ulu) to sleep; -ig-iv-a, -o: soporific; -et-igar: to make drowsy; la infanto dormas dolce: the child sleeps a sweet sleep; -o-chambro: sleeping chamber, cubicle. — eFIS

dorn-o: (bot.) thorn, prickle. — DE

dorno-ginest-o: (bot.) furze, thorn-broom, gorse (Ulex).

dorno-perk-o: (ich.) stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus).

dors-o: (anat. and of knife, book, hand, etc.) back; -ala: relating to the back; dorsal; -o an -o: back to back; -apog-ilo: back of a seat; -o-korbo: basket (carried on b.); -o-kurva: round-shouldered; -o-sako: knapsack. — EFIS

dosel-o: dais; raised, canopied seat, fixed or portable. — S

dot-ar: (tr.) to endow: furnish a dowry, dower, marriage-portion to (ulu); supply (some public institution with a permanent fund); -o, -uro: dowry (provided by father or family of the bride), (cf. doario) endowment; (fig.) gift, talent; sen- -a puerino: a portionless girl; la talento esas la maxim bona doturo quan on povas donar a sua filii: talent is the best dowry one can give his children; havar la doto plezar: to have the gift of pleasing. — DFIS

doz-o: (med., pharm.) dose; -igar: (tr.) to put up a doze of, to apportion a dose of (ulo). — DEFIRS

dracen-o: (bot.) dragon-tree (Dracaena). — DFS

drag-ar: (tr.) to dredge (out) (a river, etc.), to explore with a drag; -ilo, -mashino, -batelo, -navo: dredge. — eFS

dragoman-o: dragoman. Def.: Interpretisto en Oriento; IV—199. — DEFIRS

dragon-o: (milit.) dragoon. — DEFIRS

draje-o: sugar-plum. Def.: Mandelo od altra kozo kovrita per harda sukrajo; V—722. — F

drak-o: (myth.) dragon; (astron.) Draco. — DeFIRS

drakm-o: (Gr. money) drachma; (weight) dram: eighth part of a troy ounce. — DEFIRS

drakon-ala: Draconian; severe, cruel. — DEFIRS

dramat-o: drama: -ala, -atra, -oza: dramatic; -igar, -ifar: (tr., intr.) to dramatize. — DEFIRS

drap-o: (woolen) cloth; -o-komerco: c. trade. — F

drapir-ar: (tr.) to drape: to cover with drapery, hang in folds. — DEFIR

drash-ar: (tr.) to thresh, thrash (grain); -ilo, -mashino: flail; thresher. — De

drastik-a: (med. and fig.) drastic. — DEFIRS

dren-ar: (tr.) to drain (a field, a wound, etc.); -tubo: drainage pipe. — DEFIRS

dres-ar: (tr.) to train, break in (animals). V. exp.: On dresas l'animali por igar li exekutar ula determinita (ofte ne naturala) movi, sive por servar la homo (ex. kavalkado), sive por facar irga prodaji. Omna domestika animalo esas edukata da sua mastro; ma ne omni esas dresita. Me povas edukar chasokundo (t.e. hundo de chasala raso) sen ule dresar lu (por la chaso o por irga altra agado); VI—383. — DFR

driad-o: (myth.) dryad, wood-nymph. — DEFIS

drift-ar: (intr., nav.) to drift. Def.: Esar pulsata da vento o mar-fluo exter sua voyo; II—75. — DE

dril-o: (tech.) drill-handle, holder; (cf. borilo, trepano). Def.: La instrumento qua portas e movas la borilo (en metalo). — DER

drink-ar: (tr.) to drink; -eyo, -erio: bar, public house; -o-pekunio: drink-money, tip; -kansono: drinking song; -o-fum-eyo: tap-room (lit. drink and smoke place); ne- -ebla: undrinkable. — DE

drog-o: drug; -erio: druggist's establ.; -izar: to physic, give a d. to (ulu, su). — DEFIS

drol-a: droll, funny, humorous. — DEF

dromedar-o: (zool.) dromedary. — DEFIRS

dron-ar: (tr.) to drown; (of ships) to founder, go to the bottom; -ito: a d.ed person. Def.: Mortigar ulu, su per asfixio en liquido. V. exp.: La navisti ne dronesis, nam la navo ne dronesis, ma nur sinkis til la bordo; (cf. II—16). — E

dront-o: (orni.) dodo, dronte (Didus ineptus). — DFS

druget-o: (fabric) drugget. — DEF

druid-o: druid. — DEFIRS

drup-o: (bot.) drupe. — EFIS

druz-o: (min.) druse. — DEFS

du: two; -o: a couple, pair, dyad; -ima, -imo: half (N.B. but «half» in composition is translated by mi- as, mi-horo, mi-cirklo); -im-igar: to divide in half; -opla, -oplo: double; -opl-igar: to double, to duplicate; -foye: two times, twice; -ala: dual; -alo: dual; number in gram.; -al-ismo: dualism; dek-e-du: twelve; duadek e tri: twenty-three; dekeduo: a dozen; duadeko: a score; duacent-e-un: two hundred and one; duacent-e-okadek-e-sis: 286; dek-e-duamil: 12,000; du-ople kin esas dek: twice five is ten; du-ima litro: half a liter; du-ime aquo, du-ime vino: half water, half wine; du-ime fola: half foolish; ye duima voyo: (at) half way, midway; dividar du-ime (kun ulu) to go halves; la soldati marchis duope: the soldiers marched by twos; omna duesma dio: every second day, every other day; la du: both (adjectively); due: both (adverbially); li du iris a la staciono: they both went to the station; ni du konkordis: we were both agreed; omna du esis ebria: both men were drunk; du-masta navo: two-masted ship; plu kam du-ime: more than half; il arivis ye du kloki: he arrived at two o'clock; dumanua: two-handed; du-part-igo: bipartition; du-partis-ana, -ala: bipartisan; du-senc-a: double meaning; equivocal; -ajo: equivocation; du-yar-ala: biennial (cf. mi-yarala). DEFIRS

dub-ar: (intr.) to doubt; waver in opinion, hesitate to believe; -ala, -anta: dubative; -ema, -inda, -ebla: doubtful, dubious, ambiguous, questionable; -anto, -emo: doubter; -em-eso: distrustfulness; sen- -e: without doubt, undoubtedly. Ex.: Me ne dubas, ke il venos. Dubar pri ulo. Solvar dubo. — EFIS

duel-ar: (intr.) to fight a duel (kun, kontre ulu). — DEFIRS

duen-o: duenna, chaperon. — DEFS

duet-o: (mus.) duet, duo. — DEFIRS

duk-(ul)o: duke (de); -ino: duchess; -ala: ducal; -eso: (rank, dignity) dukedom; -io: duchy. — EFIS

dukat-o: (coin) ducat. — DEFIRS

dukt-ar: (tr.) to lead, conduct, bring along (ulu, ulo). V. exp.: vid. guidar. — eFIS

duktil-a: ductile. — DEFIS

dulkamar-o: (bot.) woody night-shade, bitter-sweet (Solanum dulcamara). — DEFIS

dum: (prep.) during (the whole period spoken of); marks interval of time an event has taken place in; -e: meanwhile, in the mean time, yet, still; - ke (conj.) while, whilst, during the time when. Ex.: Dum la nokto. Il habitis dum plura yari en mikra vilajo. La mesajo arivis dum lua absenteso. Dum ke vu repozos, me skribos. Dume la vetero esis varma. — L

dun-o: dune, down, sand-hill. — DEFIRS

dung-o: manure, compost (artificial manure); -izar: to m.; -o-tero: vegetable mold; (cf. sterko). Def. Omno quon on mixas a la tero por igar ol plu fertila. On uzas multa minerala dungi, qui ne esas sterko; VI—248. — De

duodenum-o: (anat.) duodenum. — DEFIS

dup-(ul)o: dupe; -igar: to dupe, take in, make a person believe a falsehood; -ig-anto, -ero: cheat, trickster; -o-spoz-ulo: cuckold. Ex. Il lasis su dupigesar (da ulu) quale stultulo. — DEF

duplik-o*: (jur.) rejoinder. — DFIS

duplikat-o: duplicate, identical copy. — DEFIRS

dur-ar: (intr.) to last, endure, remain, continue, hold out; (cf. permanar, kontinua); -onta: to be continued (cf. pluso sequos). Ex.: La piramidi di Egiptia ankore duras. La skribado duras. Durigar diskurso, letro. Spaco e duro. Dur-iva stofi, instrumenti. Duranta joyi, chagreni. — DeFIRS

duramatr-o*: (anat.) dura mater. — DEFIS

durst-ar: (intr., also fig.) to thirst, be thirsty; -igar: to cause t. to; sen- -igar: to quench the t. of. — DE

dush-ar: (tr.) to douche: give a shower bath to. — DEFIRS

duv-o: (barrel-) stave. Def. Duvi esas planki di specala formo, ek qui on kompozas la bareli; III—81. — DF

duyong-o: dugong (Halicore dugong). Def.: Mar-hundo di la Malayal insularo (India-oceano, e.c.); III—230. — DEFIRS


e(d): (conj.) and. — FI

eben-o, -ligno: ebony; -iero, -arboro: e. tree; -isto: a worker in ebony: (fig.) an inlayer (of wood), cabinet maker (vid.: V. exp. karpentisto). — DEFIS

ebonit-o: ebonite. — DEFIRS

ebri-a, -ega, -ema, -eta: drunken, intoxicated; -eso, -em-eso: inebrity, drunkenness, intoxication; -igar: to intoxicate; par- -igar: to make dead drunk. — eFIS

ebuli-ar: (intr.) to form bubbles, to bubble up or froth (as water from a spring, blood from a vein; (fig.) to be boiling from anger or passion); (cf. efervecar, boliar); -o, -eso: bubbling, ebulition. — eFIS

e. c. (ed ceter-i, -e) et cetera (etc.).

ecel-ar: (intr.) to excel; be excellent, be eminent, be superior (en, pri). Ex.: Ca homulo ecelas en omno quon il entraprezas. Ecelar pri natado; ecelanta libro, homo. Ecelo di frukto. — DEFI

ecelenc-o: (title) excellency. Ex.: Lua ecelenco, la ambasadisto di … — DEFIS

ecentrik-a: (geom., mechan.) eccentric (wheel, rod, etc.). — DEFIS

ecept-ar: (tr.) to except; leave out, exempt, exclude; -(ad)o, -ajo: (act, object) exception; -e: save, unless, except; -e ke (conj.) except (that), with the exception that; -a, -ala: exceptional; -ale: by way of exception. Def.: Ne inkluzar en, exkluzar de ula nombro. Ex.: Eceptar ula kondamniti de amnestio. Existas nula regulo sen eceptajo. Ecepte ica personi, omni iros. Me ne permisos ke vu iros, ecepte ke vu pagos la domaji. — EFIS

eces-ar: (tr., intr.) to exceed; go beyond the proper limits; be guilty of excesses (in eating, drinking, etc.); -o, -ajo: (math.) difference by which one number exceeds another; transgression of due limits; abuse, waste; -anta, -iva: excessive; (fig.) exorbitant; -e: to excess, immoderately. Ex.: La debajo ecesas mil franki. Mea spensi ne ecesas mea recevaji. Ecesar pri manjado. Eceso en laborado. Koldeso ecesanta. Ecesanta superbeso. Preco ecesiva. DEFIS

echop-o: small wooden booth, stall. — F

ecit-ar: (tr.) to excite: arouse, impel, incite, urge, provoke, prompt. Ex.: Ecitar ulu laborar, revoltar. Ecitar l'iraco, la jaluzeso. La novaji efektigas granda eciteso. Ecito di la nervi. Vivo ecitanta. Ecitiva medikamento. Ecitema homo. — EFIS

ed: and. — FI

«edelweiss»: edelweiss (Gnaphalium leontopodium) — DEFI

edem-o*: (med.) oedema. — DEFIS

eden-o: Eden. — DEFIS

eder-o: (zool.) eider (genus: Somateria). — DeFI

ederdun-o: eider-down; -a kovr-ilo: e. quilt. — DEFS

edific-o: edifice; large building. Def.: Expresas ulo plu general kam domo, kastelo; palaco; edifico esas quaze meza inter ta tri vorti; III-200. — EFIRS

edifik-ar: (tr.) to edify: instruct, improve morally. Ex.: Edifikar ulu per prediko, per exemplo. Konduto, paroli edifik-anta, -ema, -iva. — EFIRS

edikt-ar: (tr.) to enact: to order (by an edict); (cf. dekretar). Ex.: Draco(n) ediktis punisala legi di senkompata severeso. — DEFIRS

edil-o: (Rom. hist.) edile. — DEFIS

«Edipus»: Oedipus; (fig.) riddle-solver.

edit-ar: (tr.) to publish (a book, a paper) (not E. «edit» cf. redaktar): -(ad)o: publishing; -uro, -ajo: edition, publication; -anto, -ero, -isto: publisher. Def.: Imprimar (libro, jurnalo, e.c. por vendar); imprimar la texto di ula autoro; V-405. — DeFIRS

edr-o: (geom.) face, outer surface of, superfice; outer configuration of a regularly crystalizing mineral, as a dodecahedron. — G

eduk-ar: (tr.) to educate (children, people); to develop and cultivate the physical, intellectual and moral faculties; to form the manners of; to rear, raise, breed (cattle and other animals); to train, rear (plants); il esas yunulo male -ita: he is an ill-bred young man. V. exp.: La general ideo kovrata da "edukar" esas multe plu larja kam la intelektala edukado (di homi, infanti), qua koincidas preske kun l'instruktado; (kp. VI-383, anke dresar). — EFIS

efac-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to efface: erase, rub out, expunge; -esar: to be effaced, obliterated. (cf. obliterar), -ilo: eraser. rubber. Ex.: Efacar la skriburo qua esas sur tabelo. Esas neposibla efacar la impreso de mea mento. — EF

efeb-o: (hist.) ephebus: virile youth. — DEFIS

efekt-o: effect; -igar: to effect, effectuate, produce, bring about, cause; (cf. produktar, en-duktar, efikar); -igo: effecting, execution, action, causation. Ant.: kauzo, motivo. — DEFIRS

efektiv-o: (milit.) effective force, strength. Def.: Vorto militala por expresar la fakte existanta nombro di la trupi de homi, kavali, kanoni e vehili; V-420. — Ex.: Efektivo di triadekamil soldati. — DEFIS

efemer-a: ephemeral, short-lived; -o, -a insekt-o: (ent.) ephemerid, dayfly. Ex.: Efemera floro, febro, feliceso. — DEFIS

efemerid-o: ephemeris: astronomical almanac. — DeFIS

efervec-ar: (intr., pr. and fig.) to effervesce, be effervescent. Def.: Ebuliado di gaso tra liquido; (fig.) emocar vivace, ma nedurante (ex. la eferveco dil pasioni). — EFIS

efik-ar: (intr.) to be efficient, be effectual, be efficacious; -eskar: to come into play, begin to take effect; -o: efficacy (action); -anta, -ema, -iva: efficient, efficacious, effectual, effective; -iv-eso, -em-eso: efficiency; ne- -anta, -iva; sen- -a: inefficient. Ex.: La moyeni efikas por la skopo. Efikiva remedio, kauzo. — eFIS

eflorec-ar: (intr., chem.) to effloresce; (cf. flor-ifar); (med.) to come out in a rash, break out in pimples. Def.: Indikas fenomeno kemiala (formaco di kristali ye surfaco di solido o liquido), e fenomeno fiziologiala (mikra influro di la pelo); III-74. — DEFIS

efluvi-o: effluvium. — DEFIS

egal-a: equal; -esar: to be equal to (ulu, ulo); -igar: to equalize (ulo ad ulo); -(ul)o: an equal; -eso: equality; -es-ala, -ema: seeking or fond of equality, levelling: ne- -a: unequal; Ex.: Egala pezaji, korpi, yuri. Egalesar ulu en merito. La morto egaligas omni. Egaleso di preco, di evo, di forteso. — DEFIS

egar-ar: (tr.) to mislay: lose for the moment; -esar: to be mislaid, missing. V. exp.: One ofte egaras kozi sen perdar oli. «Me mis-pozis mea plumiero sur la tablo; ol falis en la paperkorbo, e tale egaresis: ma ol ne esis perdita». — F

egard-ar: (tr.) to pay regard to, take (ulu, ulo) into account; -o: regard, consideration, respect; -e: regard being had to; egarde sua yuneso: in consideration of his youth. Ex.: L'autoro di ta pikturo ne egardis la neceseso di la perspektivo. Bona judiciisto judicias sen egardo ad la persono, il nur egardas lo bona di la stato. — eF

egid-o: aegis; (fig.) protection. DeFIS

eg-o: ego; the self; «das Ich»; -ismo: egoism; -isto: egotist; -ista: egoistic; selfish; mea altra ego: my other self; mea propra ego: my own self. — DEFIRS

eglefin-o*: (ich.) haddock (genus: Aeglefinus). — FL

egorj-ar: (tr.) to cut the throat of (ulu). Def.: Ocidar per kultel-frapo en la kolo (fauco); III-698. — F

egotism-o: egotism. — EFIRS

eis: (mus.) E sharp.

ejekt-ar: (tr., tech.) to eject, cast out, expel, discharge, void. — DEFIS

ek: (prep.) (general sense) out; (indicating motion) adportez stulo ek ta chambro: bring a chair out of that room; lu prenis ca folio ek la tir-kesto: he took this leaf from the drawer (N.B. not to be confounded with de where point of departure is to be indicated: letro de Boston, letter from Boston); (indicating the material a thing is made of, extracted from) vazo ek oro: a gold vase; ek quo esas ta tasi? li esas ek porcelano: what are the cups made of? they are made of china; (indicating fractional parts) nonadek ek cent: 90 out of 100 (90%); en ca armeo, 5 ek 100 esas ocidita, 10 ek 100 vundita: in this army, five out of (every) 100 were killed, and ten per cent were wounded.

ek-o: echo; -igar: to echo. Ex.: La vakua chambri ekigis nia pedopazi. (fig.) Kelki ekigas stultaji di altri. — DEFIRS

"ekarte": (card game) ecarte.

ek-fluar: (intr.) to flow out; -eyo: outlet; -anta: effluent.

ekidn-o: (zool.) echidna (genus: Echidna, sp. Hystrix). Def.: Australiana mamifero sendenta, qui ovifas, nutras su per insekti; V-484. — DEFIS

ekimos-o: (med.) ecchymosis; black and blue spot. — DEFIS

ekin-o: (zool.) echinus, -oid; sea-urchin. — EIL

ekinoderm-o: (zool.) echinoderm. — DEFIS

ek-ir-ar: (intr.) to go out, get out, walk out; -igar: to make (ulu) go out from; to remove (ulu) from one place to another.

eklampsi-o: (med.) eclampsia. Def.: Specala konvulso dum infanteso, uremio o parturo-stando; VI-480. — DEFIS

ek-lans-ar: (tr.) to fling out, send forth.

eklektik-a: eclectic. — DEFIRS

eklezi-o: church (as an institution; cf. kirko); -ano: church-member. — EFIRS

eklips-ar: (tr., astron. and fig.) to eclipse. — EFIRS

ekliptik-o: (astron.) ecliptic. — DEFIRS

eklog-o: eclogue. — DEFIRS

ek-migr-ar: (intr.) to emigrate. Ant.: en-migr-ar.

ek-mod-igar: (tr.) to cause to go out of fashion; -eskar: to become out of fashion; -a: old-fashioned.

ekonom-(ul)o: steward. — DFIRS

ekonomi-o: economy; pecuniary management, administration; (not saving, cf. sparo). Def.: La administrado financala di domo, societo o stato; metafore on parolas pri l'ekonomio di organismo, konsiderante lua gani (nutrado) e spensi (perdi di materio e di energio); VII-399. Ex.: On parolas pri ekonomio hemala (menajala), urbala, rurala, nacionala. — DEFIRS

ekonomik-o*: economics (science of); -ala: economic (theory); -isto: (political) economist; nacionala -o: political economy. Def.: La cienco o teorio dil ekonomio. La ciencisti qui okupas su pri la teorio nomesas "ekonomisti"; VII-398. — DEFIRS

ek-osmos-o: (phys.) exosmosis

ek-pren-ar: (tr.) to take out, withdraw (money, etc.)

ek-pres-ar: (tr.) to squeeze out, press out

ek-puls-ar: to expel, thrust out, turn out; -ala, -anta: expulsive, expelling; -ar de la patrio: to expatriate; (cf. expirar)

ek-rel-igar: to derail; -irar: to go off the track

ek-sekrec-ar: (tr.) to excrete

ek-spric-ar: (intr.) to spurt out, ejaculate

ek-sufl-ar: (tr.) to blow out

ek-ter-igar: to exhume, dig out, disinter, unearth

ek-teritori-a: exter-, extraterritorial

ek-tir-ar: (tr.) to draw out

ek-tranch-ar: to cut off, amputate, cut off, excise (cf. amputar)

ekumenik-a*: (rel.) ecumenical. — DEFIS

ek-vars-ar: (tr.) to empty out, pour off, spill.

ek-vok-ar: (tr.) to call out or up (ulu)

ekzem-o: (med.) eczema. — DEFIRS

el(u): she, her; -i: they (fem.); -ua: (sing.) her(s); -ia: (pl.) their (fem.); pro quo vu prenas elua libri? why do you take her books? lektez la vui e lasez la elui: read your own and let hers alone; il ri-trovis elua libri: he (re-)found her books; prenez elia manteli kun la vii: take their coats with your own. — FIS

elastik-a: elastic, springy, rebounding; -eso: elasticity; -o, -ajo: an elastic object. — DEFIRS

elefant-o: elephant. — DEFIRS

elefantiaz-o: (med.) elephantiasis. — DEFIS

elegant-a: elegant; fashionable (cf. segun-moda); -(ul)o: person of fashion or elegance; -(eg)ajo: exquisite object; -a mond-umo: the fashionable world. — DEFIRS

elegi-o: elegy. — DEFIRS

elekt-ar: (tr.) to elect (ulu, ek, inter); -(ad)o: election, polling; -iva: elective; -anto, -ero: elector, constituent; -ala, -er-ala: electoral; -er-aro: electorate; -ito: person elected; -o-yuro: right to or of election. — EFIS

elektr-o: electricity; -ala, -oza: electric; -izar: to electrify; -isto: electrician; -ala baterio: e. battery; -ala klosh-(et)o: e. bell; mortigar (ulu) per elektro-skoko (od, elektro-mort-igar): to electrocute; -o-lumo: e. light; -o-magnet-ala: e.magnetic. — DEFIRS

elektrod-o: elektrode. — DEFIRS

elektro-dinamik-o: electro-dynamics

elektrofor-o: (phys.) electrophorus. — DEFIRS

elektro-kemi-o: electro-chemistry

elektrolit-o: electrolyte. — DEFIRS

elektroliz-ar: (tr., chem.) to electrolize. — DEFIRS

elektrologi-o*: electrology. — DEFIRS

elektrometr-o*: electrometer. — DEFIRS

elektromobil-o: an electric automobile. — DEFIRS

elektron-o: electron. — DEFIRS

elektroskop-o*: electroscope. DEFIRS

elektro-statik-o: electrostatics. — DEFIRS

elektro-teknik-o: electrical engineering

elektro-terapi-o: electro-therapeutics

elektuari-o: (pharm.) electuary. — DEFIS

element-o: (all senses) element; -a, -ala: elemental. — DEFIRS

elev-ar: (tr.) to elevate, raise on high; (not to make higher in dimension; cf. plu-alt-igar); -(ad)o: elevation (act; cf. alt-ajo; elevaciono); -anta: (phys. sense) elevating; -ilo: elevator. V. exp.: Elevar adjuntas a levar ideo di alteso, di supera nivelo. On levas de tero (til su) ulo falinta; on elevas aquo, stoni a la supro di domo konstruktata; II-648. EFIRS

elevacion-o: (design) elevation, raised-plan, side-view. Def.: Desegno di l'extera formi di ula korpo vidata en horizontal direciono; III-81. — EFS

elevator-o*: (mechan., anat.) elevator. DEFIRS

elf-o: elf; -ala, -atra: elfin. — DEFIRS

elimin-ar: (tr.) to eliminate. Ex.: Eliminar nomo de la listo di kandidati. Eliminar toxikaji de la korpo. Eliminar de equaciono. — DEFIS

elips-o: (geom., gram.) ellipse, ellipsis. DEFIRS

elipsoid-o*: (geom.) ellipsoid. — DEF

elit-o: (milit. and fig.) the elite (of any army); choice troops, best men, flower (of army); (cf. eminent-aro). — DEF

elitr-o: (ent.) elytrum: wing sheath of beetles. — EFIS

elixir-o: elexir. — DEFIRS

Elize-o*: (myth. and fig.) Elysium; -ala agri: Elysian fields. — DEFIRS

elizion-ar: (tr., gram.) to elide. — DEFIS

eloquent-a: eloquent; (fig.) which produces the same effect as an eloquent speech. Ex.: Eloquenta parolanto, stilo. Lakrimi, silenco eloquenta. — DEFIS.

elud-ar: (tr.) to elude, evade; -ema, -iva: elusive, evasive. Def.: Evitar habile, rapide, ruzoze: III-324. Ex.: On eludas la frapo di espado; on eludas vizito, invito, obligo, tasko, questiono. Eludema respondo. — EFIS

emali-o: enamel; -izar: to e.; -o parietoza: cloisonné. — DFIS

eman-ar: (intr.) to emanate (de, ek). Ex.: Lumo emanas de la suno. Odori esas emani. — DEFIS

emancip-ar: (tr.) to emancipate (ulu, de). Ex. Emancipar sklavo, populo, (fig.) emancipar la mento. — DEFIRS

embaras-ar: (tr.) to embarrass; to obstruct, clog up; to encumber, hamper, hinder; (in gen.) to hinder movement (physical, mental); ca veturi embarasas la voyo: these vehicles block up the street; mea mantelo embarasas me: my cloak encumbers me; mea aferi esas en embarasita stando: my affairs (business) are in an embarrassed state; questiono embarasanta: embarrassing question; bagajo embarasanta: cumbersome baggage; (kp. intrik-ar). — EFIS

embarg-ar: (tr., naut. and fig.) to embargo, lay an e. on: prohibit to leave port; (jur.) to distrain, to levy a distress or execution, to garnishee or attack (for debt); pago- -o: lien. Def.: Embargo: (1) interdikto a stranjera navo en-irar od ek-irar portuo; (2) legal sequestro di mobli od imobli di debanto por garantiar pago di debo; (3) pag-embargo: legal sequestro, di

un kreditanto A., di sumo debata da un debanto B., ad altra persono C. por pagar debo di C. ad A.; II-75. — DEFIRS

embark-ar: (tr., intr.) to embark: go or put on board (ulu, ulo, en); Def.: Enirar navo; pozar en navo; II-75. — EFIS

emberiz-o: (orni.) bunting (Emberizo). L

emblem-o: emblem. Ex.: La hanulo esas emblemo (E. symbol) di vigilemeso. Emblemi di rejeso. — DEFIRS

embot-ar: (tr., tech.) to cold-roll, to stamp, bend or beat out (sheet metal); -ar kasrolo ek kupro: to cold-roll or beat out a copper saucepan. Def.: Kurvigar duktila metali, en kolda stando, por konvexigar un latero e konkavigar l'altra. — FS

embrac-ar: (tr.) to embrace, clasp, hug (in arms); to bracket; -ilo: (typog.) brace ( { } ) — EFIS

embrag-ar: (tr., intr., tech.) to clutch, put in gear; establish contact between the motive power and that which starts the movement. Def.: Solidigar (en un instanto, e por irga duro) du axi per diversa mediata instrumenti ed organi; III-87. Ex.: Rimen-transmiso "embragas", kande on igas la rimeno pasar de libera pulio sur fixa pulio sam-axa e sam-periferia; (kp. ingranar, kuplar). — F

embrazur-o: (arch., fort.) embrasure. — EFR

embriogeni-o: (physiol.) embryogeny. — DEFIRS

embriologi-o: embryology. — DEFIRS

embrion-o: embryo. — DEFIS

embrok-ar: (tr., med.) to embrocate; rub with a lotion. — DEFIS

embusk-ar: (tr.) to ambush; lie in concealment for; -ar su: to hide oneself; -o, -eyo: ambuscade. — EFIS

emend-ar: (tr.) to emend (a fault), rectify, free from error; (leg.) to amend (a law). V. exp.: On plubonigas o korektigas kozo, verko, ma ne defekto; on ne povas igar defekto "bona" o korekta, on simple supresas ol. Konseque on devas dicar: emendar defekto. On korektigas la kozo, emendante lua defekti; V-282. — DEFIS

emerit-a: emeritus; retired. Ex.: Profesoro emerita. — DEFIS

emers-ar: (intr.) to emerge (from a liquid); (fig.) to rise into view. Ant.: imersar, submersar. — eFIS

emetik-o*: (pharm.) emetic. — DEFIS

emetrop-a*: (opt.) emmetropic. — DEF

emfaz-ar: (tr., rhet.) to emphasize, stress; -ala, -oza, -atra, -ema: emphatic. — DEFIRS

eminenc-o: (title) Eminence. Ex.: Lua eminenco, la kardinalo. — DEFIS

eminent-a: (quality) eminent, superior; (of place) conspicuous; (cf. remarkinda); -(ul)o: e. person, notability; -eso: eminence: superiority, excellence (cf. ecelo, alt-ajo); -aro: the elite, pick of a group; -ega: most e. Ex.: Eminenta homulo, ofico, rango. Vertuo, servo eminenta. — DEFIRS

emir-o: (title) Ameer, Emir. — DEFIRS

emis-ar: (tr.) to emit: send forth, give out; (finan.) to issue (for circulation). Ex.: La kalor-radii quin la suno emisas. Emiso di monet-papero. — DEFIS

emoc-ar, -eskar: (intr.) to feel emotion, be agitated, moved; -igar: to cause e. to. Ex.: El parolis tote sen emoco. Lua aspekto emocigis me. Quik kande me vidis il, me emocis. — EFIRS

empal-ar: (tr.) to impale (ulu). — EFIS

emperial-o: top, roof, outside (of a coach with seats). — FIS

empire-o: empyrean. Def.: Maxim alta cielo di antiqua mitologio e kosmologio; (poet.) la cielo. — DEFIRS

empirik-o: empiricism (method); -ismo: empiricism (doctrine); -ala: empirical. — DEFIRS

employ-ar: (tr.) to employ (ulu); (cf. uzar); -ato: employee, -anto, -ero, -isto: employer; -o-kontoro: employment-office. Def.: Expresas la relato di patrono a salariato; III-468. — EFS

empost-o: (arch.) impost. — DEFIS

emul-a: emulous. Def.: Qua penas egalesar od superesar la ceteri en laudinda kozi o loyala konkurso; III-468. Ex.: On kurajigas la emuleso inter la lernanti. — EFIS

emuls-ar: (tr.) to emulsify. — DEFIRS

emund-ar: (tr., hort.) to lop, prune, trim; (fig.) to remove anything useless, noxious or inferior. Def.: Branchotaliar; (vulgarasenco) netigar, beligar o preparar kozo per depreno di omna parti o peci neutila, nebona o nebela; (IV-106). Ex.: Emundar arboro. Emundar legumi, salado, ucelo, fisho (por koquar oli). Metafore, on emundas kalkulo, la konduto di ulu, verko literatural od artal, e.c. — FIS

en: (prep.) in, of time and place; when really necessary to indicate motion into a place (into) ad should be prefixed: la ucelo flugis aden la kajo: the bird flew into the cage. (En la kajo may mean that the bird was flying about the cage); en la vintro: in the winter; en la urbo: in the city: il venis ad-en la laboratorio: he came into the laboratory. — DEFIS

en-abism-igar: to cast into the abyss, swallow up, ingulf.

en-angul-igar: to drive or put into a corner.

enartros-o: (anat.) enarthrosis. — DEF

en-barel-igar: to barrel, put into casks.

en-bek-igar: to put (ulo) into the beak of; to feed (a bird).

en-botel-igar: to bottle.

en-brigad-igar: to form into a brigade.

en-burs-igar: to put into one's purse, to pocket (money).

encefal-o: (anat.) encephalon. — EFIS

encefalit-o: (med.) encephalitis: inflammation of the brain. — DEF

en-celul-igar: to put into a cell, into cells.

en-cen-igar: to put on the stage.

enciklik-a: encyclical: circular; -o: e. letter: papal letter. — DEF

enciklopedi-o: encyclopedia. — DEFIRS

en-cirkl-igar: to encircle.

endemi-o: (med.) endemic disease. — DEFIRS

endetal-a: (com.) retail; -e: by retail; -(vend)isto: retailer. Ant.: engrosa.

endivi-o: (bot.) endive (Cichorium endivia).

endokard-o: (anat.) endocardium.

endokarp-o: (bot.) endocarp.

en-dukt-ar: (tr.) to lead (ulu) into (ulo), to introduce; (fig.) to involve (in a plot, etc.).

eneagon-o: (geom.) enneagon.

enemik(ul)-o: an enemy, foe; -ala: hostile, inimical; -al-ajo: hostile act or object; -eso: enmity, hostility; -igar: to render hostile; Def.: Persono qua havas des-amikala sentimento. Ant.: amiko. — EFIS

energetik-o: energetics : theory or science of energy. — DEFIRS

energi-o: energy; -ala, -oza: energetic. — DEFIRS

en-faktur-igar: to invoice, bill.

en-fang-igar: to bemire, to sink (ulo) in the mud.

enfil-ar: (tr., milit.) to enfilade; -o-paf-(ad)o: e. fire. — DEFIS

en-filtr-ar: (tr., intr., also fig.) to infiltrate.

en-flu-ar: (tr. intr.) to flow in; -eyo: place of inflow; -anto: affluent, tributary (stream).

en-fok-igar: to put in focus.

en-forn-igar: to put into an oven or a kiln.

en-gain-igar: to sheath (a sword, etc.).

engaj-ar: (tr.) to engage: to hire (ulu); (milit.) to enlist (ulu, su). — DEFIRS

engros-a: wholesale; -(vend)isto: wholesaler. Ant.: endetala.

enigmat-o: enigma, riddle, puzzle. — EFIS

en-ir-ar: (tr., intr.) to enter, come in; -o: entering, entree; -eyo: entrance, -igar: to cause to enter.

en-kadr-igar: to frame.

en-kaj-igar: to cage.

en-karcer-igar: to incarcerate, lock-up, confine, imprison; (cf. inkluzar).

en-kas-igar: to collect or put away (money, etc. in a treasury).

enkaustik-a, -o: (paint.) encaustic. — DEFIS

en-kazern-igar: to quarter in barracks.

en-kest-igar: to incase; box up.

enklitik-a, -o: (gram.) enclitic. — DEFIS

en-klostr-igar: to cloister (ulu).

en-kofr-igar: to put (ulo) in a coffer, trunk.

en-korp-igar: to incorporate: mix into one substance or mass (also fig.) Ex.: Enkorpigar oro e arjento. Enkorpigar legi en kodexo. Enkorpigar teritorio stranjera. Enkorpigo di komercal societo.

en-lanj-igar: to wrap in swaddling clothes.

en-lit-igar: to confine (ulu) to bed; -ar su: to take to one's bed.

enlumin-ar: (tr.) to illuminate (a book); (cf. ascendar, lum-izar, iluminar); to color (an engraving, map). — DEFIS

en-magazin-igar: to warehouse, store.

en-migr-ar: (intr.) to immigrate. Ant.: ek-migrar.

en-mix-ar: (tr.) to mix in, mingle.

enorm-a: enormous. Def. grandega, grosega, kolos(atr)a, monstr(atr)a.

en-osmos-o: (phys.) endosmose.

enoy-ar: (intr.) to feel dull, be bored, be weary (because of inaction or monotony); -ig-anta, -iva: boring, irksome; -igar: to bore (ulu); me enoyas pro la manko di amuzo: I am dull for lack of amusement; la monotoneso enoyigas me: the monotony wearies me; la longa vartado esas enoyiganta: the long wait is wearisome; (cf. tedar, iritar). — eFI

en-pak-igar: to pack up, make into a bundle.

en-posh-igar: to pocket, put in pocket (ulo).

en-pot-igar: to pot.

en-sak-igar: to sack, bag.

ensembl-o: the whole, ensemble; all parts taken together; general effect, collectivity, aggregate, totality; (cf. kune, entote); omna parti kune efektigas bela ensemblo: all parts taken together produce a fine general effect; kantar ensemble: to sing all together, ensembla movi: mass movements. — DeFR

en-skrib-ar: (tr.) to inscribe; -uro: inscription.

ent-o: (philos. and fig.) entity, being. — eFIS

entablament-o: (arch.) entablement, entablature. — DEFIRS

en-tali-ar: (tr.) to cut into (so as to produce a certain form); (carp.) -artrabo: to mortise a beam. Ex.: On entalias roko, tero por facar trancheo, tunelo, min-truo, e.c.; (IV-102).

entam-ar: (tr.) to cut the first piece of, make a first cut, incision; (fig.) to encroach upon, begin upon, open up. Def.: Facar l'unesma trancho, l'unesma frapo, brecho, nocho, e figurale komencar; iniciar od inaugurar ulo; IV-102. Ex.: Entamar pano, botelo, pasteto, poto de konfituri; frapo (stroko di kultelo, o spado). Entamar (E. incise, cut) la pelo, la muskuli, la osto. Prodigemo entamas sua kapitalo. — F

en-ter-igar: to inter, bury (in the ground); (cf. sepultar).

enterit-o: (med.) enteritis.

entern-ar: (tr.) to intern: confine in a place or country. — DEFIS

entimem-o*: (log.) enthymeme. — DEFIRS

entomologi-o: entomology; -isto: entomologist. — DEFIRS

en-tote: on the whole, in all, altogether.

entraprez-ar: (tr.) to undertake, engage to perform, take in hand, contract for; (cf. asumar); -(ad)o: undertaking (act); -ajo: what is u.; the enterprise, contract; -isto: contractor, undertaker, masterbuilder; -ema: enterprising. Ex.: Columbus entraprezis la deskovro di la kontinento ocidental. Entraprezar voyajo, konquesto. Me entraprezis la feliceso di mil homi desfortunoza: (E. I undertook to make a thousand unfortunate beings happy.) Ta firmo entrapezis la furniso di liti ad la armeo. La entraprezo di la kanalo di Suez esis laboro kolosala. Homulo entraprezema. — EFIS

entraten-ar: (tr.) to support, keep (with the needs of life) (ulu); -o: maintenance, livelihood. — Def.: Furnisar a lu omno necesa por la vivo e komforto; VI-52. — F

entrav-ar: (tr.) to shackle, fetter, trammel (a horse); (fig.) to clog, impede, embarrass. Def.: Impedar o jenar la marcho di animalo per irga moyeno; III-468. — FS

entre-o: (cook.) entrée, side-dish. Def.: Disho qua venas pos la fisho ed ante la rostajo; V-621. — DeFS

entrechat-o: (dancing.) “entrechat”: a cross-caper. — DFIR

entremes-o: (cook.) entremets, side dish. Def.: Disho inter la repasto propre dicita e la desero; V-621. — DeFIS

entren-ar: (tr.) to train (horses for racing); -ero, -isto: horsetrainer, pacemaker. — eFS

entresol-o: mezzanine, entresol. — DeFS

en-tron-igar: to enthrone.

entuziasm-ar, -eskar: (intr.) to be, become enthusiastic (por, pri); -igar: to enthuse (ulu). V.exp.: On entuziasmas pri granda ideo o pri bela verko, quan on admiras; entuziasmo implikas nula specala kapableso, quankam ol incitas ad agado. On esas inspirata (tacite e metafore: da la dei, la Muzi, e.c.) kande on trovas bona idei ed expresi, en literatural od artal kompozado. On havas vervo, kande on parolas kun facileso, inventemeso ed agreabla vivaceso; II-648. — DEFIRS

enumer-ar: (tr.) to enumerate; reckon up singly, count or tell off. — EFIS

enunc-ar: (tr.) to enunciate: express by speech or by writing: -uro, -ajo: enunciation, statement. Ex.: Enuncar sua idei, opinioni, problemo. — EFIS

en-vars-ar: (tr.) to pour in, infuse.

envelop-ar: (tr., pr. and fig.) to envelop; cover up (ulu, ulo, su); -ilo: covering, wrap, casing (not of letter-envelope; cf. kuverto). V. exp.: Envelopar signifikas nur: tegar omna parti di l’objekto, enklozar ol en tegilo. Envolvar implikas la ideo di volvar, qua ipsa implikas ideo analoga a rular: volvar esas pozar ula objekto sur altra, turnante ol cirkum ica; envolvar esas envelopar la duesma per l’unesma, volvante; III-221. DEFI

envergur-o: span, extent of wing or sail spread. Def.: Dimensiono di ucelo, o di flugilo (o di seglo) inter la extremaji di la ali extensita. — FS

envidi-ar: (tr.) to envy, (be)grudge, be envious of (ulu, pri ulo; ulo, ad ulu). Ex.: Il sempre envidias la suceso di sua frato. Envidio esas kompozita de jaluzeso e de odio. Il havas envidi-ema, -oza mento. — eFIS

en-volv-ar: (tr.) to wrap, fold up in; -ar varme: to muffle, wrap warmly. V. exp. vid. envelopar.

eocen-o: (geol.) eocene. — DEFIS

Eol-ala harpo: Eolian harp.

Eoli-ana: Eolian (race, dialect).

eolipil-o: eolipile. — DEFIS

eozin-o*: (chem.) eosin. — DEF

epakt-o: (astron.) epact. — DEFIRS

epark-o: (antiq.) eparch: governer of a province. — DEFIRS

eperlan-o: (ich.) smelt (Osmerus eperlanus). — FIL

epicen-a*: (gram.) epicene; common to both sexes. — DEFIS

epicikl-o*: (astron.) epicycle. DEFIRS

epicikloid-o*: (geom.) epicycloid. — DEFIRS

epidemi-a, -o: epidemic (disease). — DEFIRS

epiderm-o: (anat.) epidermis, cuticle. — DEFIRS

epifani-o: (rel.) Epiphany. — DEFIRS

epifit-o*: (bot.) epiphyte. — DE

epifiz-o*: (anat., zool.) epiphysis. — DE

epigastr-o*: (anat.) epigastrium. — DEF

epiglot-o*: (anat.) epiglottis. — DEF

epigon-o*: epigone; a successor, ordinarily an inferior one. — DE

epigraf-o: epigraph, inscription. Def.: La skriburo quan on trovas o pozas sur la monumenti; VII-155. — DEFIRS

epigrafi-o*: epigraphy. Def.: La cienco dil epigrafi; VII-155. — DEFIRS

epigram-o: epigram. — DEFIRS

epik-a, -ala, -atra: epic; -ajo: e.poem; -isto: e.poet. — DEFIRS

Epikur-ismo: Epicurism; -ana, -ano: Epicurean. — DEFIRS

epilepsi-o: (med.) epilepsy; -ala: epileptic: relating to the disease; -ika, -iko: epileptic (person). — DEFIRS

epilog-o: epilogue. Ant.: prologue. — DEFIRS

episkop-o: bishop (also in chess); -aro: episcopate (collect.); -ala: episcopal; -io: bishopric (jurisdiction); -eso: episcopacy (office, dignity); -eyo: b. palace. — DEFIRS

epistemologi-o: epistemology. — DEFIS

epistol-o: (rel., lit.) epistle; -ala: epistolary. — DEFIRS

epitaf-o: epitaph: inscription on a tomb. — DEFIRS

epitalami-o: epithalamium; nuptial song. — DEFIS

epiteli-o: (anat.) epithelium. — DEFIRS

epitet-o: epithet. Def. Vorto adjuntata a substantivo por qualifikar ol. — DEFIRS

epitom-o: epitomy, compendium, abridgment (of a book); -igar: to epitomize. — DEFIRS

epizod-o: episode; an incidental narrative or digression; an event. — DEFIRS

epizooti-a, -o: epizootic disease (among animals). — DEFIRS

epod-o: epode; lyric poem. — DEFIRS

epok-o: epoch; -if-anta: e.making; -ala: epochal. — DEFIRS

epolet-o: (milit.) epaulet. — DEFIRS

epruvet-o: test-tube. — FIS

equacion-o: (math.) equation. — EFIS

equator-o: equator; -alo, -ala teleskopo: equatorial, e. telescope. — DEFIRS.

equi*-angul-a: (geom.) equiangular.

equi*-dist-anta: equidistant.

equi*-later-a: (geom.) equilateral.

equilibr-ar: (intr., tr.) to be in state of equilibrium, balance, counterpoise; -igar: to equilibrate; to put in balance equilibrium (ulo); -o: equilibrium, equipoise, balance; -oza: well-balanced; -isto: equilibrist, juggler. Ex.: "A equilibras B", o: "A e B equilibras" = "Existas relato di equilibro inter A e B". "X (aganto) equilibrigas A e B", o "A per B". On uzas equilibrigar nur por l'extera aganto, qua pozas la forci (pezi, e.c.) en equilibro, qua efektigas l'equilibro sen partoprenar ol; IV-171. — EFIRS.

equi-mult-opl-a, -o: equimultiple.

equinox-o: equinox. DEFIS.

equip-ar: (tr.) to equip, fit out (a ship, an expedition, a soldier); (cf. provizar). — DEFIR

equipol-o*: (log., math.) equipollence: equivalence.

equiset-o: (bot.) horsetails (genus equisetum). — EL

equitat-o: equity; natural justice. Def.: Yusteso natural, segun la komuna raciono, quan on opozas a la yusteso legal, a la yuro; IV-9. — EFIS.

equival-ar: (tr.) to be equivalent to (ulo). — DEFIRS.

er-o: era. Ex.: La ero Kristanala. — DEFIRS.

eratik-a: (geol.) transported from its original location or bed (stones, etc.); (fig.) erratic; deviating from the common course. — DeFIS

erc-o: (min.) ore; fer- -o: iron ore. — D.

erekt-ar: (tr.) to erect; stand (ulu, ulo) straight up, set up (u1o). V. exp.: On erektas monumento, statuo, kolono, masto. Persona anke erektas su, mem kande lu ja stacas. "Il levis su, stacas senmova dum kelka instanti, e pose erektas su sur la pedo-pinti (por regardar super la muro)". On ne povas dicar rekt-igar, nam on ne rektigas masto ja rekta; pluse on rekt-igas en omna direcioni, ma on erektas nur vertikale, ad-supre; VI-383. — DEFIS.

eremit-o: eremite, hermit.

ergot-o: ergot, fungus disease of grains. — EF.

ergotin-o: (chem.) ergotine, extract of ergot. — DEF

ergotism-o: (med.) ergotism, state of health caused by eating ergot. — DEF

erik-o: (bot.) heather (genus: Erica); -eyo: heath. — DIL.

eritrozin-o*: erythrosin; a red coloring matter. — DE.

erizipel-o: (med.) erysipelas. — EFIS

ermin-o: (zool.) ermine (Mustela or Putorius ermineus); -ielo: ermine (fur.) — DEFIS

ermit-(ul)-o: hermit; (fig.) recluse. — DEFIRS.

ermit-krab-o: hermit-crab (Pagarus Bernhardus). — E

erod-ar: (tr., geol., med. etc.) to erode, corrode, eat away. — DEFIS.

eror-ar: (intr.) to err, be mistaken; -ego, -acho: blunder, egregious mistake; -a, -oza: erroneous, mistaken; -iva fallible; -igar: to cause (ulu) to err, lead astray, deceive (without bad intention; cf. trompar); -ig-anta: improper; causing to err. – EFIS

erotik-a: erotic. — DEFIRS.

erste: (of time) not before, not until (then), only (not earlier than), for the first time; erste hiere: not before yesterday, yesterday for the first time. Def.: Tam tarde kam (referas preciza instanto, adjuntante la penso: ne plu frue); IV-525. Ex.: Me venos erste morge = me venos morge, ne ante. La proxima numero di ca jurnalo aparos erste komence di agosto. Ja en la printempo me suspektis il, ma erste dum lua somervakanco me recevis certeso. Il remarkis l'eroro erste ye la sequanta matino. — D

erud-ar: (tr.) to make erudite (ulu, su); -esar: to be e.; -ita: learned; -ito: e. person; -it-eso: erudition, scholarship. — EFIS.

erupt-ar: (intr. geol. and gen.) to erupt: to break forth from an inclosure, to make an outburst; (med.) to break out in pimples, pustules, rash; -igar: to cause an e. in (ulo, ulu); -ar per insulti: to burst forth into abuse; la -o di volkano: the eruption of a volcano. — DEFIS.

erv-o*: (bot.) bitter-vetch (Ervum). — DFISL

es: (mus.) E flat.

es-ar: (intr.) to be; -o: being (fact of; cf. ento). — EFIRS.

esam-o: swarm (of bees, etc.); -ifar: to swarm: collect in a s. — FI.

esay-o: (lit.) essay. — DEFS.

esbos-ar: (tr., of plastic arts and fig.) to rough-hew, cut, to boast (in order to make the outline of a figure); -uro: rude outline; (fig.) first draft (of a plan, etc.), -ilo: (sculp.) boasting tool; mortise chisel. V. exp.: Skisar relatas la desegnal arti; esbosar la plastikal arti (la modlado); III-469. — FI.

esenc-o: (phys. and metaphys.) essence; -a, -ala: essential. Ex.: La esenco deala. Esenco di citrono. Inerteso esas la esenco di materio. Esenco di rozi (E. attar of roses). Esencala principi, reguli. La homo esas esence sociema. Ant. acesor-ajo. — DEFIRS

esforc-ar: (intr.) to make an effort, strive, strain, exert oneself; -o: endeavor, effort, exertion; -o-vund-uro: lesion, strain, (cf. penar, demarshar) Ex. Esforcar levar pezajo. Esforcar kurar, kombatar, obtenar employeso. Konsumar la forteso per nepovanta esforci. V. exp.: vid. demarshar. — FIS

eshafod-o: scaffold(ing); staging (for a mason, etc.); frame-work of timbers for a spectator's stand, for execution of criminals; -ala stango: putlog; (cf. jibeto). — DFIR

eskadr-o: (nav.) squadron; -eto: small s., flotilla. — DeFIRS

eskadron-o: (milit.) squadron (of horse). — DEFIRS

eskal-ar: (tr., nav.) to touch (or call) at (a port); -eyo: port of call. Def.: Haltar en portuo dum voyajo por embarkar o desembarkar pasajanti o vari; II-75. — FIS

eskald-ar: (tr.) to scald; injure the skin with hot liquid; to expose to the action of boiling water (a jug, etc). — EFS

eskaler-o: staircase, stairs. — FIS

eskamot-ar: (tr.) to perform conjuring tricks, cause (ulo) disappear by legerdemain. Def.: Habile desaparigar objekto, por ludo; II-647. V. exp. vid. furtar. — DFS

eskap-ar: (intr.) to escape, find a way out (ek, de) (tr.) to e. from, get away from, slip away from, avoid (ulu, ulo); (cf. fugar); -ilo: escapement (of a clock or watch); -moyeno: any means of e.; (fig.) shift, subterfuge, means of evasion; -ema: evasive; -o-tubo: delivery or escape pipe. Ex.: Eskapar (de) karcero, danjero, malajo, de la furio di la tempesto, la morto, e.c. Eskapo di vaporo. — EFIS

eskar-o: (med.) eschar: a dry slough, crust, or scab. — EFIS

eskarbil-o*: coal-cinder, clinker. FS

eskarol-o: (bot.) prickly lettuce (Lactuca scariola). — DFIS

eskarp-a: steep (of slopes); -igar: to make slope sharply. V. exp.: Eskarpa indikas granda inklineso (o prefere rampo); abrupta indikas formo preske vertikal. On povas ankore acensar sur eskarpajo; on ne povas (o nur per granda peno) acensar abruptajo. Eskalero povas esar eskarpa, ne abrupta; II-645. — eFIS

eskart-ar: (gen. sense, tr.) to put aside, apart (ulo, ulu); to go aside, apart, swerve, turn aside (de); -ar ulu de la justa voyo: to lead a person astray; -ar infanto de la rivo: to keep a child from the bank; -ar velo: to put aside a veil; -ar suspekto: to remove suspicion; -ar frapo: to ward off a blow; -ar la brakii, la gambi: to spread the arms, the legs; -o: putting aside, digression; -eso: being aside, isolation, aloofness, loneliness; pavorema kavalo facas eskarto: a frightened horse makes a step aside; eskarteso di persono: the aloofness of a person; stacar eskarte: to stand apart, aside, by oneself. — FIS

eskombr-o: rubbish, refuse; useless fragments. — FIS

eskopet-o: blunderbuss. Def.: Speco di karabino (anciena); V-219. — FS

eskort-o: escort, guard; (nav.) convoy; -esar ad ulu: to be escorted to someone; (cf. akompanar). — DEFIRS

eskot-o: (nav.) sheet (rope). — DFS

eskrok-ar: (tr.) to swindle, cheat (ulu); to cheat out of (ulo). Def: Speco di furto per trompo o ruzo; III-200. — FI

eskudel-o: porringer; bowl for porridge, soup. — FIS

eskup-ar: (tr.) to bail (water out of a boat, etc.); -ilo: scoop (for bailing). — eF

esmerili-o: (orni.) merlin (Falco aesalon). — FIS

esoter-a: esoteric (doctrine, etc.). Ant.: exotera. — DEFIRS

espad-o: sword; -agar: (tr., intr.) to use, wield the s.; to put (ulu) to the sword; -o-stroko: s. stroke; -pinto: s. point; -zono: s. belt; du-manua- -o: two handed s.; bayonet- -o: s. bayonet; -agar pinte e tranche: to cut and thrust; (cf. pinte frapar); -ego: broad-s. — FIS

espado-fisho: (ich.) sword-fish (Xiphias gladius).

espaler-o: (hort.) espalier; a row of fruit-trees trained up to a lattice or wall; the trellis or wall on which trained. — DeFRS

espar-o: (nav.) spar: a timber used for masts, yards, booms etc. — DEF

esparset-o: (bot.) esparcet; sanfoin (Onobrychis sativa). — DeF

espart-o: (bot.) esparto (grass); a Spanish grass (Stipa tenacissima) used in making cordage, papar, shoes, baskets, etc.; -ajo: an article made from e.; -o-shuo: grass-shoe, -sandle. — DEFIS

espel-ar: (tr.) to spell (words); -libro: spelling-book. Def.: Lektar la vorti literope e formacante la silabi; II-582. — EF

esper-ar: (tr.) to hope for, to expect with desire (ulo); (intr.) to hope: have confidence, trust (de, en); -ajo: thing hoped for; -ema, -oza: hopeful. Ex.: Esperar suceso. Esperar de od en Deo. Espero esas granda konsolaco. — FIS

espin-o: thorn-bush, -tree; -o blanka: whitethorn, hawthorn; -o nigra: blackthorn. Def.: Arbor(et)o dornoza. — FIS

espinet-o: (mus.) spinet. Def.: Speco di klavikordo. — DEFIRS

esplanad-o: esplanade. — DEFIS

espres-o, -treno: (R. R.) express (train); -e: by e. — DEFIRS

esprit-o: wit, cleverness; -oza: witty; -ajo: witticism; afektacar –o: to play the wit; -o-ludo: play of w. DF

espruv-a: proof (kontre) –igar: (tr.) to make (water-, lire-, etc.) proof (ulo); aquespruva: water-proof, -tight. — EF

esquad-o: (milit.) (corporal’s) squad; gang (of workmen); -ano: member of a squad, of a gang. — EFIS

est-o: east; -e: eastward; ad -e: to the east (with motion); -ala longitudo: e. longitude; de -o: from the e. — DEFS

establis-ar: to establish; to settle or fix firmly; place on a permanent footing; make firm, stable or constant; (cf. instalar, pruvar). Ex.: Establisar la fundamento di edifico. Establisar komercal societo, fabrikerio, kolonio. Establisar su en urbo. La establiso di banko. Note “Establishment in the sense of “institution” is translated by the suffix –erio; educational establishment: eduk-erio). — DEFIRS

estafet-o: courier: (esp. a mounted messenger). — DeFIRS

estakad-o: boom, chain or row of piles across a harbor for defense; (cf. palisado). — FIS

estal-ar: (tr.) to display, show (goods, etc.); -ajo: display-goods; -eyo: show-place; -ar mapo: to spread out a map; -ar robo: to lay out a gown; -ar lud-karti; to show one’s hand. — F

estamp-ar: (tr. tech.) to make an impress, imprint, in relief of a mark or figure; -uro: stamp (on a coin, etc.); -ilo: stamp, die. Def. Estampilo esas utensilo uzata ye la forjo. Ol esas facita ek harda materio ed havas la negativa formo di la forjenda peco, tale ke per simpla preso la dezirata formo obtenesas; III-81. — DEFIRS

estanch-ar: (tr.) to stanch, (blood), stop (a leak, tears, etc.). Def.: Haltigar la fluo di liquido (ne sikigar); IV-9. — EFS

estay-o: (nav.) stay (of a mast) — EFS

estetik-o: esthetics. — DEFIRS

estim-ar: (tr.) to esteem, have e. for; hold (ulu) in high regard; -o: e., consideration; -inda: estimable, honorable; -ind-eso: respectability; (cf. evaluar, prizar). Ex.: Estimar la vertuo di ulu, Il perdis sua estimeso e bona reputeso. — DEFIS

estiv-ar: (intr.) to be torpid (in summer); -(ad)o: torpidity, estivation; (cf. hivernar). Def.: Indikas la stando di torporo, en qua ula animali pasas la somero; IV-173. — DeFIS

estomp-ar: (tr., draw.) to stump; shade, shadow with a stump; -ilo: stump: artist’s soft pencil or rubber. — DEF

estrad-o: estrade; raised platform; (cf. platformo). — DeFRS

estragon-o: (bot.) tarragon (Artemisia Dracunculus). — DeFIRS

estrib-o: (saddle-) stirrup; (anat.) stirrup-bone, stapes (of ear); -o-rime-no, -o-trus-ilo: s.-leather, -strap. — FS

estuari-o: estuary. — DEFIS

estubl-o: stubble; -agro: s. land. — DEFIS

esturjun-o: (ich.) (great) sturgeon (Acipenser Huso; cf. sturgo). — EFIS

esvan-ar: (intr.) to faint, swoon away; -into: a swooned person. — FI

etaj-o: story, floor (of a house, etc.); tier; tri-etaja domo: three story house; dispozar etaj-ope, -atre: to taper, put in tiers. — DFR

etajer-o: what-not, set of selves. Def. Tabuli dispozita erajatre. — DFR

etamin-o: tammy-cloth; filtro- -o: bolting-. straining cloth. — DeFIRS

etap-ar: (intr.) to halt at a stage (in travel); -eyo: halting place; station, stage; trans-irar -o: to pass through without stopping. — DFIRS

etat-o: statement, account (receipts and expenditures); roll; -o di spensi: account of expenses; pre- -o: estimate (of outlay, etc.). — DFIS

eter-o: (all senses) ether; -ala, -oza, -atra: etherial; -igar, -ifar: to etherialize (ulo); -izar: (med.) to etherize (ulu). — DEFIRS

etern-a: eternal, everlasting; -o: eternity: (duration); la -o: (fig.) Eternal God; -eso: eternity; quality of being e.; -igar: to eternalize. — EFIS

etik-o: (bon-) morality; ethics; moral science; -a, -ala, -oza: moral, ethical; -al-eso, -oz-eso: morality; sen-a: immoral; sen- -eso: immorality; kontre-etikajo: immoral act. (N.B. The adj. form translates the E. "moral" Mor-ala refers to the mori of a country, cf. mor-o. — DEFIRS

etiket-o: (on bottles, etc.) label; (on goods, parcels) ticket; -izar: to label, ticket. — DF

etimologi-o: etymology; -isto: etymologist. — DEFIRS

etiol-ar: (tr.) to etiolate; blanch. Def.: Privicar vivanti (precipue planti) de lumo ed aero, de quo lia feblesko, palesko o senkoloresko; III-603. — EFI

etiologi-o: (philos., med.) etiology. — DEFIRS

etmoid-a, -o*: (anat.) ethmoid. — DEF

etnografi-o: ethnnography. — DEFIRS

etnologi-o: ethnology; -isto: ethnologist. — DEFIRS

etologi-o: ethology. — DEFIRS

Etruri-ana: Etruscan, relating to Etruria.

etuy-o: case: flat box, opening sideways or from the top; violin- -o: violin c.; ciz-, agul- -o: scissors-, needle-case; chapel- -o: hat-box. V. exp.: Gaino esas etuyo tre longa e streta, en qua l'objekto eniras tra l'extremajo (kontre ke etuyo apertesas laterale): on ofras ex. espado (luxoza, honorala) kun lua gaino (E. sheath), en etuyo (box, case); IV-11, V-722. — DFIS

eudiometr-o: eudiometer. — DEFIRS

eudiometri-o: eudiometry. — DEFIRS

eufemism-o: (rhet.) euphamism. — DEFIS

eufoni-o: euphony. Def.: Agreabla e facila kombinado di la soni en linguo; III-138. — DEFIS

euforbi-o: (bot. genus) euphorbia, spurge. — DEFIS

eukalipt-o: eucalyptus (tree). — DEFIS

eukaristi-o: (rel.) Eucharist. — DEFIRS

eunuk-a, -o: eunuch. — DEFIRS

Europa: Europe; Europ-ana, -ano: European.

ev-ar: (tr., intr.) to be so many years old; to be aged (so many years); -o: age, years; -anta: aged (so many years); -oza, grand-eva: aged, elderly; grand-ev-eso: longevity, agedness; quante vu evas?: how old are you? sat evar por: to be old enough to; il esas granda relate sua evo: he is large for his years; evanta 40 yari: forty years old; muliero mez-eva: a middle-aged woman — L

evaku-ar: (tr., milit., med., tech.) to evacuate, empty (N. B. not to empty a vessel, etc., cf. vaku-igarevacuation; (med.) discharge of matter by natural passage or artificial opening. Ex.: Evakuar ); -(ad)o: (milit.) trupi, puso. — DEFIS

evalu-ar: (tr.) to evaluate, value; to estimate the worth of, to rate at a certain price; to reckon the amount of; to appraise; (cf. expertisar); -(ad)o: valuation, estimate; -ebla: ratable; appreciable: that may be estimated, appreciated. V. exp.: Evaluar esas determinar valoro o quanto, per kalkulo o per konjekto (se on uzas mezurilo, on dicus mezurar). Taxar esas fixigar la quanto de imposto o kontributo, quan on debas pri ulo. Exemple (en la hipotezo di imposto pri revenuo): "on evaluas la revenuo di ta sioro a 10000 franki; ed on taxas ol a 400 franki, segun la proporciono di 4 po 100;" V-221. — EFIS

evangeli-o: gospel, evangel; -ala,-atra: evangelical; -isto: evangelist; -izar: to evangelize (ulu); -o-libro: Book of the Gospel; predikar la -o: to preach the g. — DEFIRS

event-ar: (intr.) to happen, occur, come about, befall; -o, -ajo: occurrence, event; irgo quo eventos: whatever may happen; to povas eventar ad irgu: that may befall anyone; ne-expektata evento: unexpected event; — EFI

eventual-a: eventual: dependent upon events, contingent; -o: contingency; -i: (fig.) perquisites, extra fees; -eso: fortuitousness; -e: eventually, in that case; -a profiti: casual profits, perquisites; ni esas pronta por irga eventualaji: we are prepared for contingencies. Def.: Qua dependas de ula evento necerta. Ant.: certa, necesa. — DeFIRS

evident-a: evident, obvious, plain, manifest, patent; -o, -ajo: evidence: obvious fact; (cf. atesto, pruvo) -eso: obviousness; per su -a: self-evident; igar- -a: to make clear; -a verajo: an e. truth; la -eso di propoziciono: the clearness of a proposition. Ant.: dub-ebla, -inda; ne-certa, ne-probabla. — DEFIS

evier-o: (kitchen-) sink. Def.: Speco di tablo kava, o kuvo ek lapido o ceramikajo, sur qua on lavas (generale en koqueyo); IV-9. — F

evikt-ar: (jur.) to evict. — DEFIS

evit-ar: (tr.) to avoid, shun, evade, obviate, (cf. eludar). Ex.: El evitas (E. shuns) me. Evitar frapo, danjero, disputo. Evitar (E. obviate; prevent) skandalo. Ant.: serchar. — eFIS

evolucion-ar: (intr., philos.) to evolve; (milit.) to perform evolutions; -a, -ala: evolutional; -ismo: evolutionism; -isto: evolutionist. V. exp. vid. developar. — DEFIRS

exajer-ar: (tr., intr.) to exaggerate. Ex.: Exajerar vinko, la meriti di amiko. — EFIS

exakt-a: exact, accurate (not used of persons; cf. akurata, preciza); -eso: exactness, fidelity (of a copy); -e: exactly. Def.: Qua esas konforma a la verajo, a la realajo, a la normo; IV-101. Ex.: Kalkulo exakta. Sequar exakta dieto. Matematiko esas exakta cienco. Verifikar la exakteso di kalkulo. V. exp.: Mezuro preciza povas ne esar exakta (se l'instrumento, quankam subtila, esas nejusta). — DEFIRS

exalt-ar: (tr.) to exalt: raise the spirits of (ulu), to carry (the senses) to a high degree: (not to praise, cf. laudegar). Def.: Ecitar sentimento (precipue nobla, religiala) til extrema grado; IV-9. — DEFIS

examen-ar: (tr.) to examine (ulu) (not used with things, cf. explorar); -ato: person examined; -o skrib-ita: written examination; -o-questioni: e. questions; subisar -o: to undergo e. — DEFIRS

exantem-o: (med) exanthema. — DEFIS

exark-o*: exarch. — DEFIRS

exauc-ar: (tr.) to hear and grant (a prayer, a request); to hearken favorably or willingly to (ulu). Ant.: repulsar, refuzar. — F

exegez-o: exegesis; -ar: to critically explain (the Scriptures). — DEFIS

exekut-ar: (tr.) to execute, to perform, to do (ulo); to e. a criminal, cf. mort-igar; -(ad)o: execution; performance, carrying into effect; -anto, -ero: executor, doer; -ant-ino testament-ala: executrix; -isto: executive, manager; -ebla: feasible, practicable; -ala, -enda: (jur.) executory. Ex.: Exekutar impero, lego, projeto, kriminero. Exekuto di verdikto. — DEFIRS

exempl-o: example; -a, -atra: exemplary; -e: for example, for instance; (abbr.: ex.); segun la -o: following the e. (di ulu); punisar ulu kom -o: to make an e. of someone; -a puniso: exemplary punishment. — DEFIS

exempler-o: copy (of a book, paper, engraving, etc.). — DEFIRS

«exequatur»: exequator.

exerc-ar: (tr.) to exercise (the legs, the body, one's senses), to exert (strength, one's memory, eloquence); (milit.) to drill; -eyo: drilling place; -o-libro: e. book.; (cf. praktikar and III-225). — DEFIRS

exerg-o: (numis.) exergue. Def.: Infra feldo di medalio; III-672. — DEFIS

exfoli-ar: (tr.) to exfoliate, scale (off). Def.: Forprenar foliope, deprenar folii, t. e. strati sucedanta; III-603 — DEFIS

exhal-ar: (tr.) to exhale, send forth, emit (odors, etc.; cf. expirar). Ex.: Ca marshi exhalas vapori pestizanta. La exhalo di rozo. — EFIS

exhaust-ar: (tr., also fig.) to exhaust: drain, spend; -ilo, -tubo, -robineto: an e.; -ar cisterno: to drain a cistern. Ex.: Exhaustar mineyo, sulo, forteso, Il falis en (pro) exhausteso, kp.: fatigar). Ne exhaustebla furnisaji. Ant.: restaurar. — EFI

exhort-ar: (tr.) to exhort. Ex.: Exhortar ulu reformar sua konduto. Ant.: des-konsilar, des-persuadar. — EFIS

exil-ar: (tr.) to exile, banish (ulu, su de); (fig.) to expatriate; -ito: an exile, V. exp.: On exilas ulu, interdiktante a lu restar en la lando: lu esas tote libera extere; e se lu rieniras sen permiso, on simple ekpulsas lu. Proskriptar esas serchar la kondamnito (mem po premio por la denuncanti) e punisar lu severe (generale per morto), se on povas trovar e kaptar lu en la lando (ex. la proskripti da Marius e Sylla). Relegar esas enkarcerigar en fora lando (kolonio); Deportar esas transportar la kondamito en fora lando (kolonio), ube lu restas plu o min libera, en ula distrikto; II-648; (cf. extradar). — DEFI

exist-ar: (intr.) to exist, be in existence; -anta, -anto: existing, existent, extant (being); Ex. Traci ankore existas. Existanta homi. — DEFIS

exkav-ar: (tr.) to excavate (by digging; cf. kavigar); -uro: excavation (artificial — the result); -ilo: (instr.) excavator; sub- -ar: to undermine — EFIS

exkluz-ar: (tr.) to exclude, drive or shut out, debar, deny admission; -ite: to the exclusion of; -em-eso: exclusiveness; -ive: exclusively. Ex.: Exkluzar ulu de la Akademio. La bonfacemeso exkluzas la avareso. La exkluzo di homini. Exkluzite altra yuri, devi. Exkluziva yuro. La spirito di exkluzemeso. Ant.: admisar, inkluzar, recevar. — DEFIRS

exkomunik-ar: (tr.) to excommunicate. — DEFIRS

exkori-ar: (tr.) to excoriate, to rub off, abrade, scratch, gall (the skin) Def.: Lacerar la polo (ne sen-pel-igar), deprenar peco de la pelo; IV-136 — EFIS

exkrement-o: excrement; -i: excreta. — DEFIRS

exkurs-ar: (intr.) to make an excursion, take a trip; -o-batelo: e. boat; -anto, -ero: excursionist. — DEFIRS

exkuz-ar: (refl.) to apologize, make excuses, beg pardon (su pri ulo); -o: apology, excuse; -ebla: excusable (of persons, cf. pardon-ebla). V. exp.: Se vu facis kulpo relate ulu, vu exkuzas vu avan lu, e lu povas pardonar ol a vu. La persono ofensinta facas exkuzo, e la persono ofensita facas pardono; IV-100. — DEFIRS

«ex-libris»: (L.) ex libris.

exod-o: (Bibl.) Exodus. — DEFIS

exorcis-ar: (tr.) to exorcise, cast out evil spirits. — DEFIS

exordi-o: exordium; -ar: to make an e. Def.: Unesma parto di diskurso. Ant.: peroraciono. — DEFIS

exostos-o*: (med.) exostosis. — DEF

exoter-a: exoteric. Ant.: esotera. — DEFIRS

exotik-a: exotic. Def. Qua venas de fora landi, e konseque havas karaktero di rareso o stranjeso; III-603. Ex.: Flori exotika. — DEFIS

expans-ar: (tr., intr., also fig.) to expand, to develop in volume or surface, spread, widen; -ema: expansive; (fig.) unreserved (of persons). Ex.: Expansar aero per kaloro. Expanso di autoritato. Forco expansiva. Naturo expansema. Ant.: kontraktar. — DEFIS

expedi-ar: (tr., com.) to despatch, send off, forward (goods); -ajo: shipment; -anto, -ero: sender; (nav.) shipper; -isto: shipping agent; -ar komercaji per fervoyo: to forward goods by railroad. Def.: Sendar ulo (ordinare komercaji) a destineyo. — DEFIRS

expedicion-o: (milit., nav.) expedition. Def.: Sendo di homi por militar, o por explorar regiono; IV-706. Ex.: Naval, ciencala expediciono a la suda polo. — DEFIRS

expekt-ar: (tr.) to expect, be in expectation of, look forward to; -o: expectation, presumption (cf. konjekto); -eso: expectancy; ne- -ita: unexpected. Def.: Mente anticipar ula evento. Ex.: Me expektos nulo de ilu. Il vivas en expekteso. V. exp.: Varto esas ago prefere fizikal, expekto esas pure mental; (III-423) Me expektas vizito camatine ma, pro ke me nun devas ekirar, me neplus vartos. — EFIS

expektor-ar: (tr., med.) to expectorate, discharge phlegm, mucus from the lungs, to cough up. V. exp.: Expektorar ne esas sputar; l'expektorajo venas de la pektoro, t.e. de la pulmono, quale indikas l'etimologio. — DEFIS

experienc-ar: (tr.) to experience (ulo): to have the lot or fortune of, to undergo; -oza: experienced; sen- -a: inexperienced (cf. ne-experta). Ex.: Experiencar plezuro, desfortuno. Per experienco on sajeskas. — EFIS

experiment-ar: (intr.) to experiment (per); (tr.) to test, try (ulo, pri ulo); -ala: experimental. — DEFIRS

expert-a: expert: skilful (in trade), well-versed (in knowledge). — DEFIRS

expertiz-ar: (tr.) to survey (professionally); -ero, -isto: surveyor, person officially appointed to examine an affair and report on it. — DeFR

expiac-ar: (tr.) to expiate, to atone for; -anta, -ala. Ex.: Expiacar krimino, kulpo. — EFIS

expir-ar: (intr.) to expire: to breath out (cf. respirar); (fig.) to come to an end (of time), terminate; -o: expiration; (fig.) falling due; -inta: expiring (breath); expired (account); -o-dato: date of expiration, maturity. Def.: Indikas l'ekiro di l'aero ek la pulmoni; figurale, la «lasta expiro», la morto; e per extenso: fino di ula temp-intervalo, di kontrato, di puniso, e.c.; III-34. V. exp.: La teknikal senco di l'ago inversa dil aspiro nomesas simple ekpulso. Ant.: aspirar. — DEFIS

explicit-a: explicit: clear, not obscure; -igar: to make (ulo) e. — DEFIS

explik-ar: (tr.) to explain, make plain what is obscure, elucidate, expound; (cf. klar-igar). Ex.: Explikar signifiko, sua desfacilaji, doktrino, sua intenco. V. exp. vid. definar. — DEFIS

explor-ar: (tr.) to explore (a country); to investigate, examine, search into (things, cf. examenar, inquestar); (milit.) to reconnoiter, scout; Ex.: Explorar lando nekonocata. Explorar (E. examine) libro. Exploro, exploranto di subjekto, objekto. — DEFIRS

explot-ar: (tr.) to exploit, to get the value out of, as to e. a mine; to work, cultivate (a farm, estate with intent of profit); -achar: to exploit, to draw an illegitimate profit from, as to e. workers (by underpayment); -(ad)o: exploiting: utilization for profit, working (of mines, farms), execution of work: -acho: profiteering, sweating; -ajo: what is exploited; -ebla: workable. — DEFRS

exploz-ar: (intr.) -igar: (tr.) to explode; -iva, -ivo: explosive; -iva gaso: explosive gas; (mine) fire-damp. — DEFIS

exponent-o: (math.) exponent. — DEFIRS

exportac-ar: (tr.) to export; -ajo: goods exported. Ant.: importacar. — DEFIRS

expoz-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to expose, set in public view; (of houses, etc.) to turn toward, present a side to; to set forth (a situation); explain (a doctrine); -ar pikturo: to exhibit a painting; domo expozita a sudo: a house having a southerly prospect; vivo expozesis a danjero: a life was e. to danger; expozar sistemo: to set forth, explain a system; expozo di komercajo: exhibition of merchandise; expozo di fotografala plako: exposure of photographic plate; expozeyo di la mortinti: the morgue. — DEFIS

expres-ar: (tr.) to express (by symbols, gestures, words, etc.); Ex.: Vorti expresas la penso. Lakrimi esas la expreso di doloro. Aspekto expres-oza, -iva, -ema. — DEFIS

expropri-ar: (tr., jur.) to expropriate, (the property), dispossess (ulu). — DEFIS

extaz-ar: (intr.) to be in ecstacies, be enraptured; (med.) to be in a trance (cf. katalepsio). — DEFIRS

extens-ar: to extend, stretch, draw out, spread; -ebla: extensible, tensile; -anto, -ivo: (anat.) extensor. Ex. Extensar brakio, tapiso, mantelo. Extensar povo, autoritato, domeno. Kauchuko esas tre extensebla. — EFIS

extenu-ar: (tr.) to extenuate, palliate. Def. Igar min grava (kulpo, krimino, aserto, e. c.) II-707. — EFIS

exter: (prep.) without, outside (without motion; cf. ek); except, besides; li stacis exter la domo: they stood outside the house; exter la dicita decidi: besides the decisions named; -e: (adv.) outside, externally; il uzas extere la oleo: he uses the oil externally; -a: outside, external; extera apliko: external application; la exterajo di domo: the outside of a house (considered objectively); -eso: exterior (geom. sense); de -e: from without (with movement); ad -e: outwardly (with movement); il kuris ad-extere: he ran outside. Ant.: en, interne. — eFIS

exter-dot-a: (jur.) paraphernal.

exter-flu-ar: (tr., intr.) to flow, run over

exter-judici-a: extrajudicial.

exter-klaso: an outside, a separate class.

exter-landa: foreign.

exter-limit-a: beyond limit, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant.

extermin-ar: (tr.) to exterminate: destroy utterly. — EFIS

extern-o: day-scholar; -erio: day-school. Def. Skolano (lernanto) qua ne habitas la lerneyo; III-672. — DEFIS

exting-ar: (tr., intr.) to extinguish, put out, quench (a fire, a light; also used fig.); -ar kandelo: to put out a candle; -ar dursto: (fig.) to quench the thirst; la fairo extingeskas: the fire is going out; -ar la kalko: (fig.) to slack lime; -ar debo: (fig.) to cancel a debt; -o di raso: (fig.) the extinction, the extermination of a race. Ant.: Acendar. — EFIS

extirp-ar: (tr.) to extirpate, uproot; (surg.) to cut out, remove totally; (fig.) to destroy wholly, eradicate, weed out; (cf. arachar). Ex.: Extirpar la mala herbi, kancero, dento, raso. — DEF

extors-ar: (tr.) to extort, wrest; to blackmail (ulu): -(ad)o, -ajo: extortion, exaction; -anto, -ero: extortioner; -o-probo: attempt at e. V. exp.: To ne esas raptar, t. e. furtar per materiala violento, ma koaktar ulu cedar ulo (generale pekunio) per minaco, per morala violento; III-200. — DEFIS

extra: (adv.) extra; -disho: an extra dish; -spenso: extra (additional) expense; extra-ajo: something extra: extra-edituro: extra edition; extra bona: extra good. — DEFIRS

extrad-ar: (tr.) to extradite. Def.: livrar stranjera kulpozo (akuzato) a la guvernerio di lua patrio; III-672; kp. exilar. — DEFIS

extrados-o*: (arch.) extrados.

extrakt-ar: (tr.) to extract: to draw from, out. Ex.: Extraktar frazo de libro, dento, kugleto de la korpo. Extraktar radiko dua (math.: to extract the square root). Extraktado di sukro de betravi. Extrakt-uri opiumo. — DEFIRS

extraordinar-a: extraordinary (event, person, etc.; cf. remark-inda). — DEF

extravag-ar: (intr.) to talk extravagantly, wildly, to rave; (in fever) to be delirious; to act extravagantly, wildly, unreasonably, eccentricly; la febro igas il extravagar: the fever makes him delirious; -o, -em-eso di konduto, di parolado: wildness of conduct, talk; esas extravaganta spensar pekunio ante recevar ol: it is extravagant to spend money before receiving it. Def.: Pensar, parolar, agar sen raciono nek bonsenco. — DEFIS

extrem-a: extreme, utmost, outermost; -ajo: extremity, butt-end; -e: extremely; -a unciono: e. unction; -a frontiero: e. boundary; -a plezuro: e. pleasure; la -i esas la unesma e lasta termino en ula proporciono: the extremes are the first and last terms in a proportion; il esas extreme richa: he is extremely rich. — DEFIS

extrinsek-a: extrinsic. Ant.: intrinseka. — EFIS

exud-ar: (tr., intr.) to exude, ooze out. Def.: Ekiro di liquido ek korpo, analoga (e tam lenta) kam sudorifo (N.B. sen gutifar); III-672. — DEFIS

exult-ar: (intr.) to exult. Def.: Esar kaptata da profunda joyo o sentimento (amo), qua expresas su per movi, kanti, e.c.: III-324. — EFI

exutori-o: (med.) issue (of blood, pus, etc.) — FIS

ezofag-o: (anat.) esophagus, gullet (cf. guturo). — EFIS


fa: (mus.) fa: fourth note of the diatonic scale.

fab-o: (bot.) bean. — FIS

fabl-o: fable; -atra, -oza: fabulous, fictitious. — DEFIS

fabrik-ar: (tr.) to manufacture (cf. manu-fabrikar); -(ad)o: fabrication, manufacture; -uro: object made, -erio: factory, works, mills. (cf. manufakturo); -o-marko: trademark. Def.: Facar laboruri segun procedi mashinala o mekanikal. Ex.: Fabrikar horloji, stofi. — DEFIRS

fac-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to make (a concrete object); to do, perform (a certain act); -igar: to cause (ulu) to make (ulo); to have (ulo) done (da ulu); (cf. igar); -esar: to be made, performed; -o: making, doing; -anto, ero: maker, doer; -ebla: practicable, feasible; -ar shui: to make shoes; -ar bona komercado: to do a good business. V. exp.: vid. agar. — FIS

facet-o: facet (as of a diamond); -izar: to put f.s on, cut with f.s; -izita, -oza: faceted. — DEFIRS

faci-o: (gen.) front part or view (of anything); (cf. vizajo, averso); -ala: facial, frontal; mi- -o: (photog.) pose between face and profile; -o kontre- -o: f. to f.; avan la -o: (fig.) in the presence of. Def.: L'avana parto di irga korpo; V-679. Ant.: reverso, dorso. — EFIS

«facies»: (anat., geol., biol.) facies: general aspect or appearance of anything.

facil-a: easy (to do), facile, not difficult; -eso: facility (quality); -ajo: an e. thing; -igar: to facilitate (ulo, ad ulu); -e laborar: to work easily; -e komprenebla: e. to understand; -mora mulier-o: a woman of e. virtue. — EFIS

facin-ar: (tr.) to fascinate. Ex.: L'amoro facinas la okuli. On dicas ke la serpento facinas sua viktimi. — DEFIS

facion-ar: (intr.) to be on sentry duty, mount guard; -o: sentry watch; -anto, -ero: sentry (cf. sentinelo); -igar: to post (a sentry); chanjar la -o: to relieve the watch. Def.: Stacar en posteno, gardar posteno; VII-130. — F

faeton-o: (carriage) phaeton; (myth.) Phaethon. — DEFIRS

fag-o: (bot.) beech(-tree) (genus: Fagus); -o-frukto: b. nut; -eyo: b. grove. — ISL

fair-o: (also fig.) fire; -oza, -atra: fiery, igneous; -eyo: f. place, hearth (cf. herdo); -ea: f. colored; -ifar: to produce f. (as by friction); -if-ilo: f. producer; -espruva briko: fireproof brick; -exting-ilo: f. extinguisher; -o-glut-ero: fire-eater; -o-greto: f. grate; -o-hoko: f. rake, (bent) poker; -o-kulto: f. worship; -o-musho: f. fly (cf. luciolo, lampiro); -o-pinc-ego: f. tongs; -o-ligno: f. wood; pikar, suflar la -o: to poke, to blow the f.; -pik-ilo: poker; firing-bar; -o-skreno: f. screen; -eyal-tapiso: hearth rug; -o-stalo: steel for striking fire; para- -o: fender, fire-guard; palio- -o: fire of straw; (cf. incendio). — DE

fak-o: anything portioned off, as a compartment, division (in a desk), stall (in a stable); branch, proper office, province, department, speciality (in a business, profession, government, field of knowledge); -eto: pigeon-hole; small specialty of duty, in research; -aro: set or nest of drawers; -estro: department head; to ne esas en mea -o: that is out of my province; that's not in my line; komprenar sua fako: to understand one's business. — D

fakir-o: fakir: Mahometan monk. — DEFIRS

faksimil-o: facsimile, exact copy. — DEFIRS

fakt-o: fact; -a, -ala: real, relating to f.; -e: in fact; -ala questiono: a question of f. — DEFIR

faktor-o: (math., metaph.) factor. — DEFIRS

faktori-o: (com.) factory: trading agency. Def.: Kontoro di agenti di kompanio komercala en lando stranjera. — DeFIS

faktorial-a, -o*: (math.) factorial. — DE

«faktotum»: factotum: a doer of all kinds of work. — DEF

faktur-o: (com.) invoice, bill; -o pag-enda: bill payable. — DFIS

fakultat-o: faculty, power of doing anything; (of a university) faculty; grantar fakultato ad ulu: to grant a person the faculty (or power); la fakultati natural: the natural faculties; la fakultato di medicino: the f. of medicine. — DEFIRS

fakultativ-a*: facultative, optional. — DEFIS

fal-ar: (intr.) to fall (down), tumble; -etar: to stumble (cf. mispazar, ped-butar); -anta: falling; -inta: fallen, -igar: to cause to fall, to fell, (ulo, ulu); lasar falar: to let (ulo) fall, drop (ulo). — DE

falang-o: (anat., milit.) phalanx. — DEFIRS

falansteri-o: (sociol.) phalanstery. — DEFIRS

falbal-o: furbelow, flounce; -izar: to cover with f.s. — DFI

falc-o: (carp.) check, rebate, ledge (of a door or shutter). Def.: Speco de kanelo en la kadro di pordo, por recevar la bordo di ca pordo; V-621. — DR

falch-ar: (tr.) to mow down (with a scythe); (fig.) to cut down, destroy; -ajo: what is mowed, the crop; -edo: swath, wind-row; -ilo: scythe. — FI

fald-ar: (tr.) to fold (a letter, etc.) (cf. plisar); -ebla: foldable; (fig.) pliant (cf. flexebla); -uro: a fold. — DE

falen-o: (ent.) moth: genus Phalaena; (cf. tineo). — DeFIS

fali-ar: (tr., intr.) to fail, miscarry, miss (an aim), not to succeed; (com.) to fail, to become insolvent without implication of disgrace; (cf. bankrotar); -o: failure, insolvency; -igar: to cause to miss, to fail; to frustrate; -into: insolvent person; -ego: debacle, break up, down-fall; -ar renkontrar: fail to meet (ulu); -ar ocidar su: fail to kill oneself; me iros sen -ar: I will go without fail. — DEFIS

falk-o: (nav.) wash-board, weather- board. — FIS

falkon-o: (orni.) falcon, hawk; -arto: falconry. — DEFIS

fals-a: false, imitating in order to deceive as, f. hair, teeth, windows, signatures, money, jewels, drugs, etc.; not genuine, spurious; -eso: falsity; -ajo: falsehood; -igar: to falsify, pervert, adulterate (drugs) debase (coin); falsa-monet-if-isto, fals-ig-ero di moneti: forger, coiner; (cf. artificala). — DEFIRS

falset-o: falsetto (voice). — DEFIRS

falv-a: fallow, fawn-colored, tawny, of a yellowish-brown color, pale red; -a bestio: fallow deer, stag, etc. (cf. daimo). — DF

fam-o: fame, renown; (cf. reputo); -oza: famous, celebrated; -oz(ul)o: a celebrity; -izar: to cover with fame, render illustrious. — DEFI

famili-o: (also zool., bot.) family, kin(dred); -ala konsil-ant-aro: f. counsel; -ala simil-eso: family likeness; vorto- -o: (gram.) collection of words of the same root. — DEFIRS

familiar-a: familiar, intimate; -eso: familiarity (state), close acquaintance; -ajo: familiarity (act); -aji produktas des-estimo: familiarities breed contempt; -igar persono pri lua tasko: to familiarize a person with his job; ne- -eskez kun male edukita personi: do not get familiar with ill-bred people; -a amiko: an intimate friend. Ex.: Lua vizajo esas familiara a me. Lua konduto esas tro familiara. — DEFIS

famin-o: famine. V. exp.: Ne esas hungro, mem general, ma manko di la maxim necesa nutrivi en tota lando o populo; IV-10; (cf. indijar). — EFI

fan-ar: (tr., agri.) to winnow (grain). — DeF

fanatik-a: fanatical, -(ul)o: a fanatic, bigot; -eso: fanaticism; -igar: to fanaticize (ulu); -eskar: to become a f., infatuated (cf. fol-eskar). Ex.: Fanatika zelo, doktrini, homi. — DEFIRS

fanerogam-a, -o*: (bot.) phanerogamous (plant). — DEFIS

fanfar-o: (mus.) fanfare: flourish of trumpets. — DEFIR

fanfaron-ar: (intr.) to bluster, boast, brag, swagger, bluff. V. exp.: Fanfaronar esas exajerar sua avantaji, sua forteso, e.c., per paroli od altra signi, por trompar la ceteri. Ostentar esas montrar ed expozar kun afektaco e superbeso sua avantaji, precipue la luxo, richaji, belaji, por ecitar l'admiro di la ceteri; II—647. — FIS

fang-o: mud, mire, watery dirt as on streets, etc.; -oza, -atra: muddy; -eyo: mud-puddle; -izar: to muddy, bedraggle; -iz-ita: bespattered (with mud); -oza anmo: (fig.) base, mean soul; sen- -igar, des- -izar: to clean (off mud); para- -o: mud-guard; -o-balno: m.bath. — DFI

fantasmagori-o: phantasmagoria, dissolving view. Def.: Arto produktar fantomi, t.e. ombri od imaji iluzioniganta; IV—10. — DEFIS

fantastik-a: fantastical, fanciful. Def.: Qua relatas kozi od enti nereala o neposibla; IV—10. Ex.: La fantastika rakonti pri Hoffman da Edgar Poe. — DEFIS

fantazi-ar: (tr.) to have a fancy for (ulu, ulo), to have an idea an inclination (facar ulo); agar segun sua -o: to act according to one's fancy; -eto: whim, crochet; -ajo: a f. article; -ala, -ema: fanciful; -emo: a fanciful person, a crank; -ala kostumo: f. dress. Ex.: Me fantazias voyajar, ludar. Havar fantazii fantastika. V. exp.: L'imaginado (od imaginiveso) esas la psikala fakultato, formacar, imaji, t.e. reprezenti di objekti nereala; ol agas example en la revi, anke en l'artistala produktado; ol povas esar regulizita e racionoza. La fantazio esas l'imaginado senregula e kapricoza, ofte arbitriala. Pluse, ta vorto ne aplikesas propre a fakultato (qua esas nulo altra kam l'imaginado ipsa), ma a l'agi di ta fakultato; on parolas pri un fantazio. Tale on nomizas fantazi(aj)i ula artistala verki, qui manifestas precipue libereso, spontaneso e mem kaprico; V—221. — DeFIRS

fantom-o: phantom, shade, ghost, specter, apparition; (fig.) something unreal; Roma esis nur la fantomo di republiko: Rome was only the shadow of a republic. — DEFIRS

far-o: lighthouse; (fig.) guide; -gardisto: l.keeper. — FIS

faradiz-ar*: (tr., med.) to faradize, to stimulate with faradic electric currents. — DEF

farandol-o: farandole, a dance of Provence. — DeFIS

faraon-o: (hist.) Pharaoh; (card game) faro. — DeFIRS

farb-o: paint, artificial coloring matter (cf. fardo, pigmento); -izar: to paint (buildings, objects; cf. piktar); -iz-uro: the paint (put on); oleo- -i: oil paints; aquo- -i: water-colors. Def.: Preparita materio por kolorizar objekti; V—660. — D

farcin-o: (vet.) farcin, farcy, a form of glanders. — EFI

fard-o: paint (for face or body); (theat.) make-up; reda -o: rouge; -izar: to paint (ulu, su). — F

farin-o: flour, farina, (grosa) meal; -oza: floury, mealy, farinacious; -vend-isto:; -igar, -ifar: to make, produce f.; -izar: to cover, sprinkle with f.; -spric-ilo: f.dredger; -muel-eyo, -erio: f.mill. — eFIS

faring-o: (anat.) pharynx.

faringit-o*: (med.) pharyngitis.

farize-o: (lit. and fig.) Pharisee; -ala: pharisaical. — DEFIRS

farm-ar: (tr.) to farm (land taken on lease); farmo - lokacar, -prenar: to take (land, etc.) on lease (cf. kultivar ); -o-donar, lugar: to farm out, lease to, rent out to (someone for a fixed sum); -lug-anto: lessor (of a farm); -lokac-anto: lessee: tenant-farmer; -o: farming (on lease); -ajo: what is farmed; a farm; -o-domo, o-domeno: homestead (rented); -o-preco: rent of a farm; -isto: tenant farmer, husbandman; -isto di imposto: (fig.) farmer of the revenue; mi- -isto: metayer: farmer on half shares; -o-labor-ero: a farm-hand. — DeF

farmaci-o: (art) pharmacy, pharmaceutics; -isto: pharmacist (cf. apotek-isto). — DEFIRS

farmakope-o: pharmacopoeia. — DEFIRS

fars-o: (cook.) farce: stuffing, forcemeat; (theat. and fig.) farce. — DEFIRS

fasad-o: facade, the front or chief face of a building. — DEFIS

fashin-o: (fort.) fascine. — DEFIRS

fasiac-o*: (bot.) fasciation. — EF

fask-o: bundle, a number of things of a certain length, put together; sheath; stack; bunch; (opt.) pencil (of luminous rays); (antiq.) fasces; vergo- -o: faggot, bundle of sticks, rods; flecho- -o: sheaf of arrows; -igar, -ifar: to bundle up, stack, put in sheaves. — FIS

fason-ar: (tr.) to fashion, shape, form (ulo); -o, -uro: the build, fashion, make, cut, workmanship. Def.: Laborar ula materio por fabrikar objekto definita (fasono di vesto, di juvelo); IV-165. — DEFR

fast-ar: (intr.) to fast. — DE

fat-o: fate, lot, (cf. destino); -ala: fatal; -al-ismo: fatalism; -al-isto, -ista: fatalist(ic). Ex.: Vua fato esas kompatinda. La fatal horo. — DEFIRS

fatig-ar: (tr.) to fatigue, tire, weary; (cf. tedar, enoyar); -esar: to be tired; -eso: (state) weariness, lassitude; -anta: fatiguing, toilsome, irksome; -egar: to overtire, harass. — EFIS

fatu-a: foppish (in dress); self-conceited, fatuous (in mind); -(ul)o: snob, coxcomb; -acho: puppy (person); -eso: snobbishness, fatuity, self-conceit. — eFIS

fauc-o: (anat. and fig.) (exterior) throat, gullet, fore part of neck (cf. guturo); (geog.) space from which something has been gouged, defile, ravine, deep glen; -ala: (anat.) jugular. Def.: Indikas l'extera ed avana parto di la kolo (do anke la laringo, ma extere vidata); e, pro ke ta parto formacas kava profilo (inter la mandibulo o mentono e la pektoro), la vorto fauco uzesas per metaforo internaciona por expresar multa formi kava, en tekniko, en geografio (montala fauco), e.c.; III-165. IL

faun-o: (myth.) faun; -ino: wood goddess. — DEFIRS

fav-o: (med.) favus, ringworm (of scalp); -oza: scurvy. — L

favor-ar: (tr.) to favor, treat or regard with kindness, befriend; -oza: (of persons) favorable (cf. oportuna); -at(ul)-o, -at(in)-o: a favourite; -ismo: favoritism; -igar: to propitiate, appease; -ig-anta: propitiatory; -dii: days of grace; la princo e la tempo favoras nia projeti: the prince and the time are favorable to our projects; omni qui konocas il esas favoroza ad il: all who know him are favorably disposed toward him. — DEFIRS

fay-o: (fabric) faille, a corded silk. — DeFS

fayenc-o: faience, crockery ware. — DeFR

faz-o: (astron. and gen.) phase. — DEFIRS

fazan-o: (orni.) pheasant (genus: Phasianus). — DEFIRS

fazeol-o: kidney-bean; -o multaflora: (bot.) scarlet-runner (Phaseolus multiflorus). — DI

fe-o, -ino: fairy. — DeFIR

febl-a: (lit. and fig.) feeble, weak, faint; (cf. debila, frajila); -ajo: a weak object or spot, foible; -(ul)o: a weak person; -eso: weakness; -igar: to enfeeble, weaken; -eskar: to grow weak; -igo, -esko: enfeebling, weakening, impairment; -anma: pusillanimous. Ant.: forta.

febr-ar: (intr.) to have a fever; -o: fever; -oz-eso: feverishness; -ala: febrile; -oza, -ema, -ika: feverish, fevered; -eto: a slight f.; -igar, -izar: to infect with f. — DeFIS

februar-o: February. — DEFIRS

feder-ar: (tr.) to (con-)federate, federalize, ally, form an alliance (of states, nations; cf. aliancar); -uro: (con-)federation, league, alliance; -al-ismo: federalism; -al-ista, -isto: federalist; (kun-)feder-ito: ally, confederate (state, nation). — DEFIRS

fek-o: feces, excrement (of man or animal); -ala: fecal; -ifar: to void the bowels, defecate (cf. kakar); -izar: to befoul (with f.); -o-pulvero: dried night-soil. — DEFIS

fekul-o: (chem.) fecula (starch). — EFIS

fekund-a: fecund, prolific (of living beings only; cf. fertila); -(ul)o: a f. man; -eso: fecundity; -igar: to make f., impregnate. V. exp.: vid. fertila. Ant.: ne-fekunda, sterila. — EFIS

fel-o: hide, pelt, fell, skin detached from body and dressed; (cf. furo). — De

feld-o: (electric, magnetic, optical, scientific) field; -o di ago: field of action; (cf. agro). Def.: Spaco en qua existas ula distributo di forci (elektrala, magnetala, e.c.); VI-140. V. exp.: On parolas pri elektrala, magnetala feldo, mem (identigante la feldo kun la forco existanta en singla punto) pri l'intenseso di feldo en ula punto. Kompreneble, on povas anke parolar metafore pri la feldo di ago o di influo di ula povo o potento. Ma en omna altra kazi on devas uzar agro, exemple, pri plu o min granda parto dil sulo. Do on devas dicar kombat-agro, nam to esas vere agro, en qua on kombatas, o agro di kombato: VI-140. — DE

felg-o: felly, outer rim of wheel; -freno: (wheel) rim brake. — De

felic-a: (of persons) happy (cf. fortun-oza); -(ul)o: a h. person; -eso: happiness, felicity; des- -a: miserable; aspektar -a: to look happy. — eFIS

felin-o: -a, -ala, -atra: feline. — EFIS

felp-o: (fabric) a kind of plush, shag, velveteen. — DI

felt-o: (fabric) felt; -a chapelo: a f. hat. — DEFIS

femin-a, -ala: she, feminine (N.B. applied chiefly to animals to distinguish sex); (cf. hom-in-a, -ala); -o: a female (animal); -ismo: feminism; -eso: femininity; -acho: a vile woman; -atra: effeminate; -(atr)igar: to render, make effeminate; -alo: (gram.) the feminine. — DEFIRS

femur-o: (anat.) femur, thigh-bone. — EFIS

fen-o: hay; -eyo: place for h.,; -ifar: to grow h.; -igar: to h. make. — FIS

fenacetin-o*: (pharm.) phenacetin(e). — DEF

fenc-o: fence, enclosing barrier; muro-, palis-, greto-, lato-fenco: wall-, plank-, paling-, grate-, lath-fence. — DE

fend-ar: (tr.) to split (lengthwise), slit, cleave; (cf. krevis-ar); (fig.) to rend (the heart); -etar: to crack; -et-uro: a chink, flaw, crack; -uro: fissure, cleft, interstice; -ilo: cleaver, chopper. — FIS

fenestr-o: window; -aro: windows (collect.), fenestration. — DeFI

fenikul-o: (bot.) fennel. — DeFIL

fenix-o: (also astron.) Phoenix. — DEFIRS

fenol-o: (chem.) phenol, carbolic acid. — DeFIRS

fenomen-o: phenomenon; -ala: phenomenal. — DEFIRS

fenomenologi-o*: phenomenology, description, history, or explanation of phenomena. — DEF.

fer-o: iron; -a, -ala, -oza, -atra: of, relating to iron; ferrous, ferruginous; -izar: to put iron on (ulo), to bind, fit, hoop (with iron); -o-labor-isto: i. worker; -erio: i. foundry; -o-raboturi, -spani: i. filings, chips: -ajo, -garnituro: i. fitting; -iz-ita: ironed, metalled; (of horses) shod; olda -o: scrap i.; -tolo, -lameno: sheet i.; forj-ita -o: wrought iron; -skorio: slag, scoria, dross; -o-cianato: potassium ferrocyanide; -voyo: railway, railroad. — eFIS

ferdek-o: (nav.) deck (of a ship); -izar: to d.; navo tri- -a: a three-decker, ship with three decks. — De

feri-o: fair (market); -o-placo, -loko: fairground.

ferm-a: firm: solid, stable, fixed, compact, stout; (cf. solida, stabila); (fig.) which does not tremble, steady, steadfast, bold, resolute; -eso: firmness, stability; -igar: to make firm, (ulo) (cf. sekur-igar); -eskar: to become firm, strong, established, settled. -e: firmly, steadily; (interj.) hold fast; do not flinch! Ex.: Ferma tero. Stacar ferme. Karno ferma. Parolar en tono ferma. Fermigar sua rezolvo. Ant.: mola, shancel-anta, vacil-anta, febla. — DEFIS

ferment-o: a ferment (as yeast, leaven); (fig.) which excites or gives rise to. — DEFIRS

fermentac-ar: (intr.; also fig.) to ferment; (of dough) to rise. — DEFIRS

feroc-a: ferocious. Def.: Sovaja, kruela e violentoza; III—325. Ex.: Feroca bestio; metafore: feroca tirano; feroca konservemo. — EFIS

fertil-a: fertile (ground, also fig.); -eso: fertility, fruitfulness; -igar: to fertilize. V. exp.: Fertila ne esas la sama ideo kam fekunda: ento fekunda genitas ento simila a su; fertila esas simple produktema, qua produktas multo (ex.: agro); fekunda dicesas pri la vivanta enti, fertila pri la tero; IV—10. — DEFIS

fervor-ar: (intr.) to be fervent, be earnest, eager, zealous; (cf. ardorar, zelar); fervoroza prego: fervent prayer; -ar pri ulo: to be eager about something, take a thing to heart. — EFIS

fer-voy-o: railroad, railway; -isto: R. R. employee.

fes: (mus.) F flat.

fest-ar: (intr.) to observe a holiday; (rel.) to keep a feast; -o, -o-dio: festival, celebration, holiday, saint's day; -ala: festal, festive (of holidays); Pasko- -o: Easter; muzik- -o: music festival; garden- -o: garden fête. — DEFIS

festin-ar: (tr., intr.) to feast, eat sumptuously, banquet; -ala: festal: of a f. — eFS

feston-o: festoon; -izar: to f.; (fig.) to scallop. — DEFIRS

festuk-o: a blade of straw. — FI

fet-o: foetus. — DEFIS

fetid-a: fetid, rank, stinking; (cf. mal-odor-anta). — DEFIS

fetish-o: fetish. — DEFIRS

feud-o: fief, feud, fee; -ala: feudal; -ismo: feudalism, feodality; -igar: to enfeoff. — DEFIRS

fez-o: fez: (Turkish) red cap. — DEFIRS

fi!: fie! shame! faugh! ugh! pish! phew! — DEFR

fiakr-o: hackney-coach, cab, four-wheeled public carraige; -o-kavalo: cab-horse. — DeFR

fial-o: vial. V. exp.: vid. botelo. — DEFI

fianc-ar: (tr.) to betroth, affiance, pledge in marriage; (ulu kun); -eskar: to become engaged; -o, -eso: betrothal, engagement; -it-o, -ulo, -ino: fiance; ge- -iti: the two affianced. — eFI

fiask-o: fiasco, complete failure. — DEFIRS

fibr-o: fiber; -eto: fibril; -ala, -oza, -esk-ema, -atra: fibrous, thready; -igar: to thread out (ulo); -eskar: to become fibrous. — DEFIRS

fibrin-o: (chem.) fibrin. — DEFIRS

fibroin-o*: (chem.) fibroin. — DE

fibul-o: (antiq.) fibula, a buckle or clasp (cf. peroneo); -izar: (surg.) to infibulate. — DEFIS

fich-o: (play-) counter, token, check; asisto- -o: token of presence. Def.: Lud-, konto – marko. Asisto – ficho pagesas a la membri di ula konsilantari, qui asistis singla kunveno; V—484. — DFRS

fid-ar: (intr.) to trust, put one’s trust (in); rely (upon); put confidence (ad ulu, ulo); (cf. konfidar); o-: confidence, reliance, faith; -ema: trusting, confiding; -inda: faithful, trustworthy; -ala: (jur.) fiduciary; su- -ego: great self-confidence; su-fid-eg-anta: overweening; me fidas a lua parolo: I rely on his word. — eFIS

fideikomis-o: (jur.) a trust (of an estate or property); -ario: trustee. — DFIS

fidel-a: (of persons) faithful, true, trusty; -(ul)o: a f. person; -eso: fidelity, fealty, allegiance (cf. vasal-eso, devot-eso, loyal-eso); -o-juro: oath of allegiance; -a a sua obligi: faithful to one’s engagements; -a amiko: a faithful friend. — EFIS

fier-a: proud, proper sense of self-respect or self-esteem; il esas fiera e superba: he is proud and haughty. V. exp.: Fiera esas ta qua havas alta (ma generale justa) opiniono pri sua valoro, merito, povo, e qua manifestas ol extere. Superba esas ta qua havas ecesa opiniono pri sua valoro e merito, e konseque manifestas exajerata pretendi; IV—465. Ant.: modesta, afabla, familiara. — FIS

fifr-o: fife; -isto: fifer. — DEF

fig-o: (bot.) fig; -iero: f. tree; -ier-eyo: f. orchard. — DEFIRS

figur-o: (also geom. rhet.) figure, outside form, shape of a body; appearance, representation; -ala expresuro, senco, stilo: a figurative expression, sense, style; -o vort-ala: figure of speech; -izar: to figure, form into a determinate shape, represent (in picture) or statuary; -izar kombato: to figure, to represent a fight; -izo: figuration; -iz-anta, -iva: figurative, typical; -iz-ebla: representable. Def.: Formo di tota korpo, homala o ne; V—679. Ex.: Figuro di persono, animalo, kozo. Figurizar ulo, garnisar ulo per figuri. Pensala figuro. — DEFIRS

figurant-o, -ulo, -ino: (theat.) figurant, accessory dancer or character. — DeFS

fikari-o*: (bot.) figwort (Ficaria verna. Ranunculus ficaria).

fiktiv-a: fictitious, imaginary, not real. Ex. Fiktiva persono, valoro. — DEFIRS

fil-o: thread; (lina, lana, kotona, e.c.) (flax, wool, cotton, etc.) yarn; (metal-) -o: wire; -ala, -oza: thready; -ifar: (intr.) to spin; -igar: (tr.) to spin (ulo), to make into threads; -if-erio: spinning mill; -if-roto: spinning-wheel; metal-fil-igar: to wire draw, draw into wire; -izar: to thread (a needle); -marioneto, -pupeo: dancing Jack. — FIS

filament-o*: filament (of plants, of nerves, etc.) — DEFIS

filandr-o, -i: air-thread(s), gossamer(s) (from spiders); (cf. araneotelo). — F

filantrop-o: philanthropist; -eso: philanthropy. — DEFIRS

filas-o: tow, harl (of flax, hemp, for spinning). V. exp.: La materio ek qua on filifas. Filaso ne esas stupo; nam on ne povas filigar stupo; III—74. — FS

filateli-o: philately, stamp collecting; -ar: (intr.) to collect stamps; -ero: philatelist. — DEFIS

filet-o: fillet, chine (of beef, fish); thread (of a screw, worm); -ino: female thread (tech.); -izar: to cut a thread on. Ex.: Fileto de soleo. Skrub-fileto. — DFIS

filharmoni-o: philharmony; -ala: philharmonic (society, etc.). Def. Amo pasionoza por muziko. — DEFIRS

filhelen-a, -o: philhellen -ic, -ist. — DEFIS

fili-o: child (of), son or daughter; -ulo: son; -ino: daughter; -ala: filial; -eso: filiation, relations of children to parents; -al-igar: (fig.) to affiliate (cf. adoptar); -alo: (fig.) branch establishment; -ino di la karitato: sister of charity. — EFIRS

filigran-o: filigree (work), filigrane. — DeFIRS

filik-o: (bot.) fern (order: Filices). — IL

filipik-o: philippic. — DEFIRS

filistr-a, -ala; -o: (fig.) philistine.

film-o: (photog.) film. — DE

filogenez-o*: phylogeny, phylogenesis. — DEF

filolog-o: philologist. — DEFIRS

filologi-o: philology; -ala: philological; -isto: philologist. — DEFIRS

filoxer-o: (ent. genus) phylloxera, plant lice (cf. afidio). — DEFIRS

filozof-o: philosopher; -ala: relating to a p. — DEFIRS

filozofi-ar: (intr.) to philosophize; -o: philosophy; -ala: philosophical. — DEFIRS

filtr-ar: (tr., intr.) to filter, strain, percolate; -ilo: filter. — DEFIRS

fin-ar: (tr., intr.) to finish, to end, leave off, to have done, come to an end; -igar: to finish (ulo), to cause to end, put an end to, terminate; -o: end, finish; -a, -ala: final; -alo: (gram.) final syllable; (mus.) finale; -e: finally, at last, lastly; -eskar: to draw to, to approach the end; par- -ita: entirely completed, finished; sen- -a: endless, interminable; sen- -e: indefinitely; -evento: denouement, final event, outcome; la muro finas ye ca loko: the wall finishes at this place; finigez vua parolado: put an end to your talk; ye la fino di ca monato: at the end of this month; finala kauzo: final cause. — EFIS

financ-o: finance, pecuniary resources; -ala: financial; -isto: financier. — DEFIRS

fing-ar: (tr.) to feign, sham, pretend, (cf. simular); -o, -uro: dissimulation; false appearance, pretence, sham; figment; -ajo: a fiction, make-believe; -ita: feigned, fictitious. Def.: Simular por trompar. Ex.: Fingar joyo, maladeso. Il fingis amorar me. — DeFIRS

fingr-o: (anat.) finger, digit; -ala: digital; ped- -o: toe (cf. haluxo); -uyo, -chapo, -shirm-ilo: thimble; f. stall; -agar, -ordinar: (tr., mus.) to finger; -o-frap-eto: fillip; indik- -o: forefinger, index f.; (cf. polexo); meza -o: middle f.; ringo- -o: ring finger, third f.; mikra, orel- -o: little f. — DE

finis-ar: (tr., tech.) to finish off (an article), to put the finishing touches to (ulo); -limar: (tr.) to finish off (ulo) with a file. Def.: Finisado esas la lasta laboro, quan on facas pri ula material produkturo, por ke ol havez sua definitiva forma ed aspekto; VI-383.

finit-a: (math., philos.) finite; -ajo: a f. object.

fink-o: (orni.) chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs). — D

fint-o: (milit., boxing, fencing) feint; -ar: (intr.) to (make a) f. Def.: Simulita atako. Termino teknikal di la skerm-arto, uzata anke metafore; V-484, 676. — DEF

fioritur-o: (mus.) grace note, flourish. — DFIRS

firm-o: (com.) firm; -estro: head of f. — DEFRS

firmament-o: (lit. and fig.) firmament. Def.: L'antiqua nociono di la cielo (kom solida vulto); V-484. — DEFIS

fis: (mus.) F sharp.

fish-o: (also astron.) fish; -et-aro: small f., fry (collect.); -oza: abounding in f.; -izar: to stock with f.; -atra, -forma: f. like, f. shaped; -kaptar: to catch a f. (cf. peskar); -vendar: to sell f.; -koquar: to cook f.; -vend-eyo: f. market; -koqu-ilo: f. kettle; -osto: f. bone; -manj-anta: f. eating, ichthyophagous; -edukado: pisciculture: raising of f; popul-izar per -yuni: to stock with fry. — DE

fisk-o: fisc: state or royal treasury; an exchequer; -ala: fiscal; -ala bilieto: treasury note; -ala ad-ministr-ado: fiscal administration. — DEFIRS

fistul-o: fistula. — DEFIRS

fit-ar: (intr.) -igar (tr.): (mechan., also of garments) to fit: suit as to shape, size; -eg-anta: tight-fitting. Def.: Tale adjustigar mashinal peci, ke li ne plus movas en ula direciono exter l'axala (anke uzata por la vesti); (VII-99). Ex. Ica fitas quale ganto. — EI

fix-a: fixed (day, star, look, idea); -e: fixedly, steadfastly; -igar: to fix, fasten (ulo), to appoint (a day); -eso: fixity, fixedness; -igo: fixation; -ig-iva, -ivo: (photog.) fixing (agent). Ex.: Stelo fixa. Regardar fixe. Fixigar ulo per pinglo. Fixigar preco. Fixigar la atenco. — DEFIS

fizik-o: physics; -ala: physical, -isto: physicist; -o-matematik-ala: physico-mathematical. — DEFIRS

fiziognomoni-o*: physiognomics: art of reading character. — DEFIRS

fiziokrati-o: physiocracy: economic doctrine of Quesnay; -isto: physiocrat. — DEFIRS

fiziologi-o: physiology; -isto: physiologist. — DEFIRS

fizionomi-o: physiognomy, countenance, facial appearance; -isto: physiognomist. — DEFIRS

flad-o: flawn, a sort of flat custard cake. — D

flag-o: (especially nav.) flag; (cf. standardo, banero); -eto: pennant; -izar: to dress with f.s. Def.: Flago esas insigno (generale min granda kam standardo), qua indikas la lojeyo, navo o loko di ula chefo o di ula establisuro: ex. la Reda Kruco; III-31. — DER

flagr-ar: (intr., chem.) to deflagrate: to blaze suddenly, flare up; (fig.) to be flagrant, flame into notice, be notorious; -anta delikto: (jur.) flagrante delicto, in the very act. Def.: Kombusto rapida kun granda e subita flami (anke uzata metafore); III-469. Ex.: La flagro di nitrokotono esas instantala. Flagranta ne-egaleso. — DeFIS

flajolet-o: (mus.) flageolet. — DEFS

flak-o: small pool, puddle (of water, blood, etc.) — F

flakon-o: flask, cruet; vinagro- -o: vinegar cruet. V. exp.: vid. botelo. — DeFR

flam-o: flame, blaze, flash, flare; (fig.) flame (of passion), ardour, warmth (of affection); -oza: flaming; -ifar: to blaze up, produce flame; -agar: (tr.) to pass (ulo) over a fire, to singe; -if-(ad)o: flaming, blazing. — DEFIS

flaming-o: (orni.) flamingo (family: Phoenicopteridae). — DEFIRS

flan-ar: (intr.) to lounge, saunter, loiter, stroll; -(ad)o: an idle and leisurely walk; -anto, -ero, -emo: lounger, stroller, idler. — DF

flanel-o: flannel; -a: of f. — DEFIRS

flanj-o: flange (of a tube). Def.: Diskatra, salianta parto di tubi, stangi, e.c., qua uzesas por ligar li per skrubi; III-82. V. exp. vid. rebordo. — DEIR

flank-o: side (of body); flank (of enemy); breast (of ship); -e: at or from the side, flank; -ala: lateral; -ala atako: flank attack; -umar: (tr.) to be on the f. of (ulo); -umo: flanking; -um-anto: (milit.) flanker; -apogar: (tr.) to prop up (ulo) on one side; -izar: (milit., arch.) to f., cover the f. of (ulo, per); -irar: (intr.) to go aside. — DEFIR

flar-ar: (tr.) to smell, scent (an odour, an object; cf. odorar); -ar rozo: to smell a rose; -ar danjero: (fig.) to smell a rat, scent danger; -(ad)o: smelling; -anta, -ala: olfactory. — F

flat-ar: (tr.) to flatter; -achar: to f. servilely, fawn upon, toady to (ulu); -anta, -ema, -oza: flattering, adulatory; -ach-anto, -ero: sycophant, toady. — DEF

flatu-ar: (intr.) to break wind, -(ad)o: breaking wind, flatus, poop; -oza, -ema: flatulent, -oz-eso: flatulence. — DeFIS

flav-a: yellow; -eso: (color) yellow, yellowness; -ajo: y. object; -igar: to render, make y.; -eskar: to become, turn, grow y. — L

flebit-o: (med.) phlebitis. — DEFIS

flech-o: (weapon) arrow; (arch.) spire; (fort.) bonnet, fleche, simple redan; (geom.) absciss (of a curve); (trig.) versed sine; -uyo: quiver. — FIS

fleg-ar: (tr) to nurse, care for (sick person, child; cf. sorgar); -(ad)o: nursing; -ist(ul)o, -ino; nurse; -eyo sick-ward, place for nursing. V. exp.: vid. suciar. — D

flegm-o: (med.) phlegm; (fig.) coldness, sluggishness (of character); -oza: (med. and mental) phlegmatic. — DEFIRS

flegmon-o: (med.) phlegmon. — DEFIRS

fleret-o: (fencing-) foil. Def.: Speco di espado tenua e flexebla por skermado (generale kun butono ye la fino); IV—10. — DFIS

flex-ar: (tr., intr.) to bend (out of the straight), bow, flex; -o, -eso, -uro: bend(ing), flexion; -anta: (anat.) flexor; -ebla: flexible, pliant, supple; -oza: (bot.) flexuous; -igar: to cause to b. — EFIS

flexion-o: (gram.) flexion. — DEFIS

flintglas-o: flint-glass. — DEFRS

flirt-ar: (intr.) to flirt, coquet, make love in a trifling manner; — DEFR

flitr-o, -ajo: spangle (cf. oripelo); -izar: to spangle. Def.: Ronda plaketo quan on sutas exemple sur vesto por igar ol brilanta; VI—142. — D

flog-ar: to flog, whip, lash, flagellate, scourge (cf. verg-agar): -ilo: whip, lash. — E

flok-o: flake (as of snow); flock: lock of wool or hair; tuft; -oza, -atra: flaky; nivo- -o: snow-f. — DeFIR

flor-o: flower, bloom, blossom; (fig.) flower (of speech), prime (of life), bloom (of innocence), etc.; -eto: flowerlet; -ala: floral; -ifar: to bloom, blossom, be in flower; -if-(ad)o: blooming, efflorescence; -if-anta: (bot.) floriferous; -izar: to cover, deck (with flowers); -oza, -iz-ita: flowery; -(vend)isto: florist; -ist-ino: flower girl; -kultiv-(ad)o: floriculture; -eyo, -bedo: f. bed; -uyo, -vazo: f. holder, -vase; -uno: (bot.) floret; sen- -igar, des- -izar: to deflower; en la floro di l'evo: (fig.) in the prime of life. — DEFIRS

florin-o: (money) florin. — DEFIRS

flor-kaul-o: cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis).

floron-o: (arch.) flower-work; -iz-ita: ornamented with f.w. Def.: Ornivo imitanta la formo di floro; IV—10. — FIS

flos-o: (ich.) fin. — D

flot-o: (nav.) fleet; -eto: a small f. V. exp.: Floto indikas «ensemblo de navi» naviganta kune e komandata da un chefo; nav-aro restus por indikar l'ensemblo di la navi di un naciono, kompanio, e.c.; IV—230. — DeFIS

flotac-ar: (intr.) to float, to be afloat on the surface of a liquid; -igar: to (cause to) float, waft, raft (wood, etc.); -lineo, -nivelo: load, water line. — DEFIS

flotili-o: (nav.) flotilla. Def.: Floto (ne flot-eto) de mikra navi; VI—74. — DEFIRS

flox-o*: (bot.) phlox (genus: Phlox). — DEFIS

flozel-o: floss-silk. — eF

flu-ar: (intr.) to flow, run, glide (of liquids, elec.); -(ad)o: flow, current, stream(ing); -anta: flowing, running; -anto: (math.) fluent, variable quantity; -anta stilo: (fig.) flowing style; segun la fluo: with the current; lava-flu-ajo: lava flow; elektrala -o: f. of electricity. — DEF

flug-ar: (intr.) to fly (in air), fly about, be wafted (by wind); -etar: to flutter, hover; -eskar: to take wing, flight; -balono: (fig.) a shuttlecock; -anta fisho: flying-fish (genus: Exocoetus and allied species); -folio: loose or detached sheet of paper; -roto: flywheel (of machinery). — De

fluid-a: fluid, having parts freely mobile, separate and penetrable, as water, vapor, and air; -o: a fluid; -eso: fluidity. V. exp.: Fluido esas gaso o liquido; IV-162; (cf. liquida). — DEFIRS

fluktu-ar: (intr.) to fluctuate, waver, float, move to and fro; (fig.) to be irresolute; -(ad)o: fluctuation, a motion like that of waves; wavering, unsteadiness; la flukti di opiniono publika: the fluctuations of public opinion. Flago fluktuas en la vento: a flag floats in the wind; Aquo fluktuanta: moving water. — DEFIRS

fluor-o: (chem.) fluorine. — DEFIRS

fluorec-ar: (intr., physics) to be fluorescent. — DEFIRS

flur-o: staircase landing. — De

flut-o: (mus.) flute; -o rur-ala: reed-pipe; -eto: child's whistle; -o transversa: German f., traverse f.; -atra: flutelike, fluty; -(ple)ero, -isto: flute player, flutist. — DEFIRS

fluvi-o: (large) river, a large stream of water flowing into the sea; (fig.) copious flow, torrent; irar admonte la fluivo: to go up the river; (fig.) fluvio di sango: torrent of blood; -o di fairo, di eloquenteso: stream of fire, of eloquence; -ala: fluvial. — eFIS

flux-o: rise of tide, high, flood-tide; fluxo e refluxo: flood and ebb of tide; -ar: (intr.) to rise (of tide). — eFIRS

fluxion-o: (math., med.) fluxion. — DEFIS

fok-o: (geom., opt.) focus. — DEFIR

fol-a: mad, crazy, mentally deranged; (fig.) foolish, nonsensical, senseless; -eta: (fam.) cracked, touched (in the head); mad after, infatuated, doting on; (cf. dementa); -(ul)o: madman, fool; -eso: madness, folly; -ajo: mad, foolish act, prank; -a stroko: a foolish play, act; -e amorar: to love to distraction, be madly in love with (ulu); -igar: to make (ulu) crazy, to make some one foolish; -eskar: to go mad, become infatuated; -ig-it-a: maddened, distracted, infatuated; -e  ludar: to sport, romp, frolic, play pranks; -fol-lud-ema: playful, sportive, frolicsome; -o-ceptro: fool's bauble; kort-fol(ul)o: court-fool, -jester. Def.: Vulgara termino, qua aplikesas precipue a la formi maxim videbla e shokanta di alienaco, a ti qui manifestas su per sensenca parolado, agiteso e violento; VI — 244 — EFI

folad-o: (bivalve) pholas, stoneborer, piddocks (family: Pholadidae). — EFIRS

foli-o: (bot.) leaf; thin sheet of something; folio: page number (folio 12 = pagino 12 of a sheet of which the reverse side is blank); -aro: foliage, leaves (collect.); -eto: leaflet; (bot.) foliole; -ala: relating to leaves; -oza: leafy; (bot.) foliated; -ifar, -eskar: to produce l.s, break forth in l.; -igar: to make into l.form; -if(ad), -iz(ad)o: foliation, leafing; -iz-ita: foliated, flaky; -o-shirmo: bower (of leaves); -o-rekolto: leaf-harvest; sen- -igar: to strip of leaves; -ajo: (arch.) foliaceous ornament, leaf-work; (cf. florono); -umar: to turn over the leaves of a book. — eFIRS

folieton-o: feuilleton, literary part of a F. newspaper; -isto: a writer of f.s. — DeFRS

folikul-o: (bot., anat.) follicle. — DEFIRS

folklor-o: folklore. Def.: Ico esas nek populala literaturo, nek populala tradicionaro, ma l'ensemblo di la verki, rakonti, kanti, kustumi qui naskis de la populo e karakterizas ol, e lua studiado: VII-279. — DEFR

foment-ar: (tr., med.) to foment, apply warm lotions to; (fig.) to encourage, stir up. — DEFIS

fond-ar: (tr.) to found, establish (ulo, sur ulo); (cf. establisar); -ajo, -uro: that which is founded, establishment, foundation (cf. fundamento). Ex.: Il fondis sua sistemo sur fakti nekontestebla. Fondar komercala firmo, imperio, religio. — DEFIS

fonetik-o: phonetics. — DEFIRS

fonograf-ar: (tr.) to record (ulo) on a phonograph; -ilo: phonograph; -uro: phonograph-record; plear -ilo: to play a phonograph — DEFIRS

fonolit-o*: (min.) phonolite. — DEF

fonometr-o: phonometer. — DEFIRS

font-o: (pr. and fig.) font, spring: natural source (cf. fonteno); -aquo: spring-water. Ex.: La fonti di Nil. Acensar rivero til la fonto. La fonto di lo bona e di lo mala. Laboro esas la fonto di richaji. Recevar novaji de bona fonto. — EFIRS

fontanel-o: (anat.) fontanel. — DEFIS

fonten-o: (artificial) fountain; -plumo: f. pen. — DEFIR

for: (prep.) far from, away from; -e: (far) away; -a: distant, remote, far distant (de); -ajo: a distant object; distance (prospect); de fore: from a, at a, distance; -esar: to be away; -igar: to remove, send away; - de hike: a great way off (from here); -eso: remoteness; -irar: to go away; -a komerco, navig-ado: foreign trade, navigation. (In composition with verbs «away» as in: for-duktar, -portar, -tirar, -tranar, etc.); il esas for sua patrio: he is away from his fatherland; il vidis il de fore: he saw him from a distance; kad vu volas forirar? do you wish to go away? la soldato forkuris: the soldier ran away. — e

forc-o: (mechan.) force. Ex.: La forci natural esas l'aero, l'aquo, e.c. Forco centripetala.

forcat-o: galley-slave, convict (condemned to hard labor). — FIS

forceps-o: (surg.) forceps, an instrument used in midwifery (cf. pinc-eto). — DeFIS

forej-o: forage, fodder, food for beasts; -ifar: to forage (for fodder); -o-planti: plants fit for fodder. — DEFIRS

forest-o: forest; -ala: pertaining to f.s, silvan; -isto: forester; -o-kultivado: forestry; -izar: to cover with f. — DEFIR

forfet-o: contract, tender (at a stipulated price, whether the contractor lose or gain); -ale: by contract, by the job, at a lump sum; kontratar per forfeto: to engage to do (ulo) by contract. Def.: Kontrato per qua on engajas su exekutar ula laboro po totala sumo fixigita antee; IV-454. — FI

forfikul-o: (ent.) earwig (family: Forficulidae). — IL

forj-ar: (tr.) to forge (metals); -ebla: forgeable; -isto: blacksmith, forger (of iron); -eyo, -erio: smithy, blacksmith's shop, iron works. — EFS

for-jet-ar: (tr.) to throw away (cf. re-pulsar, retro-jetar); (of cards) to discard; -ajo: refuse, waste; -inda: worthy of rejection.

fork-o: (agri.) pitchfork, hayfork, dungfork; (fig.) any two or three-pronged instrument; -eto: tablefork; -atra: forklike, cloven; -o-dento: prong of a f.; -o-pikar: to pierce with a f. — DEFI

for-las-ar: (tr.) to leave, quit; (cf. livar).

form-o: form, shape, conformation; -ala: formal; -al-ajo: formality; -al-ismo: formalism; sen- -a: shapeless. — DEFIRS

formac-ar: (tr.) to form, shape; -(ad)o, -uro: formation; -anta, -iva: formative. Ex.: Formacar literi, nubi, triangulo, karaktero. Geologiala formacuro. — DEFIRS

formalin-o*: (chem.) formalin. — DEF

format-o: format, shape, size of a book. — DFIRS

formik-o: (ent.) ant; -eyo: ant-hill, -nest; -umar: (intr.) to swarm, teem, be full of (like ants); -um(ad)o: swarming; (med.) formication. — FIS

formul-o: formula; -aro, -libro: formulary; -igar, -izar: to formulate, draw up in due form; -igo, -izo: formulation. — DEFIRS

forn-o: (bake-)oven; (tech.) kiln; (cf. furnelo); -ego: furnace, blast f.; -edo: a baking, ovenful, batch; -eyo: baking place, bake-house; -o-pago: charge for baking. Def.: Kesto klozita, en qua on pozas kozi koquenda o varmigenda; IV-135. — FI

fornik-ar: (intr.) to fornicate. — EFIS

foronomi-o*: phoronomics: geometry of kinematics. Def.: Geometrio di la movo, o cinematiko geometriala; III-263. — DeFIRS

for-port-ar: (tr.) to carry away, bear off.

fors-ar: (tr.) to force, break open (a door, a lock), to compel (by mechanical means or power) ; (cf. koaktar). — DEF

forsan: (adv.) perhaps, may be, perchance. Ex.: Forsan il kredas lo. Forsan il venos, forsan no. Me ne savas precize quanta komizi laboras en ica kontoro; forsan tri o quar. — IL

fort-a: (also fig.) strong, stout; -e: strongly; (mus.) forte; -ulo: a s. man; -eso: strength; -igar: to strengthen; -eskar: to get s.; (of wind) to freshen; -ig-anta, -iva: strengthening, invigorating; -ig-ivo: strengthener, tonic. Ant.: febla, debila, frajila. — eFIRS

fortifik-ar: (tr., milit.) to fortify; -(ad)o: fortification, (act); -uro: fortification (object). — DEFIRS

fortres-o: fortress, a large fort holding a garrison.; (fig.) a stronghold. — EFIRS

for-tran-ar: (tr.) to draw, drag away; (fig.) to sweep away, carry off (by passion).

fortun-o: good fortune, good luck; (myth.) Fortuna; -oza: fortunate, lucky; (cf. hazard-oza). Def.: Bona chanco; V-492. Ant.: des-fortuno, des-felic-eso. — DEFIS

forum-o: forum. — DEFIRS

fos-o: hole, pit, cavity; -eto: small hole; (of face or body) dimple; -ifar: to dig or make a pit. Def.: Kavajo o exkavajo plu o min larja e profunda (en tero). — FIS

fosat-o: ditch, trench; (milit.) moat. Def.: Foso longa o plu juste linea, qua formacas limito od obstaklo; IV — 166. — FI

fosf-o*: (chem.) phosphorus; -ala, -oza: phosphoric. — DEFIRS

fosfat-o*: (chem.) phosphate; -acido: phosphoric acid. — DEF

fosfen-o*: (phsysiol.) phosphene. — DEF

fosforec-ar: (intr.) to be phosphores-cent; -(ad)o: phosphorescence — DEFIRS

fosil-a, -o: fossil; -igar: to fossilize; -eskar: to become fossilized. — DEFIS

fost-o: post, a piece or timber set upright; stake (cf. paliso); jamb (of a door); indiko- -o: way-post, guide-post, signpost. — D

fotofobio*: (med.) photophobia, aversion to light. — DEFIRS

fotofon-o: photophone, radiophone. — DEFIRS

fotograb-ar*: (tr.) to photo-engrave; -uro: photogravure. — DEFIRS

fotograf-ar: (tr.) to photograph; -ilo: camera; -ajo, -ato: object, person photographed; -uro: a photograph. — DEFIRS

fotokemi-o*: photochemistry. — DEF

fotolitograf-ar*: (tr.) to photo-lithograph.

fotometr-o: (phys.) photometer. — DEFIRS

fotometri-o: photometry. — DEFIRS

fotosfer-o: (astron.) photosphere. — DEFIRS

fototerapi-o*: (med.) phototherapy. — DEF

fototipi-o*: phototypy. — DEF

fox-o: fox; -eyo: f.hole, -burrow; -chas-isto, -ero: f.hunter. — DE

foy-o: time (in counting); occasion (repetition); turn (in series); singla-foye, omna-foye: evey time (that), all the time, whenever; multa-foye: many times, often (when), repeatedly; quanta-foye: how many times; kelka-foye: sometimes; esas mea foyo: it is my turn; a singlu lua foyo: to each a turn, every one in turn; me vidas il du-foye en la monato: I see him twice a month. F

foyer-o: (theat.) foyer, lobby; (of the actors) green-room. — DEFIRS

fracion-o: (arith.) fraction; -igar: to divide into f.s. — DEFIRS

frag-o: strawberry; -iero: s.plant (genus: Fragaria); -ier-eyo, -ier-bedo: s. bed. — FISL

fragment-o: fragment, broken piece, scrap; -igar: to make into or reduce to f.s. — DEFIS

frajil-a: (also fig.) fragile, brittle, easily broken or destroyed, not durable; hom - ala- -eso: (fig.) man's frailty; la -eso dil fortuno: (fig.) the instability of fortune. V. exp.: Ne omna objekto ruptebla esas frajila; bastono esas ruptebla, vitro dina esas frajila; III—200. Ant.: solida, dur-iva. — DEFIS

frak-o: (evening) dress coat, swallow-tailed coat. — DFRS

frakas-ar: (tr.) to break to pieces, shatter, smash; -bruiso: crash (sound). (cf. ruptar). Ex.: Frakasar porcelana taso. Omna osti en lua korpo esis frakasata. — FI

fram-o: (tech.) frame (work) (of a machine, wagon, etc.); chassis (of autom.); sash (of a window, etc.) N.B. not frame of picture; cf. kadro. — E

framason-o: a freemason; -ala: masonic. — EFIRS

framb-o: rasberry; -iero: r. bush (genus: Rubus); -izar: to cover with r.s; (fig.) to give a r. flavor to. — FS

Franc-a: French; -o, -ulo, -ino; Franci-ano: a F. person; -ia: France; -igar: to frenchify, gallicize; -eskar: to become F.; -ig-(ad)o: gallicizing; -amanta; -amiko: francophil; -odi-anto; -enemiko: enemy of the F.; francophobe; la Franca (linguo): the French (language); -atre, segun la Franca modo: in the F. fashion.

francisk-o: (French) battle-axe. Def.: Armo di l'antiqua Franki: hakilo kun du tranchivi; V — 87.  — DFS

franciskan-o*: a Franciscan monk, gray friar. — DEFIRS

frangul-o: (bot.) black alder tree, alder buckthorn Frangula (Rhamnus). — IL

franj-o: fringe, border of loose threads; -izar: to f. (ulo): adorn, trim with a f.; -igar; -eskar: to fray out, become f.ed. — DEFIS

franjipan-o: frangipane, jasmine perfume, also a liquor. — DeFIS

frank-o: franc: F.coin; $0.193; 9.52 pence.

Franko: member of a former German people. — DEFIRS

frankolin-o: (orni.) francolin: a species of partridge (genus: Pternistes). — DEFIRS

frap-ar: (tr.) to strike, knock, hit, slap, rap; (fig.) to make an impression on (ulu); -etar: to pat, tap lightly, strum; -(ad)o: strike, clapping (of hands, rapping); (cf. stroko); frap-anta verajo: a striking truth; vento- -o: gust of wind; pugno- -o: blow of the fist; manu- -o: clap (of hand); pedo- ar: to knick (cf. kikar); ondo- -o: beat of wave; -ar pike e tranche: to cut and thrust. V. exp.: vid. batar. — F

frat-o: (also relig.) brother or sister; -ulo: brother; -ino: sister; ge- -i: brothers and sisters; -aro, -eso: brother- or -sisterhood; -ala, atra: fraternal, sisterly, brotherly; -eskar: to fraternize (kun); armo- -ulo: brother-in-arms; lakto- -ulo: foster brother; -ocido: fratricide (act.) — EFIS

fraud-ar: (tr., intr.) to defraud; cheat (in play); -a, -oza: fraudulent; -anto, -ero: defrauder, cheat; -e sustraktar: to embezzle; -ar parole: to equivocate; -ar sua kredit-anti: to defraud one's creditors; -ar en exameno: to cheat in an examination. V. exp. furtar. — DEFIS

fraxin-o: (bot.) ash-tree (genus: Fraxinus). — FISL

fray-o: spawn, eggs of fish and also of frogs; -ifar: to s. — FIS

frazar: (gram., mus.) phrase, sentence; -ifar: to phrase, form sentences; -o-formo: a form of sentence; a ready-made sentence, commonplace; idiotismala frazo: idiomatic sentence; membro de -o: clause (cf. klauzo). — DEFIRS

frazeologi-o: phraseology. — DEFIRS

fregat-o: (nav.) frigate. — DEFIRS

fregat-ucelo: (orni.) frigate-bird (genus: Techypetes)

fremis-ar: (intr.) to shudder, quiver, tremble (from passion; cf. tremar); -igar: to cause to shudder. Ex.: On fremisas de (pro) hororo, iraco, de multa pasioni. — FS

fren-o: (tech.) brake; -(ag)isto: brakeman; -agar: (intr.) to apply the b.s.; par- -agar: to put the b. full on; — FIS

frenezi-o: frenzy, madness; -oza, -ika: furious, frantic, frenzied, raving; aceso de frenezio: a fit of f.; -oza homo: frantic person. Def.: Furioza deliro; (fig.) eceso en ula pasiono. — DEFIS

frenologi-o: phrenology; -isto: phrenologist. — DEFIS

frequ-a: frequent; -ala: (gram.) frequentative. V. exp.vid. ofta. Ant. rara, ecept-a, -ala, unika. — DEFIS

frequent-ar: (tr.) to frequent, visit often, haunt; attend (a school); -ata: frequented (road, etc.); nur la Angli frequentas ta regioni: only the English frequent these parts. V. exp.: Frequentar implikas  (etimologie) l'ideo di frequeso, do di plura o multa asisti. On frequentas skolo, kurso, ma on ne frequentas diskurso (unfoye facita): on asistas ol; V. — 743. — DEFIS

fresh-a: fresh, recently made, gathered, done, obtained; not stale; sound, not impaired by time; -igar: to freshen, refresh; -ig-anta: refreshing. Ex.: Fresha ovo (jus pozita). Fresha aquo, karno, linjo. Freshe bakita, razita. La fresheso di la rozo. La pluvo freshigas l'aero, la vejetantaro. Drinkajo freshiganta. — DEFIRS

fresk-o: fresco; -e piktar: to paint in f. — DEFIRS

fret-ar: (tr., nav.) to charter (a vessel); -anto, -ero: charterer; -o-pago, -preco: freight-, charter-cost; -o-kontrato: charter-party. Def.: Lokacar navo por transporto di vari; II — 75. — DeFS

frez-ar: (tr., tech.) to countersink; to widen, chamfer the upper part of a hole; -ilo: a c. — DFIRS

friabl-a: friable. Def.: Qua esas facile reduktebla a pulvero. — EFIS

friand-a: (of objects) dainty, nice, toothsome, savory; -ajo: titbit, dainty morsel, sweetmeat, table delicacy; -a disho; a dainty dish. F

fricion-ar: (tr., mechan., med.) to rub; -o: rubbing, friction. V. exp. vid. frotar. — DEFIS

frigoro: (tech.) cold: (cf. kold-eso); -izar: (tr.) to refrigerate, preserve bt cooling, -iz-(ad)o: refrigeration; -iz-ivo, -ilo: cooling, refrigerating apparatus; -if-anta, -iva: frigorific: producing cold; -if-anta fasko: refrigerating coil, fresh-aqu-ala frigor-iz-ilo: fresh mater cooler.

frikas-ar: (tr., cook.) to fricassee; -ajo, -uro: a f. — DEFIRS

frip-o, -i: worn-out, old clothes or apparel, frippery, trumpery; -eyo: old clothes place, rag-fair; -isto: old clothes dealer; second hand dealer. — eF

fripon-a: knavish, rascally; -(ul)o: knave, rogue, rascal; (cf. raskalo); -ajo, -eso: rascality, knavishness. F

fris-o: (arch.) frieze. — DEFIRS

frisk-ar: (intr.) to frisk, w(r)iggle, fidget; -ema: frisky, nimble, fidgety; ca fisho ankore friskas: this fish is still wriggling; ta puero esas -ema: that child is fricky (or, fidgety); el esas sempre -anta per sua pedi: she is always fidgeting with her feet. Def.: Agitar (su) per movi vivaca e kurta. — E

frist-o: (jur.) fixed space of time; (legal) term; respite, delay, postponement. Def.: Tempo - quanto grantenda o grantita por efektigar ulo; VI—384. Ex.: On grantas a vu fristo de tri monati por pagar vua debaji. — D

frit-ar: (tr., intr.) to fry; -ajp: thing fried, a fritter, fry; -ita buio (de): croquette; -o -graso: fat for frying. — EFIS

frivol-a: (of persons) frivolous, light-minded; (of things, acts) trifling, futile, petty; -(ul)o: f. person; -ajo: frivolity (act); a futility; -a yuno: a gay young person; dicar -aji: to talk nonsense, fiddle-faddle. Ant.: serioza, grava. — DEFIRS

friz-ar: (tr., intr.) to curl, frizzle (the hair of the head, beard, mustache, etc.); -eso: curliness; -ajo, -loklo: a curl; -isto: hair-curler, -dresser; -fero: curling iron; papero: curl-paper. — DEFS

frog-o: frog: coarse braid or gallon crossing the breasts of a coat. (Not amphib. cf. rano). — E

frok-o: (monk's) cowl, hood (cf. kapuco); (in an extensive sense) (monk's) frock, gown; -izar: to enfrock; abandonar la -o: (fig.) to cease to be a monk. — eF

frol-ar: to graze, touch slightly in passing, brush past. Ex.: La kuglo frolis mea kapo. — F

fromaj-o: cheese. — FI

frond-o: a sling ( as for throwing stones); (surg.) a sling (as used for arm) (cf. sharpo); -agar: (tr.) to throw (ulo) with a s. — FI

front-o: (anat.) forehead; (fig.) the fore part of anything; -ala: frontal (anat.); front (fig.); -alo: frontal-bone; sam- -e: abreast; -o-lineo: (milit.) front-line; -o larja: a wide forehead; a broad front; atakar la enemiko sur la fronto: to attack the enemy on its front; frontal atako: a front attack; la -o di vesto: the front of a garment. — DeFIRS

frontier-o: frontier. Def.: Limito inter du landi; II—75. — EFIS

frontispic-o: (book) frontispiece. Def.: Ilustruro qua opozesas (E. faces) a titul-pagino di libro e libro-parto; IV—451. — DEFIS

fronton-o: (arch.) fronton, pediment; -eto: a little pediment over a door or window. Def.: Arkitektural ornivo triangula o mi-cirkla super la enireyo di edifico. — FIRS

frost-ar: (intr.) to freeze (cf. glacieskar); -igar: to f. (ulo); (cf. frigor-izar; konjelar; pruinar); -etar: to chill, benumb; forta -o: a hard freeze; -o-pluvo: a freezing rain; -o-fend-ita: split, cracked by frost; des- -ar: to thaw. — DE

frot-ar: (tr., household term) to rub, scrub, shine up; polish (ulo) by rubbing; wax and polish (a floor, furniture) (cf. polisar). V. exp.: Frotar esas ekonomiala ago: on frotas parqueto, mobli, etc. Fricionar havas teknikala senco, sive en medicino, sive en mekaniko; II—647. — DFS

fru-a, -e: (adj. adv.) early; -lev-anta, -anto: rising early; early riser; tro frue: too early; plu frue: earlier; maxim frue posible: as early as possible. — D

frugal-a: frugal; (cf. spar-ema) Ex.: Frugala homo. Frugaleso di repasto. — DEFIS

frugileg-o:(orni.) rook (Corvus frugilegus); -eyo: rookery. — L

frukt-o: (pr. and fig.) fruit; -ifar: to fructify, bear fruit; -oza, -if-anta: fruitful, prolific; -arboro: f. tree; -o-gardeno, -arbor-eyo: f. garden; -o-vend-isto: f. seller; -o-manj-anta: frugivorous. — DeFIRS

frument-o: wheat; -a, -ala, -atra: frumentaceous; -izar: to sow (ulo) with w., cover with w. — eFIfruns-ar: (tr.) to wrinkle, pucker, purse (the lips), knit (the brows), to gather (in needle work); -(ad)o: wrinkling, puckering; -uro, -aro: gathering, puckers; -ar la brovi: to frown. V. exp.: Frunsar esas facar nereguloza falduro; plisar esas facar reguloza falduro. — FS

frust-a: worn out, defaced, corroded (of coins), weather-beaten (of statues); -a medalio: a defaced medal; konko -a: a worn shell. V. exp.: Frusta esas vorto mi-teknikala, utila in mikra faki, ex. pri arto (skulptado, numismatiko); IV—516.— FIS

frustr-ar: (tr.) to deprive unjustly (ulu, de ulo), to defraud; (N.B. not E. frustrate; cf. deceptar, fali-igar, van-igar). Def.: Privacar neyuste o neloyale; III—673. Ex.: Frustrar asociito de lua parto de pfofito.— FIS

ftizi-o: (med.) phthisis, consumption; -ika, -iko: consumptive. — DEFIS

fudro: ton, large cask. Def.: Tre granda barelo (de 800 litri e plu multo); V—418. — DF

fug-ar: (tr., intr.) to flee (from), run away; -eskar: to take flight; -igar: to put (ulu) to flight, drive away, rout; -o: running away, flight, rout; (mus.) fugue; -anta, -inta, -ema: fugitive, fleeting, transient; -anto, -ero: fugitive, runaway. Ex.: Ni fugas de la enemiko. Ni fugigas la enemiko. Tempo fugas. La fugo ad Egiptia. Fuganta sklavo. Ca vivo esas fuganta (E. transient). — FIR

fuin-o: (zool.) common (or beech-) marten (Mustela Foina). — FISL

fuk-o: (bot.) fucus, sea-weed, kelp. Def.: Ordinara genero di algo. — eFIS

ful-ar: (tr.) to tread (grapes), trample on (ulo); to full (cloth) (cf. tramplar). Def.: Pedo-presar (ulo) o marchar sur (ulo); (fig.) specala maniero traktar drapi; VI-114. Ex.: Fular la vitberi. La kavali fulis la gazono e la flori. — eFI

fulard-o: (fabric) foulard; (fig.) a silk handkerchief. — DEFR

fulgur-ar: (intr.) to fulgurate, flash as or like lightning (cf. fulminar); -pulvero: (photog.) flash-light powder.

fulgurit-o: (geol.) fulgurite. — DEFIRS

fuligin-o: soot; -oza, -atra: sooty, fuliginous; -ea: s. colored. — eFIS

fulk-o: (orni.) (bald) coot (genus: Fulica). — FISL

fulmin-ar: (tr., intr.) to fulminate, to lighten; to thunder and lighten; to flash; to blast (ulu); (fig.) to thunder forth (menaces, excommunication, etc. kontre ulu); -(ad)o: lightning, flash, fulmination; -stroko: thunderbolt, lightning stroke; -o-silenc-oza: heat-lightning; -anta: fulminating; para- -o: lightning-rod. — EFIS

fum-ar: (tr., intr.) to smoke; -izar: to cover with s.; to s. dry; -agar: (tr.) to fumigate; to s. out (ulu); -ag-ilo: fumigating apparatus; -oza; -if-anta: smoky; smoke-producing; -anto, -ero: smoker; -fend-uro: smoke fissure (cf. fumarolo); -karbono: smoking-coal, smoky bit of charcoal; -konsum-anta: s. consuming; -o-nigro: lamp-black. — eFIS

fumario: (bot.) fumitory (genus: Fumaria). — EFIS

fumarol-o: (volcanic) fumarole, smoke fissure (cf. fum-fend-uro). — DEFIS

funcion-ar: (intr.) to function (all senses): to function, act (kom), to perform the duties, fill an office, to work properly (of machinery, etc.); (cf. agar, laborar); -igar: to make work, set going, put in play; -(ad)o: function(ing): execution, performance; discharge (of duty); office, duty; (physiol., math.) function; -ala: functional; -ero: functionary; -er-ismo: officalism, administrative system, founded on the existence of a great number of functionaries. — DEF

fund-o: bottom, lowest part of something hollow, as b. of a vase, a well; that which stands at the bottom, as a liquid at the bottom of bottles; ground, solid substance under water, as of sandy b.; (fig.) basis, essential part; -e: at bottom, in the main, in reality; -izar: to bottom (a chair, etc.); sen- -a: bottomless; en la fundo di la holdo: in the b. of the hold; -o di lito: b. of a bed; -o di la maro: b. of the ocean; tushar -o: to touch b.; (fig.) la -o di pikturo: the background of a painting; veluro kun oratra -o: velvet with a gold(like) background; de l'fundo til la tekto: from the bottom to the roof; (fig.) wholly, from top to bottom; -o di spegulo: back of a mirror. — FIS

fundament-o: (pr. and fig.) that on which anything rests; foundation, groundwork, underpinning; (fig.) basis, ground; (cf. fond-uro, basamento); -ala: fundamental; -izar: to lay the f.s of (ulo). Ex.: La fundamento di edifico. La fundamenti di la universo, di la homala vivo, di la arti; Lua sistemo esas fundamentale nejusta. — DEFIRS

funel-o: funnel; -agar: (tr.) to pour (ulo) through a f.; -ego: (mill-)hopper; -fusilo: (firearm) blunderbuss. — E

funer-o: (ceremony) funeral, obsequies; -ala: funeral, funereal, mortuary; -isto: undertaker. — DEFIS

funest-a: baleful, disastrous, distressing, pernicious, malign. Def.: Expresas ideo plu forta kam nociva, ma ne esas exakte nek sempre mortigiva; signifikas kauzo od okaziono di nefeliceso; IV-267. Ex.: Funesta evento, novajo, pasiono, milito. Ant.: favoroza. — FIS

fung-o: (also med.) (bot.) fungus, mushroom, (edible or poisonous as toadstool); -o manj-ebla: edible (or common) m.; -ajo: (med., bot.) f. growth; -oza: fungous; -atra, -o-forma: f. like; f. shaped; -o-kultiv-eyo: f. bed. — EIL

funikular-a: funicular, dependent upon the tension of a cord, cable; -a fervoyo: f. railroad. — DeFIS

fuort-o: fort, fortified point, stronghold; (cf. fortreso). — DEFIRS

fur-o: fur (of animals; cf. felo); -oza, -iz-ita: furry, lined with fur; -izar: to line, cover with fur; -isto: furrier; -vesto, -ajo: fur garment, fur object. — EFS

furet-o: (zool.) ferret; (Putorius Furo); (fig.) ferret(er), inquisitive person; -agar: (intr.) to hunt with a f.; -umar: (tr.) to ferret out, pry into (ulo); -um-anto: a Paul Pry, searcher. — eFI

furgon-o: closed van or goods wagon (cf. kamiono); (milit.) baggage cart, ammunition wagon. Def.: Kargoveturo qua esas konstitucita ek kestego klozita en qua on inkluzas la vari; IV-291. — F

furi-ar: (intr.) to be in a state of extreme anger, momentary madness, immoderate passion; -igar: to infuriate (ulu); -o: rage; (myth.) Fury; -oza: furious, enraged. — DEFIRS

furier-o: (milit.) quartermaster (sergeant) (cf. quartermastro). - DFIS

furnaz-o*: (also fig.) furnace; ardor-oza-o: fiery furnace.

furnel-o: stove (for heating or cooking); kitchen-range; -ego: furnace; -if-isto: stove-maker; fuzo- -o: smelting-furnace. Def.: Aparato en qua on facas fairo; ol povas kontenar forno; IV-135. — FIS

furnis-ar: (tr.) to furnish, supply (ulo ad ulu); -ajo: thing supplied; -anto, -ero, -isto: furnisher, purveyor; (theat.) property-man. Ex.: Furnisar pano, mobli, informo. V. exp.: On provizas ulu per ulo; on furnisas ulo ad ulu; kp. livrar. — EFI

furt-ar: (tr.) to steal, rob, purloin; -et-ar: to pilfer; -o: theft, larceny; -ajo: thing stolen; -o-mani-o, -iko: kleptomani-a, -ac; enirar -eme; to steal in, sneak in. V. exp.: Furtar esas prenar per ruzo la proprajo di altru (generale kun nesavo di ica); raptar esas prenar ol per violento sen celo; fraudar korespondas a furtar (implikas deshonesta ruzo); II-647. — ISL

furte-chas-ar: (intr.) to poach, steal game.

furto-cel-o: the hiding or receiving of stolen goods: -ero, -isto: receiver of stolen goods; (colloq.) fence.

furunkl-o: (med.) furuncle, boil. — DeFIS

fush-ar: (tr.) to bungle, botch, scamp (work); -(ad)o: botching; (fig.) sabotage; -ajo: botch-work, shoddy; -fabrikar: to make worthless merchandise, shoddy goods. — D

fusil-o: musket, gun, rifle; -iero: fusilier; -agar: (tr.) to shoot (down) (ulu); -pafar: (intr.) to shoot (ad ulo); -ag-ado: firing, fusillade; -pafo: musket-shot; chas- -o: hunting gun, fowling-piece; duopla -o: double-barreled gun; glata -o: shotgun; iter-anta -o: a repeating or magazine rifle. — FIRS

fust-o: (arch.) fust: shaft of a column; (of a cannon) chase. — eFIS

fusten-o: (fabric) fustian. — EFIS

futer-o: lining (of clothes, etc.); -izar: to line (ulo). — DIRS

futur-a, -o: (also gram.) future; predicar la -o: to foretell the f. - DEF

fuxi-o: (bot.) fuchsia (genus: Fuchsia). — DeFIRS

fuxin-o: (chem.) fuchsine. — DEFIRS

fuz-ar: (tr.) to melt, fuze, smelt; -o, -eso: melting, fusion, blend; -anta, -iva, -ema: melting, dissolving; -erio: foundry, smelting establ.; -kaldrono: melting-pot; -arto: art of smelting; -temperaturo: melting point; -ebla: fusible; kun- - ar: to melt together, amalgamate, blend. — EFIS

fuze-o: rocket (as in fireworks); fuse (to a bomb, etc.); signal- -o: sky-, signal-rocket. — F

fuzel-o: (geom.) spindle: a solid generated by the revolution of a curved line about its base; a fusiform figure; — F

fuzen-o: (bot.) prickwood, spindle tree, (genus: Evonymus); -karbono, -krayono: charcoal pencil; -desegnuro, -uro: charcoal sketch. — FIS

fyord-o: fiord, rocky bay. — DEFIRS


gaban-o: water proof cloak with hood and sleeves; (naut.) pilot-coat. — FIS

gabar-o: lighter, barge (for loading and unloading ships). — DFIS

gabion-o: (fort.) gabion. — EFIRS

glad-o: (ich.) codfish (Gadus). — FI

gaf-o: boat-hook; (fig.) gaff (as used to secure heavy fish). — eFI

gagat-o: jet (mineral); -ajo: object made of j. — DL

gain-o: a long narrow vertical holder, sheath, scabbard (as for a sword, bayonet, etc.: en- -igar: to sheath) a sword, etc. V. exp: vid. etuyo. — FI

gaj-o: pledge, pawn, deposit, gage; something given as security for repayment of money borrowed; -o-pekunio: earnest money; -o-homo: hostage; -izar: to give as a pledge, secure; depozar (ulo) gaje o kom gajo: to pawn; prenar kom gajo: to hold as pledge; pagar (o donar) gajo (-pekunio): to pay a deposit. — eF

gal-o: gallnut, nutgall; -vespo: gallfly (Cynips). — DeFIRS

gala: (adj.) gala; -dineo: gala dinner; -festo: gala festival; -robo: a gala robe, festive dress. V. exp.: Ica vorto uzesas precipue adjektive, por qualifikar festo, dineo, reprezento, e.c. On uzos do ol kom unesma elemento di kompozita vorti; IV-11. — DEFIS

galant-a: gallant; polite and attentive to ladies; -ajo: act of gallantry, courteous act (to ladies). — DEFIRS

galanten-o: (cook.) galantine; collared turkey or veal. — DeFIRS

galban-o: galbanum, a resinous gum. — DEFIRS

galen-o: (min.) - galena. — DEFIS

galer-o: (antiq. vessel) galley; -ano: one of the crew of the g.; (fig.) g.slave (cf. bagn-ano). — DEFIRS

galeri-o: gallery, a long narrow room, hall or passageway; highest balcony (in theaters, churches); balcony on stern of ship; drift tunnel, (in mining or fortification) -spekt-anti, -ant-aro: the gallery, people seated in g. — DEFIRS

galet-o:  «gallette»: a thin cake. — FS

gali-o*: (chem.) gallium. — DEF

galicism-o: Gallicism, a French idiom. — DEFIRS

galikan-a: Gallican, Gallic; -ismo: Gallicanism. — DFIRS

galimatias-o: galimatias, jargon, gibberish. V. exp.: Galimatiaso ne estas linguo, ma diskurso o parolado qua estas gramatikale korekta ma konfuza ed obskura per la stilo; VII-158. — DeFS

galinel-o: (orni.) gallinule: water-hen, moor-hen (genus: Gallinula). — eFISL

galion-o: (nav.) galleon. — DEFIS

galiot-o: (nav.) gal(l)liot. — DEFIS

galon-o: galoon, a narrow trimming, lace of gold, silver, silk, etc.; -iz-ita: galooned. — DEFIRS

galop-ar: (intr.) -igar (tr.): to gallop; -etar: to canter; -eg-ante: at full gallop; -anta ftizio: (fig.) galloping consumption. — DEFIRS

galosh-o: galosh: a shoe with a wooden sole. — DeFIRS

galvan-ala: galvanic, related to galvanism; -ismo: galvanism, galvanic (or voltaic) electricity. — DEFIRS

galvaniz-ar: (tr. elec., and fig.) to galvanize, electrify; (cf. galvano-plastar). — DEFIRS

galvanometr-o: galvanometer. — DEFIRS

galvanoplast-ar: (tr.) to electrotype; -(ad)o: galvanoplasty, electrotyping, electro-metallurgy. — DEFIRS

gam-o: (mus.) gamut, scale. Def.: Sequo di la soni di ula tono en l'ordino di alteso (ex.: c, d, e, f, g, a, b esas la gamo di la tono di C); IV-467. — eFIRS

gamb-o: leg, shank; -oza, -iz-ita: legged; bon-, bel-gamb-oza: well made about the legs; -o ligna o artificala: wooden, artificial leg; -alo: boot-leg; -armo: leg-guard; sen- -a: legless. — FI

gambit-ar: (tr.) to trip up (ulu); (fig.) (in chess) to play a gambit. — FI

gambol-ar: (intr.) to gambol, skip about in frolic, romp. — EF

gamel-o: (milit., nav.) mess-bowl, -platter; (fig.) mess; -o-kamarado: messmate; manjar -e: to mess to-gether. — FIS

gan-ar: (tr.) to gain, to earn, to win; -ajo: what is gained; -ig-anta: lucrative, profitable; -ema: covetous, greedy (cf. avida); -em-eso: cupidity; -ar sua nutrivi: to make one's living; -ar sua proceso: to win one's case; -ar dek franki: to earn (or make) ten francs; -ar premio: to win a prize; -ar batalio: gain a battle; -ar l'amo: gain the love. — EFIS

gang-o: (min.) gangue. — DEFIS

ganglion-o: (anat.) ganglion. — DEFIRS

gangren-ar: (intr. med.) to be affected with gangrene; -igar, -ifar: (tr., intr.) to g., to produce mortification; -o: g., (fig.) corruption. — DEFIRS

gans-o: (orni.) goose; -ulo: gander; -o-yuno: gosling; -o-plumo: quill pen; -o-pedo: foot of a g.; -o-pelo: gooseflesh, creeping of the flesh; -o-marcho: Indian file, single file; -o-pazo: goose-step (milit.) — DS

gant-o: glove; -izar: to g., fit with g.; armo- -o, fera -o: gantlet, gauntlet. — eFIS

gap-ar: (intr.) to gape with wonder or curiosity (like a simpleton). — DE

gar-ar: (tr.) to put or place to one side of a road or way (temporarily for protective purposes); to shunt, switch, (trains on a siding); -ar su: to turn aside (as to allow another to pass), to give way (as a fencer to protect himself); -voyo: (R.R.) siding, shunt-line; -eyo: a side place; (fig.) a garage (for autos). Def.: Pozar latere ad ula voyo, en halto o rezervo, quaze depozita o shirmata; IV-103. Ex.: On garas treni sur gar-voyi (N.B. gareyo ne esas staciono). On garas bateli en la protui o gareyi (larjigita parti) di kanalo. La pasanti en la stradi garas su de la veturi o por lasar altru pasar. La skermanto garas su por «kovrar» (protektar) sua korpo ed evitar la stroki di espado. — DeFIS

garanti-ar: (tr.) to guarantee, warrant; (cf. cert-igar, responsar, kaucion-igar). Ex.: Garantiar la pago di debajo. Me garantias ca posh-horlojo pur un yaro. Me ne povas garantiar la vereso di ta aserto. — DEFIRS

garb-o: sheaf (of wheat, etc.); aquo- -o: sheaf-like cluster of jets; fairo- -o: fireworks resembling a sheaf; -amaso: cock, stack, rick. — DF

garbanz-o: (bot.) chick-pea (Cicer). — S

gard-ar: (tr.) to gaurd (persons); to tend (beasts); -ar su: to beware, take heed; -ist-o: a guard; -ar per la okuli: not to lose sight of; -o-hundo: watch-dog; -o-navo: g. ship; -ez vu por ke on ne videz vu: beware that no one sees you; -ar la karcer-ani: to guard prisoners; -ar la mutoni: to take care of the sheep. — EFIS

garden-o: garden; -kultivar: to g.; -kultiv-(ad)o: horticulture; -festo, -partio: g. party. — DEF

gardeni-o: (bot. genus) gardenia. — DEFIRS

gardi-o: (ich.) roach (Leuciscus rutilus). — FS

garen-o: warren; -kuniklo: rabbit of a w.; kuniklo- -o: rabbit w. — FI

gargar-ar: (tr.) to gargarize, to gargle (the throat) (ulu, su); -ivo: a gargle, gargative. — DeFIS

garit-o: sentry-box. — FIS

garnis-ar: (tr.) to furnish with things necessary to complete or embellish; -ar biblioteko, butiko: to stock a library, a shop; -ar fortreso: to supply a fortress with provisions, ordnance, ammunition and stores; elua bela denti -as lua boko: her beautiful teeth set off her mouth; -ar disho: to garnish a dish; -ar chapelo per flori: to trim a hat with flowers. — DeFIRS

garnitur-o: garniture, ornamental appendages, embellishment, furniture, dress. — DEFIR

garnizon-o: garrison; -ano: member of a g. — DeFIRS

garot-o: short piece of wood used to tighten anything, especially cords by twisting around; packing-stick; -agar: to garrote, strangle (as in Spain); -ligar: to make fast, with or in a garrote; (fig.) to pinion, strangle. — eFS

garson-o: (man) waiter; office porter. — FI

garter-o: garter(band); (cf. kalzo-ligilo); -izar: to g. (ulu). — EFS

gas-o: gas; -a: gaseous, which is g.; -ala, -atra: gaseous, relating to g., gasiform ; -oza: gaseous: full of g.; -ifar: to produce, make g.; -if-erio: g. works; -brut-ilo: g. burner; -kont-ilo: gas-meter; -igar: to gasify. — DEFIRS

gasometr-o: gasometer, gas-holder: gas-reservoir. (cf. gas-kontilo).

gast-o: guest; -esar: to be a g., to stay, lodge (che ulu); -igar: to receive (ulu) as a g.; to lodge (ulu); -igo: lodging, putting up (a g.); -ig-ema: hospitable; -eyo: g. place. - DER

gastropod-o: (zool.) gastropod.- DEF

gastralgi-o*: (med.) gastralgia: gastric neuralgia, pain in the abdomen; belly-ache. — DEF

gastrit-o: (med.) gastritis. — DEFIS

gastronom-o: gastronome, epicure. Def.: Homo qua havas subtila gusto e savas dicernar la qualesi di la manjaji e drinkaji; VII-155. V. exp.: vid. gurmando. — DEFIRS

gastronomi-o: gastronomy. Def.: Quaza arto di la gastronomo. — DEFIRS

gauj-ar: (tr.) to gauge, measure (the capacity of), to take the g. of. Def.: Mezurar la konteno (interna volumino) di navo, barelo. e.c.; III-75. — EF

gav-ar: (tr.) to cram, gorge (with food), (artificially) to fatten (animals). — F

gavot-o: gavot(te): a kind of lively dance or tune (French). — DeFIRS

gay-a: gay, lively, merry, cheerful; -eso: gaiety, merriment, hilarity, mirth, glee; -esar: to be g.; -igar: to make (ulu) merry, cheer, enliven, gladden; -ig-anta, -iva: exhilarating; (cf. joyo). Ant.: trista. — EFIS

gayak-o: guaicum-wood, lignum-vitae; -iero: g. tree (genus: Guaiacum). — DeFIRS

gaz-o: gauze. — DeFIRS

gazel-o: (zool.) gazelle (genus: Gazella dorcus). — DEFIRS

gazolin-o: gasoline, gasolene. — DEFIRS

gazon-o: grass-sod, turf; -izar: to turf, sod; -eyo, -agro, -bedo: lawn, greensward, grass plot. — F

gebl-o: gable (of a house). — DE

gehen-o: Gehenna; (fig.) hell. — DEFIRS

«geisha»: geisha, Japanese singing or dancing girl. — DEFIRS

gelatin-o: gelatine. — DEFIRS

gelt-o: commission money, percentage on sales, bonus. Def.: Sumo po cento pagata a komizi, vendisti, e.c. ek lia vendi; II-75. — DF

gem-o: gem, precious stone. — DEFIS

gencian-o: (bot.) gentian (genus: Gentiana). — DEFIRS

genealogi-o: genealogy, pedigree; -isto: genealogist. — DEFIRS

gener-o: genus; -ala: general, generic; -ale: generally, in general; -al-eso: (character) generality; -al-ajo (la): (objective) generality; -al-igar: to generalize; -al-ig-(ad)o, -uro: generaliz-ing, -ation. — DEFIS

generacion-o: generation, people of same period. — DEFIRS

general-o: (milit.) general. — DEFIRS

generalisim-o: generalissimo, commander-in-chief. — DEFIS

generator-o*: (tech.) generator. — DEF

genez-o: (also Biblical) genesis; (geom.) genesis, generation; -ala: genetic. — DEFIS

geni-o: genius, particular natural talent, uncommon intellectual power; (fig) attendant spirit; -oza: full of g.; havar -o por aferi, por muziko: to have a g. for business, for music; il havas la doto di granda -o: he has the gift (natural endowment) of great g.; la -o di la Franca esas klareso: the g. of the French language is clearness; il esas mea mala -o: he is my evil g.; 1a -o di Roma: the g. of Rome. — DEFIRS

genit-ar: (tr.) to beget, breed, generate, procreate (living beings); cf. produktar (ulo); (geom.) to generate; -(ad)o: begetting, reproduction (di ulu); -ala, -anta, -iva: genital, generating, reproductive; -uro: offspring, a progeny; (of animals) a litter; -ema: prolific; V. exp.: On genitas filio; luxo produktas vicio. — DeFIRS

genitiv-o: (gram.) genitive. — DEFIS

genr-o: (gram.) gender. Def.: Gramatikala sexuo; IV-692.

gent-o: (Roman) gens. — L

genu-o, -ala: knee; -pozar: (intr.) to kneel (down); -poz-inte: on bended knee(s); -flexar: to bend the k.; -flexo: genuflexion; -shirm-ilo: any screen for k., as knee-piece (armor), top of boot, etc. — eFI

geocentr-ala*: (astron.) geocentric. — DEF

geodezi-o: geodesy. — DEFIRS

geognozi-o: geognosy. — DEFIRS

geograf-o: geographer. — DEFIRS

geografi-o: geography. — DEFIRS

geolog-o: geologist. — DEFIRS

geologi-o: geology. — DEFIRS

geomanci-ar*: (intr.) to practise geomancy. — DEF

geometr-o: geometer, geometrician. — DEFIRS

geometri-o: geometry. - DEFIRS

gepard-o: (zool.) cheetah (Cynailurus). — DFRS

gerani-o: (bot.) geranium (genus: Geranium). — DEFIRS

gerfalk-o: (orni.) gerfalcon, gyrfalcon (subgenus: Hierofalco). — DEFIS

German-ia: Germany; -a, -ala: German, Germanic; -o: a German; -ismo, -ajo: Germanism; -igar: to Germanize; -am-ant-a, -o: Germanophil; -odi-ant-a, -o: German-hating, -hater; la -a (linguo): German language.

germani-o*: (chem.) germanium. — DEF

gerundi-o: (gram.) gerund. — DEFIRS

ges: (mus.) G flat.

gest-ar: (intr.) to gesticulate (as in speaking); -o: gesticulation, gesture, deaf and dumb sign; -ad-ema: gesticulative; -e: by gesticulating. — DEFIRS

getr-o: gaiter, leggings; -eti: spats; -izar: to put leggings on (su, ulu). — eF

«geyser»: geyser. - DEF

«ghetto»: ghetto. - DEF

gib-o; -ozeso: rounded protuberance: bump, hump, knob, hunch, boss, gibbosity; -oza: gibbous, hunched, humpbacked: -ier(-ul, -in)o: hunch-back; -izar: to put a bump, boss on (sulu, ulo). — eFS

gibbon: gibbon, ape. — DEF

gibelin-a, -o: (Ital., hist.) Ghibelline. — DEFIRS

gichet-o: wicket, small gatelike window in ticket-offices, etc.; also as in game or cricket. — F

gigant-a: gigantic; -o, -ulo, -ino: giant. — DEFIRS

gild-o: guild, gild. Def.: Ensemblo di samspeca mestieristi. M.-X.132. — DEF

giloch-ar: (tr., arch.) to furnish or decorate with a guilloche; -uro: ornament of interlaced curved lines. — DeFR

gilotin-o: guillotine; -ager: to g. (ulu). — DEFIRS

gimnastik-ar: (intr.) to do gymnastics; -eyo: gymnasium. — DEFIRS

gimnazi-o: gymnasium, classical preparatory school (esp. in Germany); (cf.kolegio; liceo). — DEFIRS

gimnosperm-o:(bot.) gymnosperm. — DEFIS

gimnot-o: (ich.) gymnotus, electric eel (Gymnotus electricus). — DeFIS

ginece-o: (antig.) gynecium, women's apartment; (bot.) gynoecium. — DEFIS

ginest-o: (bot.) broom (Genista). — DFIS

gipaet-o: (orni.) gypaetus, lammergeier, bearded vulture (Gypaetos barbatus). — EFISL

gips-o: gypsum, plaster-of-paris; ordinary plaster (as used for house interiors); (cf. mortero); -izar: to plaster; (cf. krepis-ar); -oza: gypseous, chalky; -o-min-eyo: plaster-mine, chalk-pit; -ajo: plaster cast (cf. stuko); -eskombri, -o-rezidui: pieces of old plaster work. — DeFIRS

gipur-o: guipure (lace). — DEFIR

girland-o: garland: wreath of flowers, leaves, etc. — DEFIRS

girometr-o: gyrometer, rotary speed indicator. — DeFIRS

giroskop-o: gyroscope. — DEFIS

gis: (mus.) G sharp.

gis-ar: (tr.) to cast: found molten metal; (cf. muldar); -fero: c. iron; -fera lingoto: pig-iron; -defekto: defect in casting, blow-hole. Ex.: Gisar kanono en mulduro. III-82. — DI

gitar-o: (mus.) guitar. — DEFIRS

gizard-o: (anat.) gizzard. Def.: Triesma stomako di l'uceli; V-87. — E

glac-ar: (tr., tech.) to gloss, glaze (paper, leather, etc.) (cf. glezar); to calender (fabrics). — DeFR

glaci-o: ice; (fig.) ice-cream; coldness; -ala: relating to ice, -igar: to freeze (ulo) into ice (cf. konjel-ar, frost-igar, frigor-izar); -eskar; to freeze, become ice; -armor-o: ice-box; -amaso, -peco: mass of ice, floe; -eto: icicle; -o-strado: ice-bed; -ruptado, -dis-solvado: the breaking up, the melting of ice; -ig-anta: freezing. — eFIS

glacier-o: glacier: -ala: glacial: relating to g.s (cf. glaci-ala). — DEFS

glaciz-o: (fort.) glacis. — DEFRS

gladiator-o: gladiator. — DEFIRS

gladiol-o: (bot. genus) gladiolus. — DEFIL

glan-o: (bot.) acorn; (anat.) glans; -re-kolto: crop of acorns; penis-glano: extremity of penis, glans penis. — eFI

gland-o: (anat.) gland; -eto: glandule. — DEFIS

glas-o: a drinking glass; -edo de vino: a glass(ful) of wine; -shokar (kun ulu): to touch, or clink glasses as in drinking; (fig.) to hobnob. Def.: L'ordinara vazo, en qua on drinkas vino od aquo: II-645. — DE

glat-a: smooth, sleek; -igar: to s.; (fig.) to iron (clothes); -ig-ilo: a smoothing instr., an iron (for ironing) (cf. repasar); Ant.: aspera. — DR

glaukom-o*: (med.) glaucoma. — DEF

glaukonit-o: (min.) glauconite. — DEFIS

glav-o: (also fig.) sword; -di yusteso: (fig.) the s. of justice. Def.: Espado tranchanta. — FL

gleb-o: clod, lump of earth. — FI

glez-ar: (tr.) to glaze, apply a vitreous coating to pottery. Def: Aplikar vitra strato sur ceramikajo; IV-579. — DE

gliceri-o*: (bot.) glyceria, panicularia, manna-grass (Glyceria). — L

glicerin-o: glycerine. — DEFIRS

glicin-o: (bot) glycine; (chem.) glucina, oxide of glucinum. — DEFIS

glikokol-o: (chem.) glycocoll, amidoacetic acid, glycin. — DEFIRS

glikos-o: (chem.) glucose. — DEFIRS

glin-ar: (tr.) to glean (ears of grain); (fig.) to gather (things thinly scattered). Ex.: Glinar la spiki pos la rekolto. Li studiabis ta epoko tante komplete, ke nun ni povas nur glinar poka fakti nova. — EF

glipt-ar: (tr.) to carve, engrave, grave (precious stones); -arto: glyptography. Def.: Skultar medali e lapidi; IV-291. — DeFIS

glir-o: (zool.) dormouse (Myoxus glis). — FIS

glit-ar (intr.), -igar (tr.): to glide, slide, slip, slur (over); -eyo, -voyo: a slide; -ig-anta, -iva: slippery; -nodo: slip-knot, running knot, noose (cf. slingo); -veturo: sleigh, sledge, sled; -flugar: (aviation) to plane; -shuo: snow-shoe. Ex.: On glitas sur voyi kovrita per frosto-pluvo. Il sizis la kordo e glitis til la tero. La batelo glitas sur la kalma maro. La taso glitis de mea manuo. Glitigar sua manuo en la posho di ulu. Vua remonstri glitas de lua mento. — DEF

glob-o: globe, orb, ball; okul- -o: eye-ball; -atra, -forma: globular. V.exp.: vid. balono. — DEFIRS

globul-o: (anat.) globule, corpuscle (of blood). — eFIS

glori-o: glory; -ach-oza: vainglorious; -izar: to glorify; -izar su: (per o pri ulo) to g. in anything, pride oneself upon; sen- -a: inglorious. — DEFIRS

glos-o: (lexicol.) gloss, running commentary. — DEFIS

glosari-o: glossary: partial dictionary explaining the harder words. — DEF

glot-o: (anat.) glottis. — EFIRS

glu-o: glue; gelatin- -o: glue made from clippings of hoofs, hides, etc.; pasto- -o: paste (made with flour and water); glu-izar: to put g. on, glue (ulo) (cf. gum-izar). — EFI

glugl-ar: (intr.) to gurgle (cf. gorgolar, klukar). Def.: Bruiso di liquido ekiranta botelo; IV-11. — DFIS

glum-o*: (bot.) glume. — EF

glut-ar (tr.) to swallow, gulp, gobble up (food, etc.); to quaff, swill (liquids); (fig.) to take in, to look at, with eagerness, avidity; -ajo: a draught, a gulp; -edo: mouthful, gulp; -ema: gluttonouse, greedy; en-glut-ado: deglutination. Ex.: Glutar tasedo de kafeo, pinglo, ostro. (fig.) Il glutas el per la okuli. — eFIRS

glute-o: (of persons): buttock, breech, bottom; -ala: gluteal; -alo, -ala muskulo: gluteal muscle; -e batar (tr.) to spank, flog (on the backsides). V.exp. vid. sedo. — eL.

gluten-o: (chem.) gluten. — DEFIS

glutin-ar: (tr., intr.) to stick, fasten or be fastened by adhesion; adhere, paste, glue, agglutinate; (cf. adherar) kun- -ar du kozi: to stick two things together; -ar papero sur maro: to paste paper on a wall; -iva, -ema: agglutinative, glutinous (cf. viskoza); -isto: paster, sizer, paper-hanger, bill-sticker. (cf. glu-izar, gum-izar).

gneis-o: (min.) gneiss. — DEFIRS

gnom-o: (myth.) gnome. — DEFIRS

gnomik-o*: gnome, aphorism, brief maxim; -ala: gnomical, sententious. — DEFIS

gnomon-o: gnomon, index of a sun-dial. — DEFIRS

gnomonik-o*: gnomonics, the art of dialling. — DEFIRS

gnos-o: (theol., philos.) gnosis. — DEFIS

gnostik-a, -(ul)o: gnostic; -ismo: Gnosticism. — DEFIRS

gnu-o: (zool.) gnu (Catoblepas gnu). — DEFIRS

gobi-o: (ich.) gudgeon (Gobio). — DSL

goblet-o: goblet, mug; -o gradizita: graduate (d) cup, flask. Def.: Glaso sen pedo, quaze cilindra, ofte ek metalo; II-645. — EFS

godron-o: (arch. and ornamental) godroon, a kind of edge molding or fluting. — EF

goelet-o: (nav.) schooner (two-masted). — DFIS

golf-o: (geog.) gulf, a large bay; (game) golf; (cf. bayo). — DEFIRS

golp-o: smut, blight (of grain) (Ustilago carbo). Def.: Fungo parazita dil frumento; VI-540 — I

gonagr-o*: (med.) gonagra, gout in the knee. — DeF

gond-o: door-, gate-, rudder-pintle; -bendo: pintle-brace, iron-work clamped on a door to sustain the pintle.  V.exp.: Charniro kompozesas ek du metal peci ocilanta sur un axo komuna, e quan on skrubagas sur pordo, kesto, e.c. por apertar o klozar. Gondo esas axala fer-peco kudatra e pivotoza, sustenanta la gondobendo, sur qua rotacas la pordo, e.c. — F

gondol-o: (boat) gondola; (of air-ship) g. car; -isto: gondolier. Def.: Vehilo suspendita ad aerostato (direktebla o ne); speco di batelo uzata en la laguni, aparte en Venezia (E. Venice); VI-26. — DEFIRS

gonfalon-o*: gonfalon, medieval banner.

goniometri-o: goniometry. — DEF

gonokok-o: (med.) gonococcus. — DEFIRS

gonore-o: (med.) gonorrhea. — DEFIRS

Gordi-ala nodo: Gordian knot.

gorge-ar: (intr.) to chirp, twitter; -etar: to cheep, peep. Def.: La specala kanto di mikra uceli; VI-27. — IS

gorgol-ar: (intr.) to gurgle, to fall with a purling, splashing noise (as noise of brooks); to rattle, rumble (of water in stomach); cf. gluglar). — DEFIRS

goril-o: (zool.) gorilla. — DEFIRS

gorjeret-o: (surg.) gorget, a cutting instrument used in lithotomy. — DeFIS

got-o: (med.) gout; -oza, -ika; -oz(ul)o, -iko: gouty (person). — EFIS

gotik-a: Gothic (architecture, etc.). — DEFIRS

grab-ar: to engrave (lines), to etch; nigra- -uro: mezzotint; (cf. gliptar, xilografar). Def.: Trasar linei kava sur metal plako; VII-413. Ex.: On grabas figuro sur plako (per linei, per aquaforto). — DeFIRS

grac-o: (theol.) grace; per la -o di Deo: by the g. of God. — EFIRS

graci-o: gracefullness, charm, elegance of manner or form; Gracio: one of the (three) Graces; ne- - oza: ungraceful, ungracious, awkward, ungainly, uncouth; afektacar -o: to put on airs. — DEFIRS

gracil-a: gracile, slender and graceful, svelte, lithe. Def.: Gracioze tenua ed alta; VI-569. — eFIS

grad-o: step (of stairs); degree (as of temperature); degree (in university); grade, rank (in order of dignity); step (in progress); size (of shoes, gloves, etc.); -ego: tier, high step; -izar: to put steps into (ulo); to graduate (an instrument); (university) to confer a degree on (ulu); -iz-o, -uro: graduating, gradation, scale; -oza, -opa: gradual: proceeding by steps or degrees; -oze, -ope: gradually; -aro: degrees, steps (collect.); -iz-ita: graded, graduated; -ope: by degrees; -iz-ito: (university) graduate; universitatala grado: university degree; me obtenis mea grado ye Oxford: I graduated at Oxford. — DeFIRS

grafik-a: graphic; -o: a graph; -arti: g. arts (as opposed to plastic arts); (N.B. «a g. account» = pitoreska deskripto). — DEFIRS

grafit-o: (min.) graphite, plumbago. — DEFIRS

grafologi-o: graphology; -isto: handwriting expert (judge). — DEFIRS

grafometr-o*: graphometer.

gram-o: gram(me): 15.432 grains Troy . — DEFIRS

gramatik-o: grammar. — DEFIRS

gramin-o: a gramineous plant; grass. — DEFIS

gran-o: -eto: any very small, hard mass; as, a grain of seed (cf. semino), of sand, of sugar, etc., kernel (of corn); the composite particles of any substance; rough exterior texture, as grain in leather, in metals, in wood; pellet; (bot.) granule; -ala, -atra, -o-forma: granular; -(et)igar (tr.), -(et)eskar (intr.) to granulate, to form or collect into grains or granules (N.B. not med. sense, cf. granuligar); -ifar: to produce grains; -izar: to grain (leather), put a grain on (ulo); -oza: full of grains, seedy; -iz-ita: grained; -vend-isto: seedsman, g. seller; -eyo: granary; -if-anta: g. bearing; -achi: refuse grains; kafe- -o: coffee-berry; lin- -o: linseed; -o-manj-ant-a, -o: granivorous (animal; cf. granivora). — DEFIS

granari-o: loft, attic (in country houses for grains, hay). — FIS

granat-o: (min.) garnet; -ea: g. colored. — DeFIRS

grand-a: a term of comparison denoting more magnitude than something else, or beyond what is usual; as great, large, big; also used fig. in the sense of the E. «grand» apart from material dimensions: -a vazo, domo: a large vase, house; -a urbo: a great city; -a bruiso, forteso: a great noise, strength; -a festo: a great holiday; -a duk(ul)o: grand-duke; Alexandro la -a: Alexander the Great; -anma: magnanimous, noble-minded; -ev-eso: longevity; -eta: biggish; -ulo: a large man; a great man (in power, dignity), grandee (Spain); -e: greatly, grandly; -eso: (quality) magnitude, largeness of bulk or dimensions, bigness, bulk; (fig.) high degree, grandness; -ajo: a large object; -eso di urbo: extent of a city; greatness of a city; -eso di krimino: greatness of a crime; -ega: enormous, immense, bulky; (plu-) grand-igar: to enlarge, magnify, make big. — EFIS

grandioz-a: grandiose, imposing. — DEFIRS

granit-a, -o: (min.) granite. — DEFIRS

granivor-a, -o: granivorous (animal); cf. grano-manjanta). — DEFIS

grant-ar: (tr.) to grant, allow, concede, confer (demands, favors, privileges, etc.); to award (damages); -o, -ajo: grant, concession, award. (cf. exaucar). Def.: Donar o koncesar ulo kom favoro, konseque ulo demandita o dezirata; II-709. — E

granul-o: (med.) granule (of a granulation, as from wounds, ulcers); -aro, -igo, -esko: granulation; -ala, -oza: granular, granulated. — DEFIRS

grap-o: cluster, bunch, a number of fruits or flowers growing along a common stalk. — FI

grapin-o: (nav.) grapnel, grappling-iron, -hook. — eFI

gras-o: fat, grease; -a, -oza, -atra: fat, greasy, adipose; -izar: to grease (ulo); -igar: to fatten (ulu); -makulo: grease spot. Ant.: (adj.) magra. — eFIS

grat-ar: (tr.) to scratch (so as to allay itching); (of animals) to claw; (of noise) to scrape, grate. (cf. skrachar). — FI

gratifik-ar: (tr.) to bestow (money) on; to tip (ulu per ulo); -uro: bounty, gratuity, tip. Def.: Donar pekuniala rekompenso exter la salario o preco debata; IV-12. Ex.: La rejo gratifikas il per pensiono. Ni donis drink-moneto a la garsono kom gratifikuro. — DFIS

gratin-o: (cook.) gratin, brown crust, burnt crumbs; -izar (tr.), -ifar (intr.): to gratinate, to cook, as with a covering of buttered crumbs, until a crust or crisp surface forms; -iz-ita: gratinated, «au gratin.» — DeF

gratitud-ar: (tr.) to be grateful, thankful to (ulu, pro, pri ulo); -o: gratitude. (cf. dankar). — EFIS

gratuit-a: gratuitous, free, gratis (cf. senpaga); -e: gratis, for nothing. Def.: (adj.) recevata sen pago; (adv.) sen demander pago; II-75, III-322. — DEFIRS

gratul-ar: (tr.) to congratulate, felicitate. Ex.: Gratular ulu pri lua vinko. — DEFIS

grav-a: (phys.) heavy, ponderous; (fig.) weighty, momentous, not frivolous, grave, (cf. importanta, serioza); (mus.) low (note), deep (tone); (gram.) grave (accent); -eso: gravity; (plu-)grav-igar: to make (more) heavy, serious; -igo, -esko: aggravation; -eskar: to become weighed down, serious; min-grav-igar: to make less heavy, serious; to extenuate, mitigate. V. exp.: Grava equivalas ne-frivola; serioza equivalas ne-vivaca, ne-gaya. On parolas pri grava afero, serioza mieno. Ant.: lejera. — EFIS

gravel-o: (med.) gravel, stone in the kidneys or bladder; -ika, -iko: (person) afflicted with g. — EF

gravi-o: gravel, small stones or pebbles intermixed with sand; -atra: gritty. — eFR

gravid-a: pregnant, with child; -eso: pregnancy, gestation (state); -igar: to make pregnant, get with child; -eskar: to become pregnant, conceive a child; -eso: (physiol.) conception. — IL

gravit-ar: (intr., phys. and fig.) to gravitate, be attracted, tend to a center; la lego di -ado: the law of gravitation. — DEFIS

greft-ar: (tr., hort.) to graft (plants, trees); -ajo, -uro, -o-sproso: graft, portion of a plant to be grafted on another. — EF

Gregori-ala: Gregorian (calendar, chant, etc.).

Grek-a: Greek, Grecian; la Greka: the Greek language; -o-Latina: Greco-Latin.

grel-ar: (intr., impersonal) to hail; -etar: to sleet; -as: it hails; -eto: sleet; -o: hail(-storm); -uno: a hail-stone; -frapar, -agar: to devastate, ravage (ulo) by hail; stono- -o: a hail of stones; flecho- -o: a shower of arrows. — F

gremi-o: lap (of a sitting person); (fig.) -o di l'eklezio: bosom, pale of the church; -alo: gremial, lap cloth worn by a bishop. Ex.: El tenis sua infanto sur sua gremio. — DIS

grenad-o: (fruit) pomegranate; (milit.) (hand-) grenade; -iero: p. tree (punica granatum); -isto: a soldier who throws g.s; (fig.) grenadier: a foot soldier of a special corps. — DeFIRS

gres-o: (min.) sandstone. — FI

gret-o: grating, a partition of iron or wood bars; grate (of a stove), (metal or wood) railing or fence (used to partition off); -izar: to inclose or cover with railing, to rail in — EFS

grifon-o: (myth.) griffon; griffon, a kind of European water-dog. — DEFIS

gril-ar: (tr.) to grill, broil (ulo) on gridiron; -ilo: grill, gridiron; -ita kotleto: broiled chop. — EF

grili-o: (ent.) cricket (genus: Gryllus). — DFIS

griliotalp-o: mole-cricket (Gryllotalpa). — DFIS

grim-ar: (tr., theat.) to make up (su), by painting wrinkles, etc., the appearance of an old person; to make up (ulu) as an old person. — FR

grimas-ar, -adar: to grimace, contort the face, make a wry face. — DEFR

grinc-ar: (intr.) to gnash, grind (per la denti); to grate (as a door, etc.). — FI

grind-ar: (tr.) to grind, rough down as on a grindstone, or as with emery, etc.; -o-petro: whetstone; -o-petr-ego: grindstone. V. exp.: On ne nur akutigas o polisas kozi, ma on anke tornas (grindas) li per la grind opetr-(eg)o. Materii por la grindo esas karborundo*, smerilo, diamant-polvo, e.c.; III-82. — E

grip-o: (med.) grip(pe), influenza; -ika, -iko: (person) sick with g. — DEFIRS

griz-a: gray, grey (colored); -o: gray (the color); -eso: grayness (quality); -(ul)o, griz-hara, griz-barba, griz-kapa homulo: a gray-haired man; -eskar: to become, turn g.; -atra, -esk-anta: grizzled. — eFIS

grog-o: grog. — DEFIR

grond-ar: (intr.) to roar, rumble (of thunder, storm, wind, waves); to growl, snarl (of animals). Def.: Audigar bruiso duranta e nelauta, quale la tondro fora, od ula animali iraceskanta; IV-12. — F

grop-o: croup, rump (of a horse and some other animals); (arch.) hip-roof; -rimeno: crupper (of harness). — DeFIRS

gros-a: thick and long; (fig.) large, great, gross, thick, bulky; (cf. granda), -a arboro: a large tree; skribar grosa literi: to write in large, heavy letters; -a e kurta: squat, dumpy, stubby. Def.: Relatas du dimensioni, specale en korpo di qua la longeso esas granda o nedefinita; III-544. Ex.: Grosa homo, filo, kordo, kolono. V. exp.: vid. dika. Ant.: tenua. — eFIS

grosdekedu-o: gross, 12 dozen.

grosier-a: (of persons, acts or objects) without delicacy, coarse, rude, blunt, boorish, low; -eso: grossness: coarseness; -ajo: coarse language or word; vulgarity, rude act; -(ul)o: a rude man, a boor; -eg(ul)o: blackguard. V. exp.: To ne esas simple ne- (o des-) polita, ma ne-edukita, preske ne-civilizita; IV-12. — eFIS

grot-o: grotto. — DEFIRS

grotesk-a: grotesque (object, antic, dance, idea, etc.). — DEFIRS

grozel-o: a gooseberry; -iero: g. bush (Ribes grossularia). — FS

gru-o: (orni, also astron.) crane (family: Gruidæ). — FL

gruch-o: crutch; -iero: one who carries c.s; (fig.) a cripple; -irar: to go on c.s. — DeI

gruelo: grits, groats, oatmeal. — F

grumo: groom, a manservant, esp. one in charge of horses. — DEFR

grumelo: grume, a clot (in the blood, in milk, etc.); -iz-ita, -oza: clotted; -igar (tr.), -ifar (intr.): to clot; (cf. koagular). — eFIS

grun-ar, -achar: (intr.) to grunt (as a pig); (of persons) to grumble, growl. — DeFIS

grup-o: group (of persons or objects), clump (of trees), flock (of sheep); -igar, -e dispozar: to group; -ifar: (intr.) to group, form into g.s; -ano: member of a g. — DEFIRS

gruz-o*: (orni.) grouse, ptarmigan, white, black, red (Lagopus scoticus) M. XI. 348. — DEF

guach-pikt-ado, -uro: gouache-painting; a style of water-color painting. DeFI

guan-o: guano. — DEFIRS

guard-o: (milit.) guard, body of troops; -ano: soldier or member of g. — DEFIRS

guat-ar: (tr.) to watch, be on w. for; to lie in wait for; -igar: to place (ulu) on w.; -anto, -ero, -isto: watcher, look-out-man; -o-turm-eto: w. tower. Ex.: Guatar l'enemiko, l'okaziono. La kato guatas la muso. — FI

guberni-o: government (district; e.g., as in Russia); -estro: governor (of a certain district, province). — DeFIRS

gudr-o: tar; -izar: to t.; -o-telo: tarpaulin. — F

guelf-a, -o: (Ital. hist.) Guelph. — DEFIRS

guf-o: eagle-owl (Strix bubo). — I

guid-ar: (tr.) to guide, to lead, to conduct in a way; -anto, -ero, -isto: (person) guide; -ilo: (mechan.) guide; -o-flago: (milit.) guidon; -libro: g. book. V. exp.: Guidar esas esence montrar la justa voyo ad ulu, qua ne konocas ol, qua povas hezitar od erorar. Duktar e guidar esas direktar ulu od ulo akompanante lu: ex. Kapitano duktas sua kompanio, ma generalo nur direktas armeo, restante en sua quartero. On duktas o direktas navo, aer-navo, kande on esas «ye bordo» (en oli); ma per Hertzala radii on povas direktar torpedo sen duktar ol; IV-162. — EFIS

guind-o: heart cherry. Def.: Frukto simila a cerizo; IV-136 — FS

gul-o: ghoul. — DEFIS

gum-o: gum, vegetable substance which exudes from certain trees; (cf. kauchuko); -oza, -atra: gummy; -izar: to smear, cover with g.; -arboro: g. tree; -rezino: g. resin; -tafto: court plaster. — DEFIRS

gumigut-o: gamboge; -iero: g. tree (Garcinia). — DFIR

gumlak-o: gum-lac, shellac. — DEFIRS

gurd-o: gourd, calabash. — EF

gurm-o: milk-scall, -crust, scabs on an infant’s head (crusta lactea). — F

gurmand-o: gourmand, one fond of good living; -acho: glutton. Def.: Homo qua prizas la bona (bon-saporoza) dishi e manjas multo de li; VII-155. V. exp.: Manj-eg-ero (gurmand-acho) esas homo qua manjas multo, sen dicerno, kun apetito brutal; gurmando preferas ne manjar kam manjar ulo qua ne plezas lu; gastronomo prizas la bona dishi, la bona vivi, e.c., tamen lu ne manjas o drinkas tro multo, lu esas nur «experto» pri la tablo; VII-155. — DEF

gurt-o: broad strap, band; girth (of saddle); -izar, -ligar, -agar: (tr.) to strap, band, girth (a horse); -frapar, -flogar: to strike, flog with a strap. Def.: Bendo larja e plata (de ledro, tolo, e.c.) por ligar o kun-ligar. (To ne esas bendo, rimeno, nek zono); III-469. — DE

gust-ar: (tr.) to taste; (cf. saporar). –ala: gustatory; -experto: expert taster (as of tea), connoisseur (of wines, etc.); bona –o: a nice t. (used also in psychological sense); -agreabla, - ecitanta: relishing, tempting, savory; mal-gusta joko: a bad joke, a vulgar joke; -ar la vino: to t. the wine, il esas autoro sen bona –o: (fig.) he is an author deficient in t.; kontentigar omna gusti: (physiol. and psychol.) to satisfy (please) all tastes. — DeFIS

gut-o: drop (of liquid); -ifar: to drop, drip, trickle, run down; -ope: d. by d. — FS

gutaperk-o: gutta-percha. — DEFIRS

gutur-o: (internal) throat, gullet; (cf. fauco); -ala: relating to the gullet; gutteral; -alo: (gram.) a gutteral. Def.: L’interna kavajo supre en la kolo (ciencale: la faringo, la laringo e la supra ezofago): ex. on parolas pri soni guturala (ciencale, li esas velala od uvulala); III-165 — eFIS

guvern-ar: (tr. general sense) to rule with authority, to have physical power over, to direct: -ar navo: to steer a ship; to rule over a ship; -ilo: (tech.) governor; a rudder, helm; -ar aferi: to manage a business; -ar sua pasioni: to control one’s passions; ca muliero –as sua spozo: this woman rules her husband; -ar infanti: to manage children; la rejo di Anglia regnas ma ne –as; la parlamento –as: the king of England reigns but does not govern; the parliament governs; la verbo aktiva –as l’akuzativo; the active verb governs the accusative; la navo guvern-esas bone: the ship answers her helm; -ala sistemo: governmental system; la –isto di provinco, di banco: the governor of a province, of a bank; -anto, -isto di navo: helmsman of a ship; -ant-ino, -ist-ino di puero: governess of a child; la guvern-ado

guyav-o: (bot.) guava (fruit); -iero: g. tree (Psidium Guayaba). — DEFS


ha! (interj.) ha! ah!

habil-a: (physical, intellectual) able, clever, skilful, adroit, dextrous, handy; -a horlog-if-isto: a clever clock-maker; il esas -a en sua arto: he is clever in his art; -a fripono: a sharp rogue. V. exp.: On povas divenar "habila" ne nur per studiado ma per aktual experienco; on povas divenar kapabla per lernado sen praktike aplikar sua savado. Ant.: ne-habila, ne-apta. — DeFIS

habilit-ar: (tr.; esp. juris.) to habilitate, to qualify, to render competent, to enable. Ex.: Habilitar minor(ul)o kontraktar. Habilitar su por ula ofico. La habiliteso heredar cesas en fora gradi di parenteso. — DeFIS

habit-ar: (tr., intr.) to inhabit, to live (in) (permanently); (cf. rezidar); -(ad)o: habitation, residing; -eyo: (place) habitation, abode, dwelling-place; (zool.) haunt, habitat; -anto, -ero: inhabitant, denizen; -ebla: (in)habitable. V. exp.: Habitar esas rezidar permanante en propra o fixa domo; lojar esas rezidar tempe (kurte) che altra persono od en gasteyo. La soldati lojas che la habitanti dil urbo. On habitas urbo, lando, dum ke on lojas en hotelo, che amiko, parento, en apartamento, en chambro, e.c.; I-410. — EFIS

habitakl-o: (nav.) binnacle, compass-box. — F

hach-ar: (tr.) to hatch, shade by lines cut or drawn; to hash, to mince, cut into very small parts; -ajo, -ita karno: mince-meat; -uro: hatching; -ilo: (cook.) chopping-knife. Def.: Pece-tigar (karno, e.c.); IV-562. Ex.: On hachas karno per multa densa tranchuri preske paralela; simile on hachas desegno per multa linei preske paralela; V-31. — eF

hagiograf-o: hagiographer. — DEFIS

hagiografi-o: hagiography. — DEFIS

hak-ar: (tr.) to chop, (rough) hew, cut up (with an axe or large cutting instrument), (cf. hachar); -achar: to hack; -(ad)o, -uro: chopping,hewing; a chop, cut; -isto: chopper, hewer; -ilo: a chopping instr. (as an axe); -il-eto: a small cutting instr.; hatchet; -ilo-stroko stroke of an axe; -il-uyo: axe-holder, -case; -o-kultelo: cleaver, chopping-knife. — DeFIS

hal-o: a large room of considerable size; (merkato-) market, public place, ordinarily covered, where marketing is carried on; -vend-isto: market-, stall-keeper; -o-taxo: market-dues; linguo di la -i: (fig.) Billingsgate (language). — DeFS

halbard-o: halbard. — DEFIRS

halofit-o*: (bot.) halophyte. — DE

halogen-o*: (chem.) halogen. — DEF

halon-o*: halo (as around moon, head, etc.).

halt-ar: (intr.) to (make a) halt, stop; -igar: to cause (ulu) to halt; to stop (ulo); -ig-ilo: a stopping instr., a catch; -ez: (command.) halt! stop there! that will do! — DEFI

halter-o: dumb-bell; -agar, exercar su per -i: to do d. b. exercises. — FIS

halucin-ar: (intr.) to have hallucinations, to delude (su); -igar: to cause h.s in (ulu); to affect with visions or imaginary perceptions. — DEFIRS

halux-o*: hallux, great toe of foot.

hamadriad-o*: (myth.) hamadryad, woodnymph.

hamak-o: hammock. — EFRS

hamstr-o: (zool.) hamaster (Cricetus). — DEFRS

han-o: a fowl, hen or cock; (fusil-) cock (of a gun or pistol); -ulo: cock, rooster (cf. pultro); -ino: hen; -yuno: pullet; -yun-eto: chicken; -ulo-kres-to: comb of a cock. — DE

hano-lakt-o: mulled-egg, egg-flip. Def.: Drinkajo ek vitelo quirlita en varma aquo sukrizita; V-621.

hanch-o: hip (of persons), haunch, hind-quarter (of animals); -o-flexar: to bend at the hips. — DEFIS

handikap-ar: (tr., in sports and fig.) to handicap. — DEFIRS.

hangar-o: shed (esp. for vehicles), outhouse; (aviation) hangar. Def.: Tekto pozita sur fosti o pilastri; II-709. — DeF

hans-o: Hanse-town; -ala: Hanseatic. — DEFIRS

har-o: a hair (of a person's head; cf. pilo); -aro: hair (collect.); -oza: hairy; -treso: hair-plait, pigtail, queue; -o-pelo: scalp; -ar-acho: mop, shock of hair; -dik-eso: a hair's breadth; long-hara; long haired. — DE

hard-a: (also fig.) hard, tough, indurate; -igar: to harden (ulu, ulo); to temper (iron, etc.); (fig.) to indurate, toughen, inure; -ig-uro: temper (of metals); -eso: hardness. Ex.: Fero esas metalo tre harda. Ovo harde koquita. Lito harda. Hardigar sua korpo. Havar harda kordio (fig.). Kavalo kun harda boko. Ant.: mola. — DE

harem-o: harem; -an-ino: woman of h. — DEFIRS

haring-o: (ich.) herring; -o fum-izita: smoked h.; -o-bando: shoal of h. — DEFIS

harmoni-ar: (intr., lit. and fig.) to be in harmony (kun); -igar: to harmonize (ulo); -ala, -alo: harmonic (sound). — DEFRS

harmonik-a*: (math.) harmonic(al) (proportion, division).

harmonik-o: (mus. instr.) harmonica. — DEFIRS

harmonium-o: (mus. instr.) harmonium. — DEFIRS

harnes-o: harness (as of a horse); -izar: to harness; -aro: (horse-) trappings, sen- -igar: to unharness. — DEFS

harp-o: (mus. instr.) harp. — DEFIRS

harpi-o: (myth.) harpy. — DEFIRS

harpun-o: harpoon; -agar: (tr.) to. h. — DEFRS

hashish-o: hashish. — DEFIRS

hast-ar: (intr.) to hasten, make haste; -igar: to hurry (ulu, ulo, su); to press, push forward expedite; (cf. acelerar, plu-rapid-igar, avancar); -oz-ege: precipitously. Ex.: hastigar la pazo, la progreso di ulo. Il departis hastoze. Il ekiris, ma sen hasto. — DEF

hau-o: (agri.) hoe; -agar: (tr.) to h.; -eto, plata -o: mattock. Def.: Instrumento fera kun ligna mancho, por exkavar la tero; la fera parto esas larja, plata e tranchanta, kun aristo en plano perpendikla a la mancho; VI-533. — DeF

haul-ar: (tr., nav.) to haul, heave in (cf. tirar); to tow; -voyo: tow-path; -ar la kanoto ye bordo: haul the boat on board; -ar sur kord(eg)o: to haul, pull upon a rope; -ar navo: to tow a ship; -ar kord(eg)o ad su, ad ulu: to haul in a rope. — DEFIS

hav-ar: (tr.) to have (ulo: money, occasion, motive, time, etc.; N.B. not to be used as verbal auxiliary); -aj-o, -i: property, possessions, what one is worth. — DEFIS

hazard-o: (hap-)hazard, luck, chance, something uncertain and unplanned; -e: by chance, casually, accidentally, perchance; -ala: accidental, fortuitous; -o-ludo: game of chance; -e trovar: to find or meet unexpectedly; ye la -o di la menuo: pot-luck; ne fidez a -o: do not trust to chance; se vu -e trovos il bon-humora: if perchance you find him in good humour. — DEFRS

he! (interj.) hey! eh!

(la) Hebre-a (linguo): the Hebrew (language); -a, -ala: Hebrew, Hebraic; -ismo, -ajo: Hebraism; -isto: Hebraist; (cf. Izrael-ido, Judo).

heder-o: (bot.) ivy (Hedera). — ISL

hederace-o*: (bot.) ground-ivy (Glechoma hederacea). — L

hef-o: yeast, leaven. — D

heg-o: hedge, hedgerow. Def.: Barilo o klozilo (cirkum agro) formacita ek arbusti; IV-204. — DEF

hegemoni-o: hegemony. Def.: Speco di dominaco o prepondero di un naciono inter altri (historial e politikal termino); III-603. — DEFIRS

heg-roz-o: (bot.) dog-rose (Rosa canina); -iero: sweet-brier, eglantine.

hejir-o: hegira (Mohammedan). — DEFIRS

hekatomb-o: (lit. and fig.) hecatomb. — DEFIRS

hektar-o: hectare, 2.47 acres. — DEFIRS

hektik-a: (med.) hectic. — DEFIS

hektograf-ar: (tr.) to hectograph, to mimeograph. — DEF

hektogram-o: hectogram: 3.527 oz., avdp. — DEFIRS

hektolitr-o: hectoliter: 22.01 imperial galls; 26.417 U.S. galls. — DEFIRS

hektometr-o: hectometer: about 328 ft. — DEFIRS

helebor-o: (bot.) hellebore (genus: Helleborus); -o verda, fetida, nigra: green, stinking, black (species of) h. — EFISL

Helen-a*, -ala: Hellenic; -ismo, -ajo: Hellenism; -isto: Hellenist.

heli-o*: (chem.) helium. — DEFIRS

heliant-o: (bot.) helianthus, sun-flower (genus: Helianthus). — eFIS

helic-o: (arch., geom.) helix; (of a ship) propeller; (bot.) tendril; -o-navo: screw-ship; -atra: helicoid, winding, spiral; (cf. helicoida); -o-resorto: spiral spring, coiled spring. — eFIS

helicoid-a*: helicoid, spiral (cf. helic-atra).

helik-o: snail (family: Helicidæ). — L

helikopter-o: (aeron.) helicopter. — EFIRS

heliocentr-ala*: heliocentric. — DEF

heliograb-ar: (tr., photo, engr.) to make heliogravures. — EFIS

heliometr-o*: (astr. instr.) heliometer. — DEFIRS

helioskop-o: (astr. instr.) helioscope. — DEFIRS

heliostat-o*: heliostat. — DEFIRS

heliotrop-o: (bot.) heliotrope (genus: Heliotropium). — DEFIRS

helix-o: (anat.) helix. — EFIS

"heiler" (pl. -i): heller, Austrian coin; 0.2 cent.

helm-o: (ancient) helmet. Def.: Specala formo di kasko (mezevala e blazonala); IV-78. — DeFIS

help-ar: (tr.) to help, aid, assist (ulu, pri, por, ulo); -o: help, assistance (cf. sokursar); -anto, -ero, -isto: assistant, helper; (in composition) assistant-, under-; (on ships) mate; aide; -o-kirurgi-isto: assistant surgeon; -ilo, -ivo: (instrument, object which aids) aid, help, relief, assistance, auxiliary; -o-verbo: auxiliary verb; -ar ulu levar su (stac-eskar): to help someone to lift himself (to rise); kun la -o di Deo: with the help of God. — DE

hem-o: home; esar -e: to be at home; -o-dei: lares, home-gods; -rest-ema persono: domesticated, home-loving person; -facita, -bakita: home-made, -baked. V. exp.: La hemo povas esar ne kompleta domo, ma apartamento mikra e mem nur un chambro; lo esencala esas, ke on sentas ke ol esas personala "eseyo" (rezideyo), tote diferanta de chambri di hotelo o di lojeyo; I-411. — DEF

hematit-o: (min.) hematite, bloodstone. — DEFIRS

hemerokal-o: (bot.) day-lily (genus: Hemerocallis). — eFIS

hemiop-a*: (med.) hemianoptic; -eso: hemianopsia, hemiopsy. — EF

hemiplegi-o*: (med.) hemiplegia. — DEF

hemipter-o: (ent.) hemipter. — DEFIS

hemistik-o: (verse) hemistich. — DEFIS

hemoglobin-o*: hemglobin, haemoglobin. — DEF

hemoptizi-o*: (med.) haemoptysis, blood expectoration. — DEF

hemoragi-o*: (med.) hemorrhage. — DEF

hemoroid-o, -i: (med.) hemorrhoid(s), pile(s). — DEFIRS

hepat-o: (anat.) liver; -ala: hepatic; pasteto de grasa -i: pate de foie gras, potted goose livers. — DeFIS

hepatik-o: (bot.) liverleaf, hepatica (Hepatica). — EFIS

hepatit-o*: (med.) hepatitis, inflammation of the liver; (min.) hepatite, liver stone. — DEF

heptaedr-o*: (geom.) heptahedron. — DEF

heptagon-o*: (geom.) heptagon. — DEF

herald-o: herald. — DEFIRS

herb-o: herb, a plant which does not have a woody stem (cf. herboro); -aji: herbage; (fig.) grass (cf. gazono); -ala, -atra, -oza: herbaceous, herby, grassy; herbo-stip-eto: a blade of grass; mala -o: weed. — EFIS

herbari-o: herbarium, classified collection of dried plants. — DEFIRS

herbivor-a, -o: herbivorous (animal). Def.: Herbo-manj-anta, -anto. — DEFIS

herbor-o: (medicinal) herb; -isto: herbalist. Def.: Medicinala planto sikigita o preparita (en la formo en qua ol vendesas da herboristo); VI-213. — DEFIS

herd-o: hearth, fireplace, hearthstone; floor or bottom of an oven. — De

hered-ar: (tr.) to inherit, be the heir to (ulo, de ulu); -o: (act) inheriting; -ajo: heritage (estate), inheritance, heirloom, legacy; -anto, -into: inheritor; heir; -ala, -ita: hereditary; sen- -ant-eso: escheat (cf. re-version-ar). Ex.: Heredar havajo de gepatri; Lua sola heredajo esis nobla nomo. — EFIS

herezi-o: heresy; -ano: heretic; -ala, -ana: heretical. — DEFIRS

heris-ar: (tr.) to bristle (up) (of hair, feathers, etc.); -o: bristling; (med.) horripilation; -ita: bristled, bristly; (fig.) hirsute, prickly; -igar la hari: to make one's hair stand on end. — FS

herison-o: (zool.) hedgehog (genus: Erinaceus). — FS

Herkul-o: (pr. and fig.) Hercules; -ala, -atra: Herculean. — DEFIRS

hermafrodit-a, -o: hermaphrodite. — DEFIRS

hermetik-a: hermetic(al). — DEFIRS

herni-o: (surg.) hernia. — DEFIS

hero-(ul)o: hero; -ajo: act of heroism; -komika: mock-heroic. — DEFIRS

heron-o: (orni.) heron (Ardea). — DEFI

heron-fonten-o: Hero's fountain.

herpet-o: (med.) herpes, tetter, shingles. — DEFIS

hers-o: (agri.) harrow; (fort.) portcullis (set with spikes); -agar: (tr.) to h. — F

heterodox-a: heterodox. Ant.: ortodoxa. — DEF

heterogen-a: heterogeneous. — DEFIRS

heterosexual-a: heterosexual.

hexaedr-o: (geom.) hexahedron. — DEF

hexagon-o*: (geom.) hexagon. — DEF

hexagram-o: (geom.) hexagram. — DEFIS

hexametr-o: (verse) hexameter. — DEFIRS

hezit-ar: (intr.) to hesitate, falter, be doubtful; -igar: to cause (ulu) to h.; -anta, -ema: hesitant, irresolute, faltering. Ex.: Il hezitas inter deziro e shamo. Hezitar avan danjero. Karaktero hezitema. Hezitanta voco, respondo. — DEFI

hiacint-o: (bot., min.) hyacinth. — DEFIRS

hiat-o: (gram. and fig.) hiatus. — DEFIRS

hibrid-a, -o: hybrid, mongrel (cf. mestica, mulata); -ifar: to produce h. offspring; -igo: hybridization. Def.: Animali e planti qui venas de mixo di du speci; V-33. Ex.: Mulo esas hibrido de kavalino ed asnulo. — DEFIRS

hid-o*: (chem. nomenclature) hydrogen (cf. hidrogeno); -o-peroxo: hydrogendioxide, peroxide.

"hidalgo": hidalgo: Spanish nobleman of lower class. — DEFIRS

hidr-o: (myth., astron.) Hydra; (zool.) hydrophis, a genus of fresh water polyps. — DEFIRS

hidrat-o*: (chem.) hydrate. — DEFIS

hidraulik-o: hydraulics. — DEFIRS

hidrocefal-eso: (med.) hydrocephalus, water on the brain; -o: (person) afflicted with h. — DEF

hidrodinamik-o: hydrodynamics. — DEFIRS

hidrofobi-o: (med.) hydrophobia. — DEFIRS

hidrogen-o: (cheem., common term) hydrogen (cf. hido). — DEFIRS

hidrograf-o: hydrographer. — DEFIS

hidrografi-o: hydrography. — DEFIS

hidroliz-o: (chem.) hydrolysis. — DEFIS

hidrologi-o: hydrology. — DEFIS

hidromanci-o: hydromancy. — DEFIS

hidromekanik-o*: hydromechanics. — DEFIS

hidrometr-o: hydrometer. — DEFIRS

hidrometri-o: hydrometry. — DEFIRS

hidropati-o: hydropathy. — DEFIRS

hidrops-o: (med.) dropsy; -ika, -iko: dropsical (person). — DEFIS

hidroquinon-o*: (chem.) hydroquinone. — DEFIS

hidroskop-o: bletonist, finder of springs. — DFIRS

hidroskopi-o: bletonism, art of finding under-water sources. — DFIRS

hidrostatik-o: hydrostatics. — DEFIRS

hidroterapi-o: hydrotherapeutics. — DEFIRS

hien-o: (zool.) hyena; -o stri-oza: striped h. (Hyaena striata). — DEFIRS

hier-e: (adv.) yesterday; -a: of y.; -e matine: yesterday (in the) morning; la -a dio: yesterday; pre-hiere: (on the) day before yesterday; sep dii pos hiere: in a week. — FIS

hierarki-o: hierarchy. — DEFIRS

hieratik-a: hieratic (writing, etc.). — DEFIRS

hieroglif-o: hieroglyph. — DEFIRS

"high life"*: high life, life among the aristocracy or the rich.

higien-o: hygiene. V. exp.: vid. salubra. — DEFIRS

higrometr-o: hygrometer. — DEFIRS

higrometri-o: hygrometry. — DEFIRS

higroskop-o: hygroscope. — DEF

hik-e: here, in this place; -a, -ala: here, this; -e ube: here where; ad exter hike! out of here! away with you! for hike: far distant from here; tra hike: through here, this way; venez adhike: come here, hither; til hike: (un)to here; hike apude: near here; hike interne: here within. — L

hil-o: (bot.) hilum, hile. — EFIS

hilot-o: (Spartan) helot. — DEFIRS

himen-o*: (anat., bot.) hymen. — DEFIS

himene-o*: hymeneal, a marriage song. — DEFIRS

himenopter-a, -o: (entom.) hymenopter(al). — DEFIRS

himn-o: hymn; -aro, -o-libro: hymnal, h. book. — DEFIRS

hioid-o*: (anat.) hyoid (bone). — EFIS

hip-ar: (intr.) to have the hiccoughs, to hiccup. — S

hipalag-o: (gram., rhet.) hypallage. — DEFIS

hiperbat-o: (gram.) hyperbaton. Def.: Figuro di retoriko konsistanta en renverso di l'ordino dil vorti; VI-135. — DEFIS

hiperbol-o: (rhet.) hyperbole; (math.) hyperbola. — DEFIRS

hiperboloid-o*: (geom.) hyperboloid. — DEFIRS

hiperbore-o: a Hyperborean. — DEF

hipermetrop-a*: hypermetropic; far sighted; -eso: hypermetropia. — DEFS

hipertrofi-ar: (tr.) to cause hypertrophy to; to develop to an unusual or abnormal degree; -o, -eso: hypertrophy. Ant.: atrofiar. — DEFIES

hipnot-ar: (intr.) to be in a hypnotic state; -o: (state) hypnosis; -igar: to hypnotize (ulu); -igo: hypnotization; -ismo: hypnotism (doctrine); -ig-ato: person hypnotized. — DEFIRS

hipocikloid-o*: (geom.) hypocycloid. — DEFIRS

hipodrom-o: hippodrome. — DEFIRS

hipofiz-o*: (anat.) hypophysis, pituitary gland. — DEFIRS

hipogastr-o*: (anat.) hypogastrium. — DEFIS

hipoge-o: (anc. arch.) hypogeum. — DEFI

hipogrif-o: (myth.) hippogriff, winged horse. — DEFIRS

hipokamp-o: (ich. genus) hippocampus. — EFIS

hipokondr-o: (anat.) hypochondrium. — DEFIRS

hipokondri-o: (med.) hypochondria; -ika,-iko: hypochondriac. — DEFIRS

hipokrit-a: hypocritical; -(ul)o: hypocrite, dissembler; -eso: hypocrisy; -ajo: act of h., imposture; -esar: to be a h.; -agar: to act the h.; (dolce) to wheedle. — DEFIRS

hipopotam-o: (zool.) hippopotamus. — DEFIRS

hipostaz-o: (theol.) hypostasis. — DEFIR

hipotek-o: mortgage, hypothec; -izar: to m. (ulo), to hypothecate. — DeFIRS

hipotenuz-o: (geom.) hypotenuse. — DEFIRS

hipotez-o: hypothesis. — DEFIRS

hipsometr-o*: hypsometer. — DEFIS

hipsometri-o: hypsometry, measurement of heights. — DEFIS

hirund-o: (orni.) swallow (family: Hirundinidæ'); -o-kaud-atra: swallow-tailed; (carp.) dove-tailed. — FISL

his-ar: (tr., nav.) to hoist, raise, haul up (sails), to run up (a signal, a flag); -ar su: (fig.) to raise oneself, hoist oneself, get up. — DeFIS

hiskiam-o: (bot.) henbane (genus: Hyoscyamus). — FI

hisop-o: (bot.) hyssop. — DEFIRS

Hispan-ala: Hispanic.

histeri-o: (med.) hysteria, hysterics; -ika, -iko: hysteric (person). — DEFIRS

histerotomi-o*: (surg.) dissection of the womb; Caesarian operation. — DEF

histologi-o: histology. — DEFIRS

histori-o: history; -isto, -ero: historian; pre- -ala: immemorial. — EFIRS

historiograf-o*: historiographer: official historian of a prince or state. — DEFIRS

histrion-o: (antiq.) histrion, stage player. — DeFIS

hivernar: (intr. of animals and persons) to hibernate, to winter (cf. estivar); (milit.) to go into winter quarters. — eFIS

ho! Oh! ho! (denoting pain, sorrow, regret); ho there! holla! (nav.) ahoy; ho! ho! heyday! dear me! bless my soul! ho la rejino desfortunoza! oh, unfortunate queen!

hoboy-o: (mus., instr.) hautboy, oboe. — DeFIRS

hodometr-o: (vehicle) hodometer, speedometer; (for persons) pedometer; (pazo-kont-ilo). Def.: Instrumento por mezurar la disti paririta da (1) rotvehilo, (2) marchanto. — DeFIS

hok-o: hook; -oza, -atra: curved, crooked, hooked, bent; porto-hoko: porter's h., cargo-handler's h.; labio-barbo hok-oza: curling mustache; -e fors-ar: (tr.) to pick (a lock). — DE

hok-oid-o*: (anat.) unciform (bone).

hold-o: (nav.) hold (of a ship). — E

hola*: holla! hallo!

holograf-a: holographic: -a testamento: will written in testators own hand. — DEFIS

holokaust-o: (also fig.) holocaust, burnt offering. Def.: Sakrifiko en qua la viktimo esis tote kombustata; IV-79 — EFIS

holoturi-o: (zool.) holothurian: a kind of water polyp (genus: Holothuria), trepang, beche de mer. — DEFIRS

hom-o: (species, inclusive of both sexes) man, a human being, person; -i: people, men and women; -aro: mankind, humanity (collect.); -ulo: a male (cf. viro, maskulo); -ino: woman (cf. muliero); -a, -ala: human; -eso: humanity, quality or condition of being human (cf. human-eso); -ale: humanely (possible, etc.); -igar: to humanize, to make human; -ach-ulo: a sorry fellow, wretch, a nobody; hom-ocid-ar: to murder; hom-in-odi-anto: misogynist. — eFIS

homaj-ar: (tr.) to do (or pay, render) homage to (a prince, a sovereign); (fig.) to pay one's respects to (ulu); homajar la vertuo: to pay h. to virtue; facar homajo a la mortinti: to render honor to the dead. — EFI

homard-o: lobster (genus: Homarus). — DFL

homeopati-o: homeopathy; -isto: homeopathist. — DEFIRS

homeosexual-a: (med.) homosexual. — DEF

Homer-ala, -atra (rido, e.c.): Homeric.

homili-o: homily, sermon (cf. prediko). — DEFIS

homogen-a: homogeneous; -eso: homogeneity. — DEFIRS

homolog-a: (geom., biol., chem.) homologous. — DEFIRS

homonim-a: homonymous. — DEFIRS

honest-a: honest, fair and straightforward in conduct, thought, etc., free from deceit or fraud, upright, worthy; -eso: honesty, probity, integrity, uprightness. — EFIS

honor-o: honor; -ala: honorary (guard, etc.); -inda: worthy of h.; -oza: honorable, full of h.; -iz-anta, -iva: honorary, honorific; -izar: to h., pay h. to (ulu, per ulo); -izar su: to do oneself the h., esteem it an h., take pride in; honor-promiso, -parolo, -juro: word of h.; (milit.) parole; -legiono: Legion of Honor; -kazo, -skrupulo: a point of honor; -afero: an affair of h.; -menciono: honorable mention; -um-ala: honorary: intended merely to confer h.; possessing a title or place without performing the duties of the position, IV-163; as honor-um-ala profesoro: honorary (titular) professor; sen-honor-igar: to dishonor, deprive of h. — EFIS

honorari-o: honorarium, fee, emolument. Def.: Salario di la "liberal arti" (advokato, medicinisto, e.c.); IV-163. — DEFIRS

hop! hop! jump! go!

hoplit-o: (antiq.) hoplite. — DEFIRS

hor-o: hour, the twenty-fourth part of a day; (cf. kloko); -ala: horal; -ope: hourly, by the h.; -quar-imo: a quarter of an h. — eFIS

Hori: (Gr. rel.) Horæ, the three goddesses of the seasons.

hord-o: horde, a nomadic group; (fig.) crowd, band, pack. — DEFIRS

horde-o: (bot.) barley (Hordeum); -grano: a grain of b.; (fig., med.) stye; -sukro: b. sugar. — L

horizont-o: (also fig.) horizon; -ala: horizontal; -alo: (geom.) horizontal line. — DEFIRS

horloj-o: clock, time-piece; -ala: horologic; -eto, posh-horlojo: a watch; (ri-) tensar -o: to wind the c.; kontre-horloje: backwards (on a dial); against the clock. — eFIS

hornblend-o: (min.) hornblende, amphibole. — DEF

hornis-o: (ent.) hornet (Vespa crabro). — De

horor-ar: (intr.) to feel dread mixed with detestation, to abhor, detest, loath, dread, have a horror of (pri, pro, ulu, ulo); -igar: to horrify, cause aversion to; -inda: horrible, horrid. V. exp.: vid. pavorar. — EFIS

horoskop-o: horoscope; facar la -o: to cast a person's nativity. — DEFIRS

hortensi-o: (bot.) hydrangea (Hydrangea Hortensia). — DFIRS

hospic-o: asylum, convalescent hospital, refuge (for the infirm, poor, aged, etc.); (as in the Alps) hospice, inn for travelers (kept by religious order). V. exp.: En hospitalo on kuracas maladi; en hospico on mantenas (longe, o mem por lia restanta vivo) oldi, infirmi, infanti, e.c. Malado konvalecanta povas ekirar hospitalo por enirar hospico; IV-136. — DeFIS

hospital-o: hospital (cf. ambulanco). V. exp. vid. hospico. — DEFIRS

host-o: host, one who receives or entertains a guest. — EFIRS

hosti-o: (C. rel.) host, consecrated wafer.

hotel-o: hotel (cf. albergo); -mastro: hotel-manager, -owner. — DEFR

"hozana": hosanna.

hu-o: (orni.) owl, particularly the white owl (Athene noctua); -eto: owlet; tawny owl, brown owl (Syrnium aluco, Strix aluco); -o nivea: snowy owl (Nyctea nivea); paser-huo: little owl (Glaucidium passerinum); sparvier-huo: hawk owl (Surnia ulula). (cf. IV-296). — F

huf-o: hoof; -forj-isto: farrier; -oza, -ozo: hoofed, ungulate. — DE

hugenot-o: Huguenot. — DEFIRS

hum! hem! hum!

human-a: humane, kind, compassionate, merciful; -(ul)-o: a h. person, humanitarian; -eso: humaneness, humanity; -isto: humanist, a student of the humanities; -ala, -ema: humanitarian; -ismo: humanism; -e: humanely; -igar: to humanize, render humane (cf. hom-igar). — DEFIRS

humer-o: (anat.) humerus. — EFIS

humid-a: humid, wet, damp, moist; -eso: (condition) humidity; -ajo: (object) the damp; -igar: to damp, moisten, wet. — EFIS

humil-a: humble, meek, lowly; -igar: to humble, humiliate, cast down. Def.: Qua basigas su vole, qua subordinas o submisas su (etikal senco). Per extenso, on darfas parolar pri gesti, paroli, agi, e social situeso humila, humil-iganta; III-226. V. exp. vid. diskreta. Ant.: superba. — EFIS

humor-o: (bona, mala) humor, temper, mood, disposition; (old physiol.) one of the four bodily fluids determining the temperament; nekonkordo di humori: incompatibility of temper(s); havar dolca -o: to have a sweet temper; esar en -o laborar: to be in a working h. V. Exp.: Humoro signifikas propre e primitive la liquidi di l'organismo, qui pleis tanta rolo en l'antiqua medicino; konseque e metafore la (bona o mala) mentala stando o tendenco (instantala, per qua ol distingesas de karaktero). Humuro esas speco di esprito, di ironio, qua expresas su en konversado ed en la rakonti; III-416. — EFIRS

humur-o: humor, humour, jocose imagination (less intellectual and more sympathetic than wit). V. Exp. vid. humoro. — DEFIRS

humus-o: humus, vegetable mould. — DEFIS

hund-o, -ulo, -ino: dog; -ala: canine; -yun-aro: litter of pups; parturar hund-yuni: to whelp, to pup. — DE

hundo-herb-o: dog-grass, couch-grass (Triticum repens).

hungr-ar, -eskar: (intr.) to be hungry (cf. apetitar); (fig.) to be eager, greedy; -oza: hungry; -eg-oza: famished; -igar: to make hungry, cause hunger; -eg-igar: to starve (ulu); -anta la glorio: greedy or eager of glory. — DEFI

hura! hurrah! hurray! hura-o: a hurrah, huzza. — DEFIRS

hurd-o: hurdle, a movable frame, as of wattled twigs, for folding sheep, gates, etc.; hurdle, an artificial barrier to be leaped. — De

husar-o: (milit.) hussar. — DEFISguyav-o: (bot.) guava (fruit); -iero: g. tree (Psidium Guayaba). — DEFS

ha! (interj.) ha! ah!

habil-a: (physical, intellectual) able, clever, skilful, adroit, dextrous, handy; -a horlog-if-isto: a clever clock-maker; il esas -a en sua arto: he is clever in his art; -a fripono: a sharp rogue. V. exp.: On povas divenar "habila" ne nur per studiado ma per aktual experienco; on povas divenar kapabla per lernado sen praktike aplikar sua savado. Ant.: ne-habila, ne-apta. — DeFIS

habilit-ar: (tr.; esp. juris.) to habilitate, to qualify, to render competent, to enable. Ex.: Habilitar minor(ul)o kontraktar. Habilitar su por ula ofico. La habiliteso heredar cesas en fora gradi di parenteso. — DeFIS

habit-ar: (tr., intr.) to inhabit, to live (in) (permanently); (cf. rezidar); -(ad)o: habitation, residing; -eyo: (place) habitation, abode, dwelling-place; (zool.) haunt, habitat; -anto, -ero: inhabitant, denizen; -ebla: (in)habitable. V. exp.: Habitar esas rezidar permanante en propra o fixa domo; lojar esas rezidar tempe (kurte) che altra persono od en gasteyo. La soldati lojas che la habitanti dil urbo. On habitas urbo, lando, dum ke on lojas en hotelo, che amiko, parento, en apartamento, en chambro, e.c.; I-410. — EFIS

habitakl-o: (nav.) binnacle, compass-box. — F

hach-ar: (tr.) to hatch, shade by lines cut or drawn; to hash, to mince, cut into very small parts; -ajo, -ita karno: mince-meat; -uro: hatching; -ilo: (cook.) chopping-knife. Def.: Pece-tigar (karno, e.c.); IV-562. Ex.: On hachas karno per multa densa tranchuri preske paralela; simile on hachas desegno per multa linei preske paralela; V-31. — eF

hagiograf-o: hagiographer. — DEFIS

hagiografi-o: hagiography. — DEFIS

hak-ar: (tr.) to chop, (rough) hew, cut up (with an axe or large cutting instrument), (cf. hachar); -achar: to hack; -(ad)o, -uro: chopping,hewing; a chop, cut; -isto: chopper, hewer; -ilo: a chopping instr. (as an axe); -il-eto: a small cutting instr.; hatchet; -ilo-stroko stroke of an axe; -il-uyo: axe-holder, -case; -o-kultelo: cleaver, chopping-knife. — DeFIS

hal-o: a large room of considerable size; (merkato-) market, public place, ordinarily covered, where marketing is carried on; -vend-isto: market-, stall-keeper; -o-taxo: market-dues; linguo di la -i: (fig.) Billingsgate (language). — DeFS

halbard-o: halbard. — DEFIRS

halofit-o*: (bot.) halophyte. — DE

halogen-o*: (chem.) halogen. — DEF

halon-o*: halo (as around moon, head, etc.).

halt-ar: (intr.) to (make a) halt, stop; -igar: to cause (ulu) to halt; to stop (ulo); -ig-ilo: a stopping instr., a catch; -ez: (command.) halt! stop there! that will do! — DEFI

halter-o: dumb-bell; -agar, exercar su per -i: to do d. b. exercises. — FIS

halucin-ar: (intr.) to have hallucinations, to delude (su); -igar: to cause h.s in (ulu); to affect with visions or imaginary perceptions. — DEFIRS

halux-o*: hallux, great toe of foot.

hamadriad-o*: (myth.) hamadryad, woodnymph.

hamak-o: hammock. — EFRS

hamstr-o: (zool.) hamaster (Cricetus). — DEFRS

han-o: a fowl, hen or cock; (fusil-) cock (of a gun or pistol); -ulo: cock, rooster (cf. pultro); -ino: hen; -yuno: pullet; -yun-eto: chicken; -ulo-kres-to: comb of a cock. — DE

hano-lakt-o: mulled-egg, egg-flip. Def.: Drinkajo ek vitelo quirlita en varma aquo sukrizita; V-621.

hanch-o: hip (of persons), haunch, hind-quarter (of animals); -o-flexar: to bend at the hips. — DEFIS

handikap-ar: (tr., in sports and fig.) to handicap. — DEFIRS.

hangar-o: shed (esp. for vehicles), outhouse; (aviation) hangar. Def.: Tekto pozita sur fosti o pilastri; II-709. — DeF

hans-o: Hanse-town; -ala: Hanseatic. — DEFIRS

har-o: a hair (of a person's head; cf. pilo); -aro: hair (collect.); -oza: hairy; -treso: hair-plait, pigtail, queue; -o-pelo: scalp; -ar-acho: mop, shock of hair; -dik-eso: a hair's breadth; long-hara; long haired. — DE

hard-a: (also fig.) hard, tough, indurate; -igar: to harden (ulu, ulo); to temper (iron, etc.); (fig.) to indurate, toughen, inure; -ig-uro: temper (of metals); -eso: hardness. Ex.: Fero esas metalo tre harda. Ovo harde koquita. Lito harda. Hardigar sua korpo. Havar harda kordio (fig.). Kavalo kun harda boko. Ant.: mola. — DE

harem-o: harem; -an-ino: woman of h. — DEFIRS

haring-o: (ich.) herring; -o fum-izita: smoked h.; -o-bando: shoal of h. — DEFIS

harmoni-ar: (intr., lit. and fig.) to be in harmony (kun); -igar: to harmonize (ulo); -ala, -alo: harmonic (sound). — DEFRS

harmonik-a*: (math.) harmonic(al) (proportion, division).

harmonik-o: (mus. instr.) harmonica. — DEFIRS

harmonium-o: (mus. instr.) harmonium. — DEFIRS

harnes-o: harness (as of a horse); -izar: to harness; -aro: (horse-) trappings, sen- -igar: to unharness. — DEFS

harp-o: (mus. instr.) harp. — DEFIRS

harpi-o: (myth.) harpy. — DEFIRS

harpun-o: harpoon; -agar: (tr.) to. h. — DEFRS

hashish-o: hashish. — DEFIRS

hast-ar: (intr.) to hasten, make haste; -igar: to hurry (ulu, ulo, su); to press, push forward expedite; (cf. acelerar, plu-rapid-igar, avancar); -oz-ege: precipitously. Ex.: hastigar la pazo, la progreso di ulo. Il departis hastoze. Il ekiris, ma sen hasto. — DEF

hau-o: (agri.) hoe; -agar: (tr.) to h.; -eto, plata -o: mattock. Def.: Instrumento fera kun ligna mancho, por exkavar la tero; la fera parto esas larja, plata e tranchanta, kun aristo en plano perpendikla a la mancho; VI-533. — DeF

haul-ar: (tr., nav.) to haul, heave in (cf. tirar); to tow; -voyo: tow-path; -ar la kanoto ye bordo: haul the boat on board; -ar sur kord(eg)o: to haul, pull upon a rope; -ar navo: to tow a ship; -ar kord(eg)o ad su, ad ulu: to haul in a rope. — DEFIS

hav-ar: (tr.) to have (ulo: money, occasion, motive, time, etc.; N.B. not to be used as verbal auxiliary); -aj-o, -i: property, possessions, what one is worth. — DEFIS

hazard-o: (hap-)hazard, luck, chance, something uncertain and unplanned; -e: by chance, casually, accidentally, perchance; -ala: accidental, fortuitous; -o-ludo: game of chance; -e trovar: to find or meet unexpectedly; ye la -o di la menuo: pot-luck; ne fidez a -o: do not trust to chance; se vu -e trovos il bon-humora: if perchance you find him in good humour. — DEFRS

he! (interj.) hey! eh!

(la) Hebre-a (linguo): the Hebrew (language); -a, -ala: Hebrew, Hebraic; -ismo, -ajo: Hebraism; -isto: Hebraist; (cf. Izrael-ido, Judo).

heder-o: (bot.) ivy (Hedera). — ISL

hederace-o*: (bot.) ground-ivy (Glechoma hederacea). — L

hef-o: yeast, leaven. — D

heg-o: hedge, hedgerow. Def.: Barilo o klozilo (cirkum agro) formacita ek arbusti; IV-204. — DEF

hegemoni-o: hegemony. Def.: Speco di dominaco o prepondero di un naciono inter altri (historial e politikal termino); III-603. — DEFIRS

heg-roz-o: (bot.) dog-rose (Rosa canina); -iero: sweet-brier, eglantine.

hejir-o: hegira (Mohammedan). — DEFIRS

hekatomb-o: (lit. and fig.) hecatomb. — DEFIRS

hektar-o: hectare, 2.47 acres. — DEFIRS

hektik-a: (med.) hectic. — DEFIS

hektograf-ar: (tr.) to hectograph, to mimeograph. — DEF

hektogram-o: hectogram: 3.527 oz., avdp. — DEFIRS

hektolitr-o: hectoliter: 22.01 imperial galls; 26.417 U.S. galls. — DEFIRS

hektometr-o: hectometer: about 328 ft. — DEFIRS

helebor-o: (bot.) hellebore (genus: Helleborus); -o verda, fetida, nigra: green, stinking, black (species of) h. — EFISL

Helen-a*, -ala: Hellenic; -ismo, -ajo: Hellenism; -isto: Hellenist.

heli-o*: (chem.) helium. — DEFIRS

heliant-o: (bot.) helianthus, sun-flower (genus: Helianthus). — eFIS

helic-o: (arch., geom.) helix; (of a ship) propeller; (bot.) tendril; -o-navo: screw-ship; -atra: helicoid, winding, spiral; (cf. helicoida); -o-resorto: spiral spring, coiled spring. — eFIS

helicoid-a*: helicoid, spiral (cf. helic-atra).

helik-o: snail (family: Helicidæ). — L

helikopter-o: (aeron.) helicopter. — EFIRS

heliocentr-ala*: heliocentric. — DEF

heliograb-ar: (tr., photo, engr.) to make heliogravures. — EFIS

heliometr-o*: (astr. instr.) heliometer. — DEFIRS

helioskop-o: (astr. instr.) helioscope. — DEFIRS

heliostat-o*: heliostat. — DEFIRS

heliotrop-o: (bot.) heliotrope (genus: Heliotropium). — DEFIRS

helix-o: (anat.) helix. — EFIS

"heiler" (pl. -i): heller, Austrian coin; 0.2 cent.

helm-o: (ancient) helmet. Def.: Specala formo di kasko (mezevala e blazonala); IV-78. — DeFIS

help-ar: (tr.) to help, aid, assist (ulu, pri, por, ulo); -o: help, assistance (cf. sokursar); -anto, -ero, -isto: assistant, helper; (in composition) assistant-, under-; (on ships) mate; aide; -o-kirurgi-isto: assistant surgeon; -ilo, -ivo: (instrument, object which aids) aid, help, relief, assistance, auxiliary; -o-verbo: auxiliary verb; -ar ulu levar su (stac-eskar): to help someone to lift himself (to rise); kun la -o di Deo: with the help of God. — DE

hem-o: home; esar -e: to be at home; -o-dei: lares, home-gods; -rest-ema persono: domesticated, home-loving person; -facita, -bakita: home-made, -baked. V. exp.: La hemo povas esar ne kompleta domo, ma apartamento mikra e mem nur un chambro; lo esencala esas, ke on sentas ke ol esas personala "eseyo" (rezideyo), tote diferanta de chambri di hotelo o di lojeyo; I-411. — DEF

hematit-o: (min.) hematite, bloodstone. — DEFIRS

hemerokal-o: (bot.) day-lily (genus: Hemerocallis). — eFIS

hemiop-a*: (med.) hemianoptic; -eso: hemianopsia, hemiopsy. — EF

hemiplegi-o*: (med.) hemiplegia. — DEF

hemipter-o: (ent.) hemipter. — DEFIS

hemistik-o: (verse) hemistich. — DEFIS

hemoglobin-o*: hemglobin, haemoglobin. — DEF

hemoptizi-o*: (med.) haemoptysis, blood expectoration. — DEF

hemoragi-o*: (med.) hemorrhage. — DEF

hemoroid-o, -i: (med.) hemorrhoid(s), pile(s). — DEFIRS

hepat-o: (anat.) liver; -ala: hepatic; pasteto de grasa -i: pate de foie gras, potted goose livers. — DeFIS

hepatik-o: (bot.) liverleaf, hepatica (Hepatica). — EFIS

hepatit-o*: (med.) hepatitis, inflammation of the liver; (min.) hepatite, liver stone. — DEF

heptaedr-o*: (geom.) heptahedron. — DEF

heptagon-o*: (geom.) heptagon. — DEF

herald-o: herald. — DEFIRS

herb-o: herb, a plant which does not have a woody stem (cf. herboro); -aji: herbage; (fig.) grass (cf. gazono); -ala, -atra, -oza: herbaceous, herby, grassy; herbo-stip-eto: a blade of grass; mala -o: weed. — EFIS

herbari-o: herbarium, classified collection of dried plants. — DEFIRS

herbivor-a, -o: herbivorous (animal). Def.: Herbo-manj-anta, -anto. — DEFIS

herbor-o: (medicinal) herb; -isto: herbalist. Def.: Medicinala planto sikigita o preparita (en la formo en qua ol vendesas da herboristo); VI-213. — DEFIS

herd-o: hearth, fireplace, hearthstone; floor or bottom of an oven. — De

hered-ar: (tr.) to inherit, be the heir to (ulo, de ulu); -o: (act) inheriting; -ajo: heritage (estate), inheritance, heirloom, legacy; -anto, -into: inheritor; heir; -ala, -ita: hereditary; sen- -ant-eso: escheat (cf. re-version-ar). Ex.: Heredar havajo de gepatri; Lua sola heredajo esis nobla nomo. — EFIS

herezi-o: heresy; -ano: heretic; -ala, -ana: heretical. — DEFIRS

heris-ar: (tr.) to bristle (up) (of hair, feathers, etc.); -o: bristling; (med.) horripilation; -ita: bristled, bristly; (fig.) hirsute, prickly; -igar la hari: to make one's hair stand on end. — FS

herison-o: (zool.) hedgehog (genus: Erinaceus). — FS

Herkul-o: (pr. and fig.) Hercules; -ala, -atra: Herculean. — DEFIRS

hermafrodit-a, -o: hermaphrodite. — DEFIRS

hermetik-a: hermetic(al). — DEFIRS

herni-o: (surg.) hernia. — DEFIS

hero-(ul)o: hero; -ajo: act of heroism; -komika: mock-heroic. — DEFIRS

heron-o: (orni.) heron (Ardea). — DEFI

heron-fonten-o: Hero's fountain.

herpet-o: (med.) herpes, tetter, shingles. — DEFIS

hers-o: (agri.) harrow; (fort.) portcullis (set with spikes); -agar: (tr.) to h. — F

heterodox-a: heterodox. Ant.: ortodoxa. — DEF

heterogen-a: heterogeneous. — DEFIRS

heterosexual-a: heterosexual.

hexaedr-o: (geom.) hexahedron. — DEF

hexagon-o*: (geom.) hexagon. — DEF

hexagram-o: (geom.) hexagram. — DEFIS

hexametr-o: (verse) hexameter. — DEFIRS

hezit-ar: (intr.) to hesitate, falter, be doubtful; -igar: to cause (ulu) to h.; -anta, -ema: hesitant, irresolute, faltering. Ex.: Il hezitas inter deziro e shamo. Hezitar avan danjero. Karaktero hezitema. Hezitanta voco, respondo. — DEFI

hiacint-o: (bot., min.) hyacinth. — DEFIRS

hiat-o: (gram. and fig.) hiatus. — DEFIRS

hibrid-a, -o: hybrid, mongrel (cf. mestica, mulata); -ifar: to produce h. offspring; -igo: hybridization. Def.: Animali e planti qui venas de mixo di du speci; V-33. Ex.: Mulo esas hibrido de kavalino ed asnulo. — DEFIRS

hid-o*: (chem. nomenclature) hydrogen (cf. hidrogeno); -o-peroxo: hydrogendioxide, peroxide.

"hidalgo": hidalgo: Spanish nobleman of lower class. — DEFIRS

hidr-o: (myth., astron.) Hydra; (zool.) hydrophis, a genus of fresh water polyps. — DEFIRS

hidrat-o*: (chem.) hydrate. — DEFIS

hidraulik-o: hydraulics. — DEFIRS

hidrocefal-eso: (med.) hydrocephalus, water on the brain; -o: (person) afflicted with h. — DEF

hidrodinamik-o: hydrodynamics. — DEFIRS

hidrofobi-o: (med.) hydrophobia. — DEFIRS

hidrogen-o: (cheem., common term) hydrogen (cf. hido). — DEFIRS

hidrograf-o: hydrographer. — DEFIS

hidrografi-o: hydrography. — DEFIS

hidroliz-o: (chem.) hydrolysis. — DEFIS

hidrologi-o: hydrology. — DEFIS

hidromanci-o: hydromancy. — DEFIS

hidromekanik-o*: hydromechanics. — DEFIS

hidrometr-o: hydrometer. — DEFIRS

hidrometri-o: hydrometry. — DEFIRS

hidropati-o: hydropathy. — DEFIRS

hidrops-o: (med.) dropsy; -ika, -iko: dropsical (person). — DEFIS

hidroquinon-o*: (chem.) hydroquinone. — DEFIS

hidroskop-o: bletonist, finder of springs. — DFIRS

hidroskopi-o: bletonism, art of finding under-water sources. — DFIRS

hidrostatik-o: hydrostatics. — DEFIRS

hidroterapi-o: hydrotherapeutics. — DEFIRS

hien-o: (zool.) hyena; -o stri-oza: striped h. (Hyaena striata). — DEFIRS

hier-e: (adv.) yesterday; -a: of y.; -e matine: yesterday (in the) morning; la -a dio: yesterday; pre-hiere: (on the) day before yesterday; sep dii pos hiere: in a week. — FIS

hierarki-o: hierarchy. — DEFIRS

hieratik-a: hieratic (writing, etc.). — DEFIRS

hieroglif-o: hieroglyph. — DEFIRS

"high life"*: high life, life among the aristocracy or the rich.

higien-o: hygiene. V. exp.: vid. salubra. — DEFIRS

higrometr-o: hygrometer. — DEFIRS

higrometri-o: hygrometry. — DEFIRS

higroskop-o: hygroscope. — DEF

hik-e: here, in this place; -a, -ala: here, this; -e ube: here where; ad exter hike! out of here! away with you! for hike: far distant from here; tra hike: through here, this way; venez adhike: come here, hither; til hike: (un)to here; hike apude: near here; hike interne: here within. — L

hil-o: (bot.) hilum, hile. — EFIS

hilot-o: (Spartan) helot. — DEFIRS

himen-o*: (anat., bot.) hymen. — DEFIS

himene-o*: hymeneal, a marriage song. — DEFIRS

himenopter-a, -o: (entom.) hymenopter(al). — DEFIRS

himn-o: hymn; -aro, -o-libro: hymnal, h. book. — DEFIRS

hioid-o*: (anat.) hyoid (bone). — EFIS

hip-ar: (intr.) to have the hiccoughs, to hiccup. — S

hipalag-o: (gram., rhet.) hypallage. — DEFIS

hiperbat-o: (gram.) hyperbaton. Def.: Figuro di retoriko konsistanta en renverso di l'ordino dil vorti; VI-135. — DEFIS

hiperbol-o: (rhet.) hyperbole; (math.) hyperbola. — DEFIRS

hiperboloid-o*: (geom.) hyperboloid. — DEFIRS

hiperbore-o: a Hyperborean. — DEF

hipermetrop-a*: hypermetropic; far sighted; -eso: hypermetropia. — DEFS

hipertrofi-ar: (tr.) to cause hypertrophy to; to develop to an unusual or abnormal degree; -o, -eso: hypertrophy. Ant.: atrofiar. — DEFIES

hipnot-ar: (intr.) to be in a hypnotic state; -o: (state) hypnosis; -igar: to hypnotize (ulu); -igo: hypnotization; -ismo: hypnotism (doctrine); -ig-ato: person hypnotized. — DEFIRS

hipocikloid-o*: (geom.) hypocycloid. — DEFIRS

hipodrom-o: hippodrome. — DEFIRS

hipofiz-o*: (anat.) hypophysis, pituitary gland. — DEFIRS

hipogastr-o*: (anat.) hypogastrium. — DEFIS

hipoge-o: (anc. arch.) hypogeum. — DEFI

hipogrif-o: (myth.) hippogriff, winged horse. — DEFIRS

hipokamp-o: (ich. genus) hippocampus. — EFIS

hipokondr-o: (anat.) hypochondrium. — DEFIRS

hipokondri-o: (med.) hypochondria; -ika,-iko: hypochondriac. — DEFIRS

hipokrit-a: hypocritical; -(ul)o: hypocrite, dissembler; -eso: hypocrisy; -ajo: act of h., imposture; -esar: to be a h.; -agar: to act the h.; (dolce) to wheedle. — DEFIRS

hipopotam-o: (zool.) hippopotamus. — DEFIRS

hipostaz-o: (theol.) hypostasis. — DEFIR

hipotek-o: mortgage, hypothec; -izar: to m. (ulo), to hypothecate. — DeFIRS

hipotenuz-o: (geom.) hypotenuse. — DEFIRS

hipotez-o: hypothesis. — DEFIRS

hipsometr-o*: hypsometer. — DEFIS

hipsometri-o: hypsometry, measurement of heights. — DEFIS

hirund-o: (orni.) swallow (family: Hirundinidæ'); -o-kaud-atra: swallow-tailed; (carp.) dove-tailed. — FISL

his-ar: (tr., nav.) to hoist, raise, haul up (sails), to run up (a signal, a flag); -ar su: (fig.) to raise oneself, hoist oneself, get up. — DeFIS

hiskiam-o: (bot.) henbane (genus: Hyoscyamus). — FI

hisop-o: (bot.) hyssop. — DEFIRS

Hispan-ala: Hispanic.

histeri-o: (med.) hysteria, hysterics; -ika, -iko: hysteric (person). — DEFIRS

histerotomi-o*: (surg.) dissection of the womb; Caesarian operation. — DEF

histologi-o: histology. — DEFIRS

histori-o: history; -isto, -ero: historian; pre- -ala: immemorial. — EFIRS

historiograf-o*: historiographer: official historian of a prince or state. — DEFIRS

histrion-o: (antiq.) histrion, stage player. — DeFIS

hivernar: (intr. of animals and persons) to hibernate, to winter (cf. estivar); (milit.) to go into winter quarters. — eFIS

ho! Oh! ho! (denoting pain, sorrow, regret); ho there! holla! (nav.) ahoy; ho! ho! heyday! dear me! bless my soul! ho la rejino desfortunoza! oh, unfortunate queen!

hoboy-o: (mus., instr.) hautboy, oboe. — DeFIRS

hodometr-o: (vehicle) hodometer, speedometer; (for persons) pedometer; (pazo-kont-ilo). Def.: Instrumento por mezurar la disti paririta da (1) rotvehilo, (2) marchanto. — DeFIS

hok-o: hook; -oza, -atra: curved, crooked, hooked, bent; porto-hoko: porter's h., cargo-handler's h.; labio-barbo hok-oza: curling mustache; -e fors-ar: (tr.) to pick (a lock). — DE

hok-oid-o*: (anat.) unciform (bone).

hold-o: (nav.) hold (of a ship). — E

hola*: holla! hallo!

holograf-a: holographic: -a testamento: will written in testators own hand. — DEFIS

holokaust-o: (also fig.) holocaust, burnt offering. Def.: Sakrifiko en qua la viktimo esis tote kombustata; IV-79 — EFIS

holoturi-o: (zool.) holothurian: a kind of water polyp (genus: Holothuria), trepang, beche de mer. — DEFIRS

hom-o: (species, inclusive of both sexes) man, a human being, person; -i: people, men and women; -aro: mankind, humanity (collect.); -ulo: a male (cf. viro, maskulo); -ino: woman (cf. muliero); -a, -ala: human; -eso: humanity, quality or condition of being human (cf. human-eso); -ale: humanely (possible, etc.); -igar: to humanize, to make human; -ach-ulo: a sorry fellow, wretch, a nobody; hom-ocid-ar: to murder; hom-in-odi-anto: misogynist. — eFIS

homaj-ar: (tr.) to do (or pay, render) homage to (a prince, a sovereign); (fig.) to pay one's respects to (ulu); homajar la vertuo: to pay h. to virtue; facar homajo a la mortinti: to render honor to the dead. — EFI

homard-o: lobster (genus: Homarus). — DFL

homeopati-o: homeopathy; -isto: homeopathist. — DEFIRS

homeosexual-a: (med.) homosexual. — DEF

Homer-ala, -atra (rido, e.c.): Homeric.

homili-o: homily, sermon (cf. prediko). — DEFIS

homogen-a: homogeneous; -eso: homogeneity. — DEFIRS

homolog-a: (geom., biol., chem.) homologous. — DEFIRS

homonim-a: homonymous. — DEFIRS

honest-a: honest, fair and straightforward in conduct, thought, etc., free from deceit or fraud, upright, worthy; -eso: honesty, probity, integrity, uprightness. — EFIS

honor-o: honor; -ala: honorary (guard, etc.); -inda: worthy of h.; -oza: honorable, full of h.; -iz-anta, -iva: honorary, honorific; -izar: to h., pay h. to (ulu, per ulo); -izar su: to do oneself the h., esteem it an h., take pride in; honor-promiso, -parolo, -juro: word of h.; (milit.) parole; -legiono: Legion of Honor; -kazo, -skrupulo: a point of honor; -afero: an affair of h.; -menciono: honorable mention; -um-ala: honorary: intended merely to confer h.; possessing a title or place without performing the duties of the position, IV-163; as honor-um-ala profesoro: honorary (titular) professor; sen-honor-igar: to dishonor, deprive of h. — EFIS

honorari-o: honorarium, fee, emolument. Def.: Salario di la "liberal arti" (advokato, medicinisto, e.c.); IV-163. — DEFIRS

hop! hop! jump! go!

hoplit-o: (antiq.) hoplite. — DEFIRS

hor-o: hour, the twenty-fourth part of a day; (cf. kloko); -ala: horal; -ope: hourly, by the h.; -quar-imo: a quarter of an h. — eFIS

Hori: (Gr. rel.) Horæ, the three goddesses of the seasons.

hord-o: horde, a nomadic group; (fig.) crowd, band, pack. — DEFIRS

horde-o: (bot.) barley (Hordeum); -grano: a grain of b.; (fig., med.) stye; -sukro: b. sugar. — L

horizont-o: (also fig.) horizon; -ala: horizontal; -alo: (geom.) horizontal line. — DEFIRS

horloj-o: clock, time-piece; -ala: horologic; -eto, posh-horlojo: a watch; (ri-) tensar -o: to wind the c.; kontre-horloje: backwards (on a dial); against the clock. — eFIS

hornblend-o: (min.) hornblende, amphibole. — DEF

hornis-o: (ent.) hornet (Vespa crabro). — De

horor-ar: (intr.) to feel dread mixed with detestation, to abhor, detest, loath, dread, have a horror of (pri, pro, ulu, ulo); -igar: to horrify, cause aversion to; -inda: horrible, horrid. V. exp.: vid. pavorar. — EFIS

horoskop-o: horoscope; facar la -o: to cast a person's nativity. — DEFIRS

hortensi-o: (bot.) hydrangea (Hydrangea Hortensia). — DFIRS

hospic-o: asylum, convalescent hospital, refuge (for the infirm, poor, aged, etc.); (as in the Alps) hospice, inn for travelers (kept by religious order). V. exp.: En hospitalo on kuracas maladi; en hospico on mantenas (longe, o mem por lia restanta vivo) oldi, infirmi, infanti, e.c. Malado konvalecanta povas ekirar hospitalo por enirar hospico; IV-136. — DeFIS

hospital-o: hospital (cf. ambulanco). V. exp. vid. hospico. — DEFIRS

host-o: host, one who receives or entertains a guest. — EFIRS

hosti-o: (C. rel.) host, consecrated wafer.

hotel-o: hotel (cf. albergo); -mastro: hotel-manager, -owner. — DEFR

"hozana": hosanna.

hu-o: (orni.) owl, particularly the white owl (Athene noctua); -eto: owlet; tawny owl, brown owl (Syrnium aluco, Strix aluco); -o nivea: snowy owl (Nyctea nivea); paser-huo: little owl (Glaucidium passerinum); sparvier-huo: hawk owl (Surnia ulula). (cf. IV-296). — F

huf-o: hoof; -forj-isto: farrier; -oza, -ozo: hoofed, ungulate. — DE

hugenot-o: Huguenot. — DEFIRS

hum! hem! hum!

human-a: humane, kind, compassionate, merciful; -(ul)-o: a h. person, humanitarian; -eso: humaneness, humanity; -isto: humanist, a student of the humanities; -ala, -ema: humanitarian; -ismo: humanism; -e: humanely; -igar: to humanize, render humane (cf. hom-igar). — DEFIRS

humer-o: (anat.) humerus. — EFIS

humid-a: humid, wet, damp, moist; -eso: (condition) humidity; -ajo: (object) the damp; -igar: to damp, moisten, wet. — EFIS

humil-a: humble, meek, lowly; -igar: to humble, humiliate, cast down. Def.: Qua basigas su vole, qua subordinas o submisas su (etikal senco). Per extenso, on darfas parolar pri gesti, paroli, agi, e social situeso humila, humil-iganta; III-226. V. exp. vid. diskreta. Ant.: superba. — EFIS

humor-o: (bona, mala) humor, temper, mood, disposition; (old physiol.) one of the four bodily fluids determining the temperament; nekonkordo di humori: incompatibility of temper(s); havar dolca -o: to have a sweet temper; esar en -o laborar: to be in a working h. V. Exp.: Humoro signifikas propre e primitive la liquidi di l'organismo, qui pleis tanta rolo en l'antiqua medicino; konseque e metafore la (bona o mala) mentala stando o tendenco (instantala, per qua ol distingesas de karaktero). Humuro esas speco di esprito, di ironio, qua expresas su en konversado ed en la rakonti; III-416. — EFIRS

humur-o: humor, humour, jocose imagination (less intellectual and more sympathetic than wit). V. Exp. vid. humoro. — DEFIRS

humus-o: humus, vegetable mould. — DEFIS

hund-o, -ulo, -ino: dog; -ala: canine; -yun-aro: litter of pups; parturar hund-yuni: to whelp, to pup. — DE

hundo-herb-o: dog-grass, couch-grass (Triticum repens).

hungr-ar, -eskar: (intr.) to be hungry (cf. apetitar); (fig.) to be eager, greedy; -oza: hungry; -eg-oza: famished; -igar: to make hungry, cause hunger; -eg-igar: to starve (ulu); -anta la glorio: greedy or eager of glory. — DEFI

hura! hurrah! hurray! hura-o: a hurrah, huzza. — DEFIRS

hurd-o: hurdle, a movable frame, as of wattled twigs, for folding sheep, gates, etc.; hurdle, an artificial barrier to be leaped. — De

husar-o: (milit.) hussar. — DEFIS


iamb-o: iambic, iambus. — DEFIRS

ibe: (adv.) there; ad-ibe: (with motion) thence; tra ibe: through there, that way; hike ed ibe: here and there; ibe fore: there at a distance; ibe infre: down there. Ex.: Ibe esas ube me lojas. Haltez ibe. — L

ibis-o: (orni.) ibis (subfamily: Ibidinæ). — DEFIRS

ic-a: see ca.

ide-o: idea; -ala: ideal; -alo: an ideal; -al-ismo: idealism; -al-igar: to idealize; -al-ist-a, -o: idealistic (person). — DEFIRS

ident-a: identical, the (self-) same; -eso: identity, sameness; -igar: to identify, to make identical (N.B. not used for persons: ri-konocar ulu kom ulu). Ex.: Me prestis a B. la sama libro kam ad A. (t.e. libro tote identa, un libro). La du propozicioni esas identa l'una a l'altra. — DEFIRS

ideografi-o: ideography; -ajo: idiom-graph, idiogram. — DEFIRS

ideologi-o: ideology. — DEFIRS

idili-o: (also fig.) idyl; -ala, -atra: idyllic. — DEFIRS

idiom-o: idiom, language of a people, tribe, etc.; (cf. idiotismo); -ala: idiomatic, vernacular, relative to a particular language; provincala (o lokala, o rurala) idiomo: patois (cf. dialekto, jargono, slango); la Franca idiomo: the French language. Def.: La linguo propra di ula naciono o regiono. — DEFIRS

idiot-a: idiotic, devoid of understanding; -(ul)o: idiot, natural fool; (for scientific discussion of meaning, cf. VI-243); -ajo: an idiotic act. — DEFIRS

idiotism-o: idiotism, idiom, an expression peculiar to itself in grammatical construction; an expression the meaning of which as a whole cannot be derived from the conjoined meanings of its elements; (cf. idiomo); -ala: idiomatic, relating to the grammatical construction of a sentence; (cf. idiom-ala). Dei.: Frazo ne komprenebla per logikal analizo; VI-192. Ex.: "How do you do" esas Angla idiotismo. — DEFIRS

idol-o: (also fig.) idol; -isto: idolater; -igar: to idolize; -kulto, -ismo: idolatry; -ista, -kult-ala: idolatrous. — DEFIRS

ig-ar: (tr.) to make, cause, render (= suffix -ig- used as an independent verb). Ex.: Igar B. dicar ulo ad A. Igar ulu savar ulo = savigar ulo da ulu. Igar ulu facar ulo = facigar ulo da ulu. Lu igis sua flechi (esar) venenoza. La rejo igis la generalo arestar la policestro.

ignor-ar: (tr.) to ignore, to refuse to notice; disregard wilfully; to overlook (ulu, ulo) intentionally. Def.: Ne volar savar; simular nesavar; VI-165. Ex.: Me savas ke altra faktori existas en la problemo, ma me ignoras li. Ignorar la prczenteso di ulu. — DEFIRS

iguan-o: (zool.) iguana (genus: Iguana). — DEFIRS

ikneumon-o: (ent.) ichneumon fly. — EFIS

ikon-o: (rel.) icon. — EFIRS

ikonogen-o*: (photog.) eikonogen. — DE

ikonografi-o: iconography. — DEFIRS

ikonoklast-o: iconoclast, image breaker; (fig.) one who attacks cherished beliefs as shams; a determined enemy of image worship. — DEFIRS

ikonometr-o*: (photog.) iconometer. — DEFIS

ikosaedr-o*: (geom.) icosahedron. — DEFIS

ikter-o: (med.) icterus: jaundice; -ika, -iko: (person) suffering from j. — DEFIS

iktiokol-o: ichthyocol(la), fish-glue, isinglass, a glue prepared from the sounds of fish. — DEFI

iktiosaur-o: (paleon.) ichthyosaur. — DEFIRS

il: (abbr. of ilu; accus. ilun) he; -i: they (masc.); ilua: his; ilia: their (masc.). Note: In order to show gender, il is sometimes prefixed to demonstrative and interrogative pronouns: ilca, ilta, ilqua, ilci, ilti, ilqui. Ex.: il veis kun ilua kuzi. Ili venis kun ilia kuzi. Pro quo vu prenas ilua libri? Lektez la vui e lasez la ilui (plu.) — FS

ileon-o: (anat.) ileum. — EFIS

ilex-o: holly; -iero: h. tree (Ilex aquifolium). — L

iliak-o*: hip-bone, pelvic-bone, coxa; -a, -ala: iliac(al). — EFIS

ilion-o*: (anat.) ilium. — EFISL

iliterat-a, -o: illiterate, unlettered (person). Def.: Qua savas nek lektar, nek skribar; VI-486. — EFIS

ilumin-ar: (tr.) to illuminate, decorate with festal lights or bonfires (cf. lumizar); (fig.) to enlighten the mind of (ulu); pregar Deo -ar vu: to pray to God to illuminate your mind; -(ad)o: illumination (as at a festival); -ismo: the principles of the illuminati; la -ati: the illuminati. — DEFIRS

ilustr-ar: (tr.) to illustrate, to provide or adorn (as a book with pictures); (cf. enluminar, klarigar, explikar); -uro: illustration (in a book, paper). — DEFIRS

iluzion-ar: (intr.) (cf. trompar), to be laboring under an illusion, delusion; -oza: full of delusions; -a: illusory (truly so); -ig-anta, -iva: delusive, illusive: which makes a delusion; -igar: to delude, deceive (ulu,su, pri ulo); bastono en aquo aspektas quale ruptita; co esas iluziono: a stick in water looks as if it were broken: it is an illusion. Def.: (iluziono) Eroro di la sensi o di la mento, qua igas konfundar la versimilajo por la realajo. — DEFIRS

imagin-ar: (tr.) to imagine, to form a notion, a mental image; -ajo: that which one imagines, fancy, conceit; -iva, -ema: imaginative. Ex.: On ne povas imaginar ulo plu extraordinara. Il havas vivaca imaginado. Mento imaginema. V. Exp.: vid. fantaziar. — EFIS

imaginar-a*: (math.) imaginary, impossible (quantity or expression). — DEFIRS

imaj-o: image, a visible representation of something; statue, effigy, picture, idol, etc.; a picture produced by reflection, refraction, etc.; a natural resemblance, likeness; a mental or printed picture. Ex.: La ikonoklasti kombatis kontre la kulto di imaji. Vidar sua imajo en l’aquo. Deo kreis la homo segun sua imajo (E. likeness); Esas bela imaji (E. pictures) en ca libro. — EFIS

iman-ar: (intr., philos.) to be immanent, to indwell; -anta: immanent, inherent. Ant.: (iman-anta) trancendanta. — DEFIS

imbast-ar: (tr., of tailors, seamstresses) to baste, to run or tack together (the different parts of a garment, cloth). Def.: Sutar per longa steburi e (ordinare) blanka filo, por pose probar; IV-167. — eFI

imbecil-a: imbecile, weak-minded. (For discussion of scientific meaning of this and related word, cf. VI-243. — DEFIS

imbib-ar: (tr.) to imbue, to permeate, soak in, drench (speaking of liquids); La pluvo imbibas la tero: the rain has soaked the ground; -ar sponjo per aquo: to soak a sponge (with water); (fig.) –ar la mento per opinioni eroroza: to imbue the mind with erroneous opinions. — DeFIS

imbrik-ar: (tr.) to imbricate, to overlap (ulo, per ulo); -o, -uro: imbricating, overlapping (as scales, tiles, shingles). — EFIS

imens-a: immense, immeasureable, vast. — E

imers-ar: (tr.) to immerge, immerse, to dip, plunge (ulo) into (a liquid); -o-quanto: (nav.) (ship’s) draught. V. exp.: Submersar esas plunjigar komlete en (sub) l’aquo; diferas do de imersar, qua esas plunjigar nur parte; on imersas omna navi kande on lansas oli, ma nur poka e specala navi esas submersebla; altri (salvo-bateli) esas kontree nesubmersebla; IV-231. — DEFIS

imit-ar: (tr.) to imitate, endeavor to copy or resemble (ulu, ulo); -(ad)o, -uro: imitating, imitation; -ajo: the model or object which is imitated; -achar: to ape, mimic. Ex.: Imitar la signaturo, la manieri, la agi di ulu. Juveli imitita (E. imitation jewels) (cf. kontrafaktar). — DEFIRS

imobl-o, -i: (jur.) immovables, realty, real estate, chattels real, (permanent) fixtures. Def. : Nemovebla havaji (domi, agri, e.c.); II-75. — DeFIS

imol-ar*: (tr.) to immolaite, offer or kill as a sacrificial victim. Ex.: Agamemmon imolis sua filiino por la interesto generala di la Greki. — EFI

imortel-o: (plant, flower) immortelle, everlasting flower. — DEFR

imped-ar: (tr.) to impede, hinder, prevent; -o, -ivo: hindrance, hitch, impediment; (elec.) impedance; -ili, -ivi: impedimenta; sen- -a: unimpeded. Ex. Impedar ulu faca ulo. Impedar l'enemiko transirar la rivero. Impedo a l'exekuto du ula projecto. Impedivo en sua parolado. — EFIS

impera-ar: (tr.) to order, direct, enjoin, bid, command (N.B. not military); (fig.) to rule, have sway (cf. dominacar, guvernar, regnar); -ema: imperious; -vorto: word of command; Ex.: La patrulo imperis a sua filio departar. Devos imperas a me. V. exp.: vid. komandar. — eFIS

imperativ-o: (gram. philos.) imperative. — DEFIS

imperator-o: (Rom. hist.) imperator. Def. : Komandanto di antiqua Romana armeo; VI-213. — DEFIRS

imperfekt-o: (gram.) imperfect (tense). — DEFIS
imperi-o: empire, slate ruled by an emperor; -ala: imperial, relating to an e.; -al-ismo: imperialism; -al-ist-a, -o: imperialist(ic); -estro: emperor; -estr-ino: empress; -estr-ata: imperial, relating to an emperor. — DEFIRS

impertinent-a: impertinent, saucy, pert. V. exp.: Impertinenta esas nepolita o senrespekta. Insolenta esas, pluse, insulentema od ofensema. kun nuanco du superbeso; II-647. — DEFIS

impetu-o: (of things) violence, fury; -em-eso: (of persons) impetuous, vehemence, boisterousness; -oza, -ema: impetuous, headlong, violent; la -o di la tempesto: the violence of the tempest; -em-eso di yuneso: impetuosness of youth; -oza deziri: vehement desires: iraco -oza: violent anger. — EFIS

implicit-a: implicit, implied, tacitly comprised; to esas kontenata en la kontrato en maniero implicita: this is implied in the contract; libera volo esas la kondiciono implicita di responsiveso elikala: free-will is an implicit condition of moral reponsibility. — DEFIS

implik-ar: (tr. log..) to imply, to involve by inference; -o, -ajo: implication, inference; -ar kontre-dico: to imply or involve a contradiction: l'ideo di la homo implikas l'idei di inteligenteso ed arbitrio: the idea of a man implies ideas of intelligence and free will.. — EFIRS

implora-ar: (tr.) to implore. V. exp. : Suplikar esas pregegar humile. Implorar adjuntas a suplikar l'ideo di emociganta moyeni, aparte (segun l'etimologio) di la ploro; II-646. — EFIS

import-ar: (intr.) to have import, be of importance or consequence; to matter, signify, concern; -as: (impersonal) it is necessary; -o: import, importance, consequence; -anta: important; -anto: person of importance; -ajo: important thing or matter; to nemulte (o poke) importas a me: that is of little consequence; sen- -a: insignificant; importas irar: it is necessary to go; ne -as ube me esas: no matter where i am; l'importo di l'afero: the importance of an affair; -anta okaziono, persono: important occasion, person. — EFIRS

importac-ar: (tr., com.) to import (goods). Ant.: exportacar. — DEFIRS

impost-ar: (tr.) to tax (ulu, ulo); -(ad)o, -uro: taxation; impost, excise, duty; -o-kolekt-isto: t.-gatherer, -collector; -o person-ala: personal t., poll-tax; sal- -o: duty on salt. V. exp.: Taxar esas kalkular quanto de imposto pagenda; impostar esas igar taxito pagar ica sumo. Taxuro ed imposturo havas la sama senco. Ex.: La guvernerio taxas ula importacajo ye procento di 20 po cento, la dogan-kolektisto direte impostas ica 20 po cento. — DEFI

impotent-a: (med. and fig.) impotent. — DEFIRS

impoz-ar: (tr.) to impose (ulo ad ulu); -ar su: to obtrude oneself; -esar to be incumbent (ad); -ar ulo a su: to impose something on one self; -anta, -iva: imposing, commanding, striking. Ex.: La vinkinto impozas severa kondicioni a la vinkiti. Impozar puniso, taco, respekto. Ceremonio impozanta. — DEFIS

impregn-ar: (tr.) to impregnate, to fecundate; (fig.) to imbue. — DEFIS

imprek-ar: (intr.) to imprecate, to invoke evil on a person, to curse (kontre ulu); (cf. maledikar). EFIS

impres-ar: (tr., materially and morally) to impress, make an impression on (ulo), to move, affect (ulu); (cf. imprimar); -o, -uro: impression, imprint; -ata: (bone, male) impressed. — DEFIS

impresari-o: (theat.) impresario. — DEFIRS

impresion-o: (paint., lit.) an impressionist work; -ismo: impressionism; -isto: impressionist. Def.: Artala verko, qua tendencas expresar o reprezentar l'impresi recevita da l'artisto de la naturo o de la temo; VI-323. — DEFIR

imprim-ar: (tr.) to print (a book, paper, etc.); -o, -uro: printing; (im)print: -ala: typographical; -erio: printing establ.; -eyo: printing office; -mashino: printing press; -proburo: proof (-sheet). — eFIS

improviz-ar: (tr.) to improvise, to compose, recite, sing, etc., extemporaneously; to extemporize; to make, do, or provide offhand; -e; -ata, -ita: extemporized, impromptu. — DEFIRS

impuls-ar: (tr., phys. and moral) to give impetus to, to impel; -o: impetus, impulse; -anta, -iva: impelling, impulsive; kuglo -ita da pulvero: bullet impelled by powder; cedar a l'impulso dil volo di stranjero: to yield to the influence of a stranger's will. — DEFIRS

imput-ar: (tr.) to impute, ascribe; (cf. akuzar, atributar); ne imputez mea taco ad ulo ecepte a manko di tempo: do not impute (attribute) my silence to anything except lack of time; me ne imputas mea desfortuno a vu: I do not impute my misfortunes to you; imputo kalumnioza: a caluminous imputation. — DEFIS

imun-a: immune (de); -igar: to render i. — DEFIRS

inanicion-o: inanition. Del.: Febleso efektigita da manko de nutrivi. DEFIS

inat-a: innate, inborn, inbred; -a idei: innate ideas. — EFIS

inaugur-ar: (tr., all senses) to inaugurate. DEFIRS

incendi-ar: (tr.) to set fire to; to burn down (maliciously); -anto, -ero: incendiary (person); -o pre-medit-ita: arson.

incens-o: incense, frankincense; -iz-ilo: censer. — EFIS

incest-ar: (intr.) to commit incest. — DEFIRS

«inch»: inch: 2.54 cm.

incid-ar: (tr. phys. and gen.) to impinge upon, fall upon or affect; -ala angulo: angle of incidence. Ex. Radio incidanta. L'incido di l'imposto. — EFIS

incident-a: incidental, causal; -o: incident, occurence; -a fraz-eto: a sub-ordinate, a parenthetic clause. — DEFIS

incit-ar: (tr) to incite, to spur or urge on (ulu, ad ulo); (cf. instigar); -etar: to plague, pester; -o: incitement, incentive; (med.) stimulus. Ex.: Incitar la populo revoltar. Ica pensi incitis il a la venjo. — DEFIS

inciz-ar: (tr.) to incise, to cut in or into (cf. tranchar); -o, -uro: incision, gash, cut, slash; -iva: (also fig.) incisive; -ivo, -iva dento: incisor (tooth). — EFIS

indemn-o: indemnity, recompense; -izar: to indemnify, compensate, recoup. Def.: Kompensal pekunio donita pro domajo, e.c.; II-75 — DEFIS

index-o: index, table of contents of a book; hand of a dial, etc.: (R.C. church) forbidden books; (of Bible) concordance; (cf. indik-fingro). — DEFIS

indic-o: indication, sign, token, mark, clue; -i tromp-anta: deceitful tokens; maligna parolado esas -o di mala kordio: an evil tongue is a sign of a bad heart; (math.) -o di radik-alo: index of a root; -o di refrakto: (opt.) index of refraction. Del. Fakto donanta la certeso o probableso di altra fakto. — DeFIS

indicion-o* : indiction, cycle of 15 years. — DEFIS

indien-o: (fabric) cotton print, printed calico, chintz. — DFS

indiferent-a: indifferent, unconcerned, immaterial; (of persons) cold, unmindful, insensible. Ex.: Sive ni selektas ca voyo sive l'altra, to esas indiferent a me. Il esas indiferent a la laudo ed a la kritiko. Indiferenteso pri temi religiala. — DEFIS

indig-o: (dye and color) indigo; -iero, -o-planto: i.plant. — DEFIRS

indign-ar: (intr.) to be indignant; -igar: to rouse the indignation of; -ig-anta: revolting, shoking; -o-klamo: out-cry, hue and cry. Ex.: Il indignas pro la deyusteso di homi. Desyusteso indignigas il. Eruptar pro indigno. — DEFIRS

indij-ar: (tr) to be destitute and in need of (ulo); -o, -eso, -ego; indigence, poverty, penury, want, -anto: necessitous, person; pauper. Def.: Indijo esas la stando di homo indiganta la maxim necesa kozi. (fig.) Indijo di idei. (cf. karear). Ant. : (indijanta) richa. — EFIS

indik-ar: to indicate, to show or point out, denote, designate (ulo ad ulu); -o, -ajo: indication (cf. indico; -fingro: index finger, forefinger.) — EFIS

indikativ-o: (gram.) indicative (mood). — DEFIS

indikator-o: (tech. chem.) indicator, gauge. — DEFIS

individu-o: individual, single person, animal or thing; -ala: individual; -eso: individuality, character peculiar to an individual; -al-eso: individuality, sum of characteristic traits; -ale: individually, in an i. or distinct manner, (cf. single); -al-igar: to individualize, render i.; -al-ismo: individualism; -isto: individualist.— DEFIRS

indolent-a: indolent, slothful, sluggish, lazy, nonchalant; -igar: to render i. Def.: Expresas nelaboremeso qua venas de la mental karaktero, de speco di moleso o deskurajo, II-19. Ant. : ag-iva, -ema; vivaca, impetuoza, diligenta. — DEFIS

indukt-ar: (tr., log.) to induce, to reach (a general conclusion) by inference from a number of individual cases; (phys.) to induce, to influence without direct contact; (phys. log.) induction, inference. — DEFIRS

induktor-o*: (elec.) inductor. — DEFIRS

indulg-ar: (tr.) to be indulgent to, make allowance for, forbear to inflict, spare; (cf. komplezar, absolvar); -anta, -ema: indulgent, lenient. Def.: Dispenar de puniso meritita; IV-562. Ant.: (esar) severa. —EFIS

induljenc-o*: (eccl.) indulgence —DEFIS

indult-o*: (eccl.) indult, dispensation granted by the Pope. —DEFIS

industri-o: industry: business employing much capital and labor. —DEFIRS

indut-ar: (tr.) to coat, to over with, (be)daub, smear, to paint (with one color); -o, -uro: coat(ing), a soft or liquid covering; -ar muro per gipsajo: to coat a wall with plaster; -ar per gudro: to tar (cf. gudr-izar); la puero indutis sua kayero per inko: the child blotted (bedaubed) his blank book with ink. —F

inert-a: (phys., mental) inert, sluggish; -eso: inertia; -a maso: an i. mass; -a mento: a dull mind. —EFIRS

infalibl-a: infallible, not liable to fail, decieve, or disappoint, unfailing, certain; (cf. ne fali-iva, ne-eror-iva); lua ruino esas -a: his ruin is certain; remediilo -a: i remedy; -a evidentajo, suceso: i. evidence. success. (N.B. not to be used for «infallible»: not capabable of erring). —DEFIS

infam-a: infamous; -ig-anta: degrating. Ant.: honor-iz-anta, glori-oza. —DEFIS

infant-o: infant; young child up to seven years of age; -eto: baby; -acho: brat; -ala, -atra: infantile, childlike; -eso: infancy, childhood; -eskar: to become childish; -alajo: childish act: -eso du-esma: dotage (cf. radotar); -ocido: infanticide. —EFIS

«infallible»: infanta, infante. Def.: Rej-ido en Hispania e Portugal.

infantri-o: (milit.) infantry; -ano: infantryman. —DEFIRS

infarkt-o: (med.) infract. —DEFIS

infekt-ar: (tr. med. and fig.) to infect, taint; -iva: infectious. —DEFIRS

infer-ar: (tr.) to infer, deduce, conclude (ulo de). —EFIS

inferior-a: (sociol., econ.) inferior; lower in station or rank in life (ex.: -klaso di socio); lower in excellence and value; less good (ex.: komercaji di qualeso -a); subordonate, secondary; of less importance (ex. tribunalo -a; ofico -a). V. exp. vid. alta. Ant.: superiora.  —DEFIS

infern-o: (lit. and fig.) hell; -ala, -altra; infernal (regions,noise, etc.). —EFIS

infiltr-ar: (tr. intr.) to infiltrate, percolate: to enter by penetrating the interstices of a substance; (fig.) to creep in, insinuate, penetrate. —DEFIS

infinit-a: (philos., math., and fig.) infinite. —DEFIS

infinitezim-a: infinitesimal, inmmeasurably small; -ala: infinitesimal, relative to an i. quantity; -a kalkulo: i. calculus, transcendental analysis

infinitiv-o: (gram.) infinitive (mood). —DEFIS
infirm-a: infirm, lacking full use of a limb, having disablement of body; -ajo: infirmily; Def.: Qua ne povas uzar (libere, normale) irga membro od organo: V-95. V. exp. vid kripla. —EFIS

infix-o: (gram.) infix. —DEFIRS

inflar: (tr.) to inflate, pull up or out, swell, bloat; (cf. bufar). Ex.: Inflar balono. Lua korpo esas inflita (E. swollen). (fig.) Esar inflita da superbeso. Stilo inflita (E. turgid style). —EFIS

inflam-ar: (tr., med.) to inflame; (tech. sense) to set fire to (ulo); -ala, -altra: inflammatory; -ebla: inflammable, combustible; -o-punto: burning-point. Def.: Igar tre varmega; bruligar kun flamo; V-492. Ex.: Organo inflamesas, t.e. ol esas en la morbala stando nomizita inflameso. On havas instrumento por determinar l'inflamo-punto (temperaturo) di diversa liquidi. — DEFIS

inflex-ar: (tr., gram.) to inflect; -o: (gram., geom.) inflection, inflexion; (cl. flexiono, modulacar). — EFIS

infloresenc-o: (bot.) inflorescence. — EFIS

influ-ar: (tr., mental., phys.) to influence, sway ,bias; -anta, -iva: influential(person, force, etc.). — DEFIRS

infleunz-o: (med.) influenza. — DEFIRS

influx-o: (biol.) influx: act of flowing in; -o nerv-ala: (physial.) innervation. — DEFIS

inform-ar: (tr.) to inform, apprise, (ulu, pri ulo); -o: informing, news, information (given); -eso: information (received); -esar: to be informed (pri); serchar informi, inform-igar su: to make inquiries, (cf. Inquestar). V. exp.: vid. sav-igar. — DEFIRS

infr-e: down (as opp. to supre); below, at the bottom (point in space; cl. sube); -a: lowermost, bottom; inferior: lower in space, degree of importance. quality (cl. suba, inferiora); -ajo: lowermost part, bottom part;-ega, maxim -a: lowermost, most inferior; ad-infre: (with motion) downmard; -e di: at the bottom or foot of; -a labio-barbo: tuft of hair on lower lip, an imperial; videz infre: look below. V. exp.: videz alta. Ant.: supre. — L

infuz-ar: (tr.) to infuse: to steep (without boiling); (surg.) to introduce a liquid into veins; (fig.) to instil, inculcate (principles, etc.). — DEFIS

infuzori-o, -i: (nat, hist., zool.) infusoria. — DEFIRS

ingest-ar: (tr. physiol.) to ingest. — DEFI

inglob-ar: (tr., chiefly medic., pharm.) to bland together, put together, (in spherical form). Def.: Ne simple unionar, ma mixar en un sola substanco (globo, quale indikas l'etimologio); anke inkluzar ula substanco (farmaciala) en altra (di altra naturo e saporo), qua envelopas e celas olu; VI-244 — FIS

ingran-ar: (tr., intr., mechan.) to put in (or throw into) gear, to engage; (cf. embragar, kuplar). Ex. Un roto ingranas (kun) altra, kande ol movas (turnigas) ica per sua propra movo, per denti qui pulsas la denti di l'altra; III-87. — FIS

ingredient-o: ingredient. — DEFIS

inguin-o: (anat.) groin; -ala: inguinal. — eFIS

inhal-ar: (tr.) to inhale. — DEFIS

inher-ar (intr.) to inhere; -anta: inherent; -o, -ant-eso: (qual.) inherency. Ex.: Graveso inheras en (esas inheranta ad) materio. — DEFIS

inhib-ar: (tr.) to inhibit: to check, restran (the activity of); (jur.) to phohibit, interdict. — DEFIS

inici-ar: (tr.) to initiate: to introduce by a first act, take the initiative in; to instruct in the rudiments or pronciples; to introduce into a society, club, etc. by formal rites; -(ad)o: initiating (ac); -em-eso: initiative (tendency); -ala: initial: beginning; -anto, -into, -ero: initiator, promotor; -alo: person initiated; -ar a la misterii: to initiate into the mysterios. Def.: Igar komencar, igar departar, igar debutar; III-696. Ex.: On inicias homo a doktrino. On inicias afero, entraprezo. — DEFIRS

injekt-ar: (tr.) to inject (a fluid or other substance into something); -izar: to inject (a person or thing with an injection); -ajo: (liquid) injection; okuli -iz-ita: (fig.) bloodshot eyes. — DEFIRS

injeni-ar: (tr.) to exercise one's wits, to set one's wits to work; to contrive (tax one's ingenuity); -oza, -ema: (of persons) ingenious, clever; -ita: (of things) ingenious; showing ingenuity; la justa konstrukto di ca mashino injeniesis da me: the right construction of this machine was constrived by me. — EFIS

injenior-o: engineer (civil, military, mining, etc.); (cf. mashin-isto). — DEFIRS

ink-o: ink; -uyo: ink-holder, -stand, -pot; -izar: to (cover with) ink; -iz-ilo: ink-pad; any inking instrument; -o-makulo: ink blog.   — EFI
inkandec-ar: (intr.) to be incandescent. — EFIS

inkarnac-ar, eskar*: (intr., theol.) to be, become incarnate; -o: incarnation. — DEFIS

inkas-ar: (tr., fin. and fig.) to collect, call in, receive something which is due, chiefly commercial sense of money but lig. of applause, compliments, flowers, etc; (kp. IV-527) -ero, -isto: collector; -ar checko: to cash a check. — DFI

inkastr-ar: (tr., tech.) to lit in, set in, lit together; (fig.) to enshrine; to set (a stone in bezel); to set (a bone). — FIS

inklin-ar: (tr., intr., phys., mental) to incline, lean, slope; to be disposed;  -o: inclination, incline, gradient, bow; -eso: inclination, favorable, disposition, proclivity (for); -ita kapo: bowed head; -anta, -ita: inclined, sloped; prone, disposed (cf. tendencanta). Ex.: Ca muro inklinas. La vinko inklinas a lia favoro. Il inklinesas a severeso. Inklino vicioza. — EFIS

inkluz-ar: (tr.)  to include, inclose, shut up (in), insert, pen in or up; -o, -eso, -ajo: including, inclosure; -anta, -iva: inclosing, inclusive; -e, -ite, -ive: inclusively; hike inkluz-ita: herewith inclosed, sent herewith; -ito: a person shut in, recluse. — DEFIRS

inkoativ-a: (gram.) inchoate. Def.: Qualifikas la vorti (generale verbi), qui signifikas ula komenco; V-279. Ex.: La sufixo -esk- esas inkoativa. — DEFIS

inkognit-a, -o: incognito; -ino: ingognita. — DEFIRS

inkombr-ar: (tr) to encumber, obstruct, block, crowd, hinder in passing. Def. : Embarasar, impedar per l'amaso de objekti. Ex.: La multa veturi inkombras la strado. V. exp.: Tablo, chambro, inkombrita, ne povas dicesar obstruktita. III-326. — EFIS

inkrust-ar: (tr.) to incrust: cover with a crust; to inlay (thin slices of fine wood, marble, etc.). — DEFIRS
inkub-o: nightmare; (imaginary demon) incubus.— DeFIS
inkubac-ar: (intr. med.) to be in a state of incubation (speaking of a disease). (N.B. not used for «to hatch»; cf. kovar). — DeFIS

inkulk-ar: (tr.) to inculcate; impress on the mind by frequent repetitions, to instil, implant (a truth, a doctrine). V. exp.: Inkulkar kredo, bona mori, esas penetrigar li profunde e dureme en la mento e kustumo; IV-136. — EFIS

inkunabl-o, -i: incunabula.— DEFIS

inkurs-ar: (tr.) to make a incursion: enter into a territory with hostile intent, to raid. — EFIRS

inocent-a: innocent, guileless, artless(cf sen-kulpa). Def.: Qua tote ne konocas la malajo; IV-79. — EFIS

inokul-ar: (tr., med) to inoculate (virus); (fig.) to propagate. — DEFIRS

inquest-ar: (tr., adminis., parl., jur.) to make inquiry (into), make inquest, inquisition, investigate; -anta judiciisto: examining magistrate; komitato di -o: commitee of inquiry. V. exp.: On devas ne uzar (Quale la ??? tentesas facar) inquesto vice questiono, kande on parolas pri simpla questiono, Inquesto esas ensemblo de questioni, de explori, de serchi, qua facesas exemple (e precipue) da policisto o judikisto (qua en ta kazo nomizesas inquestito). Pro to ta vorto havas impliko judiciala, qua riskas esar neagreabla o nepolita, kande on parolas pri questiono, quan privato directas a privato; V-223. — EFIS

inquizicion-o: (hist.) inquisition. — DEFIRS
inquizitor-o: (hist.) inquisitor: an officier of the inquisition; (cf. inquestanto, -ero). — DEFIRS
insekt-o: insect; -aro: insects (collect.), vermin; -o-ocid-ivo, -ilo: insecticide; -o-manj-anta: insectivorous. — DEFIRS insektivor-a*: insectivorous. — DEFIRS

insert-ar: (tr.) to insert, put in, set in; -ajo: what is inserted; -uro: (result.) insertion. — DEFIS

insidi-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to set a trap for, to lay snare for (ulu); -ema: (of persons) insidious, sly, crafty, wily; -oza: (of things) full of snares. — EFIS

insign-o: badge; (of a shop) sign (-board); -i, -aro: insignia. — DEFIS

insinu-ar: (tr.) to insinuate; to introduce gently, wind into, worm into; to hint, intimate, suggested indirectly; -ajo: insinuation, innuendo; -ar la fingro aden vunduro: to insinuate a finger in a wound; -ar bona sentimenti: to instil good sentiments; l'aquo -as su tra la pori: the water insinuates itself into the pores; perfida -o: a ferfidious insinuation. — EFIRS

insipid-a: (lit. and fig.) insipid, tasteless (cf. sen-sapora); -ajo: a tasteless thing; (saying) platitude; III 604. — DEFIS

insist-ar: (intr.) to insist: to urge or press earnestly, to lay stress (en, pri, sur); (N.B. Not "to demand", cf postular); -anta, -ema: insistant, urgent, earnest; -e: insistently, earnestly. Def. : Perservar demandar. V. exp. On insistas en demando prego. On persistas en stando (mem pure materiala). On obstinas en volo, deziro od opiniono; II-648. — EFIS

insolent-a: insolent. V. exp.: vid impertinenta. — DEFIRS

inspekt-ar: (tr.) to inspect: examine, oversee, survey. — DEFIRS

inspir-ar: (tr.) to inspire (by devine instruction, poetic spirit, ideas); -ajo: that which inspires; -eso: inspiration (received). V. Exp. vid. entuziasmo. — DEFIS

instal-ar: (tr.) to instal; induct a person into an office; (mechan.) to setup or lix in position for use or service. Ex.: Instalar episkopo. Instalo di mashino. — DEFIS
instanc-o: (jur.) instance: process of a suit; korto di unesma -o: court of first instance. — DEFIRS

instant-o: instant, moment; -ala: instantaneous: -ale: instantly, momentarily; -al-eso: instantaneousness; -al-ajo: an instantaneous object (as in photog.), omna-instante: every instant; ca- -e: this instant. — DEFIRS

instig-ar: (tr.) to instigate, incite (ulu, ad; ordinarily in bad sense); -ata da: instigate by (ulu); (cf. incitar). Def.: Penar por  persuadar ulu facar ulo; III-417. Ex. Vu instiguis il facar ta krimino. Instigar ulu laborar, (a) revolto. Instigo di la diablo. — EFIS

instil-ar*: (tr.) to instil: (pharm. med.) to infuse by drops; (fig.) to infuse slowly into the mind. — DEFI

instint-o: instinct; -ala, -atra: instinctive; -e: instinctively. Def.: Impulso naturala. — DEFIRS

instituc-ar: (tr.) to institute: to establish or set up, to found; to appoint to office; -ar su: to appoint oneself; -uro: institution. Ex.: Jesu Kristo dicesas institucir la sep sakramenti Instituco (E. appointment) di judiciisto.— DEFIRS

institut-o: institute: a literary, scientific or philosophical society. — DEFIRS

instrucion-o: (practical) instruction(s), direction(s) (how to do or use someting). V. exp.:vid. sav-igar. — DEFIRS
instrukt-ar: (tr.) to instruct: to impart knowledge to; to teach, educate; -(ad) o: instruction (given); -eso: instruction (received); -iva: instructive; -ar rejido guvernar: to teach a prince how to govern; -ar per exempli: to teach by examples. V. exp.:vid.sav-igar, edukar. — DEFIRS

instrument-o: instrument, tool, implement; -ala: instrumental: relating to i.s. (as in. i. music); conducive to some end, helpful; -alo: (Anglo-Saxon and Russian grammar) instrumental case; -izar: (music) le set (ulo) to instrumental music; -izo: (music) instrumentation; (cf. orkestr-izar).— DEFIRS

insul-o: isle, island; -ano: islander. — DEFIS
insult-ar: (tr.) to insult: treat with abuse, insolence or contempt, by word or action, to affront, taunt, call names, abuse rail at. — DEFIS

intali-o: (engr.) intaglio. Def.: Gemo grabita kave (inverse di kameo); VI-528. — DEFI

integr-a: all parts properly united and present, whole, entire, complete, intact, integral; -a nombro, (od, integro): (arith.) integer; -eso: integrity (entirely); -e: in full, bodily. Def.: Ne-tushita, ne-lezita, havanta omna sua parti e membri; V-744. — EFIRS

integral-o: (math.), integral; -kalkulo: i. calculus; -igar: to integrate.

intelekt-ar: (tr., philos. and general) to understand, comprehend, or know (ulo) by the intellect alone (opposite of to know by sensation, feeling); -o: intellection, cognition, comprehension, intellect, intelligence (cf. kompreno, inteligent-eso); -ala: intellectual: relating to process of thought; -oza: intellectual: gifted with reasoning power; -ebla: intelligible: that can be known by intellection, opp. to sensible. Ex.: On parolas pri la mondo «intelektebla» opozata a la mondo "sentebla". Do on devas dicar «intelektebla» (qua povas esar objecto dil intelekto). intelekto esas l'ago intelektar; IV-231-2. V.exp.: Me intelektas problemo. Me komprenas vua sentivesopri la morto di vua patro. — DEFIRS

inteligent-a: intelligent: mentally acute; -eso: intelligence (cf. intelekto, konoco, savo). Ex.: Il esas tre inteligenta employato. Puero di mikra inteligenteso. — DEFIRS

intenc-ar: (tr.) to intend, purpose; have in view, in mind (cf projectar); -o: intent(ion), purpose; -ala: intentional; -ata, -ita: intended; -anta: intentioned, disposed (bone o male); -e, kun -o: intentionally, on purpose. Ex.: Me facis lo kun bona intenco. Il esas homo bone intencanta. me intencas irar morge. — EFIS

intendanc-o*: (milit.) commissariat. — DFIRS
intendant-o: intendant: one who has charge of some public business: a superintendent (of public building), colonial or district administrator or treasurer, or the like; as intendant of marine; intendant of finance; -eso, -evo, -io: intendancy. — DeFIRS

intens-a: intense; -eso: intensity; -igar: to intensify; -ig-anta, -iva: inttensifying, intensive. Ant.: febla. — DEFIRS

inter: (prep.) between, betwixt (of time and space); among (of persons and things; cf. meze); inter nokto e matino: between night and morning; inter la nacioni: among the nations; Sirius esas la maxim lumoza inter la fixa steli: Sirius is the brightest among the fixed stars; (denoting reciprocity, exchange, division among): la pueri ludas inter su: the children play with each other: li kambiis sua redingoti inter su: they exchanged coats (between themselves); la havajo esis dividata inter la parenti: the property was divided among the relations; (cf. Talmey's Text Book, p.87, 110). — EFRS

inter-akt-o: interlude, act between acts; interval between acts.

intercept-ar: (tr.) to intercept. V. exp.: On interceptas letri, telegrafaji, telefonaji. Per to on ne necese haltigas oli nek impedas atingar la skopo; III-604. — EFIS

interces-ar: (intr.) to intercede, plead (with or for); put in a good word (for). — DEFIRS

interdikt-ar: (tr.) to interdict, prohibit, forbid; -ata, -ita; forbidden, illicit. — DEFIRS

interes-ar: (tr.) to interest (ulu, pri, ad): (indicates excitement of feeling accompanying special attention to some object); -ar su, havar -o: to i. one-self, have an i. in, be concerned; -o en (o, pri) botaniko: i. in botany; questioni di -o: questions of interest; -anta, -oza, -iva: interesting (book, news, person, etc.); ca libro esas ne-interesanta: this book is without interest; (cf. interesto). — DEFIRS

interest-o: interest (objective interest, pecuniary, financial); -oza: advantageaous, profitable; -o kompoz-ita: compound interest; -ifar: to bear i.; sen -a: disinterested; (cf. interesar) (Note: It is necessary to distinguish clearly between interesar and interesto. Intereso indicates, loosely, lively sympathy or curiosity; a book or a subject interesas. Interesto relates to proprietary right or share; it is used in such sentences as: «it is to my interest to do it»; «to promote one's interest»; «money bears interest»; etc. — DEFIRS

inter-event-ar: (intr., of things, events) to happen, occur (in between); (cf. inter-venar); plura decidi (inter-)eventis en la proceso: serveral judgments were pronounced in the course of the lawsuit; multa kozi (inter)eventis dum la negociado: many things happened during the negotiations.

interfer-ar: (intr., physical), to interfere (kun). (N.B. for «to interfere», when speaking of persons; cf. mixar su, inter-venar). — DEFIRS

inter-ferdek-o: a deck between, lower deck, space between decks.

inter-foli-izar: to interleave.

interim-o: interim: time intervening; -e: for the time being, ad interim, in the mean time; -ala presidentato: provisional, temporary president. — DEFIS

inter-jac-ar: (intr.) te lie in between; -anta: interjacent.

interjecion-o: (gram.) interjection. — DEFIS
inter-komun-a: party: belonging in common to several persons; as, havajo -a: common property.

inter-konsent-o: mutual agreement, understanding (F. entente); -o kordi-ala: entente coardiale.

inter-konsult-ar: (it. intr.) to hold a consultation, deliberate together.

inter-kost-a: (anat.) intercostal.

inter-kuranta (-venanta): intercurrent: intervening, coming in between.

inter-line-o: a line between; space between (lines); -izar: to interline; (print.) to lead; -a: interlinear; -ajo, -iz-o, -iz-uro: interlineation.

intermez-o: (theat.) intermezzo, interlude. — DEFIRS

inter-milit-ant-a, -o: belligerent.

intermit-ar: (intr.) to be intermittent: cease at intervals. — DEFIS

intern-a: internal, inward, interior; -ajo: the interior, inside; -e: inwardly, internally, -eso: inwardness; -(ul)o: (fig.) boarder (in school); interne (in hospital); -erio: (fig.) boarding or private school; ministro di l'interna aferi: Minister of the Interior, Home Secretary; il esas en l'internajo di la domo: he is inside the house; de interne ad extere: form within outwards, inside out. — DEFIRS

inter-nacion-a: international; -eso, -is-mo: internationality, internationalism (doctrine); -igar: to internationalize.

inter-nunci-o: (papal) internucio.

interogativ-a, -o*: (gram.) interrogative. Def.: La questionala partikli (adjectivi, pronomi ed adverbi); V-279. — DEFIS

inter-ost-a: (anat.) interosseal, interosseous.
inter-parlo-ar: (intr.) to converse.

interpel-ar: (tr., parlm.) to interpellate: to question formally for explanation, put a question to. — DEFIRS

interpol-ar: (tr.) to interpolate: to insert, as a spurious of foreign word or passage); (math.) to interpolate; -ajo: interpolation (word, passage), spurious passage. — DEFIRS

inter-pozar: (tr.) to place (ulo) between, insert interpose, intercalate (a day); (cf. inter-venar, mediacar). interpret-ar: (tr.) to interpret; to explain what is obscure and ambiguous in a writing, construe (cf. tradukar); mis--ar: to misinterpret, misconstrue. — DEFIS

inter-prim-a (nombri): prime to one another: numbers without any common divisor.

inter-regn-o: interregnum.

inter-rim-ilar: to rhyme together.

inter-rupt-ar: (tr.) to interrupt: destroy the continuity of, break off, stop.

inter-sek-ar: (tr.) to intersect.

inter-sequ-ar (su): to follow, succeed each other; -o: sequence; -e: consecutively, in succession; -anta: consecutive, successive.

inter-shok-ar: to strike against one another, to run foul of each other.

inter-spac-o: interspace, a space between places, intermediate distance.

interstic-o: interstice. — EFIS

inter-temp-o: meantime, interval, lapse (of time); -e: meanwhile (cf. dume).

inter-tropik-a: intertropical: situated between the tropics.

interval-o: (esp. mus.) interval; (cf. inter-tempo, inter-spaco). — DEFIRS

inter-ven-ar: (intr., of persons) to intervene, interpose, interfere; (cf. inter-eventar); -o: intervention, interference, interposition; des-, ne-inter-veno: non-intervention. Ex.: Intervenar en konflikto, en disputo. Armizita interveno.

inter-vid-o: mutual sight or view; (fig.) interview: meeting for conference; (cf. interviuvo).

interviuv-ar: (tr.) to interview (ulu) — DEF

intestat-a: intestate; -a hered-anto: (jur.) abintestate heir(ess). Def.: Ta qua heredis sen testamento. V-279. — DEFI

intestin-o: intestine, gut; -ala: intestinal; -i: intestines, entrails, bowels: -o tenua: small intestine. — EFIRS

intim-a: intimate: inmost, inward; near, close; close in friendship, familiar, bosom; -(ul)o: i. person, close friend; -eso: intimacy, -ajo: inward part, heart (of a subject); la naturo intima di kozi: the inward nature of things; la sentimenti maxim intima: the most secret sentiments; relati intima: close relations: amiko intima: intimate friend. — DEFIRS

inton-ar: (tr., mus.) to intone; -(ad)o: (mus. and voice expression) intonation (cf. modulaco). — DEFIS

intoxik-ar: (tr.) to poison, drug, envenom; (N.B. not E. to intoxicate with liquor; cf. ebri-igar); V. exp.: Intoxikar expresas ido plu general kam venen-izar. On povas drinkar veneno sen esar intoxikita; IV-517. — DeFIRS

intrados-o: (arch.) intrados: interior curve of an arch. — DEFS

intrig-ar: (intr.)to intrigue: to contrive by secret artifice; make plots; scheme; -izar: to complicate, entangle by intrigues. — DEFIRS

intrik-ar: (tr.) to tangle, entangle, embroil, implicate (ulu, en ulo); to make (ulo) intricate. — EI

intrinsek-a: intrinsic. Ant.: extrinseka. — EFIS

introdukt-ar: (tr.) to introduce (ulu), to bring (ulo) into notice; to preface; (cf. en-duktar, prizent-ar); -o, -uro: introducing, introduction, preamble (cf. prefaco); -ala: preliminary. Ex.: Me volas introduktar il che vu. Donar introdukto-letro ad ulu. Ca libro servos kom introdukto a la temo. III-71. — DEFIRS

«introitus»: (R. C. Church) introit.

intruz-ar: (tr.) to intrude, obtrude, (su en ulo); to interfere, meddle; (geol.) to enter, or cause to enter, by force. — EFIS

intumec-ar: (intr.) to intumesce: to swell. — DEFIS

intusucepcion-o: (med., biol.) intussusception. — DEFIS

inul-o*: (bot.) elecampane (Inula). — IFL

inund-ar: (tr., pr. and fig.) to inundate, overflow, flood, swamp. Ex.: Nil inundas la planajo. La inundo di la Romana imperio da la barbari. — EFIS

invad-ar: (tr.) to invade. Ex.: La armeo invadis la teritorio di sua enemiki. Mala herbi invadas la gardeno. — DEFIS

invagin-ar: (tr.) to invaginate. — DEFIS

invalid-a: invalid: infirm, disabled; of no legal force, void, null; -(ul)o: an i.; (milit.) a soldier disabled for active service; -erio: establ. for disabled persons. — DEFIRS

invektiv-ar: (tr.) to inveigh against; -o: invective. V.exp.: Invektivo esas nek reprimando, nek insulto, ma atako per parolo ; ol povas esar decanta ed eloquenta. La Quousque tandem esas invektivo da Cicero a Catilina; IV-513-514. — DEFIS

invent-ar: (tr.) to invent: find out something new (a process, a machine); -uro: an invention. — EFIRS

inventari-ar: (tr.) to take an inventory of : to inventory; (com.) to take stock (of). — DEFIRS

invers-a: inverse, inverted; -o, -ajo: the reverse, the contrary, opposite; (cf. reverso); -igar: to invert, reverse, to put upside down; -igo, -igeso: inversion; -e: vice-versa; raporto inversa: inverse ratio; -igar la natural ordino dil vorti en frazo; to invert the natural order of words in a sentence. — EFIS
invest-ar: (tr.) to invest (with authority, office; cf kolokar). Def.: Provizar per ofico o titulo; IV-167. — DEFIS

invit-ar: (tr.) to invite; ask to go to some place or to do something; V. exp.: Invito esas polita prego por asistar kunveno, repasto, balo, festo, e.c.; III-417. — EFIS

involucion-o: (math.) involution; (bot.) state of being rolled spirally inward. — DEFIRS

involukr-o: (bot.) involucre. — DEFIS

inyam-o: (plant and rhizome) yam (genus: Dioscorea). — DeFIRS

iod-o: (chem.) iodine; -ido: iodide. — DEFIRS

ion-o: (phys.) ion. — DEF

ioni-o*: (chem.) ionium. — DEFIRS

Ioni-ala: Ionic: relating to Ionia; -ano: an Ionian.

ionik-a: (arch.) ionic. — DEFIS

«iota»: (Gr. alphabet) iota; (fig.) jot, little.

ips-a: self (-same); -e: (by) self; -o: the same thing. Note: Ispa is ordinarily used in connection with a personal pronoun; as: me ipsa: I myself; li ipsa: they themselves; but can be used with substantives; as: la rejo ipsa: the king himself; la kozo ipsa: the thing itself; de la botelo ipsa: from the selfsame bottle; it sould always be placed next to the word it modifies. Ex: La mastro inspektis ipse la domo. La mastro ipsa inspektis la domo. Il ipsa volas parolar kun me. Il pozas su ipsa avan la pordo. — L

ir-ar: (intr., tr.) to go, be going; -o: going; passage. Note: Irar is often compounded, as: ek-irar, mis-irar, ped-irar, etc. It sometimes takes a direct object, as: li iris penigiva voyo: they went a wearisome way. Def.: Diplasar su de un loko ad altra per irga moyeno; IV-464. Ex.: On iras de Paris a London, parte per fervoyo, parte per navo. — FIS

irac-ar: (intr.) to be angry, cross (kontre); -o: anger, irritation, ire, wraith; -anta, -ema, -oza: angry, irascible, choleric, testy, cross, peevish; -igar: to anger, incense, exasperate, irritate (ulu); -eskar: to become angry, get in a temper; -emeso: irascibility; -ig-ania, -iva: exasperating, vexing. — eFIS

«irade»: irade: decree of Sultan.

iradi-ar: (tr.) to irradiate. Def.: Optikal fenomeno per qua la parti plu lumoza o lumizita invadas la parti min lumoza e restriktas oli; IV-200. — DEFIS

irg-a: any (whatever): relating to something or someone indefinite (cf. ula); -o: anything (whatever); -u: anyone (no matter who); -u qua (od, igre qua): whoever, whosoever; -e quale, irge maniere: anyhow, at any rate, no matter how; -a-loke, irg-ube: anywhere (whatever), wherever; -e-kande: no matter when, whenever; -a-tempe: at any time; -e-quant-a, -e: in any quantity; irga qua motivin vu havas por plendar: whatever reasons you may have to complain; igre quanto kurajon il manifestis: however much courage he manifested; irege quala esos la vetero: no matter what the weather is; irge quanta pekunion il havas: no matter how much money he has; irge quan lu renkontris: whomsover he met: irge quante mikra la donacajo: however small the gift. — D

irid-o: (bot.) iris, orris, (genus: Iris). — DEFIRSL
iridi-o*: (chem.) iridium. 

irigac-ar: (tr., agri.) to irrigate. V. exp.: Irigaco esas brancho di agrokultivado. Ol aquizas tota agri, formayi, distrikti per fluigar aquo de riveri, lagi, e.c. en artivicala kanali a la kultivoloko: IV-459-460. — EFI

iris-o: (anat.) iris; (fig.) colors of the rainbow (cf ciel-arko); -izar: to give the hues of the rainbow, become iridescent; -oza, -iz-ita: iridescent. — DEFIRS

irisit-o: (med.) iritis.

irit-ar: (tr. physiol.) to irritate, inflame, fret; (fig.) to annoy, exasperate.— DEFIS

ironi-o: irony; -a, -ala, -oza, -ema: ironic(al). — DEFIRS

irupt-ar: (intr.) to invade (with great power, with large numbers); to burst (in), rush in (as enemies, or like enemies). Ex. : La barbari iruptis en la Romana imperio. Ta turbo iruptis (E. burst) en la chambro. — EFIS

islam-o: Islam: the Mohammedan world, (cf Mohamed-ismo).
istm-o: (geog.) isthmus. — DEFIS

(i)t-a: that, those (or "this, these" where the nearness or remoteness of an object pointed out is irrelevant; -o (obj. ton): that (thing); -i: those; ta soldato e lua kamarado tre konkordas pri omno: that (or this) soldier and his comrade much agree about everything; ta qua: he, she, who; to quo: that which; ti qui: those who: ta qua volas vivar felice, devas esar vertuoza: who whould live (he, she, who will live) happily should be virtuous; to quo plezas a vu maxim ofte plezaz a me: what (that which) pleases you generally (most often) pleases me; after two mouns already used in pointing out objects, ita refers to the first (cf. ca); ka tu preferas ica od ita kavalo ? Ita esas plu forta, ma ica plu bela; do you prefer this or that horse ? that (one) is (the) stronger, but this (one) is (the) more handsome; nek ica ita flori plezas a me: neither these nor those flowers please me; when it is desirable to indicate the gender of the object pointed at, the forms: ilta ,ilti; elta, elti; olta, olti are used; ilti qui konocas me: those (masc.) who are acquainted with me; elta quan me amas ne amas me: she whom i love does not love me; kande olca (ol) esis trovita: when it had been found; where euphony permits the «i» is omitted; as: ta, to, ti.

iter-ar: (tr.) to iterate, reiterate, repeat; to do two or more times what one has arleady done before; (N.B. refers to all acts, not merely words); -ala: (manner) iterative, repetitious; -e: again anew, once more, over again. V. exp. vid. repetar. — EFIS

itinerari-o: itinerary, route. Def. Voyo sequanta, sequita o sequota da ula voyajero; V-280.. — DEFIS

ivor-o, -a, -ala: ivory. — EFI

izabel-a: isabel(la) colored: a brownish yellow or light buff color; (of horses) light-bay. — DeFIS izobar-o: (phys., geog.) isobar. — DEFIRS

izocel-a*: (geom.) isosceles (triangle, etc.). — EFIS

izodinam-a: isodiynamic. — DEFIS

izogam-a: (biol.) isogamous. — DEFIS

izogon-a*: (geom.) isogonic. — DEFIS

izografik-o*: isography: the imititation of handwriting. — DEFIS

izoklin-a*: (geol. magnetism) isoclin-al, -ic. — DEFIS

izokron-a: isochron-al, -ous. — DEFIS

izol-ar: (tr.) to isolate: place apart from its environment; (elec., etc.) to insulate; -ilo, -ivo: (phys.) insulator; -ita: isolated, alone; insulated. Ex.: La domo esas en izolita loko en foresto. Egoismo izolas homo. Metal-filo izolila. — DEFIRS

izomer-a: (chem.) isomeric. — DEFIS

izometr-a*: (geom.) isometric. — DEFIRS

izomorf-a: isomorphic. — DEFIRS

izoperimetr-a*: isoperimetrical. — DEFIRS

izopler-o: isoplere. — DEFIRS

izoterm-o: isotherm. — DEFIRS

izotrop-a*: isotropic.

Izrael-id-o: Israelite. V.exp.: On povas divenar Judo (prozelito) exemple adoptante la religio dil Judi, ma on ne povas divenar Izraelido, nam, la Izraelida stato ne plus existas, cesinte per la politikal destruckto di Ierusalem; V-429.— DEFIRS


ja: (adv.) already; before or by this time or the time mentioned, even now; ja ne: not yet; (fig.) not even; lu ja arivis: he has already arrived; il ne ja arivis: he has not yet arrived; lu ja dormeskis: he has already fallen asleep; kad vu ja asistis kunsido? No, me ne ja asistis: have you as yet attended a meeting? No, I have not yet been present; Ka vu ja lektis ta libro? No, me ne ja lektis ol, me ne ja trovis la necesa tempo: Have you read that book yet (already)? No, I have not read it yet, I have not found the necessary time. Il ja ne esas kontenta: he is not yet content; Kad il ja finabis la laboro kande lua patrulo vizitas il? Had he already finished the work when his father visited him? V. exp.: vid. ankore. — FIL

jabot-o: jabot: ruffle on shirt bosom; lace frill worn on woman’s bodice. — DeFR

jac-ar: (intr.) to lie (position of persons or things living or dead); -anta: lying (ill, dead), stretched out; -eyo: layer, bed; hike jacas: here lies (ulu, ulo). — FIS

jad-o: (min.) jade. — DEFIS

jaguar-o: (zool.) jaguar (Felis onca). — DEFIRS

jaket-o: (woman’s) jacket. — DeFIRS

jakobin-o: a Jacobin; -eso,-ismo: Jacobinism. — DEFIRS

jakonet-o: (fabric) jaconet. — DEFIRS

jalap-o: (bot.) jalap (esp. the Ipomoea purga). — DEFIS

jaluz-a: jealous; -(ul)o: a j. person; -eso: jealousy. — EFI

janichar-o: Janizary: Turkish infantryman. — DEFIRS

Jansen-ismo: Jansenism; -isto: Jansenist; -ist-a, -ala: Jansenistic.

januar-o: January. — DEFIRS

jar-o: jar: large earthen jug for water, etc. — EFIS

jardinier-o: jardinière; flower stand or receptacle for plants; a dish of mixed vegetables. – V. exp.: Ne vazo, ma mobl(et)o por suportar flori o buketo; VI-528. — DEFIS

jargon-ar: (intr.) to talk jargon, gibberish, to jabber, to use unintelligible language; (cf. slango, galimatiaso). Def.: Linguo o dialekto nekorekta, ma ne esencale od intence diferanta de la ordinara linguo; VII-158. Ex.: La stranjeri ne parolas la Franca, li nur jargonas. La jargono di la infanti, di la rurano. — DEFIRS

jasmin-o: (bot.) jasmine, jassamine, (genus: Jasminum). — DEFIRS

jasp-o: (min.) jasper; -umar: (tr.) to marble, vein (books, etc.). — DEFIS

javelin-o: (weapon.) javelin. Def.: Speco di dardolonga e dina. — EFIS

je-o: (orni.) jay (Garrulus gandarius). — EF

jele-o: jelly; -o de ribi, ribo-jeleo: currant j. — DEFIS

jelozi-o: Jalousie: Venetian blind, curtain blind. Def.: Klozilo kompozita ed multa lati (lameni) superpozita, quin on povas generale inlinar per rotaco cirkum lua longesal axo, e quin on povas levar o deslevar quale kurteno, per kordo o kordono. Kande ol esas tote levita, la lati esas aplikita uni sur altri; III-290. — DeFIS

jem-ar: (intr.) to groan, moan, to give forth a dull, low sound of grief or pain; -ar pro doloro: to groan with pain; -ar pri sua mortinta kompano: to bemoan his dead companion, — FIS

jemel-a, -o: twin; -i: (astron.) Gemini; -a frati: t. brothers; -a liti: t. beds; tri- -i: triplets. — EFIS

jen-ar: (tr.) to hinder the movments of the body, (of clothing, etc.) to pinch, be too tight; (fig.) to hold in constraint, prevent, hinder from doing something; -o: inconvenience, annoyance, trouble; ca shui -as me: these shoes pinch me; alta dogan-taxi jenas l’industrio: high custom dues hinder industry; lua prezenteso -as me: his presence disturbs me (he is in the way). — DF

jendarm-o: gendarme: one of a body of military police, esp. in France. — DeFIS

jeneroz-a: generous, open-handed, munificent, liberal (in gifts). — DEFIS

jeni-o: (milit.) corps of engineers; -ano: e. soldier, a sapper and miner; (cf. injenioro). — DFI

jenjiv-o: gum (of teeth). — FI

jenjivit-o*: (med.) gingivitis. — EFI

jenr-o: (art.) genre; -o-pikt-(ad)o, -uro: «genre» painting: representing scenes in common life, in opposition to history and landscape. — DeF

jentil-a: (of character) nice, well-bred, courteous, civi; -(ul)o: gentleman (in character): a man of fine feeling. V. exp.: Jentila relatas la karaktero e la mori di persono agreabla e plezanta. Polita relatas nur l’extera formi di la sociala relati, la paroli, gesti, agad-manieri (maxim ofte konvencionala o simbolatra); II-646. — EFIS

jer-ar: (tr.) to manage, administer, conduct (a hotel, business (for an owner)); -ant-eso: managership. Def.: Administrar por la profito di la proprietero, esante salariata oficisto. V. exp.: On bezonas ofte distingar tre klare l’administranto (who owns) de la jer-anto, -isto (manager), exp.: jeranto di domeno, kastelo, hotelo, teatro, lugata domi, e.c. — FIS

jerm-o: (pr. and fig.) germ; -ifar: (intr.) to germinate, spring up, sprout; -if-igar: (tr.) to cause to germinate, sprout; -if-eyo: (brewing) malt-house; -if-anta plasmo: g. plasm; la -i di vertui, di idei: the g. of virtues, of ideas. — EFIRS

jerze-o: jersey, sweater. — EF

Jesu: Jesus; -Kristo: Jesus Christ.

jet-ar: (tr.) to throw; for- -ar: to throw at a distance, throw away; (cf. lansar, spricar); -ar ombro: to t. a shadow. — FI

jezuit-o: Jesuit. — DEFIRS

jibet-o: gibbet. V. exp.: La objekto havas la formo di la litero Greka G (ne ta di la litero ?); kp. patibulo; IV-511. — EF

jig-o: (dance, tune) jig. — DEFIRS

jilet-o: vest; waistcoat. — F

jilflor-o: (bot.) gillyflower (Cheiranthus cheiri). — E

jin-o: (liquor) gin. — DEFIRS

jinet-o: (zool.) genet(te): species of civets (Viverra Genetta); a Turkish ringcurb, -bit. — DEFIS

jinjer-o: ginger. — EFIS

jir-ar: (intr.) to turn about, gyrate; (nav.) veer around, tack about, put about; -achar: to prowl around. V. exp.: Turnar, rotacar, jirar: La verbo turnar esas la maxim generala e suficas por l’ordinara uzado. La du altri esas teknikala. Korpo rotacas kande ol turnas cirkum axo qua trairas lu (ex. roto cirkum sua axo: to esas l’etimologiala origino di la verbo: L. rota, rotare). Korpo jiras, kande ol turnas cirkum axo o punto situita exter lu, plu o min fore (ex. veturo, navo jiras deskriptante arko di cirklo o di altra kurvo; II-644. — eFI

jiraf-o: (zool.) giraffe, camelopard. — DEFIRS

jiravolt-o: (horsemanship) volt right and left, quick turning. — FI

jok-ar: (tr.. intr.) to joke, banter (ulu); to joke, jest (kun ulu, pri ulo); -ema, -oza: jocular, waggish, facetious; -ante, per jokar: by way of a joke, in jest; -ajo: a joke jest (objective); -mentio: hoax; laciva -o: broad jest, coarse joke. — EI

joke-o: jockey. — DEFRS

jongl-ar: (intr.) to juggle (per): to play tricks by sleight of hand. — DEFIS

jonk-o: (Chinese) junk. — DEFIS

jonquil-o: (bot.) jonquil (Narcissus Jonquilla). — DEFIRS

jorn-o: (opp. to night) day, daylight, daytime; (cf. dio); -ar: to be daylight, daytime; -eskar: it begine to be light, day is coming; -ala: diurnal, daytime; daily; -o-mezo: midday, noon; en plena -o: in broad day (light); -o -laboro: a day’s work, day-labor; -o di ok hori: an eight-hour day; -ala labor-isto: a day worker; -ope laborar: to work by the day; -o-pago: a day’s pay. Ant.: nokto. — FI

jovdi-o: Thursday; santa -o: Maundy T. — FIS

joy-ar: (intr.) to be joyous, be delighted, be glad; -igar: to cause (ulu) to rejoice, to fill with joy; (cf. gay-igar); -egar: to jubilate, exult; -oza: joyful, joyous; -ema: jovial, jolly; -o-trubl-anto, -ero: (fig.) spoil-sport, damper, wet-blanket. — EFIS

ju-ar: (tr.) to enjoy: to have a satisfaction in, feel with pleasure, revel in; -ar bona reputo: to enoy (have) a good reputation; ca homo juas la tempo prezenta sen pensar pri la futuro: this man enjoys the present without troubling himself about the future; -ar l’embaraseso di ulu: to enjoy the embarrassment of someone. — eF

jube-o: jube: a gallery in a church containing the rood. — EF

jubile-ar: (tr.) to celebrate the jubilee of; -o: (R. C. Church and Jewish) jubilee; 50th anniversary, golden wedding; -ata, -ato: (person) of 50 years standing. — DEFIRS

Jud-o, -ulo, -ino: a Jew; -a, -ala: Jewish; -ismo: Judaism; la migr-anta judo: the wandering Jew; -eyo, -aro: Ghetto, jewry; (cf. Izrael-ido, Hebreo) Judo. — DEFIRS

judici-ar: (tr., jur.) to judge judicially (ulu, ulo); (cf. judiko); -o: trial, judgment; -eyo: court of justice; -anto, -ero, -isto: judge, justice, magistrate; -ala: judicial: relative to the court; -ist-ala: judiciary: relative to the judges; -isto, -aro: judiciary; -ist-eso: judicature, magistracy; -ebla: justiciable; -o-povo: judicial power; -isto inquest-anta: examining magistrate; havar -ala resortiso o domeno: to have jurisdiction; -ant-aro: (fig.) bench of judges; jury; -anto, -ano: juryman; (cf. juriano, jurinto); enuncar la -o: to pass sentence. Def.: Facar legala, yurala «judiki»; IV-167. — EFIS

judik-ar: (tr., intr.) to judge: to conclude or determine by the exercise of judgment (not legal; cf. judiciar); to exteem, deem, think; -o: judgment; logical opinion; -o-povo: faculty or power of judgment; me -as il kom honesta: I judge hime to be honest; -ar segun la semblo: to judge by appearances. — EFIS

jugular-a*: (anat.) jugular. — DEFIS

jujub-o: (fruit) jujube; -iero: j. tree (genus: Zizyphus). — EFR

julep-o: (pharm.) julep: a sweet demulcent mixture, used as a vehicle. — DEFIS

juli-o: July. — DEFIRS

julien-o: julienne: a clear vegetable soup. — DEF

jung-ar: (tr.) to put to, «inspan» (as horses to a carriage), to yoke up (oxen); -o: yoking, putting in; (cf. yugo); -it-aro, -ajo: (animal, object yoked) team, yoke, pair of horses, oxen. — L

jungl-o: jungle. — EF

juni-o: June. — DEFIRS

junior-a, -o: junior, younger. — EF

juniper-o: (bot.) juniper-tree, (genus: Juniperus); -bero: j. berry. — EFI

junk-o: (bot.) rush, cane, (genus: Juncus); -izar: to cover with rushes; to cane (chairs, etc.). — FIS

junt-ar: (tr., material sense) to join: place one thing in contiguity to another; (of hands) to clasp; (cf. unionar) -uro, -eyo: joint, junction; -ita pedi: with feet together; -ita manui: clasped hands; -o-strek-eto: (print.) hyphen; -ar du planki per gluo: to glue two planks together; -ar alo ad la domo: to add a wing to the house; -ar du gardeni: to join two gardens. — EFIS jup-o: skirt (of gown); (of men) kilt; suba -o, sup-jupo: underskirt, petticoat. — FR

jur-ar: (tr., intr.) to swear: make solemn declaration, to give one’s oath; -igar: to swear in (ulu), administer the oath to (ulu); -inta: sworn; -into: person sworn (cf. juri-ano). Ex.: Jurar dicar la verajo. Jurar fideleso ad ulu. Jurar amikeso ad ulu. — eFIS

juras-o, -ala*: (geol.) Jurassic (period or system). — DEF

juri-o: jury; -ano: juror, juryman (cf. judik-ant-ano, jur-into). — DEFIS

juriskonsult-o: jurisconsult: a man learned in law, esp. Civil law; a jurist; counsellor at law. — DEFIRS

jurisprudenc-o: judicature: ordinary method which tribunals use in judging points of law; -i: precedents. V. exp.: Ne en la senco; yuro- (lego-) cienco, ma en la senco; interpretado di la legi per la verdikti di la judiciisti, o generale: maiero aplikar la legi a la partikulara kazi; IV-200. — DFIS

jurnal-o: journal, newspaper, gazette; -isto: journalist, newspaperman; -ist-eso: (profession) journalism; -ista: journalistic; -aro: the press. — DEFIS

jus: (adv.) just: just now, this last minute, the moment just passed; -a: of a moment ago. Ex.: Vu venas tro tarde, lu jus mortis. Me jus arivis. — DEFIS

just-a: conforming to some proper standard (N.B. not legal sense; cf. yusta); right, correct, well grounded, exact, proper (of measure, time, balance, word, thought, etc.); -eso: rightness, exactness, appositeness, propriety; esar justa: to be right (in opinion, or deed, or fact); justa-tempe: at the right time, in the nick of time, precise; ta horlojo esas -a: that clock is right; donar justa mezuro: to give the right measure; to esas tre justa dicajo: that is a very proper saying; havar ideo justa pri ulo: to have a just idea of the thing; havar justa suspekti pri ulu: to have justifiable suspicions. — eFIS

justifik-ar: to justify: prove or show to be right; to vindicate, warrant; -eble: justifiable, warrantable. Def.: Montrar ke ulu od ulo esas justa. (kp. yust-igar); II-673. — DEFIS

jut-o: jute. — DEFIS

juvel-o: jewel; -uyo, -buxo: j.-holder, -box; -vend-eyo, -erio: j. shop. — DEFIRS


ka(d): Question word, not always translated; in indirect questions: whether if; ka la vetero ne esas bela cadie? is the weather not beautiful to-day? kad il esas hike? is he here? me prizas savar kad il retrovenos? I would like to know whether he will come back? (N.B. whehter . . whether is translated by sive .. sive); vu esas fatigita, ka ne? you are tired, aren't you? vu ne esas fatigita, ka yes? you aren't tired, are you? (cf. Complete Manual, p. 26) il komencis dubar kad il devas promulgar sua doktrino: he commenced to doubt whether he should promulgate his doctrine. — Sanscrit.

kab-o: (geog.) cape; preter-irar -o: (naut.) to double a cape. — DeFIRS

kabal-o: (rabbinical) cabala. — DEFIRS

kaban-o: cabin, hut; -eto: (as for rabbits) hutch; -o mont-ala: chalet. — EF

kabin-o: (nav.) cabin; -eto: small cabin, closed-like room, (nav.) state-room; (fig., furniture) cabinet (as for curiosities). — DEFIRS

kabl-o: (of rope) cable, hawser (cf. kord-ego); (of wire, also elec.) cable, -eto: small cable, mooring-rope, painter; -igar, -ifar: (tr., intr.) to make a c. (out of) (ulo); -e telegrafar: to c.; -o-telegramo: cablegram. — DEFIRS

kabr-ar: (intr., of animals) to rear, prance; (cf. kurbetar); -igar: to make (a horse, etc.) rear; -etar: to stand on the hind legs. Kabretar = Sideskar sur la dopa gambi, elevante la avana; VI-76. — FS

kabriolet-o: cabriolet: two-wheeled, one horse cab. — DEFRS

kachu-o: catechu, cashoo. — DEFIR

kad: see ka(d).

kadastr-o: cadastre: register of real estate for taxing purposes; -izar: to make a c. of: to survey and value (lands). — DeFIRS

kadavr-o: cadaver, corpse, dead body; -atra: cadaverous; -o march-anta: (fig.) a walking ghost; bestio- -o: carcass, carrion (of animals). — DEFIS

kadenc-ar: (tr.) to cadence; (cf ritmizar). — DEFIRS

kadet-o: (milit.) cadet. — DEFIRS

kadmi-o*: (chem.) cadmium. — DEFIRS

kadr-o: frame (of a picture, looking-glass, etc.; cf. framo); (milit.) cadre: sekeleton, staff (of a regiment), complement or list of officers (commissioned and non-commissioned); (fig.) outline, plan, arrangement of work, -izar: to frame (a picture, etc.). — eFS

kaduce-o: caduceus, Mercury's staff or wand. — DEFIRS

kaduk-a: caducous: decaying, falling, crumbling tumble-down (of houses, etc.); decrepit, frail, worn-out (of persons, animals, health, etc.); (bot.) falling off early. Ant.: forta, yuna, robusta, vigor-oza, en bona stando. — eFIS

kafe-o: coffee; -iero: c. tree; -taso: c. cup; -kuliero: teaspoon; -kultiv-isto: c. planter; -plantac-erio: c. plantation; tas(ed)o (de) kafeo: cup of c. — DEFIRS

kafein-o*: (chem., pharm.) caffeine. — DEFIS

Kafr-a, -o*: Kafir, Kaffir, Caffre.

kaftan-o: caftan: a Turkish garment.. — DEFIRS

kagul-o: a kind of monk's cloak with cowl. Def.: Sen-manika mantelo di monakulo kun kapuco. Kapuco perforita per okulo-trui. — FS

kait-o: kite. — E

kaj-o: cage. — EFI

kak-ar: (intr.) to defecate, void excrement, empty the bowels, shite. — DEFIS

kaka-o: (beans and drink) cocoa; -iero: cacao-tree (Theobroma cacao); -butro: c. butter. — DeFIRS

kakatu-o: (orni.) cockatoo (subfamily: Plictolophus). — DEFIRS

kakexi-o:* (med.) cachexy. — DEFS

kakofoni-o: cacophony. Def.: Desagreabla kunligo di soni, sive en parolo, sive en muziko; III—138. — DEFIS

kaktus-o: (bot.) cactus. — DEFIRS

kal-o, -ajo: (also bot.) callus, callosity; (on foot) corn; -oza, -atra: callous. — eFIS

kalam-o*: (ant.) a reed pen used in the East. — DFIS

kalamin-o: (min.) calamine. — DEFIS

kalamit-o: calamite: a gum-resin; a fossil plant. Def.: Speco de gumo (Styrax calamita); fosila planto. — DEFIS

kalamitat-o: calamity. Ex.: La famino, la milito esas kalamitati. — DEFIS

kalandr-ar: (tr.) to calender (paper, cloth); to mangle (household linen). — DEFS

kalcedon-o: (min.) chalcedony. — DEFIRS

kalci-o*: (chem.) calcium. — DEFIS

kalcin-ar: (tr.) to calcine: to oxidize (as by heat); to roast (ores). — DEFIS

kaldier-o: boiler (steam generator); copper: large boiler for brewing, washing, etc. Def.: Klozita vazo (apartenanta generale a vapor-mashino), en qua on boliigas aquo e konservas la vaporo sub preso; III—494. — FIS

kaldron-o: caldron: kettle for cooking. Def.: Apertita vazo uzata en koqueyo; III—494. — EFIS

kalefakt-(ad)o: (tech.) calefaction: warming. — DEFIS

kalembur-o: pun, play on words; -isto: punster. Def.: Speco di vortoludo, en qua vorto o serio de vorti prizentas du senci; III—525 -6. — DFR

kalend-i: kalends, calends. — DEFIRS

kalendari-o: calendar. — DEFIRS

kalendul-o: (bot.) marigold (Calendula). — ISL

kalentur-o: (med.) calenture: a tropical fever attributed to heat — DeFIS

kalesh-o: calash, open barouche, open buggy. V. exp.: Kalesho, karoso: La du esas veturi kun quar roli e quar plasi, ma kalesho esas apertita, karoso esas klozita (kun plafono). Pluse, karoso esas generale suspendita per specala modo (per rimeni); II—646. — DeFIR

kalfat-ar: (tr., nav.) to calk (a deck, etc.). — DFIS

kali-o*: (chem.) potassium; -bromo: bromide of p.; -permanganato: permanganate of p.; -nitrato: niter, p. nitrate (cf. salpetro). — D

kalibr-o: caliber, bore (of a gun, etc.); -kompaso: callipers; -kompasagar: (tr.) to calibrate. — DEFIRS

kalic-o: chalice, communion-cup; (bot.) calyx. Def.: Granda kupo, uzata precipue en religiala ceremonii; II—645. — EFIS

kalidoskop-o: kaleidoscope. — DEFIRS

kalif-o: calif, caliph. — DEFIRS

kaligraf-ar: (tr.) to put (ulo) into fine handwriting; -(ad)o: caligraphy. — DEFS

kalik-o: (fabric) calico — DEFIRS

kalk-o: lime; (chem.) calx; -oza: calcareus; -igar: to calcify; -izar: to cover with l.; -forno: lime kiln; -forn-isto: l. burner; -o kaustika: quicklime. — DeFIS

kalkane-o*: (anat.) calcaneum: the great bone of the heel. — EF

kalkol-o: (med.) calculus: stone in bladder, kidneys, gall-ducts. — EFIS

kalkul-ar: (tr., math.) to calculate, reckon, compute; -o: calculation; (higher math.) calculus; -eroro: error in c.; -libro: ready reckoner (book). — DEFIRS

kalm-a: (of objects, fig. or persons) calm, unagitated, quiet, still, placid; serene (of the elements, passions, etc.); unruffled, composed, sedate (in manner and deportment); -igar: to calm; -ig-iva, -ivo: anodyne, sedative; -esko, kalma intervalo: lull. V. exp.: Kalma signifikas tote pasiva e materiala stando di kozi, qua ne movas: aero, aquo, maro kalma (t.e. ne agitata da la vento). Tranquila havas senco samtempe material e mentala, ma prefere aktiva: qui ne agitas su, ne movas su sen utileso o skopo; on dicas ad infanto: restez tranquila! on parolas pri vicini tranquila (qui ne lacas bruiso). Quieta expresas stando mentala, qua plu klare definesas per lua kontreajo, desquieta; I-713. — EFIS

kalmar-o: calamar, calamary, cuttlefish, squid, (genus: Loligo vulgaris). Def.: Genero di molusko cefalopoda kun dek brakii; V-420. — DeFIRS

kalomel-o: (med.) calomel. — DEFIRS

kalor-a: (tech., physical quantity) heat; -ala, -iz-iva, -anta, -if-anta: caloric, thermic, calorific; -izar: to heat (by an apparatus); (cf. varm-igar); -iz-ilo: heat producer; (fig.) hot-air stove or pipe); -areo: heating surface. — eFIS

kalori-o: (thermal unit) calory. Def.: Unajo di kalor-quanto. On distingas la granda kalorio, qua korespondas ad un kilogramo de aquo, e la mikra kalorio, qua korespondas ad un gramo; V-420. — DEFIRS

kalorik-o: (hist.) caloric. Def.: Historiala koncepto di la kaloro, kom material substanco. — EFIS

kalorimetr-o*: calorimeter. — DEFIS

kalorimetri-o*: calorimetry. — DEFIS

kalot-o: callotte; (soldier's) rimless cap; (eccl.) skull-cap; (math.) segment of a sphere divided by a plane. — DeFI

kalpak-o*: calpac(k), busby. — DE

kalqu-ar: (tr.) to counter-draw: to trace (a design through transparent paper); -o-papero: tracing-paper. Def.: Kopiar desegno tra diafana papero per kontinua streki; VI-116. — DFIS

kalson-o: (pair of) drawers. — FRS

kalumni-ar: (tr.) to calumniate; (cf. difamar, maldicensar, denigrar). Def.: Dicar mala neveraji pri ulu. — EFIS

kalv-a: bald: having but little hair. V. exp.: Kalveso ne esas kompleta senhareso; III-201. — DFIS

kalvari-o: Mount Calvary; a calvary: hill with a cross on top; (fig.) punishment, expiation. — DEFIS

Kalvin-ana: Calvinistic; -ano: Calvinist; -an-ismo: Calvinism. — DEFIRS

kalz-o: stocking, hose; -eto: sock; -ego: tights (as of a ballet girl); -ifar: to make s.; -umo: a socklike shoe (without heels); -o-lig-ilo: stocking suspender; lengthwise garter (cf. gartero). — FIS

kam: (adv.) than, as, to (in comparison, degree); (cf. tam); plu . . kam: more . . than; tam . . kam: as . . as; min . kam: less . . than; ne tam . . kam: not so . . as; me preferas ico kam ito: I prefer this to that; same . . kam: same as, in the same manner as. Ex.: El esas plu afabla kam vu. Altru kam me. Me donos a vi la sama rekompenso kam a li. Venez tam rapide kam posible. — FSL

kam-o: (tech.) cam; -arboro: camshaft. — DEFIS

kamali-o*: (ancient armor) camail: chain mail guard for neck; a hooded cloak or mantle (esp. worn by bishops). — DeF

kamarad-o: comrade, mate; -eso: comradeship. — DEFIRS

kamarili-o*: camarilla (clique). — DEFIS

kambi-ar: (tr.) to exchange (money, goods), to barter (ulo por ulo); -o, -eyo, -erio: money or goods exchange; -isto: (money) exchanger; -ebla: exchangeable, convertible; -e: in exchange; -o-letro: letter of e.; -o libera od, liber-kambio: free-trade. V. exp.: Kambiar esas esence komercal ago, per qua on donas ulo por recevar altro. Omna kompro e vendo esas definitiva kambio di la kozo komprata o vendata po ula sumo de pekunio. Kambio sempre implikas du kozi e du personi; VII — 203. Ex.: On kambias bankobilieti po moneti. La sovaji kambias la produkturi di lia lando po vitra perli, flitraji o brilanta stofi. — IS

kambr-ar: (tr.) to camber: make slightly convex (a piece of wood, a road, a ship's deck, etc.); to throw out one's chest. — eF

kame-o: cameo. — DEFIRS

kamel-o: camel. — DEFIS

kameleon-o: (zool. and fig.) chameleon. — DEFIRS

kameli-o: (bot.) camelia (Camellia). — DEFIRS

kamen-o: chimney; -tubo: c. flue; korpo di -o: c. stack; -mantelo: c. piece; -sharp-ero: -isto: c. sweep. — DFIRS

kamer-o: (photog., tech.) camera; -ob-sckura: camera obscura.. — DEFR

karmerling-o: camerlingo (papal officer). — DEFIRS

kamfor-o: camphor; -iz-ita: camphorated; -iero: c.tree. — DEFIRS

kamil-o: litter, stretchyer, hand-barrow; -isto: stretcher-bearer. — S

kamion-o: dray, truck, lorry: long sideless four-wheeled, goods vehicle; -eto: small dray; two wheeled hand truck. Def.: Kargo-veturo konstitucita ek platformo sur qua on pozas la vari; IV—291. — FIS

kamiz-o: (for men) shirt; (for women) chemise; -if-isto: s. maker; nokto- -o: night s. — FIRS

kamizol-o: camisole: (woman's) negligee jacket; koakto- -o: straight-jacket. — DeFIRS

kamlot-o: (fabric) camlet. — DEFIRS

kamomil-o: (bot.) camomile (Matricaria chamomilla). — DEFIS

kamp-ar: (intr.) to camp out, encamp; -eyo: camping place; -o-lito: c. bed; -utensili: c. utensils. V. exp.: vid. bivakar. — DEFIRS

kampani-ar: (intr.) to make a campaign; -(ad)o: campaign(ing). V. exp.: En la milital senco, la vorto signifikas periodo di milital operaci. Ma ol havas anke altra senci, derivata o figurala: on parolas anke pri la (tote pacoza) kampanii di navigado di maristo o  di navo, kampanii di explorado, di peskado, di laborado, di propagado; kampanii «elektala» di la kandidati ad elektala funcioni; kampanii di jurnali por o contre ulu od ulo, e.c.; I—490. — DEFIS 

kampanul-o: (bot.) campanula, bellflower, (genus: Campanula). — DEFIRS

kampesh-ligno: Campeachy wood, logwood. — DeFIRS

kan-o: (bot.) cane, reed; -fluto: reed-pipe. — EFIS

kanab-o: hemp; -o-semino: hemp seed. — FIS

kanabin-o: (orni.) linnet (Acanthis cannabina). — L

kanal-o: canal; -eto: channel, gutter, small trench; -igar: to canalize: make like a c.; -izar: to canalize: to provide with c.s (a field); -batelo: c. boat. — DEFIRS

kanali-a, -ala: of the lowest class of people, rascally; -(ul)o: rascal, scoundrel, scamp; -aro: rabble, canaille, riff-raff, roughs; -eso, -ajo: blackgardism, rascality. — DeFIRS

kanape-o: sofa; lit- -o: sofa-couch. V. exp.: vid. divano. — DFIRS

kanari-o: (orni.) canary(-bird). — DEFIRS

kanceler-o: chancellor. (N.B. not a secretary); granda -o: High C. — DEFIRS

kancer-o: (med.) cancer (cf. karcinomo). — EFIS

kande: (adv., conj.) when; de kande: since when? how long since? quik kande: immediately when, as soon as; kande: until when? igre kande: no matter when. Ex.: Kande vu pagos vua debaji? Irge kande me audas la uceli kantar. De kande vu lojas hike? Quik kande il envenis, ni omna levis ni polite. — FIS

kandel-o: candle; -iero: candlestick; -festo: Candlemas. — EFIRS

kandelabr-o: candelabrum. — DEFIRS

kandi-o: (sugar-) candy. — DEFIS

kandid-a: candid, frank, ingenuous; -eso: candor. Def.: (kandid-eso) Sincereso e naiveso di persono senkulpa, bonvoloza, qua ne konocas la vicio; III—9. Ant.: Disimul-ema, tromp-ema. — EFIS

kandidat-o: candidate; -esar: to be a c. (por, pri). — DEFIRS

kanel-o, -aro, -iz-uro: channel(ing), slot, fluting, groove (usually in form of half-circle: cf. ranuroand VI—97). — DEFI

kanetili-o: purl: a spiral of gold or silver wire used in lace work; silver wire (to cover violin strings, etc.); (milin.) wire-ribbon. — DFIRS

kanguru-o: (zool.) kangaroo. — DEFR

kanibal-a, -(ul)o: cannibal, man-eater; -eso, -ismo: cannibalism, anthropophagy. — DEFIRS

kanikul-o: the dog days (22nd July to 23rd Aug.); (astron.) Canicula: the Dog Star; -ala: canicular. — eFIS

kanin-a: (dento): canine (tooth). — EFIS

kankr-o: crawfish, crayfish (family Astacidae); (astron.) Cancer, The Crab.

kankroid-o: cancroid.— DEFIRS

kano-o: (wooden) canoe: light and shallow boat shart at both ends (as used for pleasure). Def. : Pirogatra kanoto kun pintatra extremaji, facita ek dina ligno, movanta ordinare per pagayi. — DEFIS

kanon-o: (milit.) cannon; (eccl.) canon, rules; -aro: (milit.) artillery; -agar, -pafar: (tr.) to cannonade; -pafo: c. shot; -obuso: c. ball, shell; -isto: gunner; -yur-isto: (eccl.) canonist; -al-eso: canonicity; -batelo: gun-boat, -vish-ilo: (artil.) sponge, wiper; -acend-ilo: quick-match. — DEFIRS

kanonik-(ul)o: canon, prebend (of a cathedral); -aro: chapter. — DeFIRS

kanoniz-ar*: (tr.) to canonize (as a saint). — DEFIS

kanot-o: punt, skiff, yawl, wherry; -o granda: long-boat, barge, cutter; (cf. barko, kanoo, pirogo); -agar: to go boating. Def.: Mikra batelo senlerdeka, movata per remili, segli, motori, e ordinare uzata en maral aqui. — FIS

kanson-o: song: ballad, ditly, carol, glee; (cf. kanto). — FIS

kant-ar: (tr.) to sing, carol, (of birds) to warble, (of a cock) to crow; (as in churches) to chant; -etar: to hum (a tune); -era ucelo: songster (of birds). — DeFIS

kantabil-o*: cantabile: an easy, flowing melody. — DeFIS

kantarel-o: (bot.) chanterelle: an edible mushroom (Cantharellus cibarius).. — DeFSL

kantarid-o: (ent.) cantharis, Spanish-fly, blister-beetle (Cantharis vesicatoria); -i: (also pharm.) cantharides. — DEFIRS

kantat-o: (mus.) cantata. — DEFIRS
kantik-o: (mus.) canticle. — DEFIS
kantilen-o: cantilena: a simple sentimental melody. Def. Speco di kansono, anciena o lamentema; V—339. — DeFIRS

kantin-o: canteen: refreshment place for soldiers, workers, etc. — DEFIS

kanton-o: canton: a district, as in Switzerland. — DEFIRS

kantor-o: cantor: a chorister, chanter, singer; esp. the leader of a church choir; a porcentor. — DeFIRS
kanul-o: (surg.) canula, drainage tube (for wounds), enema-pipe; (in gen.) pipe or nozzle (of a syringe). — DEFIS

kanvas-o: canvas. — DEFIRS

kaolin-o: kaolin: porcelain clay. — DEFIRS

kaos-o: (pr. and fig.) chaos. — DEFIRS

kap-o: (anat. and fig.) head; -ala: relating to h., cephalic; -o avane: headlong, headforemost; -nuda: bareheaded; -doloro: headache; -kuseno: pillow; -turn(ad)o: giddiness; -lejer-a, -o: light-headed (person); -rupto: headbreaking; -vesto: head-gear; -o sen-cerebra: a brainless head; sen- -a: head-less; kap-kaulo: headed cabbage (Brassica oleracea capitata); -tuko: kerchief; -tranch-ar: (tr.) to behead. — ISL

kapabl-a: able (to do, to execute), capable; (cf. kompetenta, apta, suffix -iv-); V. exp.: vid. habila. Ant.: ne-povanta, ne-potenta, ne-kapabla. — DEFIS

kapac-a: able (to contain, to hold); -(es-oz)a: capacious, spacious; -eso: capacity; krugo kapaca de lu litri (o, krugo kun kapaceso de du litri): a mug of two litres capacity; tre kapac(esoz)a navo: a very capacious ship. — DEFIS

kape-ar: (intr., nav.) to lie to. — FIS

kapel-o: chapel; -isto, -estro: chaplain. — DEFIS

kapelin-o: sun-bonnet: hood to shade head and neck from sun. — FIRS

kaper-o: (bud) caper; -iero: caper (-shrub) (genus: Capparis); -sauco: c. sauce. — DEFIRS

kapilar-a: (phys.) capillary; -eso: capillarity; -ag(ad)-o: c. action; -a tubo, vaskulo a c. — DEFIRS

kapistr-o: (surg.) head bandage for fracture of lower jaw. — DFIS

kapital-o: (fin.) capital; -isto, -iero: capitalist; -ala, -ista, -ism -ala: capital, capitalistic; -ismo: capitalism; -igar: to capitalize. — DEFIRS

kapitan-o: (milit., naval) captain; -eso: (dignity, position) captaincy, captainship. — DEFIRS

kapitel-o: (arch.) capital. — DEFIRS

kapitul-o*: (anat., bot.) capitulum; (rel.) «capitule:» a short prayer. — DeF

kapitulac-ar: (intr., milit.) to capitulate. — DEFIRS

kapon-o: capon. — DEFIRS

kaponier-o: (fort.) caponiere, caponiere. — DeFIRS

kaporal-o: (milit.) corporal: squad leader. — DEFIR

kapot-o: overcoat: storm or heavy coat (as worn by soldiers: cf. gabano, surtuto) (nav.) hood: a cover for a companion hatch, engine, etc.; (engine) bonnet; (auto.) hood. — DeFIRS

kapr-o, -ulo, -ino: goat; -o-gard-isto: g. herd; yun- -ala ganti: kid gloves; -o-salto: leap-frog. Def.: (Kapro-salto) Salto per qua unu saltas super la dorso di altru plu o min inklinita; VII—279. — FIS

kapreol-o, -ulo, -ino: roe-deer (Cervus capreolus). — IL

kapric-o: caprice, whim; -oza, -ema: capricious; me havis kaprico por ta muliero: I had a fancy, a caprice for that woman; la kaprici di la modo: the caprices of fashion. — DEFIRS

kaprifoli-o: (bot.) honeysuckle (genus: Lonicera). — DIR

kaprikorn-o: (astron.) Capricorn. — EFIS

kaprimulg-o: (orni.) goatsucker (Caprimulgus europaeus). — IL

kapriol-ar: (intr.) to caper, cut capers; (cf. kabrar); -o: capriole: a leap, caper (as in dancing), a leap that a horse makes with all fours without advancing. — DeFIRS

kapstan-o: (tech.) capstan. — DEFS

kapsul-o: (bot., anat., pharm., tech.) capsule; (fire-arms) percussion-cap. — DEFIRS

kapt-ar: (tr.) to capture: catch hold of, gripe, snatch; (cf. sizar, prenar); -ajo: prize, prey, booty; -at(ul)o: captive, prisoner; -it-eso: captivity, bondage; -ilo: trap, snare; -ar ye la kolumo; to collar (ulu). — EFIS

kaptac-ar: (tr.) to inveigle: to obtain by underhand manoeuvers or bribery or ruse, to captivate (in an ill sense); testamento obtenita per kaptaco: will obtained by intrigue or undue influence; -o-laco, -slingo:snare. Ex.: Kaptaca la fido, la heredajo di ulu. — FS

kapuc-o: (person's) hood, cowl; -izar: to hood, put cowl on. — DFIRS

kapucin-(ul)o: a Capuchin (friar monk); -alajo: (fig.) a dull sermon. — DEFIRS

kar-a, -o, -ulo, -ino: dear (affection: cf. chera). — FIS

karab-o: (ent.) carabus, carabid (genus: Carabidae). — EFIS

karabin-o: carbine: short rifle; -iero: carbineer; -hoko: c. hook, snap-hook, swivel-hook. — DEFIRS 

karaf-o: carafe, decanter (for wine, water, etc. at table). — DeFIS

karakal-o: (zool.) caracal (Lynx caracal). — DEFIRS

karakol-ar: (intr.) to caracole. — DEFIS

karakter-o: (distinctive quality of a person or thing) character; -izar: to characterize; -iz-iva, -iz-ivo, -uro: characteristic, specification. Ex.: il esas homo di alte etikal karaktero. Ol havas la karaktero distingiva di la vereso (E. it has the distinctive character (characteristic or stamp) of truth; Tala ago bone karakterizas mea amiko. La karakterizivi di morbo. Karakteriziva signo. — DEFIRS

karakteristik-o*: (math., logarithms) characteristic. — DEFIS

karambol-ar: (intr.) to make a cannon (at billiards). — DFIRS

karamel-o: caramel, burnt sugar (confection). — DEFRS

karasin-o*: crucian, a carplike fish (Carassius vulgaris); -orea: goldfish (Carassius auratus). — L

karat-o: carat: part or weight of precious stones or gold. — DEFIRS

karavan-o: caravan. — DEFIRS

karavanseray-o: caravansary, inn. — DEFIRS

karavel-o: (naut. hist.) caravel. — DEFIRS

karb-o: (chem.) carbon; -ala, -oza: carbonaceous, carbonic; -ido: carbide; -ato: carbonate; -o-bioxo, -at-acido: carbondioxide, carbonic acid. V. exp.: L'Akademio adoptis karbono en la vulgara senco e karbo por la kemial elemento; IV—130. — DEFIS

karbon-o: coal (cf. karbo); -oza: full of c., carboniferous; -igar: to make into or change to coal; -izar: to cover with c.; (fig.) to besmut; ter-, min- -o: pit-coal; ligno- -o: charcoal; -fairo: c. fire; -fumo: c. smoke: -gaso: c. gas; -min-eyo, -erio: c. mine; -pulvero: c. dust; -vend-isto: c. dealer; -ifar, -eskar: to be charred, smolder (of wicks). — EFIS

karbonar-o*: (Ital. hist.) carbonaro. — DEFIRS

karbonari-o: (ich.) coal-fish, pollack, (Gadus, carbonarius, Pollachius carbonarius). — L

karbunkl-o: (gem and ulcer) carbuncle. — DEFIRS

karbur-ar*: (tr.) to carburet, carburize, carbonize.

karburator-o*: (autom.) carburetor.

karcer-o: prison, gaol, jail; -ano: prisoner; -gard-isto: prison guard, warden; -o stat-ala: state's p.; -o-celul-o (sub-tera): dungeon; (milit.) black-hole. — DeFIRS 

karcinom-o: (med.) carcinoma, cancer (cf. kancero). — DEFIS

kard-ar: (tr.) to card (wool). — DEFIRS

karkamin-o: (bot.) cardamine: bittercress, land-cress; -o prat-ala: lady's smock, cuckoo flower: the common buttercress. — DEFIS

kardamom-o: (bot.) cardamon (Eletaria cardamomum, an species of Amomum). — DEFIRS

kradan-o: Cardan joint, universal joint. — DEFIRS

kardel-o: (orni.) goldfinch (Carduelis elegans, C. fringella). — FIL

kardinal-a: (math. and fig.) cardinal; -a nombro: c. number; -a punto: c. point; -vertuo: c. virtue. — DEFIS

kardinal-o: (prelate) cardinal; -ea: c. colored; -eso: cardinalate; -bireto: cardinal's cap; -chapelo: c. hat. — DEFIRS
kardioid-o*: (math.) cardioid. — DE

kardon-o: (bot.) thistle; sen- -igar: to clear of thistles. — DFIS

kare-ar: (tr.) to do without (involuntarily), to dispense with (from necessity); to make shift without; -ebla: dispensible: wanted but not needed; -ajo: something wanted but which one has not or cannot have now. V. exp.: Me indijas ulo = to mankas a me, e me bezonas ol; me kareas ulo = to mankas a me, e me ne bezonas ol: me povas esar (agar, vivar) sen ol. Me facile kareas krinkar kande me kelke durstas. Me ne povas karear fairo en vintro. Me ne povas karear dormo. En voyajo on devas karear multa kozi III—422. (kp. abstenar). — L

karel-o: (square) slab, tile, plaque, plate; (in cards) diamond; -izar: to pave (a surface with tiles, bricks, etc.); -atra, -oza: tesselated. — FI

karen-o: lower hull, ship's bottom (part under water). V. exp.: Kareno signifikas ne nur la kilio, ma la tota surfaco di navo, qua esas imersita; IV—200. — FIS
karesm-o: Lent; mez- -o: Mid-Lent; praktikar la -o: to keep L.  — FIS

karez-ar: to caress: fondle with affection; -achar: to fawn upon, cajole, wheedle. Ex.: Karezar infanto. La zefiro karezas la flori. Karezachar oldulo por igar il facar sua testamento. — EFIS

krag-ar: (tr.) to load (goods; N.B. not to load a vehicle): -ajo: load, cargo, freight, burden; -o-batelo: ligher, barge; -o-kavalo: parck-horse; -o-letro: way-bill, bill of lading; -o-selo: pack-saddle; -o-vertur-isto: drayman. Ex.: Kargar vari sur veturo. Kargajo di navo. V. exp.: vid. chargar.  — EFIS

kari-ar: (intr., med.) to have caries, to have decay or rot of teeth; (of wheat) to be smutly; -inta dento: a decayed tooth; -inta arboro: rotten tree. — DEFIS

kariatid-o: (arch.) caryatide. Def.: Hominala figuro, qua servas kom suportilo: (cf. atlanto). — DEFIS

karibu-o*: (zool.) caribou; (cf. rentiro). — DEF

karic-o: (bot.) carex (carices): sedge. — eFIS

karier-o: (profession, trade) career; la -o di militisto: the military c., profession of arms; leg-ala -o: legal c. or profession. — DEFIRS

karik-o: box-coat; coat with long cape or serveral short ones. — DF

karikat-ar: (tr.) to caricature; -uro: a c. — DEFIS

kariofil-o: (bot.) clove. — L

karitat-o: charity: spiritual benevolence (N.B. not alms; cf. almono). — EFIS

karlin-o: (bot.) carline thistle (genus Carlina).  — EFISL

karmelit-(ul)o*: Carmelite friar. — DEFIRS
karmezin-a, -o: crimson. — DeFIRS

karmenin-o: carmine; -ea, -reda, -atra: c. colored. — DEFIRS

karn-o: flesh, meat; -ea: f. colored, rosy; -ajo: a fleshy object, a piece of meat; -ala: of the flesh; carnal; -vend-eyo: butcher's establ.; -oza: fleshy, brawny; -o-manj-ant-a, -o; -o-avida: flesh-eat-ing; -er; fond of meat; (cf. karnivora); -ifar,  -igar: (intr., tr.) to produce, to make flesh (on); -eskar: to become fleshy; -o-fum-iz-ado: smoke-drying beef; -o-reda: blood-red, carnation (color); -o-vermo: maggot. — DeFIS

karnacion-o: carnation: flesh-tint, complexion. Ex.: Ica koloro ne konvenas a mea karnaciono. La karnacioni en ica pikturo (protreto) esas tre natural. — DeFIS

karnaval-o: carnival. — DEFIRS

karnivor-a, -o: carnivorous (animal). — DEFIS

karonad-o: (artil.) carronade. Def.: Speco di navala kanono (anciena); VI—74. — DEFIRS

karos-o: coach: a large closed carriage; ornamental coach (for state occasions). V. exp.: vid. kalesho. — DFIS

karot-o: (bot.) carrot (plant and root). — DEFI

karotid-a, -o: carotid (artery). — DEFIS

karp-o: (anat.) carpus: wrist; (ich.) carp (Cyprinus carpio); -ala: (anat.) carpal. — DEF

karpent-ar: (tr.) to work timber, do carpenter work. V. exp.: La karpentisto facas nur grosa laboruri ek ligno, generale por domi e konstrukturi. La menuzisto facas plu mikra laboruri, konseque plu preciza e delikata, exemple por mobli, parqueti, eskaleri, e.c. La ebenisto juste plakizas ebono(-plaki) sur mobli, tabli, e.c., ma per extenso on povas uzar ica vorto por plak-laboristo en altra ligno kam ebeno, en senco simila a menuzisto; IV—599. — EFIS

krapin-o: (bot.) hornbeam(-tree), (genus: Carpinus). — ISL

kart-o: a card; -uyo: c. case: intermixar la -i: to shuffle the c.s; pozar la -i: to lay down the c.s. — DEFIRS

kartam-o: (bot.) safflower (Carthamus tinctorius). — FISL

kartamin-o:*: (chem.) carthamin(e): red-coloring matter from safflower. — DE

kartav-ar: (intr.) to pronounce one's r's gutterally; -o: (Northumbrian) burr. — R

kartel-o: cartel: letter of defiance or challenge, as to a duel. — DeFS

karter-o: (autom.) crank-case, motorcover; (bicycle) chain-case. — FIRS

kartezian-a*: Cartesian; -diablo, plunjanto: (phys.) C. Devil or diver, bottle-imp; (cf. ludiono). — DEFIS

kartilag-o: (anat.) cartilage, gristle. — EFIS

kartoch-o: cartridge; -uyo: c. holder, -box: -if-erio: c. making establ. — DeFIRS

kartografi-o: cartography. — DEFS

kartomanci-o*: cartomancy; -isto: fortuneteller (by cards). Def.: Speco di divinado, predicado per ludkarti; V—339. — DEFIS

karton-o: cardboard, pasteboard; -buxo, -kesto: carton (box); -izar, -bindar, -kovrar: to put up in cartons (ulo), to bind in boards (books). — DEFIRS

kartush-o: (arch.) cartouch(e): a scroll shaped ornament. — DEFIRS

kartuzi-o: Carthusian convent, -li-quoro: chartreuse; -ano: C. Friar. — DEFIRS

karub-o: (bot.) carob-bean; -iero: c. tree (Ceratonia siliqua). — DEFIS

karunkt-o: (med., bot.) caruncle. — DEFIS

karusel-o: carrousel: tilting tournament. — DEFIS

kas-o: coffer, till, cash-box, treasury; -isto, -ero: cashier, paymaster, treasurer; -erio: treasury (establ.); kontar sua kaso: to make up the cash account.: -o-stando, en-kasa sumo: cash in hand. — DeFIRS

kasac-ar: (tr.) to quash, annul, reverse, to declare null and void, to invalidate; korto di -o: (in France) court of cassation (the supreme court of appeal); -ar testamento: to quash a will; -ar mariajo: to annul a marriage. — DeFIRS

kashalot-o: cachalot: sperm whale. — DEFIRS

kashmir-o: (fabric) cashmere; -shalo: c. shawl. — DEFIRS

kasi-o: (fruit) cassia; -iero: c. tree. — DEFIS

kasis-o: (fruit) black currant; -iero: b.c. bush or tree; -liquoro: b.c. cordial. — FIS

kask-o: helmet, casque. — eFIRS

kaskad-o: (pr. and fig.) cascade. — DEFIRS

kason-o: caisson: under-water cofferdam; cradle to lift ships from the water; (cf. municiono-furgono). — DEFI

kasquet-o: (for men or boys) cap with visor (as golf-cap, naval officer's cap, etc.). — F

kasrol-o: saucepan, stewpan, skillet; (chem.) casserole. — DeFIRS

kast-o: caste: class of society. — DEFIRS

kastan-o: chestnut (edible nut); -iero: c. tree (genus: Castanea); kaval- -iero: horse-c. (Aesculus hippocastanum); -ea, -bruna: c. colored cf. marono). — DFIRSL

kastanyet-o, -i: (mus.) castanet(s). — DEFIS

kastel-o: castle; avana -o: (nav.) forecaste; dopa -o: (nav.) poop. — DEFIRS

kaston-o: bezel (of a ring). — FI

kastor-o: (zool.) castor: a beaver (genus: Castor); -chapelo: a beaver-hat; -drapo: beaver-cloth. — eFIS

kastr-ar: (tr.) to castrate, geld. — DEFIRS

kat-o, -ulo, -ino: cat, -eto, -yuno: small cat, kitten; genit-uro di katino: litter of kittens. — DEFIS

katafalk-o: catafalque. — DEFIRS

kataklism-o: cataclysm. Def.: Irga subverso di la teral surfaco per granda fenomeno: inundo, tertremo, erupto; IV—67. — DEFIS

katakomb-o: catacomb. — DEFIRS

katakrez-o*: (rhet.) catachresis. — DEFIS

katalepsi-o: catalepsy; -ika, -iko: cataleptic (person). — DEFIRS

kataliz-ar*: (tr., chem.) to catalyse; -o: catalysis; -ivo: catalytic. — DEF

katalog-o: catalogue; -izar: to c. V. exp.: vid. avizo. — DEFIRS

katalp-o: (bot.) catalpa(-tree) (genus: Catalpa). — DEFIS

kataplasm-o: (med.) cataplasm: a poultice. — DEFIRS

katapult-o: catapult. — DEFIRS

katar-o: (med.) catarrh; -eto: a cold; -ala, -oza, -ika, -iko: catarrhal; donar katar(et)o ad (ulu): to give a cold to; kapt-esar da katar(et)o: to catch cold. — DEFIRS

katarakt-o: cataract (blindness and waterfall). — DEFIRS

katastrof-o: catastrophy (cf. kalamitato, kataklismo). Ex. L'erupto di Vesuvius esis granda katastrofo. — DEFIRS

katedr-o: desk (of a professor); pulpit (in a church); ek (la) katedro: (fig.) ex cathedra (L.), openly; avowedly, professedly. — DFIRS

katedral-o: cathedral. — DEFIRS

kategori-o: category. — DEFIRS

kategorik-a: categorical. — DEFIRS

katekism-o: (book) catechism; -ero: catechist (cf. katekiz-ero). — DEFIRS

katekiz-ar: (tr.) to catechize; -ero: catechist. Def.: Docar la katekismo; instruktar ulu per questioni et respondi pri la precipua punti di (Kristana) religio. — DEFIS

katekumen-o: catechumen. — DEFIRS

katen-o: (pr. and fig.) chain; -izar: to c. up (ulu, ulo); -igar: to link together, connect; -if-isto: c.maker; -kurvo: (arch.) catenary arch; -ringo: c. link; -masho: c. mesh; -o di la eventi: c. of events; -igo: concatenation. — eIS

katet-o*: (geom.) cathetus. — DeFS

kateter-o*: (surg.) catheter. — DEFS

katgut-o: (surg.) catgut. — DEFIRS

kation-o*: (chem.) cation. — DEFIRS

katis-ar: (tr.) to give a gloss, a luster to (cloth, by hot or cold pressing). — DF

katod-o*: (elec.) cathode. — DEFIRS

katolik-a, -(ul)o: Catholic; -aro: Catholics (collect.); -eso: Catholicity; -ismo: Catholicism. — DEFIRS

katoptrik-o: (opt.) catoptrics; (cf. dioptriko). Def.: Teorio di la speguli (omnaspeca) ed optikal instrumenti kompozita ek speguli; IV—292. — DEFIRS

kauchuk-a, -o: caoutchouc: India-rubber. — DeFIRS

kaucion-o: (jur.) surety, bail, security, caution; -sumo:  s. money; -izar: to stand bail or go surety for (ulu); (cf. garantiar); liber-igar ulu per -o: to liberate on bail. — DeFIRS

kaud-o: (also fig.) tail; train (of a gown); -ala: caudal; -agar, -agitar: to wag or switch the tail; sen- -a: tailless; -port-ero: train-bearer. — eFIS

kaul-o: cabbage (Brassica oleracea); -rapo: kohlrabi (B. o. caulorapa); -o-supo: c. soup. — D

kaustik-a*: caustic; (chem.) burning, corrosive; (fig.) biting, stinging, satirical (language, etc.); -a kalko: c. lime, quick-lime; -o: (math.) caustic curve; -ajo: a c. substance. — DEFIS

kauter-o: (surg.) cautery; -izar: to cauterize. — DEFIS

kauz-o: cause: that which produces an effect; -ala, -ig-anta: causal, causative; -eso: causality; nula efekto sen kauzo: no effect without a c.; prima -o: primary c. Ant.: efekto rezult-ajo, konsequant(aj)o. — DEFIS

kav-a: hollow, sunken; -o, -ajo: (natural) hollow, cavity, -igar: to h. out, scoop out (by natural causes cf. exkavar); arboro -a: a h. tree, dento -a: h. tooth; -a okuli, vangi: h. eyes; sunken cheeks; la pluvi kavigis la tero: the rains hollowed out the ground. — eFIS

kaval-o: horse, steed; (at chess) knight; -ala: equine; -ulo: stallion; -ino: mare; -acho: hack; -isto: horse-man; -eyo, -stablo: stable; -(eduk)erio: stud; -fako: h.stall, box; -feko: h.dung; -fer-isto: farrrier, h.shoer; -karno: h. meat; -krino: h. hair; -o bankard-ala: wheeler; -pedo: foot of a h.; -povo: (mechan.) h. power; -raso: h. family; -serv-isto, -sorg-isto: groom, ostler; -stulo: pannier -leg-ilo, -reto: covering for a h.: -vend-isto: h. dealer. — DeFIRS

kavalier-o: knight; -ala, -atra: chivalrous, knighthly; -eso, -aro: knighthood, chivalry. — DEFIRS

kavalk-ar: (tr.) to ride (as on a horse); -ant-aro: cavalcade; -ero, -isto: horseman, equerry; -ala: equestrian; -o-doc-isto: riding master; -e: astride; -bloko: h. block. Ex.: Kavalkar kavalo, asno. La sorcistini kavalkas bastoni. Sidar kavalke (E. astride) sur benko. — eFIRS

kavalri-o: (milit.) cavalry; -ano: cavalryman. — DEFIRS

kavatin-o: (mus.) cavatina. — DEFIRS

kavern-o: cavern, cave; -ano: inhabitant of a c. (cf. troglodito); -ala, -oza: cavernous (of caves); -atra: cavernous, hollow (of sounds). — EFIRS

kaviar-o: caviare. — DEFIRS

kay-o: quay; (R.R.) platform. Def.: Rivo masonita et vertikal (alonge rivero, lago et metafore la senco fervoyala), qua posibligas l'embarko o desembarko di personi, vari, o por charjar e descharjar navi; VI—485 . — DEF

kayer-o: blank-book: a few sheets of paper stiched together and covered with a wrapper. — F

kaz-o: (jur., gram., med. and general) case (N.B. not casing); -e ke: (conj.) in case (that); -o (o, questiono) di koncienco: a case of conscience; -o di pendigo: a hanging matter; segun la -o: according to the case; omna-kaze (o, -supoze): in any case; ta-kaze: in that case; nul-kaze: in no case; en omna kazo: in any case, in any event; ni prenos nia parapluvi, kaze ke pluvo rikomencus: we will take our umbrellas in case it may rain; preparez la chambro por la kazo ke il venus: prepare a room in case he should come; en la kazo ke il venoz, enduktez il: in case he comes, show him in. — DEFIRS

kazak-o: cassock: a large sleeved coat formely worn by soldiers; (woman's) long jacket (for outdoor wear); -eto: (woman's) short jacket; (cf. sutano). — DFIRS

kaze-o: (o, krem-kazeo): cream cheese (cf. fromajo); -altra: caseous; -ifar: to make c.. — DeFIRS

kazein-o: casein. — DEFIRS

kazemat-o: (fort.) casemate. — DEFIRS

kazern-o: barrack (for soldiers); en-kazern-igar: to quater troops in b.s. — DFIRS

kazimir-o: (fabric) cassimere, kerseymere. — DEFIRS

kazin-o: casino: assembly room for cardplaying, etc. — DEFIRS

kazual-a: contingent, casual, fortuitous, precarious; -o: a contingent thing (as, a prequisite, extra salary, etc.); -a ofico: office held during pleasure; -a revenui: incidental revenues; la kazuali di la paroko: the casual income or fees of the vicar. Def.: Hazard-ala, acident-ala acesora. — DEFIS

kazuar-o: (orni.) cassowary (genus: Casuaris). — DEFIRSL

kazuist-o: casuist (in case of conscience). — DEFIRS

kazuistik-o: casuistry: science or doctrine of right and wrong; -acha: sophistical. — DEFIRS

ke: (conj.) that (where it unites a clause with the principal sentence; it is often united with prepositions to form subordinating conjunctions): pro ke: because; por ke: in order that (followed by imperative); dum ke: while, during the time that; pos ke: after; til ke: until; de ke: because, from (with participle); depos ke, de kande ke: since; kontre ke: while (contrast); malgre ke: notwithstanding that; per ke: thru the fact that; segun ke: accoding to whether; sen ke: without (with participle); ultre ke: besides that; vice ke: instead that: (ke is likewise joinded with adverbs); tale ke: so that, in such a way that; tante ke: so much that; tante longe ke: so long that; tante ofte ke: so often that; tante all the more so as; kase ke: in case (that); kondicione ke: on condition (that); unfoye ke: once (that).; omnafoye ke: everytime that; supoze ke: supposing that; time ke: for fear that; (cf. Talmey's Text Book, p. 92). — FIS

kegl-o: skittle; ninepin; -aro: a set of skittles or ninepins; -eyo, -sulo: bowling-alley, s. ground; ludar per -i: to play s.s. — DFR

kel-o: (tech.) (wedge-) key, peg, cotter-pin, linch-pin, gib; -agar, -izar: to fasten with a pin. — D

keler-o: cellar. — DEF

kelk-a, -i: some, a few, a little: indicates an indeterminate but not large number, quantity or degree; (cf poka); -o: someting; -u: somebody, someone; -eto: a little bit; -a-foye: sometime; -a-tempe: sometimes; -a-loke: somewhere, in some parts or, or some place; me esas kelke fatigita: I am somewhat tired; donez a me kelka pano: give me some bread; lu esas kelke maladeta: he is somewhat sick; me vartis ilu dom kelka tempo: I waited some time for him. Def: Nedeterminita (tamen negranda) nombro, o quanto, o grado. V. exp.: Kelka, poka: On povas uzar kelka por indikar plu granda nombro (o, quanteso) kam poka. Ex.: La mediko dicas a sua kuracato: «Vu drinkas tro multa biro. (1) Vu darfas drinkar kelka (t.e. negranda quanto, forasn tri o quar glasi singladie). (2) Vu darfas drinkar poka (t.e. mikra quanto, forsan nur un glaso de biro).» La signifiki di la sama radiki kelkafoye (pokafoye) tote diferas en la Angla de la Franca (en ca frazo, kelkafoye signifikas preske ofte, relative ofte; pokafoye signifikus preske nultempe, relative des-ofte (E. rarely). — F

kemi-o: chemistry; -ala: chemical; -isto: chemist (N.B. not a druggist). — DEFIRS

kenel-o: (cook.) quenelle: a forcemeat ball. — eF

kepi-o: kepi: milit. cap worn by French soldiers. — DeFIRS

keratin-o*: ceratin(e), keratin.

kerl-o: fellow, chap, (N.B. this word carries no proper moral valuation and is not used as an insult; cf. II—709). — D

kermes-o, -i: (ent.) kermes; (genus: Kermes). — DEFIRS

kern-o: kernel, stone (of fruits); core (of statutes, etc.); -eto: pip; -oza: full of kernels. — De

kerosen-o*: kerosene (cf. nafto, petrolo).

kerub-o: cherub. — DEFIRS

kest-o: packing-case, box, chest (of tea, soap, etc.); case (of wine, etc.); (cf. kofro, buxo); -eto: small case; (fig.) (small) casket.

«khan»: khan: (title and caravansary).

«khedive»: khedive.

kik-ar: (intr.) to kick (out behind, of horses, and other animals); (cf. pedo-frapar); -ema, -era: kicker (tendency). — E

kili-o: (ship's, boat's) keel. — DEFIS

kilogram-o: kilogram (2.2 lbs). — DEFIRS

kilogramo-metro: kilogrammeter (unit of energy or work). — DEFIRS

kilolitr-o: kiloliter (220 galls). — DEFIRS

kilometr-o: kilometer (0.62 mile). — DEFIRS

kilson-o: (nav.) keelson. — DER

kimer-o: (pr. and fig.) chimera; -a, -ala, -atra, -ema: chimerical, fanciful, visionary. — DEFIRS

«kimono»: (garment) kimono.

kin: five (for derivations, cf. du); -a-dek-yar-a, -o: (person) 50 years old; -yar-ala: quinquennial: which takes place every five years; -yar-a, -opa: quinquennial: which lasts five years; -franka peco: a five-franc piece. — L

kiosk-o: kiosk; (fig.) news stand. — DEFIRS

kiragr-o: chiragra. Def.: Goto en la manui. — DEFIRS

kirk-o: (building) church; (cf. eklezio). — DE

kiromanci-ar: (tr.) to read the hand of; -o: chiromancy, palmistry. — DEFIRS

kiropter-o: chiropter: bat (order: Chiroptera). — eFIL

kirsh-o: kirsh (-wasser). — DEFIRS

kirurgi-o: chirurgery; surgery; -ala: surgical, -isto: surgeon. — DeFIRS

kis-ar: (tr.) to kiss; -egar: to give a hearty kiss to. — DE

«kismet»: kismet.

kist-o: (med.) cyst. — EFIRS

kizelgur-o*: kieselguhr. — DEFIRS

klad-o: first (or rough) draft (of a writing); -ifar: to make a rough draft. — D

klak-ar: (intr.) to clap (per) (as with the hands), to clack, smack (as the lips, the tongue against the palate), to chatter (as teeth from cold); -igar: to clap, to crack (the fingers, a whip, etc.); -o-planko: clapper; klak! smack! pop! V. exp.: Ta vorto indikas altra bruiso kam karkar; klako esas bruiso di shoko (momentala) di du surfaci plu or min plata; krako esas bruiso (qua povas durar) di ulo qua ruptesas frakasesas; III—202. — eF

klam-ar: (tr.) to shout, exclaim, vociferate, cry aloud (words); -(ad)o: shout(ing), clamor: outcry; -ala: exclamative; -isto: public crier; -achar: to bawl, squall; -o-punto: exclamation point. V. exp.: On vokas sempre ulu: on klamas olu. On povas sempre ulu; on klamas ulo. On povas vokar sen klamar (per signalo, sonilo); on povas klamar sen vokar; IV—236; La krio esas voco neartikulita (komuna ad homi e bestii); korntree, on klamas nur vorti; II—80. — EFI

klamid-o: chlamys: ancient mantle. — DEFIRS

klan-o: clan. — DEFIRS

klap-o: any flat piece turning on a axis; as: flapvalve; leaf (of a folding door); flap (of a pocket or envelope or table); -sid-ilo: flap-seat, folding-seat; kameno-klapo : damper. Def.: Omna plana peco, qua povas turnar cirkum axo en sua plano; V—222. Ex.: On uzez la klapo di la kameno por regular la fairo. La klapo di posho kovras la posho. La klapi di ula tabli (per qui on prolongas li).— DF

klar-a: clear: free from all dims, blurs, obscures, obstructs; (fig.) plain, evident; -eso: clearness, light, plainness; -igar: to clarify, make clear, elucidate; -eskar: to become clear; -obskuro: chiaroscuro; -vid-(ad)o: clear sightedness, clairvoyance; -a aquo: clear water; -a koloro: light color; klar-blua okuli: clear (or light) blue eyes; -a mento: clear mind; -a voco: clear voice; la defino ne esas -a: the definition is not clear; klar-igar la signifiko: to elucidate the meaning; -igar la voyo: to clear the road; -irgar afero: to clear up a business. Ant.: obskura, ne-limpida, konfuza. — DEFIRS

klarinet-o: (mus.) clarinet. — DEFIRS

klarion-o: clarion: military bugle; (cf. buglo, trumpeto). Def.: Speco di trumpeto kun sono akuta e penetranta, uzata da soldati e milit-navisti. — DeFIS

klas-o: (all senses) class; -o laborist-ala: laboring cl.; -o-lukto: c. struggle; ca verko ne konvenas ad omna klasi di lektanti: this work does not suit all classes (all kinds) of readers; artisto di la unesma klaso: a first class artist; bilieto di la duesma kalso: a second class ticket; dividar la lernanti en du klasi: to divide the learners into two classes; klaso di maniferi: class of mammals. — DEFIRS

klasifik-ar: (tr.) to classify. — DEFIS

klasik-a: classical; -o: a classic; -ano: a classicist. — DEFIRS

klaudik-ar: (intr.) to be lame, to hall, limp, hobble, (in walking); -igar: to cause (ulu) to limp, to make lame (in legs): -ar en la du pedi: to be lame, to limp with both feet. — F

kauwn-o: clown. — DEFIRS

klauz-o: clause, stipulation, article (in a contract, will, etc.; N.B. not in sentence; cf. membro di frazo). — DEFIS

klav-o: key (of a key-board); (cf. klefo); -aro: keys (collect.), key-board. Def. La extramjo di levero quan on presas por produktar ula efekto (en piano, orgeno, telegrafilo, tiposkribilo, e.c.); VI—28. — DeFRS

kalvikord-o: harpsichord, klavichord. — DEFIS

klavikul-o: (antat.) clavicle, collarbone. — EFIS

klef-o: key (to locks, also fig.); -agar, -e-klosar: (tr.) to lock (ulu); -isto: (karcer-ala): turnkey; -ringo: k. ring; chefa -o: master-key; -o di cienci: k. to the sciences. Def.: Utensilo usata por apelar seruri, generale per rotaco cirkum lua axo: VI-28. — F

klem-ar: (tr.) to press closely together, squeeze, tighten, clench; -ar la lig-ili: to tighten the bonds; -ar la ligili di amikeso: (fig.) to tighten the bonds of friendship. Ex.: Klemar skrubo, freno, nodo, junturo, manuo. — D

klematid-o: (bot.) clematis (genus: Clematis). — EFIS

klement-a: clement, merciful, lenient. Def.: Indulgema e pardonema (anke teologiala senco); III593. Ant. severa, ne-pardon-ema. — EFIS

klepsidr-o: clepsydra: water-clock. — DEFIS

klerik-(ul)o: cleric, clergyman; -ala: clerical; -aro: clergy (collect.); -ana; ano, -isto: clericalist, partisan of clericalism; -eso: ministry, holy orders; -ismo: clericalism. — DEFIRS

klerk-o: (office) clerk (of a notary, lawyer); -eso: clerkship; chef- -o: chief c.; (cf. komizo). — EF

klient-o: client (of a lawyer); patient (of a physician); cutomer (of a tradesman); -aro: clientele, clients (collect.); -izar: to get costumers for (a shop, etc); -izo: custom: patronage; (fig.) good-will. — DEFIRS

klif-o: cliff. — E

klik-o: pawl, (spring-)catch; -izar: to cog with a catch; -o-roto: ratchet-wheel. Def.: Movebla levero-brakio qua, ingranante roto-denti, povas impedar la movo dil rotoen movo en sinso kontrea. — DF

klikt-ar: (intr.) to clank, click, clack, clash, clatter: to make a sudden, sharp noise by striking; -(ad)o: clang(ing), clank (of armour, of chains); -eto: click, jingle (as of classes); -ili: snappers, bones. — DeF

klim-ar: (tr., intr.) to climb (up), clamber (over), mount, ascend (by hand or foot or tendrils). Ex.: Klimar (sur) arboro, monto. La planto klimas til la duesma etajo. — DF

klimat-o: climate. — DEFIRS

klimatologi-o*: climatology. — DEFS

klin-ar: (tr., intr.) to overlap, to cover partially, to clinkerbuild. Def.: Superpozar la bordi di la folii di tolo o la planki qui kompozas la kareno di batelo, e.c.; IV—353. V. exp.: Butar: La but-sistemo konsistas en apud-pozar la bordi tale ke li kontaktas segun sua lota dikeso (same la duvi di barelo). — F

klinik-o: (med.) clinic. — DEFIRS

klink-o: latch (of doors, etc.). — DF

klinometr-o: clinometer. — DEFRS

kliper-o: (nav.) clipper(-ship): fast sailing ship. — DEFIRS

klish-ar: (tr.) to take a stereotype of something to be printed; -uro: stereotype; (photog.) negative, cliche; (cf. stereotipar). — DEFIRS

klister-o: clyster: enema; -izar: to give an enema to (ulu); -tubo, -pump-ilo, -izilo, injekt-ilo, -siringo: instrument for giving an enema. — DeFIRS

klitorid-o: (anat.) clitoris. — DEFIS

kliv-ar: (tr.) to cleave (crystal, a diamond). — DEF

kloak-o: (antiq.) cloaca; (gen.) a sewer; (anat.) cloaca. — DEFIRS

klok-o: o'clock; of (by) the clock; esas un kloko: it is one o'clock; esas du kloki: it is two o'clock; tri kloki dek (minuti): ten minutes past three; quar kloki e quarimo: quarter past four; kin kloki e duimo: half past five; sis kloki e tri quarimi: a quater to seven; sep kloki kinadek (minuti): ten minutes to eight; ok kloki kinadek e kin (minuti): five minutes to nine; ante tri kloki matine: before three o'clock in the morning; pos ok kloki e duimo verspere: after half past eight in the evening. (Note: «What time is it?» is translated «Qua tempo esas?». In some countries in Europe the hours are counted continuously from midnight to midnight, therfore: duadek kloki: (twenty o'clock) eight o'clock in the evening. klok-libro (di la fer-voyo): railway guide.

klonus-o: (med.) clonic spasm. — DEFIRS

klor-o: chlorine (gas); -acido: hydro-chloric (or,, muriatic) acid; -ato: chlorate; -at-acido: chloric acid. — DEFIRS

klorofil-o*: chlorophyll. — DEFS

kloroform-o: chloroform; -agar, -izar: to c. (ulu). — DEFIRS

kloros-o: (med.) chlorosis, green sickness; -ika, iko: chlorotic (person). — DEFIRS

klosh-o: a bell; anything in the form of a b.: -eto: little b., hand b.; -aro: collections of b.s; chimes: -turmo: b. steeple, belfry; -ario, muziko: (the music of) chimes; -(aro)-plear: (intr.); -son-igar: (tr.) to play chimes, to ring the bells; -ple-isto, -ero: chimer; -son-ig-isto, -ero: b. ringer. — F 

klostr-o: cloiter: coverered arcade, especially around a monastic building. — DEFIS

klov-o: (metal) nail; -agar: (tr.) to nail (ulo); -izar: to stud with n.s; -ifar: to make n.s.; -o-stop-ar: to spike (a gun). — FIS

kloz-ar: (tr.) to close, shut (up) (a door, a window, a room, a way, the eyes, a wound, etc.); -eyo: inclosed place, close; -ajo: someting inclosed, an inclosure; -ilo: fence barrier; -agrafo, -o-buklo: clasp, buckle, snap; klef-klozar: to lock; -etar la okuli: to blink the eyes; mi-kloz-ita: half-closed; -o-petro: keystone; -punisar: to keep in (for punishment), to restrict liberty (mililt.). — EFI

klub-o: (social) club; -ano: clubman. — DEFIRS

kluk-ar: (intr.) to cluck, cackle (of poultry). — DEFRS

kluz-o: (nav.) hawse-hole. — DR

knik-ar: (tr.) to bend a thing so as to occasion a flaw in it (yet no entirely to break it), to crack, flaw; (cf. krakar, flexar, fendar). Def.: Strenar korpo relative longa, ex. stango, per preso en la longesal directiono sur la du extremaji . — D

knut-o: knout. — DEFIRS

koadjutor-o: coadjutor. — DEFIRS

koagul-ar: (tr., intr.) to coagulate, curdle, clot, curd. — DEFIS

koakt-ar: (tr.) to constrain, coerce, oblige, compel, force (N.B. this refers espacially to moral; social, intellectual compulsion, rather than physical force; cf. forco, forsar); respekto, gratitudo, autoritato koaktas me silencar: respect, gratitude, authority compel me to be silent; ne koatkez il: do not use compulsion with him; vivo esas perpeuta koakto: life is a perpetual constraint; -anta, -iva povo: coactive, coercive power; koakto-kamizolo: strait-jacket. — F

koalis-ar: (intr.) to form a coalition (kun); -o, -uro: coalition: union of persons, parties or states. — DEFIRS

koaltar-o*: coal tar: tar made from coal. — EF

kobalt-o: (min.) cobalt. — DEFIRS

kobay-o: (zool.) guinea-pig (Cavia cobaya). — FS

kobe-o: (bot.) cobaea (Cobaea). — DEFIRS

kobold-o: koblod: imp, hobglobin, familiar spirit or brownie, puck, sprite. — DeF

kochenil-o: (insect and dye) cochineal. — DEFIRS

kocig-o*: (anat.) coccyx.

kocinel-o: (ent.) coccinella: ladybird, ladybug. — eFIS

kodex-o: (legal, signal, etc.) code, codex; -o farmaci-ala: pharmacopoeia, dispensatory; -igar: to codify. — DEFIRS

kodicil-o: (jur.) codicil. — DEFIRS

koeficient-o: (alg.) coefficient. — DEFIRS

kofi-o: bonnet, cap, coil (such as worn only by country women). — eFS

kofr-o: trunk, coffer, chest; (cf. kesto); -eto: small trunk, portemanteau. — DeFIRS

koher-ar: (intr.) to cohere, be coherent; -anta, -ema, -iva: coherent, cohesive, consistent; -ero: coherer (radio). — DEFIS

kohort-o: (hist.) cohort. — DEFIRS

koincid-ar: (intr.) to coincide (kun) (in form, in time). — DEFIS

koit-ar*: (tr.) to perform the sexual act (cf. kopulac-ar).

kok-o: coke. — DEFIS

koka-o: (bot.) coca (Erythroxylum coca). — DEFIRS

kokain-o: cocaine. — DEFIRS

kokard-o: cockade. — DEFIRS

koket-a: coquettish; -ino: coquette; -ulo: coxcomb, beau; -esar: to be c.; -igar: to coquet with, flirt with. — DEFIRS

kokle-o: (anat.) cochlea. — EFIS

koklush-o: (med.) whooping-cough. — FR

kokon-o: cocoon; -ifar: to spin, form c.s. — DEFR

kokos-o: cocoa-nut; -iero: c.n. tree; -lakto: c.n. milk. — DEFIRS

kol-o: (anat. and fig.) neck; -ala: relating to n., cervical; -umo: collar of shirt or garment); -umo rigida: stiff c.; -umo stac-anta: standing c.; -umo jac-anta: turn-down collar; -o-peco: neck-piece (butchery); -o-parto: neck part (of clothes); -lig-ilo: tie; -luko: neck-cloth, neckerchief; -o di veziko: n. of the bladder; -o di botelo: n. of a bootle. — FIS

kolacion-ar: (tr.) to collate: compare two writings; to assemble and verify the sheets of a book for binding. — DEFI

kola-nuc-o: kola nut; -iero: k. tree (Cola acuminata). — DEFI

kolaret-o: collarret (of cambric, lace, etc, for women and children). — DEFI

kolateral-a, -o: (geneal., jur.) colateral; -a parenti: c. relations. — DEFIS

kolchik-o : (bot.) colchicum (genus: Colchicum). — EFIS

kold-a: (pr. and fig.) cold, frigid, cool: -eso: coldness; -igar: to make cold, to cool; -a balno: c. bath; la supo koldeskas: the soup is becoming c.; homo di kolda karaktero: (fig.) a man of phlegmatic, or cold character; -a mento: a cool mind; traktar amiko kolde: to treat a friend coldly. Ant.: varma — DE

koldkrem-o: coldcream. — DEFIRS

koleg-o: colleague. — DEFIRS

kolegl-o: (all senses) college; -ano: collegian. — DEFIRS

kolekt-ar: (tr.) to collect (books, plants, etc.); to gather (of persons, objects, matter, into a mass); -ala, -iva: collective. — DEFIRS

kolektiv-ismo: (sociol.) collectivism; -isto: collectivist. — DEFIS

koleopter-o: (ent. genus) coleopter, beetle. — DeFISL

koler-o: (med.) cholera; -ika, -iko: c. (patient). — DEFIRS

kolerin-o*: (med.) cholerine. — DEFS

koli-ar: (tr.) to gather, cull, pluck, pick off (fruits, flowers, etc.).; -ajo: crop (of fruit), object picked. — FIS

koliar-o: necklace, neck-badge, collar (as on dogs or horses); (natural marking of birds, and other animals) collar; perlo- -o: pearl necklace; (fig.) ring, hoop (as on a mast, on engine). — DeFIS

kolibiri-o: (orni.) humming-bird (family: Trochilidae). — DFIRS

kolik-ar: (intr.) to have severe pain in the bowels; -o: colic, griping, stomach-ache. — DEFIRS

kolimator-o*: (opt. instr.) collimator. — DEF

kolimb-o: (orni.) diver (family Colymbidae). — L

kolin-o: hill; -eto: hillock, knoll, ridge. Ex.: Roma esis konstruktata sur sep kolini. — FIS

koliri-o*: (pharm.) colyrium: eye-slave, wash. — EF

kolizion-ar: (intr.) to collide (kun); -o: collision: mutual striking of two bodies; (fig.) conflict, encounter. — DEFIRS

kolkotar-o: (chem.) colcothar. — DEFS

kolm-o: highest part, top (of a building or any elevation); ridge (of a roof); -o-trabo: ridge-piece, -pole; -o-tegulo: ridge-tile.

kolodion-o: collodion. — DEFIRS

kolofon-o: colophony: rosin. — DeFIRS

koloid-a, -o: colloid. — DEF

kolok-ar: (tr., fin.) to invest (money, funds); -ajo: money invested. — IS

kolomb-o: dove, pigeon (family: Columbidae); -ea: dove-colored; -yuno: young pigeon; -eyo, -o-turmo: dove-cot, pigeon-house (tower). — FIRSL

kolon-o: (anat.) colon; (arch., fig. in anat.) column, pillar; (of  troops) column; vertebrala -o (spino): verterbral column; densa -o di trupi: close column of troops; -bolto: tie-bolt. — DEFIRS

kolonel-o: (milit.) colonel. — DEFIS

koloni-o: colony; -ala: colonial, -isto: colonist: one who colonizes; -ano: colonist: member of a c.; -igar, -izar: to colonize. — DEFIRS

koloquint-o: (bot.) colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis). — DEFIRS

kolor-o: color (N.B. not pigment); -ajo: something colored; -materio: coloring material; -izar: to color: -aro, izo, -iz-eso: iz-uro: coloring, coloration; -iz-anta: coloring; sen- -igar: to discolor: deprive of it's proper color; des- -izar: to discolor: stain; -o-chanjo: color-change, play of colors; -fairo: colored fire, Bengal lights. — DEFIS

kolorit-o: color(ing), hue, shade: effect which results from the mixture or use of colors; (fig.) brilliancy of style; Raphael montris profunda kompreno di kolorito: Raphael showed a deep understanding of color (of the manner of applying colors to produce a desired effect); la kolorito di ca pikturo ne esas bona: the coloring of this painting is not good; persiko kun bela kolorito: a peach of a beautiful color. — DFIRS

kolos-o: colossus. — DEFIRS

kolport-ar: (tr.) to hawk about, peddle: carry about wares for sale. — DeF

kolubr-o: (genus) coluber: a common non-poisonous snake, ring or grass snake. — eFSL

kolum-o: see kolo.

kolumbari-o*: (antiq.) columbarium, columbaria. — DEFIS

kolumn-o: column (of a page); pagino de tri kolumni: three columned page. — DE

kolur-o*: (astron., geog.) colure. — DEFIS

kolute-o: bladder-nut tree (Colutea arborescens). — IL

koluzion-ar: (intr., jur.) to collude: to conspire in a fraud; -o: collusion. Def.: (koluziono): Interkonsento sekreta por facar kune ula fraudo o nelegalajo; V—88. — DEFIRS

kolz-o: colza, rape seed (Brassica Napus oleifera); -oleo: c. oil; -o-kaulo: cole (Brassica campestris). — EFIRS

kom: as (being), being, to be, in the capacity, character, role, quality of; egardar ulo kum ne-evitebla: to regard something as (being) inevitable; kom exemplo: as (being) an example; me judikas kom mea devo raportar: I judge it as (being) my duty to report; me konsideras il kom honesta: I consider him to be honest; konsiderar la texto kom autentika: to consider the text to be authentic; judikar la vino kom bona: to judge that wine to be good; me agas kom sekretario: I act as (in the capacity of) secretary; il skribis ad me kom elua tutelanto: he wrote (in the capacity) as her guardian; aktoro X . . aparis kom Hamlet: actoro X.. appeared as (assumed the role of) Hamlet; kom la maxim olda, li elektis ku dom delegito: as (being) the oldest, they elected him as (to be) delegate. V. exp.: Quale, kom: On devas uzar kom (e ne quale) en omna kazi, en qui kom povas remplasesar da ula formo di la verbo esar: esar, esante, e.c. Quale signifikas, ke on komparas un kozo ad altra; ol implikas sempre, ke on pensas ad-minime du kozi samtempe. Kom expresas atribuo o qualifiko: ol unionas du nomi (o epiteti, atributi) di un sola kozo (ulo esas atributo kande on atribuas ol ad ula nomo, t.e. kande on asertas explicite od implicite, ke tala qualeso apartenas a l'objekto). Ex.: Il agis kom prezidanto (esante prezidanto ed en ta qualeso). Il agis quale prezidanto (quale il esus prezidanto, ma il ne esis). Me amas il kom mea fatron (il esas mea frato). Me amas il quale mea fraton (il ne esas mea frato). Kom (esante) delegito di la granda republiko, il esis aceptata quale (E. like) rejo; (kp. IV — 88, 648; Talmey's Text Book, p. 74-5; MONDO, agosto, 1920, p 98-9). — FIS

kom-o: (print.) coma (,); -o-punto: semicolon (;). — DEF

koma-o*: (mus.) comma: a minute interval or difference in pitch. — DE

komand-ar: (tr. milit, nav, tech) to command (an army, a ship), to give word of command to (ulu); -ala, -anta, -ema, -atra (voco, tono): commanding (voice, tone); -ita kliko: catch having positive motion; V. exp.: Imperar, komandar: Komandar aplikesas a l'imperado militala o navala, do extreme severa ed absoluta, qua supresas omna responsiveso che l'imperati; IV—162. — DEFIRS

komandit-ar: (tr.) to finance a commercial undertaking, to become a sleeping partner in: -ala societo: a (French) limited, joint-stock company (in which some of te partners take no active part); -anto, -ero: sleeping-, dormant-partner; -o: (assuming) limited liability; -eso: (assumed) limited liability. — DFIS

komandor-o: (knight-) commander: an ordrer of knighthood. — DEFIRS

komat-o: (med.) coma; -atra: comatose; -ego: carus. — DeFIRS

kombat-ar: (tr., intr.) to fight, combat, make war on: -ema: combative, pugnacious, quarrelsome; -eskar: to start a fight: (milit.) to go into action; -esko, -eto: (milit.) engagement; li kombatis senespera kobambato: the fought a hopeless fight. — EFIS

kombin-ar: (tr.) to combine: -o, uro: combination. Ex.: On povas kombinar la quar literi a, b, c, d, en duadek e quar manieri diferanta. Kombinuro di kolori, di soni. — DEFIRS

kombinatorik-o*: (math, philos.) theory of combination(s). — DEFIRS

kombust-ar: (tr.) to burn (esp. in chemistery); -(ad)o: combustion, ignition: combination of a substance with oxygen, or the like usually generating heat and light. V. exp.: vid. brular. — EFIS

komedi-o: comedy; -isto: comedian. — DEFIRS

komedon-o*: (med.) comedo (pl. comedones); face-worm, blackhead.

komenc-ar: (tr., intr.) to begin, commence; -e, -ante: in the beginning, at first; -ala: initial, first; -o-litero: initial. — EFIS

komend-ar: (tr., com.) to order (goods, a dinner, etc.); -aj-o, -i: goods bespoken. — F

koment-ar: (tr.) to comment on (by speaking or by annotation); -o, -uro, -aro: comment, commentary. Ex. Komentar temo, Virgilius. La komentaro di Caesar. — DEFIRS

komerc-ar: (intr.) to trade, traffic, deal (pri ulo, kun ulu); -o: commerce, trade; -ala, -oza, -era: commercial, mercantile; -ajo: good(s), article of commerce, mechandise; -anta: trading; -anto, -ero, -isto: trader, business man, mechant; -ist-ach-ala: profiteering; -o engrosa: wholesale trade; -o endetala: retail trade. — DEFIRS

komet-o: (astron.) comet. — DEFIRS

komfort-o: comfort; -ala, -oza: comfortable; -igar: to make comfortable; (cf. konsolacar). — DEFIRS

komic-o: comitia. Def.: Specala nomo di popul-asemblo (pricipue antiqua Romana). — DeFIRS

komik-a: comic, ludicrous, funny, laughable (cf. rid-inda). — DEFIRS

komis-ar: (tr.) to commission: to charge, empower (ulu facar ulo), to appoint (ulu por ulo); -o: charge instruction, mandate; -anto: one who orders, employer, principal; -ato: person commissioned: commissioner, representative; (cf. prokuraco): -it-aro: commission: body of commissioners, board. Ex.: Komisar ula komision-firmo komprar o vendar acioni por su, por ulu. Komisar komisitaro studiar temo. Ca oficiro ne ja recevis sua komiso. Komisar milit-navo. Komisitaro pri la budgeto. Facar la komisi: (E. to carry out the instructions; (fig.) do the errands). — DEFIS

komisari-o: commissary (di polico, di provizuro): -eso: (function) commissaryship; -eyo: c. office. — DEFIRS

komision-o: (com.) commission: order by which a person buys or sells goods for another: -isto, -ero: c; merchant, c. agent; -gelto, -pago: commission-money: allowance for transacting business. — DEFIRS

komisur-o: (anat.) commissure, suture. — DEFIS

komitat-o: commitee, board; (cf. komis-it-aro). — DEFIRS

komiz-o: clerk; writer, copyist in an office or counting-house; salesman in a store or shop . — DFI

komocion-ar: (tr., med. psychol.) to affect strongly, unnerve, unstring, cause to shake; la violentoza pafado -is la trupi: the hot fire unnerved the troops; san-eso konocion-ita: shattered health. — DEFIS

komod-a: (of things) convenient, commodious: adapted to its use or purpose, suitable; affording convenience, conductive to comfort; utensilo -a: a convenient utensil; ca loko ne esas -a a ni: this place is not convenient for us; ca domo ne havas komodaji: this house has no conveniences. — DEFIS

komod-o: (furniture) commode, chest of drawers, bureau. — DEFIS

komodor-o: (nav.) commodore. — DEFIS

komon-o: commune (in France); parish, township (the political division); -estro: mayor; -estr-eso: mayorality; -domo: community-house, town-hall; -ano: an inhabitant, a member of the commune or parish. — DeFIRS

kompakt-a: compact; (cf. densa); maso-a: a c. mass. — DEFIRS

kompan-o, -ulo, -ino: companion, mate, one who keeps company with another person, one associated with another in an employement; -eso: companionship; joy-oza kompanulo: a good fellow, boon companion; voyajo- -o: fellow-traveller: fidela -o: faithful c.. — EFR

kompani-o: (indust., com, milit.) company. — DEFIRS

kompar-ar: (tr.) to compare (ulo, ad ulo); -ebla, -inda: comparable; (ad) -e: comparatively, in comparaison (ad, kun); -anta gramatiko: comparative grammar; -ar la originalo kun la tradukuro: to compare the original with the translation . — EFIS

komparativ-o: (gram.) comparative. — DEFIS

kompas-o: (a pair of) compass(es); -agar: to measure with c.; trasar per -o: to line out with c. — EFIRS

kompat-ar: (tr., intr.) to pity, have compassion, be compassionate, commiserate, have mercy on: (cf. simpatiar); -anta, -ema, -oza: compassionate; -inda: worthy of compassion, pitiable, miserable, piteous; sen- -a: merciless, pitiless; pro -o: for mercy's sake. — EFIS

kompendi-o: compendium. — DEFIRS

kompens-ar: (tr.) to compensate: to be equivalent to, to counterbalance, to make amends for, to make up for; (com.) to offset. — DEFIRS

kompetent-a: competent (pri), capable, having (legal) power. Ex.: Kompetenta autoritato. Vu ne esas kompententa facar to. Kemiisto kompetenta. — DEFIRS

kompil-ar: (tr.) to compile (a literary work). — DEFIRS

komplement-o: complement: that which it is necessary to add to make a thing complete; (trig.) the difference between an angle and 90°; (gram.) object, the added word to complete a predication; -a, -ala: complementary, completing, supplying a deficiency. — DEFIRS

komplet-a: complete; -igar: to c. (ulo, per); -ig-iva kazo: completive case, objective case. Ex.: Vestaro kompleta. Kompleta floro. Ruino kompleta. Komplet-igar sumo, laboro. — DEFIS

Kompletori-o*: (cath. lit.) complin(e), completory.

komplex-a: complex: not simple, consisting of many parts; complicated intricate. Ex.: Temo, ideo komplexa. Komplexa nombro, questiono. Ant.: simpla.— DEFIRS

komplexion-o: (med.) complexion: constitution, natural disposition of body; (cf. konstituciono); (N.B. not color of skin).

komplez-ar: (intr.) to please, gratify, humor; to be complaisant, obliging (ad ulu); -o, -em-eso: complaisance, disposition to oblige; readiness to serve; -ach-ema: obsequious; -ez: have the goodness, kindness; ne-komplez-anta: disobliging. Def. Konformigar su a la sentimenti, a la humoro di altru. Ex.: Esas elua studio komplezar ad sua spozulo. Montrar su komplezema ad ulu. Me facis to nur por ke me komplezez il. Mis-uzar la komplezemeso di ulu. V. exp. vid. voluntar. — eFIS

komplic-a: (jur.) party (to), privy (to); accessory (to); -(ul)o: accomplice (in a crime, in an ill-design); -eso: complicity. V. exp.: Indikas la neegaleso (etikal e legala) la precipua kulpanto e di lua komplico o complici.III-264 — DEFIS

komplik-ar: (tr.) to complicate: render complex, make intricate; ca afero komplik-at-eskas: this affair is getting complicated. — DEFIS

kompliment-ar: (tr.) to compliment: to address with expressions of civility: (cf. gratular). Ex.: La generalo komplimentis la soldato pri lua kurajo. Il sendis la donacajo kun sua komplimenti. — DEFIRS

komplot-ar: (tr.) to complot: to plot (ulo, kontre ulu). V. exp.: Komploto esas plu generala; konspiro esas komploto politikala, kontre la stato o statestri, por revoluciono o por atento; II-646. — DeFRS

kompost-ar: (tr.) to set up in type; -isto: (print.) compositor; -ilo: composing - stick; -eroro: printer's error, wrong letter; -mashino: composing machine. — EFIS

kompot-o: compote: stewed fruit; -uyo: comport, dish for compote. — DeFS

kompoz-ar: (tr.) to compose: to compound; to form (by uniting two or more things; N.B. not to set up in type; cf. kompostar); to constitute; to invent and set in order; to fashion, adjust; -uro, -ajo: component, compound, ingredient; -isto, -ero: composer (as of music); -ita: composite, composed (da); -ito: compound; -achar: to scribble; Ex.: Omna parti qui kompozas ca mashino. La vorti esas kompozata da literi. Kompozar libro, diskurso, opero. Kompozita vizajo. — DEFIS

kompr-ar: (tr.) to buy, purchase. — IS

kompren-ar: (tr.) to comprehend: to understand, apprehend by the senses; (cf. intelektar, konceptar, konocar, savar; kontenar, inkluzar); -ebla, -iva: comprehensible, intelligible, conceivable; -ende: of course; mis- -ar: to misunderstand. — EFIS

kompres-ar: (tr.) to compress: press or squeeze together. — DEFIRS

kompromis-ar: (tr.) to compromise: to imperil or injure (the reputation, credit, etc. of a person); -anta, -iva: compromising. — DEFIRS

kompuncion-o*: compunction: reproach of conscience; contrition, remorse. — EFIS

kompund-a* (mashino): compound (-engine).

komt-(ul)o: (on continent) count; (England) earl. — EFIS

komun-a: common: pertaining to, connected with, or participated in by two or more persons or things; joint, general; -eso: community (of goods, of interests, etc.); -igar: to communize; -ismo: communism; -isto: communist; -a raciono: common sense; -a eskalero: a c. staircase; interesti -a: co-interests; -a uzo: c. use; -a nomo: a common name; (gram.) a common noun; -igar la havaji di richi: to communize the property of the rich. — DEFIRS

komuni-ar: (intr., rel.) to communicate: to receive the sacrament; -igar: to administer the sacrament to (ulu). — DEFIS

komunik-ar: (intr.) to communicate; have communication (by intercourse), be connected by passage; (tr.) to communicate; impart, transmit, acquaint with; -o, -ajo: communication; -igar: to put (uli) into communication; to make a connection between (buildings, etc.); -ema: (tendency) communicative; -o-pordo: communicating door; inter- -ar: to be in mutual communication. Ex.: Komunikar kun altra personi. Ca pordo komunikas a koridoro. La magneto-petro komunikigas sua qualeso a la fero. Li komunikigas sua projeto a me. — DEFIS

komunion-o: communion: religious fellowship; a denomination. Def.: Uniono en komuna kredo (religiala); III-605. Ex.: La protestanta komunioni. — EFIS

komut-ar: (tr., elec., math.) to commute, commutate (a current); -ilo: commutator. — DEFIS

kon-o: (geom., bot., and fig.) cone; -a, -ala, -atra: conical; -o-trunko: frustum of a c., truncated c.; lum- -o: (opt.) cone of rays. — DEFIRS

koncentr-ar: (tr.) to concentrate: to draw or converge to or toward a common center (troops, rays of light, the mind, the affections, etc.); (chem.) to concentrate: free from extraneous matter; (cf. pludens-igar). — DEFIRS

koncept-ar: (tr. physiol. and psychol.) to conceive (a child, an idea); (cf. gravid-eskar); -(ad)o, -uro: comceiving, conception, concept; -ebla: conceivable. — DEFIRS

koncerna-ar: (tr.) to concern: relate or belong to (ulu, ulo); -o: concern: affair: -ant-a, -e: concerning, relating to, regarding, (jur.) appertaining to (cf. aparten-ante); me parolas pri to quo -as vu: I am speaking about that which concerns you; to ne -as vu: that is not your business. — EFIS

koncert-ar: (intr., mus.) to give a concert; -o: concert; -o-peco: concerto. — DEFIRS

konces-ar: (tr.) to concede (a point in argument). Def.: Grantar ulo por obtenar konkordo; III-168. — DEFIRS

koncesion-ar: (tr., intr.) to grant a (public) concession to, to enter into (public) contract (with); -ario: grantee; -o perpetua: concession in perpetuity. V. exp.: Koncesiono esas specala kontrato por l'exekuto di publika labori. Ol esas karakterizita per ke l'entraprezisto esas pagata ne da la koncesionanto (stato, urbo, e.c.) ma da l'uzanti dum tempo determinita. Exemple: ula urbo deziras posedar elektrala fili por la lumizado di la stradi e di la privata domi. Ol povas procedar per koncesiono, t.e. l'entraprezisto konstruktros la reto, e recevos su pago, de l'aboni dum X yari e pos tempo donos l'instaluro a la koncesioninto. Simila afero eventas pri fervoyi, pri ponti, pri distributi di gaso, aquo, e.c.; IV—168. — DEFIS

konci-ar: (tr.) to be conscious of (ulo); -o: consciousness: the knowlegde or perception of what passes in one's own mind. — EFIS

koncienc-o: conscience; -oze: conscientiously. — EFIS

koncil-o: council (of the church); (cf. konsilo). — DEFIRS

koncili-ar: (tr.) to concilliate: bring to a state of friendship, gain, win by moral influence; to reconcile: make consistent or suitable; (cf. ri-konciliar); -ebla: reconcilable, consistent, accommodable, compatible; -ema: conciliatory, accommodating, compliant, easy to get along, tractable; la multeso di nia reciproka intersiti devas konciliar ni: the great number of mutual interests should overcome any feeling of hostility; elua dolca manieri konciliis la favoro di elua nova familio: her gentle manners gained the affection of her new family; ne esas facila konciliar la historio profana e la historio sakra: it is not easy to reconcile (make consistent) profane history with sacred history. — DEFIRS

konciz-a: concise, succinct (style, etc.). — DEFIS

kondanm-ar: (tr.) to condemn: to sentence, doom; to censure; to judge to be unfit for service. Ex.: Kondamnar ulu a morto. Kondamnar libro. Il kondamnis ca entraprezaji: (E. he has condemned (censured) these undertakings). Kondamnar navo, furnisaji. Ant. : absolvar. — EFIS

kondens-ar: (tr., phys.) to condense; -ilo: condenser. Ex.: Koldeso kondensas la aquo-vaporo. Ant.: vapor-igar. — DEFIS

kondensator-o*: (elec.) condenser. — DEFIRS

kondicion-ar: (tr.) to stipulate, make conditions about; (cf. stipular); -o: condition, stipulation, limitation, restriction; -ala, -ita: conditioned: subject to conditions; -izar: to place conditions, restrictions on; -alo: (gram.) conditional, -e ke: on condition that, provinding that; sen- -a, ne- -ala: unconditioned. — EFIS

kondil-o*: (anat.) the head of humerus (upper arm).

kondiment-o: condiment; -izar: to season, flavor; (fig.) to give a relish to; (cf. saporar). V. exp.: Kondimento havas senco tre generala, plu larja kam spici, pikli, e.c. Omno quo servas por kondimentizar; III-264 — DEFIS

kondol-ar: (tr.) to condole with (ulu): to express or feel sympathetic sorrow; -o-letro: letter of c.. — DEFS

kondomini-o: condominium: joint dominion or sovereignty; (Rom. law) joint ownership; -ar: to have c. Def.: Kunposedar e komune dominacar.

kondor-o: (orni.) condor (Sarcorhamphus gryphus).— DEFIRS

kondukt-ar: (tr., phys.) to conduct, transmit, convey (by tubes, wires, etc.) gas, electricity, heat, etc.; -ivo, -ilo: conductor, conduit, transmitter; -iv-eso: conductibility; gas -ilo: gas-conduit, tube. — eFIRS

konduktor-o: (on trains, trams, omnibuses, etc.) (Europe) guard; (U.S.) conductor. — DEFRS

kondut-ar: (intr.) to conduct onself, behave, demean oneself; ca muliero sempre kondutas bone: this women always conducts herself well. — EFIS

konekt-ar: (tr.) to connect (ulo kun ulo). Def.: Juntar du organi qui servas por transmiso di energio, sive elektrala, sive mekanikal (la energio esas una); III-417. — DEFIRS

konestabl-o: constable: a former title of commander-in-chief of French armies. — DeFIS

konfection-ar: (tr.) to make, manufacture clothing (for); -uro: clothing (ready made). — DF

konfekt-o: confection, sugar-plum. Def.: Diversa-speca sukraji generale mola; V-722. — DEIS

konfer-ar: (intr.) to confer: discourse with any one on some subject; (cf. grantar). — DEFIRS

konferv-o: (bot.) conferva: any of the threadlike green algae that form in scum in ponds and ditches. — DEFISL

konfes-ar: (tr.) to confess, own up, avow (ulo); -igar: to receive the confesion of (ulu); -o: confession; -anto: one who c.; -ig-anto, -ero, -ario: (father) confessor; -eyo: confessional (cabinet): irar por -ar: to go to confession; arachar -o: to extort a confession. Ex.: On konfesas kulpo od irga fakto celita, sekreta e desfavoroza. — EFIS

konfesion-o: (theol.) confession: a formulary of articles of a religious creed, profession of faith; creed; -o di Augsburg: Augsburg Confession. — DEFIS

«konfetti»: confetti. — DEFIRS

konfid-ar: (tr.) to confide: instrust, commit, to the care of; (cf. fidar, konfidencar). Def.: Livrar ula kozo (su, ulu, ulo) a la sorgo, a la fideleso, a la habileso o la kapableso di ulu, di ulo. Ex.: Me konfidas a vu la maxim kara e maxim precosa kozi quin me posedas. — EFIS

konfidenc-ar: (tr.) to tell in confidence (ulo, ad ulu); -o: disclosure; -ajo: that which is confided: the information; -a, -ala: confidential; -e: in c. — DEFIRS

konfirm-ar: (tr.) to confirm: assure by added proof, corroborate, verify; add firmness to, to strenghten; (jur.) to ratify, sanction; (rel.) to receive into the church by confirmation; l'experienco -as ke . .: esperience corroborates that; recenta informi -as me en mea opiniono: recent information confirms my opinion; la korto -is la verdikto: the court has confirmed the sentence; la sakramento di -o: the sacrament of confirmation; -anta, -iva evidentajo: confirmatory, corroborative evidence . — DEFIRS

konfisk-ar: (tr.) to confiscate (ulo, de ulu). — DEFIRS

konfit-ar: (tr.) to preserve (fruits, in sugar); -ajo: jam, preserve, conserve. — DFIS

konflikt-ar: (intr.) to (be in) conflict (kun). Ex.: Nia interesti konfliktas. Konflikto di armei. — DEFIRS

konform-a: conformable: that conforms, like, similar; -e: in conformity; -igar: to (make) conform (ulo, su, ad ulo). Ex.: Kopiuro konforma a la originalo. Vua interesti konform-esas a nii. Konformeso a la volo di altru. Konform-igar su a la manieri di vua tempo. — DEFIS

konfront-ar: (tr.) to confront. Ex.: Konfrontar la testo ad akuzato. — DEFIS

konfund-ar: (tr.) to confound: to make a muddle of serveral things in not distinguishing them properly (with kun); to confuse the indentity of something with something else (with ad). V. exp.: Kunfundar kun ..., kunfundar ad ..: Se ek plura kozi on facas pelmelo per mala o nesuficanta dsitingo mentala, qua mixas iti kun ici, lore la prepoziciono uzenda esas kun. Ex. : «Nun il konfundas omno en sua odio, la kulpozi kun l'inoncenti, la boni kun la mali». Se la spirito transportas erore la qualesi od individueso di ulu od ulo ad altra, lore la prepoziciono uzenda esas ad. Ex.: «Vu konfundis manekino ad homo. - Ne konfundez lampiro a lanterno». En l'unesma kazo (kun) la konfundo esas reciproka; en la duesma, ol ne esas reciproka; VI-513-4; also Talmey's Test Book, p.90) Ant.: dicernar.  — DEFIS

konfuz-a: (physical and mental) confused: jumbled together, indistinct. Ex.: Bruiso konfuza. Nepreciza e konfuza idei. La multa intrucioni konfizigas mea mento. La konfuzeso di la tempo. Ant. klara, preciza. — DEFIRS

konglomerat-o: (geol.) conglomerate; pudding-stone. — DEFIRS

kongr-o: (ich.) conger-eel (Conger). — EFIS

kongregacion-o: (rel.) congregation: -ano: member of a c. — DEFIRS

kongres-ar: (intr.) to hold a congress; -ano, -anto, -ero: congressman, member of a c. — DEFIRS

kongru-ar: (intr.) to be congruous: -eso: congruity; -anta: congruous, congruent, proper. — DEFIS

koni-o: wedge, quoin (arch. print.); -agar: to wedge; -umar*: to shape like (or, form into) an angle. — F

konifer-a, -o: (bot.) conifer(ous). — DEFIS

konik-o: (math.) conic section. — DEFIRS

konivenc-ar: (intr.) ton connive (kun): to feign ignorranc; (fam.) to wink at — DEFIRS

konjed-ar: (tr.) to give leave or holiday to; to furlough. Def. : Donar tempala libreso: IV-67. — FI

konjekt-ar: (tr.) to conjecture: to surmise, presume, guess, suppose; (cf. divinar). — DEFIRS

konjel-ar: (tr., intr.) to congeal; to freeze; (cf. koagular, glaci-igar, forst-igar). Def.: Transformar liquido a solido per la ago di koldeso. Ex.: Temperaturo di 130°K konjelas alkoholo. V. exp.: Frosto povas aplikesar nur a vetero, a la meteorologiala stando, di qua konjelo di l'aquo esas nur elemento o signo; III-330. — EFIS

konjestion-ar: (tr., med.) to congest; -o: congestion. Def.: Akumulo morbala di sango en parto limitizita di la korpo. — DEFIS

konjug-ar: (tr., gram.) to conjugate: to inflect (a verb). — DEFIRS

konjuncion-o: (gram.) conjunction; -a expresuro: conjunctive phrase. — DEFIRS

konjuntiv-o*: (anat.) conjunctiva. — DEFIS

konjuntivit-o*: (med.) conjunctivitis. — DEFIS

kunjuntur-o: concurrence, combination of events and circumstantces, conjuncture. Ex.: Me nultempe trovis plus desfortunoca konjunturo. — DeFIRS

konjur-ar: (tr.) to conjure, raise, call up (spirits). — EFIRS

konk-o: conch, sea-shell (of a mollusc). — EFIRS

konkav-a: concave; -eso: concaveness; -ajo, -ig-uro: concavity; -igar: to make c., scoop or hollow out. — DEFIS

konklav-o: conclave: assembly of cardinals. — DEFIS

konkluz-ar: (tr.) to conclude: to bring to a conclusion, settle, to come to a decision about; (cf. inferar); -iva: conclusive, final, decisive; (cf. pruv-iva); -e: in conclusion. Ex.: Konkluzar kontrato, pakto, mariajo, diskurso. La konkluzo di la kontrato prizentis poka desfacilaji. Konlkuziva pruvo. Konkluze me volas dicar. — EFIRS

konkoid-o: (geom.) conchoid. — DEFIS

konkologi-o: conchology. — EFIS

konkord-ar: (intr.) to agree, be in harmony, concord, concordance, (kun); -igar: to bring into concord, to reconcile; -o kordiala: cordial agreeement (F. entente); ne- -anta: (moral) discordant, disagreeing. Def.: Havar sama opiniono kam altru; (ol expresas stando duriva, (eventuale) permananta); VII-97; tendencar a sama skopo; harmoniar; (kp. akordar, konsentar). Ex.: La konkordo di du gespozi. La konkordo regnas en ica familio. Lia atesturi ne konkordas. — DEFIRS

konkordat-o: (rel.) concordat; (com.) bankrupt's certificate; -ala: certified (of bankrupts); -ario: certified bankrupt. Def.: (Kormercala) Konkordo di faliinto kun sua kreditanti por pago di sua debi; II-76. — DeFIRS

konkrecion-o: (med.) concretion: calculus (cf. kalkolo). — DEFIS

konkret-a: concrete (number, term). Ant.: abstrakta-a, ala. — DEFIRS

konkub-ino: concubine; -ulo: man who lives in concubinage. — DEFIS

konkubinat-o*: (legal) concubinage (applies to men and women). — DEFIS

konkupicenc-o*: concupiscence. Def.: Inklineso juar la bonaji di la mondo, particulare la kozi sensual. — DEFIS

konkurenc-ar: (tr.) to compete (in business, for personal profit); (cf. emul-esar); -(ad)o: competition, natural rivalry, common striving for the same object. V. exp.: Konkurenco esas la naturala, spontana e konstanta rivaleso, qua existas inter praktikanti di la sama profesiono, komerco, industrio, qui penas ecelar por sua personal profito e prospero. Konkurso esas quaze lukto institucata da autoritato, en definita kondicionni tempala ed altra, por ganar premii od adminime recevar rangi atribuata da judikanti. Konkurso similesas do samtempe exameno e judiko. La sama komercisti od industriisti, qui konkurencas sur la nacional e mondala merkato, konkursas exemple en l'universala expozi, en qui on distributas a li premii de diversa rangi. Li konkursas anke por obtenar ula lur niso, prizentante specimeni (kun inkiko di preco), quin ula experti specale komisita examenas, komparas e rangizas; III-348. — DFIRS

konkurs-ar: (intr.) to go into a competition, match (for prizes); -anto, -kandidato: competitor. V. exp.: vid. konkurencar. — DFIRS

konkusion-ar: (intr., jur.) to peculate, practice extortion, graft. Def.: (konkusiono): Prevariko o pekuniala extorso facita da publika funcionero. — DFIS

konoc-ar: (tr.) to know: be aware of, be acquainted with; (through the senses); -igar: to make known (ulo da ulu); -(ad)o: acquaintance, knowing, cognition, cognizance; -eskar: to become acquainted; -ato: acquaintance; -ebla: cognizable; -ala, -iva: (philos.) cognitive; ri-konocar: to recognize: know again; (cf. agnoskar). Ex.: Konocar ulu per la nomo, per la reputo, per la vido. Me ne konocas lua skribado. Me bone konocas omna parti di ca edifico. Me ne konocas la nomo di la strado. La autoro ne esas konocata. Konocar lo bona de lo mala. La hundo bone konocas sua mastro. Il atingis la evo di konoco (E. discretion). Havar bona konoco di aferi. La konoco di krimino. V. exp.: vid. savar. — FIS

konoid-o: (geom.) conoid. — DEFIRS

konosment-o: (com., nav.) bill lading. Def.: Dokumento signatata da kapitano o navestro, deklaranta la naturo e quanto di la vari transportata e la kondicioni di transporto; II-76. — DFRS

konquas-ar: (med.) concussion (brain, etc.). — DEFIRS

konsakr-ar: (tr.) to dedicate, consecrate (a church, one's life, etc.); (cf. sakr-igar). — EFIS

konsekrac-ar*: (tr., Cath. lit.) to consecrate: to convert the bread and wine into the proper substance of Christ. — DEFIS

konsent-ar: (intr.) to consent, give consent, accede, agree, acquiesce; agar konsente kun: to act in concert with; inter-konsente: by mutual agreement; ne- -ar: to dissent. Def.: Adherar a l'opiniono, propozo di altru; implikas chanjo, mental ago e quaze movo; VII-98. Ex.: Kad vu venos kun ni? Me konsentas (t.e. me volas la samo kam vi, o me voluntas sequar vi; ico dependas nur de la volado, ne de l'intelekto). Lua gepatri ne konsentus a lua mariajo. V. exp.: vid. asentar. — DEFIRS

konsequ-ar: (intr.) to follow, result, ensue (de ulo); -o: (relation) consequence; -ant-ajo: consequent (event, thing, issue), consequence; -e: consistently, consequently; therefore; -anta: consequent; -ema: consistent; to ne konsequas de: that does not follow from; ica kozi esas di granda konsequo: these things are of great consequence; la konsequentajo di ilua ago: the consequence of his act; il ne esas konsequema en lua aserti: he is not consistent in his statements. — DEFIRS

konserv-ar: (tr.) to conserve: keep in a safe and sound state; (of fruits, etc.) to preserve; -o: conservation, preservation; -ajo: thing conserved; preserve; -ema, -emo: (also polit.) conservative (person); -em-eso: conservatism; -ar sua saneso: to c. one's health; instinto di (su-) konserv-(ad)o: the instinct of self-preservation. — DEFIRS

konservatori-o*: (institution) conservatory (of music). — DEFIS

konsider-ar: (tr.) to consider; (cf. egardar, regardar, atencar, pensar, judikar, evaluar, reflektar, deliberar, meditar); la soldati konsideris il quale patrulo: the soldiers looked upon him a father; ol esas projeto bone konsiderita: it is a well-considered plan; ol meritas konsidero: it merits consideration; il agas ne-konsider-ante: he acts inconsiderately; konsider-ante vua laborado: in consideration (or, out of consideration) of your work; esas temo konsider-inda: it is a subject worthy of consideration. — DEFIS

konsign-ar: (tr.) to consign (goods); -ajo, -o di komercaji, di vari: consignment; -ario: consignee. Def.: Sendar vari por vendo segun posibleso; II-76. — DEFIRS

konsil-ar: (tr.) to advise, offer counsel to (ulo ad ulu); -ant-aro, -ist-aro: council (cf. koncilo). — EFIRS

konsist-ar: (intr.) to consist: have as its foundation, essence, be composed, be made up of. Ex.: Feliceso konsistas en moderemeso e vertuo. Ca armeo konsistas ek infantrio ed ek kavalrio (kp. kompozar). — EFIS

konsistori-o: (rel.) consistory. — DEFIRS

konskript-ar: (tr.) to conscript: to enlist by compulsion; -ito: a conscript. — DEFIRS

konsol-o: (arch., furnit.) console. — DEF

konsolac-ar: (tr.) to console: comfort (a person) in grief. — EFIS

konsold-o: (bot.) comfrey, consound (genus: Symphytum).

konsolid-ar: (tr., fin.) to fund; -ito: consol. — DeFIRS

konsome-o: (soup, broth) consommé. — DeFIRS

konsonanc-ar: (intr.) to be agreeable or uniform in sound; -o: consonance, accord (of sounds). — DEFIRS

konsonant-o: (gram.) consonant. — DEFIRS

konsort-o: (jur.) consort, associate, partner. — DEFIRS

konspir-ar: (intr.) to conspire: to hatch a treason against a government; li -is kontre la rejo: they conspired against the king; pulvero- -o: gunpowder plot (Eng. Hist.). V.exp.: vid. komplotar. — DEFIS

konsput-ar: (tr.) to treat (publically) most contemptuously, scorn, spurn, flout (cf. mok-egar). V. exp.: To esas nek desestimar, nek abominar, ma expresar extere, per paroli, gesti, agi, la desestimo od abomino (etimologie: kovrar per sputaji); III-203. — F

konstant-a: (all senses) constant; (cf. sen-cesa, perman-anta, persist-anta); -o: (math. phys.) a constant (quantity); -eso: constancy; -e: constantly. Ex.: Job esis konstanta (E., steadfast) (od, ferma) en desfortuno. Konstanta en amikeso. (math.) Konstanta quanto (od, konstanto). Konstanta (od, sen-cesa) venti. Konstante bona. Konstanteso di valoro. — DEFIS

konstat-ar: (tr.) to establish, substantiate (for oneself by observation or experiment), to attest, state (after investigation, to other people). (Note: This word applies to serious even scientific observation and proof, rather than to the perceptions of everyday life). La mediko konstatis la prezenteso di…: the physician observed (verified, proved, established) the prescence of…; -o: establishing, authentication, verification; postular, donar, recevar (oficala) konstato: to demand, give, receive an (official) acknowledgement (or, certificate) (pri ulo); -ebla: ascertainable, able to be verified or determined. Def.: Certeskar pri la vereso di ula fakto, generale per percepto, observo; VII-207. Vidar tote certe, explorar tale, ke la fakto esez por vu tote nedubebla. Mondo, XII, 226. Ex.: Fakto konstatita (E. established fact). Me verifikis la fakti per exameno di la konstati (E. statements) en la protokolo (od, me konstatis la fakti per exameno di la protokolo). — DF

konstern-ar: (tr.) to dismay, to strike with, or throw into consternation; ni esis konstern-ata da ilua vorti: we were dismayed by his words. — DEFIS

konstip-ar: (tr.) to constipate; render costive, bind (the intestines). — EFIRS

konstituc-ar: (tr.) to constitute: to form, compose, make a thing what it is, make up; -o, -eso: (also polit.) constitution; -anta, -iva: constituting: component, composing, constituent (N.B. not elector; cf. elektanto); -ala: (polit.) constitutional (cf. konstitutionala); -al-eso: constitutionality. Ex.: La psiko e la korpo konstitucas la homo. Ca agi ne konstitucas delikto. La konstitucanti (E. elements) di ulo. La parti konstituc-anta, -iva di korpo. — DEFIRS

konstitucion-o: (physiol.) constitution; -ala morbo: constitutional disease. Def.: Generala stando di l’organismo rezultanta del anatomiala stando e de la funcionado di omna organi; VI-210. — DEFIRS

konstrikt-ar: (tr.) to constrict; to draw together, bind, cramp. Def.: (Konstrikto) La diminuto di ampleso di kavajo (stomako) o truo (ex. La natural aperturi di la korpo esas cirkondita da muskuli konstriktiva); II-645. — DEFIRS

konstrukt-ar: (tr.) to construct: to put the parts of anything together in their proper order, to build. — DEFIRS

konsul-o: (Roman, modern) consul; -ala: consular; -eso: (function, time) consulate; -eyo: (residence) consulate. — DEFIRS

konsult-ar: (tr.) to consult (ulu, ulo, pri ulo); (cf. konferar, deliberar); -(ad)o: consultation (also med.). Ex.: Konsultar advokato, vortaro, historio, sua interesti. Konsultanta mediko. Havar konsultanta voco (E. to have the right of discussion without the right of voting). — DEFIRS

konsum-ar: (tr.) to consume, destroy, use up, wear out, expend. Ex.: La rusto konsumas la fero. La fairo konsumas la domo (kombustante ol). Maladeso konsumas la energio. On konsumas vino, karno, korbono, petrolo, papero, aquo, e energio en la vapor-mashini e mem la mashini ipsa, uzante li. kp. IV-397. — DEFIRS

kont-ar: (tr.) to count, reckon (money, trees, people, hours, etc.); to take a census; (cf. kalkular, enumerar); -o: account, reckoning; havar privata konto:to have a private account (at a merchant’s, etc.); kalular la konto (di ulu): to make up the account; kontado di la habit-ant-aro: census of the inhabitants; -isto: accountant; verifikar la kontado: to verify the accounts, the book-keeping; -o kuranta: current account; -ar dekeduope: to count by the dozens; -ilo: counter (machine); (tech.) meter; -o-marko: counter (as in play); -o-yaro: financial year. — DEFIRS

kontagi-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to communicate a contageous disease to (ulu); -o: contagion, pestilence. Def.: Transmisar morbo per kontakto mediata od nemediata kun ulu; (fig.) transmisar etikala malajo per frequento, per imitado nevolata. Ex.: La kontagio di morbo, di vicio. Rido kontagiiva. — DEFIS

kontakt-ar: (intr.) to be in touch, have contact (kun); -eskar: to come into c.; -igar: to place in c. (ulo, kun ulo); -o-punto: point of c.; -e kun: in c. with; -o ne-mediata: direct contact. — DEFIRS

kontamin-ar: (tr.) to contaminate, defile; (cf. polutar, koruptar, sordid-igar). — DEFIS

kontant-ar: (of money) ready; (of payments) cash; -o: ready cash or money; -a pago: cash payment; -a kompro: buying for cash. — DEFIS

kontempl-ar: (tr.) to contemplate. Def.: Regardar longe, ma aktive, kun reflekto o fervoro por studiar o admirar l’objekto; V-35. Ex.: Kontemplar la belaji di naturo. Kontemplado di la boneso di Deo. — EFIS

konten-ar: (tr.) to contain, hold; -o, -eso: containing, capacity; -ajo: content(s); (log.) content; -ant-ajo, -ilo: container; -ema, -oza, -iva: comprehensive. Ex.: Ca tanko kontenas duacent litri. La kontenajo di libro. Donar kontenoza deskripto di ula afero. — EFIS

kontent-a: content(ed), satisfied; -igar: to content, satisfy. Ex.: Kontenta mieno. Havar kontenteso esas plu bona kam havar richaji. V. exp.: vid. saci-ar. — EFIS

kontest-ar: (tr.) to contest, dispute, call into question. Ex. Kontestar la yuro di ulu. Kontestar debajo, heredajo. Il havas ne-kontestebla yuro facar to. — EFIS

kontigu-a: contiguous, adjoining; meeting at the surface or border, touching; -a chambro: adjoining room; (cf. apuda). — DEFIS

kontinenc-ar: (intr.) to be continent; -o: continence: forbearance of lawful pleasure, restraint of passion for sexual enjoyment. — EFIS

kontinent-o: (geog.) continent. — DEFIRS

kontingent-a: (philos.) contingent: happening by chance, casual, accidental; -o: (milit., fin.) contingent, share, quota; -eso, -ajo: (philos.) contingency. Ex.: Kontingent evento; Singlu de la federiti furnisos sua kontingento de trupi e pekunio. Ni agos segun la kontingentajo. — DEFIRS

kontinu-a: continuous: uninterrupted, unbroken, which goes on without intermittance or break; joined without intervening space; -o, -ajo: (philos.) that which is indivisible (matter, body, space); (cf. sen-cesa, perpetua, dur-anta; prolong-uro, sequ-ant-ajo); -a proporciono: (math.) c. proportion; -a febro: continuous, uninterrupted fever; la lego di -o: the law of continuity. Ant.: intermit-anta, ces-anta, ne-dur-anta. — DEFIS

kontor-o: counting-house, (business) office, (administrative) bureau; -isto: office clerk, -ist-aro: office force. — DeFR

kontraband-ar: (tr.) to smuggle (in); -ajo: a contraband article. — DEFIRS

kontrabas-o: contrabasso: the largest kind of bass-viol, violone, double-bass. — DEFIRS

kontradans-o: contradance, country dance, old fashioned quadrille. — DEFIS

kontrafakt-ar: (tr.) to counterfeit (money), to forge (a signature); -uro: counterfeit, forgery (made). — FI

kontrafort-o: (arch.) counterfort: a buttress, spur or pillar serving to support a wall. — EFIRS

kontrakt-ar: (tr., phys., anat., gram.) to contract: to draw into a smaller compass, draw together or nearer; to shrink (together); (cf. konstriktar, astriktar, plu-kurt-igar). Def.: Diminuto di longeso, di larjeso o di volumino; II-645. Ex.: La maxim multa korpi kontraktesas da la frigoro; muskolo aganta kontraktesas. — DEFIS

kontraktur-o: (med.) rigidity, stiffness of muscles. Def.: Rigideso duranta, ma nevolita, di muskolo. Ex.: Tetano efektigas grandega kontrakt-uro. — DF

kontralt-o: (voice or person) contralto, counter-tenor. — DEFIRS

kontrapoz-ar: (tr., log.) to contrapose. — DEFR

kontrapunt-o: (mus.) counterpoint. — DEFS

kontrast-ar: (intr.) to contrast: stand, be in contrast; -igar: to (put in) contrast (ulo, ad ulo). Ex.: Kontrastigar to quon on facas a to quon on intencas facar. Kontrasto di ombro e di lumo. — DEFIRS

kontrat-ar: (tr., intr.) to make a contract (kun); -o: contract: agreement or covenant between two or more persons; bargain; (cf. paktar). Ex.: Kontratar facar ulo. Kontratar kun la stato facar ulo laboro. Donar vendo-kontrato (E. to give a deed of sale). — DEFIRS

kontravenc-ar: (tr., intr.) to contravene: transgress, infringe on (regulations, orders, the law, etc.). Ex.: Kontravencar la dekalogo. V. exp.: vid. krimino. — DEFIS

kontre: (prep.) against: in opposition to, with; in contradiction to, contrary to; in an opposite direction; opposite; (law term) versus; -mea volo: opposite my wish; marchar – la enemiko: to march against the enemy; luktar – des-fortuno: to struggle with adversity; irit-igar - : be exasperated with; agar - sua koncienco: to act against one’s conscience; irar – la fluo: to go against the current; -e: by way of compensation, as a set off, per contra; on the contrary, on the other hand; -ajo: the contrary, opposite (object); -esar: to be opposed (ad); -(ul)o: adversary; -eso: opposition; - ke: (conj.) while (in contrast). In composition kontre has the sense of: counter, contra; (cf. anti-). — DEFIRS

kontre-agar: (tr.) to act contrary or in opposition to (ulu, ulo), to thwart; -ag-anta, -ema: opposing (fig.) provoking; -ag-em-eso: spirit of contrariety.

kontre-asekur-ar: (tr.) to insure against.

kontre-demand-ar: (tr.) to counter-question.

kontre-dic-ar: (tr.) to gainsay, contradict; inter-kontre-dic-anta: mutually contradictory; su-kontre-dic-anta: self-contradictory.

kontre-etik-a: immoral.

kontre-febr-a: antifebrile

kontre-fluo: counter-flow, -current.

kontre-frapo, -shoko: counter-blow.

kontre-imper-o: counter-order.

kontre-indik-o: contra-indication (chiefly med.).

kontre-jud-a: anti-Semitic; -o: anti-Semite.

kontre-klerik-a: anticlerical; -ismo: anticlericalism.

kontre-konstituc-a: anti-constitutional.

kontre-march-ar: to counter-march.

kontre-min-ar: (tr.) to countermine.

kontre-monarki-a: anti-monarchical.

kontre-nacion-a: anti-national.

kontre-natur-a: unnatural.

kontre-pap-o: antipope.

kontre-parol-ar: (tr.) to speak against, rejoin to.

kontre-pez-ajo: counter-poise, -balance, -weight.

kontre-pled-o: counter-plea, opposition speech.

kontre-propoz-o: counter-proposal.

kontre-putr-a: antiseptic: preventing putrefaction; (cf. asepta).

kontre-religi-a: anti-religious.

kontre-reproch-ar: to recriminate.

kontre-revolucion-o: counter-revolution.

kontre-senc-o: contrary sense, meaning.

kontre-signat-ar: to countersign; -o, -uro: countersign(ing).

kontre-sins-a: in the opposite direction, backwards.

kontre-skarp-o: (fort.) counterscarp. — DEFIS

kontre-skorbut-a: anti-scorbitic, scurvy.

kontre-soci-a: anti-social.

kontre-spasm-a: anti-spasmodic.

kontre-torped-navo: torpedoboat destroyer.

kontre-venen-o: counter-poison, antidote.

kontre-verm-a, -o: vermifuge.

kontre-vol-a: reluctant, -e: unwillingly.

kontribut-ar: (tr., intr.) to contribute (ulo, ad ulo). Ex.: Kontributar duimo di la sumo. Kontributajo a la suceso di la afero. To esos kontributiva a vua feliceso (E. that will be conducive to your happiness). — DEFIRS

kontric-ar*: (intr., rel.) to feel deep sorrow for sin; -o: contrition, remorse, repentance; -anta: contrite. — DEFIS

kontrol-ar: (tr.) to control by checking, verification, entering into a counter-register or counter-roll; -o: checking, verification; -isto: controller, comptroller; -eyo: comptroller’s office; -o-libro: register kept to correct another register; (milit.) muster-roll; -o-marko: check-mark; hall-mark; -mark-izar: to counter-check, mark; -o-bilieto: (theat. -) check; -expertizo: counter-survey; -inquesto: counter-inquiry; -voko: second roll-call, check-roll-call. — DeFIRS

kontrovers-ar: (tr.) to controvert, dispute, discuss. Def.: (kontroverso) Debato pri questiono, opiniono, e.c., precipue pri temi religiala, filozofiala. — DEFIS

kontumac-a: (jur.) contumacious: disobedient to a lawful summons; non-appearing; defaulting; -(ul)o: a c. person; -eso: contumacy, default; judiciar kom -o: to default, declare to be contumacious. — DEFIS

kontur-o: contour, outline: the line that bounds a figure; -izar: to outline, give proper contour. — DEFIRS

kontuz-ar: (tr., med.) to contuse, bruise (by blow or fall). — DEFIRS

konvalec-ar: (intr.) to be convalescent. — DEFIS

konvekt-ar: (tr., phys.) to transfer (heat, electricity) by means of currents in liquids or gases; -o: convection. Def.: Modo di transporto di la koloro, dil elektro; III-139. — DEFIRS

konven-ar: (intr.) to suit: be suitable, be fitting, be congruous, be proper, fit in, match; (cf. decar); (impers.) to be expedient, be advisable, be convenient; -o: fitness, suitableness, pertinence; (pl.) good manners, decorum, proprieties; -anta: suitable, proper, expedient, pertinent, convenient; ne- -ajo: inconvenience; ca loko konvenas bone ad il: this place will well suit him; tala laudo ne konvenas a me: such praise does not suit me; konvenas facar: it is advisable to be silent; ne konvenas a me dicar: it does not beseem me to say; obediar la konveni: to observe the rules of decorum; la konveno di mariajo: the suitableness of marriage; domo kun multa nekonvenaji: a house with many inconveniences. — eFIS

konvencion-ar: (intr.) to make an agreement, come to a (written) understanding; -o: agreement, covenant, convention, pact; -ala: conventional: stipulated; tacitly understood, arising out of custom; -ala linguo (od, parolado): conventional language; parola -o: verbal agreement; skribita -o: written agreement; la historiisti ne -as pri la dato: the historians do not agree as to the date; la testi konvencionis dicar: the witnesses agreed to say. — DEFIRS

konvent-o: convention, assembly; conventicle: assembly, usually secret, as of freemasons; nacionala -o: national convention. — DeFIS

konverg-ar: (intr.) to converge: tend to a point. Ant.: divergar. — DEFIS

konvers-ar: (intr.) to converse (kun); -etar: to chat. — DEFIRS

konversion-o: (milit.) a change of front, wheeling.

konvert-ar: (tr., rel., fin.) to convert; -ar pagani, pek-anti: to convert heathen, sinners (cf. transformar). — DEFIRS

konvex-a: convex. Ant.: konkava. — DEFIRS

konvink-ar: (tr.) to convince (ulu, pri ulo); me konvinkesas ke il mentias: I am convinced that he is lying; -anta, -iva pruvo: convincing proof. — EFIS

konvolvul-o: (bot.) convolvulus, bind-weed, morning-glory (genus: Convolvulus). — EFIS

konvoy-ar: (tr.) to convoy: transport, convey troops, munitions, etc. (usually under armed escort); -o: convoy(ing), transport(ing); -o-navo: transport (ship); -al eskort-navo: escort ship to a convoy. Def.: Transportar soldati, municioni, e.c. per serio de veturi o navi. V. exp.: Konvoyo esas la transporto e, per extenso, la serio de veturi (o navi) ipsa. Konvoyar ne esas sinomimo di akompanar, eskortizar: on eskortizas konvoyo; IV-12. — DEFIS

konvuls-ar: (intr.) to have a violent and involuntary contraction of the muscles; -igar: to convulse; -o: convulsion, fit; -ala, -atra: convulsive. V. exp.: Konvulso (konvulsi) esas general e duranta kontrakti di la muskuli, ne volita, ma pro nerval influo. Spasmo esas kontrakto lokala (di un muskulo aparta), generale bruska e neduranta. Krampo esas kontrakto partala e doloroza di un muskulo (ex. En la suro); II-646. — DEFIRS

konyak-o: cognac (French) brandy. — DEFIRS

kooper-ar: (intr.) to cooperate ( in a co-operative institution); (cf. kunlaborar, kontributar (ad); -ala, -anta societo: cooperative society. — DEFIRS

koopt-ar: (tr.) to co-opt: to choose or elect a fellow member. Def.: Adjuntar a su membro per interna elekto. Ex.: La elektita komisitaro havis la yuro di koopto, e kooptis Sro. X. pro la specala autoritato; IV-105. — DEF

koordin-ar: (tr.) to co-ordinate: dispose, adjust; -iti: (geom.) coordinates. Def.: Kombinar en la ordino asignita da la formo o la naturo id l’elementi. Ex.: Koordinodi la muskuli. — DEFIRS

kopaiv-o: copaiba, copaiva (balsam); -iero: c. tree (genus: Copaiba). — DEFISL

kopal-o: copal, a resin. — DEFIRS

kopi-ar: (tr.) to copy: write, print, engrave, or paint, alter an original; (cf. imitar); -o: copying; -uro: a copy; -anto, -ero, -isto: copyist; -o-pres-ilo: copying-press; -o-registro: copying register (for letters, etc.); -o atestita: a certified copy; -inko: copying ink; -uro korektigita, emendita: corrected copy; -o neta: a clean copy. — DEFIRS

koprolit-o*: (paleon.) coprolite. — DEF

kops-o: copse, coppice. — E

kopul-o: copula. — DEFIS

kopulac-ar: (intr.) to copulate: unite in sexual intercourse (kun); -igar: to pair (animals for breeding). — DEFIS

koquar: (tr.) to cook (food) by baking, boiling, broiling, roasting, etc.; (cf. bakar, stufar, boli-igar, grilar, rostar); -ajo: something cooked; -isto: cook; -art-ala: culinary; -il-aro: cooking utensils; -ey-estro: chief cook. — EFIRS

kor-o, -kant-aro: choir, quire, chorus (the singers); -ala: choral; -kanto: chorus (song); -ano, -(kant)isto: chorister; -ista puero: choir boy; -estro: choir leader; kantar kor-e, -atre: to sing in chorus. — DEFIRS

korali-o: coral; -ala, -atra: coralline, coralline-like. — DEFIRS

koram: (prep.) in the presence of; -me: in my presence; -la rejo: in the presence of the king. — L

koran-o: Koran. — DEFIRS

korb-o: basket; -o-botelo: demi-john, carboy; (cf. damijano). — DF

korbel-o: (arch.) corbel. — EF

kord-o: line, cord, rope; (geom.) chord; (of an arch.) span, chord; -ego: large rope, hawser (cf. kablo); -aro: cordage; -eto: small rope, string, twine; -igar: to twist, twine (like a rope); -ifar: to make ropes; -if-eyo, -erio: rope-walk; -(et) izar, -ligar: to cord, bind; -o-dans-isto: rope-dancer; -o-skalo: rope-ladder. — EFIS

kordi-o: (anat., fig. of affections and cards) heart; -ala: cardiac; (fig.) cordial; -al-eso: cordiality; -ika, -iko: heart-diseased (person); -o-lacer-anta: poignant; heart-rending, harrowing. — DEFIS

kordon-o: a short cord or ribbon; as: klosh-(et)- -o: bell-cord, -pull; tir- -o: check-string for doors, carriages, etc.); zon- -o: girdle (as of monks); shu- -o: shoe-string, lachet; chapel- -o: hat-band, -string; umbilik-ala -o: umbilical cord, navel string; (honor-) -o: cord or ribbon worn as a decoration; milit-ala, epidemi-ala -o: (fig.) military, sanitary cordon: a line of sentinels, guards. — eFIRS

kore-o*: (med.) chorea, St. Vitus’s dance. — DEFS

korekt-a: correct: conforming to the rules or the conventional standard, accurate, exact, right, faultless; -igar: to correct (cf. emendar, punisar); -ig-uro: (result) correction; -ig-ebla: corrigible. Ex. Korekta frazo, konduto. Korektigar la mori di ula naciono. V.exp.: vid. emendar. — DEFIRS

korelat-ar: (intr.) to be in correlation; -anta, -iva: -ivo: correlative: standing in reciprocal relation; -iva termini: correlative terms. — DEFIRS

korespond-ar: (intr.) to correspond: to hold communication by letters, (kun ulu); to answer in character, function, etc., be adequate (ad ulo); (cf. konform-esar, konkordar). — DEFIRS

koriandr-o: (bot.) coriander (Coriandrum sativum). — DEFIS

koribant-o: (antiq.) Corybant: a priest of Cybele. — DEFIRS

koridor-o: corridor, passage-way. — DEFIRS

korife-o: (antiq.) coryphæus (ballet) coryphee; (fig.) one distinguished in his profession or in a society. — DeFIRS

korimb-o: (bot.) corymb. — EFIS

korint-o, -i: (dried or shop) currant(s). — DFRS

korion-o: chorion, the outside membrane of the foetus. — DEFIS

kork-o: cork(-bark); -o-querko: c. tree; -izar: to cork (a bottle), to lay c. on (a floor, etc.); -o-flotac-ero: c. float; c. belt; -o-tir-ilo: corkscrew. — DE

kormoran-o: (orni.) cormorant (genus: Phalacrocorax). — DEFI

korn-o: horn (of animals, as material or as used in wind instrument); -a, -oza, -atra: corneous, horned, horny; -izar: to put horns on; -agar: to horn, gore; -eskar: to become h.; -isto, -ero: horn-blower; -e anuncar, proklamar: to blare out, trumpet; -o-plear: to blow or wind the h.; -o-brancho: antler; abundo- -o: horn of plenty, cornucopia; tri-korna chapelo: three cornered hat; -o-kofio: cornet: head-dress worn by sisters of charity. — eFIS

kornaj-ar: (med.) to be short of breath. — DEFIRS

kornalin-o: (min.) cornelian, carnelian. — DEFIS

kornak-o: cornac: elephant driver, mahout. — DeFIS

kornamuz-o: bagpipe; -o-plear: (intr.) to play the bagpipe. — FIS

korne-o: (anat.) cornea. — DEFIS

kornel-o: (bot.) cornel-berry, dog-berry; -iero: cornel (genus:Cornus). — DEFIRS

kornet-o: (instr.) horn, kind of trumpet; papera -o: paper cone (as for holding candy); valvo- -o: cornet: cornet-a-pistons; (valvo-) -isto: cornetist. — DeFIS

kornic-o: (arch.) cornice. — EFIRS

kornik-o: (orni.) crow; (cf. korvo, frugilego). — FIS

korod-ar: (tr.) to corrode; -anta, -iva: corrosive. Ex.: La rusto korodas la fero. — DEFIS

koroid-o*: (anat.) choroid coat of the eye.

korol-o: (bot.) corolla. — DEFIS

korolari-o: (log., math.) corollary. — DEFIRS

korp-o: body: total organised substance of a person, animal or plant; the principal part of anything; (milit.) corps; -ala: corporal, corporeal, bodily; -eskar: to become body, materialize; -exerc-(ad)o: bodily exercise; -o-gard-isto: bodyguard. — DeFIRS

korporacion-o: corporation (cf. gildo). — DEFIRS

korporal-o*: (Cath. lit.) corporal: communion cloth. — DEFIS

korpulent-a: corpulent, stout (cf. obeza, repleta). Def.: Ta qua havas la tota korpo (anke la membri) grosa, dika; lu esas muskuloza, do generale forta e sana; VI-601. — DEFIS

korpuskul-o: corpuscle. — DEFIS

kors-o: public-drive, -walk. Def.: Speco di promeneyo en urbo; III-203. — DFI

korsaj-o: corsage, bodice. — EF

korsar(ul)o: corsair: privateer; (fig.) pirate; (cf. pirato); -navo: privateer. — DEFIRS

korset-o: corset, stays; -izar: to corset (ulu); -kovr-ilo: corset cover. — DEFRS

kort-o: (of justice, of sovereign) court: (of a house) court(-yard); -ana: courtly (person); -ano: courtier, member of a court; -an-eso: courtliness; -o supera, eceptala: highest court, court of appeals. — EFIS

kortic-o: (also anat.) cortex: bark (of trees); sen-kortic-igar: to strip trees of bark. — EFIS

korund-o: (min.) corundum. — DEFIRS

korupt-ar: (tr., phys., moral) to corrupt: taint, spoil; deprave, demoralize. Ex.: La kaloro balde koruptas karno en la somero. Koruptar linguo, texto, judiciisto, la mori di ulu. — DEFIRS

korv-o: (orni.) raven (Corvus corax); (astron.) Corvus. — L

korve-ar: (intr.) to do corvee; to do compulsory (or, statute-) labo(u)r (on highways, etc.); (milit.) to do fatigue duty. — eF

korvet-o: (nav.) corvette; sloop of war. — DeFIRS

ko-sek-ant-o*: (geom.) cosecant.

ko-sinus-o*: (geom.) cosine.

kosm-o: cosmos, -ala: cosmic. — DEFIRS

kosmetik-o: (art of using) cosmetics; -ajo: cosmetic article; -ala: cosmetic. — DEFIRS

kosmogoni-o: cosmogony. — DEFIRS

krecent-o: crescent; (fig., cook.) a crescent-shaped roll. — EFIS

kred-ar: (tr.) to believe (ulu, ulo); me tote ne -as to: I do not believe it at all; -ar historio: to believe (in) history; -ar ulu kom richa: to believe someone to be rich; kred-igar ulo da ulu (igar ulu kredar ulo): to cause someone to believe something; -o: faith, belief, believing; -end-ajo, -formulo, -artiklo, -i: creed; -ema: credulous; -ebla, -inda: credible; -o-deklaro: declaration of faith; -ar rumoro: to credit a rumo(u)r. — EFIRS

kredenc-o: (in church) credence (-table); (in house) sideboard, buffet. — DEFIS

kredit-ar: (tr., com.) to credit: to enter upon the credit side of an account; to give trust or credit to (ulu) (cf. kredar); -o: credit: reputation for solvency; delay in payment (cf. estimo); -ajo: a c. entry; -anto, -ero: creditor; -o-letro: letter of c.; -o-konto: a c. account; -e vendar: to sell on c.; sen- -igar, des- -izar: to discredit; to deprive of (commercial) c.; (fig.) to bring into disrepute; (cf. kredar). Ant.: debet-igar. — DEFIRS

krem-o: cream; (fig.) the best part of anything; -ea, -eo: cream-color(ed); -uyo: c. holder, c. jug; -o quirlita: whipped-c.; -jeleo: blancmange. — DEFIRS

kremac-ar: (tr.) to cremate; -eyo, -forno: crematorium. — EFIS

kremon-o: window-fastening (vertical, as in car windows). Def.: Stango qua restas vertikala, e qua, sive rotacante cirkum sua axo, sive per shovo-movo (komandata per maneto) engajas su (o sua hoki) en trui supre ed infre en la fenestro; IV-448; (kp. spanyoleto). — F

krenel-o: crenelle: loop-hole, embrasure (in a battlement); -izo, -iz-uro: crenellation, indentation; (coins) milling. — eF

kreol-a; -o, -ulo, -ino: creole. — DEFIRS

kreozot-o: (chem.) creosote. — DEFIRS

krep-o: (crepe) crape; -izar: to cover with crape. — DEFR

krepis-ar: (tr.) to rough-cast, rough-coat, parget, give a coat of plaster to (a wall). — F

krepit-ar: (intr.) to crepitate; to make a crackling sound (also surg. of noise of fractured bones). — DEFIS

krepon-o: (fabris) crepon: a thick crape. — DEFIRS

krepuskul-o: crepuscule: twilight (in evening or morning). — eFIS

kres-o: (bot.) (water-)cress. — DEFIR

kresk-ar: (intr.) to grow (esp. of living things; cf. augmentar, plu-grand-igar, divenar); -igar: to cause (ulo, ulu) to grow; -eskar: to start growing; -ante: (mus.) crescendo. Ex.: Herbi, hari, homi kreskas. La pluvo kreskigas la frumento. — FIS

kresp-o: pancake. — F

krest-o: (all senses) crest, top, ridge; han(ul)o- -o: cock’s comb; monto- -o: top of a mountain; -o di ondo: crest of a wave; -o di suceso: crest of success. — EFIS

krestomati-o: chrestomathy: select passages to be used in learning a language. — DEFIRS

kret-o: chalk; -oza, -atra: chalky, cretaceous; -krayono: chalk-crayon. — DeFIS

kretin-o, -ulo, -ino: cretin. — DEFIRS

kreton-o: (fabric) cretonne. — DEFRS

krev-ar: (tr., intr.) to burst, break suddenly, fly open. Ex.: Se vu tro plenigus la sako, ol krevos. La abceso krevis. Krevar pro rido. — FI

krevet-o: shrimp (Crangon vulgaris). — F

krevis-ar: (tr., intr.) to crack, chap, chink (surface only, as in china, hands). V. exp.: Expresas surfacala fendeto, qua eventas ex. en la sulo, en la muri, en la glacio, en la pelo, e.c. To esas altro kam fendeto: nam ex. vazo krevisita nule esas fendita; III-203. — EFI

kri-ar: (intr.) to scream, cry out: make inarticulate noise (men and animals); -etar: to whine, whimper; -achar: to bawl (cf. plor-achar). V. exp.: vid. klamar.— EFIRS

kribl-o: screen: a coarse sieve for separating stones from earth, dust from coals, etc.; (cf. sivo); -o-reziduo: siftings. — FIS

krik-o: lifting-jack, screw-jack, hand-screw. — FIS

kriket-o: (game) cricket; -bat-ilo: cricket bat; -agro, -eyo: cricket ground; -lud-anto, -ero, -isto: cricketer. — DEFIRS

krik-krak: (onom.) crick-crack.

krimin-ar: (intr.) to commit a crime; -o: crime (such as treason, murder, arson, etc.); -ala: criminal (law, etc.); -anta, -inta, -oza: criminal (person); -anto: criminal, malefactor, -al-igar: to make a criminal out of (ulu); -al-isto: criminal law specialist; -oz-eso: criminality; -o morte punis-ebla: a capital crime. V.exp.: Segun la Franca yuro, la ofensi kontre la lego, segun la grado di graveso, esas: krimino (E. crime), delikto (E. misdemeano(u)r), kontravenco (E. trespass). — DEFIRS

krin-o: hair (of animal’s mane or tail); -aro: (horse’s) mane; kaval- -o: horse-hair; -kamiz-eto: hair-shirt. — FIS

krinolin-o: (fabric or dress) crinoline. — DEFIRS

kriofor-o: (phys.) cryophorus. — DEFIS

kriometr-o: cryometer. — DEFIS

krioskop-o: cryoscope. — DFIS

krioskopi-o: (phys., med.) cryoscopy. — DEFIS

krip-o: crib: manger, feeding-trough; (cf. bers-ilo). — DEFI

kripl-a: maimed, crippled; (cf. infirma); -igar: to cripple, maim. Def.: Qua perdis membro, o lua uzebleso per deformo; V-157. V. exp.: On povas esar infirma sen esar kripla: multa oldi esas infirma (blinda, surda, nekapabla marchar, e.c.) nam li ankore konservas omna sua membri e korpala integreso, sen esar kripla. Ed on povas esar kripla sen esar infirma (ex. ulu a qua mankas nur un fingro o falango esas kripla, ma ne remarkeble infirma: segun la legala termino, lua labor-kapableso ne diminutesis); V-95. — DE.

kript-o: crypt. — DEFIRS

kriptogam-o, -a: (bot.) cryptogam(ous). — DEFIS

kriptograf-ar: (tr.) to write (ulo) in cryptogram (secret characters). — DEFIRS

krism-o: (Cath. and Gr. lit.) chrism, holy-oil. — DEFIS

krisp-a: (of hair) crisp: woolly (as on negroes). — EL

Krist-o: Christ; -ana, -ano: Christian; -an-aro, -mondo: Christendom; -an-eso: Christianity (quality); -an-ismo: Christianity (doctrine); -o-teologio: Christology; ante Kristo (a K.): before Christ (B.C.); pos kristo (p. K.): after Christ, anno domini (A.D.); -o-nask-o, -ala: Christmas. — DEFIRS

kristal-o: crystal; -igar, -eskar: to crystallize; -a glaso: cut glass; (cf. quarco). — DEFIRS

kristalin-o: (anat.) crystalline lens (of the eye). — DEFIRS

kristalografi-o: crystallography. — DEFIRS

kristaloid-o*: (chem.) crystalloid.

kriteri-o: criterion. — DEFIRS

kritic-ismo*: critical philosophy: the metaphysical system of Kant.

kritik-ar: (tr.) to criticise (ulu, ulo); to examine and judge critically; (cf. blamar); -achar: to make unjust criticism of, to carp at. — DEFIRS

kriz-o: crisis, decisive moment, critical time, turning point; -ala: critical: relating to a crisis. — DEFIRS

krizalid-o: (ent.) chrysalis, nymph, pupa, grub. — DEFIS

krizantem-o: (bot.) chrysanthemum (genus: Chrysanthemum). — DEFIRSL

krizokalk-o: pinch-beck: an alloy of copper and zinc resembling gold. — DFIS

kroas-ar: (intr.) (of crows) to caw; (of frogs) to croak. — F

kroch-ar: (tr.) to crochet. — EFR

krok-ar: (tr.) to craunch, crunch (with the teeth and fig.). Def.: Mastikar ulo harda qua ruptesas bruise; IV-137. — F

kroket-o: (game) croquet. — DEFIRS

krokodil-o: crocodile. — DEFIRS

krom-o: chrome, chromium. — DEFIRS

kromatik-a: (mus., opt.) chromatic. — DEFIS

kromolitograf-ar: (intr.) to make chromolithographs. — DEFIRS

kromosom-o*: (biol.) chromosome.

kromotip-ar: (tr.) to chromotype: print in colo(u)rs. — DEFR

kromotipograf-ar*: to print in chromotypography.

kron-o: crown (also fig. as of teeth); -izar: to crown; -izo: crowning, coronation; (fig.) crowning (as of a career); -iz-uro: (arch.) crown-piece, coping; sen- -igar, des- -izar: to uncrown. — DEFIRS

kronglas-o: crown glass. — DEFIRS

kronik-a: (med.) chronic: of long duration; -eso: chronic state; -eskar: to become chronic. — DEFIRS

kronik-o: chronicle; -isto: chronicler. — DEFIRS

kronologi-o: chronology. — DEFIRS

kronometr-o: chronometer. — DEFIRS

kronometri-o*: chronometry: the art of measuring time. — DEFIRS

krop-o: (of birds) crop; -umo: dewlap (as of oxen). — DE

kros-o: (gen.) any long object with a hook-like end; (of bishop) crozier, pastoral staff; (in hockey) hockey-bat; (of a pistol or musket) butt-end. Def.: Senco generala: kurvigita extremajo; VI-116. — F

krotal-o: (zool.) rattlesnake (genus: Crotalus). — FISL

kroton-o: (bot.) croton (genus: Croton). — DEFIRS

kroz-ar: (intr., nav.) to cruise; -navo: cruiser. — DEFIRS

kruc-o: cross; -e: crossways; -umar: (tr.) to c. (roads, etc.); -igar: to make a c. of (ulo); -forma: cruciform; -voyo: cross-way, cross-road; -sign-izar su: to c. oneself; facar kruco-signo: to make the sign of the c.; -agar: to crucify (ulu); -ag-ito: crucified person; -eto di fenestro: sash-bar; -o-kapo: cross-head (of a piston); -o-milito: crusade; -o-milit-anto: crusader; -o-port-isto: cross-bearer. — DEFIRS

kruch-o: pitcher, jug; -edo: pitcherful. Def.: Tera o porcelana vazo kun larja ventro e streta kolo, kun anso e kun varsilo. — DFR

krucifer-o, -a: (bot.) crucifer(ous). — DEFIS

krucifix-o: crucifix. — DEFIRS

krud-a: crude: not changed from its natural state; (of foods) uncooked; unwrought; (fig.) lacking finish, polish; -a petro: rough ashlar, rough building stone; -a karno: raw, uncooked meat; -a ledro: crust leather; -a silko: raw silk; -a metalo: crude metal, unwrought metal; (fig.) -a penso: crude thought; -a koloro: crude colo(u)r. — EFIS

kruel-a: cruel (tyrant, law, war, etc.); -eg-ajo: an atrocity. — EFIS

krug-o: (wooden or metal) mug, pot (as used for carrying or measuring liquids). — D

krul-ar: (intr.) to fall in, collapse, tumble down (in pieces with noise); (fig.) to sink in ruin; la domo -a: the house is falling; (fig.) la tota sistemo -as: the whole system is sinking into ruin. V. exp.: To ne esas simple falar, ma falar kun bruiso, rupteskante e dispeceskante; anke rulante sur inklineso; III-326. — FI

krum-o: soft part of bread; (cf. pano-pec-eto). Def.: Parto interna e mola di pano; VI-140. — DE

krumpl-ar: (tr.) to rumple, crumple, (rough) crease. Ex.: Krumplar robo, papero. — DE.

krup-o: (med.) croup. — DEFIRS

krupier-o: croupier (at gaming table). — DEFI

krur-o: thigh; -ala: crural, femoral. — DeFIS

krust-o: crust (of bread, of earth, etc.); (of a sore) scab; -izar: to encrust (ulo); -o-peco: crouton, piece of crust. — DEFIS

krustace-o: crustacean. — DEFIS

kruzel-o: crucible: melting-pot; -agar: (tr.) to assay, refine (with a crucible). — eFIS

kuaf-ar: (tr.) to dress the hair of (ulu); -isto: hair-dresser, coiffeur. Def.: Aranjar la hararo di ulu. — DeF

kub-o: (geom., arith.) cube; -igar: to c.; radiko: c. root; metro- -o: cubic meter (metre). — DEFIRS

kubeb-o: cubeb (-pepper). — DEFIRS

kubit-o: (anat.) cubitus: ulna (bone). — eFIS

kuboid-o*: (anat.) cuboid. — EF

kud-o: elbow, knee; -igar, -izar: to make an e. out of (ulo); (fig.) to bend (ulo) in the form of an e.; -pulsar: (od, shokar, frapar per la kudi): to elbow, jostle (with elbows); -mezuro: cubit (-measure); -apogar: to lean on the e., -apog-ilo: e. rest; inter-tushar la kudi: to be e. to e. — FIS

kugl-o: bullet, musket-ball; -ego: cannon-ball; -eto: (small-) shot; -espruva: bullet-proof. V. exp.: vid. balono. — D

kuk-o: cake; -ajo: a pastry; -(if)isto: pastry-cook; -vend-erio: a pastry-selling establishment. — De

kukombr-o: cucumber. — DEFS

kukul-o: (orni.) cuckoo (genus: Cuculus); -horlojo: cuckoo clock. — DEFIRS

kukurbit-o: (bot.) pumpkin; (chem.) cucurbit. — eFIS

kukurbitace-o: cucurbitaceous plant (as cucumber, melon, squash, pumpkin, gourd). — EFIS

kul-o: bottom (of objects); arse, buttocks (of persons); -o di botelo, di lampo: bottom of a bottle, a lamp. V. exp.: vid. sedo. — FIS

kulat-o: breech (of a cannon, musket, etc.); -izar: to cover the breech of. — FIS

kulbut-ar: (intr.) -igar: (tr.) to somersault, turn upside down; (nav.) to capsize; -e: head over heels; (cf. renversar). — F

kulc-o: (ent.) gnat, midge (Culex).

kulebrin-o: (ancient cannon) culverin. — eFIS

«kuli»: coolie, cooly: cheap laborer in the Orient.

kulier-o: spoon; -ego: ladle; -edo: spoonful; kafe- -o: teaspoon. — F

kulis-o: coulisse: (tech.) a groove in which something glides; (theat.) side scene, wing; (finan.) outside stock-exchange, or «curb market»; -isto: stock-jobber, outside-broker; green-room frequenter (theat.). — DeFR

kulmin-ar: (intr.) culminate: to reach its highest altitude or meridian; to reach the highest point, as of rank, number, size, glory, power, etc. — DEFIRS

kulp-ar: (intr.) to commit a fault, to err; -o: fault, blunder: deviation from duty, propriety through human weakness; deviation from rule through indolence or ignorance; (cf. pekar); -anta, -inta, -oza: culpable; sen- -a: faultless, (fig.) guiltless; -eto: petty fault, peccadillo. — eFIS

kult-ar: (tr.) to worship; -o: cult; worship. — DeFIRS

kultel-o: knife; -ego: large knife; cutlass. — FI

kultiv-ar: (tr.) to cultivate: till (land); raise, as plant or crop, by tillage; (of arts, letters, the mind, etc.) to improve and develop by study and training; (of friendship, acquaintance, etc.) to pay assiduous attention to, to foster; -(ad)o, -eso: cultivation, tillage, husbandry; -ebla: cultivable, arable. Ex.: Kultivar agro, viti, flori. Kultivar sua spirito, sua memoro, mem sua korpo (on parolas pri korpala kultivado). Instruktisto, edukisto, anke kultivas la spirito di sua dicipuli, lia atenciveso, lia kurajo, ed altra fakultati e vertui. Individui o populi povas kultivar ca or ta cienco, arto, mestiero; ed on povas anke dicar, pri individuo o populo, ke ol esas plu o min «kultivita»; (IV-349-350). Vu devas kultivar amikeso kun ta bona homulo. — DEFIRS

kultur-o: culture; -ala, -ema: cultural; -oza: cultured. Def.: Etikala, intelektala e sociala parto di civilizeso (kontraste a progreso en la cienci, l’arti: la civilizo). Ex.: On povus dicar, ke Rusia esis kulturlando, pro ke tanta rusa autori, muzikisti, e.c. pruvis la alta stando di la maxim progresinta Rusi, ma ke Rusia esis apene civilizita, quale aparas per la sistemo di guverno e per la nesavo di la amasi; III-561. — DEFIRS

kumin-o: (bot.) cumin; caraway.

«kumis»: kumiss, koumiss: a fermented (or distilled) liquor made from milk.

kumpres-o: (surg.) compress. — DEFIRS

kumul-ar: (tr.) to hold a plurality of (offices). V. exp: Kumular havas specala, quaze teknikal senco: to esas akumular sur su (akaparar) plura ofici, funcioni . . . e salarii; II-645. — F

kun: (prep.) with, in company with, in connection with; -e: together (with); both; (cf. Talmey’s Text Book, p. 108). Ex.: La matro arivis kun la filiino. Lu drinkas teo kun lakto. Me kompris ca domo kun la gardeno. La matro e la filiino arivas kune. La infanti dormas kune en la lito. El esas kune (E. both) bela e bona. Ant.: sen. — ISL

kun-akuz-ato, -ito: fellow-prisoner.

kun-aquir-anto, -into: joint-obtainer, co-purchaser.

kun-asoci-ito: co-partner.

kun-deb-anto: joint-debtor.

kun-dorm-anto: bed-fellow.

kuneiform-a: cuneiform (writing); (anat.) cuneate (bones in the foot). — DEFIS

kun-exist-ar: (intr.) to co-exist.

kun-feder-ar: (tr.) to confederate; -ito: an ally.

kun-flu-ar: (intr.) to be confluent.

kun-frat-(ul)o: colleague, brother-member.

kun-fuz-ar: to blend, fuse together.

kun-habit-ar, -viv-ar: (intr.) to live together; (quale spozulo e spoz-ino): to cohabit; (cf. koitar).

kun-hered-ar: (intr.) to inherit conjointly; -anto: co-heir.

kunikl-o: rabbit. — ISL

kun-kapt-ito: fellow-prisoner.

kun-labor-ar: (intr.) to work together, to co-operate (kun ulu; kp. kooperar).

kun-lern-anto: school-fellow.

kun-lig-ar: (tr.) to tie together.

kun-mezur-ebla: (math.) commensurable.

kun-propriet-ero: joint-owner.

kun-sid-ar: (intr.) to be seated together; to hold a sitting (meeting); -o: meeting; (fig.) recital; klozar la kun-sido: to close the meeting. V. exp.: vid. sesiono.

kun-substanc-a: consubstantial.

kun-tara (pezo): gross (weight).

kun-texto: context.

kun-trompo: collusion (cheating).

kun-tutel-anto, -ero: joint-guardian.

kun-ven-ar: (intr.) to meet, come together; -o: meeting, reunion.

kun-viv-anto: one who lives with another; chum.

kun-vok-ar: (tr.) to summon (together), convoke, convene.

kun-volv-ar: (tr.) to roll together.

kup-o: (wine-)glass, vase (as for prize). Def.: Vazo antiqua e ceremoniala, kun pedo, e plura larja kam profunda (on drinkas ex. champano en kupi); II-645. — EFIS

kupe-o: (carriage) coupe, brougham. — DeFIRS

kupel-o: (chem., tech.) cupel: a small dish made of bone earth used in assaying. — DEFIRS

kuperos-o: (med.) rosy-drop, pimple, grog-blossom; -ika: blotched and pimpled. Def.: Specala dermatoso di la nazala regiono; V-675. — FIS

kupl-ar: (tr., mechan.) to couple, link together. V. exp.: Kuplar implikas fixa, konstanta ligo di la peci, exemple per skrubi, per kelo, per stango artikizita, e.c. tale ke li nultempe povas movar nedependante (tam longe kam on ne desmuntas la mashino). Ex.: on parolas pri lokomotivi kun 2 o 3 axi «kuplita»; e l’organo di la kuplo esas «kuplo-stango»; III-88. — DEFI

kuplet-o: couplet, stave, stanza (in song). Def.: Strofo di kansono; III-605. — EFIRS

kupol-o: (arch.) cupola, dome. — DEFIRS

kupon-o: coupon, dividend, warrant. — DEFIRS

kupr-a, -o: copper; -oza: coppery: full of c.; -ea: c. colo(u)red; -izar: to cover with c.; (fig) to copper-plate; -a moneto: a copper (money); -o-oxo: copper acetate, verdigris (cf. verdigriso); -o-kloro: cupreous chloride; -i-kloro: cupric chloride. — DEFIS

kupul-o: (bot.) cupule, cup (of acorn). — DEFIS

kur-ar: (intr.) to run, to race; (cf. fluar, vehar); -agro, -eyo: running ground, race-course; -e (od, per kuro): by the run; -ajila: swift-running; -kavalo: race-horse; for- -ar: to run away. — FIS

kurac-ar: (tr.) to treat (a patient); (cf. ri-san-igar, remediar); -iva, -ivo: curative; -ato: a patient; -arto: therapeutics; -isto: healer (whether by medicine or not; cf. mediko). — DeFIRS

kuraca-o: (liquor) curaçoa. — DEFIRS

kuraj-ar: (intr.) to be courageous, have courage; -igar: to encourage (ulu); -e: courageously; (interj.) buck up! — DEFIRS

kurar-o: curare: arrow poison. — DEFIS

kuras-o: cuirass: breastplate; (ships) armo(u)r-plate; (turtles) carapace; -izar: to put armo(u)r-plate on; to put a breast-plate on; -iero: cuirassier; -navo: armo(u)red ship, iron-clad. — DEFIRS

kurat-o: (jur.) guardianship over an orphan, minor, etc.); trusteeship (of a property); -anto, -ero, -isto: curator: trustee; (cf. tutel-anto). — DeFIRS

kurbatur-ar: (intr.) to over-fatigue, become stiff all over, be knocked up; (vet.) to founder. Def.: Indikas la specala doloro quan on sentas en la muskuli pro granda fatigeso; III-266. — F

kurbet-ar: (intr., of horses) to curvet; (cf. kabrar). Def.: (kurbeto) Galopo per kurta salti en qua la kavalo levas la avana pedi e preske samtempe kontraktas la dopa gambi; VI-76. — DEFIRS

kure-ar: (tr., hunt. and fig.) to set (on): to precipitate in a mass on something (as dogs on a quarry); to grab one’s part while quarreling or fighting; -ajo: quarry; the part of the beast given to the hounds (to encourage them). Def.: Precipitar su amase sur ulo por arachar, raptar sua parto interlukante e disputante, de qua derivos «kureo» kom ago di la chashundi, o, metafore, di homi os altra animali; VI-162-3. — F

kuri-o: curia: papal court. — DEFIRS

kurier-o: courier, (express) messenger. — DEFIRS

kurioz-a: (of persons) inquisitive, curious; (cf. vid-inda, stranja, rara, remark-inda); -acha: prying; -eso: inquisitiveness; (cf. IV-322). — DEFIRS

kurkulion-o: (ent.) weevil (family Curculionidae). — ISL

kurkum-o: (bot.) curcuma, tumeric (genus: Curcuma). — DEFIRS

kurli-o: (orni.) curlew (genus: Numenius). — EFIS

kurs-o: course (of lessons, of lectures, of study, etc.); (fin.) rate (of exchange), current price, market price, ruling price; -o-listo: price-list (commercial exchange); la kursi falis: prices have gone down; kurso di kambio: rate of exchange; komprar ye, segun la kurso: to buy at the market price; lasta kurso: closing price; (cf. koto; III-13, 14). — DEFIRS

kursiv-a: (skribado): cursive, running (writing or hand). — DEFIS

kursor-o: (instr.) cursor; (tech.) slide-weight (on scale). Def.: Indikas irga peco shovebla segun lineo, e quan on povas fixigar en ula punti (ex. Sur vekto di balanco); IV-579. — eFIS

kurt-a: short; -igar: to shorten; -e: in short, briefly. Ex.: Kurta homo, kolo, tempo, vivo, parolado. Ant.: longa. — DeFIS

kurtaj-ar: (intr.) to carry on the business of a broker; -o: brokers’ business; -isto, -ero: broker; -taxo: pecentage paid to a broker. — FRS

kurten-o: curtain (as of a window, a bed); (fig.) screen (as of trees); (fort.) rideau. — EFIS

kurtez-ar: (tr.) to pay court to (a king, etc.), to woo (a woman); -anto: suitor, wooer, lover; -isto, -ero: courtier. — DeFIS

kurv-a: curved, bent, crooked, arched; -o: curve; -eso: (condition) curvature; -o-linea: curvilineal; -a-gamba: bandy-, bow-legged. — DEFIS

kurvimetr-o*: curvimeter. — DEFIS

kusen-o: cushion, pillow; -eto: pad. Def.: Stofo mola quan on pozas sur lito, divano, irga sidilo; II-647. — EFIS

kush-ar: (tr.) to put (ulu) to bed; (su) to go to bed; to lie (su) down on (the ground, etc., to sleep); (cf. jacar, sternar). — F

kuskut-o: (bot.) dodder (genus: Cuscuta). — FISL

kuspid-o*: (geom.) point of retrogression (of a curve).

kust-ar: (tr.) to cost, to be bought for (nulo, cher-ege, e.c.); -o: cost, expense, charge (cf. preco); -oza: costly, expensive (cf. chera); -o-preco: cost-price; co kustas 10 fr.: this costs 10 francs; quante to kustis de vu: how much did that cost— to kustis de lu la vivo: that cost his life. — DEFIS

kustum-ar: (intr.) to be accustomed to, to be in the habit of, to be wont to (followed by infinitive); -o: custom, habit; -ala: customary, habitual; -ata: accustomed (kozo, e.c.); -igar: to accustom (su, ulu); -ale: customarily. — EFIS

kut-o*: long coat of a peasant; mash-kuto: coat of mail. — DF

kuti-o: (fabric) ticking (as for a bed), drilling, duck (as for tents, trousers). — FS

kutikul-o*: (anat., bot.) cuticle; (cf. epidermo).

kutr-o: (nav.) cutter: small armed vessel with one mast. — DeFIS

kuv-o: tub; -ego: vat. V. exp.: vid. tanko. — FS

kuvent-o: convent. — eFIS

kuvert-o: (letter-) envelope. — DR

kuz-o, -ulo, -ino: cousin; -eso: (relation) cousinship; -o primara: first cousin, -o sekundara: second cousin. — DEFIR


la: (def. article) the; (cf. le). When the following word begins with a vowel, the «a» may be omitted; as: l’infanto. (mus.) la: sixth note diatonic scale. — FIS

labar-o: labarum: a Roman standard. — DEFIS

labi-o: (anat. and fig.) lip; -ala: relating to the lip; (gram.) labial; -oza: full-lipped; (bot.) labiate; -(ach)oza, groslabia: blubber-lipped, thick-lipped; -o-barbo: moustache; -o-pilo: whisker (of an animal). — DeFIS

labirint-o: labyrinth; (fig.) maze. — DEFIRS

labirintodont-o*: (paleont.) labyrinthodon(t).

labor-ar: (intr.) to work, labo(u)r (pri ulo); (tr.) to work (the earth, iron, wood, etc.); -ego: hard work, toil; -uro: piece of work (performed); -eso: workmanship, manner in which work is executed; -anta: working; -oza: laborious (task); -ema: industrious, hard-working; -anto, -ero, -isto: worker, workman, artisan; -dio: working day; -jorno: day’s work, day-labo(u)r; -benko: work-bench; -eskar: to start work; -ista klaso, labor-ist-aro: working class; -divido: division of labo(u)r; par- -ar: to work through to the end, to finish a work, elaborate. — EFIS

laboratori-o: laboratory. — DEFIRS

labr-o: (ich.) wrass(e), (genus: Labrus).

lac-o: lace: a plaited string to fasten something through eyelet holes; shoelace, etc; -agar: (tr.) to lace (shoes, corsets, etc.); -izar: to put laces on (ulo); (cf. dentelo). — EFIS

lacer-ar: (tr.) to lacerate, tear, rend, to fray out (by rubbing). — EFIS

lacert-o: lizard; -ala, -atra: relating to lizards; (zool.) lacertian. — eFIS

laciv-a: lascivious, libidinous, lewd, lustful, wanton, lecherous. — DEFIS

lad-o: tin (-plate). — IS

ladan-o: la(b)danum. — DEFIRS

lag-o: lake; -eto: pond; -ala, -ana, -o-habit-anta: lacustrine. — EFIS

lagun-o: lagoon. — DEFIRS

laik-a: lay, laic, laical; -(ul)o: layman; (cf. lea); -eso: lay-character, non-religious character; -igar: to laicize; (cf. sekular-igar). — DEFIS

lak-o: lac, lacquer; gum-lako: gum-lac; -verniso: lac varnish, lacquer, japan; shel- -o: shellac. — DEFIRS

lake-o: lackey, footman, flunkey. — DEFIRS

lakonik-a: laconic. — DEFIRS

lakrim-o: tear; -ala: lachrymal; -oza, -ema: lachrymose, tearful; -ifar: (intr.), -igar: (tr.) to produce tears, to cause to shed tears; -o-vazo: lachrymatory, tear-vase. V. exp.: Lakrimifar nule esas neutila duaplajo di plorar; ol havas per su senco kelka diversa; on ploras pro psikologiala kauzo, on lakrimifas pro fiziologial od extera kauzo (kataro, fumuro, sablo, onyono); IV-605. — EFIS

lakt-o:milk; -oza, -atra: milky, lacteal, lactic; -ajo: a m. preparation; -ea: milk-colo(u)red; -eyo, -erio: dairy; -o-portisto, -vend-isto: milkman; -ifar: to secrete or yield m.; (cf. melkar): -ifo: lactation; -o-bovino: milch cow; -o-poto: m. jug; -o-voyo: (astron.) Milky-Way; -umo: (ich.) milt, soft roe. — eFIS

laktaz-o*: (chem.) lactase. — DEFIRS

laktometr-o*: lactometer. — DEFIRS

lakun-o: lacuna, blank space, gap. Def.: Mi-teknikala vorto uzata en diversa faki: indikas generale manko o vakuajo en loko, qua devus esar normale plena (lakuno di texto; lakuno un ula organal texuri); III-204. — EFIS

lam-o: thin plate, sheet (-metal); blade (of sword, knife, etc.); -iz-ita: laminated. — eFIS

lama-o: lama (priest); (zool.) llama (Auchenia Lama). — DEFIRS

lamantin-o: (zool.) lamantin: manatee, sea-cow (genus: Manatus). — DeFI

lamel-o: lamella: flake, scale (tech., bot., anat.). — DeFIS

lament-ar: (intr.) to lament, bewail, mourn (pri); -ala, -atra: woeful: relating to lamenting; -inda: lamentable: worth lamenting. V. exp.: Lamento esas expreso vocala di doloro, ne nur per paroli, ma per krii, jemi, sospiri; plendo esas expreso vortala di des-kontenteso; II-80. — DEFIS

lamin-ar: (tr.) to laminate: to flatten out, roll flat; -eyo, -erio: rolling-mill; -ilo: rolling instrument; -ar voyo: to roll a road. — EFIS

lamp-o: lamp. — DEFIRS

lampas-o*: lampas: ornamental fabric for furniture. — DeFIS

lampion-o: cup or small pot filled with tallow or oil with a wick, for illumination. — FI

lampir-o: (ent.) lampyris: glow-worm. — eF

lampred-o: lamprey (Petromyzon). — DeFIS

lan-o: wool; -ajo, -a stofo: woolen goods, worsted; -atra: fleecy: wool-like; -felo: fleece: entire coat of animal; -o-graso: grease from sheep’s wool. — FIS

lanc-o: lance, spear; -eto: small spear; (surg.) lancet. — DEFIRS

lancin-ar: (intr.) to shoot, dart, twinge (of pain); -anta: shooting (pain). — FIS

land-o: land, country; -ano: a native inhabitant; dopa -o: hinterland. — DE

«landau»: landau.

«landaulet»: landaulet.

landgrav-o*: (title) landgrave: a German count.

«landsturm»: landsturm.

«landwehr»: landwehr.

lang-o: (anat.) tongue; -(et)o: (fig.) any object shaped like a tongue: language, speech; -eroro: an error of the t.; extensar la -o: to put out the t.; retenar la -o: hold the t.; mea -o faliis: my t. slipped, tripped; tera -(et)o: neck of land; faira -o: t. of fire; -o di seruro: bolt of a lock; resorto- -o: spring bolt. — FIS

langor-ar: (intr.) to languish, pine away, droop (from hunger, love, etc.); to be languid. Def.: Deperisar pokope pro maladeso od afekto qua deprenas la vigoro. Esar komplete senenergia. Ex.: To esas morbo en qua on langoras longatempe ante mortar. Langorar en karcero. La ardoroza suno langorigas la flori. Depos la milito esas granda langoro en komerco. Langor-anta, -oza, -ema spirito. — EFIS

langust-o: spring (or spiny) lobster, sea crayfish (Palinurus vulgaris); (cf. homardo). — FS

lani-o: (orni.) shrike, butcher-bird (Lanius). — IL

lanj-o: swaddling cloth, clout, baby’s diaper. — F

lanolin-o: lanolin(e). — DEFS

lansar: (tr., pr. and fig.) to fling, hurl, throw out or forward, cast, lance, dart (stones, darts,etc.) to shoot (an arrow); throw, cast (a look); throw in (an epigram, a word); to send forth (a book, a pamphlet); to cast (a beam of light); to launch (a ship); (cf. jetar, spricar, impulsar, iniciar). — DEFIS

lantan-o: (chem.) lanthanum; (bot.) lantana (genus: Lantana). — DEFIS

lantern-o: lantern; eklipso- -o: dark lantern. — DEFIS

lanug-o: fine soft hair or hairlike growth; down (of birds); (anat.) lanugo; (of fruit) wool; (of cloth) soft nap (cf. pilo). — eFI

lap-ar: (tr.) to lap (up): take into the mouth with the tongue; (cf. lekar). — DEF

lapid-o: precious stone, gem; -isto, -tali-isto: lapidary. — DeFS

lapislazul-o: (min.) lapis-lazuli. — DEFIRS

lard-o: bacon, (cf. saimo); (of whales, etc.) blubber; -o-fum-iz-ita: smoked bacon; -o-plako: rasher; -o-spiso: larding needle or pin; -o-filo, -kordono: strip, slice of bacon. — FIS

laric-o: (bot.) larch (-tree) (genus: Larix). — DeFISL

laring-o: (anat.) larynx: -ala: larynge-an, -al. — DEFIS

laringit-o*: (med.) laryngitis. — DEFIS

laringoskop-o*: laryngoscope. — DEFS

laringotomi-o*: laryngotomy. — DEFIS

larj-a: broad, wide; (N.B. not «large»; cf. grosa, granda); -eso: width, breadth, wideness, broadness; (plu-) larj-igar: to widen, broaden; du larj-esi: two breadths (of cloth); long-ese e larj-ese: in length and width; ica agro esas larja de duadek metri: this field is 20 meters (metres) wide. Def.: Qua havas la un dimensiono de dextre a sinistre (opozita a longa). Ex.: Larja shultri, nazo, facio, rivero. Ant.: streta. — FI

larv-o: (ent.) larva; (antiq.) a ghost, spector (spectre); -o di batrako: the young of the frog or other batrachians; ran- -o: tadpole. — DEFIS

las-ar: (tr.) to let, give leave, permit, allow: not to hinder to have, to do; to let alone; (pos) to leave behind; -ar su: to allow, suffer oneself (to), -ar ulu repozar: to let someone rest, let anyone alone; me -as vu imaginar: I let you think; me -as il parolar: I let him speak. Ex.: Il volabus, se on lasabus lu agar, ke on demandas de lu permiso pri omno. Me lasis il tranquila. Ni opinionas ne vivar vane quankam nia verki apene lasas traci. Yen pomi, prenez le bone e lasez le mala. — DFI

lash-o: (surg.) splint; (R.R.) fish-plate; (tech.) butt joint. — D

laskar-o*: lascar: East-Indian sailor. — DEFIS

last-a: last (in time and space); -e: lastly (of time) lately (cf. recente). Ex.: La lasta horo di la dio. Lasta yaro. La lasta domo en la strado. Laste naskinta. En lasta instanco. Laste, me parolis pri. — DE

lat-o: lath; -izar: to lath; -aro, -o-greto: lattice work (cf. treliso); -ego: batten, thin scantling. — DEFS

latani-o: (bot.) latania (-tree), fan-palm (Latania); -bero: fruit of latania. — EFI

latent-a: latent. Def.: Qua ne aparas extere; II-20. Ex.: Defekto latenta (en mashino, en animalo). Latenta kaloro. — DEFIS

later-o: (geom. arch.) side; -ala: lateral, side (cf. flanko, bordo). — eFIS

latex-o*: (bot.) latex. — DEF

laticifer-a*: (bot.) laticerous. — DEF

Latin-a: Latin; -(ul)o: a Latin; -ajo: a Latin idiom; -eso: Latinity; -isto: Latinist; -igar: to Latinize; la Latina: (linguo); the Latin. — DEFIRS

latir-o: (bot.) sweet-pea (Lathyrus). — L

latitud-o: latitude. — EFIRS

latrin-o: water-closet, latrine, privy. — DEFIS

latug-o: (bot.) lettuce. — IS

latun-o: brass; -a filo: brass wire. — DFRS

laub-o: (green) arbor, bower. — D

laud-ar: (tr.) to praise, laud, commend; -o-diskurso: eulogy, panegyric. Ant.: blamar. — EFIS

laudan-o*: laudanum. — DEFIS

laur-o: (bot.) laurel (genus: Laurus); (fig.) glory, hono(u)r; -iz-ar: to deck, crown with laurel; ceriz- -o: cherry-laurel; bay-laurel; roz- -o: common oleander, rose-bay. — DEFIRS

laureat-o: laureate. — DEFIRS

laus-o: louse; -oz(ul)o: lousy person. — DE

laut-a: loud (voice, sound). — DE

lav-ar: (tr.) to wash, wash off or up, lave; (of clothes) to launder: (fig.) cleanse (cf. net-igar, skurar); -ist-ino: washerwoman; (di linjo) laundress; -ajo: laundry; (linj-) -erio: laundry; -moblo: wash-stand. — DEFIS

lava-o: lava; -o-flu-ajo: lava flow. — DEFIRS

lavend-o: (bot.) lavender (Lavandula). — DEFIR

lax-a: loose, slack, lax, not tense, not tight, not close; (med.) flaccid; (cf. mola); -igar: to slacken, loosen, relax; -ig-iva, -ivo: laxative. — DEFIS

laz-o: lasso. — DEFIS

lazaret-o: lazaretto: pest-, quarantine-house for sailors. — DeFIS

«lazarone»: lazzaroni: the poor class in Naples.

le: (pl. of def. article la) the: only to be used when there is no other sign of plural, e.g. «the ayes and the nayes»: le yes e le no.

lea*: (frato): (R.C. Ch.) lay brother (cf. laika).

lecion-o: (teacher’s) lesson; (professor’s) lecture. — DEFIRS

lecitin-o*: (chem.) lecithin. — DEFIRSled-a: ugly; offensive to the eye, ill-favo(u)red, unsightly; -ega: hideous; plu-led-igar: to make ugly, to disfigure. Def.: Des-bela; V-722. Ant.: bela. — FI

ledr-o: leather; -o-prepar-isto: leather-dresser, currier. — DE

leg-o: (natural, moral, social, parl., legislative) law (cf. yuro); -isto: one skilled in law; -ala, segun-lega: legal, lawful; -al-eso, lego-konform-eso: legality; -al-igar: to legalize; -ifar: to legislate; -aro: laws (collect.), legislation; -if-ala: legislative, relating to legislation; -if-anta: legislative, law-giving (body); -if-ant-aro: legislature; -if-anto, -ero, -isto: law-maker, legislator. — DEFIRS

legac-ar: (tr.) to bequeath (ulo ad ulu); -ajo: legacy, bequest; -ario: legatee. V.exp.: Legacar diferas de testamentar, per ke ol koncernas specale la kozi, havaji donata per testamento, e konseque havas sempre ta kozi kom rekta komplemento. On povas testamentar sen legacar ulo; III-160. — DeFIS

legat-o: (pope’s) legate. — DEFIRS

legend-o: legend. — DEFIRS

legion-o: legion; (fig.) a multitude; Honor-Legiono: Legion of Hono(u)r; me nom-esas -o: my name is legion (Bib.). — DEFIRS

legitim-a: legitimate; having the sanction of law, custom or logic; (of a child) born in wedlock; (of a king) hereditary; -igar: to legitimize; (cf. yur-izar: yust-igar, justifikar). Ex.: Legitima infanto, autoritato, pretendo, plendo. — DEFIRS

legum-o: vegetable. — DeFIS

legumin-o: (chem.) legumin. — DEFIS

leguminos-o: (bot.) leguminous plant. — DEFIS

lejer-o: light (in weight, force); (fig.) not burdensome or severe (of food, clothing, work, punishment, etc.); -igar: to lighten (cf. alejar). Ant.: grava, opres-anta, pez-oza, facila. — FIS

lek-ar: (tr.) to lick; (cf. lapar); -ar sua fingri: to lick one’s fingers. — DEFI

lekt-ar: (tr.) to read, peruse; -ajo: what is read; -ebla: readable: legible; -inda: readable: worth reading; ri- -ar: to read over again. — FIRS

lektor-o: (university) lecturer; (eccl.) lector. — DEFIS

lem-o: (log., math.) lemma; loam (as used for founding).

leming-o*: (zool.) lemming (genus: Lemmus). — DEFI

lemniskat-o: (geom.) lemniscate. — DEFI

lemurian-o: (zool.) lemur (sub-order: Lemuroidea). — DeFIS

leng-o: (ich.) ling. (Lo ta molva).

leni-o: (firewood) block, log; -eto: billet, block; (cf. ligno-bloko). — IS

lens-o: (opt.) lens; (bot.) lentil (Lentilla lens); -atra, -forma: lenticular.

lent-a: slow: not acting, moving promptly, sluggish, lagging; (cf. tarda); -acha: dawdling; (plu-) -igar: to cause (ulo, ulu) to slow down. Ex.: Lenta treno, mento, exekuto, veneno, morto. Ant.: rapida, ajila. — FIS

lentigin-o: freckle; -oza: lentiginous, freckly. — eFIS

lentisk-o: (bot.) lentiscus: mastic-tree (Pistacia lentiscus). — eFIS

leon-o: -ulo, -ino: lion; (astr.) Leo; (fig.) object of interest and curiosity; -yuno: young lion, lion’s cub; -ala: leonine; -ala parto: (fig.) the lion’s share; -dento: (bot.) dandelion (Leontodon taraxacum). — EFIS

leopard-o: (zool.) leopard (Felis Leopardus). — DEFIRS

lepidodendr-o*: (paleon.) lepidodendron. — DEFIRS

lepidopter-o: (ent.) lepidopter(an). — DEFIS

lepor-o: hare (genus: Lepus); -raguto: jugged hare; -labio: hare lip. — FIS

lepr-o: (med.) leprosy. — DeFIS

lern-ar: (tr.) to learn (ulo); (cf. instruktar, docar, studiar, saveskar); -o-libro: text-book, manual. V. exp.: La gepatri docas ulo a la infanto, a la puero. La infanto, la puero lernas ol.

lesiv-ar: (tr.) to wash (clothes, etc. in lye); (chem.) lixiviate; -aquo: lye-water; lixiviation; -ajo: linen or object to be washed, the laundry. — FI

letargi-o: (med.) lethargy: morbid sleepiness; (cf. torporo). — DEFIRS

letr-o: (in correspendence) letter; -o-kapo: letter-head; -ponder-ilo: letter-scale. — EFIS

leucin-o*: (physiol. chem.) leucine. — DEFIRS

leucit-o*: (min.) leucite; (bot.) leucite: leucoplast. — DEFIRS

leukocit-o*: (anat.) leucocite: white blood corpuscle. — DEFIRS

leukocitos-o*: (physiol. and med.) leukocytosis. — DEFIRS

leukom-o*: (anat.) leucoma. — DEFIRS

leukoplast-o*: (bot.) leucoplast. — DEFIRS

lev-ar: (tr.) to lift (up); to raise (from below); -ar su: to arise, get up; -ilo: lifting instrument; -o-skrubo: screw-jack; -ar la shultri: to shrug the shoulders; -ponto: lifting-bridge. Ex.: Levar la pedo, la manuo, la ankro. V.exp.: vid. elevar. — eFIS

lever-o: (mechan.) lever, handspike; fer- -o: crowbar. — EFI

leviatan-o: (pr. and fig.) leviathan. — DEFIRS

levit-o: Levite. — DEFIRS

levrier-o, -ulo, -ino: greyhound. — FIS

lexik-o: lexicon, dictionary (esp. of Greek, Latin, Hebrew); (cf. vort-aro, vorto-libro). — DEFIRS

lexikograf-o: lexicographer. — DEFIS

lexikografi-o: lexicography. — DEFIS

lexikologi-o: lexicology; -isto: lexicologist. — DEFIS

lez-ar: (tr., physiol., jur.) to injure, hurt, wrong; -o, -uro: (jur.) wrong, injury; (med.) lesion. — DeFIS

li: they (in general); (cf. il); -a, -i: (adj.) their(s). — IS

lian-o: (bot.) liana, bind-weed, creeper; any woody, climbing and twining plant. — DEFIRS

lias-o: (geol.) Lias. — DEFIS

libacion-ar: (intr.) to offer up libations; -o: libation, potation. — DEFIS

libel-o*: libella: an instrument which measures levels: (water-) level.

libelul-o: (ent.) libellulid: dragon-fly; (Libellula). — DeFIS

liber-a: free; -e: freely; -o, -ulo, -ino: a free person; -ala: (of books, arts, education, principles, political parties, etc.) liberal; -alo: a liberal, liberalist; -al-eso, -ismo: liberalism; -es-ana, -ano: libertarian; -igar: to discharge, liberate, free; -igo: deliverance, liberation; -ig-anta: liberating, freeing, rescuing; -tempo: leisure, spare time; (cf. ocio); tempal hom-ulo: a man of leisure; en -a aero: in the open air; ne- -a balon-ego: a captive baloon; ne- -eso: captivity (cf. kapt-it-eso); -kambio: free-trade; -kambi-isto: free-trader; -pens-ado: free-thinking; -pens-eso: free-thought. — EFIS

libertin-a: (esp. of the imagination, mind) unrestrained, wayward, flighty (to an excessive degree); -(ul)o: one characterized by excessive freedom in thought, manners, habits, morals; (N.B. not E. libertine: cf: debocho); -eso: libertinism (obs. sense), -esar: to be free from restraint, to go to excess. — V. exp.: Libertineso signifikas troa libereso di penso e di ago, aparte pri mori. Ne sinonima di debocho: on povas esar libertina per penso e per paroli. La primitiva senco (konforma a l’etimologio) esas liber-pensanto; IV-13. — DeFIS

libr-o: book, volume (cf. tomo); -eto: booklet; (mus.) libretto; -et-isto: (mus.) librettist; -isto, -vend-isto: book seller, -aro: collection of books, a library – books alone; cf. biblioteko). — eFIS

librac-o*: (astron.) libration: an apparent oscillatory motion (as of moon). — DEFI

lic-o: (ancient) lists; (modern) track, race course. Def.: Voyo preparita specala (ed enklozita) per konkursala kuri (sive di kavali, sive di homi, sive bicikli, automobili, e.c.); IV-454. V. exp.: vid. areno. — eFIS

licenc-ar: (tr.) to grant a license, give (official) permission (to sell spirits, to teach, etc.); -o: license, licensing; (poetic) license; deviation from strict fact, form or rule (by artist or writer); licentiate: a European university degree between that of bachelor and doctor; M.A. degree (= L licentia docendi ), -iero: (univ.) licentiate, an M.A.; -oza, -ema: uncurbed. — DeFIRS

lienteri-o*: (med.) lientery: a kind of diarrhoea.

lietnant-o: lieutenant; -eso: (rank) lieutenancy; -kolonelo: lieutenant-colonel. — DEFIRS

lig-ar: (tr.) to bind (down), tie (up), fasten, attach; -(ad)o, -eso, -uro: (act, state, result) binding, fastening; league (association; cf. federo); (anat.) ligature; -ajo: something bound together, a bundle; -ilo: lash, band, strap (for tying); (fig.) bond (as of matrimony); hund-lig-ilo: dog leash; kun- -ar: to tie together. — eFIRS

ligament-o*: (anat.) ligament. — DEFIS

lign-o: wood (the material); -a, -ala, -oza, -atra: woody, ligneous; -o-mort-inta: dead wood; -o-shuo: wooden shoe, sabot; -o-bloko: block of wood, log; -o-paneli: wainscotting; -o-trepano: auger; -o-martelo: mallet; -inkrust-ado, -uro: marquetry. — eFIS

lignin-o*: lignin. — DEFIS

lignit-o: lignite. — DEFIRS

ligustr-o: (bot.) privet (genus: Ligustrum). — DISL

lik-ar: (tr., intr.) to leak. Def.: (1) (aquo) enirar navo; (2) (liquido o gaso) ekirar vazo, e.c.; (3) (navo) enlasar aquo tra truo, fenduro; (4) (vazo) eklasar liquido o gaso; II-76. — DE

likantrop-a*, -(ul)o: (med.) (person) afflicted with lycanthropy; -eso: lycanthropy. — DEFIS

liken-o: (bot.) lichen; (cf. musko); -o Islandana: Iceland moss. — DEFIS

likenin-o*: lichenin: a starch derived from Icelandic moss.

likopodi-o: (bot.) lycopod(ium), club-moss , (genus: Lycopodium). — DEFIS

liktor-o: (Rom. hist.) lictor. — DEFIS

lilac-o: (bot.) lily (genus: Syringa); -ea: lilac-colo(u)red. — DEFIRS

lili-o: (bot.) lily (genus: Lillium); -floro: lilly flower. — DEFIRS

liliace-o*: a lileaceous plant (family: Liliaceae). — DEFIS

Liliput-ala, -ana, -atra: Lilliputian.

limar: (tr.) to file; (cf. raspar); -ilo triangula: a three-cornered file. — FS

limak-o: (zool.) slug, naked snail (genus: Limax); -ala, -atra: limacine, snail-like. — eF

limand-o: (ich.) dab (Pleuronectes limanda). — FIL

limb-o: (tech.) limb; an edge or border, as of a disk. — EFIRS

limet-o: (fruit) lime; -iero: lime tree (Citrus limetta). — DeFISL

limf-o: (anat.) lymph; -ala: lymphatic (duct, gland, etc.); -oza: lymphatic (temperament; of persons). — DEFIRS

limfatism-o: (med.) lymphatism. — DEFIRS

limit-o: limit, boundary, bound; -izar: to set bounds to, to bound (a field, a country; cf. restriktar); -iz, -uro: limitation; -iz-anta: limiting; sen- -a, ne- -iz-ita: unlimited, boundless. — DEFIS

limon-o: (fruit) lemon; -iero: lemon tree (Citrus limonum). — DEFIRS

limonad-o: lemonade. — DEFIS

limpid-a: limpid, clear (liquid, glass); -igar liquido per filtrado: to clear water by filtering (cf. VI-528). Ant.: konfuza. — EFIS

lin-o: (bot.) flax (linum usitatissimum); -ajo: (fabric) flax; semin-o, -i: flaxseed, linseed; -oleo: linseed oil. — DeFIRS

linc-o: (zool.) lynx (Felis Lynx); -okulo: (lit., and fig.) eye of a lynx, lynx-eye. — EFISL

linch-ar: (tr.) to lynch (ulu). — DEFIRS

line-o: (telegraphic, R.R., genealogical, military, writing, printing) line; (cf. streko); -ala: lineal: relating to lines; in a direct line (as line succession; cf. lineara); -izar: to rule (paper, etc.); -iz-ilo: ruler; (cf. linealo); -e, rekto-linee: in line, in a straight line; -o direta: a direct line, -ajo: line (geneal., biol.). — DEFIRS

lineal-o: ruler (for drawing lines); kalkul- -o: slide-rule. — DIR

linear-a*: (math.) linear; of the first degree; -mezuro: lineal measure. — DEFIS

lingot-o: ingot; ora -o: bullion; gis-fera -o: iron in pigs. Def.: Pecego di neformizita fuzita metalo, precipue oro; II-76. — eFIS

lingu-o: language; -ala: linguistic: relating to a language (cf. linguistik-ala); -isto: linguist; -o matr-ala: mother tongue; la doto di lingui: the gift of languages. — DEFIRS

linguistik-o: linguistics: science of language; -ala: linguistical; relating to l.; (cf. lingu-ala). — DEFIRS

liniment-o*: liniment, embrocation; (cf. embrokar). — DEFIS

linj-o: (lit. and fig.) linen: a piece of washable wearing apparel or household goods, made from flax , muslin, cotton; -aro korp-ala: underclothing, lingerie; -aro dom-ala: house linen (table-cloths, sheets, etc.); -o lav-ist-ino: laundress. — F

«linoleum»*: linoleum (as for floors). — DEFIRS

linon-o: lawn: a fine linen. — DFIS

lintel-o: (carp.) lintel: head-piece of a door-frame or window-frame. — EFS

lipom-o: (med.) lipoma: a fatty tumor. — DEFIRS

liquac-ar*: (intr., metal) to liquate. — EFIS

liquid-a: (also gram.) liquid; -o, -ajo: a liquid; -eso: liquidity; -igar: to liquefy. V. exp.: Liquidaji referas kozi qui havas, mem instantale, la qualeso liquideskar; ex.: (liquida) metalo. Fluido nultempe asumas formo solid; aero esas fluido; (kp. fluido). — EFIS

liquidac-ar: (tr., com.) to liquidate, settle, wind up (property, debts, businesses). — DEFIRS

liquor-o: liqueur, cordial; (cf. akloholaji). — DEFIRS

lir-o: (mus.) lyre; (astron., anat.) lyra. — DEFIRS

lirik-a: lyric. — DEFIRS

list-o: list (of persons, of things); (parl., milit.) roll; -o di elekt-eri: list of electors; -o di juri-ani: panel of jurymen; -o-voto: vote by ticket. — DEFIRS

listel-o: (arch.) listel, fillet. — DEFIRS

lit-o: bed ((for sleeping, also fig. as bed of river), -ala kozi: bedding; -o-framo: bedstead; -o-doselo, -cielo: b. canopy, -o-tuko: b. sheet; -kovr-ilo: b. cover; porto- -o: litter. — FI

litani-o: litany; (fig.) endless enumeration. — DEFIRS

litargir-o: (min.) litharge. — DEFIRS

liter-o: letter (of alphabet); -eto: small letter; (cf. miniskulo, mayuskulo); -ala: relating to letters; literal: following the letter of exact meaning, not figurative; (cf. vort-opa); -ope: letter by letter. — DEFIRS

literatur-o: literature: the collective body of literary productions, belles-lettres; -isto: (professional) literary man; -oza: literary, scholarly, lettered (of persons); -ozi: the literati, literary people. Def.: La artiste skribita verki, la «bela literaturo»; II-87. V. exp.: Literaturo ne esas sinonima di verk-aro qua indikas omnaspeca verki; II-87. — DEFIRS

liti-o*: (chem.) lithium.

litier-o: litter: straw, hay, etc. used for bedding of animals. — EFI

litij-o: litigation: suit at law; -punto: point at issue; -ala, -oza: litigious, contentious. — DEFIS

litograf-ar: (tr.) to lithograph; -uro: a lithograph. — DEFIS

litologi-o: lithology. — DEFIRS

litor-o: littoral: coastal region, seaboard. Def.: La tota regiono plu o min larja, kontigua a la rivo; IV-426, 606; cf. plajo. Exp.: Litorala voyo o fervoyo ne sequas ne sequas sempre la rivo. — DEFIS

litot-o: (rhet.) litotes. — DEFIS

litotomi-o: (surg.) lithotomy; -ar: to lithotomize. — DEFIRS

litotrici-o: (surg.) lithotrity; -ar: to perform l. — DEFIRS

litotripsi-o: (surg.) lithotripsy, lithority; -ar: to perform l. — DEFIRS

litr-o: liter, litre (1.0567 quarts). — DEFIRS

liturgi-o: liturgy. — DEFIRS

liut-o: (mus.) lute. — DeFIRS

liv-ar: (tr.) to leave or depart; to leave behind; to quit (a place or position). V.exp.: vid. abandonar. — E

livid-a: livid: black and blue, leaden-colo(u)red. V.exp.: Pal-ega tote ne esas exakta: livida esas plu juste plombo-kolora; III-20. — DEFIS

livr-ar: (tr.) to deliver (goods, culprits, manuscripts, etc.); -ar su: to deliver oneself up, give oneself up, surrender; -isto: delivery-man. V. exp.: La furnisanto ne livras la vari, nam il havas nula livristo; II-79. — eFS

livre-o: livery (worn by servants). — DEFIRS

liz-o: lees, dregs; grounds (of wine, beer); (fig.) dregs of the people. — EF

lizimaki-o: (bot.) loose-strife (genus: Lysimachia).

lo: it (referring to the contents of a previous sentence, i.e. a fact, rather than a definite object; cf. ol); prenez ica pomo, me volas lo: take this apple I desire it (= I desire you to do so; me volas ol would mean I desire it, i.e. the apple); nia amiko ja arivis, kad vu savas lo? … lo joyigas me: our friend has already arrived, do you know it? … it affords me joy. Lo is also used with adjectives to mark an indeterminate sense: lo bona, lo vera, lo bela: the good, the true, the beautiful; lo sama, lo duesma: the same, the second (where it refers to an indeterminate object or statement). Def.: Pronomo ed artiklo indikanta kozo nedeterminita (antea frazo integra); VI-161, 239; Mondo, IX, 55, 102.

lob-o: (anat., bot.) lobe. — EFIS

lobeli-o*: (bot.) lobelia (genus: Lobelia). — DEFS

loch-o: (ich.) loach (Cobitis barbatula). — EFIS

locion-ar: (tr., med.) to wash with a lotion (ulu, ulo); -o: lotion. — DEFIS

log-o: (nav.) log; -tabelo, -libro: log-book. Def.: Instrumento por mezurar la rapideso di navo; III-140. — DEFIR

logaritm-o: (math.) logarithm; -o-tabelo: table of logarithms. — DEFIRS

logik-o: logic; -isto: logician; -ala: relating to logic; -ema, -oza: logical (proposition, person); -oz-eso, -em-eso: logicality; ne- -ala, kontre- -a: illogical. — DEFIRS

logogrif-o: logogriph: word riddle. — DEFIRS

logomaki-o: logomacy: war of words. — DEFIRS

loj-ar: (intr.) to lodge, live, dwell for a limited time (che ulu, ulo); -igar: to lodge, put up (ulu); -eskar: to take one’s abode, settle oneself; (fig.) to lodge itself, fix itself; -eyo: lodging place, dwelling; -anto: a lodger; -ig-anto: lodging house keeper; -bilieto: billet (for troops). V. exp.: vid. habitar. — DEFIRS

loji-o: (theat.) box, loge; (actor’s) dressing-room; (house-porter’s) lodge; (masonic, etc.) lodge; (arch.) loggia. — DeFR

lok-o: place, spot, locality; (cf. placo); -ala: local; -e, -ale: locally; -aro: premises, quarters, general locality; -izar: to localize; (cf. en-fak-igar, rang-izar, situar); omna-loke: everywhere; komuna loko: public place. — DeFIRS

lokac-ar: (tr.) to hire, rent, lease (ulo, de ulu); (cf. lugar); -o-kontrato: lease (document); -anto, -ero: one who hires, rents, lessee, tenant; -ajo: what is hired, leased (house, vehicle, etc.); -o-preco: cost of hiring; -o-kontoro: box-office; domo lokac-ebla: house to let.

lokativ-o: (gram.) locative case. — DEFIS

lokl-o, -eto: lock of hair, curl, ringlet; -igar, -ifar: (tr., intr.) to curl (hair); -oza: curly. — DER

lokomobil-o: (agri., manu.) traction engine; (portable) steam engine. — DeFIRS

lokomoc-o: locomotion; -ar: (intr.) to move from place to place. Ex.: Lokomoco divenis plu rapida depos la kreo di fervoyo. Muskuli lokomocala. — DEFIS

lokomotiv-o: (R.R.) locomotive. — DEFIRS

lokust-o: (ent.) locust; (cf. akrido). — EFIS

loli-o: (genus) lolium: rye-grass, darnel, tear. — eIL

lombard-o: pawnshop; -isto: pawnbroker. — DeF

lombrik-o: lumbric; earthworm, dew-worm. — eFIS

lonch-o: slice, chop (of bread, meat, etc.); pan- -o butr-izita: slice of bread and butter. — S

long-a: (of time, space) long; -eso: length; -ajo: a long object; -eta: longish, pretty long; -es-ala: longitudinal; -e, -ese, -es-ale: in length, lengthwise, longitudinally; -e, longa-tempe: (for) a long time, a great while; (plu-) longigar: to lengthen, elongate, prolong; -eskar: to grow longer, stretch out; de longe: long since, long ago; ica agro esas longa de cent metri (od, havas cent metri de longeso): this field is 100 meters (metres) long. Ant.: kurta (cf. oblonga). — DEFI

longitud-o: longitude. — EFIRS

lor: (prep.) at the time of (a definite event), at the same time as; -e: then, at that time, by then; -a: at that time (cf. dum); lore … lore: now … then; til lore: until then; ja lore, de lore: thenceforth; since then; lor la milito: at the time of the war; lor elua mariajo: at the time of her marriage; la lora ministraro: the then ministry, the ministry of that time. Def.: En la tempo di (samtempe kam); III-667. — FI

«lord»: (title) Lord; (cf. sinioro).

lorn-o: (small) telescope, spy-glass; a single-barrelled field glass; -eto: small spy-glass, lorgnette; (cf. teleskopo, bi-lorn-eto); -agar: (tr.) to look through a spy-glass at (ulu, ulo). — FR

lot-o: lot: portion, share; (things for sale) lot; -o di komercaji: a portion of goods; (in a lottery) share; (fig.) prize; ganar la granda (od la maxima) loto: to win the highest prize; (N.B. not in sense of fate: destino); -igar: to divide into lots, to portion off: (cf. porcion-igar: parcel-igar); -izar: to put a share, a lot into something; me havas (ya) bela loto: I have made a good choice; loto-ludo: lotto; a game of chance. — eF

lota-o: (ich.) lote: burbot, eel-pout (genus: Lota [vulgaris]). — eFSL

lotri-ar: (tr.) to cast lots for (ulo); to raffle for; to draw (lots, in a lottery); -o: lottery, raffle. — DEFIRS

lotus-o: (bot.) lotus. — DEFIRS

loxodrom-o*: (geom., nav.) loxodromic curve or line. — DEFIS

loyal-a: loyal: faithful in any relation implying trust or confidence; straight-forward, fair-dealing; bearing true allegiance. Ex.: Loyala a la rejo, a sua patrio, a sua promiso, en amikeso. Ant.: ne-sincera; hipokrita. — DEFIRS

lu: (pron.) he, she, it (common gender form); -a: his her(s), its; (when desirable to indicate gender, the forms: ilua, olua, elua are used ); V. exp.: su, lu: il lavas su (E. he washes himself); il lavis lu: (E. he washed him, or her, or it). Petro deziras pruntar de Karlo lua parapluvo (E. Peter desires to borrow from Charles his umbrella); lua indikas ke la parapluvo esas la proprajo di Karlo; se sua esis uzata vice lua, ol (sua) indikus ka la parapluvo esas la proprajo di Petro, qua esas la subjekto di pruntar; pluse kp. su e lu, Talmey, Text Book, p. 65-6.

lubrifik-ar: (tr.) to lubricate: to oil; grease (part of a machinme); -isto: oiler. — eFIS

luci-o: (ich.) pike (Esox lucius). — ISL

lucid-a: (of mind) lucid, clear, sane. Ex.: Homo di lucida mento. Instanti lucida. — EFIS

luciol-o: (ent.) lightning-bug, fire-fly. (Luciola italica). — FIS

lud-ar: (intr. of games, sports) to play (per); (cf. plear); -riskar: to gamble; -o: playing, game; -(risko): gambling; -anto, ero: a player;-era, -ema: playful (child, animal); -emo: playful person; (fig.) gamester, gambler; -ilo: paything, toy; -kub-o, -aro: dice; -o-disko: (in games) a quoit; -o-splinto: spilikin; jackstaw; peg (as for cribbage); -sonalio: toy bell; vorto-ludo: play upon words; esprit-ludo: play of wit; ludo-tablo: a table for play; ludo di pacienteso: patience. Ex.: On ludas per kegli, per buli, per biliardo, per karti, per shako, e.c. — L

ludion-o: «ludion»; (toy) Cartesian devil, bottle-imp. Def.: Aparato fizikala uzata por studiar la diferanta efiki sur korpo plunjita en l’aquo, anke uzebla kom ludilo. — FIS

lug-ar: (tr.) to let (out), rent (out); hire (out), lease (out) (ulo, ad ulu); (cf. lokocar); -o: letting, renting, leasing (by the proprietor); -o-kontrato: lease.

lugr-o: (vessel) lugger. — DEFIS

luk-o: sky-light; dormer-window; (nav.) hatchway. — DER

lukan-o: (ent.) stag-beetle (family: Lucanus). — FL

lukt-ar: (intr.) to wrestle: contend by grappling (kun) and striving to throw; to scuffle, tussle; (fig.) to strive, struggle (kontre). — FIS

lul-ar: (tr.) to lull (ulu) to sleep, to soothe, compose, quiet; -kanto: lullaby (cf. berso-kanto). — DE

lum-ar: (intr. also fig.) to shine: emit rays of light, give light; (cf. brilar); -o: light; -eto, esko: glimmer, gleam; -ala: relating to light; -oza: full of light; -igar: to cause (ulo) to shine; -ifar: to produce light; -izar: to light (a room, etc.) throw light upon; (fig.) to elucidate (a subject); -iz-ilo: a light(ing instrument), luminary; -if-anta: luminous: light producing; -iz-ata: luminous (from light received); -oz-eso: luminosity; -rango: (theat.) foot-lights; -truo: (nav.) porthole; (in gen.) scuttle. — EFIS

lumb-o, -i: lumbar region, loin(s); -ala: lumbar; -oza: thick-backed (person); -o-peco (di bovo); sirloin; -o-ruptar: to break the back of. — EFIS

lumbag-o: (med.) lumbago. — EFIS

lump-o*: (min.) nodule: kidney-shaped ore, lump (of sugar). — E

lun: (abbr. accus. form of  ilun, elun, olun, without gender).

lun-o: moon; -ala: lunar; -ala periodo: lunation, lunar month; -sun-ala: luni-solar; -o-lumo: moonlight; -o plena: full moon; -o-nova: new moon; -eto: (geom.) lune. — DEFIRS

lunatik-a, -(ul)o: moon-struck, insane; fantastic, whimsical. — DEFIRS

lundi-o: Monday. — FIS

lunoid-a* (osto): semilunar bone of the wrist.

lup-o: (simple) magnifying glass, reading glass, pocket lens. Def.: Optikal aparato, qua servas por «grandigar» l’objekti (ye mikra raporto), e qua esas nek sempre simpla lenso, nek mikroskopo. On nomizas ol anke «mikroskopo simpla»; V-675. — DF

lupanar-o*: (antiq.) lupanar, brothel. — L

lupi-o: (med.) wen. Def.: Speco di tumoro sub la pelo; V-675 — FIS

lupin-o: (bot.) lupine (genus: Lupinus). — DEFIRS

lupul-o: (bot.) hop (-vine) (Humulus lupulus); -eyo, -agro: hop-garden, -field. — ISL

lupus-o: (med.) lupus. — DEFIS

lur-ar: (tr.) to lure, allure, entice; (fig.) wheedle, cajole (cf. seduktar); -ilo, -iz-ilo: a lure; decoy, bait; -il-izar: to bait (a trap); -sifl-ilo: call-whistle (for animals, birds); -ucelo: decoy-bird. — E.

lustr-o: chandelier (cf. kandel-iero); (antiq.) lustrum: space of five years. — DeFIRS

lustrac-ar: (tr., antiq.) to lustrate: make clear or pure by propitiatory offering. — DEFIRS

lustrin-o: (fabric) lustring. — DEFIS

lut-o: lute: a clayish cement. — EFIS

Luteran-ismo: Lutheranism; -an-a, -o: Lutheran. — DEFIRS

lutr-o: (zool.) otter (genus: Lutra). — FIS

lux-o: luxury; -aji: luxuries, fancy goods, articles de luxe, -ala: sumptuary: relating to luxury; -oza: luxuriant; -oz-eso: sumptuousness, luxuriousness; (cf. abund-anta, rich-ega). — DEFIS

luxac-ar: (tr., surg.) to luxate, dislocate, put out of joint (cf. dislokar). — DEFIS

luxuri-o: lust, lewdness, lechery, unchastity; -oza: lustful, lewd. — FIS

luzern-o: lucern (-grass); alfalfa, purple medick (Medicago sativa). — DeFIR


ma: (conj.) but. — FIS

macedoni-o: macedoine: a dish consisting of a medley of fruit and vegetables; (fig.) medley, hodgepodge. — eFIS

macer-ar: (tr., intr.) to macerate: soften by steeping. — DEFIS

«macfarlane»: macfarlane: a kind of overcoat without sleeves and with a mantle.

«mackintosh»: mackintosh: a watertight overcoat.

«madapolam»: (fabric) madapollam.

madelen-o: madeline: a small rich cake. — DeFIS

madon-o: madonna: a picture or statue of the Virgin Mary. — DEFIRS

«madras»: bandana handkerchief.

madrepor-o: madrepore, stony coral (genus: Madrepora). — DEFIS

madrigal-o: madrigal: a part song or glee; a little amorous poem. — DEFIRS

maestr-o, -ulo, -ino: maestro: a teacher of eminence, or one eminently skilled in some art or science; -verko: master-piece. — DeFIRS

mag-o, -i: (biblical) magian, magi. — DEFIS

magazin-o: (com.) warehouse, storehouse; (nav.) storeroom; (milit.) magazine. ?DEFIR

magi-ar: (intr.) to practise magic; -ala kanto, dicajo: incantation; (cf. eskamotar, sorcar, divinar, nekromanciar). — DEFIS

magnat-o: magnate: a nobleman of Poland or Hungary. — DeFIRS

magnet-o: magnet; -o-petro: loadstone; -igar: to magnetize; -a agulo: magnetic needle; -eso: (property) magnetism. — DEFIRS

magnetiz-ar: (tr.) to mesmerize (ulu); -(ad)o: mesmerizing; animal magnetism; -ala: mesmeric; (cf. hipnotar). — DeFIRS

magnez-o: (chem.) magnesium. — DEFIRS

magnezi-o: (chem.) magnesia: magnesium oxide. — DEFIRS

magnoli-o: (bot.) magnolia (-tree) (genus: Magnolia). — DEFIS

magr-a: lean, meager, lank, spare; (of things) poor, sorry, scant, meager; -(ul)o: a lean person; (la) -ajo: the lean (of meat); -igar, -eskar: to make, become lean; -ega, -acha: emaciated. Ex.: Magra Homo, vizajo, bovo, karno. (fig.) Magra burso, repasto, sulo, amuzo. Ant.: grasa. — DEFIS

mahagon-o: (wood) mahogany; -iero: m. tree; (Swietenia mahagoni); -a lito-framo: m. bedstead. — DEI

maiflor-o: (bot.) lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis). — D

maiz-o: maize: (U.S.) corn; (England) Indian corn; (Zea mays). — DeFRS

majest-o: majesty, supreme grandeur, august dignity, stateliness; (cf. Sinioro, la rejo, e.c.); -oza: majestic; -o-lezo: lesé majeste. — DEFIS

major-a: of full age; (mus.) major; -o, -ulo, -ino: one who has attained his majority; (mus. and logic) major; -eso: majority: legal age. Ant.: minora. — DEFIS

majoran-o: (bot.) (sweet) marjoram (Origanum Majorana). — DEFIS

majorat-o: majorat; (in France) landed property attached to a title and descending with it; entailed estate. — DeFIS

majordom-o: majordomo, head steward. — DEFIRS

majoritat-o: majority: more than half of a given number or group; (cf. plu-mult-o). — DEFIS

makadam-o: macadam; -izar: to macadamize: cover a road with small broken stones. — DEFIRS

makak-o: (zool.) macaque: a genus (Macaca) of short-tailed monkeys. — DEFIS

makaron-o: macaroon: a kind of cake. — DEFR

makaroni-o: macaroni. — DEFIRS

makaronik-o: macaronic. Def.: Dicesas pri verki kompozita en Latino barbara e burleska; IV-394. — DEFIRS

maki-o: (zool.) maki (Lemur). — DEFIRS

Makiavel-ala, -atra, -ismo: machiavelli-an, -ism. — DEFIRS

makl-o*: (min.) macle, chiastolite. — EFIS

makrel-o: (ich.) mackeral (genus: Scomber). — DEFR

makrospor-o*: (bot.) macrospore, megaspore. — DEF

makrosporangi-o*: (bot.) macrosporangium. — DEF

makul-o: (also fig.) macula: spot, blotch, stain; -izar: to blot, stain, daub, smear; -oza, -iz-ita: spotted, speckled; -et-izar: to spot, speckle, fleck; sen- -a: spotless; -ole, fango-mak-ulo: oil-, mud-stain; kavalo kun ronda -i: dappled horse; -o sur lua honoro, sur la bona reputo: stain, blot upon his hono(u)r, reputation. — DeFIS

makulatur-o: (print.) maculature: waste or spoiled paper. — DeFIRS

mal-a: bad, evil, ill (quality, acts, writing, condition, weather, news, sense, etc.); -e: badly, wrongly, amiss, poorly; -ajo: (gen. sense) bad object, act, event; hardship, misfortune; mischief; plu -a: worse; plu-mal-igar: to make worse; la maxima malajo, lo maxim mala: the worst (thing); mal-agar, -facar: to act, do wrong, evil, mischief; mal-fac-ema: malevolent, mischievous; -augur-oza: inauspicious, sinister, unlucky; mala chanco: ill-luck, mischance; -chanc-oza: unlucky, unfortunate; -efik-anta: malevolent, malignant; male traktar: to maltreat, ill-use, abuse, bully; mal-fam-oza: ill-famed; mal-eduk-ita: badly brought up, ill-bred, unmannerly; mal-formac-ita: malformed, gawky, ill-shaped; mal-digesto: indigestion; mal-humor-oza: bad homo(u)red, ill-tempered; mal-intenc-anta, -oza: evil-minded, badly-disposed; mal-odoro: bad smell, stink; mala morto: tragic death, bad end; mal-pekt-ita: unkempt; mala pesto!: egad! plague on it! mal-vol-anta: malevolent, ill-disposed, spiteful; mal-vol-eg-anta: malignant. Ant.: bona. — eFIS

malad-a: sick, ill (person); -eta, -ema: poorly, sickly, somewhat unwell, ailing, indisposed; -(ul)o: a sick person; -eso: (condition) illness, sickness (cf. morbo); -et-eso: indisposition; igar malad-eta: to indispose. V. exp.: vid. morbo. Ant.: sana. — eFI

malakit-o: (min.) malachite. — DEFIRS

malari-o: (med.) malaria. — DEFIRS

maldicens-ar: (intr., tr.) to speak ill (pri ulo), to disparage, decry (ulu, ulo); (cf. denigrar, difamar, kalumniar). Def.: Dicar malajo pri ulu, ulo, pro mala intenco. V. exp.: La civila lego punisas la difamo, na la maldicenso; ica resortisas nur a la etikal lego. — FIS

male-ar: (tr.) to cold-forge. Def.: Form-izar per martelo (en kolda stando). V. exp.: Forjar esas la sama ago, en varma stando. Martel-agar esas nejusta o nesuficanta, nam on povas martel-agar irga kozo, sen malear ol; la kozo povas rezistar, o ruptesar, o deformesar altramaniere; V-493. — EFIS

maledik-ar: (tr.) to curse, imprecate, damn (ulu, ulo); (cf. blasfemar, imprekar); -o: malediction, curse. — DEFIS

maleol-o: (anat.) malleolus: ankle-bone, ankle. — eFIS

malgre: (prep.) in spite of, despite, notwithstanding, against the will of; -ke: (conj.) notwithstanding that (followed by verb; cf. tamen); - sua volo: against one’s will; -to: in spite of that, nevertheless; ni iris malgre la pluvo: we went notwithstanding the rain; ni iris malgre ke il interdiktis lo: we went notwithstanding he forbade it; el mariajis su kun il malgre sua matro: she married him contrary to her mother’s wish. — FI

mali-o: a mallet or mall used in play; -o-ludo: mall (a game); -o-placo: a place for playing mall. — eFIS

malic-o: malice, spite; mischievousness; smartness; -oza, -ema: malicious, spiteful, mischievous; -ajo: malicious or mischievous act. N.B. The sense of this word is by no means always «malice». It is something between evil intention and keen wit with a tinge of each in it, sometimes having more of the one, sometimes more of the other. — EF

malign-o: malicious, pernicious, evil, ill-disposed, malign, baleful. (N.B. Maligna is used in a somewhat less strong sense than the E. «malignant»; and properly means: disposed to take pleasure in the misfortune or suffering of others; malign-ega, mal-vol-eg-anta); -a muliero: a malicious woman; -a spirito: an evil spirit; -a tomoro: a malignant tumo(u)r. — EFIS

malt-o: malt. — DEFIS

Malta-kruco: Maltese cross.

malv-o: (bot.) mallow (genus: Malva); -ea: mauve-colo(u)red. — DeFIRS

malvaroz-o: (bot.) rose-mallow, hollyhock (Althaea rosea). — IS

malvavisk-o: (bot.) marshmallow (Althaea officinalis). — IS

malyot-o: bathing-tights, -dress; (tights as for acrobats, cf. kalz-ego).

mam-o: breast (of woman); udder (of animal); -oza: full-breasted; -ala: mammary; -atra: mammilary; -pinto: nipple, teat, dug (of animals). — eFI

mamifer-o: mammal; (class) mammalia. — EFIS

mamil-o*: (anat.) mammilla: nipple (cf. mam-pinto).

mamut-o: mammoth. — DEFIRS

man-i: (antiq.) manes, ancestral spirits, shades. — DEFIRS

mana-o: manna. — DEFIRS

manch-o: (long) handle, hilt, haft; neck (of musical instr.); -o di balay-ilo: broom-stick; guvern-il-o: rudder, helm. — FIS

mandaren-o: mandarin. — DEFIRS

mandarin-o: mandarin orange; tangerine orange. — DEFIRS

mandat-o: money order (as P.O.; cf. cheko). — DFIRS

mandel-o: almond; -iero: a. tree (Prunus Amygdalus); -lakto: milk of a.; -atra okuli: a. eyed; -siropo: a. syrup, orgeat (cf. orjato). — DFIRS

mandibul-o: mandible; (zool.) either the upper or lower, part of the beak of a bird; (anat.) lower jaw; (cf. maxilo); -ala: mandibular. — DEFIS

mandolin-o: (mus.) mandolin. — DEFIRS

mandor-o: (mus.) mandore: a kind of stringed lute. — DEFI

mandragor-o: (bot.) mandragora; European mandrake (Atropa mandragora). — EFIS

mandrel-o: (tech.) mandril, mandrel. Def.: Utensilo por kurvigar plaki, dilatar tubi, e.c.; IV-336. — EFIS

mandrin-o: (tech.) drill-chuck. — FIS

manej-o: manege: riding-school; -academy. — DeFIRS

manekin-o: manikin, lay figure, dummy. Def.: Figuro imitanta la formo di homo o di animalo; ofte artikizita; III-327. — DEFRS

manet-o: (tech.) hand-lever, movable handle or knob. — FI

mang-o: (fruit) mango; -iero: mango tree (Mangifera). — DEFIS

mangan-o: (min.) manganese. — DeFIRS

mangl-o: (fruit) mangrove; -iero: mangrove tree (Rhizophora Mangle). — DeFIS

mangust-o: (zool.) mongoose (Herpestes). — DeFIS

mani-o: mania, monomania: derangement of the mind especially upon a single subject; -eto: hobby, fancy; -ika, -oza; -iko, -ozo: maniac(al); (cf. monomani-iko). Ex.: Il havas mani(et)o skribar, kompozar. Mani(et)o pri kultivado di tulipi. — DEFIRS

manier-o: manner, way of doing anything; or acting; method; mannerism; (pl.) behavio(u)r, deportment, (cf. kustumo, modo); omna laboristo laboras segun sua maniero: every workman has his own way of doing a thing; parol- (od, -modo) mode, manner of speech; il havas tre agreabla manieri: he has very pleasing manners. — DEFIRS

manifest-ar: (tr.) to manifest, make to appear, make known; -a: manifest, no longer concealed (cf. evidenta, vid-ebla, notora, publika). Ex.: Deo manifestas su per sua laboruri. Manifesta eroro. — DEFIRS

manik-o: sleeve (of a garment, or any sleeve-like object); -o buf-anta: puffed or bulging s.; sur- -o: over-s., s. guard. — FIS

maniok-o: (bot.) manioc, manihot, cassava (genus: Manihot). — DEFIS

manipl-o: (Rom. antiq., eccl.) maniple. — DEFIRS

manipul-ar: (tr.) to manipulate; to treat, work or operate with the hand. — DEFIRS

manipulator-o: sounding-key; apparatus used to send messages (telegraphic, etc.) by breaks in the current. — eFIRS

manivel-o: crooked handle, crank; -e plear ario: to grind out a tune (as on a hand organ); -arboro: crank-shaft; -drilo: breast-drill. — FIS

manjar: (tr.) to eat: chew and swallow; (fig.) to eat away; consume; -etar: to nibble, to eat little; -o, -ado: a meal, eating; -ajo: something eaten or to be eaten; food, victuals (cf. nutr-iva, disho); -il-aro: eating utensils; -eg-ero: glutton; -o-trogo: manger, crib, eating tough; -eyo, -o-chambro: eating place, dining chamber, refectory; -o-sako: nosebag (for horses). — FIS

mank-ar: to be lacking, wanting, missing; (cf. indijar); -o: want, lack, absence, deficiency, shortcoming, need; to mankas a me: I miss it (lit.) that is missing to me; manko di respekto, di pekunio: lack of respect, of money; mankas multa libri (od, multa libri mankas): many books are missing. — FIS

manometr-o: manometer: a pressure or vacuum gauge; steam gauge. — DeFIRS

manot-o: handcuff; -izar, -ligar: to handcuff. — FIS

manovr-ar: (tr., intr.) to maneuver (manœuvre) (troops, ships); (fig.) to manage, or bring about, with skill (an affair, etc.). — DEFIRS

mansard-o: garret; story or room under a sloping roof (cf. atiko). — DFIR

manshet-o: cuff (detachable or not, of shirts, gowns); (cf. ponyeto, paramento). Def.: Parto (ordinare starchita) qua finis maniko di kamizo e cirkondas la karpo; VI-245. — DFIR

mante-ar: (tr.) to toss (ulu) in a blanket. — S

mantel-o: (garment) mantle, cloak; (arch.) mantel (as over a fire-place); -eto: short cloak; (R.C. ch.) mantelletta; -sako: portmanteau; clothes-bag; (cf. valizo). — DEFIRS

manten-ar: to keep fast, hold fast, sustain (in a state of stability); -ar karpenturo per fero: to uphold timberwork with iron; to maintain, preserve: keep in the same state; -ar ordino, familio: to maintain order, a family; la -o di la legi: the maintaining of the laws. Def.: Tenar en la sama pozeso o stando; VI-51. — EFIS

mantili-o: mantilla. — DEFIRS

mantis-o*: the decimal part of a logarithm.

manu-o: hand; -ala: manual; -laboro: hand (or, manual) labo(u)r; -libro: hand-book, manual: -skrib-ita: hand-written (cf. manuskripto); -agar: (tr.) to handle, wield; (fig.) to manage; -ag-ebla: which can be handled, workable; (fig.) manageable; -fabrikar: (tr.) to make (ulo) by hand; (cf. fabrikar); -edo: handful; -edope: by handfuls; -frapo: blow, cuff, thump; -dorso: back of hand; -preso: hand-pressure; handshake; -veturo: hand-truck, barrow; -vish-ilo: hand-towel; -apog-ilo: hand-rest; -sako: hand-bag, reticule. — eFIS

manufaktur-o: (establ.) manufactory, factory (cf. fabrik-erio); -ala: relating to factories; -isto, -estro: manufacturer; oza: full of factories. — DEFRS

manuskript-o: manuscript. — DEFIRS

manzanil-o: (bot.) manchineel (-tree) (Hippomane mancinella.). — DeFIS

map-o: map; reliefa -o: relief map. — E

mar-o: sea (cf. oceano); -a, -ala: of or relating to the sea, marine, maritime (cf. nav-ala); -isto: seaman, sailor; -o meza (od, plena): main sea, high sea; -portuo: sea-port; -ala nauzeo: sea-sickness; -kolo, stret-ajo: arm of the sea, strait; -fish-aro: sea-fish; -o-aglo: (orni.) white-tailed sea-eagle (Haliaetus albicilla); -hundo: (mam.) seal (Phoca); -o-spumo: sea-foam; (fig.) meerschaum; -o-spuma pipo: meerschaum pipe. — DeFIRS

marabut-o*: Marabout. Def.: Mohamedista kleriko od ermito; VII-280. — DEFIRS

maraskin-o*: maraschino: a kind of liquor. — DEFIRS

marasm-o: (med.) marasmus: progressive emaciation. — DEFIRS

march-ar: (intr.) to walk, step, tread; (of soldiers) to march; -(ad)o: walk(ing), march(ing); -ar granda-paze: to stride; -o aceler-ata: forced-, quick-, hurried-march or walk; -o-modo, -maniero: way of walking, gait (cf. pazo); -anto, -ero: pedestrian, walker, marcher; -ario: march-music, -tune; -etar: to trip along (of children). Def.: Facar pazi, pozar alterne la pedi sur la sulo, irge qua esas la direciono o la skopo di ta ago (ne rezervata a la militala marcho, o la militala komandi); IV-464. — DEFIRS

marchand-ar: (tr.) to bargain for, beat down the price of, haggle about; -(ad)o: bargaining; il longa-tempe marchandis ta domo: he was a long time bargaining for that house. — F

marcipan-o: marzipan, marchpane: a kind of sweetmeat. — DEFIRS

mardi-o: Tuesday. — FIS

mare-o: tide, ebb and flow (cf. fluxo, refluxo); -ego: bore, eagre: rush of water up an estuary; wave caused by meeting of two tides. — FIS

mareograf-o*: marigraph: tide-gauge register.

mareometr-o*: tide-gauge.

margarin-o: (chem.) margarin; (com.) oleomargarine, artificial butter. — DEFIS

margrav-o: (title) margrave. — DEFIS

margrit-o: (bot.) marguerite, oxe-eye daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum); -eto: English daisy (Bellis perennis). — eF

maria-balno: (chem.) water-bath; (cook.) double-boiler. — DFIS

mariaj-ar: (tr.) to marry; legally unite in wedlock (by an official, priest, minister); (cf. spoz-igar, aliancar); la komonestro mariajis li: the mayor married them; -ar su: to get married (kun ulu); -o, -eso: marriage, matrimony, wedlock; -o leg-ala: civil marriage; -anto, -ero: person officiating at a marriage, match-maker; -ebla: marriageable; -at-ulo: married man, (nova) bridegroom; -festo: wedding, nuptials; -fest-anti, -gasti: wedding-party, -guests; -anunco: banns. V. exp.: L’ago mariajar implikas 3  personi; la homulo e la homino mariajata, e la legal (o religial) oficisto, qua mariajas (unionas) li. Do, segun rigoro, la verbo mariajar povas havar quale subjekto nur l’oficisto. Per extenso, on povas dicar ke la homulo e la homino mariajas su, pro ke lia volo esas ya la kauzo di la mariajo; II-726. La sacerdoto mariajas Maria e me. La patrulo di Maria grantis Maria e me kom spozino. Maria spozuligis me. Me spozinigis Maria, od, me mariajis me kun Maria. — EFI

marin-ar: (tr.) to marinate: to salt or pickle, as fish, and then preserve in oil or vinegar; -ajo: marinade; (cf. sal-izar). — DeFIRS

marionet-o: (also fig.) marionette, puppet; filo- -o: dancing jack. — DEFIRS

marjin-o: margin (of book, of paper); (fig.) border, edge (of anything); not-izar en -o: to note or write in the margin. — DEFIS

«mark»: (money) mark; (weight) mark; an old weight: 8 oz. (ounces).

mark-o: mark: token by which anything is known; stamp; -izar: to mark; -ifar: to produce a mark, leave a trace; -o-signo: distinctive mark or sign; (cf. indiko, signo, atesto); marko sur mutono, sur boko-tuko: mark on a sheep, on a napkin; doganala -o: stamp of the Customs. — DEFIRS

markez-(ul)o: marquis, -ino: marchioness. — DEFIRS

markot-ar: (tr., hort.) to layer: bend a shoot or branch to the ground and cover with earth so as to take root; -ajo: branch or shoot thus layered. — FI

marmelad-o: marmelade. — DEFIRS

marmit-o: pot (for boiling); porridge-pot. — FIS

marmor-o: marble; -a: of marble (statuo, e.c.); -ala, -atra: relating to marble; marble-like, marmoreal; -umar: to stain or vein like marble. — DeFIRS

marmot-o: (zool.) marmot (Arctomys Marmota); (U.S.) woodchuck, groundhog. — eFIS

marn-o: marl. — FI

marod-ar: (intr.) to maraud: rove in quest of plunder; (tr.) to plunder. — DEFRS

marokin-a, -o: morocco (leather). — DFIS

maron-o: (fruit) marron: horse-chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum); -ea, -bruna: chestnut-colo(u)red; (cf. kastano). — eF

marquiz-o: marquee: a large field tent; an ornamental verander or penthouse overhanging a balcony, window or door. — DeFIS

Mars-o: (myth., astron.) Mars.

marsh-o, -lando: marsh, morass, bog, fen, swamp. — E

marshal-o: marshal, field-marshal. — DEFIRS

marsuin-o: porpoise (Phocaena communis). — FIS

marsupial-o: (zool.) marsupial. — EFIS

mart-o: (month of) March. — DEFIRS

martel-o: hammer; -agar: to hammer (cf. malear); -ag-(ad)o: hammering; -ag-ebla: malleable; ligno- -o: mallet, pestle, beetle; (cf. malio); vapor- -ego: steam-, forge-hammer. — FIS

Martin-pesk-aro: (orni.) kingfisher (Alceda hispida); (cf. alcedo).

Martin-somero: St. Martin’s summer: warm, damp season in England and southern Europe from November to about Christmas.

martir-o, -ulo, -ino: (also fig.) martyr; -igar: martyrize (ulu). — DEFIS

martr-o: (zool.) marten (Mustela Martes). — DeFIS

marvel-o: wonder, marvel, prodigy. Def.: Ulo qua efikas astoneso od admiro per aparta beleso, grandeso o stranjeso, mem per superhomeso o supernatureso; II-19. — EFIS

mas-o: mass: body of matter cohering in one body, usually of considerable size; (cf. amaso, bloko, turbo). — DEFIRS

masaj-ar: (tr.) to massage (ulu). — DEFIRS

masakr-o: (tr.) to massacre. Def.: Mortigar un (od, plu generale) plura personi kruele o senbezone; III-698. — DEFIS

mash-o: mesh, link (as in knitting, etc.); -kuraso, -kuto, -tuniko: coat of mail. — DE

mashin-o: machine, engine; -i, -aro: engines, machinery; -isto: machinist: one who runs or constructs m.s; -ala: mechanical; relating to machinery (cf. makanik-ala); -agar: to use or operate a m.; -izar: to furnish m.s to; -ifar: to produce, make m.s; exploz -o: infernal machine; milit- -o: engine of war; sut- -o: sewing m.; vapor- -o: steam-engine; -skrib-ar: (tr.) to write with a m., to typewrite (ulo); (cf. skrib- -o, -isto, -ero: typist). — DEFIRS

mashinac-ar: (tr.) to machinate: plan or contrive in secret with evil purpose. — DEFIS

masiv-a: massive, bulky; -o: a large solid mass (as of masonry); a block (of flowers, trees, etc.); bulk (of a mountain or hill). — DEFIRS

mask-ar: (tr.) to mask (to cover the face with a mask, not travestiar); -ilo: a mask; -ita, -ito: masked (person); -o-festo, -it-aro: masquerade; -it-eso: (fig.) a disguise. — DEFIRS

maskaron-o: (arch.) carved or moulded face (or figure). V exp.: To ne esas masko, ma vizajo plu o min groteska, skultita IV-336. — DFRS

maskul-a, -ala, -atra: male, masculine; -o: a male; -a genro: gender; -eso: masculinity. — DEFIS

mason-ar: (tr.) to do mason’s work on: to build (with stone, brick, etc.); to wall up, seal up (a door, etc.); -isto: mason, bricklayer. — EF

mast-o: mast; -eto: small m., spar, pole; ye mi-masto: at half-mast; -i, -aro: masts (of a ship, etc.); -izar: to put m.s on, in (a ship, etc.); -iz-ilo: sheer legs. — DEFRS

mastic-o: mastic: a resin from the mastic tree; any of the pasty cements, esp. putty; -izar: to putty. — DEFI

mastik-ar: (tr.) to chew, masticate; -ajo: something to chew; cud; -endo: (med.) masticatory; -achar: to munch. — EFIS

mastodont-o: mastodon. — DEFIRS

mastr-o: master: person having authority; -ino: mistress; -eso: mastery; su- -eso: self-mastery, self-control; sub- -o: foreman, overseer. — DEFIS

mat-o: mat, matting (of straw or other materials). — DE

matador-o: matador. — DEFIRS

matematik-o: mathematics. — DEFIRS

materi-o: (also fig. as of discourse, book, etc.) material, matter (out of which something is made); -ajo: material object, substance; -ala: material: relating to matter; -oza: substantial, not formal; -atra: material (analogous to); -al-isto, -ista: materialist(ic); -al-ismo: materialism; -al-eso: materiality; -o prima, kruda: raw material; -igar: to materialize: to make (a spirit) visible in or as a material form; -al-igar: to invest with material characteristics, to substantialize. — DEFIRS

matid-a: dull, hollow (of sound); mat(t), dead, dull, not shiny, glossy (of colo(u)rs, etc.). Ant.: sonora, bril-anta. — FS

matin-o: morning, forenoon: time from dawn to midday; -ala: m., f.; matutinal; ca- -e: on (or in) this m., f.; morga -o: tomorrow m., f.; (esas) fru-matine: (it was) early in the m. — eFIS

matlot-o*: matelot: a kind of fish-stew; a kind of sailor’s dance, hornpipe. — F

matr-o: mother; -ala: maternal; -eto: little mother; (fig.) mamma; -eso: maternity: motherliness; -ala linguo: mother-tongue; -aquo: (chem.) mother-liquor. V. exp.: Matro esas la sentimental equivalanto di patrino; VI-535.

matrac-o: mattress. — DEFIR

matras-o: (chem. instr.) matrass. — EFIS

matric-o: (tech.) matrix. — DEFIRS

matrikul-o: matricula: register in which names are entered consecutively, as for a hospital, prison, society, etc.; -eskar, -izar: to matricula. — DeFIRS

matron-o: matron. — DEFIRS

matur-a: (also fig.) ripe, mature: having become completely developed; -igar: to cause to ripen or come to maturity; -a frukti: ripe fruits; -a evo: mature age; -a abceso: ripe (suppurating) abcess; -a delibero: mature deliberation. — EFIS

matutin-o: (R.C. Ch.) matins. Def.: «Ofico» di la matino; V-340. — eFIS

mauzole-o: mausoleum. — DEFIRS

maxil-o: maxilla: upper jaw bone (cf. mandibulo); -ala: maxillary. — EFI

maxim(e): (adv. of comparison) most; -a: highest; -o: maximum; -multo: the generality, majority, the most; -multe posible: the most possible; -granda posibla: the greatest possible; -bona: the best; -a sorgo: the greatest care; lu laboris maxime: he works most; la maxim granda asno ek la tri: the biggest ass of the three; -alta: highest; -a valoro: highest value; (fig.) highest price; -ala: relating to the maximum; -klara posible: as clear as possible, the clearest possible. Ant.: minim. — DEFIRS

may-o: (month) May. — DEFIRS

mayolik-o: majolica. — DEFIRS

mayonez-o: (cook.) maayonnaise (-sauce). — DEFIRS

mayor-o: (milit. title) major. — DEFIRS

mayuskul-o: capital or uncial letter, majuscule. Ant.: miniskulo. — DeFIS

maz-o: mace. Def.: Baston(ego) plu grosa ye un extremajo kam ye l’altra; ica servas kom mancho, e l’enesma havas nodi, o klovi o saliaji; II-709. La mazo moderna esas uzata quale ceremoniala insigno, ex.: en parlamento. — EFIS

mazurk-o: mazurka (dance and music). — DEFIRS

me: I, me; (acc. me, or in case of necessity men); -a, -i: (sing. and pl.) my, mine; la me-ajo e la tu-ajo: mine and thine. Ex.: Me amas mea frati. Vua servisti ne frequentas mei, e mei ne frequentas vui. — DEFIRS

mecen-o: Maecenas; (fig.) patron of art and science. — DEFIRS

mech-o: wick (of lamp, of candle); tinder; (artil.) quick-match; -o-fusilo: match-lock. — FS

medali-o: medal. — DEFIRS

medalion-o: medallion; (fig.) locket. — DEFIRS

medi-o: (also nat. sciences) environment, surroundings; (of people) circle, set; (cf. cirkum-aji); en la intelektala, etikala e sociala medio: in the intellectual, moral and social environment; -a: ambient, surrounding.

mediac-ar: (tr.) to mediate: to intervene, interpose between people or in something to harmonize or reconcile; -o: mediation, intervention; -anto, -ero: mediator; intermediate; agent; middleman, go-between; -anta: intermediate; (cf. mediata). — DEFIS

median-a*, -o: (geom., and fig. in zool., anat., bot.) median (middle), mesial. Def.: Rekto qua juntas somito di triangulo a la mezo dil latero opozita; VII-280. — DEFI

mediat-a: mediate: intermediate, not direct or immediate, indirect; -igar: to mediatize: to make intermediate, render mediate; -e: intermediately, indirect; ne- -a: immediate: without intervention of another object, cause or agency; (cf. quik); -ajo: something intermediate, intermediary (object; cf. mediac-anto). — DeFIS

medicin-o: (art, profession) medicine; (cf. medikamento); -ala: medical; -ist-o, -ulo, -ino: one who occupies himself with medicine, even theoretically (cf. mediko); -doktoro: doctor of m., -student(ul)o: student of m. — DEFIRS

medik-o, -ulo, -ino: physician, doctor; -ala: medical; -acho: quack. V. exp.: Per mediko on devas komprenar medicinisto praktikanta, kontre ke medicinisto (segun l’etimologio) esas irgu qua okupas su profesione pri medicino (mem nur teoriale). Profesoro di medicino, exemple, esas medicinisto, ma povas ne esar mediko. Kuracisto signifikas ta qua (profesione) kuracas, sive mediko, sive ne; VI-141. — DEFIS

medikament-o: medicine, medicament; -a, -ala, -atra: medicinal; -izar: to apply, give medicine to (ulu). — DEFIS

medit-ar: (tr., intr.) to meditate, think over, ponder (cf. projetar); Ex.: Meditar (pri) ula verajo, la paroli di evangelio-libri. Il pasas sua tempo en meditado. Meno meditema. — DEFIS

medium-o: (spiritistic) medium. — DEFIRS

medul-o: medulla: (bone) marrow; (of plants) pith. — eFIS

meduz-o: (zool.) medusa: jelly-fish, sea-nettle; Meduzo: (myth.) Medusa. — DeFIRS

Mefistofel-ala, -atra: Mephistophelean. — DEFI

mefit-o: mephitis: noxious or foul exhalation, especially from earth; (mines) choke-damp. — DEFIS

megafon-o: megaphone: (large) speaking trumpet. — DEFIRS

megalit-a: megalithic: consisting of large stone; -o: megalith (monument). — DEFIRS

megaspor-o*: (bot.) megaspore. — DEFIS

megasporangi-o*: (bot.) megasporangium. — DEFIS

megateri-o*: (paleon.) megathere. — DEFIRS

meger-o: shrew, vixen, termagent. — DFI

mejis-ar: (tr.) to taw (skins). Def.: Specala maniero preparar la peli, precipue la mikra peli: mikra bovyuno, mutono, mutonyuno, kapro-yuno, por fabrikar ganti, delikata shui, e.c. La mejisado esas specala karakterizata per to ke la tanago di la peli, vice facesar per tanoza extrakturi, quale la tanago propre dicita, esas facata per specala mixuro blankatra kompozita de aluno, vitelo e marala salo; VI-245. — F

mekanik-o: (science of) mechanics; -ala: mechanical; relative to mechanics or the laws of motion (cf. mashin-ala); -isto: mechanician: one learned in the theories of mechanics (cf. mashin-(if)isto). Ex.: omna movi di korpi esas mekanikal, la libera falo di korpo, same kam la falo di vapor-martelo. — DEFIRS

mekanism-o: (philos., mechan, and fig.) mechanism, machinery; structure; mechanical parts. Def.: Ensemblo di la mekanikal relati, kun egardo a la dispozeso di la parti; VII-205. Ex.: La mekanismo do horlojo od altra mashino. La mekanismo esas ulo abstraktita, la strukturo, la dispozeso di la parti di la aparato. — DEFIS

mekanist-o: (philos.) representative of mechanism.

mekanomorfos-o*: mechanomorphosis.

melankoli-o: (of persons) melancholy; (med.) melancholia; -oza: melancholy, dispirited, gloomy (of mind); (cf. trista). Ant.: gayeso. — DEFIRS

melanism-o*: (biol.) melanism.

melas-o: molasses, treacle. — DeFIS

mele-o*: melee; a general had to hand fight. — EF

melinit-o: melinite (-powder). — DEFIRS

melis-o: (bot.) balm, balm-mint (Melissa officinalis). — DeFIS

melk-ar: (tr.) to milk (an animal). — DE

melodi-o: melody; -a, -ala, -oza, -atra: melodious, musical, sweet, tuneful. — DEFIRS

melodram-o: melodrama. — DEFIRS

melolont-o: maybeetle, cockchafer (Melolontha vulgaris). — IL

melon-o: melon, muskmelon (Cucumis Melo); aquo- -o: watermelon (Cucumis Citrulis); kantalupo- -o: cantaloup. — DEFS

melope-o: (mus.) melopoeia. — eFIRS

mem: (adv.) even, still, (in comparson); (emphasis) really, indeed (cf. ya); mem se: even if; mem plu bona: still better, better yet; yes, me konfesas, ke mea manui esas mem tre sordida: yes, I admit that my hands a really very dirty; ica pano esas bona, ma ita esas mem plu bona: that bread is good but that is even better; il meritas estimo, mem amo: he merits esteem, even love. — F

membr-o: member (of society, community, party, parliament, of an equation); limb (of body); -o (di frazo): clause (cf. klauzo); -i, -aro: members, limbs; -oza: limbered, membered. — EFIS

membran-o: (anat., bot.) membrane. — DEFIS

«memento»: (R.C. ch.) memento: prayers for living and dead.

memor-ar: (tr.) to remember, recollect, have a memory of; (cf. merkar); -igar: to cause (ulu) to remember, remind, bring to mind, commemorate; -(ad)o: (act, faculty) memory, remembrance; -ajo: what is rembered, recollection; -ig-ilo: reminder, souvenir, keepsake; -e: by heart; -inda: memorable; -igo: commemoration, remembrance; -ig-iva, -ala: commemorative; -noto: note of reminder, memorandum; -libro: memo. book; ri- -o: reminiscence, recollection. — EFIRS

memorand-o: memorandum; (of societies, academies); (dipl.) memorial: a note or informal state paper used in diplomacy. — DEF

memorial-o: memoir. Def.: Historiala verko, en qua l’autoro naracas l’eventi di sua vivo o di sua tempo; IV-172. — DEFIS

menaj-o: housekeeping: administration, cleaning and general management of a house, especially apart from mere cooking arrangements; -isto, -ulo, -ino, -estro: housekeeper. Def.: Domal (hemala) ekonomio o servado; IV-66. — F

menajeri-o: menagerie. Def.: Kolekturo de animali rara o sovaja por expozo; III-327. — DEF

mencion-ar: (tr.) to mention, make mention of; honor-oza, -iz-anta -o: honorable mention. V. exp.: vid. citar. — EFIS

mendik-ar: (tr.) to beg (for alms); -anto, -ero, -isto: beggar, mendicant. — EFIS

menhir-o*: menhir: standing stone. — DEF

mening-o, -i: (anat.) meninx, meninges. — EFIS

meningit-o: (med.) meningitis; -o cerebro-spinala: cerebro-spinal m. — EFIS

menisk-o*: (opt., phys.) meniscus. — DEFIS

mens-o*: (of abbeys) revenue; (fig.) table-money, allowance for table. — F

menstru-ar: (intr., physiol.) to menstruate, have the monthly flow; -o: menses. — DEFIRS

ment-o: mind: seat of consciousness, thought, volition and feeling; mentality: cast or habit of mind (cf. spirito, psiko, intelekto); -ala: mental; -o milit-ist-ala: a military mind: an intelligence which looks at all matters from a soldier’s viewpoint; -o partis-ala: a partisan mind or spirit; -o publika: public spirit or mind; -o-mediko: physician of the mind, alienist. ?EFIS

menti-ar: (intr.) to lie, tell a falsehood (pri, per); -etar: to fib. — FIS

menton-o: chin; -o sali-anta: prominent c.; -o du-pada: double c.; -barbo: c. beard; (cf. infra labio-barbo); -bandajo: c. bandage; -kateno: (horses) curb-chain; menton-umo: c.piece, c.-band, -strap. Def.: (menton-umo): Bendo ek stofo, ledro o metalo por renar kapvesto sur la kapo; anke kuseneto od utensilo por violino fixa dum ke on pleas; III-10. — FI

mentor-o: mentor (counselor). — DEFIRS

menu-o: menu, bill of fare. — DEFS

menueto: minuet (dance or air). — DEFIRS

menuz-ar: (intr.) to do fine carpenter’s or joiner’s work; -isto: cabinet-worker, joiner (cf. eben-isto). V.  exp.: vid. karpentar. — F

mercenari-o: (milit.) mercenery (soldier) — EFIS

mercer-o: (Eng.) mercer’s business, haberdasher’s trade. (U.S.) dry-goods business; -isto: mercer, haberdasher: a dealer in textile fabrics, trimmings, and small articles of dress. — EFIS

meridian-a lineo, meridiano: meridian. — DEFIRS

merin-o: merino (-sheep); -lano: merino wool. — DEFIRS

mering-o: (cook.) meringue: a kind of icing and cake made of it. — DEFIS

meristem-o*: (bot.) meristem. — DEFIS

merit-ar: (tr.) to deserve, merit (ulo de ulu); -o: merit, worth, desert. Ex.: Meritar laudo, puniso, rekompenso. — EFIS

meriz-o: wild cherry; -iero: wild cherry tree (Prunus avium). — F

merk-ar: (tr.) to mark, to impress (ulo) on one’s memory, to retain or remember) a thing, keep in mind, (cf. memorar); vorti facile merk-ebla: words easy to keep in mind; merkez mea vorti: mark my words; me merkos to: I will bear that in mind; -o-vorto: catch-word, cue-word, key-word. V. exp.: Merkar expresas ideo simila a lernar, tamen min konsideranta la peno e l’intenco; III-495. — De

merkat-o: (aslo fig. as in polit. econ.) market: public place for selling. Def.: Vendeyo publika; III-466. Stando di la ofro e demando di vari en un urbo o loko; II-76. — DEFIS

merkurdi-o: Wednesday. — FIS

merkuri-o: (chem.) mercury, quicksilver. — EFIS

merl-o: (orni.) blackbird (Turdus merula). — DFIS

merlan-o: (ich.) whiting (Gadus Merlangus). — FR

merlon-o*: (fort.) merlon. Def.: Parto (solida) di muro inter du kreneli; VII-280. — DEFIS

merluch-o: (ich.) merluce: the European hake (Merlucius vulgaris). — eFIRS

merogoni-o*: (embryol.) merogony. — DEFIS

meromorf-a*: (math.) meromorphic. — DEFIS

merotomi-o*: merotomy: division into parts. — DEFIS

mes-o: (R.C. Ch.) mass; -libro: missal, prayer-book; -o sen-kanta: low mass — DEFIRS

mesaj-o: message: official communication, diplomatic, parliamentary; (cf. letro, send-ajo). — EFIS

mesi-o: (also fig.) Messiah; -an-a, -ala: Messianic. — DEFIRS

meskin-a: mean, paltry (person, act); narrow, illiberal (ideas, policy); stingy, niggardly (persons, policy); shabby (room, person); -ajo: mean or paltry thing or act, shabby trick. Def.: Qua indijas larjeso, alteso (precipue etikala); III-10. — FIS

mestic-a, -o: (of persons, animals) half-breed, mixed-breed; mestizo: a peson of mixed Spanish and American Indian blood; (cf. mulato, hibrido); (cf. V-33). — DeFIS

mestier-o: trade, handicraft: occupation or business in which manual or mechanical labo(u)r is necessary, as that of a carpenter or mason; -ala: technical, craft; -isto: artisan, mechanic; il esas mestiere torn-isto: he is a turner (or lathe-worker) by trade. — FIR

met-ar: to put on , don (clothing, ornaments); (cf. vest-izar); -ar frako: to put on a dress-coat; -o: donning, dressing; -ebla: wearable: which can be put on. — FI

metaboli-o*: (biol.) metabolism. — DEFIS

metacentr-o*: (hydros. and shipbuilding) metacenter (metacentre) — DEFIRS

metacinez-o*: (biol.) metakinesis. — DEFIS

metafaz-o*: (biol.) metaphase. — DEFIS

metafizik-o: metaphysics. — DEFIRS

metafor-o: (rhet.) metaphor. — DEFIRS

metafraz-o: metaphrase: literal translation. Def.: Expliko qua konsistas en tradukar loko (frazo) en plura klara, simpla e vulgara vorti; V-485. — DEFIRS

metageometri-o*: metageometry.

metakarp-o: (anat.) metacarpus. — EFIS

metal-o: metal; -a, -ala, -oza: metallic: of m., relaing to m., full of m.; -ajo: m. object; -izar: to metallize; to coat or impregnate with m.; -ifo: metallurgy; ore production (cf. metalurgio); -if-isto: metallurgist; -filo: wire; -laboristo: m.worker; -vaz-aro, -aj-aro: ironmongery, hardware. — DEFIRS

metalografi-o: metallography. — DEFS

metaloid-o*: (chem.) metalloid.? DEFS

metalurgi-o*: metallurgy: science and art of preparing metals from the ores (not the extracting of ores; cf. metal-ifo). — DEFIS

metamer-o*: (zool.) metamere. — DEFIS

metamorfos-ar: (tr.) to metamorphose. — DEFIRS

metan-o*: (chem.) methane, marsh-gas. — DEFIS

metastabil-a: (physical chem.) metastable. — DEF

metatars-o: (anat.) metatarsus. — EFIS

metatez-o: (gram.) metathesis. — DEFIRS

metempsikos-o: metempsychosis, transmigration of souls. — DEFIRS

meteor-o: meteor. — DEFIRS

meteorologi-o: meteorology; -isto: meteorologist. — DEFIRS

metil-o*: (chem.) methyl. — DEFIS

metod-o: method: special or definite system of procedure; (of things) –ala: methodical; (of persons) –oza: methodical; -ale, -oze: methodically. Ex.: Il facas omno segun metodo (od, metodoze). Metodala aranjo. — DEFIRS

metod-ismo: (rel.) methodism: doctrine of methodists; -isto: methodist (member of a religious sect).

metodologi-o: methodology. — DEFIS

metol-o*: (chem.) metol. — DEFIS

metonimi-o: (rhet.) metonymy. — DEFIRS

metonomazi-o: metonomatosis. Def.: Chanjo di propra nomo per traduko, qua celas ol; V-485. — DEFIRS

metop-o: (arch.) metope. — DEFIRS

metr-o: (metric) meter (metre): 1.093 yards; (poet.) meter; -o-quadrato: square meter: 1.196 square yards; -o kubo: cubic meter: 35 cubic feet; -ala: (measure or verse) metrical. Note: A list of metric abbreviations may be found in IV-608-9. — DEFIRS

metrik-o: (science of) versification, prosody, scansion.

metrologi-o*: metrology.

metronom-o: metronome. — DEFIRS

metropol-o: metropolis: a chief or capital city. — DEFIRS

metropolit-o: (eccl.) metropolitan (bishop). — DEFIRS

mez-a, -o: middle, midst; -e di: in the middle of; -a, -ala: middle, medial, median; -grada, -valora: (of quantities) average; (math.) mean; (gen.) middling, mediocre, tolerable (cf. pasabla); -grado, -valoro: average, mean, mediocrity; -valore: moderately, indifferently; -epoko: the Middle Ages; -epok-ala: medieval; -eva: of middle age; -a stando: (od, situ-eso): moderate circumstances; -a fosto (di fenestro): mullion; -o-soprano: mezzo-soprano; -a proporcion-alo: (geom.) mean proportional. — I

mezenter-o*: (anat.) mesentery. — DEFIS

mezoderm-o*: (embryol., zool.) mesoderm. — DEFIS

mezolab-o*: (instr.) mesolabe. — DEFIRS

mezotint-o*: mezzotint(o). — DEFI

mezur-ar: (tr.) to measure (with an instrument), to survey (land); -(ad)o: measure, measurement, measuring; (mus.) time, measure; bar; -ilo: an instrument for measuring; -ebla: measurable; sen- -a: immeasurable, immoderate; excessive, exorbitant; super- -o: over-measure; agro- -isto: land (or, field) surveyor. V. exp.: vid. evaluar. — EFI

mi: mi, third note of diatonic scale.

miasm-o: miasma: noxious exhalation. — DEFIRS

miaul-ar*: (intr.) to mew: to cry as a cat, to caterwaul, miaou. — DEFIS

mi-cirkl-o: hemicycle, half-circle.

mi-de-o: demigod.

mi-dek-e-du-o: half-dozen.

miel-o: honey; (fig.) sweetness; -ala, -oza, -atra: honeyed, melliferous; -ifar: to produce honey; -aquo: hydromel, mead; -kuko: gingerbread; -mixuro: oxymel: a mixture of vinegar and honey; -tempo: honeymoon. — FIS

mien-o: (of the face) look(s), mien, countenance, -acho: affected, lackadaisical, simpering look; -o superba: haughty look; facar mien-i, -achi: to put on airs, mince, simper, smirk; ne judikez homo segun lua mieno: do not judge a person by his looks. — DEFR

mi-faci-o: (photog.) pose between face and profile; (cf. mi-profilo).

mi-farm-ajo: metairie: land (or implements) leased for half-share of produce; -ado: metayage; -isto, -ero: metayer.

mi-frat-ulo: half-brother.

migr-ar: (intr.) to migrate; -anta, -ema: migrating; (fig.) itinerant; -anta uceli: migrating birds. — EFIS

migren-o: megrim: a kind of sick or nervous pain affecting one side of the head, hemicrania. ?DeFIR

migrenin-o*: (med.) a kind of remedy for megrim or hemicrania.

mika-o: (min.) mica. — DEFIS

mikoriz-o*: (biol.) mycorrhiza. — DEFIS

mikr-a: little, small; (cf. poka); -eta, -acha: tiny, wee; -ope: little by little, bit by bit; -igar: to make small, belittle; (cf. min-grand-igar, diminutar), -o-kosmo: microcosm. Ex.: Mikra spaco, chambro, homo, sumo, nombro, merito. Ant.: granda. — DeFIRS

mikrob-o: microbe. — DEFIRS

mikrofon-o: microphone. — DEFIRS

mikrograf-o*: micrographer: one versed in micrography.

mikrografi-o: micrography: description of microscopic objects. — DEFIRS

mikrometr-o: micrometer. — DEFIRS

mikron-o*: micron: 1/1000 of a millimeter (millimetre). — DEFIRS

mikropil-o*: (bot., zool.) micropyle. — DEFIS

mikroskop-o: microscope. — DEFIRS

mikrosom-o*: (biol.) microsome. — DEFIS

mikrospor-o*: (bot.) microspore. — DEFIS

mikrosporangi-o*: (bot.) microsporangium. — DEFIS

mikrozo-o: microzoa: animals of microscopic smallness. — DEFIRS

mil: thousand; -o: a (one) thousand; -esma: (ordinal) 1000th ; -imo: (fraction) 1/1000 (part); -yara: millenary; (cf. cent, du for derivatives). — FIS

milan-o: (orni.) kite (Milvus ictinus). — FS

mili-o: mile: 5280 feet; 1609.35 meters (metres).

miliard-o: billion; 1000 millions; -iero: billionaire. — DeFIRS

milic-o: militia; -ano: militiaman. — DEFIRS

miligram-o: milligram: 0.015 grain. — DEFIRS

milimetr-o: millimeter (millimetre): 0.039 inch. — DEFIRS

milion-o: million; -iero: millionaire. — DEFIRS

milit-ar: (intr.) to (make) war; (fig.) to militate; (por, kontre); -igar: to cause to make war; -anto, -isto: fighter, combatant, warrior; -ala: military: relating to war; -ist-ala: military: relating to warriors; -ema: combative, pugnacious, bellicose; -arto: art of war; -ruzo: stratagem (of war); -ist-aro: armed force of a country (cf. armeo); -judicio: court-martial; -ala kapt-ito: prisoner of war; -navo: warship; -nava: naval. — DEFIS

militar-ismo: militarism; -isto: militarist: a believer in militarism; -igar: to militarize: to bring into a condition of (or imbue with) militarism. Ex.: On dicas, ke la maxim bona metodo kuracar militaristo esas igar lu militisto.

mi-lum-o: half-light, twilight, subdued light.

mi-lun-o: half-moon.

milyet-o: (bot.) millet (Panicum miliaceum).

mim-ar: (tr.) to mimic: express by dumb show, as for ridicule; -anto, -isto: mimic, mime. — DeFIRS

mimetik-a*: (zool.) a mimicking (animal); -eso: mimicry; imitative resemblance of one animal to another or to some inanimate object.

mi-mond-umo: demi-monde.

mimos-o: (bot.) mimosa, sensitive plant (genus: Mimosa). — DEFIRS

min(e): (adv.) less (Note: The short form: min is used when followed by adjective or verb; as, min granda: smaller; the longer form: mine is used when not followed by word which it modifies, as at the end of a sentence; il laboris mine: he worked less; min bela: less beautiful; parolez min multe: speak less; min multo: the lesser; min kam ul-tempe: less than ever; min multa pekunio: less money; sempre min: less and less. V. exp.: Min esas diminutala; minus esas sustracionala. Ex.: Esante min durstanta kam me, il drinkis un glaso minuse; II-738. Ant.: plu. Note: In distinction from E. usage where «less» is used adjectivally, min is always an adverb, therefore : min multa homi, not min homi. — FIRS

min-ar: (tr.) to undermine, to mine: extract ores, etc.; (cf. sub-destruktar) (milit.) to sap; -eyo: a mine; -ey-ala: pertaining to mines: la rivero minis la rivo: the river undermined the bank. — DEFIRS

minac-ar: (tr.) to menace, to threaten (ulu, per ulo). Ex.: Il minacis mortigar me. La muro minacis krular (E. the wall totters). Kolero esas minaco. — EFIS

minaret-o: minaret. — DEFIRS

mineral-o: mineral; -igar: to mineralize: transform into a mineral; -izar: to mineralize: to cover or impregnate with mineral. — DEFIRS

mineralogi-o: mineralogy; -isto: mineralogist. — DEFIRS

minestrel-o: minstrel: poet, singer of the Middle Ages. — DEFIR

min-grand-igar: to lessen, make smaller; (cf. mikr-igar, min-gros-igar, diminutar).

min-gros-igar: to reduce in size; (cf. tenu-igar).

miniatur-o: miniature; a small and delicate painting, as a portrait; a representation on a much reduced scale. — DEFIRS

minim(e), -a: (superlative of min) least, lowest, minimum; -o: minimum; -a nombro (necesa por valideso di voti): quorum; min bona, min kurajoza: least good, least courageous; min multa bruiso posibla: least possible noise: minim chera: least dear, the cheapest; la minim alta monto: the lowest mountain; skribar pri kozi quin on komprenas minime: to write things about which one understands least; (cf. note on form in min(e). — DEFIRS

minion-a: small and dainty, daintily pretty; -ino: a daintily pretty girl or woman; (fig.) darling, pet; -a boko: a pretty (and small) mouth; -a pedo: a dainty foot. — F

ministeri-o: administrative or executive department of a government of which a ministro is the head (cf. V-158); la ministraro demisionis, ma la ministerii ankore funcionis: the ministers have resigned but the «ministries» (administrative departments) still carried on their work.

ministr-o: (state functionary) minister; -aro: cabinet, ministry (collective); -ala: ministerial; -eyo: government office; dum la ministr-eso di Sro. X: during the ministry of Mr. X; chef- -o: premier, prime minister. — DEFIRS

minium-o: minium: red oxide of lead; (paint) red-lead. — DeFIRS

minor-a: (jur.) minor: under age; (logic, music, eccl.) minor; -eso: (of age) minority; -a modo: minor key. Ant.: majora. — DEFIS

minoritat-o: minority: the smaller number. Ant.: majoritato. — DEFIS

minotaur-o: (myth.) Minotaur. — DEFIRS

mint-o: (bot.) mint (genus: Mentha); -o krispa: curly mint (Mentha crispa); pipro-minto: peppermint (Mentha piperita). — DEFIRS

minuci-o: minutia, trifle, minor detail: -i: minutiae; -ema: (person) particular; attentive to detail, fastidious, hairsplitter; -em-acho: fuss-budget, busybody. — DEFIS

minus: (arith., alg.) minus; di plus tri minus un facas (od, esas) quar: two plus three minus one makes four; il pagis a me un dollar minuse: he paid me one dollar less (i.e. he took one dollar from the price); un glaso minuse: one glass less. V. exp.: vid. min. — DEIRS

minuskul-o: (print.) small letter; (in manuscripts) miniscule. Ant.: mayuskulo. — DeFIS

minut-o: (of time: astron., geom. of degree) minute. — DEFIRS

min-valor-igar: to depreciate: to lessen the value of; to undervalue, underrate; disparage; la abundo de pekunio minvalorigas la valoro: the abundance of money depreciates its value; komercaji minvaloreskas: goods are beginning to depreciate; minvalorigar persono: to depreciate a person.

miocen-o: (geol.) miocene. — DEFIS

miologi-o*: myology. — DEFIS

mi-ombr-o: half-shade, partial shadow; (astron.) penumbra; (cf. mi-lumo).

miop-a, -(ul)o: near-sighted, myopic (person); -eso: myopia. — DEFIS

miozot-o: (bot.) myosotis: forget-me-not (genus: Myosotis). — eFISL

mi-profil-o: (photog.) half-profile (taken from the back; cf. mi-facio).

mir-o: myrrh. — DEFIS

mirabel-o: «mirabelle»: a small yellow plum (European). — DeFIRS

miraj-o: mirage; (fig.) delusion. — EFIR

mirakl-o: miracle; -a: miraculous: truly supernatural; -ala: miraculous: relating to miracles; -atra: miraculous: mervelous,wonderful; -if-anta: wonder-working, working miracles. — DEFIR

miriad-o: myriad: an immense number; (antiq.) ten thousand. — DEFIRS

miriametr-o: myriameter: ten thousand meters (metres); 6.2 miles. — DEFIRS

miriapod-o: (zool.) myriapod; milliped. (class. Myriapoda). — DEFIS

mirmekofag-o: (zool.) ant-eater, ant-bear (Myrmecophaga). — IL

mirmekofil-a*: (zool.) myrmecophilous. — DEFIS

mirmekoleon-o: (ent.) ant-lion (genus: Myrmecoleon). — IL

mirt-o: (bot.) myrtle (genus: Myrtus). — DeFIRS

mirtel-o: (fruit) bilberry; -iero: bilberry plant: European whortleberry plant (Vacinium Myrtillus). — FIL

mis-alianc-ar (su): to contract a misalliance; to marry beneath one; -o: misalliance, a bad match.

mis-aplik-ar: (tr.) to misapply (ulo, ad, sur).

mis-deskript-ar: (tr.) to misrepresent, wrongfully describe (cf. mis-prezentar).

mis-(dis)donar: (tr.) to misdeal (cards).

mis-dukt-ar: (tr.) to mislead (ulu).

mis-event-ar: (intr.) to come to any harm, to happen unluckily, to turn out ill; -o: mischance, mishap, misadventure.

mi-sfer-o: hemisphere.

mis-formac-ar: (tr.) to misform, misshape; -o, -uro: malformation.

mis-interpret-ar: (tr.) to misinterpret.

mision-ar: (religious, scientific, etc.) mission; -isto, -ero: missionary. — DEFIRS

mis-ir-ar: (intr.) to go astray, lose one’s way.

mis-judici-o: (jur.) erroneous judgement.

mis-judik-ar: (tr.) to misjudge (not legal).

mis-kalkul-ar: (tr., math.) to miscalculate.

mis-kompren-ar: (tr.) to misunderstand, misapprehend.

mis-koncept-ar: (tr.) to misconceive.

mis-konoc-ar: (tr.) to misunderstand (something perceptible to the senses), to mistake; (cf. konocar).

mis-kont-ar: (tr.) to miscount.

mis-nom-ar, -izar: to misname, give a wrong name to (cf. nom-ar).

mis-paf-ar: (intr.) to miss fire.

mis-paz-o: (lit. and fig.) false step, mis-step; blunder, slip; faux pas; -pazar: to make, take a false step, stumble (cf. ped-butar).

mispel-o: (fruit) medlar; -iero: medlar tree (Mespilus). — DISL

mis-poz-ar: (tr.) to put in the wrong place. V. exp.: vid. egarar.

mis-prezent-ar: (tr.) to present wrongly, misrepresent. Ex.: Il misprezentis (od, mis-deskriptis) la stando di la afero, la fakti di la kazo.

mis-pronunc-ar: (tr.) to mispronounce.

mis-rezon-o: wrong reasoning, a fallacy.

«Miss»: (title) miss.

mis-selekt-ar: (tr.) to mischoose.

mis-send-ar: (tr.) to missend (ulo); to misdirect (a letter, etc.).

mis-tax-ar: (tr.) to mistax, wrongfully assess.

mistel-o: (bot.) mistletoe (Viscum); -bero: berry of mistletoe. — De

misteri-o: (also antiq., eccl.) mystery; -ala: relating to mysteries; -oza, -atra: mysterious. — DEFIRS

mistifik-ar: (tr.) to hoax, mystify: mischievously deceive someone in sport; -o: hoax, mystify (for sport); (cf. perplex-igar, konfuz-igar). — DEFIR

mistik-a, -(ul)o: mystic; -eso, -ismo: mysticism. — DEFIRS

mis-traduk-ar: (tr.) to mistranslate, to translate wrongly.

mis-uz-ar: (tr.) to misuse, make bad use of, waste.

mit-o: myth. — DEFIRS

mi-tambur-o: tambourine. V. exp.: Pro ke tamburo (ed anke tamburino) havas du feli, esas naturala indikar per «mitamburo» la instrumento, qua havas un felo; IV-511.

miten-o: mitten; mi- -o: a mitten which leaves the fingers bare. Def.: Ganto en qua nur la grosa fingro esas separita e la qua ceteri unionita; III-327 — EFS

mitologi-o: mythology; -isto: mythologist. — DEFIRS

mitr-o: (eccl.) miter (mitre).? DEFIRS

mitrali-o: grape-shot, canister, shrapnel; -agar, -o-pafar: (tr.) to fire grapeshot, shrapnel at or on. — eFIS

mitralios-o: machine-gun; (ancient) mitrailleuse. — DeFR

mix-ar: (tr.) to mix, mingle, blend (ulo kun ulo); inter- -ar: to intermix (uli); -ar su: to intervene in, meddle; -ar karti: shuffle cards; -o, -uro: mixture, blend, medly; -ajo: miscellanea, miscellany; -o-linea: (geom.) mixtilineal; -ach-eso: promiscuousness. Ex.: Mixar l’aquo kun la vino. Mixar (E. blend) kolori. Mixar diversa flori en buketo.Mixar su en l’aferi di altru. Me mixas klor-acido kun nitrat-acido (e me intermixas la du acido). — EFI

mizantrop-(ul)o: misanthrope: hater of mankind. — DEFIS

mizer-ar: (intr.) to be in misery (because of poverty, destitution, or unhappiness or pain); -o: misery, wretchedness, want, sore need, distress. — DEFIRS

mizerikordi-o: mercy, mercifulness; -oza, -ema: merciful, compassionate, clement; sen- -a: unmerciful. Def.: Kompato (di Deo) qua pardonas a pekanto; III-327. Ex. Deala mizerikordio. Klamar mizerikordio ad ulu. Ta homo esas senmizerikordia. — FIS

mnemonik-o: mnemonics: art or system for developing the memory. — DEFIRS

mobiliz-ar: (tr., milit.) to mobilize (troops). — DEFIRS

mobl-o: a piece of furniture: any movable object serviceable or use or decoration of an apartment; -aro: (set, collection) furniture; -izar: to furnish (a house, room, etc. with furniture); -iz-ita-domo, chambro, lojeyo: furnished house, room, lodging; -ifar: to make furniture. — DFIRS

mod-o: mode: a passing usage which depends upon taste, caprice; fashion, style; (gram.) mood (indicative, imperative, etc.); (philos., mus.) mode; (jur.) modus; -ala: (log.) modal; -al-eso: (log.) modality; segun la modo, segun moda: according to the mode, in the fashion, fashionable; vestizar ulu segun la modo; to dress someone in the fashion: -o anciena: old fashion. — DEFIRS

model-o: model (of a machine, etc.): copy or standard to be followed; -atra: standard, exemplary; Solomon konstruktis la templo segun la modelo di la tabernaklo: Solomon built the temple according to the model of the tabernacle; el posturas kom modelo por skultisto: she acts as a model for a sculptor; -o skribita: a written copy; ilua vivo esas modelo di vertuo: his life is a pattern of virtue; (cf. shablono, imit-ajo, mod-uro, -ajo). — DEFIRS

moder-ar: (tr.) to moderate: keep within bonds (passions, zeal, ardour, etc.); to abate (a price), reduce (one’s expenses); mitigate (a sentence); -ema: temperate; -ilo: governor, regulator (of speed); -e: moderately; sen-moder-eso: immoderation. Ant.: acelerar, augmentar. — DEFIS

modern-a: modern; -igar: to modernize. — DEFIS

modest-a: modest: not bold or presumptuous; not boastful or obtrusive; (N.B. «modest» in the sense of observing sex proprieties is translated by pudor-oza, chasta, dec-anta). V. exp.: vid. diskreta. Ant.: Superba, pretend-ema, arog-ema, vanitat-oza, fatua. — EFIS

modifik-ar: (tr.) to modify: make partial changes in (cf. chanjar); -ivo: (gram.) a modifying or qualifying word. Ex.: Modifikar lego, frazo, puniso. — DEFIRS

modilion-o*: (arch.) modillion. — DEFIS

modlar: (tr., sculpt.) to make a model (in clay, wax) of something from which a statue or other work is to be executed or enlarged. — DEFIRS

modul-o: (arch.) module; (math.) modulus. — DEFIRS

modulac-ar: (tr.) to modulate: pass from one key to another without break in melody; to inflect, vary ( the voice in speaking). — DEFIRS

«mogul»: (oriental title) mogul.

Mohamed-ana, -ano: Mahometan, Mohammedan, Musselman; -an-ismo: Mahometanism, Islamism. — DEFIRS

moher-o: (fabric) mohair. — DEF

mok-ar: to laugh at: ridicule, deride, mock, rally, gibe, scoff; -etar: to banter, chaff; -(ad)o: mockery, derision, jeer; -o-klamo: hue and cry. — DEFR

mokasin-o*: moccasin: an Indian shoe. — DEFRS

mol-a: soft: easily yielding to pressure, not hard; (cf. dolca); (of muscles) flabby (cf. laxa); (of meat) tender; (of fruits) mellow; -acha: flimsy, flabby; -igar: to soften; (fig.) to mollify; -ig-iva: emollient; ovi mole koqu-ita: soft-cooked eggs. Ant.: harda. — FI

molar-a (dento): molar, grinder (tooth). — DEFIS

mold-ar: (intr.) to turn, grow mouldy. — DE

molekul-o: molecule. — DEFIRS

moleskin-o: (fabric) moleskin. — DEFI

molest-ar: (tr.) to molest, pester, annoy, bother. V. exp.: Molestar signifikas volata tedado per tormenteti o persekuteti. La vorto bone tradukas la F. brimer (E. to play jokes on), qua esas molestado impozita kom probo a la novici en armeo, lerneyo. Anke on povas dicar: «la dogano esas konstanta molestado por la voyajanti»; III-35. — DEFIS

moli-o: mole, jetty (used as a harbor (harbour) breakwater). — DEFIRS

molibd-o*: (chem.) molybdenum. — DEFIRS

molos-o: a species of watch-dog (Canis familiaris molossus); (pros.) Molosian metre.

molton-o: (fabric) molleton: swanskin, canton flannel. — DeFIS

molusk-o: mollusk. — DEFIRS

moment-o: momentum. — DEFIS

monad-o: (philos., zool.) monad. — DEFIS

monak-(ul)o: monk, friar; -ala, -atra: monastic, monachal, monkish; -ino: nun; -eso: (condition, state) monasticism, monkhood; -ismo: (system, doctrine) monasticism; -eyo: monastery, convent. — DEFIRS

monark-o: monarch; -ala: monarchal: relating to monarchs. — DEFIRS

monarki-o: monarchy; -ala: monarchal: relating to monarchies; (cf. monark-ala). ?DEFIRS

monat-o: month; -salario: month;s pay; omna-monat-e, -a: every month, monthly; ca-monate: (during, in) this month; po monato, singla monate: by the month, so much a month; mi- -a: half-monthly, twice a month. — De

mond-o: (general sense) the world (cf. tero); -umo: the world: society, people; -umo eleganta, alta: world of fashion, smart set, high-life; -ala: mundane; -um-ema: worldly-minded; -um-ala: relating to society; relating to good manners; -um-ajo: a worldly thing, vanity; -um-an-ulo: man of the world; um-an-eso: worldliness. — eFIS

moner-o: (zool.) moner(on). — DEFIS

monet-o: (of gold, silver, copper) coin, cash, change, specie; (fig.) currency; (cf. pekunio); -o-peco: a coin; -papero: paper money: which takes the place of coin (cf. bankobilieto); -ala: monetary; -igar: to monetize: put into circulation, give a standard value to in currency; -ifar: to coin, mint into money; to raise money; -if-isto: coiner; -if-eyo, -erio: mint; -uyo: a purse. — eFIRS

monism-o*: (philos.) monism. — DEFIRS

monist-o*: monist. — DEFIRS

monitor-o: (nav.) monitor. — DEFIRS

monodrom-a*: (math.) monodromic. — EFIS

monofiletik-a*: (bot.) monophyletic. — DEFIS

monoftong-o*: (gram.) monophthong: a single vowel sound; a combination of two vowels pronounced as one. — DEFIS

monogam-a: monogamic; -(ul)o: monogamist. — DEFIRS

monogen-a*: (math.) monogenic, monogenetic. — DEFIS

monografi-o: monograph. — DEFIRS

monogram-o: monogram. — DEFIRS

monoik-a*: (bot.) monoecious.

monokl-o: monocle, single eye-glass. Def.: Unika aparta okulvitro; V-1. — DEFIRS

monoklin-a: (bot.) monoclinous; (cryst.) monoclinic.

mono-kord-o: (mus. and acous.) mono-chord. — DEFIRS

mono-kotiledon-a, -o: (bot.) monocotyledon(ous). — DEFIS

monokrom-a: monochrome; -ajo: (paint) monochrome picture; camaieu. Def.: (monokrom-ajo) Pikturo per un sola koloro, plu o min klara; VI-480. — DEFIS

monolit-a, -o: monolith(ic). — DEFIRS

monolog-o: monologue, soliloquy. — DEFIRS

monomani-o: (med.) monomania: insanity upon one particular subject (cf. manio); -ika, -iko: monomaniac(al). — DEFIRS

monomi-o, -ala: (alg.) monomial. — DEFIS

monopol-o: monopoly; -igar: to monopolize; -emo, -ig-anto, -ero, -isto: monopolist. — DEFIRS

mono-silab-a: monosyllabic. — DEFIRS

mono-sperm-a*: (bot.) monospermous. — DEFIS

monoteism-o: monotheism. — DEFIRS

monoteist-o: monotheist. — DEFIRS

monoton-a: monotonous; -eso: monotony. — DEFIRS

monotrop-o*: (math.) monotropa. — DEFIS

monstr-o: (pr. and fig.) monster; -a, -ala, -atra: monstrous, enormous; -ajo: (object or act) monstrosity. — DEFIRS

mont-o: mount, mountain; -eto: hill, hillock, knoll; -aro, -o-kateno: mountain range; -oza: mountainous; -et-oza: hilly; -o Etna: Mt. Etna; Venus-monto: (anat.) mons veneris; -o-pinto: mountain peak (the point); (cf. ad-monte). — EFIS

montant-o: upright: piece of any framework, wood or iron; stanchion, beam, post, side-piece (of a ladder). — FIS

montr-ar: (tr.) to show, exhibit: make to see or know; -inda: worthy of showing, presentable; -isto: showman; -ar rara libro: to show a rare book; -ez a me ta homulo: show me that man; -ar kurajo: to show courage; (cf. manifestar, expozar, indikar, prizentar, aparar). — FIS

monument-o: monument. — DEFIRS

mops-o: pug-dog. — DRS

moquet-o: moquette: a kind of velvet carpeting; Wilton carpeting. — DeFIS

mor-i: manners, habits, conduct considered from the moral point of view; (cf. etiko); bona -i: good morals, habits or customs; -ala: habitual, customary: relating to mori (N.B. not conforming to the rules of right conduct, righteousness. A moral man = etikala homulo; cf. IV-233); moral-isto: one who studies the «mori». Def.: Kustumi (di persono o lando), natural od aquirita, relate lia boneso o maledeso por la konduto di vivo. — FL

morb-o: disease, malady, distemper: the illness itself; (for state, condition, ill person, cf. malad-a, -eso); -oza: diseased; -ala: morbid: relating to the disease; -if-anta, -iva: morbific, pathogenic. Ex.: Kancero esas un de la maxim danjeroza morbi; Morbala simtomi. V .exp.: Me audas, ke Sro. X. esas malada (E. sick, ill). Yes, il havas la morbo (E. disease) di Bright. Nuntempe esas multe maladeso (E. sickness) en nia urbo. — eFISL

morbil-o: (med.) measles. — IL

mord-ar: (tr.) to bite (cf. rodar); -etar: to nibble; -anta, -ema: biting; (fig.) mordant, caustic, sarcastic, poignant. — eFIS

morel-o: (bot.) morel: an edible fungus (Morchella esclenta). — DE

moren-o: (geol.) moraine. — DEF

morfin-o: morphia, morphine, — DEFIRS

morfogen-a*: (biol.) morphogenic. — DEFIS

morfogenez-o*: (biol.) morphogenesis. — DEFIS

morfologi-o: morphology. — DEFIRS

morfos-o*: (biol.) morphosis. — DEFIS

morg-e: tomorrow, (la) morga dio, morgo: the next day, day after; -e matine: tomorrow morning; pos-morge: (day) after tomorrow; til morge: until tomorrow; sep dii pos morge: a week from tomorrow. Ex.: li lektos la libro morge. Se me ne venos morge, takaze me venos posmorge. — De

morganatik-a: morganatic. — DEFIRS

morili-o: andiron, fire-dog. — S

mors-o: bit (of a bridle); (fig.) curb, check, restraint. — FI

mort-ar: (intr., lit. and fig.) to die, cease to live, depart this life; (of fire) to go out; (of movement) to come to an end; -igar: to deprive of life; cause to die, kill, execute, put to death (by natural or artificial means); (cf. ocidar, asasinar, sen-kap-igar, masakrar); -eskar: to be dying, be on the point of death; -o: death, decease; -ado: mortality; -anto, -onto: dying person, moribund person; -inta: dead, defunct; -o-punto: point of death; -o-puniso: death penalty; -ala: death; -iva: mortal: subject to death; -iv-eso: liability to death; -ig-ive malada: mortally sick; -igo: killing, execution; -ig-isto: executioner; -ig-anta, -iva: mortal, deadly: which causes death; (as a disease, wound); stone -inta: stone dead; naske- -inta: born dead stillborn; -ar natur-ale: to die a natural death; -ale vund-ita: mortally wounded; -ig-ive -ala pal-eso: deathly pallor; esar (balde) mort-onta: to be at the point of death, at death’s door; -ar ye la mond-umo; to be dead to the world; -int-ala domo: mortuary; depoz-, expoz-eyo di mort-inti: morgue. — DEFIS

mortadel-o: Bologna sausage. — DFIS

morter-o: mortar: a building cement. — DFIS

mortez-o: (carp.) mortise; -izar: to cut a mortise in. — EFS

mortifik-ar: (tr., rel. and fig.) to subdue the passions and appetites by severe discipline; (N.B. for sense of «to humiliate», cf. sham-igar, vexar). — EFIRS

moru-o: (ich.) cod (-fish) (Gadus morrhua); sika -o: stockfish; dried (unsalted) cod; sika sal-moruo: dried salted cod; oleo ek moru-hepato: cod-liver oil. — FL

morus-o: (bot.) mulberry; -iero: mulberry tree (genus: Morus). — SL

morv-o: (vet.) glanders. — FS

mos-o: cabin-boy, sea-apprentice, ship-boy. — FI

mosk-o: (scent) musk; -iz-ita: m. scented; -anado: m. duck; (Anas moschata); -o-cervo: m. deer (Moschus moschiferus); -o-bovo: m. ox (Ovibus moschatus); -o-musareno: m. shrew, sondeli (Myogale moschata); -o-rato: m. rat (Fiber zibethicus); -o-skarabeo: m. beetle (Ceromby moschatus). — DEFIR

moske-o: mosque. — DEFIRS

moskit-o: (ent.) mosquito; para- -o: mosquito net. — DEFRS

most-o: must: unfermented grape-juice. — DEFIS

mot-o: motto (of a book, a chapter). — DEIR

motacil-o: (orni.) wagtail (Motacilla). — L

motet-o: (mus.) motet. — DEFIRS

motiv-o: motive: that which excites to action, determines choice; (mus.) motif; -izar: to state the motive or grounds of (an opinion, act); (fig.) to justify; plendo- -o: reason for complaint, grievance; sen- -a: gratuitous: without proof or motive (cf. gratuita); sen- -a supozajo: gratuitous supposition; il motivizis sua refuzo: he stated the grounds for his refusal. — DEFIRS

motor-o: (mechanical) motor: moving power, that which imparts motion; -veturo: motor vehicle; gazolin- -o: gasoline motor. — DEFIRS

mov-ar: (tr., intr.) to move, set in motion, stir, propel; -(ad)o: movement, motion; -anta: moving; -iva: motive, propelling, driving; -ebla: movable; -ebl-eso: mobility; -o-povo: moving power, propelling force; -o altern-anta: alternating movement; ne- -ebla: immovable. — EFIS

moviment-o: (mus.) tempo, movement, time.

moyen-o: means, medium (through which a thing is done); instrumentality; -i: (material) means, resources; (math.) means; -acho: (poor) expedient; -i legitima: legitimate means; per la -o: by means (of); kontributar segun sua -i: contribute according to one’s means; vivo- -i: means of subsistence or existence; trovar la -o facar ulo: to find the means to do something. — F

mozaik-o: mosaic (work). — DEFIRS

mu-ar: (intr.) to moult, mew; shed or cast off hair (if dogs), feathers (of birds), horns (of deer), outer layer of skin (of serpents), and the like which are replaced by new growth; to break, change (voice at puberty); voco-muo: change of voice. Def.: Chanjar pelo, pili, plumi, ye determinita tempi o periodi; III-606. — eFIS

muar-o: moire: a watered fabric, as watered silk. — DeFIRS

mucilaj-o: (bot.) (plant-) mucilage; (N.B. for the adhesive substance, cf. gluo). Def.: Humoro vikoza qua trovesas en ula planti; IV-586. — EFIS

muel-ar: (tr.) to grind, crush (in a mill); (cf. grindar); -eyo, -erio: mill; -disko, -petro: millstone; -isto: miller. — FIRS

muev-o: (orni.) gull, sea-gull (genus: Larus). — DF

muf-o: muff (for hands); (tech.) casing, box. — DER

mufl-o: (chem.) muffle. Def.: Speco di vazo (ek argilo) en qua on pozas objekti submisenda nedirete a l’efiko di la fairo; III-530. — DEFIS

muflon-o: (zool.) mouflon; species of wild sheep (Ovis Musimon). — DEFIS

«mufti»: mufti: Mohammedan official.

muj-ar: (intr.) to bellow, roar (winds, waves, thunder, cannon); (cf. bramar). — FIS

muk-o: mucus; -ozo: mucus membrane (cf. pituito, mucilajo). Def.: Humoro normale sekretaca da la membrani dicata mukozi; IV-585. — EFIS

mul-o, -ino, -ulo: mule; -(dukt)isto: muleteer. — EFIRS

mulat-o, -ulo, -ino: mulatto; (cf. mestico, hibrido). Def.: Genetito da blankulo e negrino (o negro e blankino); V-33. — DEFIRS

muld-ar: (tr.) to form a mold (mould) of, as in sand, in which to make a casting; (fig.) -ar su: to mold, model oneself. V. exp.: En giserio, on unesme muldas: to esas ago donar justa formo ad la sablo o l’argilo en qua on varsos la fuzita metalo. Po la muldo on uzas la muld-ilo ek ligno, fero, e.c. Duesme on gisas la fuzita metalo en la mulduro; III-82. — EFIS

mult-a: (of number) many, numerous; (of quantity) much; -o: a lot, a large quantity; -i: many (in number); -a homuli: many men; -a vino: much wine; -eso, -opl-eso: multiplicity; -opl-a, -o: manifold, multiple; (plu-) -igar: to multiply: make more numerous (for math. sense, cf. multiplikar); -igo: multiplication; -eskar: to become more numerous; -a-tempe: many a time; -a-forma: multiform; -a-flora: multiflorous: many-flowered; -e plu bone: much better, a great deal better; -a-sorta, speca: many kinds of, many species of; -a-kolora: multi-colo(u)red, many colored; plu o min multe: more or less. Ant. Poka. — EFIR

multiform-a*: (math.) multiform. — DEFIS

multiplik-ar: (tr., arith.) to multiply; -endo: multiplicand. — DEFIS

multipol-a*: (math.) multipolar.

mulur-o: (arch.) moulding; (cf. kornico). — FS

mumi-o: mummy; -igar: to mummify. — DEFIRS

mung-ar (su): to blow one’s nose, to wipe one’s nose. — L

municion-o, -i: ammunition, munition (of war); -furgono: caisson. — DEFIRS

mulier-o: woman (adult); (cf. viro, homino). — DeFL

municip-o: municipality; -estro: mayor (of a city); (cf. urb-estro). — DEFIRS

munt-ar: (tr., tech.) to put together, assemble, set up, mount (a machine, a gem). V. exp.: On asemblas planki o peci, on ne muntas li. On muntas mashino o karpenturo, asemblante lua peci; IV-598. — DEFIRS

mur-o: wall; -ego: thick or large wall (as of a city, a fort); -ala: mural; -izar, -klozar: to wall up, immure; -armoro: cupboard (in a wall); -papero: wallpaper. — eFIS

muren-o: (ich.) muraena, moray (Muraena helena). — eFIS

murmur-ar: (intr.) to murmur: make a low, continued noise; (of water) to purl; (of wind) to breathe, whisper, rustle; (of bees) to hum; -(ach)ar: (tr.) to mumble, mutter: utter indistinctly; (N.B. for sense of «to whisper» cf. susurar). — DEFIS

mus-o: mouse; -ea, -griza: m. colo(u)red, m. gray (grey) (colored); -truo: m. hole; -eyo: m. nest; -kapt-ilo: m. trap. — DERL

musaren-o: (zool.) shrew-mouse (genus: Sorex). — FI

mush-o: (ent.) fly; -eto: small fly, midge; -kapt-ilo: f. catcher; para- -o: f. screen; -snaper-o*: (orni.) flycatcher (Muscicapa). — FIRS

musk-o: (bot.) moss; -oza: mossy, moss-grown. — FI

muskad-o: nutmeg; -iero: nutmeg tree (Myristica fragrans). — DFIRS

muskat-o: muscat grape; -vino: muscatel (wine). — DEFIRS

musket-o: matchlock (musket); -iero: musketeer, mousquetaire. — DEFIRS

musketon-o: musketoon: an ancient musket.

muskul-o: (anat.) muscle; -ala: muscular (system, etc.); -oza: muscular: brawny; -aro: musculature; -eso: muscularity. — DEFIRS

musl-o: common (or, edible) mussel (Mytilus edulis): (cf. molusko). — DEF

muslin-o: (fabric) muslin. — DEFIRS

muson-o: monsoon. Def.: Vento qua suflas de esto a westo dum duimo di l’yaro, ed inverse dum l’altra duimo; II-643. DeFIRS

must-ar: (intr.) must, to have to, to be under the nesessity of, be obliged; (past tense) had to; me mustas ridar, vidante ta spektaklo: I had to laugh, seeing that spectacle (i.e., I could not do otherwise). V. exp.: Mustar expresas neceseso absoluta (sen-kondiciona) e nerezistebla; VI-487; kp. darfar, oportar. Ex.: Sur ta glitiganta planko-sulo, me mustis falar. Quante richa il mustas esar. Me mustas facar equivalas: esas necesa ke me facez. Quon on mustas facar por enirar en la cielo? Il ne povas venar kun me, il mustas laborar. — DE

mustard-o: (condiment) mustard; -uyo: mustard pot. — DEFIRS

mut-a, -(ul)o: dumb, mute: destitute of the power of speech (cf. tac-anta); -ega, stone-muta: stone dumb. — EFIS

mutac-o: (biol.) mutation. — DEFIS

mutil-ar: (tr.) to mutilate, maim. Ex.: Mutilar membro di la korpo. (fig.) Mutilar la verseso, la poemo. — EFIS

muton-o: a sheep; -i: sheep; (fig.) small, compact masses of white fleecy clouds (which move across the sky like a flock of sheep); -ino: ewe; -ulo: ram; -karno: mutton; -atra: sheep-like; woolly, fleecy; -eyo, -stablo: sheep-fold; -felo: sheepskin; -shultro: shoulder of mutton; pastoro di -i: shepherd. — EFI

mutual-a: mutual. Ex.: Societo di mutual sokurso (E. benefit society). Mutuala asekurerio. V. exp.: Mutuala, reciproka: Mutuala aplikesas nur a la sociala institucuri di «reciproka» helpo, sokurso, e.c.; IV-162. — DEFIS

muz-o: (myth., also fig.) Muse. — DEFIRS

muze-o: museum, — DEFIRS

muzel-o: (anat.) snout, muzzle (of animals); (fig.) pout, pouting; facar -o: to pout, stick out the lips; -ligar: to muzzle; -lig-ilo: a muzzle; -floro: (bot.) snapdragon (Antirrhinum). Def.: La nazo e la boko di bestii, en qui ta du parti esas salienta (hundo, porko, e.c.); III-10. — EFI

muzik-ar: (intr.) to play music; -igar: to set to m.; -ajo: written music, score; -ala: musical, relating to m.; -ema: musical: fond of playing m.; -am-anta: m. loving; -isto, -ero: musician. Note: A list of musical terms and abbreviations may be found IV-328-330. — DEFIRS

myel-o: spinal-marrow, -cord. — G

myelin-o: (anat.) myelin. — DEF

myelit-o: (med.) myelitis: inflammation of spinal cord. — DEFIS

«mylord»: my lord.


nab-o: nave; hub of a wheel. — De

nabet-o: (bot.) rape (Brassica rapa oleifera); -oleo: rape oil. — FS

nabob-o*: nabob. Def.: Princo di India; metafore, richega viro; VII-280. — DEFIRS

nacion-o: nation; -ala: national; -ano: a native, national; member of a nation; -al-igar: to nationalize (an industry, etc.); -an-igar: to naturalize (cf. civit-an-igar); -al-ismo: devotion to or advocacy of a nation; national interest or unity; -eso: nationality (of a nation as a whole); -al-eso, -an-eso: nationality (of an individual); -al-ista, -isto: nationalist(ic). — DEFIRS

nadir-o: (astron.) nadir. — DEFIRS

naft-o: naptha. — DEFIRS

naftalino: napthaline. — DEFIRS

naiv-a: naïve: unaffectedly simple: ingenuous; artless; -ajo: act of native simplicity; -acha: silly. — DEFR

nakarat-a, -o: nacarat: orange-red colo(u)r. — DeFS

naktigal-o: (orni.) nightingale (genus: Luscinia). — DE

nam: (conj.) for (= because, but in a less immediate and explicit way than pro ke. Introduces a sentence or subordinate clause which adduces reason, proof or justification). Esas matino, nam la uceli kantas: it is morning for (not because: pro ke) the birds are singing. Ex.: Vu ne trovos il en la domo, nam me jus vidis il en la strado. Vu ne povas vidar il, nam il esas departinta de longe. Lavez vua manui, nam li esas sordida. Me ne povas amar ilu, nam il odias me. Ni irez lente adheme, nam balde esos nokto. V. exp.: Nam, pro ke: Pro ke introduktas dependanta propoziciono, qua kontenas motivo o pruvo por la chefa propoziciono prieranta o sequanta: nam introduktas chefa frazo, qua kontenas anke motivo o pruvo, ma nur por preiranta frazo, o tacita penso. Ex.: Pro ke pluvas, me ne ekiros. Me ne ekiros nam pluvas; III-223; cf. or. Ta du konjuncioni interdistingesas precize quale Angla for e because. La Angla linguisto Sweet skribas pri li tale: «La du precipua konjuncioni kauzala esas pro ke, qua konstatas nemediata e direte aganta kauzo, e nam, qua ajuntas expliko o motivo, ofte kom quaza posa penso; ex.: ni kunprenis nia parapluvi, pro ke ni timas ke pluvos; nam la barametro falis de kelka tempo. Konseque, nam uzesas libere pos pauzo ed esas do nur mi-konjunciono (konjunciono koordinanta); IV-524; kp. Talmey’s Text Book, p. 113. — L

nan-o: dwarf. — FIS

nankin-o: (fabric) nankeen, nankin. — DEFIR

nap-o: turnip (Brassica Napus esculenta). — FIS

narac-ar: (tr.) to narrate, relate, tell (something that happened, a true incident); -ar sua historio: to tell one’s history; -o pri batalio*: narrative of (or, about) a battle. V. exp.: Naracar ne esas samsenca kam rakontar; naraco esas prefere historiala, do vera; rakonto esas prefere imaginala, do desvera o fingita; ex.: «il naracis lua historio, qua semblas feala rakonto»; II-485-6. — EFIS

narcis-o: (bot.) narcissus, daffodil; (genus: Narcissus); (cf. jonquilo). — DEFIRS

nard-o: (bot.) spikenard (East Indian: Nardostachys Jatamansi); -o-unguento: nard (ointment). — DEFIS

narkot-ar: (intr.) to be in a state of narcosis; -o: narcosis; -igar: to narcotize; -ig-iva, -ivo: narcotic. — DEFIS

narval-o: narwhal (Monodon monoceros). — DEFIS

nas-o: bownet, eel-trap (for fish); hoopnet (for birds). — FS

nask-ar: (intr.) to be born; -o, -epoko: birth, nativity; -ala: natal; -igar: to give birth to (cf. genitar); -e blinda: blind from birth; -anta: nascent; -ala yuro (od, naskoyuro): birthright; -inta nove: new-born (child, etc.); -into un-esma: first-born child; (cf. seniora); -e poeto: a poet by birth, a born poet; -o-lando: land of birth, fatherland (cf. patrio); -o-loko: birthplace; -en-nask-into: a native; kun-nask-into: congenital. — IS

nat-ar: (intr.) to swim (of living beings); -erio: natatorium. — eFIS

natr-o: (chem.) sodium; -o-kloro: chloride of sodium.

natur-o: (all senses) nature; -ala: (also mus.) natural; -ale: naturally; -ala lego: natural law; -al-ismo: (philos., art) naturalism; -al-isto: (philos., art) naturalist; -cienc-isto: naturalist: one versed in natural history; -kolora: (of wood, etc.) not colored, of natural colo(u)r. — DEFIRS

naufraj-ar: (intr.) to be shipwrecked; -o: (ship)wreck; -anto, -into: shipwrecked person, castaway. — FIS

nautil-o: (zool.) nautilus. — DEFIS

nauze-ar: (intr.) to feel nauseated, be sick to the stomach, be qualmish; -(ad)o: nausea, qualm, retching; -igar: to nauseate (cf. insipid-igar, repugnar, vomar); -ig-anta: nauseous; (fig.) loathsome, disgusting. — EFIS

nav-o: (nav.) vessel: (merchant-) ship (cf. milit-navo); nave (of a church); -aro: shipping (collect.), fleet; -eto: (fig. eccl.) incense-box; (weaver’s) shuttle; -ala: nautical; -ano: member of a ship’s company; -ero, -isto: seaman, mariner, sailor; -estro: master of a (merchant-) ship; -o tri-ferdeka: a three decker (ship); komerc-navo, var-navo: merchant-man; vapor- -o: steamer; me iris nave (de Hamburg ad Bordeaux): I went by ship (from H. to B.); la kapitano restis en-nave: the captain (of a warship) remained on board; -atra osto: scaphoid bone (cf. tarso); -oida osto: scaphoid bone (of carpal bones). — eFIRS

navig-ar: (tr., intr.) to navigate, sail (on); -arto: (art of) navigation, seamanship; -anta viro: seafaring man; -ala: nautical: relating to navigation; -ebla: navigable; fora- -ado: foreign trade; rivo- -o: coasting;. — DEFIRS

nayad-o: (myth.) naiad, water-nymph. — DEFIRS

naz-o: nose; -ala: nasal; -alo: (gram.) a nasal (sound, letter); -al-igar: (gram.) to nasalize; -fetida: a stinking nose; (med.) affected with ozaena; -guto: a nose-drop, snot, snivel; -kataro: cold in the head; -peco: nose-piece (serving as protection); -parolar: to speak through the nose; -truo: nostril; (of whales) blow-hole; -tuko: handkerchief; -binoklo: nose glasses; facar longa nazo (ad, kontre) (fig.) to laugh at; -o kontre -o: nose to nose (fig.) face to face. — DEFIRS

ne: (adv.) not; ne plus: no more; ne multo: not much; tote ne: not at all, by no means, not in the least; ne tam multe: not so much; me anke ne: nor I also; ne for: not far from; ne nur: not only; ne tante stupida: not so stupid; ne male: not badly; ne ja: not yet. Note: As distinguishable from des- in word composition, ne- carries a less forceful sense of negation, implying merely absence of the positive quality rather than the absolute negation; ex.: ne-facila: difficult = not easy; des-facila: difficult = arduous, laborious. — DeFIRS

ne-acent-iz-ita: unaccented.

ne-acept-ebla: unacceptable.

ne-aces-ebla: (of persons, places) unapproachable, inaccessible.

ne-admis-ebla: inadmissible.

ne-ago, -agemeso: inactivity; -ag-anta: inactive; -ag-ema: (tendency) inactive; indolent, lazy.

ne-aktiv-a: inactive.

ne-akurat-a: unpunctual, not prompt.

ne-alien-ebla: inalienable.

ne-alter-ebla: unalterable: unmodified; unadulterated.

ne-amans-ita: untamed.

ne-aplik-ebla: inapplicable.

ne-aprob-ar: (tr.) to disapprove: not to approve (ulo).

ne-apt-a: inapt, unfit.

ne-atak-ebla: unassailable; (fig.) unimpeachable, irreproachable.

ne-atenc-oza, -ema: inattentive, unmindful.

ne-aud-ita: unheard (of).

ne-blam-ebla: blameless.

nebul-ar: (impers.) to be foggy, misty, hazy; -oza, -atra: foggy, misty, nebulous (cf. nebuloza); (fig.) obscure, not intelligible; -izar: to cover with fog; -pluvar: to drizzle. — DeFIS

nebulos-o: (astron.) nebula.

ne-cert-a: uncertain.

neces-a: necessary, indispensable requisite (cf. bezon-ata); -ajo: a necessary thing, the needful; -igar: necessitate. Ex.: Esas necesa konsequajo. Respirado esas necesa por la vivo. Ne esas necesa parolar pri to. Ant.: superflua, ne-utila. — EFIS

ne-ces-anta: incessant (cf. sen-cesa).

ne-chanj-ebl-a: unchangeable, unalterable, immutable.

ne-chast-a: unchaste, lewd, immodest.

ne-cirkonciz-ita, -ito: uncircumsized (person).

ne-civiliz-ita: uncivilized.

ne-dechifr-ebla: undecipherable.

ne-decid-ema, -iva: irresolute, indecisive; -ita: undecided (of acts).

ne-defens-ebla: indefensible, untenable.

ne-defin-ita: undefined, indefinite.

ne-delikat-a: indelicate.

ne-depend-o: independence.

ne-deskript-ebla: indescribable.

ne-destrukt-ebla: indestructible.

ne-determin-ebla: indeterminable.

ne-devoc-oza: undevout, irreligious.

ne-dic-ebla: unutterable, unspeakable.

ne-digest-ebla: indigestible.

ne-diret-a: indirect (cf. mediata).

ne-diskret-a: indiscreet; -eso, -ajo: (quality, act) indiscretion.

ne-dispon-ebla: indisposable, unavailable.

ne-disting-ita: indistinct (voice, etc.); -ebla: undistinguishable; -ante, -ite: indifferently (without distinction).

ne-divid-ita: undivided; -ebla: indivisible.

ne-docil-a: intractable.

ne-domt-ebla: indomitable, untamable, ungovernable.

ne-dorm-ado, -iveso: sleeplessness, wakefulness, insomnia.

ne-dub-ebla: indubitable.

ne-dur-anta, -iva: not lasting, transient, transitory.

ne-edit-ita, -ajo: unpublished (book, paper).

ne-efac-ebla: indelible, ineffaceable.

ne-efik-anta, -iva: inefficacious, ineffective, unavailing, inefficient.

ne-ego: (philos.) the non-ego, the external world.

ne-egal-a: unequal, (cf. ne-para).

ne-elekt-ebla: (polit.) ineligible.

ne-equitat-oza: inequitable.

ne-eror-iva: infallible (church, etc.); not capable of erring (cf. infalibla, ne-fali-iva).

ne-esper-ebla, -ita: unhoped for, unlooked for; (cf. ne-expekt-ata).

ne-etik-al-a, -ajo: immoral (act.) ; -(ul)o: immoral person.

ne-evalu-ebla: invaluable, inappreciable.

ne-evit-ebla: inevitable, unavoidable.

ne-exakt-a: (of objects) inaccurate, incorrect, inexact (calculation, news, etc.); -ajo: an inaccuracy.

ne-exekut-ebla: impracticable, unfeasible; -ita: unexecuted.

ne-exerc-ita: unexercised, unpractised, unexerted, undrilled.

ne-exhaust-ebla: inexhaustible.

ne-exist-o: non-existence.

ne-exkuz-ebla: inexcusable, unwarrantable; (cf. ne-justifikebla, ne-pardonebla).

ne-expekt-ata, -ita: unexpected, unthought of, unlooked for; (cf. ne-esper-ita).

ne-expert-a: inexperienced, inexpert, unpractised.

ne-explor-ita: unexplored, uninvestigated; -ebla: inscrutable, unfathomable.

ne-explot-ata, -ita: (of mines, etc.) unexploited, unworked; (land) untilled, uncultivated.

ne-explik-ebla: unexplainable, inexplicable, unaccountable, singular; -ita: unexplained.

ne-expres-ebla: inexpressible, ineffable, unutterable.

ne-exting-ebla: inextinguishable, unquenchable.

ne-extirp-ebla: ineradicable.

ne-fac-ebla: impracticable (cf. ne-exekut-ebla).

ne-facil-a: difficult: not easy (cf. Note under ne).

ne-fali-iva: unfailing, unerring, infallible (cf. ne-eror-iva, infalibla).

ne-fatig-ebla: indefatigable, untiring, unwearied.

ne-fekund-a: (of living beings) infertile, barren, sterile (cf. ne-fertila).

ne-ferma: unstable, not solid; weak.

ne-fertila: (of ground, inanimate things) infertile, barren (cf. ne-fekunda).

ne-fidel-a: unfaithful, untrue, disloyal.

ne-fin-ita: unended, unfinished, indefinite (without end); (cf. ne-defin-ita, infinita).

ne-fix-a: movable.

ne-flex-ebla: (phys., moral) inflexible; inexorable, unbending.

nefrit-o*: (med.) nephritis. — DEFIS

neg-ar: (tr.) to deny: declare untrue or non-existing; (cf. renegar); -(ad)o: denial, denying, negation; -ilo: (gram.) a negative (word); -ala: negative: relation to negation; -anta, -iva: denying; expressing negation, negatory; -ebla: deniable; kad vu negas ke vu dicis to: do you deny that you said that? Ant.: afirmar. — DeFIS

ne-gast-ig-ema: inhospitable.

negativ-a, -o: (math., photog., elec.) negative. — DEFIRS

neglij-ar: (tr.) to neglect: to treat carelessly, slight, be remiss (in the performance of a duty, task, care of health, peson, etc.); -o: negligence; -ado: (habitual) neglect; -eso: (state of) neglect; -anta, -ema: negligent, neglectful, remiss, careless; -ebla: negligible, trifling, unimportant. Ant.: sorgar. — EFIS

neglije-o: negligee, undress, dishabille: unceremonious attire. — DEFI

negoci-ar: (tr.) to negotiate: to procure, or arrange for, by negotiating. Ex.: Negociar ligo atakala e defensala; Negociado pri ula afero grava, pri mariajo. — EFIRS

negr-a: -(ul)o: negro; -ino: negress; -acha: nigger; -o-vend-ado: slave trade; -o-vend-isto: slaver. Ant.: (negr-(ul)o), blank-(ul)o: — DEFIS

ne-graci-oza: ungraceful.

ne-gratitud-o: unfratitude, thanklessness; -oza: unthankful, ingrate.

ne-guvern-ebla: ungovernable.

ne-habil-a: unskilful, inept, awkward.

ne-habit-ata: uninhabited.

ne-hom-ala: inhuman: non-human (cf. ne-humana).

ne-honest-a: dishonest, unfair, underhand, discreditable.

ne-human-a: inhuman: cruel.

ne-imit-ebla: inimitable.

ne-inteligent-a: unintelligent, stupid.

ne-inter-rupt-ita: uninterrupted.

ne-inter-veno: non-intervention

ne-jur-inta, -into: unsworn (person).

ne-just-a: improper, wrong; (cf. ne-yusta).

ne-justifik-ebla: unjustifiable, unwarrantable.

nek … nek: neither … nor; me povas nek enirar nek ekirar: I can get neither in nor out; il drinkas nek biro nek vino: he drinks neither beer nor wine. — FIRS

ne-kapt-ebla: uncapturable, impregnable, unseizable.

ne-kare-ebla: indispensable.

ne-kombat-ebla: indisputable.

ne-kombust-ebla: incombustible.

ne-komod-a: inconvenient.

ne-kompar-ebla: incomparable: (fig.) matchless, unequalled, peerless.

ne-komplet-a: incomplete.

ne-kompren-ebla: incomprehensible, unintelligible.

ne-koncept-ebla: inconceivable.

ne-konci-anta: unconscious.

ne-koncili-ebla: incompatible, irreconcilable.

ne-konquest-ebla: impregnable.

ne-konsequ-o: (log.) incoherence, inconsequence, inconsistency.

ne-konstant-a: inconstant, fickle, unsteady, flighty, changeable (cf. vari-ema).

ne-konstituc-ala: unconstitutional.

ne-kont-ebla: countless, innumerable.

ne-kontent-a: dissatisfied.

ne-korp-ala: incorporeal.

ne-korupt-ebla: (phys., mor.) incorruptible.

ne-kred-ebla: incredible, past belief; -anto, -ero: unbeliever, infidel.

nekrobios-o*: (biol.) necrobiosis. — DEFIS

nekrolog-o: necrology: obituary review of (distinguished) persons who have died within a certain length of time. — DEFIRS

nekromanci-o: necromancy: pretended divination by aid of spirits; black art; (fig.) magic; -ar: to practise necromancy. — DEFIRS

nekropol-o: necropolis, city of the dead, large cemetery. — DEFIS

nekros-o*: (med.) necrosis. — DEFIS

nektar-o*: (myth., bot., fig.) nectar. — DEFIRS

nektari-o*: (bot.) nectary.

ne-kun-mezur-ebla: incommensurable.

ne-kustum-ala: uncustomed, uwonted (hono(u)r, etc.) unusual, unfamiliar (object); -anta: (of persons) unaccustomed.

ne-lacer-ebla: untearable.

ne-laut-a: low (voice), under one’s breath.

ne-leg-ala: illegal, unlawful.

ne-lekt-ebla: unreadable, illegible.

ne-lez-ita: unhurt, uninjured.

ne-logik-ala: illogical.

ne-manj-ebla: uneatable.

ne-mediat-a: immediate: proximate; direct (without intervention of another object, cause or agency); -e: directly (cf. quik, direta).

ne-merit-ata, -ita: unmerited, undeserved, uncalled for.

ne-mezur-ebla: immeasurable, inappreciable.

ne-mort-iva, -ivo: everlasting, immortal; -iv-eso: immortality; -igar, ne-mort-iva: to immortalize.

ne-modest-a: immodest: not boastful (cf. ne-pudor-oza).

ne-mov-anta: motionless, immobile; -ebla: immovable; -ebl-eso: immobility.

ne-navig-ebla: unnavigable, unseaworthy.

ne-neg-ebla: undeniable.

neni-o*: nenia. Def.: Kanto o lamento funerala, en l’antiqua mori. — DEFI

ne-nobel-a: plebean; -(ul)o: commoner.

ne-noc-iva: innocuous, harmless.

ne-norm-ala: anomalous, irregular (cf. anomala).

nenufar-o: nenuphar: nenuphär: the great white water-lily of Europa (Nymphaea albl or, Nuphar). — EFIS

ne-obedi-ema: not obedient, insubordinate.

ne-ofens-iva: inoffensive.

neologism-o: neologism. — DEFIS

neon-o:* (chem.) neon.

ne-oportun-a: innoportune, unseasonable.

ne-ordinar-a: uncommon, unusual (cf. extraordinara).

ne-organik-a: inorganic.

neovitalism-o*: neovitalism. — DEFIRS

ne-pac-ig-ebla: implacable, inexorable.

ne-pacient-a: impatient; -eso: impatience; -igar, -eskar: to make, to become impatient.

ne-palp-ebla: impalpable.

ne-par-a: not even, odd (of numbers)

ne-pardon-ebla: unpardonable; -ema: unrelenting, implacable, pitiless; (cf. ne-exkuzebla).

ne-partis-ana: unpartisan, impartial; -an-eso: impartiality.

ne-pek-iva: impeccable.

ne-penetr-ebla: impenetrable, impermeable, impervious (cf. ne-perme-ebla).

ne-percept-ebla: imperceptible, undiscernible.

ne-perfekt-a: imperfect; -ig-ebla: imperfectible.

ne-peris-iva: imperishable, everlasting.

ne-perme-ebla: impermeable (cf. ne-penetr-ebla).

ne-person-ala: (gram., philos.) impersonal.

ne-pertur-ebla: imperturbable.

ne-plan-a: uneven: not level.

ne-polit-a: impolite, uncourteous, uncivil.

ne-politik-a: impolitic (in affairs of state).

ne-ponder-ebla: imponderable.

ne-popular-a: unpopular.

ne-posibl-a: impossible; -eso, -ajo: (quality, act) impossibility.

nepot-o, -ulo, -ino: grandchild; pos- -ulo: great-grandson. — IL

nepotism-o: nepotism. — DEFIS

ne-potent-a: impotent: powerless (cf. impotenta).

ne-pov-o, -eso: inability, incapacity.

ne-pre-vid-o, -em-eso: wanting foresight, improvidence; -anta, -ema: improvident (person); -ita: unforeseen, unlooked for (thing); -ite: unawares, napping.

ne-probabl-a: improbable, unlikely (cf. ne-versimila).

ne-produkt-iva, -ema: unproductive.

ne-profund-a: shallow: (fig.) superficial.

ne-pronunc-ebla: unpronounceable.

ne-prudent-a: imprudent, foolhardy, indiscreet.

Neptun-ala: (geol.) Neptunian.

ne-pudor-oza, -ema: immodest (in sex proprieties; cf. ne-modesta).

ne-pura: impure (cf. ne-chasta).

ne-racion-ala, -oza: irrational, unreasonable.

Nere-ido: (myth.) Nereid. — DEFIRS

ne-real-a: unreal; -ig-ebla: unrealizeable.

ne-reflekt-ita: (phys., mental) unreflected; thoughtless, unconsidered (act); -ema: thoughtless, heedless (person).

ne-refut-ebla: irrefutable, irrefragable.

ne-regul-ala, -oza: irregular (cf. ne-korekta); -oz-eso: irregularity (cf. ne-plan-ajo).

ne-rekuper-ebla: irrecoverable.

ne-remedi-ebla: incurable (disease) (cf. ne-sanig-ebla).

ne-repar-ebla: (lit. and fig.) irreparable.

ne-repres-ebla: irrepressible.

ne-reproch-ebla: irreproachable.

ne-respekt-oza: disrespectful (ad).

ne-respons-iva: irresponsible.

ne-rezist-ebla: irresistible.

nerv-o: nerve; -aro: nervous system; -ala: nervous: relating to the nerves; -oza, -oz(ul)o: nervous (person); -oz-eso: nervousness; -oz-igar: to excite the nerves of (ulu); -oz-eskar: to grow, become nervous; sen- -igar: to unnerve. — DEFIRS

nervaturo: (bot., ent.) nervure. — IS

ne-san-ig-ebla: (of persons) incurable (cf. ne-remedi-ebla).

ne-satur-ebla: insatiable.

ne-sav-ar: (tr.) to be ignorant of, not to know (ulo); -o: ignorance (of a fact; cf. nul-savo); -ante: unwittingly, unknowingly.

ne-sek-ebla: indivisible.

ne-sekura: insecure, unsafe.

ne-sent-iva: insensetive, unfeeling, impassive; -eble: insensibly, imperceptibly.

ne-separ-ebla: inseparable.

ne-serioz-a: superficial (mind) not dangerous (wound, etc); (cf. ne-profunda, surfac-ala).

ne-shancel-ig-ebla: (lit. and fig.) unshakable, immovable, resolute, steady, firm.

ne-shirm-ata: unscreened, unsheltered, open.

ne-signifik-o: insignificance (cf. sen-signifika, sen-importa, sen valora).

ne-skrupul-oza: unscrupulous.

ne-sobr-a: intemperate (in eating and drinking); (cf. ne-moderata, ne-diskreta).

ne-soci-ema: unsociable.

ne-solv-ebla: insoluble (problem, etc.).

ne-sond-ebla; (lit. and fig.) unfathomable.

ne-sonor-a: dull, hollow, toneless, muffled (cf. matida).

ne-sorg-ema: inattentive, heedless, unmindful, negligent.

nest-o: (also fig.) (bird-) nest; -ifar: to build a nest. — DE

ne-submers-ebla: unsinkable.

ne-submis-ita: unsubdued.

ne-suces-o: non-success, failure.

ne-suci-ema: careless, unsolicitous.

ne-sufic-anta: insufficient, inadequate.

ne-susten-ebla: insupportable, indefensible, untenable.

net-a: clean, spotless, neat, tidy, natty: without spot, stain, blot, impurity; (of price) net (cf. sen-tara); -igar: to clean, cleanse; -e kopiar: to make a fair copy of. Ex.: Neta aquo, plado, denti, manui, (fig.) koncienco. Ant.: sordida, ne-neta (cf. pura). — EFIS

ne-toler-anta, -ema: intolerant; -ebla: intolerable, insupportable, unbearable, insufferable.

ne-traduk-ebla: untranslatable.

ne-tra-ir-ebla: impassable.

ne-tranquil-a: (phys., mental) untranquil, unquiet, unagitated, uneasy, restless.

ne-transakt-ema: intransigent, (esp. in politics: refusing compromise); irreconcilable, uncompromising.

ne-transit-iva: (gram.) intransitive.

ne-tush-ita: untouched, intact; -ebla: untouchable, intangible.

neuron-o*: (anat.) neurone.

ne-util-a: useless, needless.

neutr-a: (all senses) neutral, neuter; (la) -o: (gram.) a neuter; (la) -i: (polit.) the neutral powers; -eso: neutrality; -igar: to neutralize (cf. equalibrar, kompensar). Ex.: Neutra vorto, sexuo, naciono, persono, (chem.) salo. — DEFIRS

ne-uz-(ad)o: disuse; -ata, -ita: unused, not in use, unutilized, obsolete.

nev-o, -ulo, -ino: nephew, niece; po-nev-ulo: grandnephew.

ne-valid-a: invalid; -igar: to invalidate, void, vitiate.

ne-vari-anta, -ebla, -iva: invariable, unchangeable, unalterable.

neve-o: neve (glacial snow). — eFIS

ne-vend-ebla: unsaleable; -ita: unsold, la ne-vend-it-aji: goods unsold.

ne-ver-simil-a: unlikely, improbable, not plausible (cf. ne-probabla).

ne-vid-ebla: invisible; -ita: unseen, unpercieved.

ne-vink-ebla: unconquerable, invincible, insuperable, insurmountable, overwhelming; -ita: unvanquished.

ne-violac-ebla: inviolable; -ata, -ita: inviolate.

ne-vol-ata, -ita: involuntary (cf. sen-vola), unwilled.

ne-volunt-a: unwilling.

nevralgi-o: neuralgia. — DEFIRS

nevrasteni-o: (med.) neurasthenia. — DEF

nevrit-o*: (med.) neuritis. — DEF

nevrologi-o*: neurology. — DEFIS

nevropter-o: (ent.) neuropteran. — DEFIS

nevros-o: (med.) neurosis; -ika, -iko: neurotic (person). — DEFIRS

ne-vund-ebla: invulnerable.

nevus-o: nævus: pigmented place on skin, usually congenital; birthmark, mole; -o flamea: burnt mark, scar of burn. — DEF

ne-yust-a: unjust, unlawful, unrighteous, unfair (cf. ne-justa).

ne-zel-oza: lukewarm.

ni: we, us (a ni, nin); -a: our(s) «Nia Patro»: the Lord’s Prayer, (cf. note under on). — FIS

nich-o: (arch.) niche, nook: recess in a wall (as for a statue or a bed) — DEFIS

niel-o: niello: a black enamel. — DEFIS

nigel-o: (bot.) nigella: fennel-flower (genus: Nigella). — eFISL

nigr-a: black (cf. obskura); -o: black, the colo(u)r itself (cf. negro); -eso: (quality) blackness; -igar: to blacken, smut; -eskar: to turn black. Ant.: blanka. — EFIS

nihil-o: naught, nothing, something non-existent, nonenity (cf. nulo); -a: void; -eso: nothingness, inexistence, nihility; -ajo: a nullity; -igar; -eskar: (jur.) to annul, become void; to rescind, cancel; -ig-ebla: voidable; -ismo: nihilism; -ist-o, -a: nihilist(ic); -eso di grandeso homala: nothingness of human greatness. V. exp: Destruktar, nihil-igar: por la destrukto materiala e kontreyura di dokumento, ni havas la verbo: destruktar. Do ni darfas rezervar nihiligar a la yurala senco (igar tote ne-valida o sen-valora). Remarkez, ke propre dicite on povas nihiligar nulo materiale, pro ke la materio esas permananta; on povas nur destruktar (quaze des-konstruktar) la material objekti; VI-537.

nikel-o: (metal.) nickel; -izar: to nickel-plate (ulo). — DE

nikelin-o*: nickeline; niccolite.

nikotin-o: nicotine. — DEFIRS

niktalop-a: (med.) nyctalopic: part blind by day; -eso: nyctalopia: day blindness. — DEFIRS

nimb-o: (meteor.) nimbus: a large rain-cloud of uniform greyness (N.B. not halo; cf. aureolo). — DEFIS

nimf-o: (myth.) nymph. — DEFIRS

nipel-o: (tech.) nipple. Def.: Interna junto-tubeto kun filetoza extremaji. — DE

«nirvana»: (Buddhism) Nirvana.

nitr-o*: (chem.) nitrogen, azote (cf. azoto); -ato: nitrate; -at-acido: nitric acid.

niv-ar: (impers.) to snow; -eskar: to commence to snow; -oza, -atra, -ea: snowy; -o bulo: snowball; -floko: snowflake; -ea barbo: snow-white beard. — IS

nivel-o: level: horizontal surface; (cf. plano, plata); -izar: to measure the level of, to find the height of (by a surveyor’s level); -iz-ilo: level instrument which shows the level. — DFIRS

niveol-o: (bot.) snow-drop (Galanthus nivalis). — F

nix-o, -ulo, -ino: (myth.) nix, water sprite, undine. — DE

no: (interj.) no! Ant. yes. — EFIS

nobel-a: noble (by birth); -o, -ulo, -ino: a noble; -aro: nobility (collect.) –eso: (rank) nobility; -igar: to ennoble: raise to nobility (ulu). V. exp.: Nobela, nobla: La nobeli esas sociala klaso, qua formacesis per la reputeso heredita de la ancestri da la decendanti. Nobleso esas etikal traito. Nobelo tote ne bezonas esar nobla, ed inversa nobla homo ne bezonas esas nobela. — DEFIS

nobl-a: noble (morally); -eso: nobility (of character); -igar: to ennoble: to make noble. V. exp.: vid. nobela. Ant.: abjekta, vulgara, infama. — DEFIS

noc-ar: (tr.) to harm, injure, hurt, wrong, be injurious (ulu, ulo); -eso: (state) damage; -iva: noxious, nocive, harmful, detrimental. V.exp.: vid. detrimentar. — eFI

noch-o: notch, nick, dent, indentation; -izar: to notch, dent. Def.: V-forma dentizuro (quale en flecho, dento-roto; l’intervalo o lakuno inter du denti di ingranajo, do l’inverso di dento; (kp. III-142). Mikra kavajo produktita per instrumento o frapo. — F

nocion-o: notion. Def.: Ideo quan on havas pri ulo. Ex. La koncienco direte donas al homo nociono pri la bono e lo mala. Il donos a vu nociono pri ca afero. — DEFIS

nod-o: knot (in thread, cord, rope, etc.); (nav.) knot: nautical mile: 6080.27 ft., 1852 meters (metres); -igar: to tie a knot in (ulo); -ifar: to knot: produce knots; -o Gordiala: Gordian knot. — FIS

nokt-ar: (impers.) to be night; -as: it is night; -eskar: night is coming on; -ala: nocturnal. (ye) -esko: (at) nightfall; -o: night (cf. tenebro, obskuro); -o-mezo: midnight; -o-vag-anto, -ero: night prowler; -o-vazo: chamber-pot; -o-lampo, -bujio: night-light; nokto-marvelo: (bot.) marvel of Peru (Mirabilis). — DEFIRS

noktiluk-o: (zool.) noctiluca (genus: Noctiluca). — EFISL

noktu-o: (orni.) white owl, barn-owl (Noctua); (cf. IV-296).

nokturn-o: (mus.) nocturne. — DEFIRS

nom-ar: (tr.) to name: call (ulu) by name, to say the name of (ulu); -esar: to be named, to be called; -o: name; (gram.) noun; -izar: to name: give a name to (ulo); -iz-o, -uro: naming; appelation; -izado: nomenclature (cf. nomenklaturo); -e: namely (viz.); bapto- -o: Christian name; pre- -o: first name; ye la -o di: in the name of; ye mea -o (vice me): in my name; propra -o: own name; proper noun; sen- -a: nameless. Def.: Dicar, lektar o pensar la nomo; «nom-izar» esas donar nomo (nova); IV-164. Ex.: Ka vu nomas ta persono? La persono nomesas S.X. Lua gepatri nomizis il Jean X. (gram.) Propra, komuna nomo; nomo-substantivo; nom-adjektivo. — DEFIS

nomad-(ulo), -a:.nomad(ic). — DEFIRS

nombr-o: (cardinal) number, numeral (i.e. numbers used in simple counting: 1, 2, 3, etc. cf. numero); (gram.) number; -izar: to give numbers to; to count, take census of; -o prima: prime number; -ala: numerical; granda- -a: numerous; sen- -a: numberless (cf. ne-kont-ebla). — EFIS

nomenklatur-o: nomenclature. — DEFIRS

nomin-ar: (tr.) to nominate: to name as a canditate for election or appointment to an office or title; -o, -eso: (act. condition) nomination, appointment, designation; -ala: (of price, value) nominal; -anto, -ero: nominator, presenter; -ato, -ario: nominee; -al-ismo: (philos.) nominalism. — EFIS

nominativ-o: (gram.) nominative. — DEFIS

nomografi-o*: nomography.

non: nine; -o: the ninth; -esma, -esmo: (ordinal) ninth, (rel.) novena (nine days devotion); -imo: (fraction) a ninth part; -opla: ninefold; -a-dek-yara, -o: nonogenarian; -a-dek: ninety; (cf. du).

nopal-o: (bot.) nopal, Indian-fig, cochineal-tree (Opuntia coccinellifera). — DEFIRS

nord-o: north; -ala: nothern; -e: northerly, in the north (with movement: ad –e); -esto: north-east. — DEFIRS

nori-o*: noria: a machine for raising water by buckets on an endless chain. — DEF

norm-o: norm: authoritative standard or model; -a: of or constituting a norm, rule, or principle; -ala: ordinary, regular, normal: relating to an authoritative standard, as in speaking of health, etc.; (goem.) -ala, -alo: normal: perpendicular to a tangent; -igar: to establish (ulo) as a norm, to make a standard of (ulo); -izar: to furnish with a standard, norm; -al-igar: to standardize; to seal (weights, measures); pezo- -o: standard of weights. V. exp.: Regulo esas precepto o preskripto generala, enuncita per vorti. Normo esas kozo konkreta, qua servas quale modelo o tipo a qua on komparas la ceteri por evaluar lia justeso; III-410. — DEFIRS

nostalgi-o: nostalgia, homesickness. — EFIRS

nostok-o*: (bot.) nostoc: a plant of blue-green algæ (genus: Nostoc). — DEFS

not-ar: (tr.) to note down, set down in writing, make memo of; (cf. remarkar); -izar: to annotate, make notes in (a book); (mus.) to write down the notes; (N.B. on notas remarki en libro; on notizas libro per remarki; cf. Talmey’s Text Book, p. 109); -o: noting; note, mark, memo, minute (to assist the memory); (mus.) note (written or sounded); (diplom.) note; -iz(ad)o, -izuro: annotation, notation (musical, chemical, etc.); inventory; -iz-iva: annotative; -iz-anto, -ero: annotator; -libr-eto: memorandum book (cf. posh-kayero); -o-referi: reference marks (signs, numbers), etc.). — DEFIRS

notari-o: notary (public); koram -o: in the presence of a notary. — DEFIRS

notic-o: (short) notice, note, or account (instructive or informative as on bottle labels, or in a museum, etc.); -o biografiala: biographical sketch. Def.: Nelonga skribajo instruktiva o informiva pri partikulara temo od objektivo; III-204. V. exp.: avizo. — DEFIS

notifik-ar: (tr.) to notify (formally), give notice of (ulo, ad ulu). V. exp.: sav-igar. — DEFIS

notor-a: manifest, well-known, known generally, notorious (N.B. but not in a bad sense); -eso: notoriety, notoriousness. — DEFIRS

nov-a: (of things) new, novel; (of persons) new (in service, office); -(ul)o: a newcomer; -ajo: a new thing, novelty; -e: newly , freshly (cf. recente); -e nask-into: a new-born child; -yaro, -a: New Year; -igar: to innovate (ulo) (intr.: enduktar novajo); -ig-anto, -ero: innovator; V. exp.: vid. anciena. — DEFIRS

novel-o: short story, novelette; -isto: short-story writer. V. exp.: Romano esas generale libro kontenanta fingita historio di un o plura personi. Novelo signifikas nur rakonto de kelka pagini, qua havas la naturo di romano, me esas romano tre kurta, tam per l’ampleso kam per la duro (generale on rakontas nur aventuro, epizodo, fakto); IV-291-2. — DEFIRS

novembr-o: November. — DEFIRS

novic-(ul)o: novice, probationer, tyro, neophyte, apprentice; -a: (fig.) novice: inexperienced, green, raw (of persons); -eso: novitiate, probationship. — DEFIS

nu: (interj.) well! now then! come now! well now! — DR

nuanc-o: nuance: a slight shade, gradation, as of tone, colo(u)r, meaning, etc.; -oza: full of shades, tints, slight gradations or distinctions; -izar: to shade, variegate, express the nuances; la -i inter sinonimi: the shades of difference between synonyms. — DeFR

nub-o: cloud; (fig.) gloom, darkness, shadow; -aro: (a mass of) clouds; -oza: cloudy, nubilous; -izar: to cloud, cover with clouds. — eIS

nuc-o: a walnut; (fig,) nut: any hard shell enclosing a kernel; -iero: (wal)nut tree; -ier-ligno: walnut (wood); -rupt-ilo: nut-cracker.

nud-a: nude, naked, bare; -igar: to strip, undress, lay bare, denude; -kapa: bare-headed; -peda: bare-footed; lo -a: (abstract) the nude. — EFIS

nudl-i: noodles, ribbon vemicelli, spaghetti. — DE

nugat-o: nougat, a kind of almond cake. — eF

nuk-o: nape of the neck; -umo, -kovr-ilo: neck-covering, -flap (as to protect against sun or rain); (fig.) muffler. Def.: Nuk-umo esas acesoro o peco di kasqueto; IV-337. — FIS

nukl-o*: (biol.) nucleus. — EFS

nuklein-o*: nuclein. — DEFIS

nul-a: no, not any none; -e, -maniere: nowise, in no way, not at all; -o: nothing; (interj.) no use! no go! not a bit of it! -u: no one, nobody; -ajo: nullity (cf. nihilo); -o pluse: nothing more; -kaze: in no case; -loke: nowhere; -tempe: never; -ag-anta, -ema; -fac-anta, -emo: do-nothing, idle (person) (cf. indolenta); -savanta: ignorant; (cf. ne-savo); -valor-anta: of no value, worthless, invalid. Ant.: kelka: — eFI

numer-o: (ordinal) number (i.e. indicative of order or succession; as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.); -ala: numerical (order); -izar: to give successive numbers (to houses, journals, etc.). — DEFIRS

numerator-o: (arith.) numerator. — EFIS

numismatik-o: numismatics. — DEFIRS

numulari-o: (bot.) moneywort (Lysimachia Nummularia). — FIS

numulit-o: (paleon.) nummulite. — DEFIS

nun: (adv.) now, at present, at this time; -a: (time) present, actual, current, now occurring (cf. prezenta); -tempa: present day, time; -tempe: at the present time; -a stando: the existing condition, status quo; -a evento: a present, current event; nun kande: now when, now that (N.B. not nun ke). Ex.: Me lernas nun la internaciona linguo. Nun kande il venis, ni iros. — D

nunci-o: (Pope’s) nuncio. — DEFIRS

nupcial-a: (zool.) nuptial.

nur: (adv.) only; -a: indicates exclusion (of all else) only, sole (cf. sola, unika); ne nur: not only; se nur: if only, providing that; nur ed unike: purely and simply. Ex.: Nur l’amo inspiras il. Il drinkas nur vino. Me donas ol a vu, se nur vu venos. Il nura (od, sola) esas kulpoza. — D

nutac-o*: (astron., plant physiol.) nutation. — DEFIS

nutr-ar: (tr.) to nourish, feed, sustain (ulu), (cf. alimentar, alaktar); -(ad)o: nourishing, nutrition, sustenance; -anta, -iva: nourishing, nutritive, nutritious; -iv-aro; -iv-gan-ilo: (means of) subsistence, (fig.) livelihood, living. Ex.: Nutrar la familio. La sango nutras la korpo. Nutriva dieto. — EFIS


o(d): (The «d» is omitted before consonants) (conj.) or; o(d) . . o(d) either … or; il devos o submisar o demisar: he should either submit or resign (cf. sive). — DIS

oazis-o: oasis. — DEFIRS

obcen-a: obscene. — DEFIS

obedi-ar: (tr.) to obey; -esar: to be obeyed; -(ad)o: obedience, obeying, observance (of a law, command, etc.); -ema: (tendency) obedient. Ex.: La soldato obedias sua chefo. — EFIS

obelisk-o: obelisk. — DEFIRS

obez-a: obese (cf. korpulenta, repleta); -eso: obesity. Def.: Qua havas tro abunta graso, precipue en la ventro: on qualifikas lu vulgare «ventroza». L’obezeso esas maladeso e preske infirmeso; VI-601. — EFIS

objecion-ar: (tr.) to object: adduce as an objection. Ex.: On objecionis a Galileo ke, se la tero rotacas …  — EFIS

objekt-o: object: anything that comes within the cognizance of the senses (cf. skopo, komplemento); -ala: objective (opp. to subjekt-ala); -alo: (opt.) object-glass; -al-eso: objectivity. — DEFIRS

oblat-o: wafer. Def.: Dina tabuleto ek farinpasto (azimo) uzata por siglar letri. — DRS

oble-o: wafer: a thin pastry. — FRS

oblig-ar: (tr.) to oblige: put (ulu) under obligation to do or not to do something, to bind, constrain (by duty, hono(u)r, etc.) (cf. devar, koaktar); -o, -eso: obligation (imposed by conscience, law, etc.); -anta: obligatory (which obliges); -ata: (which is) obligatory, incumbent; reciproka -eso: joint liability, obligation; ne-oblig-ata: optional; obligesar ad ulu: to be beholden to someone; obligar ulu per juro: to bind a person by oath; me obligas me facar to: I assume the obligation, the responsibility to do this. — DEFIS

obligacion-o: (fin.) debenture, bond: a legal obligation (bond) bearing interest; fervoyala -i: railway bonds; -iero: bond-, debenture-holder. — DEFIRS

obliqu-a: (also anat., gram.) oblique, aslant, slanting; (fig.) indirect, not straightforward, insincere; -a angulo, lineo: oblique angle, line; -e tranchar stofo: to cut fabric slantingly, on the bias; ta aleo esas -a: that lane runs slantingly; (gram.) -a kazo: oblique case; (fig.) -a laudo: indirect praise; -a homulo: an insincere (not straightforward) man. — EFIS

obliter-ar: (tr.) to obliterate, blot out (little by little or in a manner to leave traces). V. exp.: Nek efacar, nek nuligar, ma nuligar per signo, qua igas ulo neuzebla (ex. postal marko); IV-394. Ex.: La censuristo obliteris la enskriburo. — DEFIS

oblivi-ar: (tr.) to forget (cf. neglijar, omisar); -igar: to cause (ulu) to forget, to cause (ulo) to be forgotten (da ulu); -o: forgetting; -eso: forgetfulness, oblivion; su- -o: self-forgetfulness; -ema: forgetful, oblivious, unmindful; -o-karcero: oubliette: castle dungeon. — EFIS

oblong-a: oblong. Def.: Qua esas plu longa kam larja. — DEFS

obol-o: (Gr. coin) obol(us); any of several small European coins; mite, groat, farthing; a very small sum; -o di vidvino: widow’s mite. — DEFIS

obsed-ar: (tr.) to beset: to haunt, importune; to obsess, to worry; to possess (by fixed ideas); (cf. persekutar, tedar); la kortani obsedas la princo: the courtiers beset the prince; la mento ofte obsedesas da sua propra erori: the mind is often beset with its own errors; ca viro obsedas me: that man worries me, or, importunes me. V. exp.: Obsedar esas, etimologie, «siejar» persono, t.e. frequentar lu tedante por solicitar lu pri ula kozo, o por vidar lu nediskrete; figurale, to dicesas pri la pensi, imaji, pasioni qui okupas konstante la mento, e quin on ne povas repulsar (la remorso obsedas la kriminanto; teroriganta sonji obsedas lu); III-35. — eFIS

observ-ar: (tr.) to observe: look at, watch (with attention and study); (cf. obediar, remarker); -o: observation (of an object); -anta, -ema: observing, observant; -anto, -ero, -isto: lookout, observer; -eyo, -posteno: place of observation, lookout post; -ebla: observable. Ex.: Observar naturo, la irado di la astri, la mori di la diferenta nacioni. Astronomiala observado. Mento observema. — DEFIRS

observatori-o: (astron., meteorol.) observatory. — DEFIS

obsidian-o: (min.) obsidian: volcanic glass. — DEFIRS

obskur-a: (lit. and fig.) obscure: without sufficient light to enable one to see objects, gloomy, dim, somber (sombre); not easily understood; little known; (of colo(u)rs) dark; -igar: to obscure, dim, darken; nokto -a: a dark night; stilo -a: an unclear style; vivar -a vivo: to live an obscure life; -eso di lingui: obscurity of language; la nubi obskur-igas la jorno: the clouds intercept the daylight; longa frazi obskurigas la senco: long sentences obscure the meaning. Ant.: klara. — DEFIS

obskurant-ismo: obscurantism; -isto: obscurantist: one who opposes enlightenment. — DEFIRS

obsolet-a: obsolete (words, customs, etc.); -eskar: to become obsolete; -eso: obsoleteness, desuetude, disuse. Def.: Exter la uzado, la kustumo. — DEFIS

obstakl-o: (lit. and fig.) obstacle, hindrance, obstruction, impediment, bar, clog: that which opposes; -o-kuro: obstacle-race; (kaval-) kuro kun -i: steeple-chase. — EFIS

obstin-ar: (intr.) to be obstinate (en, pri) to persist, be firmly bent (on); -(ad)o: obstinacy, perinacity, stubborness (cf. persistem-eso); -anta, -era, -ema: obstinate, self-willed, opiniated, headstrong, stubborn; -emo: an obstinate person; il obstinas en taco: he keeps obstinately silent; esar obstin-anta pri projeto nerealigebla: to persist in an impractical project. V. exp.: vid. insistar. — EFIS

obstrukt-ar: (tr.) to obstruct, block up, choke up; be in the way of; -iva: obstructive. Ex.: Obstruktar voyo, tubo. V. exp.: inkombrar. — DEFIRS

obten-ar: (tr.) to obtain, procure, get (ulo, de ulu). Ex.: Obtenar favoro de ulu. V. exp.: vid. recevar. — EFIS

obtur-ar: (tr., tech.) to obturate: to stop or close, as an opening. — EFIS

obtuz-a: obtuse: blunt, dull, (of edges, angles); (geom.) larger than a right angle; (fig.) dull (in sensibility, mentality); -igar: to blunt, dull (cf. sen-pint-igar); -angula: obtuse angular. Ex.: Hakilo obtuza. Il esas homo mente obtuza. Ant.: akuta. — EFIS

obus-o: (artil.) shell; -kanono: howitzer (cf. bombard-ilo). — FI

ocean-o: acean; (fig.) sea, flood, great quantity (cf. maro); -ido: (myth.) Oceanide, sea-nymph. — DEFIRS

ocelot-o: (zool.) ocelot (Felis pardalis). — DEFIRS

oci-ar: (intr.) to be idle, be unoccupied; -o: (temporary) idleness, unoccupation; -ado: (pemanent, habitual) idleness, leisure; -oza: unoccupied; -oz-ega, -ema: lazy, slothful, indolent; -anto, -ero: idler, person of leisure; -emo: loafer, sluggard. Def.: Esar en stando di senlaboreso. Ociemeso esas la tendenco a ne laborar, a facar nulo; ocioza signifikas la fakto, ne tendenco; IV-287. V. exp.: On povas laborar dum sua liber-tempi, ma ne dum periodo di ocio (cf. chomar, flanar). — FIS

ocid-ar: (tr.) to slay, murder: kill with violence; -ar su: to commit suicide; hom- -o: homicide; (cf. rej-ocido, infant-ocido, su-ocido); Def.: Mort-igar violente (intence o ne, krimine o ne); III-697. V. exp.: On ocidas anke bestii, ne nur en bucheyo (ube on buchas li), ma en chaso ed en mult altra okazioni. Ni havas asasinar por la ocido esence krimina; mort-igar havas logikale la senco: igar mortar. ex.: ta yuno mortigis sua gepatri pro chagreno; ta acidento mortigis plura personi pro pavoro; III-697; on masakras plura personi kruele o senbezone; III-698.

ocident-o: (literary term) occident (cf. westo). — DEFIS

ocil-ar: (intr.) to oscillate: swing back and forwards (cf. vibrar, fluktuar); -ilo: swing (cf. baskul-ilo). — DEFIS

ocipit-o: (anat.) occiput: back part of head or skull; -ala: occipital; -ala osto, -alo: occipital bone. — EFIS

ocit-ar: (intr., of persons) to yawn (cf. bear). — L

od: see o(d).

od-o: ode. — DEFIRS

odalisk-o: odalisque, odalisk. — DEFIRS

«odeon»: (ancient) odeum, odeon; (theater in Paris) Odeon.

odi-ar: (tr.) to hate (ulu, ulo); -esar: to be hated (da); -oz-eso: hatefulness; -ema, -iganta: invidious; -inda: odious; (cf. abominar). — eIS

odise-o: (pr. and fig.) Odyssey. — DEFIRS

odor-ar: (intr.) to have a smell or scent, smell (fragrant, etc.), exhale odo(u)r; (cf. flarar); -o: odor, scent, smell (cf. parfumo, flaro); -anta, -oza: odoriferous; sen- -a, ne- -oza: odorless; bon-odora: fragrant, sweet-smelling; mal- -o: bad odor. — EFIS

ofens-ar: (tr.) to offend, give offense (offence) to, shock (the sensibilities); -esar: to be offended (da); -o: offense, affront (cf. insulto); -anta, -iva, -ema: offending, shocking, offensive, obnoxious. — EFIS

ofertori-o*: (R.C. rel.) offertory. — DEFIS

ofic-o: (function, duty, assigned service) office, post (cf. oficio, employo); -ala: functionary relating to office, duty; (cf. oficiala); -isto: a (civil) official (cf. oficiro); -estro: head of (civil) office. Def.: Funciono administrala o direktala, sive en la stato, sive en societo o grand entraprezo; III-697. — EFIS

ofici-ar: (intr., eccl.) to officiate: perform divine service; -anta, -anto: officiating (priest or clergyman); -o: office (divine service); -ala: relating to divine service (cf. oficala). — EFIS

oficir-o: (milit. nav., of an order) officer (cf. ofic-isto); sub- -o: subordinate officer, non-commissioned officer. — DEFIRS

ofikleid-o: (mus. instr.) ophicleide. — DEFIS

ofit-o*: ophite, greeen porphyry, serpentine. — DEF

ofr-ar: (tr.) to offer, proffer, tender (ulo ad ulu), to offer (to do); to place at the service of (ulu); -ar su: to offer, propose (oneself); -o: offering (act), offer, tender, proposal, bid; -ajo: what is offered; -o: (polit. econ) supply: what is offered; Ex.: Ofrar helpo, sua brakio a siorino, sua manuo ad amiko, viktimo en sakrifiko, acompanar ulu. La lego di l’ofro e di la demando determinas la preco di la vari sur ula merkato. V. exp.: Il propozis a me irar kun il en la teatro, ma il ne ofris a me plaso. On povas ofrar la vari sen prizentar li: en la komercal borso, on ne prizentas la vari ipsa, same kam en la financal borso en ne prizentas la valori: tamen on ofras li; II-79, 167. — DEFIS

oft-e: oft, often, oftentimes; -a: frequent; maxim ofte: most often, very often; ne- -e: rarely, seldom. Ex.: Ofte on mustas facar ulo quon on ne deziras facar. V. exp.: Ofta ne esas sinonima a frequa. Ofta dicesas pri ulo quo eventas «ofte», t.e. multa foyi en ula intervalo. Frequa esas utila en tekniko: ex. on bezonas parolar pri flui (elektrala) di granda frequeso: on ne povas dicar: di granda ofteso: to semblus signifikar, ke on uzas li ofte; IV-237. Ant.: rara. — DE

oftalmi-o: ophthalmia. — DEFIS

oftalmologi-o*: ophthalmology.

oftalmoskop-o*: ophthalmoscope.

ogiv-o: (arch.) ogive. — DEFIS

ogl-ar: (tr.) to ogle: view with side glances; to cast glances at slyly; -achar: to leer at (ulu). — E

ogr-(ul)o: ogre. — DEFIS

ok: eight; -esma: (ordinal) eighth; -opla, -oplo: eight-fold, octuple; -imo: one-eighth; -a-dek: eighty, fourscore; -a-dek-yar-a, -o: octogenarian; -ima negro: octoroon: person one-eighth black; (cf. du). — eFIS

okarin-o: (mus. instr.) ocarina. — DEF

okazion-o: occasion, opportunity; -e: occasionally, at times; -e di: apropos (of); (cf. kauzo). Ex.: Me kaptis la okaziono por parolar ad il. Kande okaziono prizentos su, ni iros. — EFIRS

okr-o: ochre; reda -o: red ochre. — DEFIRS

oktaedr-o*: (geom.) octahedron. — DEFIS

oktant-o: octant: eighth of a circle; (astron. instr.) octant. — DEFIS

oktav-o: (mus., ch. festival, verse) octave. — DEFIRS

oktilion-o*: (English notation) octillion (1,000,000 8 ). — DEFS

oktobr-o: October. — DEFIRS

oktogon-o*: (geom.) octagon. — DEFIS

oktopod-o*: octopod (having eight legs); order Octopoda; (cf. polpo). — DEFIS

okul-o: eye; -eto: small eye; (tech.) eyelet hole; -ala: ocular; -alo: eye-piece, eye-glass; -isto: oculist; -agar: (tr.) to eye (ulu, ulo); -o nuda: naked eye; -o po -o: eye for eye; -klapo, -shirm-ilo: eye-shade; (for horses) blinker; -o-skrubo: a staple, eyebolt: screw with ringed head. — DEFIRS

okult-a: occult. V. exp.: vid. arkana. — DEFIS

okultac-o: (astron.) occultation; -ar: (tr.) to occult. — DEFIS

okup-ar: (tr.) to occupy (a place, time); -ar su: to occupy oneself, employ oneself, be busy (pri); -esar: to be occupied (da); -eso: occupancy (fact); -(ad)o: occupying; -ant-ajo, -ivo: (that which occupies) business, work, occupation; -anto, -ero: occupant; -ata: occupied, busy. Ex.: La lito okupas la tota spaco. La soldati okupis la urbo. La diskutado okupis la tempo. Ca laboro okupis dek yari di lua vivo. Il okupis su en (od, pri) sua gardeno. Esar sen okupeso. La okupo di la urbo da la trupi. La okup-antajo, -ivo di soldati, di komercisto. — DEFIS

ol: (abbr. for olu; acus. olun) (neuter pronoun referring to a definite object; cf. lo, lu) it; -i: they (cf. li); -ua: its; -ia: their (cf. lia). Ex.: Ol esas tre bela. La afero semblas bona, ma forsan ol ne esas tala. La kavalo esas tro fatigita; ol(u) ne povus tirar la veturo, La viri e la bestii ne konkordas inter su, nam ili (la viri) tiris ad-dextre, dum ke oli (la bestii) tiris adsinistre.

old-a: (of living beings) old, of advanced age; -o, -ulo, -ino: old person; -eso: oldness; -aro: (collect.) aged persons; -eskar: to grow old; (plu-) -igar: to age, make look old. Def.: Di evo avanc-inta. V. exp.: vid. anciena. Ant.: yuna. — E

ole-o: oil; -oza, -atra: oleaginous; -izar: to oil (ulo); -ifar: to produce oil, give out oil; -uyo: oil-holder, oilcan; cruet; -lampo: Argand lamp: common oil lamp for illumination; -farbo: oil paint; -i santa: (eccl.) holy oils; brul- -o: lamp-oil, kerosene; ricin- -o: castor oil; oliv- -o: olive-oil. — DEFIS

olfakt-ar*: (tr.) to perceiveby sense of smell; -o: olfaction. -ala organo: olfactory organ. — EFIS

oliban-o: olibanum: frankincense. — eFIS

oligark-o*: oligarch. — DEFIRS

oligarki-o: oligarchy. — DEFIRS

oligocen-o: (geol.) oligocene. — DEFIS

olim: formerly, in former times, once upon a time; -a: former; -a tempo: in days of old. Ex.: Olim esis kustumo. La homi di olima tempo. Olim ula princo regnis. Olima kustumo. — L

Olimp-o*: Olympus; -ano: a dweller in Olympus.

olimpiad-o: Olympiad: a period of four years. — DEFIRS

oliv-o: (fruit) olive; -iero: olive tree. — DEFIRS

ombr-o: shadow, shade; -izar: to shade, over shade; put in, cover with shadows; -oza, -iz-anta: shadowy, shady, umbrageous. — eFIS

oment-o*: (anat.) omentum. — DEFIRS

omis-ar*: (tr.) to omit, leave out or undone, pass over; -o, -ajo: omission (cf. neglijar). Ex.: Omisar formalajo. Ne omisez facar to. Il omisis fakto importanta. — EFIS

omlet-o: omelet. — DEFR

omn-a: (collective sense) all, every; -i: all, everybody (collect.) -o: everything; -u: every one; omna tri, omna quar: all three, all four; il havas du filiuli, qui omna esas soldati: he has two sons who are (both) soldiers; de omna loki: from every place; -a-di-e, -a: daily, every day; -o-fac-anto: factotum; -a-kaze: in any case, in any event; -a-foye: every time; -a-loke: every place; -o-manj-anta: omnivorous (cf. omnivora); -a-monata, -e: every month, monthly; -a-maniere: in every way; -o-povo: omnipotence; -o-pov-anta: omnipotent, all powerful; -o-savo: omniscience; -o-sav-anta: omniscient; -a-semen-a, -e: weekly, every week. -o-sufr-anto: (fig.) drudge; -a-sorta, -speca: every kind of; -o-tush-ero: (fig.) meddler, busy-body; -ube: wherever. V. exp.: vid. singla. — eIL

omnibus-o: (vehicle) omnibus. — DEFIRS

omnivor-o: ominvorous. — DEFIS

on: one (indefinite pronoun): people, men, we, they (when used vaguely for society), for people in general; on dicas: people say, they say; on devas amar sua gepatri: we should love our parents; on ne povas manjar sua kuko e konservar ol: you cannot eat your cake and have it. (Note: Ni translates «we» only when a limited number of persons is thought of with whom the speaker or writer is directly associated: ni qui kredas ke I.L. esas posibla). — EF

onagr-o*: (zool.) onager: a wild ass (Equus Onager); (hist.) onager: a stone-throwing machine. — DEFIS

omani-ar*: (intr.) to masturbate; -(ad)o: masturbation, onanism. — DEFIRS

ond-o: (lit. and fig.) (small) wave, swell, surge (of water); undulation; -ego: billow, breaker; -ifar: to rise in billow form or produce waves; to undulate, wave; -igar, -izar: to cause waves on; to cover with waves; -ifo, -aro: undulation, waves; -oza, -atra, -ifanta, -izita: wavy, wavelike, undulating; -agit-ata: rough; -agit-eso: billowy. Ex.: Ondi di maro, di soni, di tero (sismala). La maro ondifas. La vento ond-igas, -izas la maro. Ondoza surfaco. — EFIS

onix-o: (min.) onyx. — DEFIRS

onkl-(ul)o: uncle; -ino: aunt; -ala: avuncular; pre-onkl-ulo: great-uncle. — DEF

onomatope-o: (gram.) onomatopoeia. — DEFIS

ontogenez-o*: (biol.) ontogenesis. — DEFIS

ontologi-o: (philos.) ontology. — DEFIRS

onyon-o: (plant and edible bulb) onion; -eyo: onion-bed; -shelo: onion-skin, -peel. — EF

oolit-o: (geol.) oolite. — DEFIRS

opak-a: opaque. Def.: Qua ne esas diafana, ne permeebla per lumo. Ant.: diafana, translucida. — DEFIS

opal-o: (min.) opal; -vitro: (fig.) opal (or, iridescent) glass. — DEFIRS

opalec-ar*: (intr.) to opalesce. — DEFIS

oper-o: opera; -eto: operetta; -o-teatro: opera house. — DEFIRS

operac-ar: (tr., surg., mil., math., finan.) to operate (upon); -ato, -ito: person operated upon; -ar malado, tumoro: to operate upon a sick person, a tumor. Ex.: Subisar operaco. Financalo operaco. Operaco en sustraciono. Militala operaco. — DEFIRS

operkul-o: (bot., anat., zool.) operculum (cover, lid). — EFIS

opiat-o: (med.) opiate. — DEFIS

opinion-ar: (tr.) to opine, express one’s opinion, be of the opinion. Def.: Expresar judiko pri temo. Ex.: Me favore opinionas pri la projeto. Publika opiniono. — EFIS

opium-o: opium; -oza: containing opium. — DEFIRS

opodeldok-o*: (med.) opodeldoc. — DEFI

oport-ar, -as: (intr., impersonal) it is required, it is necessary (ke); (cf. suffix: -end-); oportas levar ni fru morge: it is necessary to get up early to-morrow. V. exp.: Kande ica signifiko havas subjekto, on uzas mustar: oportas ke vu departez: vu mustas departar. — L

oportun-a: (of things) opportune, seasonable, timely, convenient (cf. favor-oza); -eso: opportuneness (cf. okaziono); -ismo: (politics) opportunism; -isto: opportunist; (N.B. «opportunity» is translated by okaziono or oportunajo); Ex.: Okaziono oportuna. Oportuneso di la sokurso. — DEFIS

opoz-ar: (tr.) to oppose (ulu ad ulo, ulu, ad ulu), to put in opposition to, place (ulo) opposite; -(ad)o: opposition (resistance); -eso: opposition (contrast, state of); -anto, -ero: opponent; -ata, -ita: opposed, opposite (ad); -ant-aro: the opposition; -ato: the opposite; -ar spegulo a la fenestro: to set a glass opposite a window; -ar digo a la torento: to oppose a dike (dyke) to a torrent; -ar du motivi: to put two motives in contrast; la domo opozata: the house opposite. (N.B. the basic idea of this word implies putting in contrast, opposing an obstacle, rather than active opposition, therefore, «to oppose»: act in opposition, is translated ordinarily by kombatar, rezistar). — DEFIRS

opres-ar: (tr., phys., mental, social) to oppress: to lie heavy on; deject, treat with hardship; (cf. charj-egar, pres-egar); Def.: Presar forte (fizike o etikale) kontre ulu. V. exp.: On esas fizike opresata, kande on respiras kun peno; on esas etikale opresata, kande on angoras pro desquieteso, en expekto di trista evento od informo. La richuli opresas la povruli. La konquestiti povas esar opresata da la konquestanti, la laboristi da la patroni, e.c. III-223. — EFIS

optativ-o: (gram.) optative. — DEFIS

optik-o: (science of) optics; -isto: optician: one skilled in optics (cf. okul-isto). — DEFIRS

optim-ismo: optimism; -isto, -ista: optimist(ic). — DEFIRS

or: (conj.) now, but (in argument). V. exp.: Or expresas ne nur intersequo di du propozicioni, ma induktas nova argumento, plusa premiso, expliko, motivo. Ex.: Or, vua argumento semblas bona, ma ...  Omno qua foligas esas veneno; or l’alkoholo foligas; do ... Kande la premiso (motivo) sequas la konkluzo, or vicesas da nam;  ex.: L’alkoholo esas venono, nam ol foligas; kp. nam; VI-141-2; Talmey’s Text Book, p. 113. — FIS

or-o: gold; -a: (of gold thread, watch, etc.); -ea: golden (of hair, etc.); -oza: full of, rich in gold, auriferous; -min-eyo: gold mine; -izar: to gild, plate (ulo) with gold; -folio, -pelik-ulo: gold leaf; -iz-ita-arjento: silver-gilt. — FIS

orakl-o: oracle; -atra: oracular (tone, etc.); -ifar: to declare, utter an oracle. — DEFIRS

orangutan-o: (zool.) orang-outang (Pithecus satyrus). — DEFIS

oranj-o: orange; -iero: orange tree; -ier-eyo: orange grove: -ea: orange colo(u)red; -o-drink-ajo: orangeade. — DEFIRS

orator-o: orator (cf. diskurs-isto, parol-isto. — EFIRS

oratori-o: (mus.) oratorio. — DEFIRS

orbit-o: (astron.) orbit; (anat.) eye-socket. — EFIRS

ord-i* (la): (eccl.) holy-orders; -izo: conferring of holy-orders.

orden-o: (eccl. and knighthood) order; -izar: to knight; -insigno: insignia, badge (of knighthood). — DEFIRS

ordin-ar: (tr.) to order: put in, reduce to, dispose in, order (cf. rang-izar); -o, -eso: order: regular disposition, methodical arrangement; -ala, -alo: ordinal: indicating order or succession; as, first, second, etc.; -ema: orderly, tidy (person); -em-eso: orderliness; -ita, -oza: ordered, regulated, orderly. — DEFIS

ordinac-ar*: (tr., eccl.) to ordain (a priest, clergyman); (cf. ord-izar). — DEFIS

ordinar-a: ordinary, common, usual; -e: commonly, ordinarily. Ex.: Vanitato esas kulpo tre ordinara. Ordinara manjajo, homo. Ant.: extraordinara. — EFIS

ordinat-o: (geom.) ordinate. — DEIS

ordonanc-o: (milit.) orderly; -oficiro: ordinance officer. Def.: Soldato qua exekutas o transmisas la komandi di oficiro; la ordinanc-oficiro ludas simila rolo apud supera oficiro; III-266. — DFIRS

oread-o*: (myth.) oread, mountain nymph. — DEFS

orel-o: ear, auricle; (fig.) hearing; -ala: auricular; -kovr-ilo, -umo: ear-covering, ear-flap; -ringo: ear-ring; -fingro: little finger; -oza; grand-orela: big-eared; (horses) lop-eared; -kurac-isto: aurist; -zum-ado: buzzing, ringing in the ears; askoltar per omna -i: (fig.) to be all ears, to listen intently; havar -o justa (od, delikata): to have a good (or, delicate) ear (as for music); levar (od, tensar) la -i: to prick up the ears. — eFIS

orelion-o: (med.) mumps; an infectious inflammation of various glands (cf. parotidito). — F

«oremus»: oremus, orison, prayer (Let us pray).

orfan-a; -o, -ulo, -ino: orphan; -ala: relating to orphans; -erio: orphanage, orphan asylum. — EFIS

organ-o: organ (part of an organized body); (fig.) instrument, means; (cf. orgeno); -ala: organic: relative to organs or organized means; (cf. organika); -izar: to organize: furnish with organs; (cf. aranjar, institucar); -izo, -izeso, -izuro: organization (cf. ordino, konstituciono, organismo); -iz-anto: organizer. Ex.: L’okulo esas l’organo di vidado. Ca jurnalo esas l’organo di demokratio; (fig.) La judiciisto esas la organo di la lego. Organizar ministerio. Organizuro di la homala korpo. Muzikala organizuro. — DEFIRS

organdi-o: (fabric) organdy. Def.: Speco di muslino; IV-448. — DEFIS

organicism-o*: (med.) organicism.

organik-a: (chem.) organic (substances, chemistry, etc.; cf. organ-ala). — DEFIRS

organism-o: (lit. and fig.) organism. Def.: (lit.) Ensemblo di la organi (la organaro) qui konstitucas ento vivanta. Ex.: Homala organismo. (fig.) Politikala organismo. — DEFIRS

organzin-o: organzine: a double-thrown silk used in weaving. — DEFI

orgen-o: (mus.) organ; -(ple)isto: organist; turn- -o: barrel-, hand-organ. — EFIRS

orgi-o: orgy. — DEFIRS

orient-o: Orient, the east; -ala: oriental; -ano: an oriental; -al-isto: orientalist; -izar: (pr. and fig.) to orient: place or set toward the east; (fig.) to give the correct aspect, the right direction to; (nav.) to trim (sails); -izar: to adjust one’s bearings toward the east; (fig.) to ascertain one’s position, find out what one is about; -izar ulu en lua studiado: to guide, set someone in the right direction in his studies; esas nefacila orientizar su en la mezo di revoluciono: it is difficult to get one’s bearings, find out one’s true position, in the midst of revolution (cf. esto). — DEFIRS

orific-o: orifice (cf. apert-uro, boko, truo). — EFIS

oriflam-o: oriflamme: ancient French banner. — DEFIS

origan-o: (bot.) origan: a majoram (genus: Origanum). — DEFIS

origin-o: origin (cf. fonto); -ala: original: relating to origin; not copied; (cf. stranja); -al-eso: originality; -al-ajo: (of things) the original, first copy; -al(ul)o: eccentric person, odd fellow; -e, -ale: originally, primitively; in the beginning, by origin. Ex.: Origino di vorti, di la mondo. Originala edituro, penso, pikturo. La pikturo montras originaleso. Kopiuro konforma a la originalajo. — DEFIRS

orikalk-o: (met.) orichalk. Def.: Anciena nomo di latuno. — DEFIS

oriol-o: (orni.) oriole (European: Oriolus galbula: golden oriole). — EF

oripel-o: tinsel; Dutch gold. Def.: Dina, oratra folieto, quan on uzas por orizar diversa objekti; VI-142. V. exp.: Or-pelikulo (E. gold leaf) esas vera oro; oripelo imitas l’oro; (kp. flitro); VI-142. — FI

orjat-o: orgeat: an almond syrup. — DeFIS

orkestr-o: orchestra: a part in theater (theatre) nearest the stage; a company of instrumental performers. — DEFIRS

orkide-o: (bot.) orchid — DEFIRS

orl-ar: (tr., needle-work) to hem: turn down and sew the edge of (a garment, fabric); -uro: hem; (arch., herald.) orlet, orle; (cf. ri-fald-ar, -uro). — FIS

orn-ar: (tr.) to adorn, embellish, bedeck (ulo, ulu, per ulo); (cf. dekorar, plu-bel-igar); -o: adorning; -ivo: adornment, ornament (cf. ornamento); -iva: decorative, ornamental. Ex.: La domi esas neta, komoda, ma li ne esas ornita. Ornar parko per statui. (fig.) Ca viri esas ornivi di nia yarcento. — eFIS

ornament-o: ornament, embellishment; (mus.) grace-note; (cf. orn-ivo); -ala: ornamental; -izar: to ornament, decorate (cf. ornar, dekorar); -o ek diamanti: diamond ornament. — DEFIS

ornitologi-o: ornithology. — DEFIRS

ornitopter-o: ornithopter: a flying machine propelled by flapping wings. — DEFIRS

orografi-o: orography: mountain physiography. — DEFIRS

orpiment-o: orpiment: arsenic trisulphide. — DEFIS

orsel-o: (bot.) archil, orchil, orseille.

ort-a: right (angle); (cf. rekta); -o: a right angle; -e: at a right angle; -angula: orthogonal, rectangular.

ortocentr-o*: (geom.) orthocenter.

ortodox-a: (rel. and fig.) orthodox; -eso: orthodoxy; -(ul)o: orthodox person. Ant.: heterodoxa. — DEFIRS

ortogenez-o*: (biol.) orthogenesis.

ortografi-o: orthography (cf. espel-ado); kulpo -ala: mistake in spelling. — DEFIRS

ortografik-a*: (geom.) orthographic. — DEFI

ortokrom-a*: (photog.) orthocromatic.

ortolan-o: (orni.) ortolan (Emberiza hortulana). — DEFIS

ortopedi-o: (surg.) orthopedics. Def.: L’arto qua korektigas o preventas deformaji di la korpo. — DEFIRS

ortopter-o: orthopterous insect. — DEFIS

orvet-o: orvet: blind-worm, slow-worm (Anguis fragilis). — eF

orvietan-o: orvietan: a pretended antidote or counter-poison. — DeFIS

osifrag-o: (orni.) ossifrage, osprey, sea-eagle. (Falco ossifragus). — EFI

oskul-ar*: (tr., intr., geom.) to osculate.

osmi-o*: (chem.) osmium. — DEFIRS

osmos-o: (physics) osmosis, osmose. — DEFS

ost-o: bone; -eto: small bone, ossicle; -ala, -oza: osseous, bony; (fig.) large-boned; -aro: bony frame-work (cf. skeleto); -igar: to ossify; -eskar: to become ossified; -if-ado, -esko: ossification; -o-karbono: bone-black; ludar per osteti: to play at knuckle-bones. — eFIS

ostensori-o: (R.C. rel.) ostensorium, monstrance. — DEFI

ostent-ar: (tr., intr.) to do a thing out of ostentation, show off, make a show (pri), parade (ulo); (fig.) to swagger; -anta, -oza, -ema: ostentatious. V. exp.: vid. fanfaronar. — EFIS

osteologi-o: osteology. — DEFIRS

osteom-o*: (med.) osteoma. — DE

ostit-o*: (med.) ostitis. — DEF

ostr-o: oyster; -o-strato, -eyo: oyster-bed; -kultiv(ad)o: oyster culture. — DeFIRS

ostracism-o: ostracism: banishment (cf. exil-ar). — DEFIRS

ostrogot-o*: Ostrogoth.

otalgi-o*: (med.) otalgia: ear-ache.

otari-o: otary: eared-seal. Def.: Speco di mar-hundo kun oreli; V-341. (Otariidae). — EFI

otit-o*: (med.) otitis; -o-interna: inflammation of the middle-ear. — EF

otolit-o*: (anat., zool.) otolith, ear-stone.

otoman-o: ottoman. Def.: Speco di divano; IV-395. — DEFIRS

otus-o: (vulgara) common owl, long-eared owl (Otus); -o penachet-oza: short-eared owl (Otus brachyotus, Asio accipitrinus, Strix brachyotus, Brachotus palustris). Def.: Noktala ucelo di qua la kapo esas ornita per penacheti quaze «oreleti»; IV-296. — L

ov-o: egg; -i: eggs; (of fish) roe; -o-shelo: egg-shell; -uyo: egg-cup, -holder; -ajo: an egg preparation; -ifar: to lay eggs; -o (mole o harde o mi-mole) koquita: boiled egg; -o sur plado: fried egg; -o mixita: scrambled egg; -o dispersita: poached egg; -vend-isto: egg-seller; -o-planto: egg-plant (Solanum ovigerum) (cf. berenjeno). — DeFIRS

ovacion-ar: (tr.) to give an ovation to, to receive in triumph (ulu); -o: ovation. — DEFIRS

oval-a, -o: oval. — DEFIS

ovari-o: (anat., bot.) ovary. — DEFIS

ovipar-a, -o: oviparous (animal). — DEFIS

ovul-o: (physiol., bot.) ovule; -if(ad)o: ovulation. — EFIS

ox-o*: oxygen (the scientific word; cf. oxigeno); -izar: to oxygenate.

oxal-o: (bot.) sorrel (genus: Rumex); -at-acido: o. acid; -ato: oxalate o. salt. — DEFIS

oxalik-o: (chem.) oxalic.

oxid-o: (chem.) oxide; -igar: to oxidate: convert into an oxide. — DEFIS

oxigen-o: oxygen; -izar: oxygenize. V. exp.: Oxigeno esas la ordinara vorto; oxo nur la ciencala vorto, partikulare utila en kemiala terminaro. — DEFIS

oxikok-o: (berry) cranberry; -iero: cranberry bush (genus: Oxucoccus). — L

ozier-o: (bot.) osier (Salix viminalis); -a korbo: wicker basket. — EF


ozon-o: (chem.) ozone. — DEFIRS


pac-ar: (intr.) to be at (or, in) peace; -igar: to pacify, appease; -eskar: to make peace (kun); -ifar: to make for peace; -o: peace; -ala: relating to peace; -ema: pacific: who likes peace; -oza: peaceful: which is at peace; -ifanta, -iganta: pacifying; -igo: pacification, peace-making, appeasement; -if-ismo: pacifism; -if-ist-a, -o: pacifist. — DEFIS

pachuli-o: (perfume) patchouli. — DEFIS

pacient-a: patient; -eso: patience, calm endurance or waiting, forbearance; -esar: to be patient, have patience, bide one’s time; ludo di -eso: (game) patience. Ex.: Il esas pacienta en doloro. Vartar paciente. La patrulo pacientesis pri sua filio. — EFIS

Pacifik-o: Pacific Ocean.

pad-o: pad, padding; listing (put around doors and windows to keep out cold); -izar: to pad, stuff (window, etc.); -o-chapelo: porter’s pad (for burdens); padded cap (worn by children); stulo- -o: chair-pad. Def.: Kusen(et)o (generale ronde e kun truo en mezo); polsteraji quin on pozas cirkum la pordi e fenestri por kalfatar l’aperturi. — E

padel-o: frying-pan, skillet: metal vessel with long handle used for frying. — IS

«padishah»: (title) padishah.

padlok-o: padlock; -izar: to padlock, fasten with a padlock. — E

paf-ar: (tr., intr.) to shoot (with firearms); -o: a shot (fired); -ado: firing, volley; -ilo: a fire-arm; -ajo: a charge, shot (for firing); -lineo: line of fire; -apert-uro: loop-hole; skop-pafado: target-firing. — F

pag-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to pay (ulu, ulo), to pay for (ulo); -(ad)o: (act) pay, payment; -enda: payable: which must be paid; -anto, -ero: one who pays; -isto: paymaster; -ajo: payment: sum paid; -o-dio: pay day; -o-por dio: a day’s pay; -o-dato, -limito: maturity (of a debt). Ex.: Pagar la domaji, la kusti, la perdo. Pagar la laboristi. (fig.) Pagar sua krimino per la vivo. — eFIS

pagan-a: -o, -ulo, -ino: pagan, heathen; -eso, -ismo: paganism. — DEFIS

pagay-o: paddle (as for canoe); -agar: (tr., intr.) to paddle. — DFIS

pagin-o: page (of a book); -igar: (tr., print.) to make up into pages, to folio; numerizar la -i: to number the pages (di); -o-numero: number of page. — DeFIRS

pagod-o: pagoda. — DEFIRS

paj-o: page (boy); (at cards) knave, jack. — DEFIRS

pak-o: bundle, package, parcel; -eto: packet: small bundle; -ego: large bundle, bale; -igar: to bundle up, make (ulo) into a parcel; -ig-o, -uro: packing; -ig-anto, -isto: packer; -eto-posto: parcel post. — DEFIRS

paketbot-o: packet-boat, mail-packet, liner. — DEFIRS

pakiderm-o: (zool.) pachyderm. — DEFIS

pakotili-o: (com., nav.) (seaman’s) venture. Def.: Diversa vari (mikra) quin la maristi daras embarkar sen pagar freto; III-141. — DFIS

pakt-ar: (intr.) to covenant, enter into a compact (kun): (cf. kontratar); li paktis kun Satano kontre me: they entered into a compact with Satan against me; esas -o inter li: there is an agreement between them. — DEFIS

pal-a: pallid, pale; -ega: ghastly, wan, sallow; -eso: paleness, pallor, wanness; -igar: to cause to turn pale; -eskar: to turn, grow, become pale, to blanch. — EFIS

palac-o: palace. — DEFIRS

palad-o*: (chem.) palladium. — DEFIRS

paladi-o: (statue and fig.) palladium. — DEFIRS

paladin-o: paladin; (fig.) knight-errant. — DEFIRS

palankin-o: palanquin. — DEFIS

palat-o: (anat.) palate; -ala: (also gram.) palatal; -alo: (also gram.) palatal (-bone); -velo: velum: soft-palate. — EFIS

palaten-(ul)o: a (count) palatine. — DEFIRS

palatin-o: fur-tippet (for neck and shoulders). — DFIS

paleografi-o: paleography; -isto: paleographer. Def.: Arto dechifrar la anciena skriburi. — DEFIRS

paleontologi-o: paleontology; -isto: paleontologist. — DEFIRS

paleozoologi-o*: paleozoology. — DEFIS

palestr-o: (antiq.) palestra. — DEFIRS

palet-o*: paddle-board (of a paddle-wheel); blade (of an oar). — F

pali-o: straw (fig.) chaff; -ea: straw-colo(u)red; -o-fasko: truss of straw; -tapiso: straw matting; -o-matraco: straw mattress; -amaso: heap of straw; -izar: to cover with straw. — FIS

paliat-ar: (tr. med. and gen.) to palliate; mitigate, alleviate, (a disease); to cloak, extenuate (a fault); -iva, -ivo: palliative. Def.: Alejar maladeso o malajo, sen remediar ol komplete; III-331; Kalmigar provizore. Ex.: Laudano paliatas kelka dolori. Paliatar eroro. — DEFIRS

palimpsest-a, -o: palimpsest. (manuscript). — DEFIRS

palinodi-o: palinode. Def.: Anciena verso en qua la poeto retraktis sua olima opinioni. — DEFIS

palis-o: stake, pale, picket (as of a fence); -ego: pile, large post; -rango: row of stakes, paling (cf. palisado); -izar: to cover with stakes; to stake out, make with stakes. Def.: Longa peco ek ligno (ofte) akutigita ye un extremajo. — eFIS

palisad-o: palisade, stockade (paling); (cf. palisaro); -eto: picket (as of a fence) (cf. paliso); -celulo: (biol.) p. cell. Def.: Obstaklo (precipue en militarto) ek serio di pintigita palisi o fosti. Anke uzata por la senco biologiala; II-294. — DEFIS

palisandr-o: Palisander: rosewood. — DeFIRS

palium-o: (ancient and eccl.) pallium. — DEFIS

palm-o: (bot.) palm(-branch); (anat.) palm (of hand); -iero: palm tree; -eto: (arch.) palmette: carved palm-leaf ornament; -o-sundio: Palm Sunday. — DEFIRS

palmat-a: (zool.) palmate: web-footed. — EFIS

palmiped-a, -o: palmiped. Def.: Speci di uceli quale anadi, cigni, pinguini, qui havas pedi palmata. — EFIS

palp-ar: (tr.)  to feel (about); -(ad)o: feeling (by touch); (med.) palpation ( a method of exploration by touch and pressure); -ebla: palpable, tangible; (fig.) plain, obvious; -ilo: palp(us), feeler, tentacle; -ar su: to feel oneself. Def.: Tushar per la fingri o per altro por explorar. Ex.: Palpar la pulsado (di l’arterii) di ulu. — eFIS

palpebr-o: eyelid; -agar: (intr.) to wink, blink. — FIS

palpit-ar: (intr.) to palpitate, throb; (fig.) to tremble, flutter. Ex.: Kande la kordio palpitas, on ne esas mortinta. Palpitar pro pavoro. — DEFIS

paltot-o: paletot: a loose coat or jacket worn by both sexes, an overcoat (cf. surtuto). — DeFRS

palumb-o: (orni.) wood-pigeon, ring-dove (of the Pyranees) (Palumbus). — FIS

pamflet-o: pamphlet (N.B. this refers only to a pamphlet on a satirical or strongly controversial subject; cf. broshuro). — DeFIR

pampr-o: vine-branch (with foliage and fruit). (arch.) pampre.

pan-o: bread (leavened; cf. azimo); loaf (of b.; du -i: two loaves of bread); -o ne-fresha: stale b.; -o-peco: piece of b.; -igar, -ifar: (tr., intr.) to make, to bake b.; -if-erio: bakery; -o-peceto: small piece of bread, b.crumb (cf. krumo); -eyo: pantry (bread place); panloncho: slice of b. — FIS

panace-o: panacea, universal remedy. — DEFIRS

panaris-o: (med.) panaris: whitlow, felon. — eFIS

panch-o: paunch (of animals); (fig.) belly, paunch (of persons). Def.: La unesma e maxim granda stomako di rumineri. — DEFIS

pandur-o: pandour; (fig.) marauder, brutal man. Def.: Speco di Hungariana soldati; IV-269. — DEFIRS

pane-ar: (intr., nav.) to lie to, be hove to; (fig. esp. automobiling) to be in a state of breakdown or halt (occasioned by accident, misfunction, trouble). V. exp.: Panear: esas en paneo. Paneo ne esas simpla halto, nek avario; ol esas halto koaktata pro avario o pertubo, misfunciono; ol esas verto teknikala di navigado, qua divenis vulgara ed internaciona per l’automobilismo; IV-578. — DFI

panegir-o: panegyric, encomium, eulogy (cf. laudo-diskurso). — DEFIRS

panel-o: (arch.) panel, wainscot; (gen.) a flat section of considerable size of a garment, wall or other surface; -aro: waniscotting, panelling (collect.); -izar: to panel, wainscot; -spegulo: pier glass. — DEFR

pangenez-o*: pangenesis. — DEFIS

pangolin-o: (zool.) pangolin, scaly anteater, (genus: Manis). — DEFIRS

pani-o: waist-cloth, -clout, loin-cloth (of savages or negroes). — F

panik-a, -o: panic, sudden fright. Ex.: Panika teroro. — DEFIRS

panikl-o: (anat.) panniculus. — eFIS

panikul-o: (bot.) panicle. — EFIS

pankrac-o: (antiq.) pancratium (an athletic contest). — DEFIS

pankreat-o: (anat.) pancreas; (butch.) sweet-bread; -ala: pancreatic. — EFIS

pankreatit-o*: (med.) pancreatitis. Def.: Inflamuro di la pankreati. — EF

panmixi-o*: (biol.) panmixia. — DEFIS

panoram-o: (lit. anf fig.) panorama. — DEFIRS

pans-ar: (tr.) to dress (wounds, sores); -ilo: dressing (bandage, etc.). — F

palmat-a: (zool.) palmate: web-footed. — EFIS

palmiped-a, -o: palmiped. Def.: Speci di uceli quale anadi, cigni, pinguini, qui havas pedi palmata. — EFIS

palp-ar: (tr.)  to feel (about); -(ad)o: feeling (by touch); (med.) palpation ( a method of exploration by touch and pressure); -ebla: palpable, tangible; (fig.) plain, obvious; -ilo: palp(us), feeler, tentacle; -ar su: to feel oneself. Def.: Tushar per la fingri o per altro por explorar. Ex.: Palpar la pulsado (di l’arterii) di ulu. — eFIS

palpebr-o: eyelid; -agar: (intr.) to wink, blink. — FIS

palpit-ar: (intr.) to palpitate, throb; (fig.) to tremble, flutter. Ex.: Kande la kordio palpitas, on ne esas mortinta. Palpitar pro pavoro. — DEFIS

paltot-o: paletot: a loose coat or jacket worn by both sexes, an overcoat (cf. surtuto). — DeFRS

palumb-o: (orni.) wood-pigeon, ring-dove (of the Pyranees) (Palumbus). — FIS

pamflet-o: pamphlet (N.B. this refers only to a pamphlet on a satirical or strongly controversial subject; cf. broshuro). — DeFIR

pampr-o: vine–branch (with foliage and fruit). (arch.) pampre.

pan-o: bread (leavened; cf. azimo); loaf (of b.; du -i: two loaves of bread); -o ne-fresha: stale b.; -o-peco: piece of b.; -igar, -ifar: (tr., intr.) to make, to bake b.; -if-erio: bakery; -o-peceto: small piece of bread, b.crumb (cf. krumo); -eyo: pantry (bread place); panloncho: slice of b. — FIS

panace-o: panacea, universal remedy. — DEFIRS

panaris-o: (med.) panaris: whitlow, felon. — eFIS

panch-o: paunch (of animals); (fig.) belly, paunch (of persons). Def.: La unesma e maxim granda stomako di rumineri. — DEFIS

pandur-o: pandour; (fig.) marauder, brutal man. Def.: Speco di Hungariana soldati; IV-269. — DEFIRS

pane-ar: (intr., nav.) to lie to, be hove to; (fig. esp. automobiling) to be in a state of breakdown or halt (occasioned by accident, misfunction, trouble). V. exp.: Panear: esas en paneo. Paneo ne esas simpla halto, nek avario; ol esas halto koaktata pro avario o pertubo, misfunciono; ol esas verto teknikala di navigado, qua divenis vulgara ed internaciona per l’automobilismo; IV-578. — DFI

panegir-o: panegyric, encomium, eulogy (cf. laudo-diskurso). — DEFIRS

panel-o: (arch.) panel, wainscot; (gen.) a flat section of considerable size of a garment, wall or other surface; -aro: waniscotting, panelling (collect.); -izar: to panel, wainscot; -spegulo: pier glass. — DEFR

pangenez-o*: pangenesis. — DEFIS

pangolin-o: (zool.) pangolin, scaly anteater, (genus: Manis). — DEFIRS

pani-o: waist-cloth, -clout, loin-cloth (of savages or negroes). — F

panik-a, -o: panic, sudden fright. Ex.: Panika teroro. — DEFIRS

panikl-o: (anat.) panniculus. — eFIS

panikul-o: (bot.) panicle. — EFIS

pankrac-o: (antiq.) pancratium (an athletic contest). — DEFIS

pankreat-o: (anat.) pancreas; (butch.) sweet-bread; -ala: pancreatic. — EFIS

pankreatit-o*: (med.) pancreatitis. Def.: Inflamuro di la pankreati. — EF

panmixi-o*: (biol.) panmixia. — DEFIS

panoram-o: (lit. anf fig.) panorama. — DEFIRS

pans-ar: (tr.) to dress (wounds, sores); -ilo: dressing (bandage, etc.). — F

panse-o: (bot., flower, plant) pansy (Viola tricolor). — DEFIS

pantalon-o: (long) trousers, a pair of pantaloons (cf. bracho); -fend-uro: t. flap. — EFIRS

panteism-o: pantheism. — DEFIRS

panteist-o, -a: pantheist(ic). — DEFIRS

panter-o: (zool.) panther (Felis pardus). — DEFIRS

pantofl-o: slipper (for foot). — DFS

pantograf-o: (instr.) pantograph. — DEFIRS

pantometr-o*: (instr.) pantometer. — DEFIS

pantomim-o: pantomime, dumb-show. Def.: La pleado di aktoro qua ne parolas e konseque expresas «omno» (panto) per gesti parte konvencionala; VII-156. — DEFIRS

pap-o: pope; -ala: papal; -eso: (dignity, office) papacy; -ismo: papism, popery; -isto, -ista: papist; -ig-ebla: eligible to be pope. — DEFIRS

papagay-o: (orni.) parrot. — DIRS

papaver-o: (bot.) poppy (genus: Papaver); -eto: red (or, corn-) poppy (Papaver Rhoeas.). — eFIL

papay-o: (fruit) papaya, papaw; -iero: papaya-tree (Carica Papaya). — DEFIRS

paper-o: paper; (fig.) paper document, writing); -a: made of p.; -achi: old paper(s), waste p.; absorb-iva -o: blotting-p.; -i afer-ala: business papers; -fabrik-eyo: p. mill; -folio: sheet of p.; -o-bloko: block of p.; -vend-isto: stationer; -if-isto: p. manufacturer; -klovo: thumb-tack (for fastening papers), paper-fastener; -korbo: basket for p.; -korno: p. cone; -kultelo: p.-knife; -pres-ilo: p.-weight; -pasto: papier-mache; -o stri-iz-ita, -line-iz-ita: ruled p.; -o stat-ala: a state paper; -uyo: p. holder, portfolio; sen-skriba -o: blank p. — DEFS

papil-o: (anat., bot.) papilla. — DEFIS

papilion-o: (ent.) butterfly; -atra: papilionaceous. — eFL

papir-o: papyrus; (bot.) paper-rush. Def.: Egiptiana arbusto sur la kortico di qua skribis la antiqua, e ta kortico ipsa; III-141. — DeFIRS

papl-o: pap (for infants); pulp (fopr making paper); -atra: pulplike, pulpy. — eIS

paprik-o: Cayenne pepper (Capsicum). N.B. «paprika», the mildly pungent condiment might be translated by dolca pimento, dolca papriko.

papul-o: papule, (solid) pimple (cf. veruko). V. exp.: Papulo esas normala saliajeto di la pelo o di la mukozi (sur la fingri, sur la lango, e.c.). Pustulo esas tumoreto pusifanta (de qua venas lua nomo) en eruptiva morbi (variolo, skarlatino, e.c.); II-646. — EFIS

par-a: (arith.) even, equal; of equal footing, of a common level; -eso: parity; (fin.) par; -o: a pair, a couple (of animals, or objects of like nature), brace; -igar: to put in two’s, pair, couple, match (by two’s); ye par-eso: at par, on a par, on an equality; super par-a, -eso: above par; tri para de perdriki: three brace of partridges.

parabol-o: (bibl. etc.) parable; (geom.) parabola. — DEFIRS

paraboloid-o*: (geom.) paraboloid. — DEFIS

para-cintil-o: a protection from sparks; fire-screen.

parad-ar: (intr.) to parade (as troops, or like troops); Ex.: Trupi paradas tra la stradi. Parado di cirko. Parado-placo, -agro (E. paradeground). — DEFR

paradigm-o: (gram.) paradigm. — DEFIRS

paradiz-o: (lit. and fig.) paradise; -ucelo: bird of paradise. Ex.: La paradizo Mohamedala. (fig.) Ca loko esis terala paradizo. — DEFIRS

paradox-o: paradox; -a, -ala, -atra: paradoxical (statement, opinion, etc.); -em(ul)o: person given to paradox. Def.: Aserto o propoziciono kontre vulgara o komuna opiniono. Ex.: La movado dila tero esis longa-tempe paradoxo. — DEFIRS

paraf-o:scrawled initials. paraph: flourish after a signature; -izar: to put one’s initials to (ulo) with an added flourish; -acho: — DeFI

para-fair-o: screen or protection from fire; fire-guard, fire-screen.

para-fal-o: parachute.

para-fang-o: mud-guard.

parafin-o: (chem.) paraffin(e). — DEFIRS

parafraz-ar: (tr.) to paraphrase: freely translate, amplify (a text). V. exp.: Perifrazo esas frazo o frazeto uzata por expresar nedirete to quon on povus expresar per un simpla vorto. Ex.: «la flamifanta globo», vice «la suno». Parafrazo esas quaza traduko di frazo o texto en la sama linguo, por klarigar o developar olu. Ex.: La predikero citas verso ek la Biblio, e pose parafrazas olu; VI-248. — DEFIRS

para-fulmin-o: a protection against lightning; a lightning conductor.

paragraf-o: paragraph. — DEFIRS

para-grel-o: a protection against hail.

paralax-o: (astron.) parallax. — DEFIRS

paralel-a, -o: parallel (lines); -eso: parallelism; -a cirklo: (geog.) circle of latitude. — DEFIRS

paralelepiped-o*: (geom.) parallelopiped. — DEFIS

paralelogram-o: (geom.) parallelogram. — DEFIRS

paraliz-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to paralyse, palsy; render powerless, destroy energy; -esar: to be paralysed, have a paralytic stroke; -aceso: paralytic stroke; -ika, -iko: paralytic (person). Ex.: Pavoro paralizis omna lua fakultati. — DEFIRS

paralogism-o*: paralogism. V. exp.: Paralogismo esas rezonado nekoncie falsa o kande la premisi ne justifikas la dedukturo. Sofismo esas volata paralogismo o mis-rezonado. — DEFIS

para-lum-o: a shade from light (as a shade for a lamp, a window blind, etc.).

parament-o: cloth cuff, turned-up end of the sleeve of a coat or gown; (cf. mansheto, ponyeto). Def.: Parto (ek drapo o simila stofo) di la maniko di vesto, qua esas trusita; VI-245. — FIS

parametr-o*: (geom.) parametre (paremeter). — DEFIS

paranimf-o: (antiq.) paranymph. — DEFIS

parapet-o: parapet (-wall); (fort.) breast-work. — DEFIRS

paraplasm-o*: (biol.) paraplasm, paramitome. — DEFIS

para-pluv-o: anything which protects from rain; an umbrella.

para-sun-o: any shade from the sun: a parasol.

para-vent-o: wind-screen.

parazit-a, -ala, -atra: (lit. and. fig.) parasitic(al); -o: of men, animals, plants, a parasite; -aro: vermin; -esar: to be a parasite; -eso: parasitism. — DEFIRS

Parc-o: (myth.) Parca, one of the three Fates. — DEFIRS

parcel-o: parcel, patch (of land): clearly defined and divided portion of gound etc.; -igar: to parcel out (ulo); (cf. pak(et)o). — DeFIS

pardon-ar: (tr.) to forgive, condone, overlook, pardon (ulu, ulo); (cf. indulgar). V. exp.: vid. exkuzar. — EFIS

pare-ar: (tr.) to parry, ward off (a blow); (cf. shirmar). — DEFIS

par-ebri-igar: to make (ulu) dead-drunk.

parenkim-o: (anat., bot.) parenchyma. — DEFIRS

parent-a: of the same family, related, akin; -o, -ulo, -ino: a relative; (cf. patro); -aro: kinsfolk; -eso: relationship; -igar: to connect by marriage; bone parentigar la pueri: to marry the children into good families; -eskar kun nobelaro: to become connected by marriage with the nobility. — eFIS

parentez-o: (sign and phrase) parenthesis; -e: in p.; by the way of (cf. incidente). — DEFIS

par-fac-ar: (tr.) to do (ulo) thoroughly, complete, carry through to the end.

par-fend-ar: (tr.) to split, cleave (ulo) through, asunder.

par-fin-ar: (tr.) to finish (ulo) completely, to accomplish, fulfil (cf. plen-igar, real-igar); -o: (a complete, perfect) finish, consummation.

parfum-o: (substance and odor) pefume, fragrance, agreeable odo(u)r (cf. odorizar); -izar: to perfume; -oza: fragrant (naturally); -iz-ita: perfumed (artificially); -aquo: scented water. — DEFIRS

parheli-o: (astron.) parhelion. — DEFIS

pari-ar: (tr.) to bet, lay a wager, stake (ulo, pri ulo); -ar por ulu: to bet on someone; (fig.) to back (the success) of someone; -ar kontre ulu: to bet with (against) someone; -o: bet, wager; -ajo: the stake; -ado mutuala: «pari mutual». Ex.: Me parias 100 fr. kontre 50 fr. Pariar ke kavalo vinkos. — DFR

«paria»: pariah, outcast.

pariet-o: wall (serving as partition, as in a room); inner surface (of a vase, tube. etc.); (anat.) coat, wall (as of stomach); -i: walls, coatings; (anat., bot., zool.) paries, parietes; -ala: relating to a wall; parietal; -ala osto, -alo: parietal bone; -izar: to put a wall in; chamber off (ulo); -iz-ita: walled, chambered. — eFIS

parietari-o: (bot.) wall-pellitory, parietary (genus: Parietaria). — DEFIRS

par-ir-ar: (intr.) to go through (to end or destination).

park-o: park. — DEFIRS

par-kur-ar: (intr.) to run through (to end or determined place); (fig.) to peruse (a book) quickly, to read cursorily; -o: the running over, passage; -ajo: line taken, road, course (of a river), trip (of auto, etc.); (surg.) course, direction (of a wound).

parlament-o: parliament; -ano: member of p.; -eyo: house of p. — DEFIRS

parlement-ar*: (intr., milit.) to parley: confer with an enemy; -anto, -ero: negotiator (of terms), bearer of a flag or truce. — DeFIRS

parodi-ar: (tr.) to parody, burlesque, travesty (ulo, ulu). — DEFIRS

parok-o: parish priest, rector (cf. pastoro); -ala: priestly; -eso: rectorship, living; -eyo: rectory, parsonage; -io: parish; -i-ala: parish, parochial (church, school, etc.) -i-ano: parishioner. — DeFIS

parol-ar: (intr.) to speak, talk (pri) (cf. konversar, diskursar); -igar: to cause someone to talk; -a: verbal, oral; -o: speaking, word; -ado: speech, talk; -e: by word of mouth, verbally; -oza, -ema: talkative, vebose, loquacious; -(ach)ad-ar: to be verbose; -talento: gift of speech; -manier-o: elocution (cf. diciono); -yuro: right to speak; -ajileso, rapideso: volubility, fluency; -tubo: speaking trumpet (cf. voco-kondukt-ilo); -ar la Franca (or, -ar France): to speak French; -ar segun la raciono: to talk sense, reason; amikala -i: friendly words. V. exp.: vid. dicar. — FIS

parom-o: ferry (-boat); -isto: ferryman. — F

paronim-o, -a: (gram.) paronym(ous). Def.: Vorti di simila formo od etimologio, ma di diferenta signifiki quale: abstraktar, distraktar. — DEFIRS

paronomazi-o: (rhet.) resemblance between words of different languages.

parotid-a, -o: (anat.) parotid (gland). — EFIS

parotidit-o: (med.) parotitis (cf. oreliono). Def.: Inflameso neinfektala di la parotido; M. XI-67. — DEFIRS

paroxismo: (med. and fig.) paroxysm, fit. — DEFIRS

parquet-o: parquetry: inlaid flooring; -izar: to parquet (a floor). — DEFR

part-o: part, share, portion; part (in games, music, etc.); -igar: to divide into different shares, portions; -o-pren-ar: (tr.) to take a share (in), participate (in); -ig-ebla: divisible into parts or shares; -o-prenanto: sharer, partaker, participant; -ala: partial: affecting a part only, not total;. Def.: Un porciono de de divebla toto. Ex.: Dividar ulo en quar parti. Partoprenar ula afero. — DEFIS

partener-o: partner (in a dance, in sports; N.B. not in business; cf asoci-ito). Ant.: adverso. — DEFR

partenogenez-o*: (zool., bot.) parthenogenesis.

pater-o: (theat.) (Eng.) pit. (U.S.) parquet circle: part of ground floor under balcony. — DFIR

parti-o: party: collection of people for amusement, play, hunting, fishing, etc. — DEFS

particion-o: (mus.) partition: score. — DeFIRS

particip-o: (gram.) participle. — DEFIS

partikul-o: (gram.) particle, a subordinate word never inflected, a preposition, conjunction, interjection; an affix; (phys.) particle: minute portion of matter; (R.C. rel.) particle, fragment of consecrated bread. — DEFIS

partikular-a: particular, peculiar, special; -eso, -ajo: peculiarity, particularity; -e: particularly, especially, peculiarly; -igar: to particularize, specify (cf. detal-izar); -ismo: (rel., polit.) particularism. Ex.: Planto partikulara ad klimato. Partikulara amiko. Partikularajo (od, singularajo) di parolado esas idiotismo. Partikularigar la mikra detali. Il laboris partikulare (od, specale) bone. V. exp.: Partikulara esas la kontreajo di generala od universala; aparta signifikas quaze separita, izolita, sola; VII-154; kp. VII-476. — DEFIRS

partis-o: party, a number of persons united against others of contrary opinion; (in a law-suit) litigant, party; -eto: faction; -ano: party member; partisan; -an-eso; em-eso: partisanship; -ala, ema, -ana: party, partisan. — DeFIRS

partitiv-a, -o: (gram.) partitive. — DEFIS

partizan-o: partisan, a kind of halberd or pike. — DEFIS

parto-pren-ar: see parto.

partur-ar: (tr.) to bear (a child), bring forth, beget, give birth to; to calve, lamb; (fig.) to produce, create; (cf. gravid-igar); -o: childbirth, delivery, confinement, parturition (cf. akusho, genito); -ala: puerperal; -ajo: (of animals) a litter; -int-ino: woman in child-bed; -benediko: churching (of a woman after a childbirth). — EFIS

paru-o: (orni.) tomtit, titmouse, (genus: Parus). — SL

parven-ar: (intr.) to arrive (at destination), to attain (one’s aim, fortune, success in life); -into, -int-acho: (fig.) successful person; parvenu, upstart.

pas-ar: (tr., intr.) to pass (tra, super ulo); to pass (one’s life, time, etc.); to pass away; -(ad)o: passing, passage (on land: cf pasajar); -anta, -ema: passing, transitory; -anto, -ero: passer-by, passenger (on land); -inta: past, gone; -into: one who has passed; (fig.) dead, vanished person; -ajo: anything which is passed, gone; -eyo: pass; passage (place); -igar: to cause to pass; to cause or allow (a boat, a vehicle) to pass (cf. preter-pasar); -permiso, -letro: pass: permit for transit; -vorto: password. Ex.: Il pasis avan nia pordo. Pasar de Anglia a Francia. Tempo pasas. Pasar de un temo ad altra. Me preter-pasis lua domo. Pasigez la salo, me pregas! — DEFIS

pasabl-a: passable, tolerable, middling, fair; -e: tolerably, rather, fairly, passably, pretty, indifferently. Def.: Indikanta grado o valoro meza, la minim alta, quan on povas aceptar o tolerar; III-205. Ex.: Ico esas pasabla vino. La teatrajo esis pasable bona. Ta muliero esas pasable bela. Esas pasable varma en ca chambro, ma ne sat varma por mea olda patro. ? DEFIS

pasaj-ar: (intr.) to take passage (on a ship), be a passenger (on ship); to go by sea; -o: passage, crossing; -anto, -ero: passenger (on sea; cf. pas-anto). Ex.: Me pasajis de Calais ad Dover. Me havis bela veturo dum la pasajo. — DEFIRS

pasaman-o: handrailing. — IS

paser-o: (orni.) sparrow (Passer). — FIL

«pasha»: (Turkish title) pasha.

pasiflor-o: (bot.) passion-flower (genus: Passiflora). — DEFI

pasion-o: passion: violent emotion; great love or fondness; vehement desire; -oza: passionate, impassioned; -izar, -eskar: (tr., intr.) to impassion. Ex.: Amoro ed odio esas la maxim forta pasioni. Il pasionoze amoris el. La muziko pasionizis me. Me pasioneskis pri muziko (E. I became passionately fond of music). — DEFIS

pasiv-a: passive; -o: (gram.) passive (voice); (com.) debt (owed) liability; -eso: passiveness. Ant.: aktiva. — DEFIRS

pask-o (-festo): Easter, the Passover; -ala: paschal; -ala ovo: an Easter egg; komuniar ye pasko: to receive the sacrament at Easter. — eFIRS

pasment-o, -i: passement(erie): trimmings of lace, gimp, braid of gold, silver, worsted, etc. for clothes an furniture. — DEFIRS

paspel-o: edging, welt. Def.: Streta bendo de stofo (generale de diversa kolori), per qua on bordizas ula parti di vesto (kolumo, manchi; specale militistala); VI-142. — DF

pasport-o: passport (cf. pas-permiso). — EFIRS

past-o: paste: any soft composition; (cook.) dough; (tech.) pâte; -atra: pasty, doughy. — DEFIS

pastel-o: pastel; (colo(u)red) crayon; -piktar: to paint in pastel. — DEFIRS

pastern-o: pastern (of a horse). — EFI

pastet-o: pâte: pie, pasty (made of meat or fish); karno- -o: meat pie. — DeFIRS

pasteuris-ar*: (tr.) to pasteurize.

pastil-o: pastil: aromatic lozenge for breath; a preparation to scent the air. — DEFIRS

pastinak-o: (bot.) parsnip (Pastinaca sativa). — DIRSL

pastor-o: pastor, minister, clergyman (cf. paroko); shepherd (of sheep); -ala: (all senses) pastoral; -dramato, -kanto: (poem, drama) a pastoral; -et-ulo: shepherd boy; -bastono: shepherd’s crook. — DEFIRS

pastur-ar: (tr., intr.) to pasture (animals), graze, browse, feed (off grass while moving); -eyo: (place) pasture; -ajo: (the food) pasturage; -yuro: the right to pasture. — EFIRS

pat-ar*: (tr., intr.) to stalemate (at chess). — DF

patat-o: batata, sweet potato (Ipomoea Batatas). — DeFIRSL

patel-o: (anat.) patella, kneecap. — EL

paten-o: (R.C. rel.) paten. — DEFIS

patent-o: patent (of an invention); -izar: to patent (ulo). — DEFIRS

«pater (noster)»: pater(noster), Lord’s prayer.

pater-o: curtain-peg, -hook. — eFIS

patetik-a: pathetic, touching; -eso: pathos, patheticness (cf. patoso). — DEFIRS

patibul-o: gallows (in the form: TT ; cf. jibeto). ? IS

patin-o: patina, green film formed on metals. — DEFIS

patogen-a: pathogenic.

patogenez-o*: pathogenesis.

patologi-o*: pathology; -isto: pathologist. — DEFIRS

patos-o: pathos; -acho: bathos, bombast, fustian, rant (cf. patetik-eso). — DEFR

patr-o: a parent (father or mother); -ulo: father; -ino: mother (cf. matro); -eto: little father, papa; ge- -i: parents (both sexes); -ala, -ul-atra: paternal, fatherly; -in-ala; -in-atra: motherly, maternal; -ul-eso: paternity; -ocido: parricide. — eFIS

patri-o: fatherland, (cf. nasko-lando). — FIS

patriark-o: (lit.and fig.) patriarch; -eso: patriarchate. — DEFIRS

patric-a, -o: patrician. — DEFIRS

patrimoni-o: patrimony, inheritance. — DEFIRS

patriot-o: patriot; -a, -ala: patriotic; -eso: (quality) patriotism; -ismo: (doctrine taught) patriotism. V. exp.: vid. civismo. — DEFIRS

patristik-o: (theol.) patristics. V. exp.: Cienco pri la doktrino dil ekleziala patri. — M.XI. 224

patroli-ar: (intr.) to go on patrol, go the rounds; -igar: to patrol (ulu). — DEFIRS

patrologi-o: (theol.) patrology. V. exp.: Cienco pri la verki e la vivo dil akleziala patri. — M.XI. 224. — DEFIS

patron-o: (antiq.) patron; (modern) patron, supporter, protector; employer; (eccl.) advowee; patron saint; -eso: patronage: authority or position of a patron; -esar: (tr., intr.) to be a patron (ulu, ulo), to patronize: support (ulu). — DEFIRS

pauperism-o: pauperism. — DEFRS

pauz-ar: (intr.) to pause: stop temporarily; (mus.) to make a rest. Ex.: Pauzar dum lektado, dum kantado. Pauzar plurfoye en voyo. — DEFIRS

pav-o: paving stone, cobble-stone; -aro, -izuro: pavement; -izar: to pave. — EF

pavan-o: pavan. Def.: Anciena danso (hispana origine); IV-395. — DEFIS

pavilion-o: pavilion: a large peaked tent; a building with a tent-like roof; (cf. tendo). — DEFRS

pavon-o: (orni.) peacock (genus: Pavo); -umar: (intr.) to strut (like a peacock), pose. — FIRS

pavor-ar: (intr.) to be afraid, be in fear, be in a funk; -igar: to frighten (ulu); -eskar: to take fright, begin to be scared; -o: fear, fright; (cf. alarmo, paniko); -oza: fearful; -em-(ul)o: a timid person; sen- -a: intrepid, fearless. V. exp.: Timo esas sentimento intelektala, preske tote intelektala, ofte («me timas ne finor mea laboro»). Pavoro esas instantala sentimento, nereflektata e nerepresebla, ofte tote senmotiva ed absurda (pavor pri araneo, muso, e.c.) «La generalo ne pavoris, ma il timas, ke lua soldati pavoros». Teroro esas tre granda pavoro, qua igas tremar e qua supresas omna reflekto. Hororo esas sentimento di repulseso plu kam pavoro; etimologie ol signifikas heriso (di la hari e pili). Angoro esas propre fiziologial sento di konstrikto di la fauco e di quaza sufoko, pro desquieteso o pasionoza expekto; II-79, 648; IV-236. — FIS

paz-ar: (intr.) to take steps, to stride, step (out), stalk (along); -etar: to trip along, take short steps; -o: step, pace, gait; -o granda: stride; -ope: step by step; -i silenc-oza: soft or stealthy steps; -o rapida: (milit.) quick time, quick march; trans-, super-pazar: to stride across, step over, straddle; -o kont-ilo: pedometer (cf. hodometro). — eFIS

pazigrafi-o*: pasigraphy. Def.: Irga sistemo di universala skribado, qua uzas signi, partikulare matematikala simboli, por reprezentar idei, ne vorti. — DEFIS

pean-o: pean, pæan. Def.: Himno o kanto por honorizar ulu, ulo; militala kanto; vinkala kanto. — DEF

pec-o: piece; lump (of sugar, of beef, etc.); (cf. fragmento, parto, porciono); -eto: morsel, small bit; -(et)igar: to break, cut, tear (ulo) into pieces; to crumble; -eskar: to fall to pieces; -et-eskar: to crumble; -ope: piece by piece, bit by bit, piecemeal; -i omnaspeca, -i diversa: odds and ends; -o pren-ebla: (in checkers, etc.) a piece which can be taken; un-pece: in one piece; monet-peco: a piece of money; -i de rupt-ita vazo: pieces of a broken vase. V. exp.: Peco signifikas: «parto di kontinua toto, qua konstitucas ipse unajo o toto; qua havas ula propra uneso» (on pensez pri la peci di mashino). Do on povas bone parolar pri peco de drapo, pri monet-peco; e konseque pri parto di peco. Ne esas tre utila parolar pri pan-peco, fromajo-peco: suficas dicar pano, fromajo; IV-352. — EFIS

«peccavi»: peccavi (L. I have sinned).

pech-o: pitch; -oza: pitchy; -atra: sticky; -izar: to pitch, cover with pitch. — DEFIRS

ped-o: (anat. and fig.) foot; (of animals) paw; (of verse) foot; -ala: pedal, relating to the foot; -alo: (tech.) pedal; treadle; foot-board; -al-agar: (intr.) to pedal, work the pedal (of a bicycle, organ, etc.); -o-balno: foot-bath; -but-ar: to stumble; -frapar: (tr.) to kick (cf. kikar); -fingro: a toe; -irar: (intr.) to go on foot; -ir-ante: on foot; -irala, ir-anto, -ero: pedestrian; -kolo: instep; -o-kurac-ado: chiropody; -soldato: foot-soldier, infantryman; -vest-izar: to put boots, shoes, stockings on (ulu); -o-tabureto: foot-stool; marchar pe quar -i: to go on all fours; sen- -a: apodal, footless. — DEFIRS

pedagog-o: pedagogue. — DEFIRS

pedagogi-o: pedagogy. — DEFIRS

pedant-o: pedant; -ino: (fig.) blue-stocking. — DEFIRS

pederast-o: pederast. — DEFIRS

pedikul-o: (bot., anat.) pedicel, stipe, stem, stalk. — EFIS

pedikulos-o*: pediculosis: a lousy state. — DEFIS

pedunkl-o: (bot., zool., anat.) peduncle. — EFIS

peg-o: (orni.) woodpecker (Picus).

pegaz-o: (myth., astron.) Pegasus. — DEFIRS

peizaj-o: (natural, artistic) landscape, scenery; -isto: landscape painter. — FIRS

pejorativ-a, -o: pejorative, depreciative (word). — DEFI

pek-ar: (intr.) to sin; (fig.) to transgress, offend; -o: sin (original, mortal, venial) ; -eto: slight offense, peccadillo; -oza: sinful, wicked; -o-konfeso: confession of sin; -anta, -ema, -iva: sinning peccable; -o-kapr(ul)o: scapegoat. Ex.: Pekar kontre la imperi di Deo. (fig.) Pekar kontre la komuna raciono. — eFIS

pekari-o: (zool.) peccary (Dicotyles torquartus). — DEFIS

pekin-o*: (fabric) pekin.

pekt-ar: (tr.) to comb (the hair); to card (wool, etc.); -ilo: a comb; -isto: comber, carder (in a factory); -o-hari, -rezidui: combings. — FIS

pektin-o*: (chem.) pectin. — DEFIRS

pektor-o: chest, breast (cf. mamo, pulmono, sino); -ala: pectoral; -alo: (anat.) pectoral muscle; pectoral, any breast object; -vesto: (of women) bodice. — EFIS

pektos-o*: (chem.) pectose. — DEFIRS

pekuni-o: (ready) money, cash; -ala: pecuniary; -o-quanto: sum of money; (cf. moneto). — DEFIRS

pel-o: skin, hide (on the body; cf. felo); -ala: relating to the skin, hide; cutaneous (cf. epiderm-ala);  sen- -igar: to skin. — DFIS

pelagik-a*: pelagic.? DEFIS

pelagr-o: (med.) pellagra. — DEFIS

pelargoni-o: (bot.) pelargonium. — DEFIS

pelerin-o: pelerine, a kind of cape, tippet worn by ladies. — DEFIR

pelikan-o: (orni.) pelican (genus: Pelicanus). — DEFIRS

pelikul-o: pellicle. — EFIS

pelis-o: (garment) pelisse. — EFIS

pelmel-o: pell-mell, hurly-burly, hubbub, jumbled mass, medley, litter; -e: helter-skelter. — EF

pelori-o*: (biol.) peloria. — DEFIS

pelot-o: ball (formed of thread, silk, etc. wound round); -igar: to make (ulo) into a ball; to wind. Def.: Bulo ek filo volvita; III-205. — FS

peloton-o: (milit.) platoon. — DeFIS

pelv-o: (anat.) pelvis. — EFIS

pemikan-o*: pemmican. — DEFIS

pen-ar: (intr.) to take the trouble (to do something or to do something difficult of execution), to take pains; (cf. esforcar); -igar: to put (ulu) to trouble (to do something); -i: pains (taken); -e: with difficulty; -ege, per granda peno: with great trouble, with much difficulty; to ne valoras la peno: that is nor worth the trouble; me penas facar ca laboro: I take pains in doing this work. — eFIS

penach-o: panache, a plume or bunch of feathers, as on a helmet. — eFIS

penat-i: (antiq.) penates, household gods. — DEFIRS

pend-ar: (tr., intr.) to hang (up or down), suspend, dangle; -igar: to cause (ulu, ulo) to be hanged or hung; -ajo, -peco: something hung; pendant; -anto, -ero: one who hangs; a hangman; -inda: worthy of hanging. Ex.: La frukti pendas de la abori. Pendar animalo per la pedi. La judiciisto pendigas la trahizinti (E. the judge caused the traitors to be hung). Juvelo pendanta. — eFS

pendentiv-o: (arch.) pendentive. — DEF

pendul-o: pendulum; -horlojo: pendulum clock. — DEFIRS

penetr-ar: (tr., intr.; lit. and fig.) to penetrate, pierce (cf. perforar, borar); -igar: to cause (ulo) to penetrate (en ulo); -anta, -iva, -ema: penetrating, piercing (fig.) sagacious, acute, keen; -em-eso: acuteness, shrewdness. Ex.: La kuglo penetris la korpo. (fig.) La trupi penetris la lando. La penso penetris lua mento. Penetranta okuli. Penetrema mento. — DEFIS

peninsul-o: peninsula. — DEFIS

penis-o: penis. — DEFIS

penitenc-ar: (intr.) to do penance; (cf. repentar); -o, -eso: penance, penitence. — EFIS

pens-ar: (tr., intr.) to think; -o, -ado: a thought, thinking, cogitation; -ema: thoughtful, pensive; -eskar: to have an idea; (cf. meditar, reflektar, rezonar, intelektar, imaginar, konceptar, memorar, sonjar, revar, kredar, judikar, opinionar). Def.: Formacar ideo pri ulu, ulo. Ex.: Me pensis (pri) ulo quo povas helpar vu. La homo qua pensas povas esar la mastro di qui ne pensas. Pensez ante ke vu facos to. — eFIS

pension-ar: (tr.) to pension (soldiers, etc.) to pay a regular stipulated sum for board and lodging; -o: regular payment, board and lodging, regular charge. Def.: Pagar reguloze ula sumo por manteno. V. exp.: Pensiono esas sumo quan ulu pagas o recevas reguloze por lua manteno. Ica senco kontenas ta di pensiono (1) di oficero od oficisto en retreto; ol kontenas anke ta di la pensiono (2) di skolano «interna», qua lojas e nutresas en edukerio, e ta di la pensiono (3) di gasto di hotelo, qua anke lojas e nutresas, o nur nutresas. Takaze ta qua recevas pensiono (1) esus pension-ato, -ario; qua pagas pension (2) o (3) esas pension-anto, -ero; la loko ipsa esas pension-eyo, -erio; V-282. — DeFIRS

pent-o: (downward) slope, incline, gradient, pitch, declivity; -a, -e: (downward) sloping, shelving. V. exp.: Rampo e pento esas esence sama, ma pento esas la inklinajo de supre ad infre, e rampo la sinso de infre ad supre; rampo acensas, pento decensas. — FIS

pentaedr-o*: (geom.) pentagedron. — DEFIS

pentagon-o*: (geom.) pentagon. — DEFIS

pentagram-o: (geom.) pentagram. — DEF

pentametr-o: (verse) pentameter. — DEFIRS

pentark-o*: pentarchos, one of five rulers; quinquivir. — DEFIRS

pentatl-o: (antiq.) pentathlon. — DEFIS

pentekost-o: Pentecost, Whitsunday. — EFIS

pen-valor-ar: (intr.) to be worth while.

peoni-o: (bot.) peony (genus: Pæonia). — DEFIS

pepit-o: (min.) nugget (especially of silver or gold). — DFIS

pepsin-o: (chem. pharm.) pepsin. — DEFIRS

pepton-o: (physiol. chem.) peptone. — DEFIRS

per: (prep.) by means of, through the help of, by, with (marks, instrument, means); (arith.) multiplied by (the sign); (cf. da); per ke: through the fact that. Ex.: Pruvar per exempli. Trapikar per poniardo. Sendar letro per posto. La substantivi finas per «o» en la singularo. Lu sucesis vinkar, per ke lu uzis ruzo. Quar per du facas ok. — eFIS

per-o: peer (nobleman); -ino: peeress; -eso: peerage (rank or dignity); -aro: peerage (collect.); -o-chambro: Chamber of peers; (Eng.) House of Lords. — DEFIRS

percept-ar: (tr.) to perceive: to receive impressions of external objects; to feel; discern; -(ad)o: perception; -iva: perceptive (faculty, etc.); -ebla: perceptible; ne- ebla: imperceptible. Def.: Komprenar per la sensi. Ex.: Perceptar ula bruiso. Materiaji esas sole perceptebla. — DEFIS

perch-ar: (intr.) to perch; to roost (sur); -ilo: a roost; -eyo: perching place; (fig.) upper gallery in a theater (theatre). V.: exp.: Perchar aplikesas, ne nur a hani, ma ad omnaspeca uceli, e mem metafore ad animali e homi; III-327. — EFS

perd-ar: (tr.) to lose (cf. egarar); -esar: to be lost, be a loser; -o: loss; -ajo: what is lost; -e vendar: to sell at a loss. Def.: Cesar havar to quon on posedis o proprietis. Ex.: Perdar sua burso, fundo, voyo, raciono, parento. Ant.: ganar. — FIS

perdrik-o: (orni.) partridge; -yuno: a young partridge. — FIS

peren-a: perennial. Def.: Qua duras plura yari; V-89. — DEFIS

perfekt-a: perfect (cf. bon-ega, ecel-anta); -eso: perfection; -e: perfectly (cf. komplete, tote); -igar: to perfect, bring to perfection; -ig-ebla: perfectible. Def.: Qua havas omna sua qualesi sen inter-mixuro di defekti. Ex.: Perfekta baleso, vino, homo, boneso. — DEFIS

perfekt-o: (gram.) perfect. — DEFIS

perfid-a, -(ulo): perfidious, felonious, false-hearted, treacherous (person); -ajo: act of perfidy. Ant.: loyala. ? DEFIS

perfor-ar: (tr.) to perforate, pierce through; (cf. borar, penetrar). Def.: Truifar sen rotaco; III-165. Ex.: Kuglo perforas korpo, muro. — DEFIS

pergamen-a, -o: parchment; -atra: parchmentlike, pergamentaceous. — DeFIRS

periant-o: (bot.) perianth. — DEFIS

periferi-o: periphery, circumference. — DEFIRS

perifraz-ar: (tr.) to periphrase; express in a roundabout way, by circumlocution. V. exp.: vid.: parafrazo. Exp.: «La rejo dil uceli» esas perifrazo por l’aglo. — DEFIRS

perige-o: (astron.) perigree. Ant.: apogeo. ? DEFIRS

periheli-o*: (astron.) perihelion. — DEFIS

perikardi-o: (anat.) pericardium. — DEFIS

perikarp-o: (bot.) pericarp, seed-vessel. — DEFIS

perimetr-o: perimeter. — DEFIRS

perine-o: (anat.) perineum. — DEFIS

period-o: (astron., chron.) period: term, portion of time (cf. ciklo, punto); -ala, -oza: periodical; -al-eso, -oz-eso: periodicity. — DEFIRS

periost-o: (anat.) periosteum. — DEFIS

periostit-o*: (med.) periostitis. — DEFIS

peripatetik-a, -(ul)o: peripatetic, Aristotelian. (N.B. not fig.). — DEFIRS

peripeci-o: peripetia, sudden turn of fortune, vicissitude; (theat.) denouement. — DeFIRS

peripl-o: (ancient geog.) periplus (a sailing round). Def.: Historiala nomo di ula specala cirkumnavigi, e naraco di li; V-89. — DEFIS

peris-ar: (intr.) to perish: die; be destroyed, ruined; -iva, -ema: perishable. Ex.: Mili di soldati perisis en ta batalio. (fig.) Lua nomo ne povos perisar. Flori perisas. — EFIS

periskop-o*: periscope. — DEFIS

peristalt-a*: (physiol.) peristaltic. — DEFIS

peristil-o: (arch.) peristyle. — DEFIRS

peritone-o: (anat.) peritoneum. —EFIS

peritonit-o: (med.) peritonitis. — EFIS

perjur-ar: (intr.) to perjure: violate one’s oath, (fig.) to break one’s word. Def.: Violacar promiso facita per juro; V-430. — EFIS

perk-o: (ich.) perch (genus: Perca). — EFIS

perkal-o: (fabric) percale. — DEFIRS

perkalin-o: (fabric) percaline. — DEFIRS

perkut-ar: (tr., also med.) to percuss; -o: percussion: shock of one body against another; -ilo, instrumento: instrument of percussion; (of guns) hammer, bolt (which sets off the cartridge). Def.: Frapar forte. Ex.: La perkutilo perkutas la amorcilo. La cimbalisto perkutas la cimbali. La mediko exploras per perkutado. — DEFIS

perl-o: pearl; artific-ala, falsa- -o: imitation pearl; vera -o: a real pearl; prizentar perli a porki: (fig.) to cast pearls before swine; -if-anta: pearl-bearing. — DEFIS

perlomatr-a, -o: mother-of-pearl. — DEFIRS

perman-ar: (intr.) to be permanent; -o, -ant-eso: permanence; -anta armeo: standing army. — DEFIRS

perme-ar: (tr.) to permeate, pervade; -ebl-igar: to render (ulo) permeable. Ex.: L’aquo permeas sulo. L’odoro permeas l’aero. — EFIS

permis-ar: (tr.) to permit, allow, give leave to, authorize, give license to; (N.B. This verb is transitive in relation to the thing, but intransitive relative to the person). -o: permission, consent; -o-atesto: written authorization, a permit (cf. konjedo, licenco); -o parola: verbal permission; -ario: one granted a permit; -ez a me: allow me! may I be permitted! Def.: Donar libereso o yuro facar, dicar (ulo ad ulu). Ex.: Ka vu permisas ke me apertas la fenestro? Esas permisata a vu promenar en ca gardeno. — EFIS

permut-ar: (tr.) to transpose, interchange, permute; -ite: vice versa. V. exp.: Permutar esas chanjar l’ordino di plura kozi, qui duras formacar kolekturo. Me chanjas mea vesti kande me desmetas uli e metas altri. Ma me permutas li, kande (sen metar li) me chanjas lia ordino en mea vesteyo. Kande on mixas ludkarti qui restas sempre sama, on facas nur permuti; on chanjas li kande on prenas altra paketo de karti vice l’unesma; VII-204. — EFIS

peron-o: perron, an out-of-door flight of steps; outside stair-case; front-door steps. — eFR

perone-o*: (anat.) perone, fibula, small bone of the leg. — eFS

peronospor-o: peronospora: a genus of fungi.

peroracion-o: (rhet.) peroration. Ant.: exordio. Def.: Lasta parto, konkluzo di diskurso. — DEFIS

perpendikl-a: perpendicular. — DEFIRS

perpetu-a: perpetual, forever; (fig.) for life; -e: everlastingly; -eso: perpetuity; -igar: to perpetuate. Def.: Kontinua, qua ne cesas. Ex.: Perpetua fairo brulis sur la altaro di Vesta. Perpetua movado. Perpetua exilo. — DEFIS

perplex-a: perplexed, puzzled; -eso: perplexity: embarrassment of mind; irresolution. Ex.: Perplexa pro desfacilaji neprevidita. Situeso perplexigiva. V. exp.: Perplexa expresas nociono komplexa, quaze meza inter embarasata e nequieta (kun nuanco di hezito); V-89. — DEFIS

perquizit-a: (tr.) to make (legal) search, inquiry (pri ulu, ulo); -o: perquisition; search; -o mandato: search-warrant. Def.: (Perquizito) Legala, judiciista serchado; figurale, tre severa ed exakta serchado, generale malvolanta o suspektema; III-392. Ex.: Perquizitar apartamento di persono suspektinda. — DEFIS

persekut-ar: (tr.) to persecute: harass unjustly; (fig.) to importune, annoy. V. exp.: Persequar esas: proxime sequar persiste, por atingar ulu od obtenar ulo. Ex.: Persequar furtisto. Persequar cervo en chaso. Persequar la glorio, la plezuro, la suceso. Persequar ulu avan tribunalo. Persekutar esas: kruele traktar ulu persiste. Ex.: La mali persekutas la boni, pro ke li odias lo bona. La Kristani persekutesis dum la unesma yarcenti di l’eklezio; V-430. — EFIS

persequ-ar: (tr.) to pursue (with a view to overtake); (jur.) to prosecute; -esar (da): to be pursued, prosecuted (by); -eskar: to start pursuit; to indict, sue. V. exp.: vid. persekutar. — eFIS

persever-ar: (intr.) to persevere, pursue steadfastly: continue on a given course, esp. in the face of discouragement, obstacles; (cf. persistar). Ex.: Perseverar en ula entraprezo. Il esas persever-anta, -ema homo. — EFIS

persien-o: persienne, (outside) Venetian shutter; the ordinary outside window-blinds with movable slats; (cf. III-290; jelozio). ? DeFI

persik-o: (fruit) a peach; -iero: peach tree (Amygdalus persica); -kerno: peach-stone; -liquoro: a persicot (a cordial). — DRL

persikari-o: (bot.) persicaria, lady’s thumb (Polygonum persicaria). — EFIS

persist-ar: (intr.) to persist: hold firm, continue steadfast (en, pri) (cf. perseverar). Ex.: La testo persistas negar. Il persistas en sua opiniono. Persistanta morbo. Persistema homo. V. exp.: vid. insistar. — EFIS

person-o: person (man, woman, child); (theol., gram.) person; (cf. individuo); -ala: personal; -aro: personnel; -eso: personality, individuality: quality of being a person; -al-eso: quality of being personal (to someone); -al-ajo: personal peculiarity; personal remark; -e, -ale: in person, personally, in a personal manner; -ego: personage: a great person or person of distinction; -igar: to personify (ulo); -o-spegulo: cheval-glass: a full-length dressing-glass. — DEFIRS

perspektiv-a, -o: perspective; -e: in perspective, in the distance. Ex.: Lineala perpektivo. Desegnuro perspektiva. ? DEFIRS

persuad-ar: (tr.) to persuade (ulu pri ulo, su); -o, -eso: persuading, persuasion, conviction; -iva, -ema: persuasive. Ex.: Il persuadis me venar. Me esas persuadita ke ... — EFIS

perturb-ar: (tr., astron., social) to perturb, trouble, unsettle, throw into disorder; -anta, -iva: perturbing, disturbing. Ex.: Perturbo di la mento. Perturbi sociala, financala. — DEFIRS

peruch-o: (orni.) parrakeet, parroquet. — FI

peruk-o: wig, periwig, peruke; -isto: wig-maker. Def.: Kuafuro de falsa hararo. — DEFIRS

pervers-a: perverse, obstinate in the wrong, wayward, depraved; -igar: to pervert. Def.: Qua havas nenormala o kontreetika tendenci (o gusto); III-205. — DEFIS

pervink-o: (bot.) periwinkle (genus: Vinca). — eFS

pesari-o: (surg.) pessary. — DEFIS

pesim-ismo: pessimism; -isto, -a: pessimist(ic). — DEFIRS

pesk-ar: (intr.) to fish, angle (por, per, ek); (tr.) to draw (ulo) out of the water, to catch (also refers to coral fishing, pearl fishing, etc.); -ala: piscatorial; -anto, -ero, -isto: fisher; -o-batelo: fishing-boat; -ajo: the catch (cf. fisho); -eyo: fishing-place, -ground; -ilo: a fishing instrument (rod, line, etc.); -bastono: fishing-rod; -yuro: licence, right to fish. Ex.: Peskar karpo. — eFIS

pest-o: pestilence, pest, plague (cf. kontagio); (fig.) bane, scourge; -ala, -oza: pestiferous, pestilential; -iko, -ika: (person) infected; -izar: to infect; -iz-anta: pestilential, infectious, contageous; bubon- -o: bubonic plague; la pesto kaptez lu: may the plague take him. — DEFIS

petal-o: (bot.) petal; sen- -a: apetalous. — EFIS

petard-o: (mil.) petard; -eto: firecracker. ? DEFIRS

peticion-ar: (intr.) to petition: present a petition (ad ulu); -o, -ado: petition: written request; petitioning. — DEFIRS

petiol-o: (bot.) petiole: leafstalk. — EFIS

petonkl-o: (zool.) scallop: a shell-fish (genus: Pectunculus). — FI

petr-o: stone (as a material substance; cf. roko, stono); -a: stony: (made) of stone; -oza: stony: full of stone; -epoko: stone age; -o-tali-isto: stone-cutter; -igar: to petrify; -izar: to cover with stone; -o-min-isto: quarryman; -o kruda: rough stone, quarry stone; -o-rupt-ilo: stone breaker; -o-konio: keystone; -o-plako: flagstone.

petrel-o: (orni.) stormy petrel; Mother Carey’s chicken (Procellaria pelagica). — EFS

petris-ar: (tr.) to knead: work into a uniform mass (dough, etc.). — F

petrografi-o: petrography. — DEFIRS

petrol-o: petroleum, rock-oil; (cf. benzino, keroseno, gazolino). — DEFIRS

petrologi-o: petrology. — DEFS

petrosel-o: (bot.) parsley (genus: Petroselinum sativum). — DRL

petul-ar: (intr.) to be frisky, impetuous, boisterous, turbulent, unruly.

petuni-o: (bot.) petunia (genus: Petunia). — DEFIS

pez-ar: (intr.) to weigh (dek grami, e.c.) (cf. grav-esar, ponderar); -o: weight; -ajo: a heavy object; weight for weighing; -anta, -oza: heavy, weighty, ponderous; -o kun-tara: gross weight; -o neta: net weight; super- -o, pez-eceso: excess weight; -o viv-anta: live weight; -o ampla: good weight; -ajo falsa: a light weight (for weighing); po lua pezo ek oro: at its weight in gold; (fig.) extremely dear. — FIS

«pfennig»: (German money) pfennig.

«pfund»: (weight) pound: one-half kilogram; 1.1 pound.

pi-a: pious, devout, godly; -eso: piety, devoutness (cf. devoco); -acho: a bigot. Def.: Qua reverencas Deo. — EFIS

piaf-ar: (intr., of horses) to make a piaffer, to paw the ground. — DeFS

piamatr-o*: (anat.) pia mater.

pian-o: piano, pianoforte; -pliar: (intr.) to play the piano; -o vertikala: upright piano; -o horizontala: grand-piano. — DEFIRS

pice-o: (bot.) silver-leaved (spruce) fir (Picea excelsa). — FIL

pichpin-o: (wood) pitch-pine. — DEFIR

piedestal-o: pedestal (of a column, statue, vase, etc.); -eto: piedouche: small pedestal supporting a bust, etc. — DEFIRS

pietism-o: (ch. hist.) pietism. — DEFIRS

pietist-o: (ch. hist.) pietist. — DEFIRS

pig-o: (orni.) magpie (genus: Pica); -ea: black and white colo(u)red. — IS

pigarg-o: (orni.) pygarg, hen-harrier, -harm (Circus pygarus). — EF

pigme-o: pigmy, dwarf; (fig.) a person without talent, or merit, or power. — DEFIRS

pigment-o: (natural, physiol.) pigment (cf. farbo). Def.: Materio naturale koloroza, qua donas koloro ad altra kozi; V-660. Ex.: Okulala, harala, pelala pigmento. — DEFIRS

pik-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to prick; prod, goad, puncture; sting; -etar: to peck at; strike with the beak; -(ad)o: prick, prodding; -uro: a prick, puncture; sting (of insects); -anta, -ema: prickly, stinging, piquant, pungent; biting, piercing, sharp, nipping (of cold, liquids, words, etc.); -ilo: a pricking instrument; -bastono: a goad (as for oxen). Ex.: Pikar sua fingro. Pikar bovulo, kavalo, papero. Vorti pikanta. Pikanta mustardo. — DEFS

pikador-o: picador. — DEFIRS

pike-o: (fabric) pique. — DEFIS

piket-o: (mil.) picket; (card game) piquet. ? DEFIRS

pikl-o: something preserved in spice (cf. spico); -aji: pickles: vegetables, fruit or other food preserved in spice or vinegar pickle and used as a condiment; -o-sauco: ravigote: a sharp sauce.

piknik-ar: (intr.) to picnic. — DEFRS

pikon-o:roko o harda materii (ex. makadamo). La (one-pointed) pick, pickaxe (cf. piocho). Def.: Instrumento por exkavar fera parto esas karakterizita per un pinto perpendikla a la mancho; VI-533.

pikt-ar: (tr.) to paint (pictures in oil or water colo(u)rs); (cf. indutar, farb-izar); -(ad)o, -uro: painting, picture; -inda, -ur-atra: pictureque. — FIS

pikverd-o: (orni.) popinjay; green woodpecker (Picus viridis). — FIS

pil-o: (of animals, also bot.) hair, bristle; (of persons) hair of all parts of body except top of head; (cf. haro); (of sheep, camels, etc.) wool; (of cloth, of hats) nap; -aro: (of one object) coat; -ala: relating to h.; -oza: hairy, shaggy, pilose; -o-bulbo: h. bulb, h. root; sen-pil-igar: to depilate; sen-pil-igivo: depilatory (substance); long-pila hundo: long-haired dog; reza-pila: short-haired. — eFIS

pilastr-o: (arch.) pilaster, square column. — DEFIRS

pilgrim-ar: (intr.) to go on a pilgrimage. — DEFIR

pili-o: (elec.) pile, primary cell. Ex.: La pilio di volta. — DEF

pilon-o: (Egyp. arch.) pylon. — DEFIRS

pilor-o: (anat.) pylorus. — EFIS

pilori-o: pillory; -agar: to pillory, put (ulu) in a pillory. — EF

pilot-ar: (tr.) to pilot. — DEFIS

pilul-o: (pharm.) pill — DeFIRS

piment-o: pimento, allspice. — DEFIS

pimpinel-o: (bot.) pimpernell (genus: Pimpinella).

pin-o: (bot.) pine-tree (genus: Pinus); -kono, -frukto: pine-cone. — EFIS

pinakl-o: (arch.) pinnacle. — DEFIS

pinastr-o: (bot.) Pinaster, the cluster pine (Pinus pinaster). — EFIS

pinc-o: nippers (without hinges); claw (of crabs, etc.); -eto: (surg.) forceps; tweezers; -ego: (fire-) tongs; clamp; sukro- -o: sugar-tongs. V. exp.: Tenalio esas utensilo kompozita de du peci ligita per charniro. Pinco esas utensilo sen charniro (la du peci o parti esas unionita per resorto o flezebla parto); III-219. — DEFIRS

pinch-ar: (tr.) to pinch, nip (ulu, ulo); -uro: the mark of a pinch (as on the skin). — EF

pineal-a* (glando): (anat.) pineal (gland). — DEFIS

pingl-o: pin; -agar: to pin (ulo); -o-pikar: to prick (ulo, ulu) with a pin; -if-erio: pin-making establishment; -o-kuseno: pin-cushion. Def.: Mikra metal–filo akutigita por unionar kozi; ornamento en formo di pinglo, kun kapo ornita. — eF

pinguin-o: (orni.) penguin (genus: Aptenodytes). — DEFIRS

pini-o: (bot.) nut-, stone-pine (Pinus Pinea). — DF

pinion-o: pinion: small cog-wheel geared to a larger wheel. — EFS

pinsel-o: (artist’s or painter’s brush; -stroko, -ago: a stroke of the brush. — DFS

pint-o: point, sharp end; -a, -atra: pointed, sharp, peaked, tapering; -oza: barbed; -igar, -izar: to put a point on (ulo); sen- -igar: to blunt, remove the point from; -o-frapar: to thrust, stab, lunge; -o di flogilo: whip-lash. — EFIS

pintad-o: (orni.) pintado: guinea-fowl, -hen (Numida meleagris). — eFS

pioch-o: (double-ended) pickaxe; mattock; (cf. pikono); -agar: to dig (ulo) with a pickaxe. Def.: Instrumento por exkavar harda materii, di qua la fera parto havas du extremaji opozita (relate la mancho). VI-533. — F

pion-o: (at chess) pawn; (at draughts) man. ? FS

pionir-o: (lit. and fig.) pioneer. — DEFIR

pip-o: (tobacco-) pipe; (cf. tubo). — EFIS

pipet-o: (chem.) pipette: tube to transfer liquids; dropping tube. — DeFI

pipi-ar: (intr., of birds) to chirp. — DFS

pipr-o: pepper (cf. papriko); -uyo, -buxo: pepperholder, pepper-box; -iz-ilo: pepper-shaker; — eFI

pips-ar: (intr.) to have the pip; -o: pip, roup: disease of birds, poultry. — DEFIS

piqu-o: (weapon) pike; (cards) spade.

pir-o: (bot.) pear; (fig.) any pear-shaped instrument or object; e.g. an electric light bulb; -iero: pear tree. — EFIS

piramid-o: (geom. monument) pyramid; -ifar: to form a pyramid, rise like a pyramid; -o-trunko: frustrum of a pyramid. — DEFIRS

pirat-o: pirate, buccaneer, free-booter (cf. korsaro); -eso: piracy. — DEFIRS

piretr-o: (bot.) pyrethrum, feverfew (genus: Pyrethrum); -o-pulvero: insect powder (made from p.). — eFI

pirik-o: (Gr. antiq.) pyrrhic: a warlike dance. — DEFIS

pirit-o: (min.) pyrite(s). — DEFIS

pirog-o: (Indian or savage) canoe, pirogue. Def.: Kanoto di sovajo, facita ek arboro-trunko o kortico (quale uzata da la Malayi Nord-Amerikan Indiani, e.c.). — DeFIRS

pirogal-o*: (chem.) pyrogallol. — DEFIRS

pirograb-ar: (tr.) to engrave on wood with a hot point; -o, -uro: pyrography. — EFIS

pirol-o: (orni.) (golden-) oriole (genus: Oriolus galbula). — D

pirometr-o: pyrometer. Def.: Instrumento por mezurar la maxim alta temperaturi. — DEFIRS

Piron-ism-o: (antiq.) Pyrrhomism: an exaggerated skepticism. — DEFIRS

piros-o: (med.) pyrosis; water-brash, heart-burn. — DeFIS

pirotekn-o: pyrotechnics, fire-works. — DEFIS

piroxil-o*: pyroxylin(e): guncotton.

piruet-ar: (intr.) to pirouette: turn, whirl on toes; (of horses) to whirl. — DEFIRS

pist-ar: (tr.) to pound, bruise, crush (with a pestle); (cf. triturar); -ilo: pestle; (bot.) pistil; -uyo: (chemist’s, druggist’s) mortar. — eFI

pistach-o: pistachio-nut; -iero: pistachio-tree (Pistacia vera). — DEFIRS

pistol-o: (weapon) pistol. — DEFIRS

piston-o: (tech.) piston; -stango: piston rod. — DEFIRS

piti-o: (antiq.) the Pythia: priestess of Apollo. — DEFIS

piton-o: (myth.) Python; (zool.) python (genus: Python). Def.: Serpento reala e mitologiala; III-142. — DEFIS

pitonis-o: (antiq.) pythoness, witch; -o di Endor: witch of Endor. — DEFIS

pitoresk-a, -eso*: picturesque(ness); (cf. pikt-ur-atra).? DEFIS

pituit-o: (med.) mucus, phlegm, pituite; -oza: full of mucus; -ala: pituitary; (cf. muko). Def.: Humoro viskoza sekrecata da ula mukozi (di la nazo, di la bronkii) en stando morbala; IV-585. — eFIS

pivot-o: pivot: (mechan.) pivot, journal: pin or short shaft on which anything turns: (milit.) the wing on which a troop turns; (fig.) main hinge, principal agent; turnar, rotacar sur (cirkum) pivoto: to turn on a pivot; pordo- -o: door-pivot, -hinge; l’interesto esas la pivoto di multi de nia agi: interest is the pivot of many of our acts. ? EF

piz-o: (bot.) pea (Pisum sativum); sen-shela -i: shelled peas; shelo- -i: peas in a pod. — EFI

plac-o: place: open public space, as a square or circu in a town (cf. loko). — DeFIRS

placent-o: (anat., bot.) placenta. — DEFIS

plad-o: plate: small dish to eat off (cf. disho); -edo: plateful; -ego: platter; -moblo: buffet, side-board; -etajero (o tabulo): plate-shelf. — EFIS

plafon-o: (arch.) ceiling, upper surface of a room; -izar: to put a ceiling on. — DFR

plag-o: sore: break in soft part of body from disease; (fig.) plague, scourge (cf. pesto). Ex.: Ilua tota korpo esa kovrata da plagi. L’alkoholo esas plago di la publika saneso. Atilla nomizis su la plago di Deo. — DeFS

plaj-o: beach, (sea-) shore, strand. V. exp.: Plajo esas la bendo plu o min larja di sulo, quan la maro alterne kovras e deskovras; existas plaji de sablo e plaji de rul-stoni. La rivo esas la limito inter la maro e la tale dicita ferme (sika) tero. La litoro esas la tota regiono adjacanta la rivo. La plaji esas nur aparta ed eceptala loki en la rivi: ne omna rivo esas plajo (ex.: rivo ek klifi od ek rokaji); IV-606. — FIS

plaji-ar: (tr., intr.) to plagiarize (words, ideas from another). — DEFIRS

plako: plate, sheet, slab: flat piece of metal, etc.; tablet, plaque; -izar: to plate (over), sheathe, sheet over, veneer, overlay; -o grab-ita: engraved plate; -turn- -o: (R.R.) turn-table; petro- -o: stone slab, flagstone; -iz-ita ringo: (of gold) plated ring. — eFIR

plan-a: plane: without elevations or depressions; level, flat (cf. plata); -o: (geom.) plane (surface, figure, angle); (aeron.) plane; -ajo: a flat thing or place; plain: level land; alta -ajo: table-land; -kanto: (fig.) plain-song, -chant; -igar: to make (ulo) smooth, level, even; -o inklinita: inclined plane. — DEFIRS

pland-o: (anat.) sole (of the foot). — FIS

planet-o: (astron.) planet; -aro, -o-sistemo: planetary system. — DEFIRS

planimetr-o*: planimeter. — DEFIRS

planimetri-o: planimetry. — DEFIRS

planisfer-o: planisphere. — DEFIRS

plank-o: board, plank; -eto: small board; (painter’s) palette; -izar: to board up; -o-sulo: (board-) flooring. — DEFIS

«plankton»: (biol.) plankton.

plant-o: (bot.) plant; -aro: flora; -o-cizo: pruning shears; -o-lauso: plant louse (cf. afidio); -izar: to ornament, cover with plants (cf. plantacar). ? DEFIS

plantac-ar: (tr.) to plant: set in the ground for growth; -ajo: something planted, slip, set, crop, plant (cf. planto); -erio: plantation; -anto, -isto: one who plants, a planter; -ilo: planting instrument; dibble, setting stick. — DEFIS

plantag-o: (bot.) plantain (genus: Plantago). — eFI

plantigrad-a, -o: (zool.) plantigrade (animal). Ant.: digitigrada. — DEFIS

planton-o*: (milit.) orderly (soldier; cf. ordonanco); esar -o: to be on orderly duty. — F

plas-o: place (for a person or thing); -izar: to place (ulu); to put (ulo, ulu) in a place (cf. pozar, lok-izar); -iz-anto, -isto: a person who places; usher (in a theater)(theatre). V exp.: Ta vorto esas necesa por signifikar la spaco okupata od okupebla da singla persono en irga loko (veturo, teatro, e.c.). Ol ne povas remplasesar da loko, mem min da sideyo; nam en omnibusi, tramveturi, urbala fervoyi, existas plasi sidanta e plasi stacanta. Ol povas signifikar anke la loko propra, rezervata o konvenanta por singla kozi: «Un plaso por omna kozo, ed omna kozo en sua plaso». On povas dicar exemple: «Me havas bona plaso proxim la loko ube eventis l’inauguro di la statuo X. sur la placo Y.»  Restis nula plaso en la teatro, quankam esis ankore multa spaco inter la rangi e granda vakua loki avan la pordi; II-19. — DEF

plasm-o*: (physiol.) plasma. — DEFIS

plastid-o*: (biol.) plastid. — DEFIS

plastidul-o*: (biol.) plastidule. — DEFIS

plastik-a: plastic; -arto: plastic art; -eso: plasticity. — DEFIRS

plastilin-o*: modelling clay.

plastr-o: (med.) (sticking-) plaster (for the body; cf. kataplasmo); -eto: a small plaster; beauty-spot, -patch (for toilette). — DEFIS

plastron-o: plastron: breast-plate; breast-pad; shirt-bosom, -front. Def.: Tri senci: pectoral peco di kuraso; pektoral peco, polster-izita, di vesto di skermisto; pektorala parto di kamizo; IV-202. —eFI

plat-a: flat: having an even surface (cf. plana); (fig.) dull, insipid; -ajo: a flat object; plateau, upland, table-land; -a pedo: a flat foot; -eso: (quality) flatness; -a kalmeso: a flat calm; -e: flatwise; -igar: to flatten (cf. plan-igar); -naz-a, -(ul)o: flat, pug, snub-nosed (person). — DEFIR

platan-o: (bot.) plane-tree, platane (genus: Platanus); -o ocident-ala: (N. American) sycamore (Platanus occidentalis). — DEFIS

platen-o: (print.) platen.

platform-o: platform; horizontal surface or structure (cf. programo). — DEFIRS

platin-o: (met.) platinum. — DEFIS

Platon-ala, -isto, -ismo: Platon-ic, -ist, -ism.

plaud-ar: (tr., intr.) of liquids, waves: to break, beat against, splash; -etar: to ripple. — L

ple-ar: (tr.) to play (a musical instrument, a role in a play; cf. ludar); -ach-ar: (tr.) to strum, thrum (a violin). Ex.: Plear valso. Violin-plear. Plear (rolo di) Athalie. — E

plebey-o: plebian — DEFIRS

plebecit-o: referendum: (hist.) plebescite, plebescitum. Def.: Voto pri ula lego o rezolvo da omna civitani di un stato (ex. en Suisa); III-142 — DEFIRS

pled-ar: (intr., legal and gen.) to plead, argue (at the bar); to allege; -o: plea; -anto, -ero: pleader, litigant, suitor; -ach-anto, -ero: petifogger. — DEFS

plekt-ar, inter- -ar, en- -ar: (tr.) to (inter-) lace, plait, twine, wreath, weave (straw, etc.; cf. tres-igar); -ajo: that which is intertwined. — eL

plektr-o: (antiq. mus.) plectrum. — DEFIS

plen-a: full, filled (de); -eso: fullness, plenitude; -e: fully, entirely; -igar: to fill; (fig.) to fulfil, accomplish; -a luno: full moon; -a de aquo: filled with water. Ant.: vakua. — eFIS

plend-ar: (intr.) to complain; (jur.) lodge a complaint (che); -o: complaining, (law) accusation, charge; -anto: complainer; (law) plaintiff, complainant; -anta: complaining; -ema, -atra: plaintive, querulous. Ex.: Plendar pri kap-doloro. Il plendis, ke il esas frapita. V. exp.: vid. lamentar. — EFS

plenipotenc-o: plenipotence, fullness or completeness of power; -iero, -iera: plenipotenciary. — DEFIS

pleonasm-o: pleonasm, redundancy of words. — DEFIRS

plesiosaur-o: (paleon.) plesiosaur(us). — DEFIS

plet-o: tray, shallow receptacle for tea, pins, diamonds, etc. — F

pletor-o: (med. and fig.) plethora; -ala, -ika: plethoric. Ex.: Pletoro de sango, de pekunio. — DEFIS

pleuronekt-o: (ich.) brill, flounder: a flat fish of several species (Pleuronectes). — L

pleuronektoid-o*: (ich.) plaice (Pleuronectidæ).? L

plevr-o: (anat.) pleura. — eFIRS

plevrit-o: (med.) pleurisy. — DeFIRS

plex-o: (anat.) plexus. — DEFIS

pleyad-o, -i: (astron.) Pleiades; (fig.) a distinguished of authors, etc. Def.: Propra senco: ula stelaro (en signo di «Tauro»); metafora senco: grupo o skolo de autori, partikulare poeti (ex. la Franca pleyado en la 16a yarcento; III-142. — DEFIS

plez-ar: (intr.) to be pleasing, be agreeable; (tr.) to please (ulu); -ar (ad) ulu: to please anyone; ta libro ne plezas (a) me: that book does not please me, is not to my taste, my fancy; facez to, qou plezas vu: do as you like (please); on ne povas plezas omni: one cannot please everybody. — EFI

plezur-o: pleasure: delight, joy. Ex.: Facar ulo kun plezuro. Dansar esas plezuro. — DEFIS

plik-o: (med.) plica, a disease of the hair. — EFI

pliocen-o*: (geol.) Pliocene.? DEFIRS

plint-o: (arch.) plinth. — DEFIS

plis-ar: (tr.) to plait; (fig.) to pucker, crease. Def.: Facar reguloza falduri en ulo; (kp. frunsar). ? DF

plomb-o: lead; -a: (made) of lead; -ea: lead-colo(u)red; -izar: to cover with lead; -siglar: (tr.) to seal or stamp with lead; -isto, -labor-isto: plumber; lead-worker. — DEFIRS

plor-ar: (intr.) to cry, weep, shed tears (pri); -etar, -achar: to whimper, whine, snivel (cf. kri-achar); -igar: to cause (ulu) to cry; -anto, -ero: weeper; -isto: (fig.) hired mourner; -anta, -ema: weeping. V.exp.: vid. lakrim-ifar. — F

plovier-o: (orni.) plover (genus: Charadrius). — EFI

plu: (adv. of comparison) more, further; -e: moreover, besides; plu afabla: more amiable; plu bone, plu juste: better, preferable; plu multi: most (people); the generality, the majority; plu-mult-eso: (condition) plurality; plu multo: (the) more (used substantively); plu mal-e, -a: worse; tante plu ke: all the more that; dum plu kam: during more than; sempre plu: more and more; plu kam ul-tempe: more than ever; nek plu nek min: neither more nor less; quante plu granda la homo: the bigger the person; quante plu me manjas, tante plu me drinkas: the more I eat, the more I drink; demandar plu multo por obtenar min multo: to ask for more to obtain less; plu multa vino kam aquo: more wine than water; diferar per plu o min multo: to differ more or less; il esas plu kompat-inda kam blam-inda: he is more to be pitied than blamed; remedi-ilo plu mala kam la morbo: a remedy worse than the disease; Note: Plu can be used by itself before adjectives and adverbs, but with substantives and verbs mult-a, -e, grand-a, etc. should be added: lu plu multe, ofte ocias kam laboras; plu multa aquo. V exp.: Plu expresas augmento di ula quanto (qua restas o konsideresas identa a su ipsa); plus (quale la matematikal signo, quan ol tradukas) signifikas adiciono, do generale adjunto di ulo ad altro; II-666. Ant.: min.

plu-alt-igar: to make higher, taller; -alt-eskar: to become higher. Note: Plu to such verbalized adjectives as above adds the idea of comparison: -alt-igar: to make higher, taller (i.e. it was high before, or relatively, to make something higher than something else).

plu-bel-igar: to embellish, beautify.

plu-bon-igar: to better, improve.

plu-cher-igar: to make dearer (in price), raise the price of; -eskar: to become, grow dearer.

plu-dens-igar: to condense (a liquid): make more dense, more compact.

plu-dolc-igar: to soften, to render milder. Ex.: La pluvo pludolcigas la vetero. La vetero pludolceskas. Pludolcigar la voco.

plu-ferm-igar: to make firm, stout, resolute. Ex.: Astriktivo plufermigas la pelo. Ruptita gambo plufermeskas diope. Lua autoritato plufermeskas.

plu-fort-igar: to strengthen.

plu-fresh-igar: to freshen; (fig.) to enliven, give a filip to. Ex.: La pluvo plufreshigas la aero. Plufreshigar la korpo, la trupi.

plug-ar: (tr.) to plough; (fig.) to till; -ebla: arable: fit for tillage; -ilo: a plow. Def.: Sulkizar la sulo per plugilo. (fig.) Spadagar la tero por plantacar. — DR

plu-grand-igar: (tr.) to make greater, enlarge, aggrandize.

plu-hard-igar: to harden: to make (ulo) harder.

plu-kurt-igar: to shorten, make (ulo) shorter; -eskar: to contract, shrink.

plu-lent-igar: to slow down, abate (ulo); -eskar: to slacken, flag.

plu-long-igar: (of time) to prolong, protract, lengthen. V. exp.: vid. prolongar.

plum-o: (of birds) feather, plume; (for writing) quill, pen; -aro: plumage, feathers (cf. penacho); collection of pens; -edo: penful (of ink); -fasko: feather-broom, -duster; -iero: pen-holder; -uyo: pen-rack; -izar: to feather; -vish-ilo: pen-wiper; -pinselo: a small feather-brush; fonten- -o: a fountain-pen; ganso- -o: goose-quill. — eFIS

plump! thump! slap! bang! Def.: Indikanta falo, precipue di ulo grava, mola, inerta; IV-511

plump-a: (of things) unwieldy, unmanageable from bulk or weight; (of persons) thick-skulled, dull-witted; -a mashino, navo: an unwieldy machine, ship; -(ul)o: a person doltish, clumsy, heavy-bodied, or heavy-witted; dullard, blockhead, dunce (cf. stult-(ul)o): Def.: Expresas l’ideo di ulu, ulo grosa, pezoza e (pro to) nehabila o groteska; IV-605. — D

plunj-ar: (intr.) to plunge, duck, dive, (en); -igar: to dip, plunge (ulo,en ulo); -o-klosho: diving bell; (cf. sinkar, submersar, imersar). Ex.: Plunjar en la maro. Plunjigar krucho en la aquo, dago en la korpo, sua manuo en la flami. — EF

plur-a: several; -i: several people; -ala: relating to several; -ala, -alo: (gram.) plural; -foye: several times; -eso: two or more of the same kind; -kolora: of several colo(u)rs. — DEFIS

plur-senc-a: having several senses or meanings; -eso: ambiguousness.

plur-silab-a: polysillabic.

plus(e): (adv.) further, furthermore, more, over and above, an addition; (arith.) plus; -a: additional, surplus, extra; -ajo: a surplus, overplus; me ne plus kantos, me ne kantos pluse: I shall sing no more; me ne plus hungras: I am no longer hungry; me ne plus pagos: I will pay no more; ne plus lu audez tua voco: no more shall he hear thy voice; pluso sequos: to be continued; un glaso pluse od, un pluse glaso: one glass more; nulo pluse: nothing in addition; plus-pagar: (tr.) to overpay; -e taxar: (tr.) to surtax; du plus tri minus un: two plus three minus one. Ex.: Mil yari e pluse. Un tablo plus quar stuli. Un pazo pluse. Il ne plus vivas. Me dicos nulo pluse. Ne plus amoro, do ne plus joyo. Plusa pezo, taxo. Plusajo di pekunio. Plusa exempleri (E. additional copies). V. exp.: vid. plu. Ant.: minus.

plush-o: (fabric) plush; -atra: plush-like, shaggy. Def.: Stofo simila a veluro e kun longa pili o lanugo sur un latero. — DEFR

plusquamperfekto: (gram.) pluperfect (tense). — DFS

plutokrati-o: plutacracy: rule and power of the rich. — DEFIRS

Pluton-ala: (geol.) Plutonic. — DEFIRS

pluv-ar: (intr.) to rain; -as: (impers.) it rains; -eskar: to start raining; -etar: to drizzle; -egar: to rain in torrents; -igar: to cause to rain; to shower down upon; -oza, -ema: rainy, wet, shower; -uro: rain (fallen); -aquo: rain water; -arko: rainbow; -o dina: a fine rain; -kanalo: gutter; -tubo: spout (descending to the ground); -tubulo: spout (which drips from above); -mantelo: rain-cloak. — FIS

pluvial-o: pluvial: a priest’s cope. — DEFIS

pluviometr-o: pluviometer, rain-gauge. — DEFIS

pneumatik-a: pneumatic (machine, pump, etc.). — DEFIS

po: for, at the price of, in exchange for (indicates value received or given); (fin.) per (cent.) as, kin po cento: (at the rate of) five percent (cf. procento); tanto po (un) semano: at so much a week; komprar ulo po triadek dollar-i: to buy something for thirty dollars (N.B. Ca kustas 1000 fr., not ca kustas po 1000 fr.). — R

pocion-o: medicinal draught or potion.

podagr-o: podagra, gout in the feet; -ika, -iko: gouty (person). Def.: Goto di pedi; IV-516.

poem-o: poem. — DEFIRS

poet-(ul)o: poet; -ino: poetess; -eto, -acho: poetaster, rhymester. — DEFIRS

poetik-o: poetics, art of poetry. — DEFIS

poezi-o: (composition) poesy, poetry; -ajo: a piece of poetry, a poem; -ala, -atra, -oza: poetical; -izar: to poetize, versify. — DEFIRS

pok-a: few: not many; little: not much; -o: a little; -i: a few; -ope: by degrees, little by little, bit by bit; -a-foye: rarely, almost never; il parolis poke: he spoke but little. Def.: Mikra nombro o quanto. Ex.: Pos poka tempo. Poka homi esas kontenta pri sua posedaji. V. exp.: vid. kelka. Ant.: multa. — FIS

pol-o: (geom., astron., geog., magnet.) pole; -ala: polar; -o-stelo: polar star. — DEFIRS

polar-a: polar; -o: (math.) polar; -igar: to polarize; -igita: polarized; -eso: polarity. — DEFIRS

polarimetr-o: (opt.) polarimeter.

polemik-ar: (intr.) to carry on a controversy (kun ulu); -(ad)o: polemic(s); -ala: polemical. — DEFIRS

polen-o: (bot.) pollen. — DEFIS

polex-o: pollex: thumb; -uyo: thumbstall; -o-lig-ilo: thumb-manacles. — eIL

poliandr-a: polyandr-ian, -ous; -eso: polyandry; (bot.) polyandria. Def.: (Muliero) qua samtempe havas plura spozuli; (speco di planti) qua havas duadek o plu multa stamini. — DEFIRS

polic-o: police administration or regulation; -ano, -isto: policeman; -ist-aro: (collect.) the police; -estro: the chief of police; -ala: relating to police regulations; -ista: relating to police; -an-acho: bobby, cop, peeler. Def.: Ensemblo di la regularo qua mantenas l’ordino e la sekureso publika. — DEFIRS

poliedr-o: (geom.) polyhedron. — DEFIRS

polifiletik-a: (biol.) polyphyletic. — DEFIS

polifoni-o: polyphony. Def.: Multeso de soni diferanta ma sam-tempa. — DEFIRS

poligam-a: polygamous; (bot.) polygamian; -(ul)o: polygamist; -eso: polygamy. — DEFIRS

poliglot-a, -(ul)o: polyglot. — DEFIRS

poligon-o: (geom.) polygon; (bot.) polygonum: knot-grass, -weed (genus: Polygonum). — DEFIRS

poligraf-o: multigraph, poylgraph: instrument for multiplying copies of a writing; -(ul)o: (fig.) an author who writes on several subjects. — DEFIS

poligrafi-o: the art of operating a polygraph. — DEFIS

polikrom-a: polychrome. — DEFIRS

polilem-o: (philos.) polylemma, predicament. — DEFIRS

polimati-o: polymathy, varied learning. — DEFIS

polimorf-a: polymorphous, multiform. — DEFIS

polinomi-o: (alg.) polynome. — DEFIS

polip-o: (zool.) polyp; (med.) polypus: a species of tumor. — DEFIRS

polis-ar: (tr.) to polish (marble, wood, steel, etc.) (fig.) to polish: refine (the mind, one’s style, manners, etc.) Def.: Igar ulo glata e brilanta per friciono; brunisar. — DEFIRS

polisperm-o: polysperm.

polit-a: (of manners) polite, civil, courteous; -eso: politeness, civility, good breeding; -ajo: act of politeness; -eg-eso: urbanity; des-, ne- -a: discourteous, uncivil. V. exp.: vid. jentila. — EFS

politeism-o: polytheism. — DEFIRS

politeist-o: polytheist. — DEFIRS

politeknik-o: polytechnics; -ala: polytechnic: relating to arts and sciences; -ano: (fig.) a student in a p. school; -o-skolo: a p. school. Def.: Cienco di la mekanikal arti. — DEFIRS

politik-o: politics, public policy; -ala: political; -ero: one who dabbles in politics; -isto: (good sense) politician; -ist-acho: (bad sense) politician. Def.: La cienco di guvernado; l’adminstrado di publika afero. — DEFIRS

politrop-a: (math.) polytropic. — DEFIRS

polk-ar: (intr.) to dance the polka. — DEFIRS

polonez-o: polonaise, a kind of dance. — DEFRS

polp-o: octopus, devil-fish (genus: Octopus). — eFIS

polster-o: stuffing, padding, wadding (of garments, etc.); -izar: to stuff, pad (ulo); -ajo: what stuffed, padded: bolster, pad, cushion, padded quilt, etc. — DeIR

poltron-o: cowardly, dastardly, chicken-hearted; (cf. febl-anma); -(ul)o: coward, poltroon, skulker; -eso: cowardice; -ajo: cowardly action. Def.: Pavor-(eg)ema; sen-kuraj-(eg)-a. — DEFI

polut-ar: (tr.) to pollute, defile (cf. kontaminar, profanacar); -esar: (fig.) to be polluted; to have seminal discharge or emission. — DEFIRS

polv-o: dust (cf. pulvero, pudro); -oza, -atra: dusty; -ifar: to rise (of dust); to be dusty (of roads); -igar: to reduce (ulo) to d.; -eskar: to become dusty; -izar: to cover (ulu, ulo) with d.; -o-nubo: a cloud of d. ? IS

pom-o: an apple; -iero: apple tree; -ier-eyo: orchard. — FI

pomad-o: pomade, pomatum; -izar: to apply p. to (hair or exterior of the body); har- -o: hair p. — DEFIRS

pomel-o: pommel (of saddle); knob on the hilt of a sword or pistol. Def.: Mikra bulo ye l’extremajo di espado, di pistolo od avan solo; III-142. — EFIS

pomp-o: pomp, state, show; -acho: (bad sense) parade, display (cf. ostento); -oza: stately; -oz-acha: pompous (bad sense); kun granda pompo: with great pomp, in great state. —DEFIS

pompelmus-o: (bot.) shaddock (Citrus decumana). — DFIS

pompon-o: pompon, top-knot; tuft added to dress of a soldier, etc. — DEFS

ponder-ar: (tr.) to weigh (ulu, per ulo); (cf. pezar); (fig.) to ponder (mentally); -o: weighing; -ebla: ponderable; -ilo: scale; -isto, -ero: weigher; -resorto: spring-balance, scale; -ar ample: to give good weight. Def.: Determinar la pezo di ulo per ponderilo; (fig.) explorar atencoze. — EFIS

pone-o: pony: small horse. — DEF

poniard-o: poniard, dagger; -agar, poniarde ocidar: to poniard, stab (ulu) with a dagger; (cf. dago). — EFIS

pons-a: poppy-colo(u)red, flame colo(u)red, vivid scarlet. ? DFIRS

pont-o: bridge (over a river, etc.); -eto: foot-bridge; (R.R. culvert); (nav.) gangway; (tech.) trigger-guard (of a firearm); -o suspend-ita: suspension b.; -o turn-ebla: swing b.; -o tub-atra: tubular b.; batel- -o: b. of boats; lev- -o: lifting b. — FIS

pontifik-o: pontiff; (Jewish) high priest; (Roman) pontifex; (cf. papo); -o supr-ega: the sovereign pontiff; the pope; -ala: pontifical; -eso: pontificate (cf. pap-eso); -e oficiar: to reign as pontiff. — DEFIRS

ponton-o: pontoon, boat used as bridge; -isto: military pontonier. — DEFIRS

ponyet-o: wrist-band. Def.: La finala parto di la maniko; VI-245. Ex.: Kamizo ne-starchita, nokto-kamizo ne havas mansheti, ma nur ponyeti. — F

pop-o: (Russian, Grecian) priest, (village) pope. Def.: Rusa (greka) sacerdoto; III-594.

popl-o: (bot.) poplar (tree) (genus: Populus). — DEFI

poplin-o: (fabric) poplin. — DEFIRS

poplit-o: (anat.) ham, region back of the knee joint; (in quadrupeds). — ISL

popul-o: people, population (of a town, city, country; cf. habit-ant-aro); -ala: relating to the people (cf. populara); -oza: populous; -izar: to people, populate: furnish with inhabitants; -iz-ado, -iz-uro: peopling; -acho: the mob, rabble, riffraff (cf. plebey-aro); -acha: low, vulgar. — EFIS

popular-a: popular: prevailing among and liked by the people; -eso: popularity; -igar: to make (ulo) popular, to popularize. — DEFIRS

popurit-o: potpourri, medley, hotch-potch. — DeF

por: (prep. indicating aim) for, in view of, in favo(u)r of; por ke: (conj., followed by imperative) in order that, so that; por quo: for what?; por ne: lest; omni por unu, unu por omni: all for one, one for all; pregar, votar por ulu: to pray, to vote for someone; kombatar por la patrio: to fight for the country; ol esas por vu: it is for you; por la formo: for the sake of form; por la venjo: for (the sake of) vengeance; le por e la kontre: the pros and the cons; dek franki por un semano: ten francs a week; me dicas tu a vu nun, por ke vu esez preparita: I tell you now, (in order) that you may be prepared. — FIS

por-o: (anat. and fig.) pore; oza: porous; -oz-eso: porosity. — DEFIRS

porcelan-a, -o: porcelain, (fine) china (ware); (cf. fayenco). ? DEFIS

porcion-o: portion, ration, share, allowance; -eto, -acho: pittance; -izar: to put (ulu) on (short) allowance; -izo: rationing; -igar: to portion out (ulo). Def.: Parto de un toto; partikulare ula provizuro de pano, de karno, esanta dividita inter uli. — DEFIRS

pord-o: door, doorway; gate; -ego: large door, portal (cf. portalo); (city-) gate; -(o-gard)isto: door-keeper; -o-tapeto: door-curtain, portiere; -alo: leaf of a folding d.; -frap-ilo: d. knocker; -o-framo, -kadro: d. frame; -o-veino: portal vein. — eFIS

porel-o: (bot.) leek (Allium Porrum). — DFIRS

porfir-o: (min.) porphyry. — DEFIS

porism-o: (geom.) porism. — DEFI

pork-o: pig, hog, swine, porker; -o-karno (fresha, sal-iz-ita, fum-igita): pork, pig meat (fresh, salted, smoked); -karn-ajo: piece of pork; -ino: sow; -ulo: boar; -o-pilo: hog;s bristle; -o-gard-isto: swineheard; -eyo, -o-stablo: pig-sty; -ala: porcine; -o-pelo: rind (of bacon); -o-felo: pigskin. — EFIS

porkespin-o: (zool.) porcupine (European genus: Hystrix; N. American genus: Erethizon).

pornograf-a: porngraphic; -(ul)o: a person who occupies himself with pornography. — DEFIS

pornografi-o: pornography: art or literature of an obscene nature. — DEFIS

port-ar: (tr.) to carry, bear, bring, take: convey in vehicles, by ship, hand, or person, also of wind, water, etc. (as agent) to wear (clothes, a sword, etc.); -(ad)o; (act.) carrying, carriage, conveyance, porterage; -ajo: that which is carried; load, burden; -anto, -ero, -isto: carrier, bearer, porter; -ebla: portable; -ar la vestaro: to wear clothes; for- -ar: to carry away; (cf. transportar). V. exp.: vid. suportar. — EFIS

porta veino: (anat.) portal vein, gate-vein.

portal-o: portal; grand and imposing door (as of a church, etc.). — DEFIRS

porte-o: range, reach of a shot, bullet, of a voice, etc.

portfoli-o: portfolio, a case in which to keep loose papers. — DEFI

portik-o: portico, porch, covered space enclosed by columns at entrance of building. — DEFIRS

portret-o: (pr. and fig.) portrait, personal representation by painting, drawing, photography; -(pikt)isto: portrait painter; facio-, profil-, statur-portreto: face, profile, full-length portrait; facar la -o di: to depict, make a portrait of. — DEFR

portu-o: (sea-) port, harbo(u)r, haven; -o komercala: commercial port; -o milit-ala: naval harbor or station; -o dopa: inner harbor; salveo- -o: a saluting port; -pilot-isto: harbor pilot. — EFIRS

portulak-o: (bot.) portulaca, purslane (genus: Portulaca). — DeIRL

pos: (prep.) after (in time; cf. dop); -e: afterwards, next, later; -ke: after that; -a: subsequent, later; -eso: posteriority; pos quar kloki: after four o’clock; pos quar hori: after four hours. Ex.: Pagenda pos triadek dii. Unesme on devas lernar e pose on darfas ludar. Pos ke vu esos parolinta, il parolos. (E. after you have (or, shall have) spoken, he will speak. To eventis pos ke ne venis. Ant.: ante. — L

pos-dat-izar: to postdate (a letter, etc.).

pos-dimez-e, -o: (in) the afternoon.

pos-dine-e: after dinner; -o: time after dinner (afternoon or evening, as the dinner is early or late).

posed-ar: (tr.) possess, be in possession of, own, have the faculty or quality (cf. havar, proprietar); -eskar: to become possessor of, take possession of; -ajo: object (possessed); -anto: possessor; -ala: (gram.) possessive; -alo: possessive case; a possessive. Ex.: Posedar pekunio, domo, ula furio posedis il. Me pagos vu kande me posedos plu multa pekunio. Ka vu esas la posedanto di ta agro? Posedal pronomi. — eFIS

posh-o: pocket; -libro: a book for the pocket (cf. burso); -ala pekunio: (fig.) pocket money, (spare) change; -horloj-o: watch; -furt-isto: pick-pocket; -kultelo: penknife; -kayero: note-book (cf. not-libreto). — F

posibl-a: possible; -ajo, -eso: possibility; -igar: to render (ulo) p., to enable; maxim multe posible, tam multe kam posible: as much as p.; maxim bona posible: as good as p.; minim posible bruiso: least possible noise; vua helpo posibl-igis a me facar: your help made it possible for me to do it. — EFIS

pos-morg-e: (on) the day after tomorrow. Ex.: Se me ne venos morge, takaze me venos posmorge.

pos-nask-ar: (intr.) to be born after (ulu); -inta: younger.

pos-skrib-ajo: postscript.

pos-supe-e: after supper.

post-o: mail, post, postal service, public conveyance and delivery, esp. of letters, packages; -e: by post; -ala karto, posto-karto: postal-card; -o-pakajo: a postal package; (fig.) parcel-post; -ala uniono: postal union; -o-kontoro: post office; -estro: postmaster; -isto: employee of postal service; letter-carrier; postman; -o-treno: mail train; -e restante: till called for; -o-marko: postage stamp; -o-stampo: post mark; -o-mandato: money order; -o-veturo: post-chaise; -e voyajar: to travel by post. — DEFIRS

posten-o: post, a place to guard; beat (of a policeman, etc.); honor- -o: (fig.) post of hono(u)r; -izar: to post, station (uli, ulu, su) (cf. facionar); Ex.: Stacar en posteno. Gardar posteno. Livar, desertar posteno. ? DeFIRS

postern-o: (fort.) postern; small gate under a rampart. — DEFIS

postig-o: small casement in a door or window; blind (of a carriage). Def.: (Mikra) parto (ordinare, vitro-plako) di la fenestro o pordo qua esas apertebla. — S

postilion-o: postilion. — DEFIRS

postpozicion-o: postposition, a word or particle placed after or at the end of a word.

postul-ar: (tr.) to demand, exact, require (ulo, de ulu); -o, -em-eso: demand, requirement, exigency; -ajo: what is demanded, claimed; -ema: exacting. V.exp.: vid. demandar. ? FL

postulat-o: (philos.) postulate. —

postum-a: posthumous; -o: p. child; -ajo: p. work. — DEFIS

postur-ar: (intr., lit. and fig.) to assume an attitude, to pose (as for a statue, a picture); to sit (for one’s picture); -o: posture, attitude, pose; -o koaktata: constrained attitude; -o di la guvernerio: attitude of the government. — DEFIS

pot-o: pot, kettle, jug: earthenware or metal vessel used for cooking or merely holding something; -edo: potful; -if-eyo: a pottery; -if-isto: potter; lakto- -o: milk jug or can; floro- -o: flower p.; -o fera: iron p.; terakota -o: earthen p. — EFS

potas-o: potash. — DEFIRS

potenc-o: (math.) power; sis potenco quara: six to the fourth power (64). Def.: Produkto qua rezultas de multiplikado di nombro per su. — DeFIR

potencial-a, -o: (all senses) potential, possible. ? DEFIS

potent-a: powerful, potent, mighty; -(ul)o: potentate; -eso: potency, might (cf. povo, fort-eso, autoritato). — DEFIS

«pound»: (pl. -i) pound (sterling). — E

pov-ar: (tr., intr.) to be able (to do), can (do), could, have the power to; -o: power, ability, force, means, might; (polit.) a power, powerful country. Ex.: Ni facas to quon ni povas. Me ne povis venar hiere. Me povabus manjar ol, ma me ne hungris. La povo di la mento. V. exp.: vid. darfar. ? FIS

povr-a: poor, needy; -o, -ulo, -ino: poor person (cf. indij-anto); -eso: poverty; -ajo: a sorry thing (cf. meskin-ajo); -igar: to impoverish; la mente povri: the poor in mind (in spirit). Ant.: richa. ? EFIS

poz-ar: (tr., lit and fig.) to place, set, lay (down), ground (cf. depozar); -eso: position (cf. situ-eso); -ar kom principo: to state, lay down a principle; super- -o: imposition: laying on. — FIS

pozicion-o: (milit., or strategical) position.

pozitiv-a: (math., elec., philos., gram.) positive; -em-ulo: a person of positive ideas; practical, matter-of-fact person; -ismo: (philos.) positivism; -ista, -isto: positivist. Ant.: negativa. — DEFIRS

pozolan-o: pozzolana, a mortar made from volcanic ashes. — DeFIS

pragmat-o: (philos.) matter-of-fact, reality; «fait accompli»; -ala: pragmatical: dealing with practical values or consequences; -ismo: pragmatism; -isto: pragmatist. — DEFIRS

pragmatik-o*: (hist.) pragmatic sanction.

praktik-ar: (tr.) to practice, put into practice, exercise; to observe (a rule, etc.); -ala: pertaining to practice or action, practical (matter); -ema: pratical, experienced (person); -ebla: practicable, feasible, possible; (of roads) passable; -isto: practitioner; -anta: practising. Ex.: On praktikas la medicino, l’agro-kultivado. Esas necesa praktikar longatempe, ante ke on povas divenar habila. Praktikebla ideo, voyo. — DEFIS

pralin-o: praline, burnt almond. — DeF

pram-o: (nav.) pram(e): flat-bottomed boat used in the Baltic. Def.: Speco di navo (barko) kun plata fundo, nur un ponto, kun segli e remili; IV-462.

prat-o: meadow. — FIS

pre-aranj-ar: (tr.) to prearange, to provide (for or against).

pre-av-ino: great grandmother; -av-ulo: great grandfather.

prebend-o: prebend, stipend granted to a prebendary; -iero: prebendary. — DEFIS

prec-o: (lit. and fig.) price, charge; (fig.) expense; kusto-preco: cost price; -oza: costly, expensive, valuable, precious (in money value); -oza lapido: precious stone; -oz-eso: preciousness; -oz-ajo: a precious thing; fabrik- -o: cost of making, manufacturing cost; kozo super omna -o: a priceless thing; pro irga -o: at any price; (fig.) cost what it will. — DEFIS

preced-ar: (tr.) to have, to take precedence of, to go before in rank, importance, etc.; (cf. pre-irar); -o: precedence: right or fact of precedency, priority; -anto: one who has or takes precedence; predecessor (in office); (pl.) predecessors, forefathers; -anta: antecedant, (cf. antea, antecedento). Def.: Esir en plaso, ofico nemediate avan; -e: pasar avan altru segun lego, regulo; VI-418. Ex.: Grava aferi precedas la neimportanta. — EFIS

precedent-o: a precedent, authoritative case, example or instance. — DEFIS

precept-o: precept, authoritative rule of action. — EFIS

preceptor-o: preceptor, tutor, instructor. — DEFIS

precesion-o: (astron.) precession (of the equinoxes). — DEFIS

precipis-o: precipice; (fig.) calamity. — EFIS

precipit-ar: (tr., pr. and fig.) to precipitate, cause to fall, hurry along, throw down, hurl headlong, dash down, plunge; (chem.) to throw to the bottom of a vessel; -ar su: to rush (upon); -ajo: (chem.) precipitate. Ex.: Il precipitis su ek la fenestro. Precipitar naciono en milito. — DEFIS

precipu-a: principal, main, leading, capital; -e: above all, especially; -ajo: the chief thing, essential part, main point; e precipue, esez prudenta: and above all be prudent. Def.: Qua esas maxim konsiderinda, importanta. — L

pre-cit-ar: (tr.) to previously cite; -cit-ita: above mentioned, aforesaid.

preciz-a: precise, having fixed limitation, not loose, vague or uncertain; definite, distinct, exact, formal, terse; (N.B. not used of persons); -e: precisely, just so; -eso: precision; -igar: to state precisely, to specify; -igo, -iguro: specification. Def.: Qua esas strikte definita o determinita; IV-102. Ex.: Dio preciza. Horo preciza. Ordino preciza. V. exp.: vid. akurata, exakta. — DEFIRS

pre-dat-izar: to antedate.

pre-destin-ar: (tr.) to predestine, foredoom, preordain.

pre-determin-ar: (tr.) to predetermine.

pre-dic-ar: (tr.) to predict, prophesy, foretell (cf. augurar); -anta: prophetic.

predik-ar: (tr., intr., lit. and fig.) to preach (ulo, ad ulu); (cf. exhortar); -anto, -ero, -isto: preacher; -ar per sua exemplo: to set an example, to practise what one preaches. — DEFIS

predikat-o: (log., gram.) predicate. — DEFIS

pre-dis-poz-ar: (tr., gen. and med.) to prepossess, predispose (cf. inklinar); -eso: predisposition, presumption, prejudice; -ita: prepossessed, biassed.

pre-dominac-ar: (intr.) to predominate (cf. preponderar); -o: predominance, prevalence.

pre-establis-ar: (tr.) to preestablish, establish beforehand.

pre-exist-ar: (intr.) to pre-exist.

prefac-o: preface (of a book); -izar: to insert, write a preface (for). — EFIS

prefekt-o: (Rom. antiq. and chief administrator of each department in France) prefect. — DEFIRS

prefer-ar: (tr.) to prefer, like better: give preference in mind to (ulo, kam); -esar: to be preferred; -o: preference, predilection; -ajo: what is preferred, choice; -e (kam): preferably (to), in preference (to), rather (than); -inda: preferable. Ex.: Preferar mortar kam vivar. Preferar la honoro kam la pekunio. — EFIS

prefix-o: (gram.) prefix; -izar, -igar: to put at the beginning of a word. — DEFIRS

prefoliacion-o: (bot.) prefoliation. — DEFIRS

preg-ar: (tr.) to pray (to) (God); to beg, entreat, beseech (ulu, pri, por); (cf. suplikar); -o-stulo: praying-chair, -desk; -o-libro: prayer-book; facar (od dicar) prego: say a prayer; me pregas: I pray, I beg; if you please. — FI

pre-hier-e: (on the) day before yesterday, two days ago.

pre-histori-o: pre-history, history prior to written history; -a: prehistoric. Def.: Ensemblo di la konocata fakti pri la epoko antea a la tempi historiala.

pre-intenc-ar: (tr.) to premeditate (cf. pre-meditar).

pre-ir-ar: (tr.) to precede, go before, go first or in front of (cf. precedar).

pre-judici-a: (jur.) interlocutory, not final or definative (judgement).

pre-judik-ar: (tr.) to prejudge; -o: prejudgement, presumption, prejudice; -a: prejudicial, preconceived.

prekar-a: (tr.) precarious, depending upon the will or pleasure of another; uncertain, unsettled. — DEFIS

prekoc-a: precocious, early, ripe befor the proper season; (of persons) ripe in understanding at an early age. Def.: Developita ante la normal evo; III-606. — EFIS

pre-kompr-ar: (tr.) to buy (ulo) beforehand; (fig.) to preempt.

pre-koncept-ita: preconceived.

pre-konoc-o (sav-o): foreknowledge, prescience.

prekursor-o: precursor, forerunner. — EFIS

pre-last-a: next to the last, last but one; (gram.) penultimate; -a silabo: penult.

prelat-o: prelate. — DEFIRS

preliminar-a: preliminary; -i: (the) preliminaries. ? DEFIRS

prelud-ar: (intr., mus.) to play a prelude. — DEFIS

pre-matur-a: premature.

pre-medit-ar: (tr., intr.) to premeditate; -o: premeditation; (jur.) malice aforethought, malice prepense; -e: designedly, wilfully; with malice aforethought.

premi-o: (com., fin., insurance) premium, bounty, bonus; (in competitions) a prize; -izar: to give a premium or prize to. — DEFIRS

premic-o, -i: first-fruits; (fig.) first mass (of a newly ordained priest). — FIS

premis-o: (log.) premise. — DEFIS

pren-ar: to take: lay hold of, by hand, etc.); -o: taking, prehension; (at cards) trick; -iva: prehensile; -ar per la dento: to take hold of with the teeth; -ar ulu ye la brakio: to take someone by the arm; -ar kozi inverse (od reverse): to take things the wrong way, amiss; de-, for- -ar: to take from, remove. — FI

pre-nom-o: first name, Christian name; -izar: to christen, give a first name to (ulu).

pre-onkl-ulo: great uncle.

pre-opinion-o: prepossession, presumption.

pre-pag-ar: (tr.) to prepay.

prepar-ar: (tr., intr.) to prepare (su, ulu, ulo, por, kontre); -(ad)o: preparation, preparing; -ajo: (also chem.) preparation (made); -anta, -iva, -ala: preparatory, preparative. Def.: Aranjar antee; predispozar. Ex.: preparar dineo, diskurso, la mento, por voyajar. — DEFIRS

preponder-ar: (intr.) to preponderate, have a superiority in weight or influence; -o: preponderance, sway; -anta: preponderant, prevailing; convincing (reason). — DEFIS

prepozicion-o: (gram.) preposition. — DEFIRS

prepuc-o: (anat.) prepuce, foreskin. — EFIS

prerogative-o: prerogative, exclusive pivilege or right. — DEFIRS

pres-ar: (tr.) to press, bear upon with force or weight; -eso alta, basa: high, low pressure; kun presar la denti: to clinch (clench) the teeth. — DEFIRS

pre-sapor-o: foretaste.

pre-sav-o: foreknowledge, prescience.

presbit-a, -(ul)o: far-sighted (person), presbyte, presbyopic. — DeFIS

presbiter-ismo: Presbyterianism; -ista, -isto: presbyterian. — DEFIRS

presbiteri-o: council of parish trustees; vestry council, presbytery (church elders); -ano: church warden. — DeFIRS

pre-sent-ar: (tr.) to have a presentiment of (ulo). Def.: Havar sentimento nepreciza, instintatra pri ulo qua forsan eventos.

pre-sign-o: presage, omen.

preske: (adv.) almost, nearly, all but, scarcely. Ex.: Me vendis preske omno. Preske nulo restas. Laboro preske parfinita. Me preske nultempe vidis il. V. exp.: vid. quaze. ? FI

pre-skis-ar: (tr.) to make a preliminary sketch of.

preskript-ar: (tr.) to prescribe, to set down authoritatively, to direct, order; (med.) to direct as a remedy; -o: (gen.) precept, direction; (med.) prescription (cf. recepto). — EFIS

presktir-ar: (tr., jur.) to bar or be lost by statute of limitation. Def.: Preskrito: perdo od aboliso di yuro pos definita tempo; III-410. — FIS

pre-sorg-ar: (tr., intr.) to take precautions, be cautious (pri, kontre); -ante, -ema: precautionary, cautious, wary; -o: precaution.

prest-ar: (tr.) to lend, loan (ulo ad ulu); -o: lending, loan (act); -ajo: that which is loaned, a loan; -isto (po gajo): pawnbroker; -ar po interesto: to loan at interest. — FIS

prestacion-o: (feudal law) prestation. Def.: Speco di kontributo per laboro o pekunio por la manteno di la publika voyi, e.c.; IV-447. — DEFIS

prestij-o: prestige. Def.: Speco di autoritato od influo, qua venas de l’extera aspekto ed efikas per l’opiniono ed imaginado; IV-447. — DEFIRS

pre-supoz-ar: (tr.) to presuppose; -o, -ajo: presupposition.

pretend-ar: (tr.) to lay claim to (ulo); be a pretender to (a throne, etc.); -o: pretension, claim; -ema: pretentious; (cf. pretextar). — DeFIRS

preter: (prep.) passing, past (by): indicates motion from one side to the other past a certain object; preter-irar: (tr., intr.) to pass (by), go beyond; (fig.) to overreach (cf. devancar); la kavaliero ne haltis apud la kirko ma kavalkadis preter ol: the knight did not stop at the church but rode past it; departinte ante ni, la amiki arivis pos ni; nam ni rajuntis li e preteriris li: having departed before us, our friends arrived after us; for we overtook them and passed them by. — L

preterit-o: (gram.) preterit(e): a past tense. — DEFIS

preter-pas-ar: (tr.) to pass by (ulu, ulo)

pretext-ar: (tr.) to allege (as a pretext), pretend, feign, sham (ulo); -o: pretext, pretence: ostensible reason; -o falsa, versembl-anta: fake, specious, pretended; il pretextas nesavo: he pretends ignorance; pretextar ula afero urjanta: to allege pressing business; kun pretexto di maladeso: under pretence of illness. — EFIS

pretor-o: (Rom. antiq.) pretor, prætor; -eyo: pretorium; -ano: a pretorian soldier. — DEFIRS

pre-urb-o: suburb (= F. faubourg: district which is or was formerly outside the city walls; cf. sub-urbo); -ala: suburban; -ano: suburbanite.

pre-valor-ar: (tr.) to prevail (cf. preponderar, vinkar). Ex.: Favoro ofte prevaloras super merito.

prevarik-ar: (intr.) to betray one’s trust (N.B. not «to lie»; cf. mentiar); -o: breach of trust (esp. in public office). Def.: Faliar sua devo pro interesto o ne-sincereso. Ex.: Ministro, judiciisto, qua prevarikas en sua ofico. — FIS

prevent-ar: (tr.) to prevent, ward off, forestall; -iva, -ivo: preventive. Def.: Impedar o remediar ula evento (mala) ante lua aparo; II-20. — EFIS

pre-vid-ar: (tr.) to foresee, anticipate; -o: foresight, prevision; -ema: provident, prudent, careful; -ante: in anticipation of (ulo).

prevost-o: provost. Def.: Titulo uzata en diversa faki: eklezio, militistaro, polico, etc. (La epiteti o la kuntexto specialigos olu); V-89. — eFI

prezent-a: (in space) present: not absent; (in time) present: not past or future (cf. nuna); -e: at present, now; -o: (the) present (time); (gram.) present tense; -eso: presence: existence in a place. V. exp.: On parolas pri persono prezenta same kam evento prezenta; VI-163. Ant.: absenta, pasinta. — DEFIS

prezerv-ar: (tr.) to preserve, save: keep from injury (ulu, ulo, de, kontre); (cf. konfitar, konservar); -iva, -ivo, -ilo: peservative. Ex.: Preservar ulu de grande danjero. — DEFIRS

prezid-ar: (tr., intr.) to preside over; to take the chair, be chairman; -o: presiding; -anto, -ero, -isto: president, chairman; -ant-eso: (function, duration) presidency; chairmanship; -ant-ala: presidential. — DEFIRS

prezunt-ar: (intr.) presumptuous, presuming; to have undue confidence in oneself; -o: presumption, excess of self-confidence; -ema, -oza: presuming, too confident, self-conceited; without proper basis in reason. V. exp.: vid. superba. Ex.: Yuneso esas prezuntoza. — eFIS

pri: (prep.) about, concerning, relating to, in regard to, in reference to, as regards, re, apropos of; joyoza pri la bona informo: glad about the good news; diskurso pri ekonomio: lecture on economy; pri quo ve pensas nun? what are you thinking about now? me pensas pri mea gepatri: I am thinking about my parents; me ne savas pri to: I do not know about that.

prikl-ar: (tr., intr.; of sensation) to prickle, tingle; sentar -eso di la gambi: to feel one’s legs asleep. — DE

prim-a: primary: first in order of development, of time; not derived; -tipo: archetype; -avi (nia): (our) first parents; -a nombri, kolori: prime numbers, colo(u)rs; -o: (fig., fencing) prime; (R.C. Lit.) prime. — DEFIRS

primadon-o: primadonna. — DEFIRS

primar-a: primary, elementary, first or lowest in order; -a skolo: primary school; -a tereni: (geol.) strata earliest deposited. — DEFIS

primat-o: (eccl.) primate. — DEFIS

primitiv-a: primitive; -o: (hist. gram.) a primitive. Ex.: Primitiva naturo, eklezio, linguo. — DEFIRS

primordial-a: primordial. — DEFIS

primroz-o: (bot.) primrose (Primula grandiflora). — E

primul-o: (bot.) cowslip (Primula officinalis). — DeFIS

princ-(ul)o: prince (cf. rej-ido); -ino: princess; -ala, -atra: princely; -eso: (dignity, rank) princedom; -o lando, -io: (territory) principality; -o-spoz-ulo: prince consort; -o salika: Salic prince; -et-acho: a petty prince, princeling. — DEFIRS

princip-o: principle; supozo di -o: (log.) petitio principii, begging the question. Ex.: Extablisar principo. La principo di movo. Homo sen-principa. — DEFIRS

printempo: spring (-time); (fig.) prime, bloom of youth; -ala: spring, vernal. — eF

prior-a: prior, before (cf. antea); (jur.) priority. Def.: Qua pasas avan irgu pri ula kozo; VI-382. Ex.: La parento havas la yuro di prioreso (pro anteeso) dum un yaro. — DEFIS

prior-(ul)o: prior (in a convent); -ino: prioress; -eyo: priory, religious house. — DEFIRS

prismat-o: prism; -a, -atra: prismatic; triangula -o: triangular prism. — DEFIRS

pritane-o: (Gr. antiq.) prytaneum. — DEFIRS

privac-ar: (tr.) to deprive, take from, strip off; to bereave; -ar su: to deprive, stint, deny oneself (de); -o: (act) privation; -eso: (state) deprivation, loss, want, bereavement; -ala, -anta, -iva: (gram.) privative; (jur.) in severalty. Ex.: Privacar ulu de lua havajo, lua libereso. Privaco de vidado. — EFIS

privat-a: private; -eso: privacy. Ant.: publika. ? DEFIR

privilej-o: privilege: peculiar advantage or benefit; -izar: to grant a privilege to a (ulu); -iz-ita, -ito: privileged (person). — DEFIRS

priz-ar: (tr.) to appreciate, like, prize, value. Ex.: Prizar la bona qualesi, la meriti, la servado, la judiko, la opiniono, du ulu. — DEF

prizent-ar: (tr.) to present: set or place before; (milit.) to present (arms); to introduce; (cf. ofrar, montrar, expozar). Ex.: Prizentar buketo. Prizentar akredito-letro ad ulu. Ca afero prizentas granda avantaji. Prizentar ulu a la rejo. — DEFIRS

pro: (prep.) because of, on account of, out of, owing to, in consequence of; pro ke: (conj.) because, since, on the ground that, (cf. nam); pro quo? why? pro to: that is why; pro quo ne? why not? trista pro la desfortuno: sad because of misfortune; pro jaluzeso: out of jealousy; malada pro diabeto: sick with diabetes; sufrar pro dursto: to suffer from thirst; dispensita de ulo pro infirmajo (od pro ke il esis infirma): exempt from something on account of infirmity (or because he was too infirm). Ex.: El ne povis venar, pro ke el esis malada. Pro quo vu amas il? Pro ke il esas mea amiko. Pro quo vu ne volas venar kun me? Pro ke me ne havas sata tempo. Pro quo vu ne prestas la pekunio ad il? Me ne konocas il; pro to me ne prestos la pekunio. — L

prob-ar: (tr.) to test, make trial of, put to test, prove by experiment; (cf. esforcar); (of ore metals) to assay; -e-metar: to try on (clothing); -o-temp-iero: probationer; -ero, -isto: tester, assayer; -o-stono: touchstone; -ar chanco, risko: to run a chance, to take a risk. Ex.: Probar paf-armo. Probar sua forteso. La febla ucelo probas sua ali. Probo di la oro. — DFIS

probabl-a: probable, likely, having more evidence than the contrary; which is likely to happen; -e: probably; -ajo: probability: thing probable; -eso: (quality) likelihood, probability; -ismo: (theol.) probabilism; kalkulo (od teorio) di la probabl-esi: (math.) theory of probabilities, doctrine of chances. Ex.: La aventajo semblas apene probabla (od, semblas neprobabla). Existas nula probableso ke il venos. — EFIS

problem-o: problem; -atra: problematical, doubtful. Ex.: Geometriala problemo. Ol esas problem solvenda. Pozar ulo kom problemo. — DEFIRS

proced-ar: (intr.) to proceed, go on (ad ulo); to act, behave in a certain way; -o: proceeding, way of acting, behaviour, process. Ex.: Procedar a la exameno di kandidato. Procedar lente, cirkonspekte. Simpligar la procedo. Procedo kemiala. — EFIS

procedur-o: (jur.) procedure, manner of proceeding; practice; proceedings: measures taken in the prosecution of an action; -ema: litigious. Ex.: Kodexo di civila proceduro. Spenso di proceduro. — DeFIR

procent-o: percentage (N.B. does not refer to interest or rent of capital; cf. po and Talmey’s Text Book, p. 82). Def.: Raporto di la du nombri; V-681. Ex.: Il postulas kin po cento kom procento. Me kolokis 1000 fr. ye la procento di quar po cento. La procento di la naski, di la morti, di la mariaji en ula populo o habitantaro. — DEFIRS

proces-ar: (intr., jur.) to bring action, go to law, institute proceedings, prosecute, proceed (kontre ulu); (law-) suit, action; trial; -ema: litigious; -anto: litigant. — DeFIRS

procesion-ar: (intr.) to walk in procession, to make a procession (in the streets, in the church, etc.); -e, -atre: in procession. — DEFIRS

procid-o: (theol.) spiration.

prod-a, -(ul)o: valiant, gallant, doughty (person); -eso: prowess, valo(u)r; -ajo: a feat of valor, exploit. — FIS

prodig-ar: (tr.) to lavish, be prodigal of, be unsparing of; -achar: to squander waste; -ado, -em-eso: prodigality, lavishness, extravagance; -ema filiulo: prodigal son. Def.: Spensar abundante ed ecese (en un sama okaziono); IV-102. V. exp.: Prodigar povas havar laudanta senco. On prodigas sua havajo, sua sorgi, sua bonfaci a un o poka personi. «Deo prodigas sua graco a la pekanto»; kp. disipar.

prodom-o: (med.) prodrome, premonitory symptom of disease. — DeFIS

produkt-ar: (tr.) to produce, engender, bring forth, bear, yield; (cf. genitar); -uro, -ajo: product; -anto, -ero: producer; -anta, -iva, -ema: producing, productive. Ex.: Ca lando produktas multa oro. La arbori produktas frukti. La autoro produktas verki. La milito produktas granda malaji. La produktaji di naturo. Sulo produktiva. — DEFIRS

profan-a: profane, not sacred; related to secular affairs; proceeding from contempt of sacred things; -(ul)o: person uninitiated into any mystery or rite; person not conversant with any art or science; an outsider; -ajo: a profane thing or act (cf. profanacar); Ex.: Profana parolado, historio, konduto, ago, naturo. Mixar la profanaji kun la sakraji. — DEFIS

profanac-ar: (tr.) to profane: treat sacred things with abuse, irreverence, contempt; to desecrate; (tr.) to degrade, debase; -(ad)o: profanation. Ex.: Profanacar templo. Profanado di sua talenti. — DEFIRS

profes-ar: (tr.) to profess, make a profession of; -o: profession. Def.: Deklarar publike. Ex.: On profesas religio, kredo, doktrino, fido pri ulu od ulo. — EFIS

profesion-o: (occupation) profession; -ala: professional; -ano: member of a profession; -e: professionally, by profession. Ant.: amatoro. — DEFIRS

profesor-o: professor (in a university, college, seminary); -ala: professorial; -eso: professorship. ? DEFIRS

profet-o: prophet, seer; -ala: prophetic, relating to a prophet. (cf. pre-dic-anta). — DEFIS

profil-o: profile, side-face, -view; -izar: to draw or show (ulu, ulo); in profile; -igar su: to appear, stand out in profile; -e posturar: (intr.) to pose in profile; mi- -e: (photog.) a pose between back and profile. — DEFIRS

profilaxi-o: (med.) prophylaxis. — DEFIRS

profit-ar: (tr., intr.) to profit (pecuniarily or otherwise); (cf. ganar); -igar: to cause profit to (ulu). Def.: Avantajizar per ulo; ganar per ulo. Ex.: Profitar (ulo) per komercaji vendita, konsilo donita. — DEFIR

profund-a: deep, profound: extending far below the surface; (fig.) abstruse, sagacious; -eso: (quality) depth, profundity; -ajo: depth (a place); -igar: to deepen; lago -a de kin metri: a lake five meters (metres) deep; des-, ne- -a: shallow; min-, ne- -ajo: shoal; min-, plu- -eskar: to shelve. Def.: Qua relatas la triesma dimensiono (generale vertikala) ed aplikesas a l’interna dimensiono di objekto kava. (Vazo esas alta, regardata de extere; ol esas profunda, se on konsideras lua kavajo.) IV-596-7. Ex.: Profunda puteo, vunduro. Profunda dormo, doloro, nul-savo. Cienco, pensero, raskalo profunda. Studiar profunda. — EFIS

prognoz-ar: (tr., med.) to prognosticate: foretell (ulo) from present symptoms; to make a prognosis. ? DEFIRS

program-o: program, written outline of entertainment or ceremony; (of a theater) playbill; (of a political party) platform; (in a university) syllabus; (fig.) plan, project. — DEFIRS

progres-ar: (intr.) to progress, make progress; -(ad)o: progressing, advancement; -anta, -iva, -ema: progressive; -emo: a progressive person; (fig.) a liberal, radical. Ex.: La atako kontre l’enemiko progresas. La progreso di incendio, di inundado, di studiado, di morbo. Ant.: retro-irar, regresar. — DEFIRS

progresion-o: (math., biol.) progression. — DEFIRS

projekt-ar: (tr., geom. opt.) to project; -o, -uro: projection; -ajo: that which is projected; -aparato: a projector. Ex.: Korpo qua projektas sua ombro sur altra. Projekto di Mercator. — DEFIRS

projektil-o: (mechan., artil.) projectile. — DEFIS

projektor-o: beam-thrower, projector (as of a searchlight).

projet-ar: (tr.) to plan, scheme, purpose, to form a project; -o: project; -ata, -ita: projected, contemplated. Ex.: Projetar longa voyajo. Projetar facar ulo. Ca homo sen-cese projetas, ma ultempe parfinas ulo.? DEFIRS

proklam-ar: (tr.) to proclaim, cry out, give out; -o, -ajo, -uro: proclamation. Ex.: Proklamar ulu kom rejo. Proklamar la bona agi di uli. Publikigar proklamajo. — DEFIRS

proklitik-o: (gram.) proclitic. — DEFIS

prokonsul-o: (Roman. antiq.) proconsul. — DEFIRS

prokur-ar: (tr.) to procure, get, obtain; -isto di employi: keeper of an employment office. Ex.: Prokurar employeso por ulu. Prokurar manjajo por ulu. — EFIS

prokurac-o: procuration: power to act for another, proxy; the instrument which empowers, warrant, letter of attorney; -iero: one who holds proxy, proxy-holder; -izar: to empower (ulu); agar per -iero: to act by proxy. — DEFIRS

prokurator-o: (Rom. antiq.) procurator. — DEFIRS

prolegomen-o: prolegomenon. — DEFIS

proleps-o: (rhet., biol., medic.) prolepsis. — DEFIS

proletari-o: proletarian, labo(u)rer, worker; -a, -ala: proletarian; -eso: (state, condition) proletariat; -aro: (collect.) proletariat, laboring class, non-possessing class. — DEFIRS

prolifer-ar*: (tr.) to proliferate.

prolix-a: prolix, verbose, diffuse (style, discourse, narrative, etc.); -eso: prolixity. Ant.: lakonika, kurta. — DEFIS

prolog-o: prologue. Ant.: epilogo. — DEFIRS

prolong-ar: (tr.) to lengthen, extend (by addition, in space); -o, -uro: prolongation. Def.: Adjuntar ad ula kozo ulo suplementala, qua konstitucas integrajo kun ol, e qua nomesas prolonguro; IV-138. V. exp.: Plu-long-igar relatas tempo, durado. On prolongas kayo, muro; ma on plulongigas vivo, voyajo, milito. — DEFIS

promen-ar: (intr.) to go for a walk, promenade, walk, stroll (for pleasure); -igar: to take (ulu) out walking; -(ad)o: (act) walk(ing); -eyo: place for walking, promenade. — DEFR

promis-ar: (tr.) to promise (ulu, ad ulu; facar ulo); (fig., of weather, etc.) to forebode; -o-lando: land of promise; -ar per sua honoro: to give his word (cf. honor-promiso); exekutar (od satisfacar) sua -o: to keep one’s promise; be as good as one’s word; violacar (od faliar) sua promiso: violate one’s promise, break his word. — DEFIS

promoc-ar: (tr.) to promote: raise, advance (someone to a higher rank, grade); -o: promotion, preferment (of officers, learners, etc.). — DEFIS

promontori-o: (geog.) promontory, headland. — DEFIS

promulg-ar: (tr.) to promulgate (laws, etc.) — DEFIS

pron-ar: (intr., R.C. ch.) «to pronate». V. exp.: Prono esas nek prediko nek solena diskurso. Ol kontenas diversa prego-formuli, rekomendi, konsili, avizi e fine instrukto-diskurso familiara facata por la parokiani dum la meso. Dec. 1538, M.XI 67. — F

pronac-ar: (tr.) to pronate: turn the palm of the hand downward or backward; -anto, -anta muskulo: pronator muscle.

pronom-o: pronoun; -ala: pronominal. —DEFIS

pront-a: ready: prepared, in readiness; willing, disposed; -igar: to make (ulu, ulo) ready; -a ad departar: ready to go; -a por omno: ready for anything; la dineo esas -a: dinner is ready. — IS

pronukle-o: (biol.) pronucleus.

pronuncar: (tr.) to pronounce (words; cf. artikular); -o-defekto: impediment of speech. — EFIS

propag-ar: to propagate: multiply or continue by generation; (fig.) to spread abroad, diffuse; to make propaganda; -esar: to be propagated; -anto, -ero, -emo: propagator; propagandist; -em-eso: proslelytism. Ex.: Esas necesa propagar la animali e la vejetantaro utila. Propagar lumo, la evangeligo, lo vera. — DEFIRS

proporcion-o: (also arith.) proportion: relation, ratio; -igar, -izar: (tr.) to proportion: adjust relatively; -ala: proportional; -alo meza: mean proportional; -al-eso: proportionality; -e, -ale: in proportion (ad), pro rata, proportionately; -igita bone: well proportioned; sen- -a: disproportionate. Ex.: Proporcionigar la spensi a la recevaji. Proporcionigar la puniso a la kulpo. — DEFIRS

propoz-ar: (tr.) to propose: to offer (ulo) for consideration; to propound; to move (a resolution or amendment); -o: (act) proposal, offer; (parl.) motion; -ajo: what is proposed, proposition; V. exp.: vid. ofrar. — DEFIRS

propozicion-o: (log., gram., geom., theol.) proposition. — DEFIRS

propr-a: own, belonging to, proper, peculiar to; -ajo: something which belongs to someone or something, peculiarity, characteristic, attribute, property, one’s own; (cf. singular-ajo, partikular-ajo); -eso: quality of being somebody’s own; -e: properly, strictly; -a dic-ita: properly so-called; -e parol-ante: strictly speaking; -igar: to appropriate: consign to a particular person; -igar a su: to appropriate: to one’s own use, make (ulo) one’s own; -amo: self-love, -esteem, -respect, conceit; «amour-propre»; raciono esas propra (od esas proprajo) di la homo: reason is peculiar to man; -a nomo: proper name or noun; la propra signifiko di vorto: the proper meaning of a word; me facis omno per mea propra manui: I did it all with my own hands; persono havas karakterizivi propra: a person has his own (or peculiar) characterisics; la proprajo di magneto: the property of a magnet; lua propra filiulo: his own son.? EFIS

propretor-o: (Rom. hist.) propretor. — DEFIRS

propriet-ar: (tr.) to own: have legitimate possesion of (cf. posedar); -o: ownership; -ajo: that which is owned, property; -anto, -ero: owner, proprietor; -o literatur-ala: copyright; -o nuda: bare ownership; (jur.) property without usufruct of it, revisionary interest. — EFIS

propuls-ar: (tr.) to propel, drive forward; -ilo: propeller (cf. helico). — DEFIS

prorog-ar: (tr.) to prorogue (parliament). — DEFIS

prosektor-o: prosector: assistant disector or professor of anatomy.

prosenkim-o: (bot.) prosenchyma.

prosilogism-o: (log.) prosyllogism.

proskrib-ar: (tr.) to proscribe, outlaw. V.exp.: vid. exilar. — DEFIRS

prospekt-o: prospectus: preliminary statement of a plan, scheme, or literary work. — DEFIRS

prosper-ar: (intr.) to prosper, be successful, thrive; -ema: propitious; havar prosperala mieno: have an air of prosperity, look successful. — DEFIS

prostat-o: (anat.) prostate gland. — DEFIS

prostatit-o: (med.) prostatis. — DEFIS

prostern-ar: (intr.) to prostrate oneself (cf. prostracar); -igar: to cause someone to prostrate himself. Def.: Jetar su avan ulu, ulo, kom signo di adoro o humila respekto (ago o gesto ceremoniala). — eFIS

prostez-o: (gram.) prosthesis. — DEFIS

prostituc-ar: (tr.) to prostitute, make a prostitute of (ulu); (fig.) to degrade (su); put (ulu, ulo) to a base use; -eyo: house of prostitution; -at-ino: a prostitute. — DEFIRS

prostrac-ar: (intr.) to be in a stare of prostration (extreme physical weakness) be prostrated; -o: (med. and gen.) prostration (cf. prosterno). Def.: Esar en stando di extrema depreso, mentala o korpala. — EFIS

protagonist-o: protagonist: (theater) chief actor; (fig.) one who takes the lead in any great matter. — DEFS

protal-o: (bot.) prothallium.

protandr-a: (zool.) protandric.

prote-o: (myth.) Proteus; (fig.) a man who frequently changes his opinions; (zool.) proteida; -ala: protean. — DEFIRS

protecion-ismo: (polit. econ.) protectionism; -isto: protectionist. — DEFIRS

protein-o: protein. — DEFIS

protekt-ar: (tr.) to protect, defend; -anta, -iva, -ema: protecting, protective, fostering; -ato: person protected; (fig.) protégé. Ex.: Protektar lo febla, la inocenti, la urbo. Protektata kontre la koldeso.? DEFIRS

protektorat-o: protectorate. Def.: Autoritato asumita da plu-forta stato super inferiora o dependata stato, partikulare pri la relati exterlanda. — DEFIRS

protest-ar: (intr.) to protest (publicly); (tr., com.) to protest (payment on a bill). Def.: Asertar forte, solene, publike. Ex.: Protestar kontre abrogo. Il protestas ke omno esis facata kontre lua volo. Protestar pago. — DEFIRS

protestant-a, -(ul)o: protestant; -eso, -ismo: protestantism. — DEFIRS

protez-o: (surg.) prosthesis. Def.: Adjunto di artificala parto por remplas-igar parte o tote korpala defekto (ex.: artificala gambo). — DEFI

protist-o: (biol.) protist. — DEFIS

protogin-a: (bot.) protogynous; -eso: protogyny. — DEFIS

protokol-o: (parl.) written minutes (of proceedings); (diplom.) protocol; «proces verbal», official report (by functionary, as of a crime). — DeFIRS

protoplasm-o: protoplasm. — DEFIRS

protoplast-o: (biol.) — DEFIS

prototip-o: prototype. — DEFIS

protozo-o: (zool.) protozoan. — DEFIS

protuberanc-a: protuberant, prominent (cf. sali-anta); -o: (anat., astron. and gen.) protuberance, prominence: projecting part. — DEFIRS

proverb-o: proverb, adage (cf. sentenco); -a, -atra: proverbial; -eskar: to become a proverb; become proverbial; -o-komedio: short dramatic composition. Def.: Kurta, populara precepto o dicajo. — DEFIS

providenc-o: providence (of God); -ala: providential. — EFIRS

provinc-o: province; (fig.) shire, country district or region outside of a capital city; -ala: provincial; -atra: countrylike; -ano: a provincial, a country person; -estro: (rel.) a monastic superior; -al-ajo: a provincialism; a provincial idiom; -al-ismo: provincialism (system). — DEFIRS

proviz-ar: (tr.) to provide, supply, furnish (ulu, per ulo); to victual; -o, -uro: providing, supply, stock, store; -anto, -ero, -isto: provider, supplier, caterer, purveyor; (milit.) sutler, canteen-worker. Ex.: Provizar armeo per municioni. Provizar ulu per omna necesaji. V exp.: vid. furnisar. — DEFIRS

provizor-a: provisional, temporary, transitory; -e: provisionally, temporarily; -ajo: provisional measure, arangement. — DEFIRS

provok-ar: (tr.) to provoke: call forth; incite, incense; -anta, -iva, -ema: provoking, provocative; -ar a kombato: to call forth to combat. Def.: Agar segun maniero por produktar reprezalo. — DEFIRS

proxenet-o: panderer, pimp, go-between; -ino: procuress; -eso: business, position of being a pimp. Def.: Persono qua agas kom mediacero en shaminda afero. — FIS

proxim: (prep.) near, by, close to, nigh to; (of time and space; for quantities cf. cirkum; cf. apud); li esis proxim la urbo: they were near the city; proxim la instanto decidiganta: near the decisive moment; -e: (adv.) near, nigh, close; il lojas proxime: he lives close by; -a: near, next, bordering upon; ka vu akompanos me a la proxima strado? will you accompany me to the next street? printempo esas proxima: spring is near; la maxim proxima urbo: the nearest city; ta urbo esas plu proxima: that city is nearer; -eso: proximity, nearness; -igar: to bring, draw (ulo, ulu) near; il proxim-igas la hundo: he made the dog come near him; -eskar: to draw nigh, approach, to approximate; la hundo proximeskas: the dog came near; la tempo proximeskas; the time draws nigh; to esas nur proxime justa: that is only approximately right; proxim-igo ad la vereso: approximation to the truth. — EFIRS

proz-o: prose; -altra: prosaic, dull, matter of fact; -atr-eso: prosiness; -ajo: piece of prose. — DEFIRS

prozelit-o: proselyte. — DEFIRS

prozodi-o: (gram.) prosody. — DEFIRS

prozopope-o: (rhet.) prosopopœia, personification. — DEFIS

pru-o: (nav.) bow, prow. Def.: L’avana parto di navo o batelo. — eFIS

prud-a: prudish; -ino: a prude; -eso: (quality, characteristic prudishness); -ajo: a prudish act. Def.: Afektacante pudoroza. — DEF

prudent-a: prudent, cautious, politic, discreet, wary; -(ul)o: a prudent person; -eso: prudence; -e: with prudence, discreetly; ne- -a: imprudent, rash. Def.: Saja e cirkonspekta en agado e konduto. V. exp.: vid. cirkonspekta. ? EFIS

pruin-ar, -as: (impers.) there is (or, we are having) a hoar frost (or, white frost); -o: hoar-frost, rime; -oza, -iz-ita: white with frost, rimy, frost-covered. — L

prun-o: plum: prune; -iero: plum-, prune-tree (genus: Prunus); -ier-eyo: plum-orchard; sika -o: (dried) prune. — eFI

prunel-o: (bot.) sloe: fruit of the blackthorn; -iero: sloe-tree, blackthorn-tree (Prunus spinosa). — FI

prunt-ar: (tr.) to borrow (ulo, de ulu); (cf. prestar); -ajo: that which is borrowed, a loan. — F

prurit-ar: (intr.) to itch; -(ad)o: itching; (med.) pruritis. Ex.: La skalpajo pruritas. — eFIS

pruv-ar: (tr.) to prove, demonstrate by experiment or argument (ulo, per ulu); -o: proving, proof, evidence; -anta, -iva: convincing, decisive, conclusive (arguments); (cf. konkluziva). — DEFIS

psalm-o: psalm; -isto: psalmist; -libro, -aro: book of psalms; psalter; psalms (collect.); -o penitenc-ala: penitential psalm. — DEFIRS

psalmodi-ar: (intr.) to psalmodize, to sing psalms; (tr.) to drone out, recite (ulo) in a sing-song manner; -o: psalmody, psalm-singing. (fig.) sing-song. Def.: Psalmodio: maniero kantar la psalmi (aplikebla ad altro kam psalmi); IV-515. — DEFIS

psalteri-o: psaltery, a stringed musical instrument. — DEFIRS

pseudo-*: a prefix signifying false, counterfeit.

pseudonim-a: pseudonymous; -o: pseudonym, nom de plume, alias. Def.: Aganta o skribanta kun falsa nomo. — DEFIRS

pseudo-sfer-o: (geom.) pseudosphere.

psik-o: the conscious, knowing mind; -ala: psychical. Def.: La koncio fenomenala, la objekto di la «psikologio» (tale psiko esas plu generala kam anmo); V-32. Ex.: Psikala kauzi, qualesi, dolori.

psikiatri-o: psyschiatry. Def.: Kuracado di mentala morbi. ? DEFIR

psikolog-o: psychologist. — DEFIRS

psikologi-o: psychology. Def.: Ta parto di filozofio qua traktas la mentala fakultati ed agado di la psiko. — DEFIRS

psikometr-o: psychrometer, hygrometer. — DEFIRS

psoas-o*: (anat.) psoas, lumbar muscle. — DEFI

pterigoid-a*: (anat.) pterigoid, wing-shaped.

pteropod-o: pteropod. — EFIS

ptomain-o*: (chem.) ptomaine. — DEFIS

puber-a: pubescent, arrived at puberty; -eso: puberty. — EFIS

pubi-o*: (anat.) pubic bone; -ala: pubic. — EFIS

publican-o: (Rom. hist.) publican. Def.: Recevisto dil imposto o censo por la Romani (e pro to odiata e desestimata da la Judi); VII-281. — EFIS

publicist-o: publicist. Def.: Persono qua skribis od esas erudita pri la yuri di nacioni, nacional ekonomiko, e.c. — DEFIRS

publik-a: public (opp. to private); -o: (fig.) the public, the people (indefinately); -e: publicly, in public; -eso: (quality) publicity, notoriety; -igar: to make (ulo) public (cf. editar); -ig(ad)o: (act) publication: -ig-ajo: publication: that which is published; -a deklaro: manifesto; -a saneso: public health; la -a prospero: the public welfare. Ant.: privata. ? DEFIRS

pudel-o: poodle (-dog). — DER

«puding»: (cook.) pudding.

puding-o: (geol.) pudding-stone, conglomerate. — DEFIRS

pudl-ar: (tr. metal.) to puddle; -isto: puddler; -o-forno: puddling-furnace. Def. : Konvertar feraji a forjita fero per fuzado. — DEFR

pudor-ar: (intr., esp. of women) to feel a natural shame, modesty; be modest; -o: native bashfulness, modesty, pudency, pudicity; -oza, -ema: ashamed, bashful, chaste, modest, coy; -acho: pretended modesty; sen- -a: without shame, immodest. Def.: Pudoro: la sexuala modesteso quan la muliero specale sentas. — eFIS

pudr-o: powder (for the toilet; cf. pulvero); -izar: to powder (the face, etc.); riz- -o: rice powder. — DEFR

puer-o: child (of over seven years); -ino: girl; -ulo: boy; -ala, -atra: juvenile, childish, puerile; -al-eso, -atreso: (quality) childishness; -al-ajo: childish act or object. — eFL

puf-o: large stuffed footstool; round ottoman seat. Def.: Sidilo (ped-apog-ilo) polsterizita (sen ula dors-apogilo): II-647. — DFR

pugn-o: fist, -o-frap-ar: (tr.) to strike with the fist; -o-frapo: a punch; -o-frapeto: a cuff; -o-frapilo: (brass-) knuckle; -o-kombato: fistfight; -o-fort-eso: gripping power. — FIS

pul-o*: (billiard game) pool.

pulc-o: (ent.) flea; -o-kolora: puce-colo(u)red. — FIS

pulchinel-o: punchinello, Punch, buffoon; (fig.) puppet. — DeFIRS

puli-o: pulley; (nav.) block; (tech.) sheave; -aro: bock and tackle, hoisting gear, compound pulley. — EFIS

pulikari-o: (bot.) fleabane (genus:Pulicaria). — L

pulmon-o: (anat.) lung; -ala: pulmonary. ?EFIS

pulmonari-o*: (bot.) lungwort, pulmonary (genus: Pulmonaria).

pulmonit-o: (med.) pneumonia, inflammation of the lungs. — FIS

pulp-o: (of fruits, bot., pharm.) pulp; (cf. paplo); -oza, -atra: pulp-y, -ous; -igar: to reduce (ulo) to pulp. — DEFIS

puls-ar: (tr., intr.) to push, thrust, drive (by force or violence); to impel (by pressure); to displace (by effort); to throb, pulsate, beat (as heart); (cf. shovar); -(ad)o: pushing, thrusting; pulse, pulsation, throbbing. Ex.: Pulsar veturo. Pulsar ulu ek chambro. Pulsar per la manuo. Pulsado di l’arterii. Palpar la pulsado di ulo. La vento pulsas la navo. — DeFIRS

pultr-o: poultry, collective name for all domestic fowls; (cf. hano); -uno: one fowl; -eyo: poultry-house, place. — E

pulul-ar: (intr.) to pullulate: gow or germinate abundantly (cf. mult-eskar; formik-umar); -(ad)o: pullulation: rapid increase, swarm. Def.: Multeskar abundege e rapide. Ex.: La pululado di mikrobi esas tre rapida. — EFIS

pulver-o: powder, any dry stuff composed of small particles, as used in guns, pharmacy (cf. polvo, pudro); -a: of powder; -oza, -atra: powdery; -igar: to reduce (ulo) to powder, to pulverize; -ig-ita: pulverized; -iz-ar: to cover with p.; -ifar: to make, produce p.; -if-erio: p.-making establishment; -magazino: p.-magazine; -uyo: p.-holder, -horn; chas- -o: p. for hunting purposes; min- -o: p. for mining, blasting; karbon- -o: coal-dust; fek- -o: dried night-soil. — DeFIS

puma-o: (zool.) puma, cougar (Felis concolor). — DEFIRS

pumic-o: pumice (-stone); -agar: (tr.) to rub (ulo) with pumice. — EIS

pump-ar: (tr.) to pump; -ilo: a pump; -isto: pumper; (fig.) fireman; aer- -ilo: air pump; incendio- -ilo: fire-engine. — DEFIS

punc-ar: (tr.) to punch: indent with pump or die; -uro: (result) stamp (as of coins, medals, etc.); -ilo: punch. V. exp.: Puncar diferas de la stampo per ke stampar esas nur imprimar sur surfaco, kontre ke puncar esas penetrar o mem borar ula korpo; II-357. — DeFIS

punch-o: (beverage) punch. — DEFIRS

puncion-ar: (tr. surg.) to puncture, tap (a tumor, etc.). — DEFIS

punis-ar: (tr.) to punish, chastise (ulu, por, per); -o: (act) punishment; -uro: penalty; -eso: punishment: state of being punished; -ala: penal; -anto, -ero: punisher, chastiser; -inda: punishable; -esar: to be punished (da, pro); -o per amendo: punishment by fine; -tasko: extra task (as at school); -laboro: hard labo(u)r; -domo: house of correction. — EFIS

puns-ar: (tr.) to pounce (a design). Def.: Kopiar desegno per pulvero, quan on pasigas tra la trui di papero perforita segun la linei di la desegno; VI-116. — EF

punt-o: (geom., astron., typo., play) point; dot; position; period; small hole (as made by a needle or awl); -izar: to dot, prick, mark (ulo) with a point; to punctuate; -iz-ado, -uro: punctuation; dotting; -izo-signo: stop; -izar le «i»: to dot the i’s; -o-komo: semi-colon (;); klamo- -o: exclamation mark (!); bi-punto: colon (:); question- -o: question mark (?); suto- -o: stitch; kontakto- -o: p. of contact; depart- -o: p. of departure; seko- -o: p. of intersection; incido- -o: p. of incidence; halto- -o: stop; vid- -o: viewpoint; morto- -o: p. of death; kardinala -o: (geog.) cardinal p.; kriz-ala -o: critical p.; repoz- -o: (mus.) pause. — DEFIRS

pup-o: poop, stern (of a ship, boat). Def.: Dopa parto di navo, di batelo; III-594. — EFIS

pupe-o: doll, puppet; ludar per -o: to play with a doll; -atra: doll-like. — DeF

pupil-o: (anat.) pupil (of eye). — DEFIRS

pupitr-o: desk for reading, writing, drawing, etc. (N.B. not pulpit; cf. katedro); muzik- -o: music-stand. — FIS

pur-a: pure (air, water, blood, wine, race, life, style, intentions, mathematics, etc.); genuine, unmingled, unalloyed; plain, mere, sheer; downright; -eso: purity, pureness; -e: purely, genuinely, merely; -igar: to make (ulo) pure, purify; -ig-anta, -ema: purifying; -ismo: (rhet.) excessive nicety, esp. in choice of words; -ista, -isto: purist(ic) (in choice of words); -sang-a: pure-blooded; -sang-ulo, -ino: thoroughbred. Def.: sen intermixuro; ne alterita, ne-viciizita, ne-koruptita. — DEFIS

pure-o: purée, a thick soup, as of vegetables, boiled and strained. — DeFIS

purg-ar: (tr. lit. and fig.) to purge (the body, soul, mind, etc.); -iva, -ivo: purgative; -ilo: a purging instrument. V. exp.: Purgar: kuracar per purgivo (quale purgar intestini); liberigar de nepurajo e stranjeraji (quale purgar metalo); liberigar de kulpi etikal, intelektala (quale purgar de prejudiko, misopiniono). — DEFIS

purgatori-o: purgatory. — DEFIS

puritan-(ul)o: a puritan; -ismo: Puritanism. — DEFIRS

purpur-o: purple (colored); -o: purple, (the colo(u)r, dye); -atra: purplish; -izar: to empurple (ulo). — DeFIRS

pus-o: (med.) pus, purulent matter; -ifar: to produce pus; suppurate; -oza, -if-anta: purulent, suppurative; -oz-eso: purulence. — DEFIRS

pustul-o: pustule; (bot.) blister; -eto: small pustule; pimple (filled with matter). V. exp.: vid. papulo. ? DEFIRS

putativ-a*: putatative, reputed, supposed. Def.: Quan on supozas havar legal existo. Ex.: Putativa mariajo. — EFIS

pute-o: well: shaft sunk in the ground for water, oil; -o-kordo: well-rope; -o-arteza: Artesian well. — FIS

putor-o: (zool.) polecat (Putorius). — F

putr-ar: (intr.) to putrify, rot; -eskar: to begin to putrify; -igar: to cause (ulo) to rot; -anta: rotting, putrifying; -inta: rotten, putrid; -ajo: rot, something rotten; -int-eso: putridity; -eyo: (tech.) rotting vat. — EFIS


qua: (relative and interrogative pronoun; acc. quan) who, what, which (person) (Note: qua used as an interrogative adjective has the same form in the plural as in singular; ex.: qua membri ne pagis ankore: which members have not paid yet?; used substantively it takes the form qui; (cf. Talmey’s Text Book, p. 26); qua esas ibe: who is there; qua viro venis: which man came? qua kloko esas: what time is it? (or, what is the hour?); la pluvo qua falis: the rain which fell; la libro quan me donis a vu: the book which I gave you; la puerino quan me amas: the girl whom I love; qua iras hike: (milit.) who goes there? quo: (acc. quon): what, which (thing, fact); (Note: The forms quo, quon are also used adjectively when referring to othr pronouns ending in -o; as, to quo, co quo, omno quo, nulo quo: cf. Talmey ibid. p. 95); quo used as an interrogative refers to something indefinite; as, quo eventis? what happened; quo esas plu bona: which (thing) is better? quon il dicis?: what did he say? quo, ka vera?: what! is it true? quon (me devas) facar?: what is to be done? (used adjectively) prenez to quon vu volas: take what you will. Qui (acc. quin) (pl. form of qua and quo) who, what, which; qui parolis: who (plural) spoke? la personi qui parolis: the persons who spoke; ti quin me amas: those whom I love. — FIS

quadr-o: freestone, ashlar, hewn or squared stone; opp. of kruda stono. — DI

quadrant-o: (instrument) quadrant; (geom.) quadrant: quarter of a circumference of a circle; (cf. VI-322). — DEFIRS

quadrat-a: square; -a peco de papero: a s. piece of paper; -a nombro: a s. number: product of two equal factors; -o: a square; -ala: quadratic (equation, etc.); -igar: to s. (ulo), to form in s.s (uli); -igo: squaring, quadrature; -ig-ebla: which can be squared; -izar: to cover (ulo) with s.s, to checker; -iz-o, -uro: checker-work; -ope, -iz-ita: by s.s, checkerwise; checkered; areo de du quadrato-metri: area of two s. meters; areo de du metri quadrate (od, areo de quar quadrato-metri): an area of two meters square, i.e., of four square meters (cf. Talmey, Text Book, p. 111). Def.: Quadriangulo equilatera ed ortangula. — DeFIRS

quadratur-o: (astron.) quadrature, quartile (aspect or relation of 90 degrees). — DEFIRS

quadri-angul-a: quadrangular, four-cornered, four-square, four-angled; -o: (geom. and bldg.) quadrangle.

quadrig-o: (antiq.) quadriga. — DEFIS

quadrik-a, -o*: (math.) quadric. — DEFIS
quadril-o: quadrille (dance and music); troop of horsemen (at a tournament); a game of cards played by four persons. — DEFIRS

quadri-later-o, -(al)a: quadrilateral.

quadrilion-o: quadrillion (1,000,0004). — DEFIS

quadri-manu-a: quadrumanous.

quadri-ped-a, -o: quadruped.

quadrirem-o: (antiq.) quadrireme: galley with four banks of oars.

quadri-yar-a: quadrennial.

quak!: quack!

quaker-o: (rel.) quaker. — DEFIRS

qual-a: what (= what sort of, of what kind, what quality; indicating comparison); quala esas la vetero: what sort of weather is it?; quala viro il esas?: what kind of a man is he?; quala vento!: what a wind!; quala genio!: what genius!; quale: how; (in comparison) as, like; quale se: as though, as if; quale (od, qual-maniere) il facas ol?: how did he do it?; quale standas la malada infanti?: how are the sick children?; explikez quale vu facis ol: explain how you did it; quale vu standas?: how do you do?; se vu ne savas quale, ne facez ol: if you do not know how, do not do it; en ta loko, quale la texti dicas, erektesis franda monumento: in that place, as the texts say, was erected a great monument; Qual-eso: quality; the relative nature of something, good or bad; -eso prima: first or prime quality; -es-ala analizo: qualitative analysis. V. exp.: vid. kom. — DeFIS

quali-o: (orni.) quail (Tetrao coturnix).

qualifik-ar: (tr.) to qualify: to ascribe the quality of; (gram.) to express a quality; to style, term; -o: qualification: attribution of a quality or title; -anta: qualifying; -ilo: (gram.) a qualificative; -anto: (R.C. rel.) a qualificator. Def.: Expresar la qualeso di, atribuar qualeso ad ulu, ulo. Ex.: L’adjektivo qualifikas la nomo. Qualifikar ulu kom fripono. La verko esas qualifikita kom herezioza. — DEFIS

quankam: (conj.) although, though. Ex.: Il esas jeneroza, quankam il ne esas richa. Quankam il esas mea amiko. — L

quant-a, -e: (of quantity, price) how much (ex.: quanta multo (od quanto) de ta stofo: quante to kustas?); (of numbers) how many (ex.: quanta homi mortis?) (of time) how long (ex.: dum quanta tempo il restis); quanta-foye: how many times; -e pok-a, -e: how little, how few; -e granda: how great, how big; -o: (concrete) quantity; -eso: (an abstract) quantity (as in math., physics, music, etc.); -esi imaginara: imaginary quantities; -esma dio di la monato: which day of the month; -es-ala: quantitative (analysis, etc.); quanto esas du plus tri?: how much is two plus three?; quanton (od, quante vu evas?): how old are you?; segun quante: in the measure as, as in so far as; quante min me manjas, tante min me drinkas: the less I eat, the less I drink; quante plu la homi posedas, tante plu li volas posedar: the more a man has, the more (or, so much the more) he wants. — DeFIS

quar: four; -opl-a, -o: quadruple, four-fold; -opl-igar: to quadruplicate; -opa: quaternate, disposed by fours; -a-dek: forty; -a-dek-esma: (ordinal) fortieth; -a-dek-imo: (fraction) a fortieth; quar-pec-igar: to divide (ulo) into four pieces; (for other derivative forms, cf. du). — eFIS

quaranten-o: quarantine; impozar -o ad ulu: to q. (ulu). — DEFIRS

quarc-o: (min.) quartz. — DEFIRS

quart-o: (mus.) fourth; (fencing) quarte; (piquet) quart; (nav.) a four (or two) hour watch; quart-esar: to be on watch; prenar la -o: to take the watch. — DeFIRS

quartan-a: quartan: occurring every fourth day; -a febro: q. fever. — DEFIS

quarter-o: quarter, district, ward, section of a city. — DEFIRS

quartermastr-o: (milit.) quartermaster, one who provides quarters, provisions, etc.; (nav.) quartermaster, a petty officer rating. — DEFIRS

quarteron-a, -(ul)o: quadroon. Def.: Genitito da blanko e da mulato; V-25. — DeFIRS

quartet-o: (mus.) quartet. — DEFIRS

quartik-o*: (math.) quartic. — EFIS

quasi-o (-kortico): (pharm.) quassia; -iero: (bot.) q. tree (Quassia amara). — DEFIS

quaternar-a: (math., geol.) quaternary. — DEFIS

quaternion-o: (math.) quaternion. — DEFIS

quatren-o: quatrain. Def.: Poemeto di quar versi; III-143. — DEFIS

quaz-e, -a: as it were, so to speak; (jur.) quasi; -a diftongo: a quasi-diphthong. Def.: En ula grado simila, ma ne tote tala; III-153. V. exp.: Quaze indikas nur semblo o simileso e ke esas poka difero inter du objekti. Preske indikas stando o grado proxima e esas termino di mezuro indikanta proximeso, kurta disto, tempo, grado. Ex.: quaze nigra; preske parfinita; il esis preske mortinta (il esis tre grave malada, vindita, e.c.); il esis quaze mortinta (il esis senmova, o simulis mortinto, ma esis forsan tote sana). — DEFIS

quaze-delikt-o: (jur.) injury caused involuntarily.

quaze-kontrat-o: (jur.) quasi-contract, implied contract.

quech-o*: damson (plum); (Prunus domestica); -iero: d. tree.

quer-ar: (tr.) to fetch; -igar: to casue (ulu) to fetch (ulu, ulo); -igez la mediko: send for the doctor. Ex.: Irar por querar ulu, ulo. Sendar ulu por querar ulu, ulo. Venar por querar ulu, ulo. — FL

quercitron-o: (bot.) quercitron, dyer’s oak (Quercus tinctoria). — DEFI

querk-o: oak-tree (genus: Quercus); (cf. rovro); -o-ligna tablo: oaken table; -o sempre-verda: evergreen oak, holm oak (Quercus Ilex). — L quest-ar: (tr.) to collect (money, after solicitation), to make a collection; -(ad)o: collection, gathering (of money); offertory. Def.: Solicitar e recevar pekunio quale por karitatala od altra skopo (kp. IV-414). — FI

question-ar, -adar: (tr., intr.) to question, ask questions of, interrogate (ulu, pri ulo); -o, -ado: query, question(ing), interrogation; (fig.) problem; -aro: set of questions (as for an examination, etc.); -ala, -iva: interrogative; -ema: inquisitive; -punto: q. point. V. exp.: vid. demandar, inquestar. — EFIS

questor-o: (Rom. antiq.) quæstor, questor. — DEFIRS

qui: see qua.

quiet-a: (mental condition) quiet, peaceful, tranquil (cf. tranquila); -eso: quietude, quietness, calmness; -igar: to tranquilize, comfort, calm, reassure, quiet down (ulu); -eskar: to become quiet, calm; -ismo: quietism: a theological doctrine; -ig-anta: reassuring, comforting; ne- -a: uneasy (cf. anxi-oza). V. exp.: vid. kalma. — EFIS

quik: (adv.; of time) immediately, at once, directly, forthwith (N.B. not the E. «quick»; cf. rapide, balde, subite); -a: done or happening at once, instantaneous, immediate; quik pos vua departo: immediately after your departure; irez quik: go immediately; me quik manjis ol: I ate it at once; quika halto: quick (immediate) stop; quika kompren-ebleso: immediate understanding; quik kande: as soon as (lit.: immediately when). Def.: Ye la sama instanto; exakte ye sam-tempo. — e

quin: see qua.

quin-o: quinquina, cinchona, Peruvian bark; (cf. quinino); -iero: cinchona tree (Cinchona). — DeFIRS

quinar-a*: quinary, consisting of five. — DEFIS

quing-o: (fruit) quince; -iero: q. tree (Cydonia vulgaris).

quinin-o: (chem.) quinine, quinia. Def.: Alkaloido extrakta di quino. — DEFIRS

quinkunc-o: quincunx. Def.: Kinopa dispozo di kozi (un en omna angulo e un meze di quadrato). — DEFI

quinquagezim-o*: Quinquagesima (Sunday). — DEFIS

quint-o: (mus.) quint: interval of five consecutive notes; (fig.) a tenor violin; (piquet) quint, a sequence of five cards; (fencing) quinte, fifth guard. — DeFIRS

quintal-o (metr-ala): quintal: 100 kg (about 200 lbs.). — eFIS

quintan-a* (febro): quintana, five-day fever.

quintesenc-o: (lit. and fig.) quintessence, essential thing, pith (of a matter). — DEFIRS

quintet-o*: (mus.) quintet. — DEFIS

quintik-o*: (math.) quintic. — EFIS

quintilion-o: quintillion (1,000,0005).

quiproqu-o: quid pro quo, mistake, blunder. Def.: Intermixo di du personi o kozi; V-25. — DeFIS

quirit-o: quirite, a citizen of ancient Rome in his civil capacity. — DEFIRS

quirl-ar: (tr.) to twirl, querl; turn or wind (ulo) around. V. exp.: Agitar liquido, ex. kremo, per quirl-ilo. — De

quit-a: quit(s), clear; rid, free (de, pre ulo); discharged (from debt); -igar: to receipt (a bill, etc.); to give a receipt to (ulu); to pay off, clear up; -igo: receipt; quittance, discharge (from debt); -esar ye ulu: to be quits with someone, to owe one nothing; -igo o du-opl-igo: (to play) quits of double; -a reciproke: (to be) mutually quits; il quit-igis la recevo di mea letro: he acknowledged the receipt of my letter. — DEFS

quo: see qua.

quocient-o: (arith.) quotient. — DEFIS

quodlibet-o: pun, quibble, sorry joke, jest. — F

quot-o: quota, portion, share, contribution. Def.: Parto quan on devas pagar o recevar, en repartiso di ula sumo totala. — DEFIS


rabat-ar: (tr.) to make a reduction in (value or price); (cf. diskontar); -o: reduction, diminution, rebate, abatement (in price); -e vendar: to sell at a reduced price; -e komprar: to buy at a discount; esas granda rabato en la preco di ca vari: there is a great reduction in the price of these goods. Def.: Rabato: diminuto di preco grantita da la vendisto a la kompranto. — DEFIRS

rabi-o: rabies, canine madness (cf. hidrofobio); -ala: relating to rabies; -ika, -iko: rabid (person or animal). — EFIS

rabin-o: (Jewish) rabbi, rabbin; -ala: rabbinical; -ismo: rabbinism; -isto: rabbinist, one who adheres to the tradition of the rabbins. — DEFIRS

rabot-o: (carp.) plane; -agar: (tr.) to plane; -o-spano: shaving; -mashino: a planer; listel- -o: rabbet plane. — F

racem-o*: (bot.) raceme. — DEFIS

racion-o: (faculty) reason, power of understanding, intellect; (cf. motivo, expliko, kauzo, rezonar); -ala: rational (act, thing); -oza: rational (person); -al-eso: rationality; -al-ismo: rationalism; -al-isto: rationalist; evo di -o: age of reason; des-, ne-, sen-, kontre-racion-a: unreasonable, irrational. Def.: La fakultato per qua on konocas e judikas. — DEFIRS

rad-o: (nav.) roads, roadstead; en-irar (la) -o: to go into the road. — DFIRS

radi-ar: (tr., intr.) to radiate, irradiate: to emit rays or beams; -o: ray, beam, gleam; (geom.) radius; (of a wheel) spoke; (ich.) ray, skate; -ado: radiation, radiance; -anta, -oza: beaming, radiant, radiated; -ozo: (zool.) radiary (pl.) radiata; -ala: radial; -izar: to cover (ulo) with rays; sun- -i: sun rays; kalor- -o: ray of heat; (fig.) lua vizajo radias (pro) joyo: his countenance beams with joy. Ex.: Lumo radias. Radiar kaloro. La radii di Roentgen; La suno radiizas la agri, t.e. kovras li per sua radii (o radiado). — DEFIRS

radiator-o*: radiator (of heat); cooling apparatus. Def.: Aparato destinita cedar kaloro a l’aero cirkondanta (quale l’aparati, qui varmigas nia domi, e l’aparati, qui koldigas l’aquo en la motori di automobilo); V-626-7.

radik-o: (of plants, etc., also gram., math.) root; (gram.) root, stem, radix, radical, primitive word or syllable; (fig.) beginning, origin; -ala: radical: relating to the root; -ifar: to produce roots, take root (en); -izar: to plant: fix (ulo) in earth by roots; -o-sproso: (bot.) sucker, runner; -eto: (bot.) radicle; -alo: (math. chem.) radical; -al(ul)o: (politics) radical: an advocate of radicalism; -al-ismo: (polit.) radicalism; kina radiko di mil: fifth root of a thousand (5&radic1000). — EFIS

radiograf-ar: (tr.) to photograph (ulu, ulo) by means of x-rays; -uro: (photo.) radiograph. — EFIS

radiometr-o: (instr.) radiometer. — EFIS

radioskop-ar: (tr.) to view an opaque object by means of Röntgen rays; -(ad)o: radioscopy; -ilo: radioscope; (cf. radiografar). — EFIS

radio-telefon-ar: (tr.) to phone (ulo) by wireless; -o, -uro: wireless telephoning, radiophone; -ilo: a wireless telephone.

radio-telegraf-ar: (tr.) to telegraph (ulo) by radio; -(ad)o, -uro: radio-telegraphing, radiogram; -ilo: radio-telegraphic apparatus.

radium-o*: (chem.) radium. — DEFIRS

radius-o: (anat.) radius (-bone). — EFS

radot-ar: (intr.) to be in his (or her) dotage, to talk drivel; nonsense; -eso: (state) dotage; -anto, -ero, -emo: dotard, driveler. — eF

rafan-o: (bot.) radish (Raphanus radicula); -eto: radish (Raphanus sativus); -eyo: radish bed. — I

rafin-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to refine (metal, sugar, the taste, etc.); (cf. pur-igar; delikat-igar); -(ad)o, -uro; -eso, -em-eso: refining; (result) refinement, nicety; affectation of nicety (cf. sub-til-igo); -ito: refined person: one who has a delicate taste, in art, literature; -ita sukro: refined sugar; -anta, -iva: refining; -isto: refiner; -eyo, -erio: refinery of sugar, oils, etc. — DEFIRS

rafl-o: rape, grape-stalk. — F

raft-o: raft, plank or log float; -o-ponto: a bridge-raft; arbor- -o: a raft of trees. — E

rag-o: tatter: cloth torn and hanging (cf. shifono); -izar: to clothe (ulu) in rags, tatters; -oza, -iz-ita: ragged, tattered; -oz-eso: raggedness. — E

ragut-o: (cook.) ragout: a highly seasoned dish; a stew; hash. — DeFI

raitr-o: reiter: ancient German trooper. — DEFIRS

rajunt-ar: (tr.) to overtake, catch up to. Def.: Atinger ulu, ulo, sequinte lu kun plu granda rapideso; III-470. Ex.: Il jus departis, ma me esperas balde rajuntar il. — FIS

rak-ar: (tr.) to draw, rack off (wine, etc.) (fig.) to extract, worm out (secrets, money, etc.) V. exp.: To ne esas trans-varsar (varsar ek un vazo en altra per la suprajo), ma pasigar (liquido) de un vazo en altra, cherpante sube (per robineto o sifono); III-77. — E

rakahut-o: racahaut: an Arabian food. — DEFIRS

raket-o: racket (as for tennis). — DEFIRS

rakit-o: (med.) rachitis, rickets; -iko, -ika: (person) suffering from r. — DEFIRS

rakont-ar: (tr.) to recount, tell (a made up story, fiction, something which never happened, is not true); -o: story, tale, fib, fiction, gossip; -o imaginala, fantazi-ala: fantastic yarn, improbable story; old wife’s tale; -anto, -ero: story-teller; -achar: to tittle-tattle. V. exp.: vid. naracar. — eFI

ral-o: (orni.) rail (-bird) (Rallus). — DEFI

rali-ar*: (tr., intr., milit. and fig.) to rally (troops). Def.: Kunvenigar hazarde soldati dispersita, ne segun individuala ordino; metafore signifikas adhero (plu or min bonvoloza) a partiso, a persono, e.c.; V-742. — DEF
small bough, twig, small branch (of a tree); (fig.) a subdivision or branch artery, vein; branch of family, etc.; -(et)oza: branchy, ramous, ramified. — DeFIS

rami-o: (bot.) ramie (Bœhmeria); -o-stofo: ramie fabric. — DEFS

ramn-o: (bot.) buckthorn (genus: Rhamnus). — IL

ramp-o: (upward) slope, gradient, incline, ramp. V. exp.: vid. pento. — Def

ran-o: frog; -larvo: tadpole. — IS

ranc-a: rancid, rank; -eso: rancidity; -eskar: to turn, become rancid; odorar rance: to smell rancid. — DEFIS

rang-o: row, file, tier, range; (degree, station) rank, order; -izar: to place (ulo) in rows, put (uli) in ranks; to class (persons, things) (cf. lok-izar); en la sama -o: in the same row; sam-ranga: of the same rank; alta-ranga: of high rank; recevar rango: (milit.) to take rank. Def.: Ordino, aranjo di kozi sama o simila, personi sur lineo o segun digneso o merito. Ex.: Rango di soldati. Revolucioni konfuzas omna rangi. — DEFR

rankor-ar: (intr.) to have a grudge, a ranco(u)r, spite; to feel resentment, animosity (kontre ulu, pri, pro, ulo). — EFIS

ranson-o: ransom; postular -o: to demand a ransom (de, po, ulu). Def.: Preco postulata po la liberigo di kaptito (militala o ne); V-676. — DEF

ranunkul-o: (bot.) buttercup (genus: Ranunculus). — DeFIRS

ranur-o: groove: a long, square-cut, sunken channel in wood or metal; (firearms) rifling; (cf. kanelo). — FS

rap-o: (bot.) a variety of turnip (Brassica rapa rapifera). — FIR

rapec-ar: (tr., of clothing) to piece, put a piece in, patch; (of shoes) to cobble; (cf. reparar). — FI

rapid-a: (in space and time) rapid, swift, quick, prompt, fleet, speedy, fast (cf. ajila, hast-ema, alert); -eso: quickness, celerity, rapidity, velocity; -ajo: a rapid (in a river); -a treno, rapido: a fast train, express; -ag-ema: expeditious. Ant.: lenta. — DEFIS

rapier-o: rapier, long, straight sword. — DEFR

raport-ar: (tr.) to make a report on, to report (ulo, ad ulu); -o: report; (fig. math.) ratio, relation; -anto, -ero, -isto: reporter. Def.: Facar raporto, t.e., plu o min longa naraco o deskripto pri kozo od evento, specale a chefo od autoritato kompetenta, od a societo, kongreso, quan o devas o volas informar; VI-79; matematikala raporto equivalas fraciono, kp. relatar. Ex.: Historio reportas remarkinda fakti. Komercala raporti; La raportisto raportas la novaji od facas raporto pri ula proceso. La reporto di 2 ad 3 esas la fraciono 2/3. — DEFIRS

rapsod-o: (antiq.) rhapsodist: reciter of poems. — DEFIRS

rapsodi-o: rhapsody: poem recited by a rhapsodist; (fig.) rambling composition. — DEFIRS

rapt-ar: (tr.) to sieze and carry away by violence, pillage, kidnap, ravish; -o: rapine, pillage, kidnapping, highway robbery; -anto, -ero, -isto: robber, brigand, bandit, highwayman; -ajo: booty, plunder; -ema: rapacious; -em-eso: rapacity (cf. avideso); -ocido: murder (attended) with robbery. V. exp.: vid. furtar, extorsar. — FIS

rar-a: rare, seldom occuring, not frequent, infrequent, unusual; (cf. skarsa); -e: rarely, seldom, not often; -ega: very rare; -eso: rareness; -ajo: a rarity, curiosity. Def.: Des-ofta, des-frequa; V-595. Ant.: ofta, frequa, cf. skarsa. — DEFIS

ras-o: (human, animal) race, stock, breed; (fig.) family, line, ancestry, blood; (agri.) variety; -ala: ethnic; (la) -i futura: future races, generations. Def.: Ensemblo di la ancestri e decendanti di una familio, di un populo. Ex.: La raso di Abraham. Homala raso. Di pura raso. Hundo chasas segun sua raso. — DEFIRS

raskal-o: rascal, rogue, knave, scamp, blackguard; -ala, -atra: rascally, scoundrelly; -eso: (quality) knavery; -ajo: (act.) knavish trick, rascality; -aro: rabble, riffraff (cf. populacho). — E

rasp-ar: (tr.) to rasp, grate; -ilo: rasp, grater; -uri: gratings; -o-bruiso: a rasping noise; -ita pano: grated bread, bread crumbs. — DEFIRS

rast-ar: (tr.) to rake: clean (ulo) with a rake; -ilo: a rake; -ilo-edo: a rakeful. — FIS

rastaquer-o*: a foreigner or stranger travelling without known means of existence; a fashionably dressed swindler. — F

rastelier-o: rack, wooden frame of open work, as for fodder, for arms, etc. — FIS

rat-o: rat; -chas-anta, -era: rat-hunting; -kapt-ilo: rat-trap; -veneno: rat poison. — DEFIS

ratifi-o: (liquor) ratafia. — DEFIS

ratifik-ar: (tr.) to ratify, confirm (a treaty, an act, etc.). Def.: Autentigar ulo ja facita o promisita. — DEFIRS

raten-o: (fabric) rat(t)een. — DEFIS

raton-o: (zool.) raccoon, coon (Procyon lotor). — FS

rauk-a: hoarse, raucous, husky; -eso: hoarseness; -igar, -eskar: to make, become hoarse. — eFIS

raup-o: caterpillar. — D

raut-o: rout, a fashionable assembly, a large evening party. — DeFR

ravelin-o: (fort.) ravelin, lunette. — DeFIRS

ravin-o: ravine, gully; -izar: to gully out (by torrent), to cross (a land) with ravines. Def.: Longa, profunda e streta exkavuro formacita da torento. — EF

ravis-ar: (tr.) to ravish: enrapture, charm; -o, -eso: (act, state) transport, rapture; -anta, -iva: ravishing, delightful, charming; -ante: admirably, wonderfully well. Ex.: Vua kantado ravises me. Me esis en raviseso (od, ravisata). Il kantas ravisante. — EFI

ray-o: (ich.) ray, skate (genus: Raia). — EFIS

raz-ar: (tr.) to shave (su, ulu); -ilo: razor; -ilo-ledro: razor-strop; -ero, -isto: barber. Def.: Tranchar raze la pili. — DEFIS

re: (mus.) re, D, the second note of the diatonic scale.

reakt-ar: (intr.) to react (ad, kontre); -o: (all senses) reaction; -iva, -ema: reactive; -ivo: (chem.) a reagent; -emo: (polit.) reactionary. — DEFIRS

real-a: real: actually existing, not imaginary, not fictitious; -ajo, lo reala: a reality, what is real; -eso: (quality) reality; -e: in reality, indeed; -igar: to realize: make real, bring (ulo) into being; (fin.) to convert into money; -eskar: to become or be realized; be converted into money; (fig.) to come to pass; -ig-(ad)o, -ig-uro: realization; -ig-ebla: realizeable; -ismo: (philos., art) realism; -ism-ala, -ist-ala: realistic; -isto: realist. Ant.: imagin-ala, -ita; ne-vera, falsa. — DEFIS

realgar-o: (min.) realgar. Def.: (Reda) arsen-sulfo; IV-580. — DEFRS

rebel-a: rebellious, refractory; -(ul)o: a rebel, insurgent; -eskar, -esar: to rebel, rise in rebellion (cf. revoltar); -esko, -eso: rebellion; -aro: (collect.) rebels. Def.: Qua violente refuzas obediar autoritato yurizita. Ex.: La rebela anjelo. Rebelo kontre rejo. Ant.: obedi-anta, -ema.  ? DEFIS

rebord-o: a raised edge; brim, rim; -izar: to put a raised edge on (ulo). V. exp.: Flanjo existas nur en tubi. Rebordo ne esas simpla bordo, ma bordo salianta ofte perpendikla a la chefa parto (quale rebordo di chapelo); IV-642. — FIRS

rebus-o: rebus. — DEFIR

recens-ar: (tr.) to review (a book). — DeR

recent-a: recent; -e: recently, lately; tote -e: very recent, new, fresh; til -e: until recently. Ex.: Recenta eventi. Tote recenta memoro. Ant.: anciena. — EFIS

recepcion-ar: (tr., tech.) to take over. V. exp.: Examenar la qualesi di furnisajo e pose decidar pri lua acepto o refuzo. VII-480.

recept-o: (med., cook) recipe, receipt (cf. preskripto). Def.: Formulo qua indikas la kompozuro di ula medikamento o la ingrediento di ulo. — DEFIRS

receptakl-o*: (bot.) receptacle. — EFS

recev-ar: (tr.) to receive, accept (something offered, given, sent); -o: (act.) accepting, receipt; -ajo: that which is received; la libro esas recevebla de la imprimerio: the book is to be had from the printer’s; -uyo: receptacle; -ilo: receiver (instr.); -atesto: acknowledgement of receipt. V. Exp.: On recevas simple to, quo donesis o sendesis, mem ne demandita o ne expektata. On recevas donacajo, pensiono. On aceptas kande on voluntas recevar (gasto, e.c.). Obtenar esas recevar kozo, quan on deziras, demandas, por qua on konkursis (premio) od irge penis; II-647. — EFIS

recidiv-ar: (intr., jur.) to repeat the same offence, to commit the same crime again; (med.) to reappear (said of a former illness); -o: recidivism: relapse into crime or illness, second offense; -anto, -into, -ero: previously convicted felon, old offender. — DeFI

recipient-o: (chem., phys.) recipient: receiving vessel for gases or liquids. — DEFIS

reciprok-a: (also log., gram.) reciprocal, mutual; -o: (log.) converse: reciprocal proposition; -eso: reciprocity, mutuality; agar -e: to return the like, to give like for like (ad ulu). V. exp.: vid. mutuala. — DEFIRS

recit-ar: (tr.) to recite: repeat out loud something learned (a lesson, etc.) — DEFIS

recitativ-o: (mus.) recitative: sort of a musical declamation used in operas, etc. — DEFIRS

red-a: red (colo(u)red); -o, -a koloro: red (the color); blush; -eso: redness; -igar, -izar: to make red (ulu, ulo); to cause to blush; -atra: reddish, ruddy; -vanga: red-cheeked, rubicund; (la) red-i: (fig.) the reds, republicans, socialists. — E

redakt-ar: (tr.) to draw up, word (a document); to edit (a newspaper, journal) (cf. edit-ar); -(ad)o, -uro: drawing up (deeds, etc.); editing periodicals; redaction; -eso: manner , style of wording, editing; -anto, -ero, -isto: writer (of a deed); editor; -ist-ala artiklo: an editorial. — DeFIRS

redan-o*: (fort.) redan. — DEF

redemt-ar: (tr.) to redeem. — EFIS

redingot-o: frock coat: double-breasted garment for men, with long skirts before and behind. — DF

red-kaud-o: (orni.) redstart, red-tail (Rubicilla phoenicura).

red-pektor-o: (orni.) robin redbreast (Erithacus rubeculus).

reduit-o: (fort.) reduit, inner fortification; (fig.) retreat, refuge. Def.: La senco vulgara e la senco militala esas identa: «loko, angulo en qua on povas retretar, refujar, celar su»; IV-706. — DeFIRS

redukt-ar: (tr., intr.; also surg., math.) to reduce (to proper, suitable proportions; cf. diminutar); (jur.) to commute (a sentence); -ebla: reducible. Ex.: Reduktar (la dimensioni di) mapo, tablo. Reduktar ulu a taco. Reduktar ulo a pulvero. Reduktar frumento a farino. Reduktar rupturo. Reduktar du fracioni a la sama denominatoro. — DEFIRS

redut-o: (fort.) redoubt. — DEFS

ref-o: reef (in a sail); -agar: to reef; des-ref-agar: to let out the reefs in (a sail). — DER

refer-ar: (tr., intr.) to refer (to): to direct, send to another; to attribute, ascribe; -o: reference; -o-libro: book of reference. Ex.: Me referas l’afero a vu. Me referas Sro. A. a Sro. B. Me referas mea debileso a la morbo. Ica komizo havas bona referi. On referas ad autoro o libro, e.c. kande on indikas la loko, en qua on trovos ulo aludata o bezonata (k.p. citar). V. exp.: Referar, verbo transitiva, havas senco vicina a relat-igar, ma plu preciza. Ol signifikas: establisar relato logikala od intelektala inter un kozo ed altra, qua esas exemple lua kauzo, origino, expliko, e.c. Exemple, on referas la marei a la luno; on referas monumento a lua epoko, autoro, stilo. Per extenso di ta senco, on referas su a persono, qua povas atestar o garantiar ulo, ad autoritato, qua povas konfirmar aserto o protektar ulu; VI-79. — DEFIRS

referendari-o: referendary, (in France) a former title of certain public officers; (in Germany) young barrister attending the courts and qualifying for the post of «Assessor»; -a konsil-isto: (France) a magistrate in audit office.

reflekt-ar: (tr., phys. sense) to reflect (back), mirror back (ulo); to turn something back; (intr., fig. mental sense) to reflect, consider, meditate especially on something past (pri): -esar: to be reflected (en, sur); -ita: reflected (of objects); -anta: reflecting; -iva: (gram.) reflective verb etc.; -ema: (fig.) reflective, meditative, thoughtful; -ilo: reflector (cf. reflektoro); -angulo: angle of relexion; sen- -a: (of character) thoughtless, giddy, heedless. Ex.: Speguli reflektas la imaji di objekti. Reflektez ante ke vu agos. Il reflektis pri sua pasinta peki. Agar senreflekte. — DEFIRS

reflektor-o*: reflector. Also reflecting telescope. — DEFS

reflex-a, -o: (physiol.) reflex. — DEFIRS

reflux-ar: (intr.) to ebb (of tides); -o: ebb, reflux. Ant. fluxar. — eFIS

reform-ar: (tr.) to reform: amend for the better (laws, customs, morals, etc.); -o: (also church hist.) reform(ing); reformation; -ema, -emo; -ista, isto: reformer, reformist; -ita: reformed (person, church, etc.); -ito: a reformed person; (fig.) a protestant; -ebla: reformable. — DEFIRS

refrakt-ar: (tr., phys.) to refract; -esar: to be refracted; -iv-eso: refractive power; -ebla: refrangible. Ex.: La prismato refraktas la lumo-radii. — DEFIRS

refraktar-a: (of substances) refractory, not easily melted, wrought or acted upon; -(ul)o: a refractory person, contumacious person; (milit.) rebellious recruit (who refuses to join his regiment). — DEFIRS

refraktor-o*: refractor. Also refracting telescope.

refren-o: refrain, burden of a song; (fig.) constant theme, topic.

refuj-ar: (intr.) to take refuge, seek shelter (che ulu, ad ulo). (fig.) to have recourse (to); -eyo: place of refuge; lair (of beasts); -trotuaro: a place of reuge (for pedestrians); -anto, -into: refugee. — EFIS

refut-ar: (tr.) to refute, confute, disprove. Def.: Kombatar aserto od opiniono per argumenti, qui nuligas ol o qui pruvas la kontreajo. (En proceso, en diskuto, singla partiso penas refutar la aserto o pretendo di l’altra); III-222. — DEFIS

refuz-ar: (tr.) to decline, refuse; -o: refusal; -ajo: what is refused. V. exp.: Vu refuzas, sive kozo quan on ofras a vu, sive kozo, quan on demandas de vu, sive irga propozo quan on facas a vu. Do refuzar = ne aceptar, o ne koncesar (ne volar donar), o ne admisar, o ne konsentar; III-222. — EFIS

regal-ar: (tr., also fig.) to regale, treat, entertain, feast; il regalis sua amiki: he entertained his friends; il regalas ni per charmanta rakonto: he told us (treated us with) a charming tale (to amuse us). — DEFS

regali-o: «regale»: royal prerogative. — DeFIRS

regard-ar: (tr.) to pay regard to: to look at something attentively, cast the eye on; -eskar, -etar: to glance at; -o, -ado: look(ing), gaze, stare, Ex.: Regardar la homi pasanta. El lansis regardi furioza. Regardar super muro. La regardi expresas la pensi. V. exp.: Vidar esas nur perceptar ulo per l’okulo, vole o nevole. Regardar esas esforcar por vidar, implikas sempre intenco ed atenco, mem se on fakte ne sucesas vidar: ofte on dicas: «me regardas, e me vidas nulo»; V-35; kp. spektar, kontemplar. — EFI

regat-o: regatta, boat-race. — DEFIRS

regener-ar: (tr.) to regenerate: to generate anew; (theol.) to make to be born again; (fig.) to reform, amend. Ex.: La sapto regeneras la aboro-tisui. Bapto esas regenero. Regenerar naciono dekadanta. — DEFIRS

regent-o: regent; -eso: regency. — DEFIRS

regi-o: regie, direct administration, management of government properties (as opposed to contract administration), esp. the excise administration; a government monopoly. — DeFIS

regiment-o: (milit.) regiment. — DEFIRS

region-o: (all senses) region, part of a country, of space, of the body, of a science; -ala: regional. — DEFIRS

registr-o: register, record (of persons); account (of acts and proceedings); (com.) account book; -agar: (tr.) to register, record; -ag-(ad)o: registration; -eyo: registration office; -isto: registrar; en- -igar: to keep a register of, make a record of, enrol. — DEFIRS

regn-ar: (tr., intr.) to reign: to rule as king or sovereign, to hold sway over (ulu, ulo); -o: reign; (nat. hist.) kingdom; -anta: reigning; -ato: a subject; animal- -o: animal kingdom. Ex.: Louis XIV regnis la lando de 1643 ad 1715. (fig.) La regno di yusteso, di ula modo. La teroro regnis. V. exp.: La rejo di Anglia regnis ma ne guvernas. — DEFIS

regol-o: (orni.) wren (Troglodytides parvulus).

regolis-o: (bot.) liquorice, licorice; -pasto: l. paste; -aquo: l. water. — IS

regres-ar: (intr.) to regress, recede; to recoil; -(ad)o: regression, retro-gression; -anta, -iva, -ema: (lit. and fig.) regressive, retrograde. Ant.: avancar. — EFIRS

regret-ar: (tr.) to regret, be sorry about (ulu, ulo); -inda: regrettable. Ex.: Regretar la pekunio spensita, amiko mortinta. — EF

regul-ar: (tr., tech. and fig.) to regulate (machines, clocks, etc.); -o: rule (to follow; cf. normo); -ado: regulating; -aro: rules (collect.); -ala: relating to regulating; -oza: regular: conformed to rule or law, uniform, constant; -oz-eso: regularity; -oz-igar: to regularize, make regular, put in order, set right; -anta, -iva: regulating, regulative; -oze: regularly; -izar: to make, establish regulations for, impose regulations on; -iz-uro: regulation (prescribed); -iero: (rel.) regular, a monk; -ier-eskar: to become a monk, nun; -ier-ino: nun. Ex. Segun la regulo. Konformigar su a la reguli. La regulado di la posh-horlojo. Regular su segun ulu. Regulizar itinerario. Regul-oz-igar nia aferi, nia dokumenti. On preskriptas regulizuri por soldati, por karceri. V. exp.: On regulas mashino, fixigante lua repideso o lua povo ad ula valoro konstanta. Regular ne esas ajustar. On ajustas peci, on regulas fenomeno. On regulas horlojo, ajustante lua pendulo. V-67. — DEFIRS

regulator-o*: (mechan.) regulator, governor. Def.: Ula parto di mashino qua regulas la movado. — DEFIS

rehabilit-ar: (tr.) to rehabilitate, reinstate; -o: rehabilitation, vindication. Def.: Riestablisar en lua olima stando, partikulare en yuri. Ex.: Rehabilitar la memoro di kondamnito. Rehabilitar ulu ad lua olima rango, ulu en l’estimo di la populo. — DEFIRS

rein-o: (bridle-) rein. — EFIS

rej-(ul)o: (also cards and chess) sovereign king; -ala: regal, royal; -ido: royal prince; -princ-ulo: crown prince; -eso: royalty: state of being king, kingship; -ino: queen; -io, -lando, -stato: kingdom; -ocido; -ocid-anto, -into: (act, person) regicide; -ala aquo: aqua regia, nitro-hydrochloric acid. — eFIS

rejim-o: (polit. social, medic.) regime, regimen; mode or system of rule or management. Def.: Senco politikala: formo o maniero di guvernado. Senco teknikala: maniero plu o min reguloza segun qua ula fenomeno (duranta) eventas. Senco medicinala: maniero (metodoza) di vivar e di nutrar su (to ne esas dieto, nek higieno); IV-580. Ex.: Anciena rejimo. Monarkiala rejimo. Rejimo di karceri. — DEFIRS

rekalk-ar: (tr., tech.) to upset (metals); to ram (a gun); -(ad)o: compression (endways); -ilo: rammer (of a firearm). Def.: Facar preso sur materio cilindroforma (liquida o solida) sur un de lua bazi en la sinso di l’axo, tale ke on kurtigas ol; IV-581. — IS

rekam-ar: (tr.) to figure or work a fabric with gold, silver, silk, etc.; -ita per oro: gold-figured, -worked. — IS

rekapitul-ar: (tr.) to recapitulate; sum up the principal points. Def.: Rezumar, kurte repetar o rimemorigar per enumero preciza e kompleta di omna punti, parti, o chapitri; III-206. — DEFIS

reklam-ar: (tr., intr.) to advertise (loudly), to boom; (cf. avertar); -(ad)o: advertisement, puffing up. — DFRS

reklamac-ar: (tr.) to (re-)claim, put in a claim for (compensation, a reward, what is due, one’s rights, etc.) (cf. postular); -o: claim, (jur.) complaint; -anto: claimant. Ex.: Reklamacar objekti pruntita o perdita. Reklamacar sumo debata, salario, honorario (cf. III-409). — DF

rekolec-ar: (rel.) to commune with one’s own heart, to turn one’s mind from earthly affairs and piously meditate; -o: self-communing, pious meditation; -anta: wrapped in pious meditation. — FIS

rekoli-ar: (tr.) to gather in, in order to save from loss. Def.: Prenar o gardar ulo od ulu abandonita, perdita o falinta; VI-115. Ex.: Rekoliar fragmenti de la naufrajo. Rekoliar la perdita infanti. — F

rekolt-ar: (tr., also fig.) to harvest, reap, get in (crops), gather in (the fruits of the earth); -(ad)o: harvesting, reaping; -ajo: harvest, crop, vintage. — FI

rekomend-ar: (tr.) to recommend (ulu, ulo, ad ulu) (cf. konsilar, exhortar); -o: (act) recommendation; -inda: worthy of r.; -o-letro: letter of r. — DEFIRS

rekompens-ar: (tr.) to recompense, reward, require, remunerate (ulu, per ulo). — EFIRS

rekord-o: record (in sports). Def.: Sportala prodajo, oficale konstatita, e qua ecelas super omna agi di sama genero entee facita. — DEFR

rekort-ar: (tr.) to cut, clip; curtail, (the outside, the edge, the end), to pare, crop, prune, lop (the nails, a garment, a coin) (cf. tondar); -(ad)o, -uro: clipping, paring. Def.: Detranchar la bordo, la extremajo di ulo. — S

rekrut-ar: (tr., milit. and fig.) to recruit, enlist (ulu, ad); -ar su: to enlist; -ito: a recruit; -achar: to entice (ulu) into enlisting, to crimp. — DEFIRS

rekt-a: (geom.) straight; not crooked or curved; upright, plumb, erect; -e: in a straight line;-o: a straight line; -eso: straightness, directness; uprightness; -igar: straighten, align, lay out in line; (milit.) to dress the ranks. Ex.: Stacar rekte. Irar segun rekto. Rekta kolumo. Rektigar la trupi. V. exp.: vid. direta, erektar. Ant.: kurva, tord-ita, sinu-oza. — DEFIS

rektangul-o: rectangle; -a, -atra: rectangular. — EFIS

rektifik-ar: (tr., chem, and fig.) to rectify (spirits, errors, etc.). Def.: Purigar per distilado; igar exakta; korekt-igar. — DEFIRS

rektor-o: rector: headmaster of an acedemy, of a university, of a Jesuit college; (cf. paroko). — DEFIRS

rektum-o*: (anat.) rectum. — EFS

rekuper-ar: to recover, regain, retrieve, get back the possession or use of, to recoup; -o: recovery, regaining, recuperation; -ebla: (also fin.) recoverable. Def. Ri-aquirar, ri-posedar ulo. ex.: Rekuperar kaloro, sua havaji, spensi, forteso, parol-povo, vid-povo, bon-san-eso. DeFIS

rekurent-a*: (anat., math.) recurrent (cf. ri-apar-anta).

rekurs-ar: (intr.) to have recourse to (ad ulu, ulo), to appeal, to resort (ad); -o: recourse; application for assistance or protection; resort (to a source of aid); -o ad indulgo: petition for pardon; -ar a la klementeso di la rejo: to solicit the clemency of the sovereign; -o a kasaco: petition or lodgement of appeal; lakrimi esis elua nura rekurso: tears were her only recourse. Def.: Demandar la helpo, la sokurso. Ex.: On rekursas a helpo, a helpanto, a moyeno, a metodo, a procedo. — DEFIS

rekuz-ar: (tr., jur. and fig.) to challenge (a witness, juror); to take exception to (testimony, statements); -ar su: (of judges, jurors) to decline judging or voting, to beg to be excused; -o: challenge, exception, denial; -ebla: exceptionable, challengeable, doubtful. V. exp.: Rekuzar esas teknikal termino di la yurocienco; on rekuzas judikanto o testo (t.e. on ne aceptas lu, ed on exkluzas lu), en ula kondicioni determinita da la legi, ex. kande la senpartiseso di la judikanto o testo esas suspektebla (pro lua relati kun la judikoti, pro lua personal interesti, e.c.). Judikanto povas rekuzar su ipsa spontane pro simila motivi, to esas, refuzas funcionar. Komprenebla, ca vorto povas uzesar kun metafora senco en la komuna vivo; III-222. — FIS

rel-o: (railway-) rail; -voyo: railroad. — EFRS

relat-ar: (tr., intr.) to have reference to, stand in some relation to, to be related, to relate to; (of persons) to be connected (by business, etc.; N.B. not family; cf. parenta); -o: relation (di ulo ad ulo, ulu kun ulu); -e: relatively, comparatively (not absolutely); in reference to, with regard; -anta, -iva: pertaining, relating to; relative to; (jur.) appertaining to; -iv-eso: relativity; -igar: to put (ulu, ulo) into relation or connection (ad, kun ulu, ulo); -ata: correlative. Ex.: «A relatas B» signifikas ke existas «relato» inter A e B. On povas anke «relatigar» A ad (od, kun) B. V. exp.: Relato (matematikala senco): On povas dicar 2 relatas 3, quale 4 relatas 6, od on darfas parolar pri «relato» di 2 a 3. La nociono relato esas multe plu general ed ampla kam la nociono raporto. On bezonas sempre parolar pri relati inter diversa grandaji, e ca relati esas tante generala, ke ne omni povas expresesar per equacioni. La relato di a ad b povas esar irga funciono; la reporto di a ad b esas simple e nur la fraciono a/b; VI-296. — DEFIRS

relay-o: (also elec., teleg.) relay, fresh supply of horses, etc. — DEFIRS

releg-ar: (tr., pr. and fig.) to relegate, send off, shut up, consign, seclude (ulu, ulo) in a fixed place; -o, -eso: regulation, banishment. Def.: Enternar en loko determinita. Ex.: Relegar recidivinto ad kolonio. Relegar ulu a chambro, portreto ad kelero, ulu ad ruro. V. exp.: vid. exilar. — DEFIS

relev-ar: (tr.) to survey, map out, make a plan of; (nav.) take a bearing of (coasts, shores). — FIS

relief-o: (paint., sculp., arts) relief, relievo, embossment; -a mapo: map in r.; -o alta, basa: high-, base r.; -izar: to emboss (paper, etc.). — DEFIRS

religi-o: religion; -ala: religious (war, etc.); -oza: religious (person); -oz-eso: religiousness; -ano: believer in a religion; faithful, true believer. — DEFIRS

reliqui-o: relic (of saints, etc.); (pl.) mortal remains, relics; -uyo, -kesto: reliquary. — DEFIS

rem-ar, -adar: (tr., intr.) to row, pull on an oar; -ilo: oar; -batelo: rowboat. — FIS

remark-ar: (tr.) to remark, to notice, observe; -igar: to cause (ulu) to remark, to attract notice to; (fig.) to state, to say; -o: notice, observation; -inda: worthy of note, remarkable, curious, notable; -ar la beleso di ulo: to notice the beauty of something; elua beleso remark-igis su da me: her beauty attracted my attention; -ar ulu en turbo: to observe someone in a crowd; facar remarki pri: pass remarks upon; me remark-igis, ke pluvas: I remarked (pointed out) that it was raining. (cf. VII-206-7); remark-inda evento: a remarkable event; verko plena de remarki: a work full of comments. V. exp.: turnar o portar sua atenco sur ulo od ulu. M. XI-226. — EF

remedi-ar: (tr.) to remedy (a disease, a sickness); (fig.) to redress, repair, set to rights; -ilo: a remedy, cure, specific; -ebla: remediable (disease); (fig.) remediar malajo: to remedy an evil; -ilo plu mala kam la morbo: a remedy worse than the disease; tempo remedias omno: time is a cure for all things. Def.: Supresar, cesigar la maladeso; V-157. V.exp.:Remedi-ilo esas kurac-ivo. Medikamento esas nur ulo donata por kuracar. Quankam morbo esas ne-remedi-ebla, ni ankore aplikas medikamenti. On ri-san-igas malado, e remedias maladeso. — EFIS

reminic-ar*: (tr.) to reproduce or imitate (consciously or not) from memory some literary or musical piece. V. exp.: Reminico ne esas simpla rimemoro: o esas rimemoro di ula literatural o muzikal peco, quan on imitas nevole o nekoncie: to esas esence imito o kopio di artala verko en altra, do tote altra kozo kam la simpla memoro, qua esas nur la kauzo od okaziono di la reminico. On povas havar rimemoro sen pro to facar reminico; V-627.

remis-ar: (tr.) to remit (debts, sins, etc.); (med.) to abate (symptoms); -o: remission; diminution (of a disease); -ebla: remissable: that may be remitted or forgiven, pardonable; -anta febro: remittent fever. Def.: (senco ordinara) Dispensar ulu de (parto di) debajo, puniso, peki, e.c.; (senco medikala) Ceso o diminuto (tempala) di la simptomi di maladeso; IV-605, VI-210. — EFIS

remonstr-ar: (intr.) to remonstrate. Def.: Expozar polite (mem a superioro) la nejusteso di la ago; V-25. Ex.: En l’anciena monarkio, la parlamenti havis la yuro facar remonstri al rejo . . . qua generale ne egardis oli. — DEFI

remont-o: (milit.) remount(ing): purchase or supply of fresh horses; -eyo, -erio: remounting depot. — DEFIRS

remor-o*: (ich.) remora, sucker-fish (Echeneidis Remora).

remork-ar: (tr., nav. and gen.) to tow, take in tow, tug, haul, drag (a boat, a movable object; cf. tuvar); -o: towing; -o-kablo: tow-rope; -o-batelo, -navo: towing-vessel, tow-boat, tug; -veturo: (hand) street-cart (as for selling fruit, etc.). — FIS

remors-ar: (intr.) to feel remorse (pri). — EFIS

rempar-o: rampart, bulwark; (fig.) any means of defence. — EF

remplas-ar: (tr., intr.) to replace: take the place of, be in the place of (ulu, ulo); -igar: to replace (ulu da ulu, ulo per ulo); -o, -igo: replacing, replacement; -anto: substitute: one who replaces another; -(ig)ebla: replaceable. Ex.: Il remplasis me dum mea absenteso. On remplasigas la patro da la filio. Remplasigar la anciena moblaro per nova. V. exp.: vid. substitucar, suplantar.

remulad-o: (cook.) remo(u)lade, a French salad dressing somewhat resembling mayonnaise. — DeF

ren-o: (anat.) kidney; -ala: renal. — eFIS

rendevu-o: rendezvous: a meeting appointed, appointment; fix-igar -o: to make an appointment (kun ulu); il arivis unesme ye la -o: he arrived first at the rendezvous. — DEFR

rendiment-o*: (tech.) output, efficiency (of machines). Def.: Elekto utila (di mashini). — DFIS

reneg-ar: (tr.) to deny (untruly), to disown, disavow; -o: denying, denial; -anto: (rel. and gen.) renegade: apostate from the faith; backslider. Ex.: St. Petro trifoye renegis Jesu. Renegar sua familio, sua religio.Def.: Deklarar nevere ke on ne konocas ulu, ulo; abjurar (ne-vere); des-agnoskar (ne-vere). V. exp.: vid. renuncar. — DFIRS

renesanc-o: (epoch, style, etc.) renaissance. — DEFIRS

renet-pomo: rennet-apple: a kind of pippin. — DeFIR

renkontr-ar: (tr.) to meet: meet with accidentally when in motion, to fall in with, encounter (ulu, ulo); -o: meeting, encounter. — DeFIS

rent-o: (yearly) income, rent, annuity; -izar: to allow a yearly income to (ulu), to endow (public institutions); -ifar: to bring in revenue, yield an income; -if-anta: income producing; -iero: fundholder, stockholder, annuitant, person of independent means; sulo- -o: ground rent; monatala, yarala -o: monthly, yearly rent; -o dum-viva: life annuity; lasar rento (od, interesti) akumul-esar: to allow arrears to accumulate (rent, interest, dividends). Def.: Revenuo (yarala), ordinare personala, derivita de sulhavaji, domi lugata, o de kapitalo statala o privata. — DeFIRS

rentir-o: reindeer (Cervus tarandus). — DE

renunc-ar: (tr.) to renounce, give up, relinquish, resign (a position, office). Def.: Cesar dezirar o demandar ulo. Ex.: Me renuncas voyajo, quan me intencas facar; on renuncas yuro, quan on posedas; e.c. Rejido renuncas la trono o la krono, kande, nultempe regninte, il refuzas regnor; IV-100. V exp.: Ni renuncas yuro, precepti o kustumi; ni renegas mastro o nia religio; ni abjuras eroro, od imaginita eroro. Philip V renuncis la krono di Francia; St. Petro renegis sua mastro; Henry IV abjuris la Kalvanismo. — EFIRS

renvers-ar: (tr., intr.) to overthrow, throw down, upset (cf. subversar, invers-igar); -e: backward; -ebla: that may be overthrown. Def.: Faligar ulo, ulu ad tero. Ex.: Renversar muro, tablo, inkuyo, veturo, persono, (fig.) esperi. La muro renversis. — F

reostat-o*: (elec.) rheostat. — DEFIRS

repar-ar: (tr.) to repair, restore, mend a road, a house, a machine, a picture; to refit (a ship); (cf. rapecar); -(ad)o, -uri: repairing, mending, repairs; -doko: graving-dock, dock for repairs; -peci: spare parts (for repairs); -etar: to slightly repair; -achar: to botch repairs (cf. fushar). — DEFIRS

repartis-ar: (tr.) to divide into due proportion, portion out, distribute (ulo inter uli); -(ad)o: apportionment, repartition; -anto, -ero, -isto: distributer. Def.: Dividar segun proporciono oportuna o yusta; VI-79. V. exp.: Se publika prunto esas suskriptita dekople, on repartisas ol inter la suskriptinti en la proporciono di 1/10, t.e. on atribuas a singlu 1/10 de la sumo, quan lu suskriptas. Simile on repartisas kargajo inter plura porteri o porto-bestii, inter la axi di veturo o vagono, e.c.; VI-79; kp. disdonar, distributar. — DeFIRS

repast-ar: (intr.) to take one’s meal, have a meal (che, kun); -o: meal, repast; (ship’s) mess; -etar: to lunch; -eto: luncheon, light repast. Def.: Manjar ye fixa horo, apud tablo (generale kune); II-74. Ex.: Li repastis che me. La repast-horo. Il manjas quar repasti omnadie. — EFI

repent-ar: (tr., intr.) to repent, rue, feel contrition; sen- -a: impenitent. Def.: Havar reala regreto. Ex.: Il repentas sua kulpi. Me igos il repentar to. — EFIS

reper-ar: (tr.) to put a guiding mark on; -ilo, -punto: guidemark (as made on a piece of machinery so as to assemble easily and accurately; mark on a wall, a measuring-rod, on the ground, in order to indicate alignment, a level, a height, etc. — F

reperkut-ar: (tr.) to repercuss: to drive or beat back; (of sound) to reverberate; -ado di l’ondi: surf; -o: repercussion, reverberation, rebound (cf. ri-salto). Def.: Reperkuto: l’ago di korpo shokata, qua shokas sua-vice altra; IV-138. Ex.: Reperkuto di (pafita) kanono. — EFIS

repertori-o: a table, index, register by which things can be readily located; (theat.) repertoire; stock-pieces, -plays; alfabet-ala, -o: alphabetical index. — DeFIRS

repet-ar: (tr.) to repeat: reiterate, tell or say again (what has been told before or what another has said); -achar: to repeat tediously. V. exp.: On repetas nur paroli; on iteras omna-speca ago; II-80. — DEFIRS

replet-a: (of living beings) chubby, plump, stout, firm-fleshed, replete (from food); -eso: plumpness; -eskar: to become plump, chubby; (cf. korpulenta, obeza, grasa, plena, ronda). Def.: Qua havas formi ronda e karno ferma, do la pelo kelke tensita. (Lu povas tote ne esar korpulenta, ex. infanto. La repleteso esas signo di saneso); VI-601. — eFS

replik-ar: (tr., intr.) to rejoin, retort: to answer to a reply; -o: answer, reply: (jur.) replication: the reply of the plaintiff to the defendant’s plea; rejoinder: the defendant’s answer to the plaintiff’s replication; -o: (quika, rapida): repartee, retort. V. exp.: Replikar ne esas simple respondar, ma respondar a respondo. En la teknikal terminaro di la diskutado, on nomizas dupliko, tripliko . . . la duesma, triesma repliko; II-520. — DeFIRS

report-ar: (intr., stock exchange) to allow a contango; -o: contango, premium or interest paid by a buyer to a seller to be allowed to defer payment until a future settlement; cf. VI-603, VII-354. Ant.: diporto. — DFIR

repoz-ar: (intr.) to rest (repose); (cf. dormar, jacar, apogar, haltar); -igar: to (cause to) rest; -o: rest, respite, reposing; (cf. intervalo); -o-dio: day of rest; -anta: resting; -eyo: resting place; -altaro: (fig.) temporary altar (in the street). Ex.: Lua korpo repozas sub la stono. Il ne dormas, il ne nur repozas. Il repozigas sua kapo sur kuseno. Havar repozo di koncienco. — EFIS

repres-ar: (tr.) to repress, check, restrain, put down, suppress (a revolt, abuses, pride, one’s desires, etc.); -o: repression, coercion; -iva: repressive. Def.: Haltigar l’efekto, la progreso di ulo. — EFIRS

reprezel-ar: (intr.) to retaliate, to make reprisals (kontre); (fig.) to give tit for tat; -o: reprisal, retaliation; -letri: letter of marque and reprisal. V. exp.: Reprezalar esas plu proxima a venjo kam a revancho. To konsistas (precipue en milito) facar a l’enemiko exakte la sama domajo, quan on subisis de lu. To facesas partikulare pri la agi nekorekta e kruela, qui ecesas la «yuri di la milito», exemplo masakro di nekombatanti, incendio di domi e vilaji, destrukto di monumenti, e.c. Reprezalo nule implikas revancho, nam ol facesas ofte de la vinkiti, precipue kande li vinkesas per nekorekta procedi; VI-143; kp. revanchar, venjar. — DEFIRS

reprezent-ar: (tr.) to represent, exhibit by resemblance or action; depict; be the representative of; -o: (aslo theat., polit.) representation, exhibition; -anta, -iva, -ala; -anto, -ero: representative. Ex.: La ceno reprezentas palaco. Ambasadisto reprezentas sua stato. Reprezento di kombato. Il esas reprezentanto di la populo. Guvernado reprezentiva. — DEFIRS

reprimand-ar: (tr.) to reprimand, admonish, rebuke, reprove, chide, lecture (ulu pri, pro ulo) (cf. exhortar); -inda: reprehensible, reprovable (cf. blam-inda); -achar, -ar harde: to scold, nag. V. exp.: Reprimandar e reprochar esas «speci» di la generala ideo blamar. Ma reprocho vizas kozo od ago; reprimando vizas persono: On reprochas ulo ad ulu; on reprimandas ulu pri ulo. La nuanco ne esas gravas, ma ol esas reala ed utila psikologiale; IV-237. — EFS

reproch-ar: (tr.) to reproach, upbraid, taunt, twit (ulo, ad ulu); -ar ad ulu lua vicii: to upbraid a person for his vices (N.B. not: -ar ulu pri lua vicii, as in E.; cf. V. exp.: under reprimandar); mea koncienco -as nulo a me: my conscience is quite clear; il -is ad il lua ne-gratitudo: he reproached him with his ingratitiude; il -is ad il abandonir lua amiko: he reproached him for having left his friend. Def.: Dicar ad ulu ulo qua devas shamigar lu. V. exp.: vid. reprimandar. — EFS

reps-o: (fabric) rep. Def.: Stofo ek silko o lano tre forta; III-143. — DEFIRS

rept-ar: (intr.) to crawl (as a serpent), to creep (as a child); (fig.) to crawl before one (in an abject manner); -anta: crawling, creeping, reptant; -ero: reptile. — DeFIRS

republik-o: republic; -ala: republican (government, etc.); -ismo: republicanism; -isto: believer in, partisan of a republic. — DEFIRS

repudi-ar: (tr.) to repudiate; to put away (one’s wife). Ex.: Philippe Auguste repudiis sua spozino Ingleburge. V. exp.: Propre, repudiar esas forsendar spozino, «desspozinigar» el segun legal formi. Figure, renegar opiniono, kredo. La repudio diferas de la divorco per ke ol ne bezonas ago di judiciisto o di extera autoritato; III-206. — EFIS

repugn-ar: (tr.) to have or inspire a repugnance to, to hava an aversion to, to disgust (cf. antipatiar, nauze-igar); -exo: disgust, repugnance, dislike; -eg-eso: loathing; -anta, -iva: repugnant, repulsive, disgusting. Ex.: Repugnar facar ulo. Ulo repugnis il. Il repugnesis da ulu, da ulo. Repugneso kontre ulu, ulo; To esas repugnanta a mea raciono. — EFIS

repuls-ar: (tr.) to repel, repulse, rebuff, beat back (cf. retro-pulsar); -anta, -iva: (phys. and fig.) repellent, repulsive. Ex.: Repulsar l’asalto di enemiko. Repulsar tenteso, ula propozajo. La repulso di elektroza korpi. Repuls-anta, -iva korpo, vizajo. — DEFIS

reput-ar: (tr.) to repute, deem; -esar: to be held (to be so and so); -o, -eso: reputation, character, repute (good or bad). Ex.: Reputar ulu kom richa, kom saja. Reputesar kapabla. Havar bona reputeso. Esar reputata kom bona. — DEFIRS

«requiem»: requiem.

requizit-ar: (tr.) to requisition, make demand in the name of the public or of the law for (persons, animals, thigs, services); -(ad)o: requisition(ing); -ajo: something requisitioned. — DEFIRS

resek-ar*: (tr., surg.) to resect, cut off.

recipicenc-o*: (rel.) resipiscence, change of mind; repentence. — DeFI

reskript-o: (all senses) rescript. — DEFIRS

reson-ar*: (intr., lit. and fig.) to resound: send back sound, (re-)echo; -(ad)o: resounding, resonance; -anta: resonant; -igar: to cause to resound; -ilo: resonator. Ex.: Ica audeyo resonas perfekte. Voco klara e resonanta. (fig.) Omna loko resonis pro lua prodajo. — DEFIS

resorb-ar: (tr.) to resorb, reabsorb (a tumor, etc.). — DEFIS

resort-o: (instr. elastic) spring; (fig.) activity. Energy; -o granda: main s.; -o lax-ig-ita: relaxed s.; -matraco: s. mattress; (cf. elastika). Ex.: Resorto di horlojo, di veturo. (fig.) Donar resorto a la spirito. — FRS

resortis-ar: (intr. jur.) to be under the jurisdiction (of), belong to the department, to be the province (of), be under the cognizance; -o: (legal) jurisdiction, resort; (general) province, department, competence, power; -anta: amenable (to), dependant (on); ica afero resortisas ad al korto di Paris: this affair is cognizable in the court of Paris; to ne esas mea resortiso: that is not within my province. — DeFRS

respektar: (tr.) to respect: regard with a degree of reverence or esteem; -o: respect; -oza, -ema: respectful, deferential; -inda: respectable; -ind-eso: respectability, dignity; -ata: respected; -em-acha: obsequious; -o-signo: sign of respect; -ego: profound respect; -eg-ala, -oza: reverential; des- -o: irreverence, disrespect; sen- -a: disrespectful. Ex.: On devas respektar la oldi, la legi. — DEFIRS

respir-ar: (tr., intr.) to respire, breathe (cf. aspirar, expirar); -(ad)o: respiration, breathing; -ajo: what is respired: air, breath; -ala: respiratory; -ebla: breathable. Def.: Aspirar l’aero por regenerar la sango e lore expirar ol. — DEFIS

respond-ar: (tr., intr.) to answer, reply, respond (ulo ad ulu); -izar: to respond to (ulo); -ar en la meso: to make the responses in the mass; -anto: (co-)respondent, answerer; (cf. replikar); -ar kurajiganta paroli: to answer encouraging words; -izar kurajiganta paroli, respondar a kurajiganta paroli: to answer encouraging words, i.e. to give an answer to encouraging words. Def.: Parolar o skribar en repliko a questiono, argumento od adreso. Ex.: Quon vu respondis? Me respondis nur du vorti. Il respondis tale a mea objeciono, ma me ne replikis ad il. Respondar ulo a persono, a remarko, a letro. Respondez quik. Me expektas vua balda respondo. Respondante a vua letro, me informas vu… V. exp.: Esas regulo en Ido, ke verbo ne povas havar (mem alterne) du rekta komplementi (ex. on ne povas «instrukar infanti» ed «instruktar geometrio»). Or la verbo respondar havas necese kom direta komplimento la paroli, per qui on respondas, do ol ne povas havar kom direta komplemento la paroli, a qui on respondas. Do on devos sempre dicar: «respondar a la letro di ulu», o, «respondizar letro», t.e. donar respondo ad ol, «honorizar» ol per respondo (quale dicas la komercisti); III-30; VI-297; Talmey’s Text Book, p. 109. — EFIS

respons-ar: (intr.) to be responsible, be answerable, be accountable (pri ulu, ulo); -o: (a particular) responsibility; liability, -anta, -iva: responsible, accountable; -iv-eso: (general state of being responsible) responsibility; -anto: one who is responsible; a bondsman; asumar -o: assume responsibility (pri, di ulo); me ne responsas (od, esas responsanta) pri la kulpi di altri: I am not responsible for the faults of others. — EFIS

responsori-o: (R.C. lit.) responsory. — DEFIS

rest-ar: (intr.) to remain: to be left, to be left remaining; to stay, sojourn, tarry (N.B. not lie at rest, repose; cf. repozar); -o: rest, remaining; -ajo: that which remains: rest, remainder (of a quantity or sum); leavings, vestige, scraps (cf. reziduo); -anta: remaining; -eyo: place of sojourn. Ex.: Nulo restis de nia pekunio. Triadek hoteli restas. Il restis en Roma pos nia departo. Multi restis sur la kombat-agro. Me haltis en la urbo e restis ibe dum du monati. Me brulos to quo restas (od, la rest-ajo). V.exp.: Restar: esar dum kelka tempo en la sama loko o stando, ma ne definitive, t.e. mine kam habitar, ma pluse kam haltar; III-103. — DEFIS

restaur-ar: (tr.) to restore. Ex.: Restaurar domo, pikturo, dinastio, arto, lego. — DEFIRS

restituc-ar: (tr.) to make restitution of, refund (ulo). V.exp.: Ne simple ridonar, ma ridonar to quon on prenis o gardis sen yuro, a la legitima proprietero; IV-81. — DEFIS

restor-ar (su): to take refreshments, food; -eyo, -erio: restaurant, eating-house; -isto: dining-room keeper; -ach-eyo: cheap eating-house. — DeFIRS

restrikt-ar: (tr.) to restrict, restrain; -ar su: to limit, confine oneself (ad); -o, -uro: restriction, restraint; -anta, -iva: limiting, restraining, restrictive. Ex.: Restriktar la signifiko di vorto. Restriktar sua pasioni. Restriktar su a kozi tote necesa. Li submisis su senrestrikte a la konvenciono (t.e. sen kondicioni expresita o tacita). — DEFIRS

ret-o: net, mesh: object formed by threads or lines interlaced, network; (anat.) plexus (of nerves etc.); (geom.) chain (of triangles); (arch.) tracery (of windows); -ala, -atra: reticular; haro- -o: hair-net. — eFIS

retabl-o: (arch.) reredos, altar screen. — FS

reten-ar: (tr.) to retain, keep, withhold, keep back, detain (cf. ditenar); (arith.) to carry; -ar su: to restrain, check oneself (per, de); -(ad)o: retaining, retention; -ajo: anything retained; -eso: (state of ) retention; -iva, -ema: retentive. Ex.: Me deziras retenar la pekunio quan me pruntis. On ne povas retenar amo per koakto. Retenar sua lakrimi. Retenar lojio en teatro. Retenar memore ulo, od, retenar en memoro ulo. Retenar ulu en karcero. (arith.) Pozar sep e retenar du. Reteniva memoro. — EFIS

retiari-o: (Rom. antiq.) retiarius, net-fighter. — EFIS

retikul-o*: reticle (of a telescope).

retin-o: (anat.) retina (of the eye). — DEFIRS

retor-o: (antiq.) rhetor, rhetorician, (orator); -acho: one who speaks elegantly but uselessly, word-spinner. — DEFIS

retorik-o: rhetoric; -isto: rhetorician, one skilled in rhetoric. — DEFIRS

retort-o: (chem.) retort. — DEIRS

retrakt-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to retract, withdraw, draw back; -amendo: forfeit. Ex.: La limako retraktas sua korni. Retraktar sua promiso, sua erori. — EFIS

retret-ar: (intr., milit., rel., and gen.) to retire, retreat, seclude, draw off, draw back (from active work, duty, the world); -o: retreat, retiring, retirement; (milit.) tattoo, taps; -o-pensiono: retirement pension; -eyo religi-ala: religious retreat (place); son-igar la -o: to sound the retreat, tattoo, taps; (hunt.) to call off the hounds; -oficiro: retired or «half-pay» officer. V. exp.: vid. abandonar. — DEFIRS

retr-o: (adv.) backwards. — L

retro-ag-ar: (intr.) to retroact; -ago: retroaction; -ag-iva: retroactive.

retro-ced-ar: (tr.) to give, cede back again, return, restore.

retro-dukt-ar: (tr.) to lead back.

retro-flu-ar: (intr.) to flow back, ebb.

retro-irar, -marchar: (intr.) to go back, to retrograde, fall back (as of troops), retreat, to back (of carriages); (cf. retretar, regresar); -ir-igar, -iro: retrogression.

retro-jet-ar: (tr.) to throw back, reject.

retro-spekt-ar: (intr.) to look back; -anta, -iva: retrospective.

retro-tir-ar: (tr.) to draw back; -ebla, -iva: retractile.

retush-ar: (tr.) to retouch, touch up (a picture, etc.). — DEFIRS

reumatism-o: (med.) rheumatism; -ala: rheumatic: relating to r.: -ika, -iko: rheumatic (person). — DEFIRS

rev-ar: (intr.) to day-dream, muse: to see or fancy as if in a dream; (cf. son-jar); -(ad)o: reverie, musing; -ajo: a fancy; -acho: vain fancy, conceit; -ema, -ach-ema: dreamy. Ex.: Il revis pri la povreso e grandeso di Roma. Me klozas mea okuli e revas pri feliceso. Ulfoye me vere meditas, ulfoye nur revas. La projeto esas nur revo (od, revacho). — eF

revanch-ar: (intr., in good or bad sense) to retaliate, give like for like, get even, requite (su, pri ulu, kontre ulu); to avenge, revenge, take one’s revenge (in return for an injury); (cf. venjar, reprezalar); -o: retaliation, revenge, avenging. Def.: Retrodonar similajo a similajo, sive bona o mala, ma ofte en mala senco. V. exp.: Revanchar dicesas pri ulu, qua esas vinkata (en milito, konkurso o ludo) e qua inverse vinkas sua vinkinto. Revancho nule implikas ideo di venjo nek sentimento di rankoro, ma admaxime satisfaco propramo. En ludo, jentila ludero, qua vinkis, (ganis), ofras a sua partenero la revancho, o plu exakte la posibleso revanchar; nam ica povas vinkesar en la du foyi; VI-143. — DEFI

revel-ar: (tr., also theol.) to reveal; (photog.) to develop; -(ad)o, -uro: revelation; -ajo: that which is revealed; -anto, -ero: revealer; -ilo: (photog.) developing bath. Def.: Konocigar ulo da ulu, quo esis olim nekonocata, sekreta o celita. Ex.: Revelar la statala sekretaji. Revelar lua komplico. La latenta imajo esas revelata sur la klishuro. La revelado di Santa Ioannes. — EFIS

revendik-ar: (tr., jur. and fig.) to claim (as one’s own), to demand back (ulo); -ajo: object claimed; (cf. reklamacar). Def.: Reklamacar ulo quo apartenas a me, e qua esas en la povo di altru. Ex.: Revendikar sua yuri, ulo perdita, domeno. — DEFIS

revenu-o: revenue; income. — DEF

reverber-ar: (tr., intr.) to send back, radiate (heat); -forno: reverberatory furnace. Def.: Absorbar la kaloro e retrosendar ol radiifante; V-67. — DEFIS

reverence-ar: (intr.) to make a bow, on obeisance; (of women) to courtsey (ad ulu, ulo); -o profunda: deep bow. Ex.: Kande il pasis, me reverencis ad il. Reverencar a l’altaro. — DeFIRS

revers-o: the reverse: back side of anything; -e: inside out, wrong side to; metar sua kalzi reverse, e pose metar oli averse: to put on one’s stocking wrong side outwards and afterwards put them on right side to. Def.: Dorsa latero di stofo, moneto, medalio. Specale, la parto aparanta di la reverso di frako, di redingoto, di boto, e.c.; Ant.: averso, facio. — DEFIS

reversion-ar: (intr., jur.) to revert (ad); -o: reversion (of an estate); -ebl-eso: revertibility. — EFIRS

reviz-ar: (tr.) to revise (a book, a judgement, the constitution, etc.); Def.: Emendar; ri-examinar por modifikar. — DEFIRS

revok-ar: (tr.) to revoke, repeal (an edict, privileges, a law); to recall (an ambassador); to dismiss (a clerk, officer, official). — EFIS

revolt-ar: (intr.) to rise in revolt, to rebel (kontre ulu, ulo); -o: (pr. and fig.) revolt, insurrection; -anto, -into: revolter (cf. rebelo, revolucion-ero); -igar: to cause to revolt or rebel; (fig.) to stir up, rouse. Ex.: La populo revoltis kontre sua suvereno. (fig.) La raciono revoltas kontre tala absurdeso. — DEFIRS

revolucion-ar: (tr.) to revolutionize, to change thoroughly (opinions, an art, a country; (cf. perturbar, subversar); -o: (political, social, scientific) revolution (cf. revolto, rotaco); -ala, -ema, -ana: revolutionary; -ero: revolutionist; -ano: member of a r. party. — DEFIRS

revolver-o: revolver: pistol with revolving chamber. — DEFIRS

revu-ar*: (tr.) to review, inspect, carefully examine (troops, books, one’s life, etc.); -o: review, inspection (of troops); review (magazine, book); (fig.) survey, examination. — DEFIS

revuls-ar*: (tr., med.) to allay a morbid condition by counter-irritation or the like; -o: revulsion. Def.: Lokale iritar por cesigar konjestioneso od inflameso existanta en altra parto di la korpo.

rez-a, -e: even, level (with); close to (a line, the surface); (of hair, etc.) shorn; (of a destroyed city, etc.) razed; -a-pila; -a-hara: short-haired; -a barbo: a close shaven beard; -e dil bordo: up to the brim, even with or close to the border; -e dil sulo: close to or on a level with the soil; (fig.) -a tab-ulo: a smoothed tablet, tablet without inscription, tabula rasa; facar tabula -a: (fig.) to sweep away, reject all previous notions; -igar: to cut (ulo) close to or even with a surface; to raze, level (ulo) to the ground; (nav.) to razee: cut down; to hug, keep close to (a coast); -igar hari: to cut the hair close; -igar domo: to raze a house; -igar navo: to cut down a ship; kuglo rezigis lua vizajo: a shot passed close to his face (cf. frolar); la navo rezigis la litoro: the ship hugged the coast. — eF

rezed-o: (bot.) reseda: mignonette (Reseda odorata); dyer’s weed (Reseda luteola); -ala: resedaceous. — DeFIRSL

rezerv-ar: (tr.) to reserve, save, set apart, lay by or up; -ema: (mental, moral) reserved; -em-eso: (quality) reserve; -ajo: something reserved; stock, store; -ano: (milit.) reservist. Ex.: Rezervar kelka pekunio por bezoni futura o neprevidebla. Rezervar ula yuro. Rezervo-armeo. Facar mentala rezervo. Mieno rezervema. — DEFIRS

rezid-ar: (intr.) to reside, dwell, live, abide (cf. habitar, lojar); -(ad)o: (act) residence, residing; -eyo: residence: place of abode; -anto: resident. Ex.: Il rezidas en Paris che me. Establisar rezido en ula loko. Ta domo esas lua rezideyo. — DEFIS

rezident-o*: resident: diplomatic agent; -eyo: residency; -eso: dignity, function of a resident. — DEFIS

rezidu-o: that which remains: (chem.) residium; settlement (of liquids); (geol.) debris, detritus; (com.) residue, arrear: that which remains (due); (arith.) remainder; (cf. restajo); -achi: scraps, odds and ends. — DEFIS

rezign-ar: (tr., intr.) to resign (ulo): to be resigned, feel resignation (pri); -anta, -ema: resigned. Ex.: Rezignar sua anmo a Deo. Me esas rezignanta (od, rezignas) pri la perdo di mea yuri. Subisar exilo kun rezignemeso. V. exp.: Rezignar esas aceptar volunte desfeliceso, domajo, perdo, quan on «subisis» e generale ne povis evitar. La rezigno esas pasiva, dum ke l’abnego esas spontana. On rezignas pri la morto di ulu kara, pri la perdo di sua havajo, pri maladeso neremediebla; IV-101; kp. II-135, abnego, renuncar. — DEFIS

rezin-o: resin, rozen; -ala, -oza, -atra: resinous. — EFIS

rezist-ar: (tr.) to resist, withstand the shock of something; to defend (oneself), strive against (ulu, ulo); to hold against, oppose; not to succumb to (fatigue, etc.); -(ad)o: resistance, opposition; -anta, -ema, -iva: resistant; -ivo: (mechan., phys.) resistance; -em-eso: (tendency) hindrance, opposition; -iv-eso: resistivity, resisting power. Ex. La kolda fero rezistas la martelagado. Rezistar shoko, impreso. Rezisto al enemiko. Rezisto a tenteso. Mahagono esas rezistanta ligno. Ant.: cedar, sukombar. — EFIS

rezolv-ar: (tr.) to resolve: take or come to a decision (to do something); -o, -uro: resolution, decision; -ema: resolute; -em-eso: (of character) resoluteness, determination; -oze: resolutely, stoutly. Ex.: Rezolvar parolar ad ulu. Rezolvar facar ulo. Ne facez rezolvi dum la unesma ataki di vua iraco. Homo rezolvema. V. exp.: vid. decidar. — DEFIS

rezon-ar, -adar: (intr.) to reason (pri); -ar: (tr.) to appply one’s reason to (ulo), to study (ulo); -(ad)o: reasoning, ratiocination (cf. raciono); -anta: reasoning; -anto, -ero: reasoner, logician; mis- -ar: to reason wrongly; (fig.) talk nonsense, rave, wander in mind. — DEFIRS

rezult-ar: (intr.) to result (from certain premises, conditions); to follow (from); be the consequence (of); -o: result, effect, consequence; -ajo: (objective) result; -anto: (mechan.) resultant (force). Ex.: La deskonkordo rezultis en civitanala milito. La rezulto esas nekalkulebla. Ica (objekto) esas la rezultajo. — DEFIRS

rezum-ar: (tr.) to recapitulate, sum up, to summarize; -o: recapitulation, summary, resume; -e: to sum up, upon the whole, in substance; -a: summary, compendious. Ex.: La peroraciono rezumas la tota diskurso. Rezumo di la historio di Francia. — DEFIS

ri-: Note: many common verbal roots compounded with ri- (again, anew) are omitted.

ri-abon-ar: to resubscribe (jurnalo); -igar: to renew the subscription of (ulu).

ri-acend-ar: (tr.) to relight, rekindle.

ri-aceso, -atako: (med.) relapse; (cf. recidivo).

ri-agraf-agar: (tr.) to reclasp, hook (ulo) again.

ri-ajust-igar: to readjust.

ri-anim-ar: (tr.) to revive, reanimate.

ri-apar-ar: (intr.) to reappear; -anta: recurrent.

ri-apert-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to re-open, open again (a door, wound, theater (theatre), etc.).

ri-aranj-ar: to rearrange.

ri-arm-izar: to rearm.

ri-asembl-ar, -igar: to reassemble.

rib-o: (bot.) currant; -iero: currant bush (Ribes rubrum). — IL

ri-buton-agar: (tr.) to rebutton.

rich-a: (lit. and fig.) rich (esp. in money, land, goods); -ega: very rich, opulent; -(ulo): a rich person; -eso: (condition) wealthy, richness; -et-eso: in comfortable circumstances; -ajo: wealth (considered objectively); -igar: to enrich (ulu); -eskar: to become, grow rich. Ant.: povra. — DEFIS

ricin-o: (bot.) castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis); -oleo: castor oil. — DeFISL

«rictus»: (wide) grin, grinning. Def.: Kontrakto muskulala qua deskovras la denti e donas a la boko ridanta aspekto.

rid-ar: (intr.) to laugh (ye); -etar: to smile; -eto: smile, short l.; -egar: to l. much; -eskar: to burst out laughing, commence to l.; -ar kontre-vole: to l. against one’s will; -inda: laughable, comical, ridiculous; -ind-(ul)o: ridiculous person; -ind-ajo: a ridiculous thing; -ema, -iva: tendency to l., giggly, risible; -ind-eso: ridiculousness; -ind-igar: to ridicule, make (ulu) ridiculous; -achar: to snigger, giggle; -ach-etar: to titter. — FIS

ri-deb-izar: to put (su, ulu) in debt again; -eskar: to run again into debt.

ridel-o: side pole, rack or board placed on a cart to help hold the load; cart-rack. — FI

ri-don-ar: (tr.) to give back; -o: restitution.

ri-elekt-ar: (tr.) to re-elect; -ebla: re-eligible.

ri-en-ir-ar: (tr., intr.) to re-enter.

ri-en-korp-igar: to reincorporate.

ri-establis-ar: (tr.) to re-establish, reinstate (su, ulu, ulo, en, sur).

ri-exportac-ar: (tr.) to re-export.

rif-o: reef; ledge of rocks standing above the level of the water. V. exp. vid. brizanto. — DER.

ri-fac-ar: (tr.) to do (ulo) over again, remake.

ri-fald-ar: (tr.) to turn in or up, take in, make a pleat, tuck; -uro: pleat, tuck.

ri-fort-igar: (tr.) -eskar: (intr.) to (re-)strengthen.

ri-fresh-igar: to freshen; -eskar: to become refreshed.

rig-o, -aro: (nav.) rigging, tackle; -izar: to rig (a ship). — E

ri-gan-ar: (tr.) to regain, recover (sin.: ri-aquirar, ri-obtenar, ri-havar).

rigid-a: (lit. and fig.) rigid, stiff, not easily bent, not pliant; (of persons) inflexible, unyielding; -eso: stiffness, rigidity; (fig.) severity; -igar: to stiffen, render inflexible. Ex.: Fera stango esas rigida. Stacar rigida. Koldeso rigidas la fingri. Il esas rigida homo. Ant.: laxa, flex-ebla, mola. — DEFIS

rigl-o: bolt; -agar; rigle kloz-ar: (tr.) to bolt. — D

rigor-o: rigor; extreme exactness or strictness; -oza: rigorous, strict; strict (cf. severa); -isto: rigorist, a person rigid or exact to excess; -ismo: rigorism, strictness, austerity; -oza, segun rigoro: rigorously, with rigour. Ex.: La rigoro di la legi, di la reguli. Rigoroza judiciisto. Rigoroza demonstro. — DEFIS

ri-imprim-ar: (tr.) to reprint; -uro: a reprint

ri-junt-ar, -union-ar: (tr.) to join again, reunite.

ri-kapt-ar: (tr.) to recapture, retake, get hold of again.

rikoch-ar: (intr.) to ricochet, rebound. — DEFR

ri-kolok-ar: (tr., fin.) to reinvest.

ri, retro-kompr-ar: to buy again, buy back; -o: repurchase; -ebla: repurchaseable, redeemable.

ri-koncili-ar: (tr.) to reconcile (again), to conciliate (anew), make friends again.

ri-konoc-ar: to recognize, know again, indentify; -ebla: recognizable. Ex.: Rikonocar ulu per lua traiti, lua voco.

ri-konstituc-ar: (tr.) to reconstitute, reorganize.

ri-konstrukt-ar: (tr.) to reconstruct, build anew.

ri-kopi-ar: (tr.) to recopy.

ri-kustum-igar: to reaccustom (ulu); -eskar: to reaccustom, get used to again.

ri-lern-ar: (tr.) to learn (ulo) anew.

rim-o: rhyme: accord in sound of words (cf. verso); -ifar: to rhyme; -izar: to put (ulo) into rhyme. Ex.: Ica du vorti ne rimifas. — DEFIRS

ri-mariaj-ar: (tr.) to marry again; -o: a second marriage. Ex.: Nepoleon rimariajas su kun Marie-Louise.

rimbors-ar: (tr.) to reimburse, repay, refund (in money). Ex.: Pagez por me, me rimborsos a vu. — DEFIS

ri-memor-ar: (tr.) to remember again, to recollect; -o: recollection, reminiscence; -igar: to remind (ulo da ulu).

rimen-o: (leather) strap, belt; sen fina -o: endless belt; sub ventra -o: belly-band (as for horses); tir- -o: trace (of a harness); ligo- -o: tether, thong. — DR

ri-nask-ar: (intr.) to be born again; (fig.) to spring up again, to reappear; -o: new birth, revival; -igar: to regenerate.

rinforc-ar: (tr., milit.) to reinforce (a garrison, etc.); -o, -uro: reinforcement. — EFIS

ring-o: ring, circlet of metal or other substance; (tech.) ferrule, bushing; har- -o: ringlet (cf. loklo); (astron.) ring; -a, -atra, -forma: ring (-shaped), annular; -oza: having rings; (nat. hist.) annulated; -ego: large ring, hoop; -izar: to place a ring on (ulu, ulo), to hoop, ferrule, bush; katen- -o: link; -fingro: the third finger. — DE

rinocer-o: (zool.) rhinoceros (family: Rhinocerotidæ). — DEFIS

ri-nov-igar: to renew, make new again, renovate.

rinoplastik-o*: rhinoplasty, plastic surgery on the nose.

rins-ar: (tr.) to rinse (a glass, clothes, etc.); -aquo: rinse-water. — EF

ri-okup-ar: (tr.) to reoccupy.

ri-organ-izar: to reorganize.

rip-ar: (tr., mechan., automobiles and other vehicles) to skid: slide sideways (cf. slipo). V. exp.: Ripar esas glitar skrapante, o kun forta friciono, qua impedas e fine haltas la funciono di mashino (teknikal vorto): II-648. — F

ri-pas-ar: (tr., intr.) to repass, pass by again.

ri-pav-izar: to repave.

ri-popul-izar: to repopulate, repeople.

ri-, retro-port-ar: (tr.) to bring again, to bring back.

ri-produkt-ar: (tr., gen. sense) to reproduce.

ri-salt-ar: (intr.) to rebound, spring back.

ri-san-igar: to cure, make well, heal, (ulu); -eskar: to get well; -ig-ebla: curable (of persons; cf. remediebla); -ig-iva: curative. V. exp.: On ri-sanigas malado. On re-medias maladeso. On povas kuracar ulu sen ri-san-igar lu.

ri-sid-ar: (intr.) to take one’s seat again; reseat; -igar: to reseat (ulu).

risk-ar: (tr.) to risk, hazard, venture (cf. aventurar, pariar); -o: risk, hazard; -ajo: something risked, a venture, stake; -oza: risky, hazardous; -ema: venturesome, adventurous, bold (person); -ar pekunio: to risk money; -ar su: to risk, expose oneself to danger. V.exp.: Ta qua riskas sua pekunio en hazardal ludo tote ne audacoza: il esas simple … dessajo; II-137. — DEFIRS

rism-o: ream (of paper: Eng.: 480 sheets; foreign: 500 sheets). — DeIS

risol-ar: (intr.); -igar: (tr.) (cook.) to brown, to fry or roast brown. — FI

ri-son-igar: to resound: sound again (cf. resonar).

rispektiv-a: respective: belonging to each; -e: respectively. Ex.: La rispektiva yuri di du kunheredanti. Li iris a sua rispektiva hemi. Konsiderar rispektive la avantaji e des-avantaji di ulo. — DEFIRS

ristorn-ar: (tr., com.) to cancel (an insurance policy, esp. maritime); -o: cancelling; partial refund (of an insurance). — DFIRS

ri-suol-izar: to resole, (shoes, stockings).

ri-sur-poz-ar: (tr.) to reaffix, put on again.

ri-sut-ar: (tr.) to resew.

ritm-o: rhythm (cf. kadenco); -ala, -oza: rhythmical. — DEFIRS

ritornel-o: (mus.) ritornello. Def.: Ario quaze preliminara qua anuncas ulo; IV-14. — DEFIS

ri-tra-ir-ar: (tr.) to recross, traverse again.

ritu-o: rite; -ala: ritual: relating to rites; -aro, -libro: (collect.) rites, ritual (-book); -alisto: ritualist. — DEFIRS

ri-union-ar: (tr.) to reunite.

riv-o: shore, beach, strand; bank (of a river); (fig.) skirt (of a wood); -navigar: to coast; -an-a, -o, habit-anto: river- or coast-side (resident). V. exp.: vid. plajo. — FS

rival-a; -o, -ulo, -ino: rival; -eso: rivalry; -esar: to be a rival; to vie (kun) (cf. konkursar, konkurencar). — DEFIS

ri-, retro-ven-ar: (intr.) to return, come back.

ri-vend-ar: (tr.) to resell, sell again.

river-o: river, stream; -eto: brook, streamlet, rivulet. — EF

ri-verd-eskar: to become green again.

ri-vest-izar: to dress again, clothe anew.

rivet-o: rivet; -agar, -izar: to rivet (ulo). — EF

ri-vid-ar: (tr.) to see again; (fig.) to meet (ulu) again; til -o: until we meet again.

ri-viv-igar: (lit. and fig.) to revive, reanimate, resuscitate, bring (ulu) to life again (cf. ri-naskar, ri-fresh-igar, ri-nov-igar); -eskar: to become revived, rise from the dead; -igo, -esko: revivication.

ri-, retro-vok-ar: (tr.) to call again, call back, recall.

ri-yun-igar: to make (look) young, rejuvenate; -eskar: to grow young again, become restored to youth; -igo, -esko: rejuvenescence.

riz-o: rice: -kultiv-eyo: rice plantation; -pudro: rice powder. — DEFIRS

rizopod-o: (zool.) rhizopod(a). — DEFIS

rob-o: robe: long, loose garment for man or woman; -o dekolt-ita: low-necked, -cut gown; chambro- -o: dressing gown, morning gown; -o kun tren-ajo: gown with train. — DEFS

robinet-o: cock, tap (for draining off liquids). — FI

robini-o*: (bot. genus) robinia; (black) locust; (false) acacia (cf. akacio).

robr-o: rubber (of card games as in whist). — DEFR

robust-a: robust, hardy, sturdy; -o, -ulo, -ino: a robust person; -eso: robustness. Def.: Qua posedas forteso, vigoro. Ant.: febla, debila. — DEFIS

rochet-o*: rochet, a kind of surplice. — DEFIS

(de-)rod-ar: (tr.) to gnaw, eat by bits; erode; (fig.) to champ (of horses); (cf. mordar); -anta, -ema: gnawing; -etar: to nibble; -ero: (animal) rodent. La hundo rodas osto. La puero rodis sua ungli. — eFIS

rodi-o*: (chem.) rhodium.

rodinal-o*: (photog.) rodinal

rododendr-o: (bot. genus) rhododendron. — DEFIS

rodomonto: rodomont, blusterer, vain boaster, braggart; -ajo: empty blustering, bravado, hectoring. Def.: Fanfaronemo pri milital agi; falsa brav(ul)o; III-204. — eFI

rog-o: funeral pile, pyre: stack of wood for burning the dead or a person at the stake. Def.: Lign-amaso por brular ulu od ulo; III-206. — IL

rogacion-i*: (R.C. rel.) public prayers and processions held on rogation days.

rok-o: a (large) rock, boulder (cf. petro, stono); -ego: a very large rock; -ajo: rocky mass high, steep and rising or jutting out to a point, as seen in the sea; rocky cliff, crag; -oza: rocky: full of rocks; -atra kordio: a hard stony heart. Def.: Granda amaso de petro. Ex.: On povas ruptar roko e tale facar stoni. Ferma quale roko. Gibraltar esas konstruktita sur rokajo. — EFIS

rokambol-o*: (bot.) rocambole (Allium sativum, var. Ophioscorodon). — DEF

rokok-a, -o: rococo (style); (fig.) antiquated (style). — DEF.

rol-o: (theat. and gen.) rôle: part, character, impersonation; plear -o: to play a part; -eto: minor rôle. — DEFR

roler-o*: (tech.) roller (cf. rul-ilo, -bloko).

Rom-ano: Roman citizen; -ana balanco: Roman balance, a steelyard; la -ana lingui: the Romance languages.

roman-o: a novel, book of fiction; -isto, autoro: novelist, romance writer; -ala: relating to a novel; -atra, -ema: fanciful, romantic; -protagonisto: hero of romance; (cf. novelo). — DeFIRS

romanc-o: ballas, romantic song. — DFIRS

(la) Romanch-a (linguo): Romansh (language). Def.: Linguo romanala parolata en Graubünden: Suisa kantono maxim estala; V-89. — DEF

romantik-a: romamtic. — DEFIRS

romb-o: (geom.) rhomb(us); -ala: rhombic. — DEF

romboedr-o*: (geom.) rhombohedron, parallelepipedon. — DEF

romboid-o*: (geom.) rhomboid. — DEFIS

rond-a: round, rotund; -o, -ajo: any round figure or object (cf. cirklo, disko, ringo); -eta, atra: roundish, rotund, round-like; -eso: roundness, rotundity; -igar, -eskar: (tr., intr.) to make, become round; -irar: (intr.) to go around, circulate; -iro: round, circuit; (of a policeman, etc.) beat. — DEFIS

rondel-o: (poetry) rondeau, roundelay; (mus.) rondo. — DeFIRS

ronk-ar: (intr.) to snore. — FS

ronron-ar*: (intr., of cats) to purr. — F

roqu-ar: (intr.) to rook, castle (at chess). — F

ros-o: dew; -oza: covered with dew; bedewed. — FRS

rosbif-o: roast-beef. — DEFIRS

rosmar-o*: walrus (genus: Rosmarus). — L

rosmarin-o*: (bot.) rosemary (genus: Rosmarinus). — DEFIR

rosp-o: toad. — I

rost-ar: (tr., intr.) to roast (meat); to toast (bread); -ajo, -karno: a roast; -o-pano: toast. — DEFI

rostr-o: (in gen.) any beak-like extension; (nat. hist.) bill, beak (of an insect); trunk, proboscis (as of an elephant); (bot) prolonged rigid process; (Roman antiq.) beak of a ship; rostrum in a forum.

rot-o: wheel; -aro: wheels (collect.), wheel-works, -movement; -o-sulko: rut; quar-rota veturo: four-wheeled vehicle; -o-nabo: hub, nave; -o-felgo: felloe, felly, rim; -o-torment-ar: to break (on a wheel); -atre marchar: to go heels over head; -eskarto: (R.R.) gauge: distance between the wheels. — FIS

rotac-ar: (intr.) to rotate, revolve: turn on axis; -(ad)o: rotating, rotation; -a, -ala: rotary; -o-kubo: teetotum, spinning top. Ex.: La planeti rotacas cirkum sua axi; li jiras cirkum la suno. Rotacado di roto. V. exp.: vid. jirar. — DEFIRS

rotan-o: (bot.) rattan (Calamus rotang); -a stulo: rattan chair. — DeFRS

rotifer-o: (zool.) rotifer. — EFIS

rotol-ar: (intr.) to rumble, roll (with noise). Ex.: Veturo rotolas kande ol rulas alonge la strado. La rotolado di tondro, di tamburo. V. exp.: L’ideo expresenda esas ta di bruiso produktata per frapi rapide sucedanta; V-493. — I

rotond-o: (arch.) rotunda; (clothing) a round cloak. — DEFIRS

rotul-o: (mechan.) ball and socket joint. — FIS

rov-o: (bot.) bramble, brier, thorn-bush; -eyo: brake, brier-patch; -bero: a brier berry; blackberry. — I

rovr-o: (bot.) English oak (Quercus robur); (cf. querko). — FIS

royal-ism-o: royalism: attachment to the cause of royalty; -ist-a, -o: royalist. — DEFR

roz-o: rose; -oza: full of roses; -atr-ajo: rosette; -iero: r. bush; -ier-eyo: r. garden; -ea: r. colo(u)red; -koloro: r. colo(u)r; -aquo: r. water; -buketo: bouquet of r.s; -burjono: r. bud; -fenestro: (arch.) r. window; -ligno: rosewood; -mielo: honey of r.s; vento -o: (mariner’s) compass-card. — DEFIRS

rozari-o: (rel.) rosary. — DEFIS

rozeol-o: (med.) roseola, a rose colo(u)red rash; scarlet rash, rose rash; (cf. morbilo). — EFIS

rozlaur-o: (bot.) oleander, rose-bay (Nerium Oleander).

ruband-o: ribbon; tape; -izar: to trim with ribbons. — eF

rubarb-o: (bot.) rhubarb (genus: Rheum). — DEFIS

rubi-o: (bot.) madder (Rubia tinctorum). —ISL

rubid-o*: (chem.) rubidium.

rubin-o: (stone) ruby; -ea: ruby-colo(u)red; balas- -o: balas-ruby. — DeFIRS

rubrik-o: rubric. V. exp.: Rubriko esas generala titulo. Ex. en Progreso esas: la Lingual questioni, Kroniko, Bibliografio, Diversaji, sub qui singla artiklo havas sua titulo; VII-412. — DEFIS

rud-a: rude, (of things) rough, unformed by art; (of persons) rough, uncultured, uneducated; (of manners) coarse, unpolished; -eso: roughness, rudeness; traktar -e: to use roughly, harshly, to ill-treat. — DEFI

rudiment-a: rudiment-al, -ary: little developed; -o: rudiment, element. Ex.: Rudimenta organo. Rudimenti di gramatiko. La rudimenti di planti. — DEFIRS

ruf-a: russet, sandy, reddish-brown, -yellow; ginger-colo(u)red; -(ul)o: red-haired, sandy-haired person; -eso: russet-colo(u)r; -atra: reddish, russet; -igar, -eskar: (tr., intr.) to make, become russet-colo(u)red, brown. Ex.: La tro varma glatigilo povas rufigar la linjo. — L

rug-o: wrinkle (on the face); ripple (on the water); -oza: wrinkled, full of wrinkles; corrugated; (bot.) rugose; -izar: to wrinkle; -iz-eskar: to be wrinkled; -oz-eskar: to become wrinkled. —FIS

ruin-ar: (tr.) to ruin; -o, -eso, -ajo: (act, state, object) ruination; a ruin; -anta, -iva: falling to ruin; ruinous; par- -ar: to ruin completely. Ex.: Ruinar ulu, viti. Esar ruinita da ludo-pasiono. Ruino di la stato, di lua bona reputo. La domo falis en ruineso, e tale esis ruinajo. — DEFIRS

ruk-o: rock: distaff. — DeIS

rukt-ar: (intr.) to belch (gas from stomach), eruct(ate). — eFIS

rukul-ar: (intr., of pigeons) to coo. — F

rul-ar: (tr., intr.) to roll (by turning over, as a wheel, also from side to side, as a ship), roll along, wheel along; -ar su: to roll one’s body, wallow, welter; -achar su: to sprawl; rul-aplastar: (tr.) to crush with a roller; rul-falar: to tumble, topple down; -ilo, -bloko: (instr.) roller; rul-kurteno: roller blind; rul-sketar: to skate (on rollers). Ex.: Rular bulo, roko, okuli. La lakrimi rulis adinfre sur la vangi. La ondi di la rivero rulas vers la maro. — DEF

rulad-o*: (mus.) roulade. — EF

rulet-o*: (game) roulette. — DEFIRS

rum-o: rum. — EFIR

rumb-o: (nav.) rhumb. — DEFIS

rumin-ar: (tr., intr.) to ruminate: chew over again, chew the cud (cf. meditar); -anto, -ero: (zool.) ruminant. — EFIS

rumor-o: rumo(u)r, popular report. — EFIS

rump-o: (anat.) rump; (vulg.) backsides; (cf. sedo, gluteo). — E

rumstek-o: rumpsteak. — DEF

run-o, -i: rune(s), Runic character(s) or letter(s); -ala: Runic. — DeFIRS

«rupie»: (money) rupee.

rupt-ar: (tr.) to break (asunder, up, open, by violence, or stress), to snap, rupture, shatter; -o, -uro: break(ing), rupture, fracture; -ajo: what is broken; -ebla: breakable (cf. frajila); -esar: to be broken; -o-peco: piece broken off, fragment. — EFIS

rur-o: country; rural district as opp. to town; -ala: rural; -ana, -ano: peasant, rustic, country person (not in a depreciatory sense); -domo: country house. — eFIS

rush-o: ruce (for neck or cuff). — DEFR

rusk-o: (bot.) butchers broom, knee-holly, -holm (Ruscus [aculeatus]). — ISL

rust-o: (of metals) rust; -oza, -iz-ita: rusted; blighted; -izar, -igar: to rust (metals); -ozeso, -izeso, -ozajo: rustiness. — DE

rustik-a, -(ul)o: rustic; -eso: rusticity; -acho: clodhopper. — DEFIS

rut-o: (bot.) rue (Ruta [graveolens]). — DFIRS

ruten-o*: (metal) ruthenium.

rutin-o: routine, rote, habit; -acho: red-tape, rut; -e by routine; -ema, -emo: (one) who acts by routine; red-tapist. Def.: Kustumo sequata sen judiko; kustumal ago facita sen reflektar. — DEFIRS

ruz-ar: (intr.) to use low craft, cunning, artifice, stratagem; -oza, -ema, -acha: artful, crafty, sly, cunning; -ach-ajo: act of knavery, sharp practice. Def.: Uzar artifico, subtileso por trompar. — DEF


sabat-o: Sabbath: seventh day of the week among the Jews (Saturday); (fig.) the first day of the week as observed by Christians (Sunday) (cf. sundio, saturdio). — DEFIRS

sabelik-o: savoy (cabbage. Brassica sabanda). — L

sabl-o: sand; -oza: sandy: full of s.; -a plajo: s. beach; -eto: fine s.; scouring s.; -o-grano: grain of s.; -uyo: s. holder, s. box; -eyo; -o-min-eyo: sandy spot, sandpit; -o mov-anta: shifting s.; -izar: to s.: cover with s.; -o-horlojo: hour-glass; -o-strato: s. bar. — FIS

sabord-o*: (square) porthole; gunport. — F

sabr-o: saber (sabre), broadsword; -eto; -o por abordar: cutlass; -uyo; -o-gaino: s. scabbard; -frapar, -agar: to s. (ulu); -frapo, -vund-uro: blow with a s., s. wound; -o-posho: sabretache. Def.: Speco di espado kun tranchanta lamo larja. — DEFIRS

sacerdot-(ul)o: priest; -ino: priestess; -ala: sacerdotal, priestly; -eso: (dignity, office) priesthood; -aro: (collect.) priesthood. — eFIS

saci-ar: (tr.) to give a bare sufficiency to, give a minimum to (ulu); -esar: to content oneself; put up with; -esar da poko: to put up with a little. V. exp.: Saturar esas furnisar la maximo, e saciar esas furnisar la minimo suficanta por kalmigar o cesigar irga bezono. On povas saciar sua hungro per pano-peco, sua dirsto per glasedo de aquo; ma kande on saturas su per manjaji o drinkaji, on riskas, sive mala digesto sive ebrieso. Simile pri omna bezoni e deziri. Existas ofte granda difero o neegaleso inter la minimo strikte necesa por saciar e la maximo qua saturas. Me tre deziras salario de dek franki; me saciesus da ok franki, ma me ne esas kontenta, nam generale, por esar vere kontenta, on bezonas plu kam la minimo necesa. Do saciar ne esas kontentigar, nek saciesar esas kontent-esar, -eskar. Saciar expresas esence sentimento; do saciar povas havar nur persono kom objekto, kontre ke suficar povas havar omnaspeca objekti; kp. VI-488. — FIS

safen-a* (veini): (anat.) saphenous (veins).

safir-o: (min.) sapphire. — DEFIRS

safran-o: (bot. and colo(u)ring material) saffron (Crocus [sativus]); -ea: s. colo(u)red; -izar, -agar: (tr.) to s.: tinge with yellow. — DEFIRS

sagac-a: sagacious, perspicacious, shrewd; -eso: sagacity, acumen, acuteness, discernment; -(ul)o: a s. person. Ex.: Sagaco dicernas multa diferi ube altri vidas nur kozi uniforma. — EFIS

sagitari-o: (bot.) arrrow-head (genus: Sagittaria). — FISL

saguin-o: (zool.) sagoin: squirrel-monkey, marmoset of genus: Callithrix. — DeFIRS

sagut-o: sago (cf. tapiokao); -iero: s. tree or palm (Cycas Metrocylon). — DeFIRS

saim-o: lard (cf. lardo). Def.: Porko-graso fuzita, sen salo; IV-581. — I

saj-a: wise, knowing, enlightened, sage, sensible, reasonable; -eso: wisdom; -(ul)o: a wise person, a sage; -igar, -eskar: to make, to become wise; ne- -a: unwise, ill-advised. Ex.: Saja lego, politikisto, konduto, judiciisto. La sajeso di la Egiptiani. Il montris granda sajeso en ta cirkonstanci. Ant.: stulta, absurda. — EFIS

sak-o: (also anat. and bot.) sack: bag, pouch; -edo: sackful, bagful; -o papera: a paper bag; -o-reto: net bag; drag net, trawl; -o de frumento: s. of wheat; ledor- -o: leather pouch; manu- -o: handbag, satchel; sablo- -o: sandbag: bag for sand; sako de sablo: sandbag: bag of sand; sako-strado: blind alley, cul-de-sac. — DEFIS

sakarimetr-o*: saccharimeter. — DEFIS

sakarimetr-o*: saccharimetry. — DEFIS

sakarin-o*: saccharin(e). — DEFIS

sakr-a: sacred; -eso: sacredness; -ajo: a s. object; -igar: to render s., to consecrate (ulu, ulo); (fig.) to annoint, crown (a king); (cf. konsakrar); -o-santa: sacrosanct, most holy. Ex.: Sakra historio. La sakra ordi. La sakra fairo di Vesta. Sekretajo esas sakrajo. Sakrigar episkopo, rejo. — EFIS

sakrament-o: sacrament. Ex.: Donar la lasta sakramenti ad uli. Sakramentala vino. La katolikismo havas sep sakramenti: sakramento di bapto, di konfirmo, di la extrema unciono, e.c. — DEFIRS

sakrifik-ar: (tr., intr.: lit. and fig.) to sacrifice (ulu, ulo); to make offerings; -o, -ajo: sacrifice, offering; -ala: sacrificial; hom- -o: human s. Ex.: Sakrifikar viktimi, sua interesti, sua havaji, sua tempo. La sakrifiko di la meso, di la honoro. La sakrifiko di Izaak da Abraham. — EFIS

sakrilej-ar: (intr.) to commit a sacrilege; -anta, -inta: sacrilegious. Def.: Profanacar ulu, ulo veneracinda o sakra. Ex.: Sakrilejar kontre sacerdoto, kontre vestalo. (fig.) Esus sakrilejo abatar ica belega arboro. — DEFIS

sakrist-o: sexton; sacristan; -io: sacristy. — DEFIS

sakrum-o: (anat.) sacrum. — EFIS

sal-o: salt; (chem.) sodium chloride; -ifar: to salify: to produce salt; -igar: to salify: to form a salt with; to impregnate (ulo) with salt; -izar: to cover (ulo) with salt; -a kolono: a column (made) of salt; -ala legi: laws relating to s.; -oza fisho: a salty fish; -iz-ita porko-karno: salt pork; -if-isto: a salt-maker (producer); -iz-isto: a salter, curer; -atra: (tendency)salty; brackish; -uyo, -iz-uyo: salt-shaker, salting-box; -oz-eso: saltness; -aquo: salt water; -min-eyo: salt-mine; -o grosa: coarse salt; -grano: grain of salt; -marsho: a salt marsh; amoniak-salo: sal ammoniac. — DeFIRS

salad-o: salad; -uyo: s. dish, s. bowl. — DEFIRS

salamandr-o: (zool.) salamander (Salamandra). — DEFIRS

salari-ar: (tr.) to pay a stipend, wages, a salary to (ulu); -o, -ajo: salary, wages stipend; -ato: a salaried person; -at-acho: hireling. — DEFIS

sald-ar: (tr.) to settle with: pay the balance due on an account current; -o, -uro: settlement, payment; -ajo: balance due: difference between debits and credits of a running account; (cf. bilanco). Ex.: Saldar trupi, employati. — DFI

salep-o: (esp. pharm.) salep: dried roots of various orchids. — DEFIRS

sali-ar: (intr.) to be protuberant, to jut out, project. (N.B. refers to form not movement; cf. spricar); -igar: to cause to jut out, to bring into prominence; (of fluids) throw up; -o, -ajo: jutting forth; protuberance, prominence, projection; (fort.) salient; -anta: projecting, prominent, salient. — eFIS

salinc-o*: (chem.) salicin.

salik-a: Salic; -a lego: S. law. V. exp.: Ideo di heredado nur da e tra la maskuli; IV-581. — DEFIRS

salik-o: (bot.) willow-tree (genus: Salix); -o ploranta: weeping w. — IL

salikari-o: (bot.) spiked purple loose-strife; willow-weed (Lythrum salicaria). — F

salin-o: salina: salt-works; (cf. sal-min-eyo). Def.: Loko ube produktesas la salo per vapigoro di la saloza aquo; IV-715. — DeFIS

saliv-o: saliva, spittle; -ala: salivary; -ifar: to salivate (cf. sputar). V. exp.: vid. bavar. — EFIS

salmon-o: (ich.) salmon; -yuno: young s.; -ea: s. colo(u)red. — DEFIS

salon-o: saloon: drawing-room, parlo(u)r; (cf. art-ala expoz-eyo). Def.: Chambro en apartamento destinita por aceptar vizitanti. — DeFRS

salpetr-o: saltpeter.— DEFR

salsifi-o: (bot.) salsify, oyster-plant (Tragopogon porrifolius). — EF

salt-ar: (intr.) to leap, jump, bound, hop (upward or forward), vault (ad, sur, trans, retro, ad-avane); -igar: to bounce (ulo): cause to leap or jump; -etar: to hop, skip, caper; -ope: by leaps and bounds; -anta, -et-anta: leaping, skipping; ri- -ar: to rebound; dorso- -o: (game) leapfrog; later-ala -o: side jump; turno- -o: summersault; trans-saltar: (tr.) to jump across; vento- -o: (nav.) a shift of wind. Ex.: Saltar trans (od, trans-saltar) fosato. Irar super ulo per un salto. Saltar al guturo di ulu. — eFIS

salubr-a: (of places, things) salubrious, wholesome, healthy; -eso: salubrity; -igar, -eskar: to render, become s. V. exp.: Salubra tote ne esas sana; sana koncernas la personi o vivanti; salubra koncernas la kozi (klimato, lando, domo). Anke salubreso tote ne esas la saneso, ma la extera, fizikal kondicioni di la saneso. Ol anke ne esas la higieno, qua esas l’arto konservar la saneso. On povas (e devas) sequar la higieno precipue en ne-salubra lando; II-711, anke sana. — EFIS

salut-ar: (tr.) to greet, salute (cf. salvear, reverencar); -ego: a very low bow, salaam; hearty salute; inter- -ar: to salute each other; -ar per espado, per manuo, per salveo: to salute with the sword, with the hand, by firing a salute; -ar per voco: to cheer. Def.: Donar ad ulu extera signo di respekto, politeso. — DEFIRS

salutar-a: salutary, wholesome, beneficial. Def.: Qua risanigas o salvas; IV- 138. Ex.: Salutara legi, kura-civi manjaji. V. exp.: vid. sana. — EFIS

salv-ar: (tr., also theol.) to save (from danger, peril, sickness), to deliver, rescue; to salvage (goods); -(ad)o: saving, salvation, salvaging; -eso: safety, salvation: state of being saved; -anta: saving, rescuing; -anto, -into, -onto: saver, deliverer; (theol.) Saviour; -ita: saved, safe (cf. sekura, integra); -o-letro: safe-conduct; -o-gardar: (tr.) to safeguard; -o-gard-ilo: (instr.) safeguard; -boyo: life-buoy. Ex.: Salvar urbo, vivo, sua honoro. — DEFIS

salve-ar: (intr., milit.) to fire a salute, a volley (cf. salutar); -o, -o-pafado: salute, volley, salvo; aplaud- -o: (fig.) a round of applause. — DeFIRS

salvi-o: (bot.) sage (-plant) (genus: Salvia).

sam-a: same (cf. identa); -o: the s. thing; -eso: sameness; -e: also, likewise, ditto; sam-gent-ano, sam-civit-ano, sam-stat-ano, sam-urb-ano: fellow citizen; sam-genera: congenerous, of the same genus; -speca: of the same species; sam-ide-ano: fellow thinker; partisan of the same idea; sam-instanta: happening at the same moment, simultaneous (cf. sam-tempa); sam-land-ano: compatriot, fellow countryman; sam-matra: of the same mother; -patr(ul)a: consanguine; sam-patri-ano: compatriot, fellow counrtyman; (cf. sam-land-ano); sam-religi-ano: coreligionist; sam-spec-ano: a kindred or cognate species; sam-substanc-eso: consubstantiality; sam-temp-a: contemporaneous, simultaneous (cf. sam-instanta); sam-tempano: contemporary; sam-centra: concentric. Ex.: Il ne plus esas la sama homo. To esas la sama (od, to esas equivalanta). La sameso di la peizaji. Il pensas same kam me. La sama rezultajo. Me lektis la sama libro kam vu ( la sama verko, ma en altra exemplero). La mediko probis desparigar samtempe la febro e la dursto. — DER

sambuk-o: (bot.) elder (-tree) (genus: Sambucus). — IL

samovar-o: samovar: Russian tea-urn. — DEFR

san-a: (pr. of persons; fig. of things) healthy, well, hearty, hale, sound in health; (fig.) sound, wholesome; -a mente: sane; -eso: healthiness, good health; san-esar: to be well, to be all right, be in good health; -es-ala: sanitary, -igar: to make healthy, well; -eskar: to recover one’s health; -ig-iva: wholesome, hearty; korpe e mente -a: sound in body and mind; sana e sekura: well (or, safe) and sound; sana opiniono, kritiko: sane opinion, sound criticism; sana arboro: healthy tree. Def.: Qua havas konstituciono (od figurale, konstituceso) sen-defekta o koruptita (partikulare da morbo). V. exp.: Lo sana ne povas nocar; lo salubra reale bonfacas; lo salutara salvas de danjero, malajo. La ri-sanigeyo devas esar en salubra loko ube la kuracati povas recevar salubra (E. wholesome) manjaji e salutara remediili kande malada; kp. salubra. — eFIS

sanatori-o: sanatorium. — DEFIRS

sancion-ar: (tr.) to sanction: give validity to. Ex.: Sancionar lego. Ica vorto ne havas la sanciono di kustumo. — DEFIRS

sandal-o: sandal: kind of shoe. — DEFIRS

sandarak-o: sandarac(-gum) (Callitris quadrivalvis). — DEFIS

«sandwich»: sandwich.

sang-o: blood; -ala: relating to b.: -oza: sanguinary: bloody, blood-stained; -ea: blood-colo(u)red; -atra: b.-like; -ifar: to bleed; -o-tir-ar: (tr.) to bleed (ulu); -o-sputar: to spit b.; -plena: full-blooded; -am-anta, -o-durst-anta: (fig.) bloodthirsty; -ifar de la nazo: to have nose bleed; -ifo, -o-formaco: sanguification; -ek-fluo: hemorrhage; sen- -a: bloodless. — eFIS

sanguin-a: (of temperament) sanguine; -(ul)o: a s. person. — DEFIRS

sanguisug-o: (worm) leech (Hirudo medicinalis); (fig.) bloodsucker, extortioner. — FIS

sani-o*: (med.) sanies. Def.: Materio sangoza e fetida, qua fluas de ula ulceri. V-349. — DEFIS

sanskrit-a (linguo) (la): Sanscrit. — DEFIRS

sant-a: holy, saintly; (of titles) saint; (cf. sakra); -(ul)o: a saint; -eso: holiness, sanctity, saintliness, saintship; -igar: to sanctify, make holy; -igo: sanctification; -eyo: a holy place; Santa Spirito: Holy Ghost; Santa Paulo: Saint Paul; santa patr-ulo: holy father; santa tribunalo: holy office (Inquisition); santa semano: holy week; santa vivo: a holy life; sant-aqu-uyo: holy-water basin, font. — DEFIS

santal-o: sandalwood. — DeFR

santolin-o: (bot.) lavender-cotton ground-cypress (Santolina). — FISL

santuari-o: sanctuary: that part of a church where the altar is placed; chancel; altar; (Jewish) holy of holies. (fig.) asylum, sacred refuge. Def.: Parto di kirko, di templo interdiktata a la profani; IV-582. — DEFIS

sap-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to sap, undermine; -(ad)o, -uro: undermining, (milit.) sap(ping); -isto: (milit.) sapper. Ex.: Sapar la fundamenti di basiono, di edifico. (fig.) Ta sistemo sapas la fundamenti di la Kristana religio. — DEFIRS

sapaju-o: (zool.) sapajou (monkey) (genus: Cebus). — DEFIR

sapon-o: soap; -ala, -oza, -atra; soapy, saponaceous; -agar, -izar: to use s., put s. on, lather; -igar: (tr.), -ifar: (intr.) to saponify, make or produce soap; -if-erio:; -bulo, -peco: a piece of soap. — eFIS

saponari-o: (bot.) soapwort (genus: Saponaria). — FISL

saponin-o*: (chem.) saponin

saponit-o*: (min.) saponite.

sapor-ar: (intr.) to have a certain flavo(u)r (taste) (cf. gustar, savurar); -o: flavo(u)r, taste: (fig.) zest; -oza: tasty; succulent, palatable; sen- -a: tasteless; (fig. of things) insipid, flat, vapid; posa- -o: after-taste. Ex.: La biro saporas bitre. Ta karno esas sen-sapora. Ca vino havas pikema saporo. (fig.) Lua poemo havas nula saporo. — FIS

saprofit-o: (bot.) saprophyte.

sapt-o: (of plants) sap. Def.: Suko quan la planti tiras ek la tero, e qua acensante en li nutras oli; II-705. — DE

saraband-o: saraband. Def.: Anciena danso, origine Hispana; IV-582. — DEFIRS

saracen-o: (bot.) buckwheat (Polygonum fagopyrum). — FIS

sarcel-o: (orni.) teal (-duck) (genus: Querquedula). — F

sardin-o: (ich.) sardine (Sardinella pilchardus). — DEFIRS

sardonik-a: sardonic (laughter, etc.). — DEFIRS

sardonix-o: (min.) sardonyx. — DEFIS

sargas-o: sargass-o, -um, gulfweed (genus: Sargassum).

sarig-o: (zool.) opossum (Didelphys virginiana). — FI

sark-o: coffin, bier; -o-kapelo: mortuary chapel; -o-veturo: hearse. — De

sarkasm-o: sarcasm; -a, -atra, -ema: sarcastic; -em(ul)o: a sarcastic person. — DEFIRS

sarkl-ar: (tr.) to weed (flowers, a garden); -uro: weeding (done); -aji: weeds cut down (cf. mala herbo); -ilo: a weeding instrument. — FI

sarkofag-o: sarcophagus: stone coffin. — DEFIRS

sarkom-o: (med.) sarcoma. — DEFIS

sarment-o: (bot.) sarmentum: a running stem (as the strawberry plant); -oza: sarmentose: having slender prostrate branches or runners. — EFIS

sarsaparel-o: (bot.) sarsaparilla (genus: Smilax). — DEFIRS

sat(e): (adv.) enough, sufficiently (de); -o: a sufficiency; me havas sata (od, sat multa; sato de; suficanta) pekunio: I have enough money; vu parolis sate: you have spoken enough; savar sat multe: to know enough; sat bone: good enough. V.exp.: Sat, suficante: Me manjis sat multa pano, me ne suficante granda quanto por saturigar mea hungro. Ofte sat havas preske la signifiko di pasable, ma existas tamen kelka nuanco. «Homo, pasable granda, esas sat granda por esar vertuoza, ma ne suficante granda por atingar ula pomo pendanta de arboro.» — L

Satan-o: Satan; -ala, -atra: satanic. — DEFIRS

satelit-o: (astron. and fig.) satellite. Ex.: La luno esas satelito di ica planeto. — DEFIRS

satin-o: (fabric) satin; -atra pelo: a satin-like skin; -umar: to glaze: give to fabrics, paper, etc., a satin-like gloss; koton- -o: satinet. — DEFIR

satir-o: satire; -ala, -atra, -ema: satirical; -e mokar: to satirize (ulo), lampoon (ulu). — DEFIRS

satirus-o: (myth. and fig.) satyr. — DeFIRS

satisfac-ar: (tr.) to satisfy: to answer, fulfil (expectation, promise), to discharge (an obligation); to make amends, atone for (an offense, sin); -o: fulfilment, satisfaction (given), amends; -anta: satisfactory: making amends. V.exp.: On adoptas satisfacar en la sequanta uzo: «satisfacar devo, obligo, kontrato, promiso, kondiciono», ne en la senco di kontent-igar; III-666. — DEFIS

«satisfecit»: certificate of satisfaction, of good conduct. Def.: Atesto-letreto donata (quale da skolestro a lua skolano).

satrap-o: satrap; -io: (domain) satrapy. — DEFIRS

satur-ar: (tr.) to fill completely; to satiate, glut, saturate, surfeit; (chem.) to unite or dilute until no more can be received. Ex.: Saturar acido. Saturar sua kuriozeso. La saturo-punto varias segun la tempuraturo. Saturita per manjajo, per aquo, per doloro. V.exp.: vid. saciar. — DEFIS

saturdi-o: Saturday. — E

saturnal-i: (lit. and fig.) Saturnalia. — DEFIRS

sauc-o: (cook.) sauce; -uyo: s. holder, s. tureen; -izar: to put sauce on. — DEFIRS

sauri-o: saurian; (cf. lacerto). — DEFIS

sav-ar: (tr.) to know (by learning), to have a knowledge of; to be versed in; be aware of; to know how (to do); -igar: to cause (ulu) to know (ulo), to apprise, inform, instruct; -eskar: to become informed, apprised (pri); (-ad)o: knowing, learning; -ajo: knowledge: what is known; -ema: (of persons) desirous of learning, curious (cf. kurioza); -ar lektar e skribar: to know how to read and write; -ar plezar, facar: to know how to please, to make; -ar la intenci: to be sensible, be aware of the intentions. Ex.: Savar ulo, multo (pri). Me ne savas quon me devas dicar. Savar gramatiko, lingui, matematiko. V. exp. (1): Savar, konocar: Konocar esas havar l’ideo, la nociono pri ulu, ulo per sensi; savar esas pure mental ago. On konocas ulu per la nomo, la vizajo; on savas gramatiko. V. exp. (2): Sav-igar, informar, instruktar, avizar, notifikar, instruciono: Sav-igar esas la maxim generala vorto. Informar esas konocigar fakti; instruktar, konocigar teoriala o ciencala veraji; avizar donar ula praktikal informo, konsilo od impero; notifikar konocigar fakto per oficiala formo. Instruciono esas indiko di la metodo o maniero por uzar juste ed utile ula kozo, instrumento, kuracilo, e.c.; II-646. — FIS

savan-o: savanna: treeless plain or meadow; U.S.: prarie. — DeFIS

savur-ar: (tr.) to savo(u)r, relish (a dish); (fig.) to enjoy, delight in; -o: savo(u)r, relish. Def.: Gustar lente, kun atenco e plezuro. Ex.: Savurar ula vino, tasedo de kafeo. (fig.) Savurar ula plezuro, la honori. — EF

saxhorn-o*: (mus.) saxhorn. — DEF

saxifrag-o: (bot.) saxifrage (genus: Saxifraga). — EFISL

saxofon-o: (mus.) saxophone. — DEFIS

sbir-o*: sbirro: a former member of Italian Police.

se: (conj.) if (followed frequently, but not necessarily by conditional); -ne: if not or else, otherwise; -nur: if only, provided that. Ex.: Se me povus, me venus. To esas importanta, se vera. Obediez; se ne, gardez! Me facos to, se nur il venos. — FIS

seb-o: tallow or tallow-like substance, suet; (cf. stearino); -oza: tallowy; -if-anta: sebaceous; -o-glando: sebaceous gland; -grano, -pustulo: (med.) black pimple (on skin); okul- -o: eye mucus, -rheum. — eIS

secion-o: (geom.) section (cf. segmento). V. exp.: Seciono signifikas la figuro (plana) obtenita «sekante» objekto per plano (ex. la koniki esas konala secioni); kun ta senco ol uzesas tre ofte en geometrio e cetera matematika cienci; IV-351; V-660. — DEFIRS

sed-o: bottom, backside: hinder part or seat of body; (cf. gropo, rumpo, lumbo); -o-balno: sitz-bath. V. exp.: Sedo esas la ordinara vorto quan on uzas exemple en gimnastiko: «la sedo maxim posible adsupre!» kulo povas semblar shokanta; gluteo esas anatomiala.

sedentari-a: sedentary (life, profession). Def.: Qua restas konstante sidanta, pro mestiero; per extenso, la mestiero anke dicesas «sedentaria»; III-207. — DEFIS

sedici-ar: (intr.) to (cause a) mutiny, to riot (cf. rebel-eskar, revoltar); populacho -oza: a riotous mob; -ema soldati: seditious (riotous) soldiers; -ema mento: seditious mind. Def.: Facar mikra revolto. — eFIS

sediment-o: sediment, grounds, dregs, lees; -ala, -atra: sedimentary; -oza: feculent, turbid, muddy. — DEFIS

sedukt-ar: (tr.) to seduce (chastity); to lead astray (from the path of rectitude, duty); to beguile, entice (cf. lurar, trompar, facinar, misduktar, koruptar, subornar); -o, -eso: seduction; -anta, -iva: enticing, seductive, captivating, engaging, winning; -anto, -ero: seducer (cf. atrakt-iva). Ex.: Seduktar puerino. La charmo di lua manieri seduktas me. — EFIS

seg-ar: (tr.) to (cut with a) saw: -ilo: a saw; -il-lamo: blade of a s.; trapar- -ar: to s. through (ulo); cirklo- -ilo: circular s.; rubando- -ilo: ribbon-, band-s.; -erio: sawmill; -isto: sawyer; -pulvero: sawdust. — DI

segl-o: sail (of a ship); -aro: sails (of a ship); set of s.s.; -irar: to s.: go sailing before the wind; -o-navo: sailing vessel; -if-isto: sailmaker; hisar la -i: to set, make sails. — DE

segment-o: section, segment; -igar: to segment: divide into sections; -ig-ado, -uro: segmentation; cirklo-segmento: segment of a circle; (cf. seciono). V. exp.: Segmento signifikas ula determinita parto di objekto longa, lineatra, quan on «sekas» o dividas segun lua longeso: segmento di voyo, di fervoyo (ex. inter du stacioni), di rivero, di kanalo (inter du sluzi), di filo telegrafala (inter du stacioni o posteni); IV-351; V-660. — DEFIRS

segregac-ar: (tr.) to segregate. — DEFIS

segun: (prep.) according to, agreeably to, in conformity with; pursuant to, after; segun ke: (conj.) according to whether; -quante: as far as, in so far; -vola: optional; -vole: at will. Ex.: Segun vua deskripto, vua rekomendo, mea opiniono. Traktar ulu segun lua merito. Evangelio segun St. Johano. Ni diskutos to, nur segun quante ol povas kontributar a nia projeto. Segun ke vu esos richo o mizeroza, la homi judikos vu kom bona o kom mala. — IS

seid-o: fanatical partisan, zealot. Def.: Fanatiko volunte kriminas pro religiala zelo, e.c. — DFIS

sejorn-ar: (intr.) sojourn, remain for some time at a place (cf. restar). — EF

sek-ar: (tr.) to make a surface cut in; cut partially through; divide into sections; -uro: (surg.) section; -anto: (geom.) secant; -vund-uro: gash, cut, slash. V. exp.: vid. tranchar. — eFIS

sekal-o: (bot.) rye (Secale cereale); -grano: a grain of rye; -pano: rye-bread. — FIL

sekin-o*: (coin) sequin. — DEFIRS

sekond-ar: (tr.) to second, back (up) support (a motion, proposition); -anto: seconder, backer. — DEFIR

sekrec-ar: (tr., biol.) to secrete; -(ad)o: -uro: secretion; -anta, -ala: secreting, secretory. — DEFIS

sekret-a: secret, not made known, not revealed, clandestine (cf. cel-ita, privata); -ajo: a secret (cf. misterio); -eso: secrecy; -e: secretly, in secret. V.exp.: vid. arkana. — DEFIRS

sekretari-o: (person) secretary. — DEFIRS

sekt-o: sect; -ano: member of a s., sectarian. — DEFIRS

sektor-o: (geom., milit.) sector. — DEFIRS

sekular-a: secular, worldly; (cf. laika); -(ul)o: a secular priest (not a regular); -a klerikaro: secular clergy: clergy not bound by monastic vows; -igar: to secularize. — DEFIRS

sekund-o: second: 60th of a minute of time or of an arc. — DEFIRS

sekundara: secondary: indicates relationship as used in geology, electricity, public school, medicine, etc., compared with primara, terciara; (cf. acesora: duesma-grada; min grava). — DEFIS

sekur-a: safe, secure: out of danger, without danger; -eso: safety, security; -esar: to be s., -igar: to make safe, secure (cf. cert-igar); -es-polico: detective police; -es-valvo: valve; Ex.: Pozar ulo en sekura loko. Voyajar sekure (od, en sekureso). Sekurigar sua havajo. — EFIS

sel-o: saddle; -eto, -kusen-eto: s.-pad (as for cart-horse); -izar: to s., -if-erio: saddlery (where saddles are made; cf. harnes-if-erio); -kavalo: s.-horse; hom-in-selo: side-s., lady’s s.; -arko: s. bow; sen-sel-igar: to unsaddle. — FIS

selakt-o: whey. — L

selekt-ar: (tr.) to select, choose, pick out (cf. elektar, preferar, asortar); -o: selection, option; -ajo: what is chosen, choice. Ex.: Selektar sua amiki. Selektar la maxim bona cerizi. Naturala selektado. — DEFRS

seleni-o*: (chem.) selenium. — DEFIRS

selenografi-o: selenography. — DEFIRS

«selfmademan»: self-made man.

sem-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to sow, strew, scatter (seed for growth); -ajo: what is sown; seed. — FIRS

semafor-o: semaphore. — DEFIRS

seman-o: week; omna- -e, singla- -e: every w., each w., weekly; ca- -e: this week; santa -o: Holy Week; mi- -a: twice a w., every half w.; du- -a: bi-weekly, every two weeks. — FIS

semantik-o: semantics, semasiology. Def.: Cienco di la signifiki (di vorti), di lia evoluciono (parto di la linguistiko); IV-81. — DEFIRS

sembl-ar: (intr.) to seem, appear (to be), look (like) (cf. aspektar, simular); -o: appearance, semblance, external aspect, outward show; -anta: seeming; -o falsa: false show, pretence; -ante: apparently (cf. kred-ebla). Ex.: Ca vino semblas a me esar mala. Il semblas dormar. Semblo di amikeso. — eFI

semestr-o: semester: six months period (of study) (cf. trimestro). — DEFIRS

Sem-ido: Semite; -id-ala: Semitic. — DEFRS

semin-o, -i: seed (cf. spermo, grano); -izar: to sow (a field, etc.).

seminari-o: (ecclesiastical) seminary; -ano: seminarist, theological student. — DEFIRS

semol-o: semolina. — eFIS

semperviv-o: (bot.) houseleek (Sempervivum [tectorum]). — L

sempr-e: (adv.) always (cf. perpetue, sen-cese); por sempre: for ever, evermore; -a: perpetual. Ex.: On ne esas sempre felica. Matine me levas me sempre tre frue. — IS

sen: (prep.) without, not with, free from: indicates absence, privation, exclusion, destitution; (Note: Sen is often compounded with verbs in place of des-, ne- to signify deprivation, absence: des-esperar: to despair; sen-esper-igar: to deprive (ulu) of hope; ne-esperanta: unhopeful; sen-espera: hopeless. Note that in the adjective form the suffix -a is used, not -ala, -oza, etc. sen-esper-a, not sen-esper-oza, sen-viva korpo: a lifeless body; sen-falio: without fail, unfailingly; sen to: without that, otherwise; sen ke: (conj.) without (that), unless: me ne povas parolar, sen ke il inter-ruptas me: I cannot speak without his interrupting me. Ant.: kun. — FIS

senat-o: senate; -ano: senator; -ala, -an-ala: senatorial. — DEFIRS

senatuskonsult-o*: senatys-consultum: decree of the (Roman) senate.

sen-brach(ul)o: (lit.: person without breeches) (French hist.) sans-culotte.

senc-o: sense, meaning; du-senc-eso, -ajo: double meaning; plur-senca vorto: a word with various significations; ne-justa senco: improper sense; sen-senca: senseless; sen-senc-ajo: a senseless thing or act; nonsense. V.exp.: Senco, signifiko: La senco di ula vorto konsistas en la diversa idei, quin ol expresas od implikas; lua signifiko konsistas en la diversa objekti, a qui ol esas aplikebla. Ex.: La vorti «Blanka Monto» havas senco aplikebla a omna blanka monti; ma lua signifiko restriktesas ad un monto. Simile la Glacial Oceano, la Nigra e la Reda Maro, e.c. La vorti «la maxim granda de la nombri» havas senco komprenebla e mem klara, ma korespondas a nula objekto; ol «signifikas nulo;» (Further discussion of these synonyms may be found in VI-80-81). — EFIS

sen-ceremoni-a: unceremonious; -eso: bluntness, off-handedness.

sen-ces-a: continual, incessant: constantly renewed or recurring (cf. kontinua).

send-ar: (tr.) to send: cause to go, dispatch, forward; -ajo: what is sent; parcel (of goods); -ato: person sent; messenger, emissary; -ato diplomac-ala: envoy.

sen-defekt-a: faultless.

sen-domaj-a: undamaged, intact, in good condition (cf. ne-tush-ita, ne-lez-ita).

sen-dub-a, -e: undoubted(ly), assuredly (cf. certe).

seneci-o: (bot.) groundsel (genus: Senecio). — FL

seneshal-o: (title) seneschal. — DEFIRS

sen-flor-eskar: to lose, shed its blossom.

sen-har-a: (of persons) bald: completely without hair; (cf. kalva).

sen-harnes-igar: (= des-harnes-izar): to unharness.

sen-hered-ant-eso: (jur.) escheat: failure of heritable heirs by which property reverts to the State.

sen-honor-a: unhono(u)red: without hono(u)r: -igar: to dishono(u)r, deprive (ulu) of hono(u)r.

senil-a: (med.) senile; -eso: senility. — DEFIS

sen-intenc-e: unintentionally.

senior-a; -o, -ulo, -ino: senior, elder, eldest; -eso: seniority, eldership; -yuro: birthright; (jur.) primogeniture. — DEF

sen-jen-a: unconstrained; free and easy.

sen-kap-a: headless, acephalus; -igar: to lop the head from, decapitate.

sen-karn-igar: to strip the meat from.

sen-kern-igar: to stone (peaches, etc.); to core (apples, etc.).

sen-kortic-igar: to peel, strip (of its bark).

sen-kulp-a: guiltless, faultless (cf. inocenta).

sen-kuraj-a: timid; -igar: to dishearten, discourage, demoralize.

sen-makul-a: unblemished, unspotted, spotless, immaculate.

sen-mobl-igar: to strip of furniture; -ig-ita: unfurnished.

sen-mov-a: motionless.

«senna»: (bot., pharm.) senna.

sen-pag-a: gratuitous (cf. gratuita); -e: gratis, free of charge.

sen-partis-a: impartial; -eso: impartiality.

sen-pil-igar: (tr.) to flay, skin (cf. exkoriar).

sen-pen-a, -e: without difficulty.

sen-pel-igar: to depilate, remove the hair, the bristles from; -eskar: to lose (shed) the hair (of animals); -ig-iva, -ivo: depilatory.

sen-plum-igar: to pluck feathers from.

sen-polv-igar: to dust; -ig-ilo: duster (cf. plum-fasko).

sen-pudor-a: immodest, wanton: without (womanly) modesty; -ajo: immodest act (cf. sordid-ajo, laciv-ajo).

sen-reflekt-a: thoughtless, heedless, giddy.

sen-religi-a: irreligious (cf. kontre-religia; des-pia).

sens-o: sense: one of the five physical senses or faculties; -ala: (physiol.) sensorial, sensory; -ala plezuri: pleasures of the senses; -al-ismo: (philos.) sensualism: sensationalism, the doctrine that all knowledge originates in sensation (cf. sensual-ismo). — DEFIRS

sensacion-o*: sensation: excited interest or feeling (cf. sento); -ala: sensational (cf. impres-anta, -iva). Ex.: Ula novaji ofte produktas sensaciono. Sensacionala jurnali, libri. — DEFIS

sen-shel-igar: to shell, peel, hull, husk.

sen-senc-a: senseless, meaningless; -ajo: nonsense.

sensitiv-o: (bot.) sensitive plant.

sen-sorg-a: careless.

sensual-a: sensual: devoted to the gratification of the senses; voluptuous; -(ul)o, -isto: s. person; sensualist; -ismo: sensualism: sensuality (cf. sens-al-ismo). Def.: Devota a sensala plezuri; agreabla a la sensi. — EFIS

sen-suci-a: free from care or concern.

sent-ar: (tr.) to feel (a sensation) (cf. konciar, perceptar, flarar, odorar, saporar); -(ad)o: feeling, sensation; -ebla: sensible: which is felt; -eble: sensibly: perceptibly; -iva, -ema: sensitive, impressionable, susceptible; -iveso, -emeso: sensitiveness, sensibility, susceptibility; -eyo, sento-centro: sensorium, place of sensation; -iv-igar: to make sensitive; me sentas me varma (od, kom varma): I feel warm (cf. IV-691). Ex.: Sentar koldeso, hungro, dursto, doloro. — EFIS

sen-tar-e, -a: net (weight).

sentenc-o: sentence: maxim: short saying containing an axiom, saw (cf. proverbo). (N.B. This is not the E. grammatical «sentence» cf. frazo); -ema, -atra: sententious, terse, pithy. Ex.: Sentenco da Seneca. Stilo, maniero sentencala. — DeFIRS

sentiment-o: sentiment, mental feeling, emotion (opp. to physical sensation), -ala: (of things) sentimental; -ema; -emo: sentimental (person); -em-eso: sentimentality. Ex.: La sentimento di lo bela. Me havas nula sentimento ecepte la tristeso. Sentimento di odio. Sentimentala tono, diskurso. Yunino sentimentema. — EFIRS

sen-tim-a: fearless, without dread.

sentinel-o: (milit.) sentinel, sentry; -esar: to be on s. watch (cf. facionar); -igar: to post (ulu) as a s. — EFIS

sen-valor-a: worthless; -igar: to render worthless; (of money) to demonetize.

sen-viv-a: lifeless.

sen-voc-a: (in phonetics) surd, mute.

sep: seven; -esma: seventh; -imo: one-seventh; -yara: septennial; -a-dek: seventy; -a-dek-yar-a, -(ul)o: septuagenar-y, -ian; (for other derivative forms, cf. du). — DeFIS

sepal-o: (bot.) sepal. — EFIS

separ-ar: (tr.) to separate, part, divide, (ulo, de ulo); (su) to secede, withdraw; -o, -eso: separation, severing, partition; secession; -ilo: anything which separates: a partition; -ajo: that which is separated, a s. part; -anta, -iva: separating, seceding, separative: -ate: separately; -anto, -emo: secessionist, separatist; -ebla: separable; -o-lineo: line of demarcation. Ex.: Separar la kapo de la korpo. Ta rivero separas ca du provinci. Separar su de ula societo. Lia diversa interesti separas li. Ni judikos separate la du kozi. — DEFIRS

sepi-o: (ich.) sepia, cuttlefish (genus: Sepia); -ajo: sepia (pigment); -desegn-o, -uro: s. drawing. — DEFIRS

sept-a: (med.) septic: causing putrifaction; -eso: sepsis. — DEFIRS

septembr-o: September. — DEFIRS

septet-o: (mus.) septet (voices or instruments). — DEFRS

septilion-o*: septillion.

septim-o*: (mus.) seventh chord.

sepult-ar: (tr.) to entomb, bury (a dead body) (cf. en-ter-igar); -eskar: to prepare for burial, lay out (a body); -o, -uro: sepulture, burial (cf. tombo); -eyo: place of burial; -o-tuko: shroud, winding sheet. — EFIS

sequ-ar: (tr.) to follow, go or come after, go next, to be or come next; -o: sequence, continuation; -anto: a follower; -anta: next, subsequent; -ant-aro: retinue, train, attendants, suite; -ant-ajo: sequel, continuation: that which follows; -ante: in pursuance, in conformity; -e: then, (here)after; -inda: worth following; -enda: which must be followed. Ex.: Il marchis adavane e la altri sequis il. Sequar ulu per la okulo. Sequar voyo, metodo. La sequantaro venis dop (od, sequante) il. Sequo di lud-karti. Il remarkis sua eroro erste ye la sequante matino. Exemplo sequinda. Voyo sequenda. — eFIS

sequenci-o*: (R.C. liturgy) sequence: a certain hymn sung during mass.

sequestr-ar: (tr., jur.) to sequester; -(ad)o, -eso: sequestration; -ajo: what is sequestered. Ex.: Sequestrar la havajo di ulu. — DEFIRS

sequoy-o: (bot.) sequoia: red-wood tree (Sequoia gigantea; Sequoia sempervirens). — EF

ser-o: (physiol.) serum: thin, transparent part of blood (cf. serumo); -oza: serous: (fig.) watery; lakto- -o: whey: thin part of milk (cf. selakto). — DeFIRS

seraf-o: seraph; -i: seraphim; -ala: seraphic. — DEFIS

seray-o: seraglio. — DEFIRS

serbatan-o: air-cane; pea-shooter. Def.: Longa tubo uzata por lansar, per suflado, mikra projektili. — FIS

serch-ar: (tr.) to seek, look for, search for, be in quest of; -(ad)o: search(ing); -anto, -ero,-emo: seeker, searcher; tra- -ar: to s. through, to rummage. Ex.: Serchar oro. Serchar vorto en vorto-libro. Serchar lojeyo. Il serchas oportunajo por ganar la pekunio. — EFI

seren-a: (phys., mental) serene, placid; -eso: serenity. Ex.: Mieno, fronto, tempo serena. — EFIS

serenad-o: serenade; -ar, donar -o: to serenade (ulu). — DEFIRS

«serenissimus»: (title) His Serene Highness.

serfo, -ulo, -ino: serfdom. — EFIS

seri-o: series, row, file; continued succession, order or course (cf. inter-sequo, sucedo); -e: in s., in rows. Ex.: Serio di personi, di objekti, di questioni, di soni. — DEFIRS

serin-o: (orni.) serin: canary (-finch). — eF

sering-o: (bot.) syringa (genus: Philadelphus). — EFIS

serioz-a: serious, sedate, grave; not lively or amusing; -(ul)o: a s. person; -eso: seriousness. Ex.: Serioza karaktero, konverso, morbo. Parolar serioze. Konsiderar ulu, ulo kom serioza. V. exp.: vid. grava. Ant.: vivaca, gaya, amuz-anta, rid-ig-anta, komika, jokema. — EFIRS

serj-o: (fabric) serge. — DEF

serjent-o: sergeant. — DEFIRS

seron-o: (com.) seroon: a bale of tea, indigo, etc. wrapped in hide. — DeFIS

serp-o: bill-hook, pruning-bill; -eto: pruning-, garden-knife. Def.: Speco di kultelo larja kun pinto kurvigita (en la sama plano), qua servas por taliar la arbori, tranchar la branchi; VI-539. — F

serpent-o: serpent, snake; -ala: relating to s.; -atra, -o-forma: serpentine; -o-fuzeo: Pharaoh’s serpent: a species of fireworks; -o-korno: serpent: a former musical instrument; -o-tubo: a winding tube. — DEFIS

serpentin-o: (min.) serpentine. — DEFIS

serpol-o: (bot.) serpolet: wild thyme (Thymus Serpillum). — eFIS

serum-o: (medicinal, artificial) serum (cf. sero); -kuraco: s. therapy. — DEFIS

serur-o: lock; -(if)isto: locksmith; -hoko: l. catch; resort- -o: spring l.; sekur-es- -o: safety l. Ex.: Klef-agar la seruro do pordo. — FIS

serv-ar: (tr., intr.) to be of service to, to serve (as an assistant or domestic); to be in the service (of), to serve (customers), to tend (a machine); -(ad)o: serving, service (cf. servico); -anto, -isto: servant, servitor; -ist-ino: maid servant; -ist-aro: (collect.) domestics, servants; -ema: obliging, willing to serve; -em-eso: obligingness; -o tablo: serving table; vua -anto: (polite phrase) your servant; -achar: to dance attendance on (ulu), -em-acha: servile. Ex.: Servar ulu. Esar servisto di ulu. Facar servo ad ulu. Me esas pronta servar vu. Administrala servado. Servar ulu kom sekretario. Servar kliento, mashino. — DEFIS

serval-o: (zool.) serval: African wildcat (Felis serval). — DEFRS

servic-o: (table dishes) service; -o kristala, arjenta, porcelana: crystal, silver, china service (cf. disho). — DEFIRS

servitud-o: (jur.) servitude: liability of property to rights of other persons, as a right of way over it. Def.: Obligo pri domeno relate altra domeno; III-606.
(tr.) to cut (ulo) in the form of a crescent; (of dresses) to cut low; (cf. dekoltar). Ex.: Sesgar korsajo. — S
session, sittings (of a deliberative body, as a court, legislature, etc.). V. exp.: Duro dum qua deliberanta korporaciono kunsidas kontinue. To ne esas kunsido, qua indikas la duro di singla kunveno; III-332. — DEFIRS
(surg., vet.) seton. — EFI

sever-a: severe, hard, stern, harsh, strict (cf. austera); -eso, -ajo: (quality, act) severity; (of weather) inclemency. Def.: Rigoroza; ne-indulgema. Ex.: Severa judiciisto, lego, morbo, klimato. Ant.: indulgema. — EFIS
(rel.) Sexagesima (Sunday).
(mus.) sixth: an interval of six diatonic degrees. — DEFIRS
sextant. — DEFIRS
(mus.) sextet. — DEFIRS

sextik-o*: (math.) sextic. — DEFIRS
sex; -ala: sexual; -al-eso: sexuality: state of being distinguished by s.; sen- -a: sexless. Ex.: La sexuo maskala, femina. Personi di la du sexui. Sexuala diferi, orgami. — DEFIRS
(bot.) sesame (Sesamum). — DEFIRS
season (of the year; cf. okaziono, oportun-ajo); -ala: seasonable (weather, etc.); -lugumi: vegetables in s.; pluv- -o: rainy s.; stagno- -o: dull, dead s.; posa -o: latter part of the s.; (fig.) autumn. — DEFR
(med.) sphacelus: gangrene.
(geom., anat.) sphenoid(al); -o, -osto: s. bone).

sfer-o: (geom.) sphere, globe; -a, -ala, -atra: spherical. V. exp.: vid. balono. — DEFIS
(geom.) spheroid. — DEFIS
spherometer. — DEFIRS
(anat.) sphincter (muscle). — DEFIS
(also fig.) sphinx. — DEFIRS

«sha»: (title) shah.
pattern (cf. modelo); (fig.) routine (cf. rutino). Def.: Plana figuro, qua indikas la konturi sugun qui on devas taliar stofo; anke utila metafore (por expresar sklavatra kopiado); IV-447 — DR
shabrak: ornamented saddle cloth, caparison. Def.: Tegilo ornita di kavalo; VI-75. — DeFRS
shaft, staff: long handle, as of a lance; stock (of a gun); shank (of a tool); (cf. shakto). — DE
shagreen (leather). — DEFI
chessman; -ludo: chess (the game); -ludar: to play c.; -planko: chess board; -ar: to give a check (to the king). V. exp.: Por la shako-ludo on adoptas: damo, episkopo, kavalo, turmo, e la expresuri: soldati, oficeri, roquar, shakar la rejo; VI-116; for other descriptive terms, cf. VI-299. — DFIRS
(zool.) jackal (Canis aureus). — DEFIRS

shakt-o: shaft, pit (of a mine or quarry). — De
shawl. — DEFIRS

shalm-o: pipe or tube of straw, reed, glass, or metal (as used for sucking up liquids); (chemist’s) blowpipe; shawm: an acient reed instrument; shepherd’s pipe; (bot.) hollow sterm (of a plant). — DeF
(bot.) shallot: an onion-like plant (Allium ascalonicum). — DEFRS

shalup-o: (sailing-) launch, long boat or cutter propelled by sails or oars; shallop; vapor- -o: steam launch. — DeFIRS
(intr.) to be ashamed (pri ulo); -igar: to s. (ulu), to make (ulu) feel ashamed, to humiliate, mortify; (cf. pudoro); -o: shame, disgrace; -inda, -ig-anta: shameful, disgraceful, foul, dirty (word, act); -ind-ajo: act of vileness; -ind-eso: turpitude, baseness, vileness, shamefulness; sen- -a: shameless; sen- -eso: shamelessness, effrontery. Def.: Shamo: perturbo di la koncienco, igita da deshonoro, ridindajo, e.c. Ex.: Il devos balde shamar pri sua mala agado. Vua diligenteso shamigas me. Il esas shamoza pri sua ofenso. Shaminda (od, sham-iganta) konduto, vorti, agi. — DEF
fire-clay. — D
(tr.) to shampoo. — DEF
(intr.) to stagger, totter, waver, reel, be unstready, shake; -igar: to cause something to totter; (fig.) to shake (an opinion, decision, etc.); -o: reeling, tottering. — F

shapk-o: fur cap. Def.: Furizita kap-vesto. — R

sharad-o: charade. — DEFIRS

shark-o: (ich.) shark. V. exp.: Sharko esas la nomo vulgara di Squalus carcharius; squalo esas la nomo di la genero Squalus. — E
charlatan, quack-doctor, mountebank; -eso: charlatanism, quackery. Def.: Venderacho di drogi, dent-extirpero, e.c. en publika loki; (fig.) ne-savanta mediko qua explotas la publiko. — DEFIRS
scarf (for shoulders); sash (as insignia or ornament); (surg.) sling; (cf. zono); havar la brakio en -o: to have the arm in a sling; dentala -o: lace scarf. — DFIR
(surg.) lint. — DFR
sheik. Def.: Chefo di Araba tribuo; III-603. — DEFIRS
(tech.) shackle. Def.: Masho di kateno qua havas altra formo kam la cetera mashi e servas por specala skopo (fixigo di la hoko, di siteli en dragilo, e.c.); III-85-6. — DE
shell, peel, rind, hull: hard outer case of eggs, nuts, etc.; (cf. skalio, bruo); ovo- -o: egg-shell; sen-shel-a pizi: shelled peas; sen-shel-igar: to shell, peel: onyon-shelo: onion skin. — DER
(tech.) slide-valve (in steam engine); sluice-gate (for water). Def.: Valvo-pordo qua agas glitante en sua plano tale ke ol obstruktas (parte o tote) vaporo en la vapor-mashino, aqua en kanalo, tubo, e.c.; III-293. — D
rag: piece of cloth torn off (cf. rago); scrap (of paper, etc.); -isto: rag-picker; -uyo: rag-, scrap-holder. — eFIR
(intr.) to chicane: to pettifog, quibble, prolong a contest by shifts, subterfuges; (tr.) to quibble over something or with somebody about something; to wrangle (without motive); -o, -em-eso: chicanery, sharp practice, pettifogging, quibbling. — DEF
shield, buckler (defensive armo(u)r) (cf. skudo). — DE
(wooden-) shingle; (cf. tegulo). — DFS
ham: thigh of a hog prepared for food; -eto: small h.; knuckle of h. — D
(tr.) to shelter, shield, screen: -ar su: to take shelter; -anta, -iva: sheltering; -ilo, -ivo: shelter, cover; (fig.) refuge; -tekto: penthouse, lean-to (cf. hangaro). Ex.: Parasuno shirmas el. Shirmata da la foliaro kontre la vento e suno. — D
(com.) shirting: cloth suitable for making shirts.

shok-ar: (tr., intr.) to shock: (physical) to strike on or against, dash against; give a shock to, clash with; (mental) to offend, be offensive to; (cf. kolizionar); -o: shock, clashing, concussion; -anta: shocking, clashing; -ar glasi: to hobnob; touch glasses; retro- -o: counter-shock, -blow; shoko-pulsar: (tr.) to hustle, jostle (ulu). Ex.: La navo shokas rifo. Du inter-shokanta korpi produktas sono. Nulo quon vu dicas povas shokar me. La shoko renversis il. Vorto, konduto shokanta. — DEFS
(tr.) to shove or push (ulu, ulo) along; (cf. pulsar, glitar). Ex.: Shovar ulu sur glacio. Shovar su tra turbo. Shovar botelo sur tablo, batelo al aquo. — DE

shovel-o: shovel; -agar: (tr.) to s.; -edo: shovelful. — DE

shovin-ismo: chauvinism; jingoism; -ista, -isto: chauvinist(ic); jingo(istic). — DEF

shrapnel-o: shrapnel. — DEFR

shu-o: (low-) shoe for the human feet); -o alta: high s. (which extends above tha ankles; cf. bot-eto); -talono: heel of a s.; -reparar: to cobble; -if-erio: manufactory; -vend-eyo: s.-selling shop; -met-ilo: s.-horn; -form-iz-ilo: s.-tree; sen-shu-igar: to pull off shoes; shu-net-ig-isto: s.-cleaner, -black. V. exp.: Shuo ne esas boto: shuo esas basa pedvesto, sub la maleoli; IV-101. — DE

shultr-o: shoulder; -i larja: broad s.s; -o-pozar (fusilo): to shoulder (a gun); -o-pulsar, -shovar: to push or shove with the s.s.; levar la -i: lift, shrug the s.s; -o-peco: s.piece (cf. epoleto). — DE

shunt-o: (elec.) shunt. — DEFIRS

shutr-o: blind, shutter (as for window); -o fald-ebla: folding s. — E

si: (mus.) si: seventh note of diatonic scale.

sibarit-a: sybaritic. — DEFIRS

sibil-o: sibyl; -ala, -atra: sibylline. — DEFIRS

sid-ar: (intr.) to sit , be seated (of persons, assemblies, courts); (fig.) to lie, reside (of things); -igar: to seat (ulu); -eskar: to take one’s seat, sit down; -ilo: (furniture) seat; bi-sid-ilo: seat for two persons; -eyo: place where one sits; seat, bench (as of a court); see (of a bishop); (fig.) residence; santa eyo: Holy See; -o-balno: hip-bath; -o-posturo: manner of sitting; kunsidar: to sit together, meet (of several persons). Ex.: Me sideskas an la tablo. Me sidigas gasti an mea tablo, pose me sideskas. La korto di kasaco sidas en Paris. Paris esas la sideyo di la guvernerio. (fig.) La sideyo di morbo. — DEIR

siej-ar: (tr.) to besiege, lay s. to, invest (ulu, ulo); -o-stando: condition of s.; cesar la -o: to raise the s. — EFIS

Siena-tero: (earth, pigment) (terra) sienna.

siest-ar: (intr.) to have a nap; -o: siesta, midday or afternoon nap. — DeFIS

sifilis-o: (med.) syphilis; -ala: syphilitic: relating to s.; -ika, -iko: syphilitic (person). — DEFIRS

sifl-ar: (tr., intr.) to whistle: make a shrill sound ordinarily musical; (fig., med.) to wheeze; to whiz; -ilo: a whistle; -anto, -ero: a whistler, one who whistles. Def.: Facar la sono (ordinare) muzikala, kun alteso definita, quan produktas sifl-ilo, t.e. orgen-tubo kurta e konseque akuta, o la sifilo di lokomotivo; VII-207. Ex.: Siflar a hundo. Siflar ario. La respirado di asmatiko siflas. (fig.) La vento, flecho, paf-kuglo (ulfoye) siflas. V. exp.: vid. sisar. — F

sifon-o: siphon; -agar: to s. — DEFIRS

sigar-o: cigar; -eto: cigarette; -if-isto: c. maker; -uyo: c. holder; -tranch-ilo: c. cutter. — DEFIRS

sigilari-o*: sigillaria: a genus of fossil trees. — DEFIRS

sigi-ar: (tr.) to seal, affix a s., as a mark of authenticity, to a document, letter, bottle, etc.; (fig.) to seal up: close for security, as a closing a letter by means of gum or wafer; (cf. masonar); -(ad)o: (act) sealing; -uro: (imprint) seal; -ilo: (instr.) seal; -anto, -isto: sealer: -o-vaxo: sealing wax; -o-ringo: signet ring. — DIS

sign-o: (natural or artificial) sign, mark (cf. indik-ajo, indico); -izar: to put a s. on (ulo, ulu); -ifar: to make signs; tempo- -o: sign of the times; facar kruco- -o: to make the s. of the cross; kruco-sign-izar su: to cross oneself; puntizo- -o: s. of punctuation; kapo- -o: nod or shake of the head; zodiak-ala -o: s. of the zodiac. Ex.: Vorti esas signi di idea. Muti parolas (od, signalifas) per signi. Signi aparis en la cielo. — EFIS

signal-ar: (tr.) to signal: convey (ulo) by s.; -izar: to hoist signals on (a mast,etc.), to cover with signals; to write or put a s. (on a tree, etc.); -ifar: to make signals. — DEFIRS

signat-ar: (tr.) to sign, subscribe (one’s name), put signature to (cf. sub-skribar); -o: signing (by name); -uro: signature; -uro blanka: signature in blank; -ajo: what is signed, the document; stereotipa (od klish-ita) -uro: stamped facsimile of a signature. Def.: Skribar sua nomo por certigar od autentikigar dokumento; V-494. — DEFIS

signifik-ar: (tr.) to signify, mean; -o: signification, meaning; -anta, -iva: significant, significative; sen- -a: insignificant (cf. sen-valora, ne-import-anta). Ex.: Quon signifikas ta vorto? Bona defini establisas la signifiki di la vorti. V. exp.: vid. senco. — EFIS

sik-ar: dry, dried: free from moisture; -eso: dryness, drought: -igar, -eskar: to dry (up), desiccate; -ig-iva: desiccative, siccative, drying. Ant.: humida. — eFIRS

siki-o: sickle. Def.: «Falchileto», t.e. longa streta lameno kun mi-cirklatra formo, quan on uzas (od uzis) por tranchar ex. la frumento; VI-538. — DE

sikomor-o: (bot.) sycamore (-tree) genus: Ficus Sycamorus. — DEFIS

sil-o: silo: pit for ensilage. — DEFIS

silab-o: syllable; -ala: syllabic; -igar: to separate into s.s.; to spell by s.s.; du - -a vorto: a word of two s.s. — DEFIRS

silenc-ar: (intr.) to be silent: not to make noise; -igar: to silence (a machine etc.); -o: silence, stillness; -anta, -oza, -ema: silent, still; -ez: stop that noise! Ex.: La mashino silencis. Dum la silenco di la nokto. Foresto silencoza. V. exp.: Taco esas absenteso di parolado; silenco absenteso di bruiso. Ant.: bruisar. — EFIS

sileps-o*: (gram.) syllepsis.

silex-o: silex: pure quartz, flint; -atra: flintlike; paf-ilala -o: gun-flint. Ex.: La primitiva homi facis sua hakili ek silexo. — eFIS

silf-o, -ino, -ulo: sylph. — DEFIRS

silic-o: (chem.) silica. — EFIS

silik-o: (chem.) silicon; -ato: silicate; -at-acido: silicic acid. Def.: La kemiala elemento Si; V-159. — DEFIS

siliqu-o: (bot.) silique; -eto: silicle. — EFIS

silk-o: silk; -a: (made of) silk; -ajo, -a stofo: s. goods; -o-filo: s. thread; -o-kulturado: s. culture; -o-raupo: silkworm. — ER

silogism-o: syllogism; -ala: syllogistic(al). — DEFIRS

silogistik-o*: syllogistic: a department of logic.

siluet-o: silhouette, profile in black. — DEFIRS

silur-o: (ich.) silurid, silure, sheat-fish, cat-fish (genus: Silurus). — EFIS

silurian-a*: (geol.) Silurian. — DEFS

silv-o: forest of fully-grown lofty trees. — IL

silvan-o: (myth.) sylvan: god, Sylvanus: wood deity.

silvi-o: (orni.) garden warbler, white-throat (species of Sylvia). — L

simar-o: simar: (of priests) cassock; (cf. sutano); (justice’s) robe; a former long gown worn by women. — eFI

simbios-o*: (biol.) symbiosis. — DEFIRS

simbol-o: symbol, emblem, sign; -a, -ala, -atra: symbolic(al), typical, emblematic; -ismo: (philos.) symbolism; -izar: to symbolize; -esar: to be symbolized (da ulo). Ex.: La balanco esas la simbolo dil yusteso. La glavo simbolizas la lego. — DEFIRS

simbolik-o*: symbolics, symbolism.

simetr-a: symmetrical: which corresponds in proportion, position; -eso: symmetry; -es-oza: symmetrical: full of symmetry; -igar: to symmetrize: reduce to symmetry; ne- -eso: asymmetry. Ex.: Simetra aranjo di vazi. Simetreso di diskurso. Simetra arkitekturo. — DEFIRS

simfiz-o*: (anat., zool.) symphysis. — DEFIRS

simfoni-o: symphony. — DEFIRS

simi-o: (general term) simian: ape, monkey, baboon, etc.; -al-ajo: an ape-like trick. — EFI

simil-a: similar, like; (plural) alike (ad); -(ul)o: a like person; a fellow creature; -eso: similarity, similitude; -ajo: (objective) a s. thing, a similarity; -igar: to render s., to assimilate (cf. asimilar); -esar: to be s., be alike, resemble; -e: in like manner; ne- -a: unlike, dissimilar; sen- -a: matchless (cf. sen- -egala). Ex.: Vizaji, kozi, anguli simila. Ebriemeso similigas la homo a la bruto. — EFIS

simoni-ar: (intr.) to practice simony; -o: simony. Def.: Simonio: komerco kontre-etika di la sakra kozi: III-332. — DEFIS

simpati-ar: (tr., moral and physical) to sympathize with, have sympathy for (ulu); (phys.) be in sympathy with; -ala: sympathetic: relating to s.; -oza: sympathetic: full of s., congenial; -inda: which inspires sympathy; inter- -ar: to mutually sympathize; Ex.: Simpatiala vibri, soni. Simpatioza sentimento, amiko. Simpatiinda povrulo. Merkurio simpatias la oro. Me simpatias vu pro vua desfortuno. Ant.: antipatiar. — DEFIRS

simpatik-ar*: (phisiol.) sympathetic (nerve).

simpl-a: simple: not complex or complicated; easy; (of dress) plain, common; -eso: simplicity; plainness; -e: simply, with simplicity; (plu-) -igar: to simplify; -eskar: to become simplified; -a soldato: common soldier, private; Ex.: L’oro, l’arjento, la fero esas simpla korpi. Mekanismo, metodo nekomplikita esas simpla. Simpla stilo, gusti. Simpleso di mori, di vestaro. Vestizar simple. Plu-simpl-igar problemo. Ant.: komplexa, kom-poz-ita, komplik-ita. — EFIS

simptom-o: (med. and fig.) symptom: -a, -atra: symptomatic. Ex.: Simptomo di anemio. (fig.) Simptomo di revolto. — DEFIRS

simul-ar: (tr.) to simulate (cf. fingar, imitar); -achar: to ape; -ita paco: fictitious peace. Def.: Aparigar kom reala ulo quo ne esas tala. Ex.: Simular kombato, maladeso. — DEFIS

simultan-a: common, co-existing, co-equal, simultaneous. V. exp.: Qua valoras egale e kune, solidare, ex.: equacioni simultana. Konseque simultana ne esas sinonimo di samtempe. Dec. 1212, VII-66

sin-o: intimate place, internal part, close or secret receptacle: (fig. senses of) bosom, heart (midst), womb. Ex.: En la sino dil eklezio. En la sino di la tero. La sino di Deo. En la sino di sua familio. — FIS

sinagog-o: synagogue. — DEFIRS

sinap-o: (bot.) mustard (-plant) (genus: Sinapis). — FIL

sinapism-o: sinapism: mustard-plaster, -poultice. — DeFIS

sinartros-o*: (anat.) synarthrosis.

sincer-a: sincere, frank, honest; -eso: sincerity; ne- -a: insincere. Ex.: Homo, amikeso, regreti, laudo sincera. Sincereso esas valoroza qualeso. Ant.: hipokrita. — EFIS

sindik-o: syndic: a municipal officer; manager, business agent (of corporation, company); administrative assignee (of an insolvent’s estate). — DeFIRS

sindikat-o: (industrial, finan.) syndicate; -ismo: syndicalism; -isto: (partisan) syndicalist; -ano: member of a s.; -igar, -ifar: to s. Def.: Grupo formacita por la defenso di sua ekonomikala interesti komuna. — DEFIRS

sinekdok-o: (rhet.) synecdoche.

sinektik-a*: synectic.

sinekur-o: sinecure. Def.: Ofico sen responsiveso o devi. — DEFIS

singl-a: each (= every single individual); -u: each one, every single one; -e: singly; -a karti: single cards; li venis single: they came singly (one by one); dek centimi po singla: a penny apiece. Ex.: A singla dio lua tasko. Singla spozulo havas spozino. Ica libro kustas single kin franki. Singla soldato havas fusilo, od, singla soldati havas fusilo (o mem fusili) signifikas: un fusilo ad un soldato. V. exp.: Omna, singla: Omna havas senco kolektiva; singla havas senco distributiva. Ex.: Omnu parolis, singlu en sua linguo (E. everyone spoke, each in his own language). Omna testo juris dicar la verajo, e singlu naracis la evento diverse (E. every witness swore to tell the truth, and each one related the event differently); Generale, singla (quale L. singulus) signifikas: un po un, unope (pro to ta pronomo dicesas «distributiva»; kp. II-665. Note: «Omna singla» is a pleonasm, singla being sufficient to translate «every single». The E. «single» in the sense of alone, is to be translated by sola, izolita, unika, separita. Both omna and singla may be used with the singular and the plural with the same sense. «Every soldier is brave» may be trnaslated: Omna soldato esas brava. Omna soldati esas brava. Singla soldati esas brava. — E

singlut-ar: (intr.) to sob. — FI

singular-a: singular: pertaining to one (cf. stranja); -o: (gram.) s. number; -eso: (quality), -ajo: (something pertaining to one) singularity, peculiarity. Ex.: Verbo en la singulara nombro (od, en la singularo). Singulara propoziciono, ideo, kazo. Singulareso di opiniono. Singularajo en la manieri di ulu. — DEFIS

sinior-(ul)o: lord, highness, seignior, sire (of rulers); sir (of lords); (cf. sioro); -ino: noble lady, Lady; -eso: seigniory, lordship; -ala: seignioral, lordly; Nia Sinioro: (rel.) our lord; mea -o: your lordship; -o rej-ido: his royal highness; -o episkopo: his eminence, the bishop; -o prezidanto: his excellency, the president. — DeFIS

sinistr-a: left; (nav.) port; -a latero: left side; -uz-ero: left-handed person; turnez (ad) sinistre: turn to the left. Ant.: dextra. — IL

sink-ar: (tr., intr.) to sink (ulo, en ulo, su); to settle, subside; Ex.: Sinkar palisegaro en la tero. La fero sinkas en l’aquo. V.exp.: kp. Dronar. DE

sinkop-ar: (intr., med.) to swoon; -igar: (gram., mus.) to syncopate; -o: (gram., mus., med.) syncope. — DEFIS

sinkret-ismo, -isto: (philos.) syncret-ism, -ist. — DEFIRS

sinkron-a*: (phys.) synchron-al, -ous (cf. sam-tempa, kronologi-ala); -eso: synchronism; -igar: to synchronize. — DEFIS

sinod-o: (eccl.) synod. — DEFIRS

sinodik-a*: (astron.) synodic. — DEFIRS

sinonim-a: synonymous: -o: synonym; -eso: synonymy: quality of being a s. Ant.: antonimo. — DEFIRS

sinoptik-a: synoptic(al). Ex.: Sinoptika tabelo di cienci. La sinoptika evangelio. — DEFIRS

sinovi-o: (anat.) synovia. — DEFIRS

sins-o: direction (one way); (math.) sense: one of two opposite directions; sam-,  kontre-sins-a, -e: same, contrary direction. V. exp.: Direciono, sinso: Konsiderez rekto delinita per du punti A e B. La rekto infinita reprezentas un direciono, qua esas komuna ad ol e ad omna rekti paralela; ma ol havas du sinsi, en qui on povas imaginar la movo di punto sur olu: la sinso de A ad B, e la sinso (inverso o kontrea) de B ad A. Sur mapo on kustumas indikar la sinsi per flechi. On direktas automobilo en ula direciono per la direktilo. E sen tushar la direktilo, sen chanjar do la direciono, on povas movar ol en du sinsi: ad-avane e ad-dope; V-264

sintax-o: (gram.) syntax. — DEFIRS

sintez-o: (log., math., chem.) synthesis; –ala, ema: synthetic; -ar: to synthesize. V. exp.: Sintezo esas l’ago inversa di analizo. Kemiala sintezo, metodo sintezala. Sintezar albumino. — DEFIRS

sinu-o: sinuosity, winding, bend; -oza: sinuous, winding, meandering, serpentine, tortuous; -ifar: to wind about, meander. Ex.: La sinui di litoro, di rivero. — EFIS

sinus-o*: (geom.) sine; (anat.) sinus: a cavity, channel.

sior-o: sir or madam; -ulo: sir, Mr., gentleman; -ino: Mrs., Miss, madam, lady (married or not); (cf. sinioro, damzelo, damo); ge-siori: ladies and gentlemen. — FIS

siren-o: siren: powerful whistle; (acoustics) a measuring instrument for air vibrations; (myth.) sea-nymph, mermaid; (fig.) a seductive woman; -ala, -atra voco, kanto: (fig.) a siren (bewitching, fascinating) voice, song. — DEFIRS

siring-o: syringe, squirt; -agar: to syringe, squirt (with a s.). — DEFIS

sirok-o: (wind) sirocco. — DEFIR

sirop-o: syrup; -ala, -atra: syrupy; rib- -o: currant s. — DEFIR

sis: six; -a-dek: sixty; -o: a half dozen (Note: For other derivative forms cf. du). — eF

sis-ar: (intr.) to hiss; to siss, sizzle; -anta, -anto: sibilant. Def.: Produktas la sono sss…od fff…, t.e. bruiso ne-muzikala, qua esas fonetike konsonanto; VII-207. Ex.: Serpenti, gansi sisas. V. exp: Lokomotivo siflas per sua siflilo, e samtempe sisas emisante vaporo ek la kaldiero o la cilindri, tra robineti, ma ne siflante.

sism-o*: earthquake, vibration of the earth; -a, -ala: seismic.

sismograf-o: seismograph. Def.: Instrumento por enskribar la ter-tremi; VI-135. — DEFIRS

sismologi-o: seismology. — DEFIS

sismometr-o: seismometer. Def.: Instrumento por mezurar la ter-tremi. — DEFIS

sismoskop-o*: seismoscope.

sistem-o: system; -ala: (tendency) -ema: systematic, methodical (cf. metod-ala, -oza); -igar: to systematize. Ex.: La sistemo di Descartes. Planetala sistemo, od planetosistemo, od planetaro. Il esas persono tre sistemema. Sistemigar sua idei, sua dokumenti. — DEFIRS

sistematik-o*: systematizing: scientific (or efficient) disposition; labo(u)r saving arrangements. — DEFIS

sistol-o*: (anat., gram.) systole. Ant.: diastolo. — DEFIS

sistr-o*: sistrum: Egyptian musical instrument.

sitel-o: pail, bucket; -edo: bucketful. — L

situ-ar: (tr.) to place, seat, locate (ulo, ulu) (cf. jacar, pozar, plas-izar, lok-izar); -o, -eso: situation, site location; -ita: situate(d). Ex.: Domo, urbo bone situita (o kun bona situeso). Dramatatra situeso. Situeso bona, mala, embarasiva. V. exp.: Situeso, relate personi, esas generale acidentala, tempala; la stando esas kustumale permananta. On trovas sua aferi en neagreabla situeso, qua forsan developos a permananta mala stando. — DEFIS

siv-o: sieve, sifter (for flour, etc.); strainer (for liquids) (cf. kriblo, filtrar); -agar: (tr.) to sift, bolt, strain; (fig.) to examine minutely, separate the good from the bad; to winnow. — DE

sive: (1) whether; (2) either; (1) sive ... sive: (alternative and condition) whether … or whether; sive vu parolas, sive vu tacos, vu esos blamota: whether you speak, or whether you are silent, you will be blamed; (2) me drinkos, sive biro, sive vino: I shall drink beer or wine (N.B. In the last example it is to be noted that sive is equivalent to od…od). V. exp.: Sive, od: Sive implikas sempre (segun etimologio origino: L. sive = si-ve = od se) supozo, kondiciono, konseque ne-certeso o questiono. Sive vu parolos, sive vu tacos, t.e. se vu parolos, o se vu tacos. Od expresas simpla alternativo; III-689, VIII-409. — L

siz-ar: (tr.) to sieze, gripe, catch or lay hold of; (fig.) to take, grasp quickly, apprehend (arrest); to distrain (property); -ilo: griping. Def.: prenar o manukaptar vivace e vigoroze ulu, ulo. ex.: Sizar l’espado per la pinto. Sizar la brakio di ulu. Sizar la havajo di ulu. Sizar oportuna instanto (o tempo). Sizar pretexto. Teroro sizis la menti. La febro sizas me. — EF

sizigi-o*: (astron) syzygy. — DEFIRS

skabel-o: (wooden-) stool, foot-stool (cf.tabureto). Def.: Moblo por la pedi, o por acensar sur olu; II-647. — FIS

skabi-o: (med.) scabies, itch; (of animals) mange; -ala, -atra, -oza: scabious; -ika, -iko: (person, animal) infected with itch; (N.B. A scab on a sore is to be translated by krusto). — EFI

skabin-o: alderman; ( F. echevin). — FI

skabios-o: (bot.) scabious (genus: Scabiosa). — DEFIRS

skafandr-o: diving suit (with helmet, etc.); -iero, -isto: diver. Def.: Plunj-vestaro kompleta kontenanta homo tota; III-267. — FIS

skal-o: ladder; scale: instrument of measurement; (math., mus.) scale; -atre: ladder-like; in gradation; -o-grado: round rung (of a ladder); -atre dis-pozar: to arrange in gradations; (milit.) to draw up in echelon; kordo- -o: rope ladder; helpar ulu kom -o: to act as a ladder for someone to mount; -acensar: to climb a ladder; -o aritmetik-ala: arithmetic scale; -o soci-ala: social scale; laborar ye granda -o: to work on a large scale; -o-plako: dial-face (for dials other than those with numbers; cf. cifro-plako). — DEFIRS

skalar-o*: (math.) scalar. — DEFIRS

skalen-a*: (geom.) scalene.

skali-o: shell (as of an oyster, etc.) (cf. shelo); -a pekt-ilo: a tortoise-shell comb; tortugala -o: tortoise s.; -oza: scaly, squamous. Def.: La krusto dika e solida qua kovras la korpo di la tortugi, ostri, musli, e.c.; VI-603. — FI

skalp-ar: (tr.) to scalp: deprive of s.; -o: scalping; -ajo: s.: skin on top of the head. — DEFIR

skalpel-o: (surg.) scalpel. — DEFIRS

skamone-o: (bot.) scammony (Convolvulus scammonia). — DEFIS

skand-ar: (tr.) to scan (verse); -o-vergo, -o-baston-eto: orchestra leader’s baton. — DeFIRS

skandal-ar: (tr.) to scandalize, shock, offend (ulu); -esar: to be scandalized (da, pri); -o: scandal(izing); -anta, -oza, -iva: scandalous. Ex.: Lua konduto skandalis la tota urbo. — DEFIRS

skapul-o: (anat.) scapula, omoplate; -parto: shoulder-blade. — EL

skapulari-o*: (rel.) scapular(y). — DEFIRS

skarabe-o: (ent.) scarab, horn-beetle (genus: Scarabæus). — EFIRS

skaramuch-o: scaramouch; (fig.) cowardly buffoon. Def.: Persono di la komedio Italiana; IV-583. — DEFI

skarifik-ar: (tr., surg.) to scarify (the skin of someone). V.exp.: tranchar. — EFIRS

skarlat-a, -o: scarlet (colo(u)r). — DEFIRS

skarlatin-o: (med.) scarlatina: scarlet fever. — DEFIRS

skarmuch-ar: (intr.) to skirmish, to have a brush with the enemy. — DeFIS

skars-a: scarce: not plentiful; scanty (cf. rara, des-densa); -eso: scarcity. Def.: Des-abund-anta; V-595. Ant.: densa, abund-anta. — EL

«skat»: (card game) skat.

skelet-o: (anat.) skeleton. — DEFIRS

skem-o: schema, scheme: systematic plan; outline or demonstration of a system, showing relations and functions; (N.B. not «scheme» project); -ala, -atra: schematic; -ifar, -izar: to schematize. — DEFIRS

sken-o: hank, skein; -uno: one of the threads of a skein. — E

skeptik-a, -(ul)o: sceptic(al); (cf. ne-kred-ema); -eso: (spirit of) scepticism; -ismo: scepticism: doctrine of the sceptics. — DEFIRS

skerc-o: (mus.) scherzo. — DEFIR

skerm-ar: (intr.) to fence: pracrtise sword-play; -arto: art of f.; -o-doc-anto; -o-maestro: fencing-master, a master of fencing. — FIS

sket-ar: (intr.) to skate; -ilo: a skate. — E

ski-o: skee, ski; -kurar, -glitar: to skate on skees. Def.: Speco de sketilo longa, ligna, por kurar e glitar sur la nivo; IV-707. — DEFIS

skir-o*: (med.) scirrhus: a hard tumo(u)r.

skis-ar: (tr.) to sketch, outline, make a rough draft of; (fig.) to delineate: give the plan or idea of; -o, -uro: sketch, outline; (rough) drawing. Ex.: Skisar peizajo, portreto, (fig.) poemo. Skisar demarsho. Skisuro di romano. V. exp.: vid. esbosar. — DFIRS

skism-o: schism; -ano, -ana: schismatic(al). — DEFIRS

skist-o: (min.) schist, slate (cf. ardezo). — EFIS

sklav-o, -ulo, -ino: slave; -ala, -atra, -ema: slave, slavish, servile; -eso, -atr-eso, -igo, -esko: slavery, servility, servitude, bondage; -esar: to be a s., be in slavery; -igar: to enslave, enthrall (ulu); -isto: partisan of slavery; -ig-isto: slaver. — DEFIS

sklerotik-o*: (anat.) sclerotic. — DEFIS

skol-o: school: a place or establishment where instruction is given, usually elementary; disciples or followers of some teacher or doctrine in art, philosophy, -etc.; -ala: school, academic; -o komuna: common s.; -o di kavalko arto: riding school; -o milit-ala: military academy, school; -o yuro-cienco: law s.; -o di Platon: s. of Plato; -ano: schoolchild, pupil, scholar (cf. erudito, ciencisto, lern-anto, stipend-iero, dicipulo); -estro: schoolmaster; aplik- -o: technical school or college, polytechnic, trade s.; apliko-skolo di artilrio: artillery s. — DEFIRS

skolastik-a, -(ul)o: scholastic, schoolman; -ismo: scholasticism. — DEFIRS

skoli-o: (lit., geom.) scholium. Def.: Komento od expliko di texto; matematikal expliko di teoremo; IV-583. — DEFIS

skoliast-o: scholiast, annotator. — DEFIRS

skolopendr-o: (ent.) scolopendra, the genus of centipedes. — DEFIS

skop-o: that at which one aims; aim, scope, objective, intent(ion), purpose, view, goal, butt, object to attack; -o-plako: target; -o-punto: bull’s eye. Ex.: Vizar skopo per flecho. Frapar la skopo per kuglo. Atingar sua skopo di vivo. Mariajar su esis la skopo di elua esforci. Pafar a la skopo-plako. — EI

skops-o: (orni.) scops, eared owl (Scops Aldrovandi). — EFL

skorbut-o: (med.) scurvy; -ala, -atra: scorbutic: relating to the disease; -ika, -iko: (person) affected with s. — DEFIRS

skori-o: (metal) scoria, dross, slag; -igar: to scorify: reduce to s. — EFIS

skorpion-o: (ent., also astron.) scorpion. — DEFIRS

skorzoner-o: (bot.) viper’s grass (genus: Scorzonera). — DeFIRS

skotish-o: (dance) schottish. — DEFIS

skovel-o*: cannon-sponge, -swab; -agar: to sponge (a cannon).

skrach-ar: (tr.) to scratch, claw, graze, gall; (of ropes) to chafe; (of clothing) to make a rent in; (cf. lacerar, gratar, skrapar, exkoriar). Def.: Facar sek(et)o en la pelo (od altra surfaco), do vundeto; IV-656. V. exp.: La ungli di kato skrachas bonege, ma nule exkorias. Me tante gratis me, ke me fine skrachis me. — E

skrap-ar: (tr.) to scrape (with a tool), scrape off, abrade; (of chimneys) to sweep; to scale off; -uri: scrapings. Def.: Deprenar gratante per instrumento ula parti de la surfaco di korpo. Ex.: Skrapar anciena pergameno. La stono skrapis la pelo. Skrapar kraso de la pelo, o fango de la vestaro. — E

skren-o: screen; fairo –o: fire-screen. — EFR

skrib-ar: (tr.) to write (ulo, ad ulu); -(ad)o, -uro: (act, result) writing; -uro santa: Holy Scriptures; -formo, -maniero: form or manner of writing; -a: being written, being in writing; -ajo: what is written: written paper, document; -ala: relating to the writing; -e: in writing; -ita: written; -anto, -into: writer; -isto: professional writer, scribe (N.B. not author; cf. autoro); -ilo: a writing instrument, pen, etc.; -il-aro: stand for ink and pens; collection of writing instruments, pens; en-skrib-ar: to inscribe; en-skrib-uro: inscription; -achar: to scrawl, scribble; -kuseno: a pad to write upon; -mashino: typewriter; mashin-skribar: to typewrite; -tablo: writing-table, -desk. — DEFIS

skroful-o: (med.) scrofula, king’s evil; -ala, -atra: scrofulous: relating to the disease; -ika, -iko: scrofulous (person). — DEFIS

skrot-o*: (anat.) scrotum. — DEFIS

skrub-o: screw (cf. helico); -agar: to s. down, s. on (something with screws. N.B. not to screw the screw; cf.visar); -izar: to put screws on: cover with screws; -ten-ilo, -mord-ilo: vise (vice); -o-krampono: screw-clamp; preso- -o: thumb-screw, adjusting-screw; Arkimed-ala -o: Archimedian s.; sen-fina -o: endless s.; ligno- -o: wooden s.; -ino: female s.; a nut; -turn-ilo: screwdriver, turnscrew. — De

skrupul-o: (moral) scruple, qualm; -oza, -ema: scrupulous. Ex.: Havar skrupulo pri ulo. Homo sen-skrupula. — DEFIRS

skud-o: (e)scutcheon; (Italian money) scudo; -o-forma: scutiform: shield-shaped. Def.: Speco di shildo, mikra, portanta la blazono di ulu; e konseque, irga planko shild-forma e portanta blazono, imajo o sur-skriburo; V-432. — FIS

skult-ar: (tr.) to sculpture, carve (ulo, en, ek); -(ad)o; -arto; -uro: sculpture; -isto, -ero: sculptor, carver. Def.: Produktar statuo en korpala naturaleso od en vera reliefo; VII-414. V. exp.: On povas ex. cizelar kapo (vizajo) homala segun la perspektivo, ma on skultas ol donante ad ol la reala formo. On cizelas perspektiva figuro sur bloko, on gliptas reala figuro sur bloko, ma on skultas figuro de bloko, t.e. on transformas la bloko a ta figuro korpala; VII-414. — DeFIRS

skuner-o: (nav.) schooner; -o kin-masta: a five-masted s. Def.: Navo kun seglo-rigaro ne transversa ma longesala. — DEFIR

skur-ar: (tr.) to scour, furbish: to cleanse by scrubbing; -isto: scourer; scullion. Def.: Destruktar e forprenar partikli o despuraji de la surfaco di ula korpo per friciono; III-163. — DEFS

skurel-o: (zool.) squirrel (genus: Sciurus). — DE

slam-o: slimo, mire, ooze, silt; -eyo: miry place, slough, mudhole, quagmire (cf. marsh-eto); -izar: to cover with, choke up with fine oozy mud or silt. — De

slang-o: slang; -ar: to speak s. (cf. jargono, galimatiaso). Def.: Linguo specala, konvencionala e plu o min sekreta, propra a profesiono od a societo klozita (studenti, raptisti); VII-158. — DE

Slav-o: Slav, Slavonian; la -a (lingui): the Slav(onian) languages.

sling-o: noose, sling, snare, loop (cf. glit-nodo, lazo). Def.: Nodo en kordo, e.c. ne forsita per tiro; III-288. — De

slip-o: slip (of a screw-propeller); (cf. ripar). — DE

slup-o: (nav.) sloop. Def.: Speco de seglo-navo kun un masto; IV-583. — DEFIR

sluz-o: lock, sluice; -pordo: lock-, sluice-gate; -baseno: l. chamber; -isto: l. keeper; -agar: to take (a boat, ship) through a l.; to open a l. for a boat; -o di muel-ilo: mill-dam, penstock. — DER

smalt-o: smalt: a deep-blue glass (often pulverized). — DEFIRS

smerald-o: (min.) emerald. — DeFIRS

smeril-o: (min.) emery; -agar: to polish with e.; -pulvero: e. powder; -polvo: e. dust; -papero: e. paper. — FIS

snap-ar: (tr.) to snap, snatch: bite or catch suddenly with the teeth ( as a dog) or with beak (as a bird). Def.: Kaptar bruske per la boko; IV-512. — DE

snifl-ar: (tr., intr.) to sniff: inhale strongly; snuff up; (fig.) to turn up one’s nose (at); -o-tabako: snuff.

snort-ar: (intr., of horses) to snort: blow through the nose (cf. sternutar, mungar). — E

sobr-ar: (also fig.) temperate: moderate in food or drink; sparing, abstemious, sober; (cf. ne-ebria, temper-ema, -moder-ema); -eso: temperance, sobriety, moderation; -es-ala soci-eto: temperance society; -e: soberly, with sobriety. Ex.: La homo qua ne exajeras manjante, drinkante, qua esas moderema e su-dominacanta, esas sobra persono. Esar sobra en parolado, en laudado. — EFIS

soci-o: society (in general) community: any large body of persons or living beings living a community life; -eto: society (formed for a particular object), association; (com.) company, partnership (cf. firmo); -ano: member of a (large) society; citizen; -et-ano: member of an association; -ala: social: relating to society; -et-ala: relating to an association; -ema: sociable; -em-eso: sociability, good fellowship; -al-ismo: socialism; -al-ist-a, -ala: socialist. Ex.: Omnu havas devi a la socio. Abeli vivas en societi. Societi komercal, literaturala, ciencala. — DEFIRS

sociolog-o: sociologist. — DEFIRS

sociologi-o: sociology. — DEFIRS

socis-o: (large, long) sausage; -eto: a small s. — eFIR

sod-o: (chem.) soda: sodium carbonate (cf. natro); -aquo: soda water. — DEFIR

sodomi-ar: (intr.) to commit sodomy. — DEFIS

sofa-o: sofa. V. exp.: vid. kanapeo, divano. — DEFIS

sofism-o: sophism, (conscious) fallacy; -ala: sophistical (cf. sofist-ala). V. exp.: vid. paralogismo. — DEFIRS

sofist-o: sophist; -ala: sophistical (cf. sofismala). — DEFIRS

sofistik-o: sophistry. — DEFIRS

sofit-o: (arch.) soffit; -i: (theat.) flies. — DEFIRS

sok-o: sock: plowshare. — eF

sokl-o: (arch.) socle (cf. piedestalo, plinto). — DEFIRS

sokurs-ar: (tr.) to succo(u)r: to come to the aid of when in danger; -armeo: relief army. Ex.: Sokursar ulu dronanta. V. exp.: Sokursar signifikas irar rapide e kurajoze helpar ulu, uli, en situeso di minacanta danjero; on helpas ulu en desfortunoza o perturbita situeso per la donaco di adicionala forci o moyeni.  On sokursas amiko en batalio; on helpas la povri, falinto. — EFIS

sol: (mus.) sol: fifth note of diatonic scale.

sol-a: alone; without company, sole, only (cf. nura, unika, solitara); -eso: solitude; -isto: (mus.) soloist; -o: (mus.) solo. Def.: Qua esas ne-akompanata; izolita. Ex.: Il esas sola en la chambro. Unu sola ne povas facar to. Laborar sole. Il esas sola en solitara loko. — DEFIRS

solan-o: (bot.) nightshade (genus: Solanum). — IL

sold-ar: (tr.) to solder (metals); -ilo: soldering-iron; -o-stano: (metal) solder; kun- -ita: soldered together. V. exp.: vid. weldar. — EFIS

soldat-o: soldier, trooper; -ala, -atra: soldierly; -o (simpla): an ordinary s., a private. — DeFIRS

sole-o: (ich.) sole (genus: Solea); -o*, -a muskulo: (anat.) soleus: a leg muscle. — EFI

solecism-o: solecism. — DEFIRS

solen-a: solemn; -eso, -ajo: (quality, art) solemnity; -igar: to solemnize. Ex.: Solena festo, vovo, dio, tono, vizajo. — DEFIS

solenoid: solenoid. — DEFIRS

solfej-ar: (tr., mus.) to (sing) sol-fa: sing the notes of the scale; -o: sol-faing; solfeggio. — DeFR

soli-o: threshhold (of a door, of a window; also fig.), door-soll. Ex.: (fig.) la solio di vivo. — FI

solicit-ar: (tr.) to solicit: earnestly apply for (cf. suplikar, peticionar); -ema: solicitous (cf. suci-ema); -anto, -ero, -isto: solicitor, canvasser. Def.: Insistoze demandar. Ex.: Solicitar audienco, employeso, ofico, favoro. Segun la solicito (di). Solicitero por voti. — DEFIS

solid-a: (also geom.) solid: not liquid; (fig.) firm, substantial, sound; -o, -ajo: a s. body; (geom.) a s. figure; -eso: solidity, stability; -igar: (tr.) -eskar: (intr.) to solidify; plu- -igar: to consolidate. Ex.: Solida korpo, angulo, nutrivi, edifico. (fig.) Motivi, argumenti solida. La solideso di domo. Koldeso solidigas aquo. Ant.: liquida, fluida, frajila. — DEFIS

solidar-a: (jur. and gen.) solidary: jointly and severally responsible or liable; binding upon every one; -e: conjointly, jointly and severally; -eso: solidarity, joint responsibility; (fig.) coherence, fellowship, community of interests; -igar: to make jointly liable; to unite the interests of (cf. konsolidar). Ex.: Solidara obligaciono. La spozulo esas solidara por la debaji di sua spozino. Asociiti en komercal societo esas solidara. (fig.) La solidareso en la interesti di omna laboristi. — DEFIRS

soliped-a, -o: (zool.) soliped(ous). — DEFIS

solitar-a: (of places) solitary, lonely, deserted; (of persons) (living) alone; -eso: loneliness, solitude. V.exp.: Solitara esas ulo plu kam sola, mem kam solesema: to esas: «qua restas kustume tote sola ed izolita». Exempli: Solitar querko stacas meze di la planajo. On povas anke parolar pri solitara loko; to nule esus sinonima si dezerta: ex.: «ta solitara templo esas frequentata da multa pilgrimanti.» Solitareso expresas la L. solitudo. On povas vivar sola, mem en urbo; to ne esas vivar solitara od en solitareso. On anke havas la substantivo solitaro por persono; V-101. — EFIS

soliter-o: (game amd gem) solitaire. — DEFIRS

solstic-o: solstice; -o vintr-ala: winter solstice. — DEFIRS

solvar: (tr.) to solve (a problem, etc.) (cf. dis-solvar); -uro: (also physical) solution; -ajo: what is to be solved, the problem; -ebla: (also phys.) solvable; soluble, dissolvable. Ex.: Solvar problemo, desfacilajo. La rezultajo di dis-solvo di sukro per aquo esas sukroza (dis-)solvuro. — EFIS

solvent-a: (fin.) solvent; -eso: solvency; ne- -a: insolvent (cf. bankrotar). Def.: Pago-kapabla; II-76. — DEFIRS

somat-o*: (biol.) soma. — DEFIS

somer-o: summer. — DE

somit-o: (geom., also of trees, mountains, etc.) summit, top. V. exp.: La suprajo ne esas sempre nek necese la somito, nam ol povas esar larja e plana; on ne parolas pri la «somito» di moblo, di (plata) domo. La suprajo di la tero tote ne identesas kun la somiti di la monti; II-163. — EFI

somnambul-a, -ala; -(ul)o; -eso: somnambulist-ic, -ism. — DEFIS

somnol-ar: (intr.) to be sleepy, drowsy; -o: somnolence; -anta, -ema: sleepy, drowsy; -egar: to be overpoweringly sleepy. Def.: Sentar la bezono o tendenco (momentala) dormar; IV-463. V. exp.: Dormema indikas kustumala tendenco a dormar, ne instantala stando. — DEFIS

son-(ad)ar: (intr.) to sound: emit a sound; (of clocks) to strike; -igar: to ring (ulo); (cf. tinklar); -o: sound, ring, striking: -lud-ilo: rattle. Ex.: La horlojo sonas. Sonigar la korno. Sonigar (ulo) por la retreto, por servisto, por la dineo. EFIS

sonali-o: small bell (as used on the harness of horses). Def.: Instrumento sonora, en formo di bulo kava, fendita, qua sonas per la bulo agitata interne; IV-14. — I

sonat-o: (mus.) sonata; -eto: sonatina. — DEFIRS

sond-ar: (tr., intr.) to take soundings in; (gen.) to sound: ascertain the depth of, explore the nature of the bottom; to fathom; (fig.) to try, test; (med.) to probe (with a probe), to sound (with a sound); (mining) to make a boring; -ilo: (nav.) sounding-line, -lead; (surg.) probe; sound; jetar la sond-ilo: to heave the lead. Ex.: Sondar rivero, tereno, vunduro, veziko (fig.) l’intenci di ulu. — DEFIRS

sonet-o: sonnet. — DEFIRS

sonj-ar: (intr.) to dream (while asleep; cf. revar). Ex.: Me dormis e sonjis ke me esis richa. — FIS

sonk-o: (bot.) sow-thistle (genus: Sonchus). — L

sonor-a: sonorous, resonant; -eso: sonorousness. Ex.: Sonora voco, linguo. Ant.: matida. — DEFIS

soport-o: (mechan.) bearing.

sopran-o: (voice, person) soprano, treble. — DEFIRS

soqu-o*: sock: shoe used by actors in ancient comedy.

sorb-o: (bot.) sorb-apple, mountain-ash berry; -iero: sorb-tree, service tree, mountain-ash, rowan tree (genus: Sorbus). — DEFIS

sorbet-o: sherbet: a water ice. — DeFIRS

sorc-ar: (intr.) to practise sorcery, witchcraft; (tr.) to bewitch; (ulu, ulo): (fig.) to charm, enchant; -(ad)o: sorcery, witchcraft; -eso: (state) bewitchment; enchantment; -ilo: charm; -isto: sorcerer: one who is supposed to be in league with evil spirits; (fig.) wizard, conjuror, magician; -ist-ino: witch. Ex.: On ankore trovas kredo ad sorcado inter la populi savaja. (fig.) Ta muliero sorcas me. — EF

sordid-a, -ega, -acha: (of things) dirty, nasty, foul, soiled, sordid, slovenly, sluttish; (fig. of persons, acts) mean, disgusting (cf. shaminda, pudora); -eso, -ajo: (quality, object) dirtiness, filthiness: dirt, filth; -(ul)o, -acho: a dirty person; -igar: to dirty, soil. Def.: Des-neta. Ex.: Sordida aquo, linji, chambro, manui, homo, avareso. — EFIS

sordin-o: (lit. and fig.) sordino: a mute or damper on trumpet, violin, piano, etc. — DeFIS

sorg-ar: (tr.) to care for (by physical acts), take care of, look after (ulu, ulo); to take pains with; -(ad)o: care, attendance; -ema: careful, painstaking, regardful (cf. diligenta). Ex.: Konfidar ad ulu la sorgo (pri). Komisar ulu por sorgar (pri). El esas la flegisto qua sorgas il. Sorga la stilo. Sorgema laboristo. (fig.) Esar sorgema pri sua honoro, sua reputo. V. exp.: vid. suciar. — D

sorgum-o: (bot.) Indian millet (Sorghum vulgare).

sorit-o: (log.) sorites. — DEFIRS

sort-o: sort, kind: brand (of goods); -aro: assortment. (Note: For idiomatic uses of the E. «sort», «kind», cf. quaza, quala, tala, ul-maniere). Ex.: Ibe esas omna sorti di bestii. Quala viro! Il esas ulsorta (o quaza, od ulspeca) giganto. — DEFIRS

sospir-ar: (intr.) to sigh, heave or fetch a s.; (tr., fig.) to sigh out, breathe forth. Ex.: Sospiro pro doloro. (fig.) Sospirar versi. — FIS

«sou»: sou: 20th part of a franc.

sovaj-a: (referring to living and growing persons, plants, trees, etc.) savage: wild (living in a state of nature) not domesticated, uncivilized; (fig.) unsociable; ferocious, fierce; -(ul)o: a s.; -eso: savagery, wildness; (fig.) fierceness; -igar, -eskar: to make, become s. Ex.: Sovaja populi, animali. Anado sovaja (E. wild). (fig.) Mieno sovaja. — EFIS

sozi-o: double, second self, counterpart. Def.: Persono qua esas perfekte simila ad altru. — DFI

spac-o: space; -ala: spacial; -oza: spacious, roomy. Ex.: spaco havas tri dimensioni. Hike ne esas sata spaco. Spacala relati. Spacoza chambro. — EFIS

spad-o: (tool) spade; -agar: (tr.) to spade. — DE

spadik-o*: (bot.) spadix.

«spahi»: spahi: Algerian horse-soldier.

span-o: chip (of wood, metal) (cf. rabot-uro). Def. Reziduo dil ago limar, rabotar o di altra tranchanta instrumento. V. exp.: vid. splito. — D

spaniel-o: spaniel. — DEF

spant-o: a timber, rib, in the frame of a ship. — DE

spanyolet-o: window-sash fastening (the ordinary bolt and catch; cf. kremono). Def.: Vekto ocilanta cirkum sua mezpunto e qua ingranas od embragas en hoki supre ed infre di la fenestro; IV-448. — DFI

spar-ar: (tr.) to economize, save, put by, husband; (intr.) to be economical, frugal; -egar, -achar: to be stingy, parsimonious, niggardly; -o, -em-eso: economy, thrift; -ajo: what is saved, savings; -ala, -iva: saving, economizing; -ema: thrifty, frugal; -kaso: savings bank; -buxo: money-box. Ex.: Sparar la revenui di la heredajo. On povas sparar tempo, kredito, forteso. Me sparis mil franki por futura uzo. Spariva procedo. Sparema mento.

sparadrap-o*: (pharm. Med.) cerecloth, sparadrap. Def.: Kataplasmo aglutinanta extensita sur linjo o papero. Ex.: Kovrar vunduro per sparadrapo.

sparvier-o: (orni.) sparrow-hawk (Falco Nisus). — DFI

spasm-o: spasm; -ala, -atra: spasmodic. V. exp.: vid. konvulso. — EFIRS

spat-o: (min.) spar. —DFIRS

spatul-o: (pharm.) spatula; -ucelo: spoonbill (genus: Platalea). — DEFIS

spec-o: species (fig.) kind (cf. genero, sorto, qual-eso); -ala: special: relating to s.; particular, (e)special; -vari omna-speca: all sorts of wares; -al-eso: (quality) peculiarity; -al-ajo: something special, a specialty; -al-isto: specialist; -al-igar: to specialize: adopt a specialty (su, ulu); -igar: to specify: designate particularly, particularize; -ig-anta, -iva: specifying, particularizing; specific (specifika). Ex.: Homala speco. Speci esas dividata en varietati. Il esas stranja speco di homo. Specala studio. To esas specale dezirenda. La specalesi di diferanta kozi. Existas multa specalaji en la medicinala praktikado. La lego specigas to quon on darfas facar. Speciganta nomo. Specigiva (od, partikulara) instrucioni. — DEFIRS

specifik-a: (med., physics) specific (cf. spec-iganta, -igiva); -o: a specific. Ex.: Graveso specifika. Esas specifika mikrobo en tuberkloso. Quinino esas specifiko kontre ula febro. — DEFIS

specimen-o: specimen, sample. Ex.: Montrar specimeno di frumento, di drapo, di vino, di insekto. — DEFS

spegul-o: mirror, looking-glass; -o brul-anta: burning-m.; regardar su en -o: to look at oneself in the glass; kirurgiala -o: speculum. — DeI

spektar-ar: (tr.) to look at or on, be a spectator of, witness; (cf. regardar, vidar, kontemplar); -anto: spectator; -ajo: spectacle, sight, view (cf. spektaklo). Def.: Regardar longe, pasive, ma kun atenco ed intereso, quale en teatro od altra spektaklo; V-35. Ex.: Il spektis ta eventi. La aktori e la spektanti. La spektajo (od, vidajo) de ta vidpunto esis bela. Ta veneracinda viro esas spektindajo. — eFIS

spektakl-o: (theat., etc.) spectacle, pageant, performance. — EFIRS

spektr-o: (physics) spectrum. — DEFIRS

spektroskop-o: spectroscope. — DEFIRS

spektroskopi-o: spectroscopy. — DEFIRS

spekul-ar: (intr.) to speculate: (philos.) to theorize; (finan.) to make (financial) speculations. Ex.: Spekular pri metafizikala problemi, pri frumento. — DEFIRS

spelt-o: (bot.) spelt (Triticum Spelta). — DEIS

spencer-o: spencer: a short jacket. — DEFI

spens-ar: (tr.) to spend, expend; -(ad)o: spending, expenditure; -i, -ajo: expenses: sum(s) spent; -ema: extravagant, spendthrift; vivar per la spensi di ulu: to live at the expense of someone; asumar la spensi: to finance (ulo). Ex.: Spensar pekunio, sua vigoro. Ta esas povra di qua la spensi transpasas la recevaji. — EFI

spergul-o: (bot.) spurry (genus: Spergula). — DeFIS

sperm-o: (physiol.) sperm: animal seed; -ala: spermatic, seminal (cf. semin-ala). — DEFIRS

spermacet-o: spermaceti (used for candles, cosmetics, etc.). — DEFIR

spermatocit-o*: (biol.) spermatocyte. — DEFIS

spermatofor-o*: (zool.) spermatophore. — DEFIS

spermatogenez-o*: (biol.) spermatogenesis. — DEFIS

spermatogoni-o*: (biol.) spermatogonium. — DEFIS

spermatore-o*: (med.) spermatorrhea. — DEFIS

spermatozoid-o*: (bot.) spermatozoid; (zool.) spermatozoon. — DEFIS

spermin-o*: (physiol. chem.) spermine. — DEFIS

spic-o: spice: pepper, nutmeg, ginger, etc; (cf. kondimento, piklo); -aro: spices (collect); (fig.) groceries; -izar: to spice; -o-komerco, -o-venderio: (fig.) grocery business; -(o-vend)isto: grocer. — DEFIS

spik-o: (bot.) ear: spike or head of corn, grain; -ifar: to ear; haro- -o: tuft of hair. — EIS

spin-o: spine, backbone; chine; -ala: spinal; ruptar la -o: to break the back. — EFIS

spinat-o: (bot.) spinach (Spinacia). — DeIRS

spindel-o: spindle: piece of wood used for twisting and winding thread (cf. fuzelo; bobino, ruko); -atra: s.-shaped, s.-like. — De

spinel-o*: (min.) a spinel ruby.

spion-ar: (tr.) to spy on (ulu, ulo); (intr.) to act as a spy; -(ad)o: spying, espionage: -anto, -ero, -isto: spy. — DeFIRS

spir-o: (geom.) a winding line like the threads of a screw, helix.

spiral-o: (geom.) spiral; (of a watch) hair spring; (in gen.) a spiral spring; -a, -atra: spiral: winding like the turns of a screw. — DEFIRS

spire-o: (bot. genus) spiræa. — DEFIS

spirem-o*: (biol.) spireme. — DEFIS

spirit-o: spirit: incorporeal being; -ala: spiritual; -isto: spiritist, spiritualist: one who professes to hold intercourse with departed spirits or believes such intercourse possible; -ismo: spiritism, spiritualism: doctrine or beliefs of spiritists; -ist-a, -ala: spiritistic; -al-ismo: (philos.) spiritualism: a system opposed to materialism; -al-isto: spiritualist (opp. to materialist); -al-eso: spirituality; -al-igar: to spiritualize: render spiritual; Santa Spirito: Holy Spirit. Def.: Pensanta ento senkorpa. Ex.: On dicas ke deo, la anjeli, la mortinta anmi esas spiriti, anke same pri imaginala enti quale fantomi, fei, e.c. — DEFIRS

spis-o: spit (for roasting); -eto: skewer; -agar: to spit (meat for cooking); -o-turn-ilo: turnspit; -ego: spear (cf. lanco). — DeS

spien-o: (anat.) spleen (cf. splino). — DEFRS

splenalgi-o*: (med.) splenalgia: stitch in side. — DEFIRS

splendid-a: splendid; -eso: splendo(u)r. Def.: Brilanta; belega; luxoza. Ex.: Palaco splendida. Splendideso di la suno, di la trono. — DEFIS

splenit-o*: (med.) splenitis. — DEFI

splin-ar: (intr.) to be splenetic, be in low spirits; -igar: to give the blue devils to (ulu); -o: spleen: hypochondriasis: morbid depression of mind; (cf. spleno). — DEFRS

splint-o: (tech.) small metal pin (used to fasten parts); (cf. stifto); fendita -o: split-pin; -o-ludo: (game) spilikins. — DR

splis-ar: (tr., nav.) to splice; -ilo: splicing-fid, marlingspike. Def.: Specala maniero juntar du kordi per desplekto di l’extremaji e posa riplekto; III-86. — DEF

split-o: splinter, sliver, shiver, (of metal, glass, wood, etc.); -oza: splintery; -igar: to splinter: cause to fly into splinters. V. exp.: Splito esas spano di tote nereguloza formo, dum ke spano havas formo dependanta de la materio e de l’instrumento per qua on laboras ulo; III-488. — De

spoli-ar: (tr.) to spoliate, (des)spoil, rob, pillage, sack, plunder. Def.: Desposedigar ulu, ulo de ulu per fraudo, o violento; for-portar violentoze. Ex.: Spoliar orfano de lua heredajo. Spoliado di urbo. Domo spoliita. — DEFIS

sponde-o: (pros.) spondee. — DEFIRS

sponj-o: sponge; -agar: (tr.) to sponge (a garment, etc.); -ala, -atra: spongy. — EFIS

spontan-a: spontaneous: voluntary, self-acting, -moving. Ex.: spontana genitado. La movi di la kordio esas spontana. Spontaneso di ula ago. — DEFIS

spor-o: (bot.) spore. — DEFIRS

sporadik-a: sporadic; scattered; (med.) not epidemic. Ex.: Dum ta yaro aparis sporadika kazi di kolero. — DEFIRS

sporangi-o*: (bot.) sporangium. — DEFIS

sporn-o: (natural, artificial) spur; -oza, -iz-ita: spurred; -agar: to spur (a horse, etc.); -izar: to put spurs on. — DFI

sport-o: sport; -ala, ema: sporting, sportive; -ist(ul)o: sportsman; -ar: to take part in sport. — DEFIRS

spot-o: (natural) beauty-spot, mole (on skin) (cf. plastr-eto); variol- -o: pock-mark. — e

spoz-o: spouse: either one of a married couple; -ala: marital, conjugal, connubial; -ulo: husband; -ino: wife; -igar: to make (ulu) one’s spouse, to espouse, wed (ulu); -ul-igar: to wed (a husband); -in-igar: (tr.), -in-eskar: (intr.) to wed (a wife); -ig-anto: person marrying, suitor; ge- -i: husband and wife; grantar ulu kom -o: to give in marriage. V. exp.: vid. mariajar. — eFIS

sprat-o*: (ich.) sprat (Clupea spratus).

spric-ar: (intr.) to spout (out), gush (forth); -igar: to cause (ulo) to spout, to throw up, dash (liquids); makulo: a dash, splash (of liquid). — D

spring-ar: (intr.) to spring: rise upward and go forward with impetuosity; -o: spring, dash, rush, leap, bound; (cf. precipitar). Ex.: Il springis e saltis super la fenco. — DE

spros-o: (bot.) shoot, sprout (of a plant). — D

spul-ar: (tr.) to reel: wind on a spool (thread, wire, etc.). — DE

spum-o: foam, froth, spume: -acho: scum (bad sense); -ifar: to foam, froth; -oza, -atra, -if-anta: frothy, seething, foaming; -kuliero: skimmer; blanka -o: white foam; maro- -o: meerschaum; sen-spum-igar: to skim off foam. — EFIS

sput-ar: (tr.) to spit, spit out; -ajo: spit(tle), sputum; -uyo, -vazo: spittoon; sango- -o: spitting of blood. V.exp.: vid. expektorar, saliv-ifar, bavar. — eFI

squadr-o: (set) square: instrument for determining right angles; T- -o: T-square. — IS

squal-o: (ich.) shark (genus: Squalus). V. exp.: vid. sharko. — FIS

squam-o: scale (of skin, fish, serpents); -oza, -atra: scaly, squamous. Def.: La lameneti qui dependas de la pelo (di fishi, serpenti, e.c.); VI-603. — eFIS

squat-ar: (intr.) to squat down (on one’s hams or heels); (cf. blotisar). — E

«squatter»: squatter (on land).

squil-o*: (bot.) squill, sea-onion (Scilla maritima).

st!: hist! sh!

stab-o: staff (army, etc.); -oficiro: s. officer. — DeR

stabil-a: stable; -eso: stability, consistence, steadiness; -igar: (tr.), -eskar: (intr.) to stabilize. Def.: Qua esas en stando, en situeso ferma, solida. Ex.: Stabila equilibro. Stabileso di edifico. — DEFIS

stabl-o: stable (for beasts); -o-fako: stall (in s.); bovo- -o: cattle s.; lojigar kavalo en -o: to stable a horse. — DEFIS

stac-ar: (intr.) to stand (upright), be standing; -(ad)o: standing (up); being on one’s feet; -ant-a, -e: standing, upright, on end; -igar: to cause (ulu, ulo) to stand; -eskez: stand up; -ig-ilo: stand (as for camera, telescope, etc.). Ex.: La monumento ankore stacas. Ol stacas vertikale. V.exp.: vid. erektar. — I

stacion-o: (building and place) station; R.R. depot; (R.C. rel.) station; (cf. gar-eyo); -navo: s. ship. Ex.: Fervoyala staciono. Katoliko facas sua stacioni en la kirko. — DEFIS

stacionar-a: steady, stationary: not moving or changing at the time; -eso: steadiness. Ex.: La temperaturo povas esas stacionara, anke la stando di morbi, di arti. V. exp.: Stacionara ne esas la sama ideo kam fixa: ol esas plu proxima ad konstanta, ma indikas konstanteso en movo, per quaza equilibro sempre ruptebla; konstanteso di ulo, qua povas variar en omna momento, o fixeso nur semblanta e rezultanta (stacionara ondi); III-268. — DEFIS

stadi-o: (Gr. measure and place for gymnastic contests) stadium. — DeFIRS

stafil-o*: (bot.) bladder-nut (pod); -iero: b.n. tree (genus: Staphylea).

stafisagr-o: (bot.) stavesacre (Delphinium Staphisagria). — FISL

stagn-ar: (intr.) to stagnate (of liquids); be at a standstill; -anta: stagnant. Ex.: Stagno di aquo od stagnanta aquo. (fig.) Mea aferi, komerco stagnas. — DEFIS

stakis-o: (bot.) hedge-nettle, wound-wort (genus: Stachys; cf. vulnerario).

stal-o: steel; -a: of steel; -ala: steely; relating to s.; -atra: s.-like; -ifar: (intr.), -igar: (tr.) to make, convert into s.; -if-erio:; -aji: s.wares. — DeR

stalagmit-o: (min.) stalagmite. — DEFIRS

stalaktit-o: (min.) stalactite. — DEFIRS

stamin-o: (bot.) stamen. — EFIS

stamp-o: (tr.) to stamp: imprint on the surface of something; -(ad)o, -uro: stamp(ing); -ilo: a stamp; postala -o: postal mark (N.B. not postage stamp; cf. posto-marko); ica letro havas Angla posto-marko e la postal stampuro di London: this letter bears an English postage stamp and the postal mark of London. Ex.: Stampar la libro-titulo sur la binduro. V.exp.: vid. puncar. — DEFR

stan-o: tin; -a: (made) of tin; -oza: tinny, stannic; -izar: to cover (ulo) with tin; -folio: tin-foil; -vazo: a tin pot, pewter; kupro- -o: pewter. (N.B. Not tin-plate; cf. lado). — eFIS

stanc-o: stanza. — DeFIRS

stand-ar: (intr.) to be in a certain state, relative condition; to be in good or bad health; -o: state, stand, condition: state of being, manner of existing; quale vu standas? La stando di mea saneso esas bona: How are you? I am well; quale vu aferi standas? How is your business? Plu-bon-igar la stando di aferi: to better the condition of a business (or of affairs). V. exp.: vid. situar. — DE

standard-o: (milit.) standard, ensign, flag; -port-isto; -iero: s.-bearer (cf. flago, banero). Def.: La nacional insigno, fixigita per un vertikal latero, sive a stango (teral armeo), sive a kordo (naval armeo): III-31. — DEFIRS

stang-o: bar (of wood or metal), rod, pole; leg (of a table); stem (of a candlestick, etc); stock (of a key, nail, anchor); piston- -o: piston-rod; vito- -o: vine-pole; -izar: to pole (vines, etc.). — DI

stapeli-o: (bot.) genus: Stapelia. — EFI

stapl-o: distributing point for goods, as a seaport or large inland city, staple-mart or entrepot. — De

starch-ar: (tr.) to (stiffen with) starch; (fig.) to stiffen; -ita: starched; (fig. of style) stiff, formal; -ivo: starch (for linen). Def.: Rigidigar per amilo. — DE

«starost»: (title) starost.

start-ar: (tr., intr.) to start: set going, cause to act (as a machine, train, sport). Ex.: Me startas la motoro. La motoro startas facile. On povas startar la motoro di automobilo sen departigar la veturo. Starto di konkurso. — DE

starter-o: starter (of a race). Def.: Ta qua direktas, imperas la departo; IV-338. — DEFIRS

stat-o: (political) state; -ala aferi: state affairs; -o-stroko: a stroke of state policy. — DEFIRS

statik-o: (phys.) statics; -ala: static(al). — DEFIRS

statistik-o: statistic(s); -ala: statistical; -isto: statistician. — DEFIRS

statu-o: statue; -eto: statuette; marmora -o: marble s.; kavalk-ala -o: equestrian s. — DEFIRS

statur-o: stature; -mezur-ilo: instrument to measure height. Def.: Alteso naturala di persono od animalo. Ex.: Alta-statura homo, od, homo di alta staturo. — DEFIS

statut-o: statute, written decree or law; by-law; article (of association; cf. lego); -ala: statutory. — DEFIRS

stearin-o: (chem.) stearin(e). — DEFIRS

steatit-o*: (min.) steatite: soapstone. — DEFIS

steb-ar: (tr.) to quilt, to (pad and) stitch; to stitch (with a machine); -mashino: sewing machine. V.exp.: Stebar esas sutar per mashino, quo ne esas propre sutado, nam mashino uzas generale du fili, e la sutado nur un; II-646.

stek-ar: (tr.) to stick: thrust point in, drive in (by point); (hort.) to propagate by cuttings or slips (cf. spros-ifar); -ajo: (hort.) slip, cutting. Def.: Enirigar ulo en ulo per la pinto. Ex.: Stekar paliso en la sulo. — DE

stel-o: (also fig. and theat.) (fixed) star; -eto: small star; (print.) asterisk; -ala: stellar; -oza: (natural) starry: full of stars; -iz-ita: (artificial) studded or covered with stars; spangled; -atra, -o-forma: starlike, star-shaped; stelliform; -o-lumo: starlight; -izar: to star: stud, cover (ulo) with stars; -aro: constellation; matin- -o: morning star; polo- -o: polar star. V. exp.: vid. astro. — eFIS

stelari-o*: (bot.) starwort (genus: Stellaria).

stele-o: (archeol.) stele: a graved stone. — DEFI

stelionat-o: (jur.) stellionate: fraud in selling. — DEFIS

stelt-o, -i: stilt(s); -irar: (intr.) to walk on stilts; -ucelo, -iero: (orni.) stilt-bird (order Grallæ). — DE

stenogfraf-ar: (tr.) to take down (ulo) in short-hand; -ado, -arto, -uro: (act, art, result) stenography. — DEFIRS

stentor-o: (antiq.) Stentor: a person with a powerful voice; -ala: stentorian: extremely loud. Ex.: Stentorala voco. — DEFS

step-o: steppe: treeless (Russian) plain. — DEFIRS

ster-o: stere, cubic meter (metre): 35.3174 cu.ft. — DEFIRS

stereografi-o: stereography. — DEFIRS

stereokamer-o*: stereotrope; stereopticon. — DEFIS

steriometri-o: (geom.) stereometry. — DEFIRS

stereoskop-o: stereoscope. — DEFIRS

stereotip-ar: (tr.) to stereotype; (fig.) to fix firmly or unchangeably; (cf. klishar); -uro, -ajo: stereo(plate). — DEFIRS

stereotomi-o: stereotomy. — DEFIRS

steril-a: sterile, barren, unfruitful; (fig.) fruitless, vain; (cf. arida); -eso: sterility; -igar: to sterilize; -ig-ilo: sterilizer; -a roko: barren rock. Ex.: Sterila persono, arboro, tereno, autoro, diskuto. Steriligar aquo, filtro, vazo. Ant.: fekunda, fertila. — DEFIRS

sterk-o: dung (-litter), muck (cf. dungo); -izar: to manure, dung; -amaso: dung-heap; -aquo: liquid manure; -skarabeo: (ent.) coprophagan; dung-beetle. Def.: La dungo formacita ek la exkrementi di animali (mixita kun palio); VI-248. — SL

sterlet-o: (ich.) sterlet (Acipenser Ruthenus). — DEFR

stern-ar: (tr.) to lay (ulu, su) down at full length. — L

sternum-o: (anat.) sternum, breastbone. — DEFIS

sternut-ar: (intr.) to sneeze; (cf. snortar); -(ad)o: sneez(e)ing, sternutation. — eFIS

stertor-ar: (intr.) to have a death rattle; to have a rattle in the throat (from respiratory trouble). — SL

stetoskop-o*: (med.) stethoscope. — DEFIS

stif-a: (relationship) step-; -a fili-ino: step-daughter (cf. bo-fili-ino); -a matro: step-mother (cf. bo-matro); -a frat-ino: step-sister. V. exp.: Stifa signifikas la parenteso, qua rezultas de duesma mariajo di un de la gepatri. Mea stifa frato esas la filio de la (duesma) spozo di mea patro; do lu esas nek mea frato nek mea mi-frato, nam lu havas nula patro komuna kun me. La spozo ipsa di mea patro esas mea stifa patro (patrulo o patrino); lu esas tote diversa de mea bo-patro (-ulo od -ino), qua esas patro di mea spozo (-ulo od -ino); VI-489.

stift-o: peg: small pin of wood or metal used for fastening hinges, frames, clocks, etc.; -agar, -unionar, -stopar: to peg, fasten with pegs (ulo); stopo- -o: spigot, bung-stopper (as for casks). — DR

stigmat-o: brand (of a hot iron); (bot.) stigma; scar of a wound (cf. cikatro); (pl. theol.) stigmata (of Christ); (entom.) stigmati (on the tracheæ); (fig.) stigma: mark of infamy; -izar: to mark with a brand or with scars; (fig.) to set a mark of disgrace on (ulu, ulo). Ex.: La stigmato di puniso, di la variolo, di vicio, sur la korpo di Francisko di Assisi. Variolo (e metafore, krapulado) stigmatizas la vizajo. Me stigmatizas ta aserto kom mentio. — DEFIRS

stil-o: (lit., artist) style, tone, manner; diction: selection of words (cf. diciono); (bot. and antiq.) style; -eto: (fig.)(surg. probe) stylet; -isto: stylist: master of style; -oida: (anat.) styloid. Ex.: Moblaro segun la stilo di Louis XIV. Stilo moderna, historiala. Ta auturo havas bona stilo. — DEFRS

stilet-o: stiletto: short pointed dagger.

stilistik-o: stylistics. Def.: Cienco o teorio di stilo; IV-707. — E

stilobat-o: (arch.) stylobate. — DEFIS

stimular: (tr.) to stimulate, rouse, excite; to spur on, incite; to goad (oxen); (cf. ecitar); -ivo, -ilo: stimulant, stimulus; (fig.) goad, spur. Ex.: Intereso stimulas la mento. Lua indolenteso bezonas stimulivo. Porciono stimulanta. Stimul-ilo por bovuli. Stimulita da hungro. Ant.: stupor-igar. — DEFIRS

stip-o: (bot.) stem, stalk (of plant); -eto: blade (of grass). — L

stipendi-o: (in public schools or colleges) exhibition, scholarship, bursary (in Scotland): a sum of money granted to pay, wholly or in part, the expenses of a pupil’s education; -iero: a foundation scholar. — DeIR

stipit-o*: (bot.) stipe. — eFIS

stiptik-a*: styptic: stopping bleeding; (cf. astrikt-iva). — EFIS

stipul-ar: (tr.) to stipulate; -o, -uro: stipulation. Ex.: Stipular garantio. Stipuluro di kontrato. — DEFIS

stipul-o: (bot.) stipule. — EFIS

stiv-ar: (tr., nav.) to stow (a cargo), trim (a hold); -isto: stevedore. — eIS

stof-o: stuff, fabric, tissue, cloth: any woven fabric; lana -o: woollen stuff, woollen cloth. — DEFI

stoik-a: (philos. and fig.) stoic(al): unaffected by passion; -(ul)o: a stoic; -ala: stoical; -eso, -ismo: (quality, doctrine) stoicism. Ex.: Stoika vertuo. Zeno esis stoiko e docis stoikismo. Ica homo manifestas stoikeso. Stoikala doktrino. — DEFIRS

stok-o: (com.) stock. Def.: Quanto de komercaji o pekunio disponebla da vendisto. Ex.: Stoko de frumento. Stoko en magazino. Stoko de oro en banko. — DEF

stol-o: (R.C. rel.) stole. — DEFIS

stomak-o: (anat.) stomach; (cf. abdomeno, ventro); -ala: stomachic, gastric; -dolori: s.ache (cf. gastralgio); -spasmo: s. griping; -membrano, -tripo: tripe. — EFIS

ston-o: pebble, small stone, loose rock (cf. petro, roko); -oza: full of (small) stones, pebbly, flinty (of roads, etc.); -izar: to macadamize, gravel, ballast: cover with small stones; -agar, -asomar, -mortigar: to stone (kill); sen- -igar: to clear (ulo) of stones; (fig.) stone mort-inta, surda, blinda. e.c.: stone dead, deaf, blind; kruda- -o: uncut stone, rough ashlar (opp. of quadro). — DE

stop-ar: (tr.) to stop up, choke up, stuff up (a hole, bottle, etc.; cf. obstruktar, obturar); -ilo: stopper; stop-gap; korka -ilo: cork; -il-ego: bung; des- -ar: to unstop. — DE

stor-o: roller-blind, spring-blind or curtain (cf. jelozio, persieno). — FS

storax-o: (bot., pharm.) storax. Def.: Speco di balzamio; IV-707. — DEFIS

stoter-ar: (tr., intr.) to stammer, stutter, lisp from natural defect). V. exp.: Balbutado eventas che l’infanti, pro ne-habileso, o che l’adulti pro pavoro od altra emoco; kontre ke stoterado esas konstanta defekto di pronuncado; IV-518. — DE

strab-a: squint-, cross-eyed; -(ul)o: squint-eyed person; -eso: squinting (condition), strabismus; -esar: to squint. — eFIRS

strad-o: street; -eto: small s.; lane (in town); alley, court; -angulo: s. corner; -o transversa: cross-street; -o-bubo: a s. urchin; -o-vend-isto: s. peddler; vagar tra la -i: to rove about the streets. — DEI

strand-ar: (intr., also fig.) to strand: run aground or on shore: -igar: to run (a ship, boat) aground, to beach. — DE

strangular: (tr.) to strangle, choke, stifle, throttle (ulu); (cf. asfixiar, sufokar, garot-agar); Def.: Mortigar per presar la trakeo; perdigar, haltar la respirado. Ex.: Li strangulis per kordo. Il mortis pro stranguleso. (fig.) strangular ula cienco, ula arto. — DEFIS

stranj-a: strange, unusual, uncommon, odd, singular, queer (cf. baroka); -eso: strangeness, oddness, queerness; -ajo: a strange thing, oddity, curiosity. Def.: Qua esas kontre kustumo, ordinara experienco, kustumala ordino, la komuna raciono. Ex.: Stranja dicajo, bruiso, aranjo, vivo. Esas stranja ke il ne ja advenas. La stranjeso di lua vestaro, di lua konduto. — EFIR

stranjer-a: foreign, not native; (fig.) extraneous (jur.) irrelevant; -(ulo): a foreigner; -ajo: an extraneous body; (chem., surg.) a foreign substance. Def.: Qua esas de altra naciono; qua ne apartenas ad korpo. Ex.: Stranjera lando; linguo, milito, aferi, relati. Trovar ulo stranjera (kontre-natura) en korpo. Argumento stranjera (ne-apartenanta, ne aplikebla) a la kazo, proceso, temo. Note: The E. word «stranger» is ordinarily to be translated by ne-konocato: He is a stranger to me: me tote ne konocas il: il esas ne-konocata da me. — eFIS

strapad-ar: (tr.) to inflict strappado on (ulu). — EFIS

stras-o: strass: a brilliant glass used for artificial gems; a paste (diamond). — DeFIRS

strat-o: (geol.) stratum: layer; -igar: (tr.), -ifar: (intr.) to stratify; -ig-(ad)o, -if-(ad)o: stratification; sablo- -o: layer of sand; sand-bank; ostro- -o: oyster-bank. — EFIS

strateg-o*: (antiq.) strategus: a general.

strategi-o: strategy; -ala: strategical; -isto: strategist. Ex.: Napoleon esis maestro do strategio. Jomini esis strategiisto. Strategiala pozicino. — DEFIRS

strek-o: stroke, dash (as of a pen); (print.) dash; (geom.) a straight line; -eto, junto-streko: short dash; (print.) hyphen; tra- -izar: to draw a line through, strike out. Ex.: On formacas ta litero per du plumo-streki. Note: The use of the streko in printing does not, as in E., indicate merely an interruption, but a change of subject or speaker; (cf. Talmey’s Text Book, p. 104; IV-533). — De

stren-ar: (tr., tech.) to strain (materials). — E

stret-a: narrow, strait; (fig.) limited, scanty; -e: narrowly; -eso: narrowness; -igar: to narrow; -eskar: to become narrower, shrink; tro-stret-igar: to scant (cf. meskin-igar); -a mento: a narrow mind; marala -ajo: a strait. Ex.: Streta voyo, rubando, enireyo. Ant.: larja. — EIS

stri-o: stripe, stria; -izar: to streak, stripe; -oza: (natural), -iz-ita: (artificial) streaked, striped; stri-rolero: rowell (of a bit). Def.: Lineo trasita o grabita sur surfaco per akutajo; lineo o tre dina kanelo (ne bendo); IV-463. Ex.: Vitro o spegulo, sur qua on frotis diamanto o silexo, havas strii. Glacierala strii. La kapo di ula skrubi esas striizita, por ke on povas manuagar li plu facile. — eFIS

strid-ar: (intr.) to produce a strident noise, to creak; -anta: strident, shrill, creaking, grating. Def.: Produktar sono akra e penetranta. Ex.: Cikadi, gondo-bendi stridas. Voco stridanta. — eFIS

strig-o: barn-, white-, screech-owl (genus: Strix flammea). Def.: Noktala raptema ucelo di qua la facio esas ornita per plumoza koliaro kompleta; IV-296. — L

strigi-o: curry-comb; -agar: to curry (a horse). — DFI

strik-ar: (intr., of workmen) to strike, to go on strike, quit work: -anto: striker. — DE

striknin-o: (med.) strychnine. — DEFIRS

strikt-a: strict, precise, rigorous; -e: strictly; -eso: strictness. Def.: Des-ampla; IV-434. Ex.: Strikta senco, obligo, devo, en aferi. To esas strikte vera. Strikte parolanta. — DEFIS

stringer-o: (nav.) stringer. — DER

strip-o: trouser-strap (under the foot). — DR

strof-o: strophe. — DEFIRS

strofoid-o*: (geom.) strophoid. — DEFIS

strok-o: indicates a single movement, an elementary, sudden act: stroke, coup, feat; (in game) move; (fencing) thrust; (of dice) throw; (rowing) stroke; (of whips) smack; alo- -o: wing-beat; (fig.) bril-anta -o: striking act, brilliant feat; cizo- -o: single cut with scissors; fortunoza -o: happy move, thrust, hit, etc.; piston -o: stroke of piston; perfida -o: treacherous act; prepar-ita -o: got-up affair; probo- -o: trial, first attempt; plum- -o: stroke of the pen; pinsel- -o: dash, stroke of brush; fola -o: foolish trick, move, act; lim-(ilo)- -o: stroke of a file; reto- -o: cast of net; stroko di stato: stroke of state, violent or quick exercise of state authority; il facis la stroko: he has done the deed; stroko di teatro: theatrical effect; clap-trap; yun-es-ala stroko: juvenile trick; youthful act of folly; -ar: to do the act called for by the ideas above defined; vu strokos pos me: it is your turn after mine.

stronci-o*: (chem.) strontium. — DEFIRS

strop-o: (nav.) strop, strap, sling (for a block, or piece of cargo); -izar, -ligar: to strop (a block); to sling (casks, etc.). — DEFIRS

struch-o: ostrich (genus: Struthio [camelus]); -ovo: ostrich egg. — L

struktur-o: structure: manner of building, construction, form; (fig.) disposition, arrangement. Ex.: Ta edifico havas stabila strukturo. La strukturo di la vivanta korpo, di poemo. — DEFIRS

strum-o*: goitre, wen in the throat; -oza, -ika; -ozo, -iko: goitrous (person).

student-o, -ulo, -ino: student; undergraduate; (cf. lern-anto). Ex.: Studento pri lego. Medicin-studento. — DEFIRS

studi-ar: (tr., intr.) to study (ulo, pri ulo); (cf. lernar); -(ad)o: (act) study(ing); -uro: (result) a study; (paint.) sketch; -eyo: place for study; -eyo di artisto: studio, «atelier»; -ema: studious; -o-kapo: a head for study (by artist); pre- -ar: to make a preliminary study of; par- -ar: to make a complete study of. Ex.: Studiar piktado, portreto, matematiko, leciono. Kurso di studii. — DEFIS

stuf-ar: (tr., cook) to stew; -o-vazo: stewing-pot; -ita bov-yuno: stewed veal. V. exp.: vid. stuvo. — eFIS

stuk-o: stucco; -ajo: s. work; -izar: to cover with s. — DEFIRS

stul-o: chair: seat with back; (cf. tabureto, benko); -ego: large c., arm-c.; -ego ocil-anta: rocking c.; -ego longa: lounging c., deck c., -if-isto: c. maker; porto- -o: sedan c.; rul- -o: bath-c.; truo- -o: night-stool. — DeR

stult-a: foolish, silly, senseless; (cf. frivola); -(ul)o: fool, booby, simpleton; (cf. naiv-(ul)o); -eso: silliness, folly; -ajo: silly thing; foolish act; absurdity. V. exp.: Stulta expresas ideo min forta kam stupida. Stupideso esas kompleta manko di inteligenteso. Stulteso esas plu juste manko di sagaceso, di judikado; II-711. Ant.: saja. I

stump-o: stump (of tree, limb, column, cabbage, etc.); core (of an apple); -igar: to truncate; -a pedo: club-foot. — DE

stunt-ar: (tr.) to stunt (growth of); -esar: to be stunted; -ita: stunted. Def.: Impedar la kresko e developo di ulu, ulo; IV-512. — E

stup-o: tow; (tech.) packing (of a piston, etc.); gudr-iz-ita stupo, gudro-stupo: oakum; -izar: to stop or cover with tow or oakum; (nav.) to calk (caulk); (tech.) to pack (a piston, etc.); -o-buxo: stuffing-box. V. exp.: vid. filaso. — FIS

stupid-a: stupid: without intelligence; -(ul)o: a s. person; -ajo: s. act; -igar: to make (ulu) s.; stultify, besot, dull. Ex.: Homi obtuza e stupida. Mieno stupida. Mala traktado stupidigas infanto. V. exp.: vid. stulta. Ant.: inteligenta. — DEFIS

stupor-o: (med.) stupor; -igar: to stupefy; -ig-iva, -ivo: stupefacient. Ex.: La stuporo de ebrieso. Opiumo stuporigas. (fig.) La mala informo stuporigas lu. — EFIS

sturg-o: (ich.) (common) sturgeon (Acipenser Sturio); (cf. esturjono). — eFIS

sturm-o: storm, with thunder and lightning, thunderstorm; (fig.) tumult. V. exp.: Sturmo; mala vetero konsistanta ek fulmini, tondri, akompanata o sequata generale da pluvo o grelo. Tempesto: mala vetero konsistanta ek granda vento, qua sur la maro efektigas ondegi danjeroza por la navigado, e qua ofte akompanesas da pluvo. L’unesma fenomeno povas eventar sen vento; la duesma konsistas esence en vento, e povas eventar, sive sen pluvo o grelo, sive sen ula elektrala fenomeno; VIII-198. — DE

sturn-o: (orni.) starling (genus: Sturnus). — FIS

stuv-o: a stove or room used to produce hot air for drying, or hot vapo(u)r for sweating; sweating room; hot-air bath; vapo(u)r-bath; drying-room; -agar: to dry or heat in a slow, moist heat; (med.) to foment (a wound); (cf. furnelo). V. exp.: On stufas koquajo en irga vazo klozita, e ne en stuvo. Existas stuvi humida e sika, t.e. kun o sen aquo-vaporo; II-648. — eFIS

su: (reflex. Pronoun, 3rd person, singular or plural; acc.: sun): self, oneself, himself, herself, itself, themselves; -a: (pl.: sui) his, hers, its, their; su-dic-anta: self-styled, so called. Ex.: Li ne konkordas inter su. Il amas sua patrino. Il ri-trovis elua libri, ma il ne povis ritrovar sui (pl.). La soldati defensis su brave. Egoisto sorgas nur por su (ipsa). Note: Su is used in the third person only and refers directly to the subject: il lavas su: he washes himself; li lavas su: they wash themselves; singlu por su: each one for himself. But, me lavas me: I wash myself; vu lavas vu: you wash tourself. Su, lu: Petro pregis Karlo defensar su: Peter asked Charles to defend him (su relates to Karlo who is the subject of defensar); (cf. Talmey’s Text Book, p. 65-6). — DFIS

sub: (prep.) under, below, beneath; lower in place or rank; denoting subordination, dependence; -e: (there) under, underneath, below; -a: under, subordinate; -a bush-aro: underbrush. Ex.: sub la tablo. Servar sub ulu. Il havas cent soldati sub sua komando. Il esas nur suba oficiro. Suba etajo. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: super. — DEFI

sub-admiral-o: rear-admiral.

subaltern-a, -(ul)o: (milit. and fig.) subaltern (officer); (cf. subordin-ito). — DEFIS

sub-chef-o: chief-assistant.

sub-deleg-ar: (tr.) to subdelegate. Def.: Donar ad altru la povo agar vice su.

sub-destrukt-ar: (tr., fig.) to undermine: to injure or destroy by clandestine means (cf. minar).

sub-diakon-o: subdeacon.

sub-direkt-anto, -ero, -isto: sub-manager, -director.

sub-divid-ar: (tr.) to subdivide; -o, -uro: subdivision.

sub-doc-isto: assistant teacher.

sub-cherp-ar: (tr.) to draw off (liquors, etc., from the bottom; vid. rakar).

sub-emend-o, -uro: additional amendment, amendment to an amendment.

sub-entraprez-isto: sub-contractor; jobber.

sub-farm-ar: (tr.) to farm (land, taxes) as an under-lessee.

sub-gener-o: sub-genus.

sub-grup-o: sub-group.

sub-help-anto, -isto: under-assistant.

subis-ar: (tr.) to undergo, endure, bear; -ar tormento: to undergo tortures; -ar yugo: to bear a yoke; -ar destino: to submit to one’s destiny. Def.: Recevar force o kontrevole; III-207. Ex.: Ica korpo subisas kompreso. — FI

subit-a: sudden, unexpected; -e: suddenly, all of a sudden; -eso: suddenness. Def.: qua esas tote ne-previdita. Ex.: Subita morto, chanjo di la vetero. — FIS

sub-jac-ar: (intr.) to lie under; -anta: subjacent, underlying.

subjekt-o: (gram., log.) subject (cf. temo); -ala: (philos.) subjective (opp. to objekt-ala); -al-eso: subjectivity. Ex.: La subjekto di verbo, di propoziciono. Subjektala metodi, koncepti. — DEFIRS

subjuntiv-o: (gram.) subjunctive. — DEFIS

sub-jup-o: petticoat, (short) underskirt.

sub-klas-o: sub-class, subdivision of a class.

sub-komitat-o: subcommittee.

sub-lang-a: (anat.) sublingual.

sub-lietnant-o: sub-lieutenant; second-lieutenant; ensign.

sublim-a: sublime; -eso: sublimity; -ajo: sublime object. Ex.: Sublima abnego, genio. — DEFIS

sublim-ar: (tr., chem.) to sublime, sublimate; -(ad)o: sublimation; -ato: a sublimate. Def.: Vaporigar ulo e lore rikondensar ol a stando solida. — DEFIRS

sub-lokac-ar: (tr.) to under-hire, sub-rent, sublet (by tenant) (ulo, de ulu); (cf. sub-lugar).

sub-lug-ar: (tr.) to under-lease, sub-rent (by the proprietor) (ulo ad ulu); (cf. sub-lokacar).

sub-lun-a: sublunar(y).

sub-mar-a: submarine: undersea; submersed.

submers-ar: (tr.) to submerge (under water) (cf. inundar); -o-navo: submarine (boat). Ex.: Nil periodale submersas Egiptia. V. exp.: vid. imersar. — EFIS

submis-ar: (tr.) to reduce (ulu) to a state of submission, dependence, to subdue, subjugate; -ar su: to submit, yield, succumb (cf. vinkar, domptar, cedar, subisar, prizentar, submisionar); -o: subjection (act); -eso: submission, submissiveness, compliance (cf. obedi-em-eso); -ita: subdued, subjugated. Ex.: Submisar la rebeli, sua pasioni. Me submisas me a vua decido. La submiso di la urbo. Ica populo submisesas (facis sua submiso) ed esas nun en (stando di) perfekta submiseso. — eFIS

submision-ar*: (intr.) to (make a) tender (por, pri) (a contract, loan); -o: tender; -anto, -into: party making tender, contract. V. exp.: Submisionar esas: propozar su por entraprezar ula laboro (generale publika), aceptante la kondicioni anuncita da la labor-donanto, e demandante ula preco. Generale, plura entraprezisti esas invitata submisionar samtempe per letri siglita e sekreta, ed on adjudikas l’entraprezo a ta qua demandas la minima preco. To esas speco di auciono, o prefere, inversajo di auciono: vice vendar a la maxim-ofranto, on «kompras» de la minim-demandanto; VI-385. — DF

sub-oficir-o: non-commissioned officer, petty officer.

subordin-ar*: (tr.) to (make) subordinate, subject (ulu, ulo, ad ulu, ulo); -(ad)o, -eso: subordination; -ita: subordinate(d); -ito: a subordinate; inferior; -ite: subordinately. Ex.: La guvernerio subordinas la civitani a la  judiciisti. La legi subordinas la civitani a la judiciala oficisti. Subordinar sua volo ad altru. Mantenar subordineso en la armeo. Propoziciono subordinita. La chefo fidas a lua subordinati (od inferiori, od imperati). — DEFIRS

suborn-ar: (tr.) to suborn: induce or instigate (ulu, uli) to do an evil deed, by bribes or the like; to bribe, tamper with; (cf. seduktar, koruptar); -o, -eso: subornation, bribery; -ar testi: to bribe witnesses; -ebla: venal; -ebl-eso: venality. — EFIS

sub-pel-a: subcutaneous.

subrekarg-o: (com., nav.) supercargo.

subrept-ar: (tr.) to obtain surreptiously; -o: subreption; -ala: surreptitious. — EFIS

subret-o: (theat.) soubrette, abigail. — DEFR

subrog-ar: (tr., jur.) to surrogate, subrogate, substitute. — DEFIS

subsidi-ar: (tr.) to subsidize: grant a subsidy to (ulu); -o: subsidizing, subsidy; sum granted. Ex.: Subsidiar paketboto. La subsidiajo esis 50 mili, ma mem ca subsidio ne esis suficanta. — DEFIRS

sub-skrib-ar: (tr., intr.) to write below, underneath (cf. signatar); -uro: what is written below; (cf. sur-skrib-uro). Ex.: Noto skribita sub texto o letro esas subskribita, quankam la subskriburo ne esas signatita da la skribinto.

substanc-o: substance; -ala: substantial (cf. esenco). Exd.: Substanci korpala, metala, liquida. Esis multa vorti ma nula substanco en la diskurso. Indemno substancala. Griza substanco di la cerebro. — DEFIS

substantiv-o: (gram.) substantive, noun; -igar: to substantivize: to convert into, or use as, a substantive. — DEFIS

substituc-ar: (tr.) to substitute: put in place of another (ulu ad ulu, ulo ad ulo) (jur.) to entail (an estate); -ato: a substitute. V. exp.: A remplasas (E.: takes the place of) B = A okupas (provizore o definitive) la loko (ofico, funciono, rolo) di B.  A remplas-eskas = A prenas (komencas okupar la loko di B, pozas su od aparas en la loko di B.  C remplas-igas B per A = C pozas (o produktas) A en la loko antee okupita da B. En la sama kazo, C substitucas A a B, od, C remplasigas B per A (E. puts A in place of B). Praktikal regulo: Omnafoye kande la propoziciono kontenas tri termini, on devas uzar remplas-igar o substitucar, ne remplasar. Uzez la prepoziciono «ad» kun substitucar, ne «per». Uzez «per» kun remplas-igar. (Substitucar un kozo ad ultra; remplas-igar un kozo per altra; do, en la pasivo: remplasata da … remplasigata per … e substitucata a ….. ); III-102. V-283; kp. suplantar, suplear. — DEFIS

substitut-o: (jur.) deputy magistrate, surrogate. V. exp.: Substituto esas la nomo di ofico di persono; por la kozi ni havas surogato; IV-583. — DeFIS

subsum-ar*: (tr., log.) to subsume. — DEFIS

sub-strek-izar: to underline.

sub-tas-o: saucer; -ego: salver.

sub-ten-ar: (tr.) to support (by holding underneath; cf. sustenar, apogar). Ex.: Ta trabo subtenas la konstrukturo.

sub-ter-a: subterranean; -ajo: subsoil.

sub-ter-etajo: basement (below ground), underground floor or chamber.

subterfuj-o: subterfuge (cf. pretexto, ruzo). — EFIS

subtil-a: (physical) subtile: not dense or gross; (mental) subtile, subtle: keen, sharp, acute; -eso, -ajo: (quality, objective) subtleness, subtility; -ach-ajo: subtlety (in bad sense), quibble, hair-splitting distinction; -igar: to subtilize: render fine or ethereal; to draw subtle distinctions in, refine into niceties. Ex.: Subtila veneno, polvo. Subtila intelekto, mento. La subtilaji di metafiziko. Troa subtileso nocas argumento. — DEFIS

sub-titul-o: (print.) sub-heading, second title.

sub-urb-o: suburb, outskirts (of a town, city; cf. pre-urbo); -ala: suburban; -ano: suburbanite.

subvencion-ar: (tr.) to grant a subvention to, subsidize; -o: subvention: government aid or bounty; (cf. subsidiar). Ex.: Subvenciono di teatro di la stato. — DEFIS

subvers-ar: (tr.) to subvert: overturn from the foundation: bring to ruin or destrucion, as by moral or political force; (cf. renversar); -o, -eso: (act, state) subversion, ruin; -anta, -iva, -ema: subversive. Ex.: Ta doktrino subversas la principi di etiko. Subverso di la stato per anarkio. Doktrino subversiva. — DEFIS

sub-vest-o: undergarment; -aro: underwear.

suced-ar: (tr., intr.) to succeed: came after, follow in order, (cf. sequar; sucesar); -o, -ado: succession; -anto, -into (di): successor; -anta: successive subsequent; -e, -ante: successively, in succession, inturn; -ar (od, inter-sequar) l’una l’altra: to succeed, follow one another. Ex.: Jorno sucedas la nokto. La sucedado di nia idei. Louis XII esis la sucedanto di Charles VIII. Chapitri sucedanta. — DEFIS

suces-ar: (intr.) to succeed: accomplish one’s purpose, be successful; -o: success; -anta, -oza: successful; mi- -o: indifferent success. Ex.: Lu sucesas en sua entraprezajo. La suceso di teatrajo. La verko ne esis tre sucesoza. — EFIS

suci-ar: (tr.) to care about: be concerned, solicitous, anxious about (ulu, ulo); -o: -ego: (mental) care, solicitude, anxiety; -anta, -oza, -ema: solicitous, anxious, careworn; sen- -a: careless, thoughtless; me ne -as: I do not care. Def.: Havar sua spirito okupata pri o por la bona stando di persono o kozo amata; VI-345. V. exp.: Suciar, sorgar, flegar: Sorg(ad)o esas ago, kontre sucio esas mentala stando. Exempli: Matro povas suciar sua infanto, ma konfidas a la nutristino la sorgo pri lu. On flegas malado, infanto. On ne povas dicar, ke ta matro ne sucias sua filieto, nam elua paroli klare montras, ke sempre el pensas a lua stando e deziras ke ol esez bona; ma fakte el sorgas lu nultempe, nam el abandonas a lua nutristino omna sorgi, quin el devus ipse facar a l’infanto. Mea tutelanto ne nur suciis mea saneso e feliceso, ma il sorgis li omnamaniere, ed il esis quik extreme nequieta, kande me sentis irga sufreto. Yes, nun me esas nequieta pri la mala stando di vua aferi; ma li ne esus tante desesperiganta, se olim vu esabus plu sucioza o suciema pri oli; VI-345. — F

sucin-o: (yellow) amber; -ea: amber colo(u)red. — FIS

sud-o: south; -ala: southern, southerly; -e: southward; -esto: south-east; -ano: a southerner. — DFIRS

sudari-o*: sudarium; shroud (cf. sepulto-tuko).

sudor-o: sweat, perspiration; -ifar: to perspire, be in a sweat; -if-anta: sweating, sudoriferous; -if-igar: to cause (ulu) to sweat; -if-egar: to perspire profusely; -if-ig-iva, -ivo: (med.) sudorific. — eFIS

sufic-ar: (intr.) to suffice, be sufficient (ad, por); -as: (impers.) it is sufficient; that is enough; that will do; -o, -ajo: sufficing; sufficiency, adequacy, competency; -anta: sufficient (cf. sat); -ante: sufficiently. Ex.: Cent franki suficos a me. Suficajo de frumento.Kapaceso suficanta. Esar suficante klara. To suficas a me, equivalas: me konsideras, aceptas to kom suficanta. V. exp: vid. saciar, sat. — EFIS.

sufix-o: (gram.) suffix; -igar: to suffix: annex at the end of a word. — DEFIRS

sufl-ar: (intr.) to blow (wind, etc.); (tr.) to blow: force wind or breathe upon; (theat.) to prompt (a speaker); (chess, checkers) to huff; -(ad)o: blow(ing), puffing, breath, breathing (cf. respiro, anhelo); -eto, -ego, -ajo: (the air) puff, gust, blast, whiff; forjo-sufl-ilo: blacksmith’s bellows. Ex.: La vento suflas. Suflar (ad) sua fingri. Suflar fairo, vitro, orgeno. Suflar aktoro. Suflar piono. Ne esis mem vento-sufleto. Extingar buijio per sufl(et)o di la respirajo. — DFI

sufok-ar: (tr., intr.) to suffocate, stifle, smother, choke; (fig.) to check, subdue; (cf. strangular); -anta, -iva: suffocating, stifling. Ex.: La nutristino sufokas la dormanta infanto. Sufokar la karbonfairo. Sufokar sua singluti. Me sufokis pro irocego, pro la varmegeso. Astmo donas la sento di sufoko. Aero sufokanta. V. exp.: vid. asfixiar. — EFIS

sufr-ar: (tr., intr.) to suffer (from), be afflicted with; (cf. dolorar, subisar, tolerar); il sufras en la hepato: his liver is out of order. Ex.: Sufrar (de, pro) la hungro, la dursto, la doloro, lo morto. Persono infirma e sufranta. — EFIS

sufragan-a, -o: suffragan (bishop). — DEFIRS

sufraji-o*: (R.C. rel.) suffrage: a short prayer.

sufuzion-o: (med.) suffusion: extravasation of some humour.

sug-ar: (tr.) to suck (candy, etc., ulo de ulo); -anta: sucking; (zool.) suctorial; -ilo: sucker (as of an insect); mam-sugar: to suckle (cf. alaktar). Ex.: Sugar la suko de oranjo. V. exp.: On povas aspirar, ne nur aero od altra gaso, ma anke liquido. Do on povas e devas dicar, ke pumpilo aspiras, e distingar teknikale la pumpili aspirante e presanta. (Pumpilo aspiras unesme l’aero, e per la sama procedo, kande ol esas amorcita, ol duras aspirar l’aquo. Sugar expresas ago di la boko, labii, lango, qua ne implikas necese aspiro. Exemple, on sugas bonbono en la boko; on nule aspiras ol; V-156.

sugest-ar: (tr.) to suggest, intimate (ulo ad ulu); -etar: to hint; -(ad)o: suggestion; -ajo: what is suggested, suggestion, intimation; -anta, -iva: suggestive. Ex.: To sugestis ideo a me. Sugesto hipnotala. Sugestiva penso. Lu mem ne sugestetis la ago a me. — DEFIS

suk-o: juice: sap (of vegetables) the water (of fruit); -oza: juicy; -o stomak-ala: gastric juice. Ex.: La suko di oranjo. — FIR

sukomb-ar: (intr.) to succumb (ad), to yield, get worsted. Ex.: Sukombar a tento, a doloro, sub la pezajo. — EFIS

su-kontre-dicanta: self-contradictory (cf. inter-kontre-dic-anta).

sukr-o: sugar; -ala: relating to s.; -atra: s.-like; -oza: sugary: naturally sweet; -iz-ita: sugered: covered with s.; sweetened; -izar: to s.; put s. in or on; to sweeten; -ajo: a sweet(meat); -aj-erio: confectioner’s shop; -if-isto: s. maker; -if-erio: s.-works, s. refinery; -o-lumpo, -o-bloko: s. loaf; -o-pulvero: powdered, ground s.; -o-kano: s. cane. — DEFIRS

sukub-o: succubus. — DEFS

sukus-ar: (tr.) to cause violent vibrations in, to shake, shake off, jerk, jog, jostle, jolt; (cf. agitar, ocilar, shancel-igar, tremar); -ope: by shakes, jerks. Ex.: Sukusar arboro, tablo, sua kapo. Sukusado la polvo de la vesto. Sukusado di veturo sur voyo aspera. — FI

sul-o: soil (cf. tero, tereno); sub- -o: subsoil. Def.: La supra strato di la tero, konsiderata pri lua produktive qualesi; Ex.: sulo fertila, sterila, e.c. — EFIS

sulf-o*: sulphur, brimstone; -oza, -atra: sulphurous; -o-pulvero: flowers of s.; -izar, -agar: to sulphurize; -eyo, -jac-eyo, min-eyo: s. mine; -at-acido: sulphuric acid (H2SO­­­4); -ido: sulphuret; -ito: sulphite; -ito-acido: sulphurous acid (H2SO3). — EFIS

sulk-o: (also fig.) furrow (as made by plow); ship’s track; -izar: to furrow; roto- -o: wheel rut. — IS

sultan-(ul)o: sultan; -ino: sultana. — DEFIRS

sum-o: (math.) sum, amount, total; (cf. toto, agreg-ajo); -o totala: s. total; -e: (fig.) finally, on the whole, after all; -igar: to sum up, cast up, totalize; -igo: summing up. Def.: Rezultajo di la adiciono di plura nombri o quanti. Ex.: La sumo di la unaji. Sumigar du nombri. — DEFIRS

sumak-o: (bot.) sumac (-tree) (genus: Rhus). — DEFIRS

sumari-a: (adj.) summary. Def.: Dic-esas pri agi facita rapide, sen tempo-perdo o neutila formulaji. V-623. Ex.: Sumaria judiko.

sumn-ar: (tr.) to summon, call authoritatively upon; -o: summons, Def.: Demandar impereme o postular segun yuro e legala formi; III-417. Ex.: Sumnar debanto pagar. Sumnar fortreso kapitulacar. — EF

sun-o: sun; (fig.) sunlight; -ala: solar; -oza: sunny; -frapo: sunstroke; -floro: (bot.) sunflower (genus: Helianthus); -horlojo: sun-dial; para- -o: parasol; -brul-ita: sunburned. — DE

sundi-o: Sunday (cf. sabato); palmo- -o: Palm Sunday. — DE

su-ocid-ar: (tr.) to commit suicide; -o: suicide; -into: a suicide.

suol-o: sole (of boots, shoes) (cf. plando); a sort of horn under a horse’s hoof; -o ledra: leather sole; -izar: to sole; ri- -izar: to resole. — DeIS

sup-o: soup; porridge; -uyo: s. holder, s. tureen; legum- o: vegetable s.; lakto- -o: milk porridge. — DEFIRS

supe-ar: (intr.) to sup, take a (midnight) supper; (noktomezala) -o: (midnight) supper; -o santa: Holy Supper; (cf. dejunar, dinear). Def.: La repasto quan on facas cirkum o pos noktomezo ti qui vigilas, pos teatro, balo, festo, e.c.; V-278; kp. VI-162. Ex.: Supear delikate (od, supeetar) pos l’opero. — DeF

super: (prep., elevation) over, above (but not in contact with; cf. sur); (of degree) over, more than, greater than, superior to; -e: over, above (that); -a: higher, upper (cf. superiora); ucelo flugis super la domo: a bird flew over the house; super la suprajo: over the top; dek-e-kin gradi super zero: fifteen degrees above freezing point; il stacis supere: he stood above; -e dic-ita: aforesaid; -e nom-ita: above named; -a etaji: upper floors, stories above (cf. supra etajo); -a klaso: upper class; -a genio: superior genius; super-esar: to be over, overtop, surpass, have a superiority; -eso: highness, superiority (cf. superioreso); ica vino superesas ta: this wine is superior to (better than) that; la monto superesas (od, dominacas) la urbo: the mountain is above the city; supereso di kurajo: superiority of courage. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: sub. — EFIS

super-aucion-ar: (tr.) to outbid, bid higher than.

super-avanc-ar: (tr.) to advance over; to overhang; (cf. saliar, super-pendar). Ex.: La muro super-avancas.

superb-a: conceited, supercilious (cf. arog-anta); -eso: conceitedness: excessive self-esteem; -igar: to make (ulu) c., to puff up; -esar, -eskar: to be, become c. V. exp.: Superbeso produktas ecesiva su-estimo; vanitateso produktas deziro por l’aplaudo di altri; prezunto esas sufidego pri la imaginita posedo di ulo quon on fakte ne posedas; kp. fiera. Ant.: humila. — FIS

super-charj-ar: (tr., also fig.) to overload, overburden. Ex.: Supercharjar kavalo, veturo, sua stomako, sua employati.

superfetacion-o*: (physiol.) superfetation. — DEFIS

superflu-a: superfluous; superogatory; -eso: (quality) superfluousness; -ajo: (object) superfluity; overplus, (work of) superogation. Def.: Qua esas troa. Ex.: Ornivi, regreti superflua. Superflueso de vorti. Esas superfluaji en ta verko. — EFIS

super-flu-ar: (intr.) to overflow; -o: overflowing; -ant-ajo: the overflow, waste; -o-tubo: waste pipe.

super-hom-a: superhuman; -(ul)o: superman.

superior-a: (social, hierarchical) superior; -(ul)o: superior; -eso: superiority. Ex.: La arki-episkopo esas la superioro di (od esas superiora ad) la episkopo, e do havas superioreso. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: inferiora. — DEFIS

super-ir-ar: (tr.) to go over, to rise above; (fig.) to surpass; -ar su: to surpass, outdo oneself. Ex.: Superirar la monto. Ca lernanto superiras (od, superesas) omna kunlernanti. Me superiris mea tasko.

superlativ-a: superlative (degree, etc.); -o: (gram.) a superlative; (cf. extrema). — DEFIS

super-natur-a: supernatural; -ajo: s. event.

super-nombr-a: supernumerary (cf. supernumerario). Ex.: Havar fingro supernombra.

supernumerari-o: a supernumerary; -eso: s. service or time; state of being a s. Def.: Employato quan on admisas exter rango, por vartar ordinara employo; IV-584. — DEFIS

super-pas-ar: (tr.) to rise above, surmount.

super-pend-ar: (tr.) to hang over. Ex.: La roko superpendas la ravino.

super-poz-ar: to superpoze: to lay upon (ulo ad, sur ulo).

super-preco: higher price; (in selling) overcharge.

super-sens-a: supersensible.

super-sign-o: diacritic(al) mark; written or printed sign of accent (cf. acento); -izar: to mark with, add diacritics.

superstic-o: superstition; -oza, -oz-(ul)o: superstitious (person). — EFIS

super-tax-ar: (tr.) to overtax (cf. pluse-taxar).

super-varm-igar: to overheat.

super-vid-o: (rapid) survey, view; me havis nur supervido di la loko, di la afero: I had but a summary view of the place, but a faint knowledge of the matter.

supin-o: (gram.) supine: verbal noun, similar to the English verbals in -ing. — DEFIS

suplant-ar: (tr.) to supplant (a rival, etc.). V. exp.: B supleas A kande lu okupas la loko (ofico, funciono, rolo) di A nur provizore, ne kun la sama yuri o grado. B suplantas A kande lu privacas A de lua loko por remplasar lu permanante; kp. Substitucar. — EFIS

suple-ar: (tr.) to supply: make up, make good (the defficiency), furnish (what is wanted); to take the place of, the duty of (temporarily); -anto: substitute, assistant, deputy. Ex.: Lua laborego supleas (E. makes up for) (manko di) talento. Cadie Sro. X. supleos vu. V. exp.: vid. suplantar. — eFIS

suplement-o: (also math.) supplement; -a, -ala: supplementary, additional, extra; -e: in addition, by way of s.; -o di angulo: s. of an angle: the quantity by which an arc or an angle falls short of 180º. Ex.: Suplemento di (ad) libro. Suplementala pago, preco, kusto. — DEFIS

suplik-ar: (tr.) to supplicate, humbly beseech, entreat, beg (ulu pri, por ulo). Def.: Pregar ulu kun insistemeso e submiseso. V. exp.: vid. implorar. — EFIS

suport-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to support: bear the weight of; (cf. sustenar, tolerar); -ilo: a support, prop; -anto: (person) supporter, upholder. Ex.: La pilastri qui suportas la vulto esas suportili. Suportar la spensi di familio. Suportar (E. bear) la koldeso, la doloro. Esar sen suporto, sen helpo, sen amiki. Suportanti di la guvernerio. V. exp.: Suportar esas portar kozo sen movo, tale ke ol ne falez; ma portar uzesas generale kun movo. Metafore, suportar uzesas en senco vicina di tolerar; IV-162 — EFIS

supoz-ar: (tr.) to suppose, assume (ulo, pri ulo); -o: (act) supposition; -ajo: supposition, assumption; -ebla: supposable; -ite ke: on the supposition that; -ez ke: let us suppose that; en omna -o: however it may be. Def.: Admisar kom hipotezo; imaginar ulo kontre la vereso. Ex.: Supozar ulo neposibla. To esas riskema supozajo. — EFIS

supozitori-o: (med.) suppository. — DEFIS

supr-e: on top, overhead, above, aloft, on high; upwards, upstairs (cf. supere); -a: top, of or relating to what is highest up in space or degree; -ajo: highest part, top (cf. somito); il esas ibe supre: he is up there; irar ad-supre: to go to the top, to go up; supra etajo: top or highest floor; -(eg)a povo, autoritato: supreme power, authority; la supro (geometrical sense, or, suprajo: material part) di la monto: the top of the mountain. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: infre. — L

supres-ar: (tr.) to suppress, do away with; -o: (act) suppression; -ajo: what is suppressed. Def.: Impedar existar o (jurnali, e.c.) aparar. Ex.: Supresar sedicio, libro, imposto. Supreso di pruvo di krimino. V. exp.: vid. abolisar. — EFIS

sur: (prep.) on, upon: above and in contact with the upper part of something; resting on the top of (cf. super, an); (arith.) divided by; -a: upper (cf. supera); ad-sur: onto (with motion); sur la tablo: on the table; navo sur la maro: ship on the sea; sur la rivero, la strado: on the river (itself) on the street (itself; N.B. not on the bank of the river or the side of the street, an); saltar ad sur la lito: to jump onto the bed; sura etajo: the floor (just) above; non sur tri facas tri: 9:3 = 3. Def.: Plu alta kam ula objekto e kontaktanta; III-228. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: sub. — FIS

super-vid-o: (rapid) survey, view; me havis nur supervido di la loko, di la afero: I had but a summary view of the place, but a faint knowledge of the matter.

supin-o: (gram.) supine: verbal noun, similar to the English verbals in -ing. — DEFIS

suplant-ar: (tr.) to supplant (a rival, etc.). V. exp.: B supleas A kande lu okupas la loko (ofico, funciono, rolo) di A nur provizore, ne kun la sama yuri o grado. B suplantas A kande lu privacas A de lua loko por remplasar lu permanante; kp. Substitucar. — EFIS

suple-ar: (tr.) to supply: make up, make good (the defficiency), furnish (what is wanted); to take the place of, the duty of (temporarily); -anto: substitute, assistant, deputy. Ex.: Lua laborego supleas (E. makes up for) (manko di) talento. Cadie Sro. X. supleos vu. V. exp.: vid. suplantar. — eFIS

suplement-o: (also math.) supplement; -a, -ala: supplementary, additional, extra; -e: in addition, by way of s.; -o di angulo: s. of an angle: the quantity by which an arc or an angle falls short of 180º. Ex.: Suplemento di (ad) libro. Suplementala pago, preco, kusto. — DEFIS

suplik-ar: (tr.) to supplicate, humbly beseech, entreat, beg (ulu pri, por ulo). Def.: Pregar ulu kun insistemeso e submiseso. V. exp.: vid. implorar. — EFIS

suport-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to support: bear the weight of; (cf. sustenar, tolerar); -ilo: a support, prop; -anto: (person) supporter, upholder. Ex.: La pilastri qui suportas la vulto esas suportili. Suportar la spensi di familio. Suportar (E. bear) la koldeso, la doloro. Esar sen suporto, sen helpo, sen amiki. Suportanti di la guvernerio. V. exp.: Suportar esas portar kozo sen movo, tale ke ol ne falez; ma portar uzesas generale kun movo. Metafore, suportar uzesas en senco vicina di tolerar; IV-162 — EFIS

supoz-ar: (tr.) to suppose, assume (ulo, pri ulo); -o: (act) supposition; -ajo: supposition, assumption; -ebla: supposable; -ite ke: on the supposition that; -ez ke: let us suppose that; en omna -o: however it may be. Def.: Admisar kom hipotezo; imaginar ulo kontre la vereso. Ex.: Supozar ulo neposibla. To esas riskema supozajo. — EFIS

supozitori-o: (med.) suppository. — DEFIS

supr-e: on top, overhead, above, aloft, on high; upwards, upstairs (cf. supere); -a: top, of or relating to what is highest up in space or degree; -ajo: highest part, top (cf. somito); il esas ibe supre: he is up there; irar ad-supre: to go to the top, to go up; supra etajo: top or highest floor; -(eg)a povo, autoritato: supreme power, authority; la supro (geometrical sense, or, suprajo: material part) di la monto: the top of the mountain. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: infre. — L

supres-ar: (tr.) to suppress, do away with; -o: (act) suppression; -ajo: what is suppressed. Def.: Impedar existar o (jurnali, e.c.) aparar. Ex.: Supresar sedicio, libro, imposto. Supreso di pruvo di krimino. V. exp.: vid. abolisar. — EFIS

sur: (prep.) on, upon: above and in contact with the upper part of something; resting on the top of (cf. super, an); (arith.) divided by; -a: upper (cf. supera); ad-sur: onto (with motion); sur la tablo: on the table; navo sur la maro: ship on the sea; sur la rivero, la strado: on the river (itself) on the street (itself; N.B. not on the bank of the river or the side of the street, an); saltar ad sur la lito: to jump onto the bed; sura etajo: the floor (just) above; non sur tri facas tri: 9:3 = 3. Def.: Plu alta kam ula objekto e kontaktanta; III-228. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: sub. — FIS

sur-o: calf (of the leg). — L

surd-a: deaf; -(ul)o: a d. person; -eso: deafness; -igar: to deafen (ulu); (fig.) stun (with noise); -eskar: to become d.; -a-mut-a, -(ul)o: deaf and dumb (person); simular surdo: to make-believe to be d., to turn a d. ear to; -ega, stone surda: stone-deaf, deaf as a post. — eFIS

sur-dento: tooth grown over another, projecting tooth.

surfac-o: surface, outside; (fig.) appearance; (cf. areo); -ala: superficial: relating to the s.; (fig.) specious (plan, judgement, reasoning; cf. ne-profunda, ne-serioza); -ale judikar: to judge superficially, by appearance; suface flotacar: to float upon the s. Def.: La suprajo, la exterajo di ula korpo. Ex.: La surfaco di la tero. Vunduro surfacala. — EFIS

surjet-o*: (of seams) whip-stitch, over-cast(ing). — FI

sur-kalz-o: over-stocking, -hose.

sur-kresk-ajo: outgrowth, excrescence, proturberance.

surkrut-o: sauerkraut. Def.: Kaulo fermentacinta; II-711.

sur-manik-o: over-sleeve.

surmen-ar: (tr.) to overdrive, drive beyond one’s strength, overtax, overstrain (super-charjar, fatigar). Ex.: Surmenar kavalo. Surmenar sua forteso per laborado, sua mento per studiado. — F

surmulet-o: (ich.) surmullet, red mullet (Mullus Surmuletus). — DEF

sur-nom-o: surname, family name; -acho: nickname, sobriquet; -izar: to surname. Ex.: Il surnomizis Simon kom Peter, t.e. kom Simon Peter.

surogat-o: (of things) substitute: that which is put in place of another thing; (med.) succedaneum; -a: substitute. V. exp.: vid. substituto. — DeIR

surplis-o: (priest’s) surplice. — EFS

sur-poz-ar: (tr.) to put (ulo) on (ulo).

supriz-ar: (tr.) to surprise, take by s., take unawares, to come or fall upon suddenly and unexpectedly, overtake suddenly; (cf. astonar, kaptacar); -o, -eso: (act, state) surprisal, surprise; unawareness; -e: by s.; -anta: surprising. Ex.: Surprizar furtero, la enemiko. Mi-voye la pluvo surprizis ni. Li timas surpriz-atako da la enemiko. Donar surpriz-buxo a la puero. — EFIS

sur-ren-a: (anat.) suprarenal.

sur-shu-o: overshoe.

sur-skrib-o, -uro: superscription, inscription.

surtut-o: (long) overcoat, greatcoat, surtout. — eFIS

survey-ar: to keep an eye on, superintend, look after, watch over, inspect; -(ad)o: supervision, superintendence, oversight, surveillance; -anta, -ema: superintending, watchful, vigilant; -anto, -ero, -isto: inspector, overseer, superintendent. Def.: Sorgar afero, tasko, ulo, kun partikulareso e autoritato. Ex.: Generalo devas surveyar omno. Surveyar la afero e la laboristi en fabrikerio. Surveyar la konduto di ulu. Surveyo di lernanti o karcerani. — eFI

suskript-ar: (tr., intr.) to subscribe: contribute a definite sum to an undertaking; (cf. signatar, subskribar); -o: subscription: act of contributing (N.B. not to a newspaper, cf. abono); the consent in writing; -ajo: subscription: amount contributed. Ex.: Me suskriptas cent franki kom yarala kontributo ad ca entraprezo. Me abonas ta revuo ed anke suskriptas pekunio por la mantenokaso. — DEFIS

suspekt-ar: (tr.) to suspect: hold in suspicion, to distrust; doubt the hono(u)r, fidelity or sincerity of; to imagine guilty; (cf. des-fidar, konjektar); -o: suspicion; -eskar: to grow suspicious; igar ulu suspekt-inda, suspekt-igar ulu: to cause (ulu) to be suspected, to cast suspicion on (ulu); -ema: (tendency) suspicious, mistrustful; -ebla, -inda: suspicious; -indo: a suspect. Ex.: Suspektar ulu pri krimino, pri herezio. Ta suspekto esas male fondita. Lu mem suspektas sua amiki. — EFIS

suspend-ar: (tr., phys. sense) to suspend, hang up: fix (ulo) on high and leave hanging; (cf. pendar, akrochar); -o, -eso: suspending, suspension; -anta: hanging; (med. etc.) suspensory; ponto -ita: suspension bridge. Ex.: Suspendar (od, pend-igar) lampo de la plafono. Pulvero suspendita en liquido. — DEFIS

suspens-ar: (tr.) to suspend (functionaries, judgement, privileges, work) (cf. suspendar, halt-igar, interruptar). Def.: Revokar dum tempo; VI-163.

suspensori-o*: (surg.) suspensory (bandage). — DEFIS

susten-ar: (tr., phys. and fig.) to sustain, bear, uphold; prevent from falling (cf. sub-tenar, suportar, mantenar, helpar, defensar); -ilo: stay, prop; -o-muro: retaining wall; -o-stango: sustaining rod, prop. Ex.: La fundamento sustenas la edifico. Sustenar sua reputo, entraprezo. — EFIS

sustracion-ar: (tr., arith.) to subtract, deduct (ulo, de ulo). Ant.: adicionar. — DEFIS

sustrakt-ar: (tr.) to abstract, appropriate (fraude); purloin, steal, embezzle (money, etc.). Def.: Deprenar o furtar ulo per habileso o per fraudo. — FIS

susur-ar: (tr., intr.) to whisper, murmur or mutter (words); (fig.) to whisper, sough (of the wind); -(ad)o: whisper(ing), speaking under the breath; -anta, -ema; -anto, -emo: whisper-ing, -er. Def.: Parolar nelaute; (fig.) facar duranta nelauta bruiso, ex, «la vento susuras en l’arbori;» IV-600. — FI

sut-ar: (tr.) to sew, stitch; -(ad)o, -uro: sewing; seam; (surg.) suture; -o-mashino: sewing machine; -ist-ino: seamstress; -o-korbo: sewing-basket. V. exp.: vid. stebar. — eFI

sutan-o: (R.C.) soutane, cassock. — DeFIS

su-ten-o: carriage (of the body).

suveren-a, -(ul)o: sovereign; (cf. supr-ega); -eso: sovereignty. Ex.: Autoritato suverena. En demokratio, la populo havas la suvereneso. — DEFIS

suzeren-a, -(ul)o: suzerain, lord paramount. — DEFR

swabr-o: (nav.)swab; -agar: (tr., intr.) to swab (the deck); kauchuka -o: squeegee. — DeR


ta: (pl. ti) abbreviation of ita, iti.

tabak-o: tobacco; -uyo, -buxo, -sako, -poto: t. holder; -vend-eyo: t. dealer; sniflar -o: to take snuff; sniflo- -o: snuff; tobako-snifl-edo, -ajo: a pinch of snuff. — DEFIRS

taban-o: (ent.) ox-fly, gad-fly, breeze (Tabanus). — IL

tabel-o: a flat surface for writing, painting, drawing, etc., hence that which is thereon: table (of contents), list; -o di konten-ajo: table of contents; -o logaritm-ala: logarithmic table; kronologi-ala -o: chronological table; nigra -o: blackboard; -o vakua: «tabula rasa»: a blank tablet; la lego- -i: tables of the law; honor- -o: roll of hono(u)r; -eto: tablet, V. exp.: Tabelo esas omna plata surfaco, qua expozesas a la vido e montras ulo; ne nur la tabelo di materii di libro, ma omna kadro, en qua on expozas nomi od irgaspeca objekti; la nigra tabelo, sur qua la matematikisti skribas; do anke la pikturi, segun quante li esas movebla (ne adheranta a muro, ma pendita e kadrizita). Tabulo esas surfaco plana e horizontala, qua dividas armoro, biblioteko, e.c. e servas por suportar kozi. Ol esas generala ek ligno; ma quale sempre, lua skopo multe plu importas kam lua materio. Tablo anke esas plano horizontala, ma suportata da la sulo, kontre ke tabulo esas parto di moblo, e generale diplasebla vertikale; VI-604. — DEFIRS

tabernakl-o: (Hebrew hist.) tabernacle, tent for ark of covenant (R.C. rel.) receptacle of the consecrated vessels; (fig.) holy place; -o-festo: feast of the tabernacles. — DEFIS

tabl-o: (furniture) table; -o-tuko: t. cloth; garnisar la -o: to lay, set the t.; sidar an -o: to sit or be at the t.; labor- -o: work t.; ludo- -o: play-(card-) t.; komuna (od, gasto-) -o: «table d’hôte». V. exp.: vid. tabelo. — EFI

tabler-o*: dashboard, dash (of motor car). — FS

«tabu»: taboo, tabu.

tabul-o: shelf (for books, etc.); -aro: shelving; marmora-o: marble slab; -eto de chokolado: cake (slab) of chocolate, V.exp: vid. tabelo. — FIS

taburet-o: stool: small seat without back (cf stulo); -o plan-ala: music s.; pedo- -o: foot s. — DFRS

tac-ar: (tr., of persons) to say nothing about, pass (ulo) over in silence, not to say (ulo); (intr.) to be silent: not to speak, to hold one’s tongue; -igar: to silence, hush (ulu), to reduce (ulu) to silence; -o: silence, hush; -ata, -ita: tacit, implied; -era: taciturn, silent (person); -er-eso: taciturnity; tac-ez: be silent; hush! Ex.: Uli parolis, uli tacis. Tacigar la pueri. Lu tacis (pri) lua aferi. Tacar la vereso (E.: to preserve silence concerning the (whole) truth, the full facts). V. exp.: vid. silencar. — eFIS

taft-o: (fabric) taffeta; gum- -o: adhesive (sticking) plaster. — DeFIRS

tag-o: tag: a metallic point at the end of string; tag (of lace); -izar: to tag (lace, etc.) i.e. fit with a point; -o-kordono: aiguilette (as worn by the military, on livery of servants).

tak-o: (nav.) cleat. Def.: korpo T-forma, fixigita per la bazo di la T: ol utilesas ex. por ligar la navi per kordo (amari); VI-603 — FI

takigenez-o*: (biol.) tachygenesis. — DEFIS

takigraf-ar*: (tr.) to tachygraph: write in shorthand; -o: tachygraphy: stenography (especially of the ancient Greeks and Romans). — DEFIS

takimetr-o*: tachymeter, tachometer: instrument for measuring velocity, speed-indicator, -meter. — DEFIRS

takimetri-o*: tachymetry. — DEFIRS

takt-o: (phys.) sense of touch, feeling; (fig.) tact: nice discernment of what is fit, proper; -oza: tactful. — DEFIRS

taktik-o: tactics, generalship; -ala: tactical; -isto: tactician. — DEFIRS

taktism-o*: (biol.) influence exerted by certain substances upon development of unicellular organisms. — DEFIS

tal-a: such, like: of that kind; -e: so, in such a manner; e ke: (conj.) so that, in such a way that; -maniere: thus, so, in such a way; -a quala: such as; quala patro, tala filio: like father, like child; il esas tala, quala il esas olim: he is as he always was; e tale pluse: and so on; metar la shui tala quala li esis: to put on the shoes (in the condition) as they were (then). Ex.: Tala konduto esas netolerebla. Viro tala kam me. Lu parolis tal-maniere ke me kredis lu. — FIS

tal-o*: (bot.) thallus. — DEFIS

talent-o: talent; -oz-a, -(ul)o: talented (person). — DEFIRS

tali-ar: (tr.) to cut (out), carve, trim, prune (so as to give a certain form to), to shape (cloth, wood, metal, ivory, etc.); -(ad)o, -uro: shaping, cut. Def.: Donar ad objekto specala, defiinita formo segun ula reguli o por ula skopo; III-11. — eFIS

tali-o*: (chem.) thallium. — DEFIRS

talion-o*: (jur.) retaliation (cf. reprez-alo); lego di -o: law of retaliation (lex talionis).

talior-o: tailor; -o por mulieri: a woman’s t.; -ino: tailoress. — EFI

talisman-o: talisman; lucky piece; -persono: mascot (person). — DEFIRS

talk-o: (min.) talc. — DEFIRS

talon-o: heel (of foot, of shoe); (fig.) anything heel-shaped; as, heel of a keel, of a pipe, etc.; -alo: h.-piece; -ecitar: to urge (a horse) with the h.s. — DFIS

talp-o: (zool.) mole (genus: Talpa); -chas-isto: m.catcher; -tumul-eto: m.-hill. — FISL

talus-o: a slope, declivity; (of R.R.) embankment; (fort.) talus; -a, -e: sloping, shelving; -igar: to slope (ulo): -a rivo: steep bank, bluff. — DeFS

talveg-o*: (physiog.) thalweg: a line following the lowest part of a valley, whether underwater or not; a line of continuous maximum descent from any point on a land surface, or that cutting all contours at right angles (Webster), (gen.) river bed. — DEFI

tam: (adv.) as (much, etc.; comparative sense; followed by adjective, adverb, or kam); tam…kam: as….as; tam richa kam: as rich as; tam longe kam: as long as (followed by a verb); tam ofte kam: as often as (followed by verb). Ex.: Lu havas tam multa libri kam vu; Me savas to tam bone kam vu. Li esas tam simila kam du pizi. Tam longe kam il vivas. Tam fore kam on povas vidar. — L

tamarind-o: (fruit) tamarind; -iero: t. tree (genus: Tamarindus indica). — DEFIRS

tamarisk-o: (bot.) tamarisk (genus: Tamarix). — DEFIRS

tambur-o: drum; -ego: a big d.; -agar, -plear: (tr., intr.) to d., beat the drum; -(ag)isto: drummer; -estro: drum-major; mi- -o: tambourine: shallow drum with bells (cf. tamburino). — eFIRS

tamburin-o: tambour: a small and long snare drum. V. exp.: mi-tamburo.

tamen: (conj.) yet, however, nevertheless, still. Ex.: Lu ne esas bona, tamen me helpos lu. Quankam la pueri ne esas sempre jentila, tamen omna bon-kordia homo esas atraktata a li. — L

tamp-ar: (tr.) to tamp (as with a hammer), to ram (as with a pile-driver, rammer). — E

tampon-o: stopper, tampon: plug of cotton, wood, metal, etc.; (artil.) tampion; (cf. stop-ilo); -izar: to plug (ulo) with a tampon, to stopper. — DeFIR

tamtam-o: tam-tam, tom-tom; gong. — DeFIR

tan-o: tan: tanner’s bark; -agar: (tr.) to tan; -ag-erio: tannery. — EF

tandem-e: in tandem: in single line (not abreast): -veturo: carriage with horses in tandem; -biciklo: tandem bicycle. — DEFI

tang-ar: (intr., nav.) to heave, pitch: rising and falling of bow and stern of ship or boat; -(ad)o: pitch(ing). — F

tangent-a: (geom.) tangential; -o: tangent (line); -eso: tangency (cf. kontakto-punto). — DEFIRS

tanin-o: (chem.) tannin, tannic acid. — DEFIRS

tank-o: tank; (fig., milit.) tank. Def.: Vazo metala klozita o klozebla hermetike (ne kuvo qua esas apertita a l’aero); III-491. — DEFS

tanta, -e: so (great, much, good, etc.); indicates an indefinite or great quantity, degree, number; pl: so many; (cf. quanta, tam); -e ke: (conj.) so much that (N.B. Note the use of ke, not kam after tante); -esma: proportional; -imo: proportional part; tanto po persono: so much per head, per person); -e plu bone ke: all the better because; -e ofte: so often; -e multa soldati: so many soldiers; -e longe ke: so long that; -e ofte ke: so often that; -e plu…ke: the more so as; -e plu…quante plu: so much more as; me esas tante malada ke: I am so sick that; -e min…quante min…: so much less than. (kp. VII-153, 291, 474). Ex.: Nultempe me vidis tanta homi. Tanta galanteso, tanta esprito esas bona signi. Me tante amis el ke…Ne kurez tante rapide. Ube vu restis tante longe hiere vespere? — FIS

tantal-o*: (chem.) tantalum. — DEFIRS

Tantal-vazo: Tantalus cup.

tap-ar: (tr., tech.) to (screw-) tap (for insertion of screw or making thread for putting on a nut), to worm; -ilo: tap-borer, screw-tap. — E

tapet-o: tapestry: woven hangings for walls; -izar: to hang (ulo) with t.; -ifar: to make t.; -papero: t. paper; -ledro: leather t. — DeFIS

tapioka-o: tapioca. — DEFIS

tapir-o: (zool.) tapir (genus: Tapirus). — DEFIRS

tapis-o: carpet; cover for billiard table; -eto: small c.; rug; cloth for table, etc.; -isto: upholsterer; tablo- -o: (fancy) table-cover (cf. tablo-tuko); lito- -o: bedspread; -izar: to c. — DFIS

tapot-ar: (tr., tech., med.) to percuss (as in massage); (gen. sense) to tap. — eF

tar-o: (com.) tare: an allowance made for the weight of the container of goods; -mezurar: (tr.) to tare: ascertain the amount of tare in (ulo); sen- -a, -e: net (weight). — DEFIRS

tarantel-o: (Italian dance) tarantella. — DeFIRS

tarantul-o: (ent.) tarantula (genus: Tarantula). — DEFIRS

tarda, -e: late, tardy, belated, behindhand; -esma: (tendency) tardy; -esar: to be late, be behindhand; -igar: to retard, delay, put off, protract, spin out; -eskar: to become belated; get behindhand; -esk-inta: in arrears; plu tard-a, -e: later; -igar horlojo: to put back a clock; Ex.: Plu bona tarde kam nultempe. Tardesma frukto. La puero esis tarda. Me venos plu tarde. La horlojo tardesas (per kin minuti). Me kushas me tre tarde. La treno esas tardigita. Tardigar la pago (E. to get in arrears). Ant.: frua. — EFIS

tardigrad-a, -o*: tardigrade (animal): slow pacing. (Tardigrada).

tarif-o: tariff; customs duty; -izar: to put a t. on (ulo). — DEFIRS

tarin-o: (orni.) tarin: siskin, aberdevine (genus: Fringilla spinus).

tarj-o: targe(t): species of shield or buckler. — DEFIRS

tarlatan-o: (fabric) tarlatan. — DEFIRS

tarok-o: (card game) taroc, tarot. — DEFR

tars-o: (anat., zool.) tarsus; -ala: tarsal. — EFIS

tart-o: (cook.) tart (cf. torto); krem- -o: cream t. Def.: Ronda, plata kukajo kovrita per kremo o frukto; IV- 642. — DEFIRS

tartan-navo: tartan.

tartan-stofo: (fabric) tartan, plaid (as worn by the Scots).

Tartar-o: (myth.) Tartarus.

tartar-o: (chem.) tartar; tarter (of teeth); -acido: tartaric acid. — EFIS

Tartuf-(ul)o: Tartuffe, a hypocritcal priest in Moliere’s «Tartuffe»; a hypocrite; -eso: hypocrisy; -ajo: a hypocritical act.

tas-o: cup; -edo de kafeo: cup(ful) of coffee; kafe-taso: coffee-cup. — DFIS

task-o: task, job; -o-labor-isto: jobber: worker by the job; laborar segun tasko: to work by the job, by the piece. — EF

tast-ar: (intr.) to feel one’s way, grope, fumble; -(ad)o: groping; -e, -ante: gropingly, tentatively. Ex.: On tastas en l’obskureso. Ciencisto qua tastas, en sua explori. — DFI

tatu-ar: (tr.) to tattoo (the skin). — DEFIR

taumaturg-o: thaumaturgist. — DEFIS

taumaturgi-o: thaumaturgy. — DEFIS

taur-o: (also atron.) bull; -o-kombato: b.fight. — FIS

tautokron-a*: tautochronous; (cf. izokrona); -o: täutochrone.

tautologi-o: tautology. Def.: Ne simpla repeto, ma vana repeto di la sama ideo sub diversa formi; V-90. — DEFIRS

tavern-o: tavern, public-house, wine-shop, pot-house, bar; -estro: t.-keeper, publican. — EFIS

tax-ar: (tr.) to tax; assess (ulu, ulo); -(ad)o, -uro: tax(ation), toll, rate, assessment; -anto, -isto: assessor. Def.: Fixigar la quanto de imposto o kontributo quan on debas pri ulo; V-221. Ex.: Taxar lux-objekti. On evaluas la revenuo di ta sioro a 10,000 franki; ed on taxas ol a 400 franki, segun la proporciono di 4 po 100. V. exp.: vid. impostar, evaluar. — DEFR

taximetr-o: taximeter. — DEFIS

taxus-o: (bot.) yew(-tree) (genus: Taxus). — DL

tay-o: waist: trunk of the body above the hips; -o tenua: slender w. — FIS

te-o: (leaves and infusion) tea; -iero: t. bush; -uyo: t. holder, t. caddy; -krucho: t.pot; -asemblo, -partio: t. party. — DEFIS

teatr-o: theater; theatre; -ala: theatrical; -ajo: play (at t.); -o-stroko: unforseen event (in a play); (fig.) striking event. — DEFIRS

tebaid-o: desert, lonely solitude. V. exp.: Nomo (Thebaid) propra (geografiala) diveninta komuna per metaforo. — DFIS

ted-ar: (tr.) to bore; (fig.) tire, weary (the spirit); -anto, -ero: tedious person, bore. Def.: Esar desagreabla ad ulu per neoportuna o tro longa agado od asisto (vizitanto tedis me); fatigar per repeto o per neinteresanta kozo (la koncerto, la spektaklo tedis me). (On povas esar jenanta e mem tedanta nevole e nekoncie); III-35. — EIS

teg-ar: (tr.) to cover (a bed, a piece of furniture, etc.); to caparison; -ilo: cover (for bed, etc.), horse-cloth, caparison; -telo: cloth cover; tarpaulin. — L

tegul-o: (roof-) tile; -izar: to cover (ulo) with t.s. — IL

tegument-o: (anat., bot., and gen.) (in) tegument. — DEFIS

teism-o: theism. — DEFIRS

teist-o: theist. — DEFIRS

tek-o: (bot.) teak-tree (genus: Tectona); -ligno: t. wood. — DEFIRS

teknik-o: technic(s); -ala: technical. Ex.: La tekniko di la pikt-arto. Teknikala termini. — DEFIRS

teknologi-o: technology. — DEFIRS

tekt-o: roof; (of carriages, autom.) top; -ajo, -ero: roofing; -izar: to roof (a house, etc.); -o-kanalo: (eaves-) gutter. — FIS

tel-o: linen cloth or fabric; -a tuko: linen sheet(ing); -izar: to mount, paste, sew, put (ulo) on cloth; gudro- -o: tarpaulin; metal- -o: wire-gauze; araneo- -o: spiderweb.

telefon-ar: (tr.) to telephone (ulo ad ulu); (cf. telegrafar). — DEFIRS

telegoni-o*: (biol.) telegony. — DEFIS

telegraf-ar: (tr.) to telegraph; (ulo ad ulu): (cf. radio-telegrafar); -(ad)o: telegraphing; -uro: (= telegramo) a telegram; -ilo: telegraph; -eyo, -kontoro: t. office; -ala: telegraphic; -isto: telegrapher. — DEFIRS

telegram-o: telegram: telegraphic message (cf. telegraf-uro). — DEFIRS

teleologi-o: (philos.) teleology. — DEFIRS

telepati-o: telepathy. — DEFIRS

teleskop-o: telescope; -ala: telescopic; -umar: to drive together trains, etc., so that one or both slides over the other. — DEFIRS

telur-o*: (chem.) tellurium.

tem-o: topic, subject, theme (treated of); traktar -o: to treat a subject; -o Latina: Latin exercise or theme; kompozar -o: to write a theme; temo de la konverso: subject of the conversation. — DEFIRS

temat-o: (gram., mus.) theme; -ala: thematic. — DEFIRS

temerar-a, -(ul)o: rash, reckless, foolhardy (person); -eso: temerity; -ajo: rash, venturesome act. — eFIS

temp-o: time: part of duration (cf. foyo); (gram.) tense (of a verb); (mus.) tempo, time; -e: for the time, temporarily; -ala: temporal, temporary, transient; -ope: from time to time, now and then, at times; ta-tempe: at that time; nun-tempe: meanwhile; justa-tempe: at the proper time; on time; sam-tempe: at the same time, at once; irga-tempe: at any time (whatever); kelke-tempe: sometimes; nul-tempe: never; pasar la tempo oci-ante: to kill time; signo di tempo: sign of the times; qua tempo esas? what time is it? (cf. kloko). Ex.: Havar tempo (libera) por facar ulo. Selektar oportuna tempo. Pasar gaye la tempo. En la anciena tempo. Esar nun-tempa (od, moderna). — eFIS

temper-ar: (tr., also mus.) to temper: moderate, allay, mollify; (cf. hard-igar); -eskar: to become temperate, moderate; -o: tempering, moderating; -em-eso: temperance, moderation. Ex.: La kolda aero temperas la varmeso. Temperar la acideso per sukro. Temperar (E. cool) la sango, la pasioni. Temperar la legi segun la tempo. — DEFIS

temperament-o: (of persons) temperament; -o partikulara, singulara: idiosyncrasy. Def.: Stando fiziologiala, konstitucionala partikulare di la korpo. — DEFIRS

temperatur-o: temperatureL degree of heat. — DEFIRS

tempest-ar: (intr. of weather and fig.) to storm: blow with violence, blow a gale; (fig.) to make a great noise, rage, bluster (cf. furiar, bruisar); -o: tempest, gale, violent storm (with noise of elements) (cf. sturmo, uragano); -oza: tempestuous; (fig.) boisterous. Ex.: La vento tempestas. (fig.) Lu tempestis pri la konduto di sua pueri. Navo batita da la tempesto. Tempesti di pasiono. V. ex.: vid. sturmo. — EFIS

templ-o: temple; -ano: member of a t.; (fig.) knight templar. — DEFIS

tempor-ar: (anat.) temple; -ala osto, -alo: temporal bone. — eFIS

temporis-ar: (intr.) to temporize; -ema, -era; -emo, -ero: procrastinating, temporizing (person). V. exp.: La senco ne esas simple ajornar o vartar, ma plu komplexa: ajornar o tardigar ago, vartante okaziono oportuna. La tipo di temporisero esas Fabius Cunctator; V-676. — DEFIS

tempr-ar: (tr.) to (paint in) distemper. — DeFIS

ten-ar: (tr.) to hold, have hold of, hold on; to keep in a given situation or position; -ilo: handle; -ar ulu per la manuo: to hold someone by the hand; -ar ulu ye la brakio: to hold someone by (at) the shoulder; -ar libro en la manuo: to hold a book in the hand; -ar ridante sua la kosti: to hold one’s sides laughing; -ar su per la pasamano: to hold (support) oneself by the railing; -ar su rekta: to hold oneself erect, stand straight; su-teno: bearing, carriage, appearance (of a person). — FIS

tenac-a: (tech.) tenacious: strongly adhering or cohering; tough; (cf. persist-ema); -eso: toughness, tenacity. Ex.: Pecho, metalo, e.c. esas tenaca. — EFIS

tenali-o: (hinged) pincers, pliers, nippers; -agar: (tr.) to use p. on (ulo); to hold (ulo) with p. V. exp.: vid. pinco. — FIS

tenar-o: (anat.) thenar: ball of hand or foot. — eFIS

tench-o: (ich.) tench (genus: Tinca vulgaris). — EFIS

tend-o: tent; (of carriage) hood; -eto: small tent, awning, canopy, screen; erektar, establisar, stac-igar -o: to put up, pitch a tent; -aro: (collect.) camp. — eFIS

tendenc-ar: (intr.) to tend: be directed to an object or purpose; be inclined, lead to; (cf. vizar); -o: (of motion) tendency; (mental) leaning, inclination; -anta, -oza, -ema: tending, inclined, biassed, prone, disposed. Ex.: La fairo tendencas adsupre, la stono adinfre. Ca malado tendencas a morto. Tendenco ad egoismo. — DEFIRS

tendin-o: (anat.) tendon, sinew; (cf. ligamento); Akil- -o: t. of Achilles. — EFIS

tendr-o: tender (of a locomotive). — DEFIRS

tenebr-o: darkness, gloom: (pl., R.C. rel.) tenebræ; -oza: tenebrous: dark, gloomy; -o-epoko: dark ages. Def.: Manko di lumo; obskureso profunda; (fig.) nul-savo, nul-certeso. Ex.: tenebro di la nokto. Tenebro di nulsavo. Princo di tenebro. — eFIS

tener-a: tender, susceptible to love or kindness, loving (person, heart); -eso: tenderness (of heart). — eFIS

teni-o: tænia: tapeworm. — eFIS

tenis-o: (lawn-) tennis; -(lud)ero, -isto: t. player; ludar -o: to play t. — DEFIS

tenon-o: (carp.) tenon. Def.: Extremajo di peco ek ligno, metalo, e.c., qua eniras mortezo. — EF

tenor-o: (voice and person) tenor. — DEFIRS

tens-ar: (tr.) to stretch: draw in length; to strain, tense; (a gun) to cock; -ar su: to strain, stiffen oneself; -o, -eso: (act, state) stretching, strain, tension, tenseness (physical, mental, social); -ata: -ita: tense, strained; -anto: one who stretches; (anat.) tensor (muscle); -ilo: stretching instrument. Ex.: Tensar kordo, la fingri. Tenso di la muskuli, di la mento. Elektrala tenso. (fig.) To tensas la situeso. — EFIS

tensor-o*: (math.) tensor. — DEFIRS

tent-ar: (tr.) to tempt, entice; -esar: to be tempted (facar, da); -o, -eso: temptation; -anta, -iva: tempting; -anto, -ero: temptor; -ant-ino: temptress. Ex.: Deo tentis Abraham. Me lasis me tentesar da glorio. Rezistar tento. Tenteso ridar. — eFIS

tentakul-o: (zool.) feeler (of insects), tentacle. — EFIS

tenu-a: tenuous, thin, spare, fine: thin and long; -eso: tenuity; -igar: to thin, make spare (cf. min-gros-igar); -igo: attenuation. Def.: Desgrosa; qua havas mikra periferio; qua havas nur la du dimensioni: dina e longa. Ex.: Tenua filo, vaporo, kolono, gambi, voco. V. exp.: vid. dika. Ant.: grosa. — eFIS

teodice-o: (philos.) theodicy. — DEFIRS

teodolit-o: (measuring instrument) theodolite. — DEFIR

teogoni-o: theogony. — DEFIRS

teokrat-o: theocrat. V. exp.: Ne partisano di la teokratio, ma chefo di teokratio; (cf. teokratio); IV-643. — DEFS

teokrati-o: theocracy; -ala: theocratic. — DEFIRS

teologal-a: divine (virtue). Ex.: Fido, espero, karitato esas la tri teologala vertui. — FIS

teologi-o: theology, divinity (doctrine); (cf. de-igo); -ala: theological: -isto: theologian, divine. — DEFIRS

teorb-o: (mus.) theorbo, archlute. — DEFIRS

teorem-o: theorem. — DEFIRS

teori-o: theory; (cf. spekular); -a, -ala: theoretic(al); -e: theoretically; -isto: theorist; -emo: (tendency) theorizer. — DEFIRS

teozofi-o: theosophy; -isto: theosophist. — DEFIRS

tepal-o*: (bot.) tepal.

tepid-a: tepid, lukewarm; (fig.) indifferent; -ajo: something t. (as a tepid drink); -eso: lukewarmness; -eskar: to become t. V. Exp.: La radiko tepida esas necesa por indikar to quo ne esas kolda: varm-eta e kold-eta esas nejusta od neklara. La metaforal uzado di la vorti esas utila en etiko teologio; II-712. — EFI

teplic-o: (for plants) hothouse, greenhouse conservatory. — R

ter-o: earth (as a planet and as ground; cf. sulo, tereno); -a vazo: earthen vessel; -ala: earthly, terrestrial; -globo: terrestrial globe; -oza: earthy; -ajo, amaso: piece of e., object made from e., earhtwork; -aj-isto, -laboristo: e. worker; -ano: inhabitant of e.; (fig.) landholder; -izar, -plenigar: to cover, to fill (ulo) with e.; -plen-ajo: (fort.) terreplein; -ocilo, -tremo: e. shake, earthquake (cf. sismo); -truo: burrow; -etajo: ground floor (of a house); -pomo: potato; -hav-ajo: real estate; en-ter-igar: to inter, put in the e.; -venar: to (come to) land. — eFIS.

terakot-o: terra-cotta: baked clay; -ajo: a piece of earthenware. — DEFIRS

terapi-o: (med.) therapeutics, therapy. — DEFIRS

terari-o*: terrarium. — EF

teras-o: terrace: raised bank; -tekto: flat roof (of a house); -igar, -izar: to t., to arrange in t.s. — DEF

teratogenez-o*(med.) teratogeny. — DEFIS

terc-o: (astron., math.) 1/60 of a second; (mus., cards, fencing) tierce. — DEFIRS

teratologi-o: teratology. — DEF

tercet-o: mus., poetry) terzetto, trio; terza-rima. — DeFIR

tercian-a (febro): tertain (fever). — DEFIS

terciar-a: (geol., med.) tertiary. — DEFIS

terebint-o:* (bot.) terebinth, turpentine tree (genus: Pistacia Terebinthus). — DEFIRS

teren-o: terrain: small piece of ground, viewed as to its fitness for some purpose, as for a building, a battle, etc. — DEFIS

teriak-o: (pharm.) theriac(a). Def.: Anciena medikamento kontre veneno. — DEFIRS

terier-o: terrier (dog). — DEF

terin-o: deep, earthen dish, tureen. — DeFI

teritori-o: territory; -al-ano: (fig.) territorial: militiaman. — DEFIRS

term-o, -i: thermal (or, hot) spring or spa; -ala: thermal; -al-eso:quality, character of thermal waters. — DEFIS

termin-o: (gram., math., log.) term (cf. periodo); boundary), boundary mark, landmark; (of R.R.) terminus; (gen.) the farthermost point; -aro: terminology; bounds (to which one may go); -ala: terminal; -izar: to bound, set bounds, set landmarks; komparo- -i: terms of comparison. Ex.: Teknikala, ciencala termini. Expresar su per justa termini. Esas interdikta forprenar la termini di ula domeno. Pagar debajo ante la termino. V. exp.: Termino ne esas limito (o frontiero), ma ulo (stono, stango, e.c.) qua indikas la limito. Ol ne esas extremajo, nam la termini esas sur omna lateri, e ne nur ye l’extremaji. La primitiva senco di la vorto esas la L. terminus, de qua venas la cetera, metafora senci (gramatikal, logikal, matematikal termino). L’antiqui deigis la Termini, e pro to la vorto restis en arkitekturo, por indikar mi-korpa statuo sur pilastro. Fine, la vorto terminus esas EF for indikar extremaji di fervoyal lineo; II-712. — DeFIStermit-o: (ent.) termite, white-ant (Thermes). — DEFRS

termodinamik-o*: thermodynamics. — DEFIRS

termoelektr-o*: thermoelectricity. — DEFIRS

termograf-o: thermograph. — DEIR

termokemi-o*: thermochemistry. — DEFIRS

termologi-o*: thermology: science or theory of heat. — DEFIS

termometr-o: thermometer. — DEFIRS

termometri-o*: thermometry. — DEFIRS

termoskop-o*: thermoscope. — DEFIS

termotaktism-o*: thermotaxis. — DEFIS

termoterapi-o*: thermotherapy. — DEFIS

termotropism-o*: thermotropism. — DEFIS

ternar-a*: (math.) ternary. — DEFIS

ternion-o*: (math.) ternion, ternary: a form having three variables. — DEFIS

teror-ar: (intr.) to be terrified, be frightened (cf. trepidar); -o: terror, fright; -igar: to terrify, scare, terrorize, dismay; -igo: terrorizing; -ig-anta, -iva: terrible, dreadful, awful, terrifying; -ismo: terrorism; -isto: terrorist. V.exp.: vid. pavorar. — DEFIS

terpentin-o*: abietine (resin); -oleo: oil of turpentine; (cf. terebinto). — DE

ter-pom-o: potato; -o en shelo: p. with jacket on.

test-o: a witness; la testo donis sua atesto: the witness gave his testimony; prenar ulu kom testo: to take a person to (or, call a person as) witness; -esar: to be a witness (cf. atestar). — IS

testac-a: testaceous: covered with hard shell; -o: t. animal. — DEFIS

testament-ar: (intr.) to make one’s will; -o: testament, will; -ala: testamentary; -anto, -into: testator; -ala exekut-ero: executor of a will; mortar sen- -e: to die intestate (cf. intestata). V. exp.: vid. legacar. — DEFIS

testier-o*: head-stall (of a bridle).

testikul-o: (anat.) testicle. — EFIS

tetan-ar: (intr., med.) to have tetanus, lockjaw; -o: tetanus; (cf. trismo). — DEFIS

tetraedr-o: (geom.) tetrahedron. — DEFIS

tetragon-a*, -o: (geom.) tetragon(al). — DEFIS

tetralogi-o: tetralogy. — DEFIRS

tetrark-o: tetrarch; -io: (domain) tetrarchy; -eso: (office) tetrarchate. — DEFIRS

tetras-o: (orni.) grouse (Tetrao tetrix).

teurgi-o: theurgy. — DEFIRS

tex-ar: (tr.) to weave (cotton, wool, etc.); -(ad)o: weaving; -uro: texture; -uro lana: wool fabric; -isto: weaver; -ala: textile; -ilo, mashino: loom. — eFIS

text-o: text; -ala, segun texta: textual, word for word; segun texte: verbatim; (cf. vort-ope). — DEFIRS

tez-o: thesis; proposition, theme supported by argument; undergraduate’s essay. — DeFIRS

tiar-o: tiara. — DEFIRS

tibi-o: (anat.) tibia, shin-bone. — EFIS

tif-o: (med.) typhus (fever); -ala: t. (relating to the disease); -ika, -iko: (person) sick with t. — DeFIRS

tifoid-o, tifoida febro: typhoid, enteric fever. — DEFIS

tigr-(ul)o: tiger (Felis tigris); -ino: tigress. — DEFIRS

tik-ar: (intr.) to have a local and habitual convulsive movement of the muscles (especially the facial muscles); (fig.) to have a bad habit, an ugly knack; (of a horse) to be vicious; -o: wry motion; bad habit. Ex.: Il tikas (od, havas la tiko) rodar sua ungli. — F

tiktak-ar: (intr.) to go tic-tac, to tick (as a clock); -(ad)o: tick(ing). — DEFS

til: (prep.) (of time) till, until; (in space) (un) to, as far as; til nun: until now; til-nuna: hitherto prevailing; til la fino: unto the end; til nova od, altra) imperi: until further (or, other) orders; til ke: (conj.) until (followed by verb); til la rivido: au revoir, until we meet again, goodbye for the present; il iris til Paris: he went as far as Paris (N.B. Il iris a Paris: might signify that he went in the direction toward Paris). Ex.: De la matino til la nokto. Til la fino di januaro. Me restos til ke vu retrovenos. Til nun la vetero esis sempre bela. Lu lektis til la fino di la libro. Lu akompanis me til la proxima strado. Siori X e Y intencas irar vers la sudo (od ad-sude). Sioro X iros til Paris e Sioro Y a (od, til) Rom(a). V. exp.: Til indikas fakto, qua duras kontinue ante la momento koncernata ed ankore en ta momento. Ex.: «Il promisis venor ante dimezo, do me vartos il til dimezo.» Til (en la tempo same kam en la spaco) indikas, ke on atingas la limit-punto indikata. Pro to: «me iris ad Paris» diferas de «me iras til Paris;» IV-525. — E

«tilburi»: (carriage) tilbury.

tili-o: (bot.) lime(-tree), linden(-tree) (genus: Tilia). — FISL

tim-ar: (tr.) to fear (or, to be afraid that) (or, lest) something may happen; to dread, be apprehensive; -igar: to cause to dread, make afraid; -o: fear, apprehension, misgiving, dread, awe; -e ke: for fear that; -anta, -oza: timid, timorous, fearful, apprehensive, cowardly; -inda, -enda: to be feared, dangerous, redoubtable, formidable; -ante ke: for fear that, lest; sen-tima: with assurance, confidence; la timo a la puniso: the dread of punishment; pro timo ad: for fear of; me pavoris pro timo ad morto: I was frightened by the fear of death. V. exp.: vid. pavorar. — eFIS

timbal-o: timbal, kettledrum. — EFIS

timbr-o: (of a clock) clock-bell; a hand bell (such as used on tables, without a loose clapper but struck by a hammer as in a clock). — FS

timian-o: (bot.) thyme (genus: Thymus). — DeFIS

timid-a: timid: not bold; bashful, shy; -eso: timidity; -igar: intimidate. Ex.: Timida mulieri, infanto. Ant.: audac-oza, brava. — EFIS

timon-o: (single) pole, shaft (of a cart). V. exp.: vid. brankardo. — FIS

timpan-o: (anat.) tympanum: drum of ear; (arch.) tympanum; (mus.) dulcimer. — EFIRS

timus-o: (anat.) thymus (gland); -bov(yun)o: (calf’s sweet-bread). — DEFIS

tin-o: tub, water-cask; firkin (for butter). Def.: Speco de vazo konstruktita quale barelo, ma apertita; IV-643. — DFIS

tindr-o: tinder, punk, amadou; -fungo: agaric, touch-wood. — DE

tine-o: (ent.) moth (family Tinea). — FISL

tini-o: (med) ringworm, especially of the scalp; scald-head; favus; tinea capitis. — FISL

tinkl-ar: (intr.) -igar: (tr.) (lente) to toll: sound a bell slowly; -etar, tinklar dolce: to tinke, jingle, clink (as small bells, money); to patter (as feet, sleet against the window, etc.). — eFI

tinlaur-o: (bot.) laurestine (Viburnum tinus).

tint-ar: (tr.) to dye; (fig.) tint, tinge, stain (cf. kolor-izar); -(ad)o: dying; -uro: dye, colo(u)ring, tint; -ivo: (substance) dye; -isto: dyer; ne-tint-ita: untinted, of natural colo(u)r. Tintar rede la tuko. La cielo tintas blua la maro. Tintar la manui per sango. — DEFIS

tip-o: (print., med., nat. hist.) type; (of measures, weights) standard, model; symbol; -a, -ala, -atra: typical. Ex.: Lu esas homo segun la Angla tipo. La paskala agnelo esas la tipo di Jesu Kristo. La tipala traiti di la flava raso. — DEFIRS

tipul-o: (ent.) tipula: crane-fly, daddy-long-legs (genus: Tipula). — eFISL

tir-ar: (tr.) to draw, pull, tug; (of chimneys) to draw; (cf. tranar, haular, vindar, tensar, cherpar, extraktar); -etar: to twitch; -(ad)o: pulling, drawing, towing; draught (of chimneys); -esforco: drawing power, traction; -kordon-o: draw-string; -kordo: tow-rope; -kesto: drawer; -kest-aro: chest of drawers; ek-tirar: to put out, pluck out; tir-kavalo: draught horse: kork-tir-ilo: corkscrew. Ex.: Kavali tiras veturi. Ektirar l’espado, sua horlojeto. — FIS

tirad-o: (lit. and fig.) tirade. Def.: Teknikal termino di teatro: longa peco (generale brilanta od eloquenta), quan un persono dicas sen interrupto; III-268. — DEFS

tirali-ar*: (intr.) to engage in desolutory firing; to bang away; to skirmish fire; -ero: ( tirailleur; a soldier placed so as to harass the enemy; sharpshooter. — DF

tiran-(ul)o: (also fig.) tyrant. — DEFIRS

tiritan-o: (fabric) linsey-woolsey. — DFS

tiroid-a (glando, kartilago): thyroid. — EFIS

tirs-o: (bot. and antiq.) thyrsus. — DEFIRS

tisu-o*: (anat., biol.) tissue. — EFI

titan-o: (myth.) Titan; (-metalo) (chem.) titanium. — DEFIS

titil-ar: (tr.) to tickle, titillate; -eso: t. sensation; -sent-ema: ticklish. — EFIS

titr-ar*: (tr., chem.) to titrate: determine the standard, the dosage of (a solution, a substance); -uro: standard of fineness (of coins, etc.). — DEF

titul-o: title (of a book, article, person); -izar: to entitle: give a title to (cf. nomizar); -ier-a, -o: titular; nobeleso- -o: t. of nobility; -pagino: t. page; li titulizis il kom profesoro: they gave him the t. of profesor. V. exp.: vid. rubriko. — DEFIRS

tizan-o: (med.) tisane: diet-drink, infusion, decoction (of herbs). — DeFIRS

to: (abbr. for ito) that.

tof-o: (min.) tufa, tuff. — DeFIRS

tog-o: toga. — DEFIRS

«toise»: (an ancient F. measure) 6.39 ft.

tok-o: toque: a flat cap; a close fitting bonnet; -o velura: velvet t.; chas- -o: hunting cap, jockey cap. — EFIS

tol-o: sheet-metal; -if-isto: sheet-metal worker; fer- -o: sheet-iron; stal- -o: sheet-steel. — FIS

toler-ar: (tr.) to tolerate, put up with, suffer, allow, bear, endure (ulo, de ulu); -ebla: tolerable, supportable; middling, passable (cf. pasabla); -ema: tolerant. — DEFIS

«tolle»: outcry, hue and cry.

tom-o: volume, tome; (cf. libro); -o-numer-izar: to number (into volumes); -o-numero: number of a volume. — EFIRS

tomat-o: (fruit) tomato; -iero: t. plant; -sauco: t. sauce. — DEFRS

tomb-o: tomb, grave, sepulcher (sepulchre); -ala: sepulchral; -ala petro: tombstone; familio- -o: family tomb or vault; -eyo: place of burial; graveyard, cemetry; -isto: grave-digger, sexton; -o mason-ita: vault (for dead). — EFS

tombak-o: (metal.) tombac. — DEFIRS

tombol-o: tombola: a kind of lottery. — DeFIR

ton-o: tone, pitch (of voice) (mus.) tone; degree, pitch of sound; (med.) tone: condition of an organ; -ala: tonal; (mus.) tonic; -ala noto: (mus.) key-note; -izar: (med.) to give tone to; (photog.) to tone: bring as a print, to a required color (colour); -iz-ivo: (med.) tonic; (photog.) toning solution or reagent. Ex.: Altigar, basigar, chanjar la tono. Tono kordiala, iracoza. Ica medikamento agas kom tonizivo por la stomako, o donas tono a la stomako. On dicas, ke ula melodio, o muzik-peco esas skribita o kompozita en ca o ta tono. On kustumas indikar singla tono per lua fundamental sono. V. exp.: Muzikal tono ne esas un sono, ma esemblo de soni qui kompozas o povas kompozar melodio; IV-467. — DEFIRS

tond-ar: (tr.) to shear: clip from surface with shears, etc. (cf. rekortar); -(ad)o: shearing, clipping; -ajo: shearings, clipping(s), flock; -o-tempo: shearing time; -ero, -isto: shearer; -ilo: clipper, shears. — FI

tondr-ar: (intr.) to thunder; (fig.) to inveigh (against); (cf. sturmo); -as: (impers.) it thunders; -o-strok-o: clap, peal of t. — DEFI

tonik-a (acento): (gram.) tonic (accent); -o: (mus.) tonic: keynote. — DEFIS

«tonneau»: (autom.) tonneau: rear seat.

tonoplast-o*: (biol.) tonoplast. — DEFIS

tonsil-o: (anat.) tonsil. — DEFIS

tonsilit-o*: (med.) tonsilitis.

tonsur-o: tonsure; -izar: to give the t. to (ulu). — DEFIRS

tontin-o: tontine. Def.: Sistemo di mutuala asekuro, inventita da Tonti (1653); IV-643. — DEFIRS

top-o: (nav.) top; -o granda: main. t.; -masto: t.mast; -seglo: t.sail; -isto: topman. — E

topaz-o: (min.) topaz. — DEFIRS

topik-a, -o: (medicine or treatment) applied to, or used for, a particular spot; (rhet., log.) general head; argument drawn from the several circumstances and places of a fact. Ex.: Remedio topika. Topiki da Aristoteles. — DeFIRS

topinambur-o: (bot.) Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus). — DF

topografi-o: topography. — DEFIRS

topologi-o*: (geom.) topology. — DEFIS

tor-o: (arch., geom.) tore, torus. — DEFIS

torak-o*: (anat.) thorax: the chest; -ala: thoracic. — DEFIS

torch-o: torch, link. — EFIS

tord-ar: (tr.) to twist, wring, contort; (med.) to strain, sprain; (of wood) to warp; -(ad)o: twisting, wringing, torsion, sprain; -ita: twisted, wry, crooked; -ita gesto, posturo: contortion; -ar sua pedo: to sprain one’s foot, or, to twist one’s foot. — eFIS

toreador-o: toreador; bull-fighter. — DEFIRS

torefakt-ar: (tr.) to torrefy: to dry, parch, roast (by exposure to heat). Ex.: Torefaktar la kafeo-grani. — eFIS

torent-o: torrent: rushing stream (of water, words, people, etc.); -ala, atra: torrential; lakrim- -o: flood of tears. — EFIS

torf-o: turf; peat; -eyo: peat-bog. — DEFIRS

tori-o*: (chem.) thorium. — DEFIRS

torid-a: (geog.) torrid; (cf. tropik-ala, varm-ega). Ex.: Torida zono. — EFIS

torment-ar: (tr. also fig.) to torment: torture. — EFIS

tormentil-o*: (bot.) tormentil (Potentilla tormentilla).

torn-ar: (tr.) to turn (in a lathe); -ilo: lathe. — FIS

tornasol-a: (bot.) turnsole -papero: litmus paper. — EFS

toron-o: (nav.) strand (of a rope); (cf. brino). Def.: Una de la kordi, qui kuntordita kompozas plu grosa kordo; V-157. — FI

torped-o: (explosive) torpedo; (ich.) cramp-fish, electric ray, torpedo(-fish); -agar: to t. (ulo); -navo: t.-boat; — DEFIRS

torpor-ar: (intr.) to be benumbed, or in a state of torpor (as from cold); -o: torpidity, numbness; (fig.) dullness, inaction; (cf. letargio); -igar: to make (ulu) t. — EFIS

tors-o: torso: trunk, chest, bust (of a person or statue). — DEFIR

torsad-o: twisted fringe or cord; bullion (as of epaulets). — DF

tort-o: pie (English sense) (cf. tarto); -uyo: p. dish; kolombo- -o: pigeon p. Def.: Alta, cilindrata kukajo plenigita per diversa (karnatra) manjaji kun sauco; IV-642. — DFIRS

tortikol-o: (med.) torticollis: rheumatic pain causing wry-neck; (fig.) stiff-neck, crick in the neck. — DeFIS

tortug-o: tortoise, turtle (Chelonia); -skalio: — eFI

tost-ar: (intr.) to give a toast (ad ulu), to drink a friend’s health; -o: toast(ing): drinking (ad ulu) the health, the prosperity. — DEFR

tot-a: entire; whole (of one thing; cf. omna); -e: wholly, entirely; -o, -eso: totality, entirety, whole; -ajo: (objective) entity, entire thing; en-tote: on the whole, in the main; dum la tota nokto: during the whole night, throughout the night; me es tote vua: I am totally yours; tote sola: entirely alone; la toto esas plu granda kam una de la parti: the whole is larger than one of its parts; plura totaji tote distingata la una de la altra: several entire things quite distinct from one another; ne tote: not entirely (not quite); tote ne: not at all. — eFI

toxik-a: (med.) toxic, poisonous; -o: a poison (cf. veneno); -eso: poisonousness. — DEFIRS

toxikoligi-o: toxicology. — DEFIS

toxin-o*: toxin(e). — DEFIS

tra: (adv. tra-e): through, across (noting passage or motion in crossing); irar tra la urbo, tra la pordo: to go through the city, through the door. V. exp.: tra, trans, trans-versa: Trans-irante la urbo, ni tra-iris turbo di la habitanti ante ke ni povis tra-irar la urbo-pordo qua jacis quale barilo transversa a ni voyo. E.: Crossing (to the other side of )the city, we had to pass through a crowd of the inhabitants before we could get through the gate of the city which lay like a barrier across our path. — FS

trab-o: beam, girder; (-eto) joist, rafter; -izar: to line (ulo) with b.s; -apogar: to shore, to prop up; -aro: framework (of a building, ship). — ISL

tra-bor-ar: (tr.) to bore through (as with a gimlet).

trac-o: trace: mark left by foot of man or beast; track; footprint; (hunt.) trail; sequar (ulu) per la traci: to follow by the track; hike esas lua pedo-traci: here are his footprints. — EFI

tracion-o*: (R.R.) traction: locomotive power. — DEFIS

tradicion-ar: (tr.) to transmit, hand down (ulo) by tradition; -o: tradition; -ala, ata, -ita: traditional; -al-ismo: traditionalism; -al-isto: traditionalist; -ar ula fakti: to hand down certain facts. Ex.: Ci esas la fakti traditionat a ni. Legi tradicionita. Tradicionala expozado di la santa skriburo. — DEFIRS

traduk-ar: (tr.) to translate (ulo,; -o, -uro: (act, result) translation; -anto, -into, -ero, -isto: translator; -ebla: translatable; -endo: article, exercise to be translated; mis- -ar: to translate wrongly. Ex.: Tradukar artiklo de la Angla a la Franca. — FIS

tra-dukt-ar: (tr.) to lead across, through; (an animal, a person).

trafik-o: traffic: movement of persons, goods, etc. Def.: Movado o cirkulado en komunikilo (voyo, telegrafala lineo, e.c.); III-328. Ex.: La trafiko ye ca strad-angulo esas tre densa. — EFIS

tragakant-o: (bot.) tragacanth (Astragalus); (cf. adraganto). — DEFR

tragedi-o: (dramatic and fig.) tragedy; -ala, -atra: tragic; -isto: tragedian; tro tragedi-atre konsiderar ulo: to take a thing too seriously. Ex.: La tragedii da Cornielle. La milito esis tragedio. — DEFIRS

tragikomedi-o: tragi-comedy. — DEFIRS

trahiz-ar: (tr.) to betray, be false to; -o: betraying, treason; -anto, -into, -ero, -emo: betrayer, traitor; -ema: treacherous, perfidious; -ajo: act of treason; stato- -o: high treason; -e, -ante: treacherously. Ex.: Trahizar sua patrio, la fido di ulu. — eFS

train-o*: train (of army). — DEFIS

tra-ir-ar: (tr.) to go, travel through (cf. trans-irar). Ex.: Trairar torento, lando, urbo, pordo.

trait-o: feature (of the face), lineament; trait, characteristic; el havas mikra traiti: she has small features; to esas la traito karakteriziva di ta epoko: that was a characteristic (trait) of that age. — EFI

trajektori-o: (ballistics) trajectory. — DEFIRS

tra-jet-ar: (tr.) to traject (light); to throw (ulo) through or across.

trak-ar: (tr.)(hunt.) to drive game, to beat up (a wood); (fig.) to ferret out, close in on; hem in; cut off on all sides; -o: hunting out; -anto, -ero: a game driver, a beater; -ar la furteri: to hunt out, or close in on the thieves. V. exp.: Trakar indikas specala modo di chaso: on ne nur cirkondas e forpulsas la vildo, ma on kontinue diminutas la cirklo en qua ol esas enklozita, tale ke ol ne povas eskapar. Ica vorto esas tre expresiva ed energioza en mataforal uzo; IV-512. — F

trake-o: (anat.) trachea, windpipe. — DEFIRS

trakeit-o*: (med.) trachitis. — DEFIRS

trakeotomi-o: (surg.) tracheotomy. — DEFIRS

trakit-o: trachyte: a volcanic rock. — DEFIRS

trakt-ar: (tr.) to treat: behave to, or toward (ulu); deal with; handle, discourse on (a subject); (chem.) to subject (ulo) to the action of; (N.B. not medical; cf. kuracar); -(ad)o: treatment: manner of acting; handling. Ex.: Traktar ulu quale o kom amiko. Trakto di problemo. — eFIRS

traktat-o*: treatise; -o pri kemio: t. on chemistry.

traktor-o: tractor. — DEFIRS

traktric-o: (geom.) tractrix. — DEFIS

tram-o: tram-, street-car-rail; -voyo: tramway, street railway; -veturo: tramcar, street-car. — DEFIS

trampl-ar: (intr.) to stamp (the feet); (of horses) to paw (the ground). Def.: Frapar la sulo per la pedi, sen avancar; VI-115. Agitar la pedi pro nervozeso od altra sentimento: nepacienteso, iraco, e.c.; IV-587. — DE

trampolin-o: spring-, leaping-board. — DFIRS

tran-ar: (tr.) to draw, drag along, trail (ulo, dop su); su: to creep along, crawl; -ajo: anything which drags; trail, train (of a dress); -ata voco: (fig.) dragging voice. Ex.: Elua robo tranesas. Du kavali tranis la glit-veturo. Tranado di la pedi. La chasero tranis su alonge la sulo por proximigar su ad la vildo. — eF

tranc-ar: (intr., hypnotic, epilep.) to be in a trance or in a hypnotic state; -eskar: to go into a t. Def.: Esar en stando nekoncianta dum epilepsio, hipnoto, e.c.— DEFIRS

trancendent-a: transcendent; -ala: (philos.) transcendental; -eso: transcendency. Ant.: iman-anta. — DEFIRS

tranch-ar: (tr.) to cut (completely) through, cut off, carve (meat); (cf. de-tranchar); -(ad)o: cut(ting); -iva, -ema: tranchant; cutting, decisive (tone); -ilo: a cutting instrument, as a knife, etc.; -il-vendisto: edged-tool seller; -ant-ajo: edge of a knife, etc.; -ar la pako: (at play) to cut the cards; -ar la ligno, la pano: to cut wood, bread. V. exp.: Tranchar esas tra-sekar, separar en du o plura peci. Sekar esas agar per kultelo o simila instrumento, plu o min profunde; esas granda difero inter: me sekis….e me tranchis mea lingro. Incizar esas facar mikra e nur surfacala seko (precipio kirurgiala). Skarifikar (teknikal vorto) esas incizar la pelo por l’apliko di ventuzi; II-646. — eFIS

tranche-o: (milit., tech.) trench; (drain-) ditch. — DEFR

tranquil-a: (physical and mental) tranquil, quiet, still, not in motion; -eso: tranquility; -igar: to (make) still. Def.: Qua esas sen agitado. Ex.: Tranquila vicino, strado, infanto. Restez tranquila. V. exp. vid. kalma. — EFIS

trans: (prep.) on the other side of, beyond, across, over (with or without motion); (cf. tra); -e: beyond; -a: which is on the other side; -ajo: object beyond or on other side; the hereafter; trans la rivero, la monto, la muro: on the other side of the river, the mountain, the wall; trans-oceana lando: land across the ocean; ni irez trans la rivero: let us go to the other side of the river. Ant.: cis. — L

transakt-ar: (intr.) to come to terms, to compound, compromise (kun ulu, pri ulo); -o: compromise, adjustment; -ema: inclined to compromise. Def.: Konciliar deskonkordo per reciproka konceso. Ex.: Esas plu bona transaktar kam procesar. On devas ne transaktar kun sua honoro. — eFIS

trans-atlantik-a: transatlantic.

transbord-ar*: (tr., nav.) to transship; -o, -ajo: (act, object) transshipment. Def.: (Trans-)portar personi od kozi de un navo (od, altra moyeni di transporto) ad altra. — FS

transept-o: (arch.) transept. — DEFR

transfer-ar: (tr.) to transfer (ulo ad ulu); (cf. transportar). Transfero di ula yuro ad altru. — DEFIS

transfigur-ar: (tr., esp. rel.) to transfigure (cf. transformar). — EFIS

transfinit-a: (math.) transfinite.

transform-ar: (tr.) to transform (ulo ad ulo): to change the form of; -esar: to be transformed; -(ad)o, -eso: (act, state) transformation; -ismo: (biol.) transformism. — DEFIS

transformator-o*: (elec.) transformer, converter. — DEFIRS

trans-fugar: (intr.) to desert (to the enemy); -anto, -into: deserter, turncoat, transfuge.

trans-irar: (tr., intr.) to go across (to the other side), to traverse (cf. tra-irar); -ar rivero: to cross a river; streta voyo transiras la foresto: a narrow path lies across (or, crosses) the forest.

transit-ar: (intr.) to be or pass in transit; -o: transit(ion); -ala: transient: relating to transit (cf. provizora, tempala); -iva: (gram.) transitive. Ex.: Komercaji transitas de una urbo ad altra. La transito de monarkio a republiko. Transitala komercajo. Verbo transitiva. — DEFIRS

translac-ar: (tr., intr., mechan. and fig.) to move, shift (ulo) from one place to another; -o: translation: (mechan.) motion in which all points of the moving body have at any instant the same velocity and direction of motion. (Webster).

trans-loj-ar: (tr., intr.) to move (from one house or apartment to another).

translucid-a: translucent: transmitting light imperfectly, semi-transparent. Ex.: Vitro despolisita esas translucida. Ant.: opaka. — DEFIS

trans-migr-ar: (intr.) to transmigrate: migrate from one country to another; (of souls) to undergo transmigration: the passing of a soul into another body.

transmis-ar: (tr.) to transmit. Ex.: la nervi transmisas la impresi. Transmisar impero. Transmiso di lua vertui a lua filii. — DEFIS

transmut-ar: (tr.) to transmute (ulo ad ulo). Ex.: L’alkemiisti probis transmutar matali ad oro. — EFIS

trans-ocean-a: transoceanic.

transpar-ar: (intr.) to shine (through), glimmer, be visible (tra, sub ulo); (cf. lumar); -anta: transparent; (cf. diafana). Ex.: Brilanta objekti transparas tra la vitro. Sun-radii transparas tra l’aquo. Roki sub l’aquo esas transparanta per la sun-radii (pro ke l’aquo esas diafana). — DeFIS

transparent-o: (picture) transparency. — DEFIRS

trans-pas-ar: (tr.) to go by or beyond (a place); to exceed (one’s strength, etc.).

transpir-ar: (intr.) to transude, transpire, ooze out, exhale; (cf. exudar, sudor-ifar); (fig. of news) to transpire: be divulged, become known, leak out. Ex.: La humori transpiras tra la pelo. Gasi transpiras de korpi mortinta. Pos la recevo di ta telegramo, nula informo nova transpiris.— DEFIS

trans-plantac-ar: (tr.) to transplant.

transport-ar: (tr.) to transport, convey; -navo: t. ship; -ar su: to betake oneself , to proceed, repair (to a place). Def.: Portar komercaji, e.c. de un loko ad altra. — DEFIRS

trans-poz-ar: (tr.) to put (ulo) in another place (further on), to displace; (mus.) to transpose.

trans-send-ar: (tr.) to send (ulo) across, to forward (cf. transmisar). Ex.: transsendar letro de Francia ad Usa.

trans-skrib-ar: (tr.) to rewrite (otherwise), to transcribe (as, from shorthand to longhand); (mus.) to write out; -o, -uro: (act, result) transcription.

transubstanci-ar*: (tr.) to transubstantiate; change into another substance; -o: transubstantiation (as, elements in the Eucharist). — DEFIS

trans-vars-ar: (tr.) to decant: pour from one vessel to another; to pour off: (surg.) to transfuse (blood). V. exp.: vid. rakar.

transvers-a: transverse; -al: athwart, running or lying across; -e: crosswise; -o: transversal (line, object), breadth; -a kuseno: bolster, long round pillow. Ex.: Transversa lineo, arterio, strado. — DEFIS

trans-viv-ar: (tr.) to survive, outlive (ulu, ulo).

trap-o: trap-door; (of gallows) drop; pitfall. — eFIS

trapez-o: (gymnastics) trapeze; (geom.) trapezium; -ala osto: trapezium; -ala muskulo: trapezius. — DEFIRS

trapezoedr-o*: trapezohedron. — DEFIS

trapezoid-o*: (geom., anat.) trapezoid. — DEFIS

tra-pik-ar: (tr.) to pierce, run through (as with a sword; cf. traborar). Ex.: La tunelo trapikas la monto. La pluvo ne povas trapikar la nepermeebla vesto.

tras-ar: (tr.) to trace, draw: mark out, delineate, chalk out; -o, -uro: (act, result) tracing; laying out (of grounds, etc.); outline, sketch.

trat-ar: (tr., com.) to draw (a bill of exchange) on; -o: draft, bill; -anto; drawer; -ato: drawee; alonjo- -o: allonge: rider to a bill of exchange; ni tratos vi per bilieto pos tri monati diskontenda da la diskontisti: we will draw on you a three months’ bill to be discounted by the bill-brokers. — DFIRS

traumat-o: (surg.) traumatism. — DEFIRS

traur-ar: (intr.) to be in mourning; -o: mourning (cf. chagreno); -ala vesto: m. dress; portar granda trauro: to be in full or deep m.; portar trauro pri ulu: to be (dressed) in m. for a person. — DR

trav-o: trave: a frame to confine an unruly horse or ox while shoeing. — EFIS

tra-vad-ar: (tr.) to ford, wade across.

trave-o: truss (of a bridge); (arch.) bay (of joists); (of a church) triforium. Def.: Intervalo di du trabi, fosti, koloni, pilasti. (N.B. ne esas sempre apertita quale pordo o fenestro); IV-644. — F

travers-o: cross-bar, -piece, -beam, girder; (R.R.) sleeper; (fort.) traverse; -eto: bracket. V. exp.: Travers-eto esas stango horizontala, qua suportas tabuli di armoro, di biblioteko, e.c.; IV-644. — eFIS

travesti-ar: (tr.) to disguise (by assuming the dress of a person of another sex or condition in life); (fig. burleske) to travesty; -ita, -ito: disguised (person); (cf. maskar, deformar, pariodar). Travestiar viro quale muliero, ula soldati quale rurano. — DeFI

tra-vid-ar: (tr.) to see, look through at; -ebla: visible through (N.B. not transparent: diafana). Ex.: Me travidas la stoni di fundo, en l’aquo = me vidas la stoni di la fundo tra l’aquo.

tra-viv-ar: (tr.) to live through (a period, events); to live to see (something happen).

tre: (adv.) very; tre multa: very many, very much; tre granda: very great or large; tre forta: very strong. Ex.: Ca lando esas tre agreabla. To eventas tre rare. — F

tref-o: (at cards) club(s). — DFR

trek-o: trail: footpath, unfinished road; (of race-course) track; -o-jiro: winding of a trail.

trelich-o: coarse sacking, sackcloth; denim, dungaree cloth. Def.: Speco de grosa tolo, qua uzesas nur por facar saki, ma anke (laborala) vesti; IV-644. — DFI

trelis-o: trellis-, lattice-work (of wood or metal) plaited wire-work; -igar, -izar: to trellis, to lattice. — EF

trem-(ad)ar: (intr.) to tremble, shake, shiver, quake (de, pro); (of wings) to flutter; (cf. fremisar, trepidar); -et-ar: to quiver, shiver; (of music) to quaver; (of light) to flicker; -(ad)o: trembling, trepidation, tremor; -igar: to cause (ulu, ulo) to tremble; ter- -o: earth tremor (cf. ter-ocilo, sismo). Ex.: La tero trem(ad)is dufoye. Me trem(et)adis pro koldeso. Tremado di la manui, di la nervi. — EFI

trema-o: diæresis. — DFS

tremol-o: (mus.) tremolo. — DEFIRS

tremp-ar: (tr.) to soak, steep, drench, wet (thoroughly) (ulo en ulo). Ex.: Trempar la pano en la vino. Trempar la linjaro. Trempado di la sulo per la pluvo. — F

tremul-o: (bot.) aspen-tree, trembling poplar (Populus tremula). — FL

treno: (R.R.) train. — EFIS

trepan-o: (surg., instr.) trepan; (gen.) any boring instrument; –agar: to trepan; to bore; ligno- -o: auger; sul- -o: soil-borer. Def.: Omna instrumenti por borar o perforar (partkulare kirurgiala); III-165. — DEFIRS

trepid-ar: (intr.) to shake, quiver, tremble; (cf. tremar). Ex.: La trepidado di korpo-membri, di la nervi. Vapornavo trepidadas pro la movado di sua mashinaro e la ondi. — eFIRS

tres-o: tress, braid, twist; -igar: to braid, plait (cf. plektar); har-treso: tress of hair. — DEFIRS

tresay-ar: (intr.) to give a start, be startled, (feel a) thrill (de, pro); -o: thrill, tremor, start; -ar pro joyo: to feel a thrill of joy. Ex.: La tondro-stroko donis tresayo a me. — FI

trest-o: trestle, wooden horse: a horizontal piece with four legs serving as a support; easel; ponto- -o: trestlework bridge. — eF

trezor-o: treasure; -eyo: treasury: place where t. is found; (R.C. rel.) place for relics and ornaments: (cf. kas-erio); -ifar (intr.), -igar (tr.) to treasure up, hoard up. Ex.: La trezori di la tero. Ca infanto esas trezoro. — DEFIS

tri: three (for derivatives cf. du); -o: any three things or persons united; trio, triade, triplet, trey; -a-dek: thirty; tri-edro: (tri-edra-angulo): (geom.) trihedral; -yara: triennial; -esma lasta: antepenultimate; -uno, uneso: trinity; -opla krono: triple crown; -seko: trisection; tri-angul-o: (geom., mus.) triangle; tri-angul-iz-o, -uro: triangulation. — DEFIRS

trias-o*: (geol.) Trias, Triassic period.

tribon-o: tribune: a Roman magistrate. Ex.: La tribono acensis sur la tribuno. — DEFIRS

tribu-o: tribe.— DEFIS

tribul-ar: (tr.) to cause tribulation to, to distress, afflict. Ta tempo tribulas nia psiki. La tribuli di autoro. — DEFIS

tribun-o: (rostrum); grandstand (at races, etc.); orgeno- -o: organ loft. — DeFIRS

tribunal-o: tribunal, court (of justice), bench, judgement seat; -o kriminala: criminal court, assize court. — DEFIRS

tribut-ar: (intr.) to pay tribute (ad ulu); -o: t.; -anta (ad), -anto, -ero: tributary. Ex.: Tributar a Caesar. Ta lando esas tributanta ad Anglia. — DEFIS

triceps-o*: (anat.) triceps. — DEFS

tricikl-o: tricycle. — EFIS

tri-dent-o: trident: a three-pronged fork.

«triduum»: (R.C. rel.) prayers continuing for three days.

trifoli-o: (bot.) trefoil, clover, shamrock. — DEFIS

triftong-o: (gram.) triphthong. Def.: Grupo di tri vokali formacanta un silabo; V-486. — DEIRS

triglif-o: (arch.) triglyph. — DEFIRS

trigonometri-o: trigonometry. — DEFIRS

trigram-o: trigram, trigraph. Def.: Grupo di tri literi reprezentanta un sono; V-487.

trikin-o: trichina, thread-worm (Trichinella spiralis). — DEFIRS

trikinos-o: (med.) thrichinosis. — DEFIRS

triklin-a: (cryst.) triclinic. — DEFIS

trikogin-o*: (bot.) trichogyne. — DEFIS

tri-kolor-a: tricolo(u)red.

tri-korn-a: three-horned; three-cornered; -a chapelo: (od, trikorno); three-cornered hat, shovel-hat.

trikot-ar: (tr.) to knit (a fabric) (cf. krochar); -ilo: knitting needle or machine. — F

triktrak-o: tricktrac: a kind of backgammon, — DEFI

tril-ar: (tr., mus.) to trill. — DEFIS

tri-later-a, -o: trilateral.

trilem-o*: (log.) trilemma. — DEFIS

trilion-o: trillion (1,000,000³). — DEFIRS

trilobit-o*: (biol.) trilobite. — DEFIS

tri-lingu-a: trilingual.

trilogi-o: trilogy. — DEFIRS

tri-mast-o (od tri-masta navo): (nav.) a three-master (ship).

tri-mestr-o: trimester: three months’ period; (cf. semestro). — DEFIRS

tri-nomi-o*: (math.) trinomial. — DEFIRS

triolet-o: (poet.) triolet; (mus.) triplet.

trip-o, -i: tripe(s); -vend-eyo: tripeshop; -sociso: chitterling (of pigs); -kordo: catgut. — EFIRS

tri-ped-o: tripod, trivet.

triplik-o*: (jur.) sub-rejoinder.

triplikat-o: triplicate: a third copy. — DEFIS

tripoli-o: tripoli, rotten-stone (for polishing metals). — DEFIS

triptik-o: (paint.) triptych. — DEFIS

trirem-o: (antiq.) trireme. — DEFIRS

tri-silab-a: trisyllabic; -o: trisyllable.

trism-o*: (med.) trismus: lockjaw; (cf. tetanar).

trist-a: (of persons or things) sad, sorrowful, mournful, cheerless, dispirited, doleful, gloomy; -ega: lugubrious; -eso: sadness, dreariness; -igar: to sadden, throw gloom over. Ex.: Trista informo, vizajo, adio. La morto di mia amiko tristigas me. Ant.: Gaya, joy-oza, kontenta. — FIS

triton-o: (myth.) Triton; (mollusc) triton. — DEFIRS

tritur-ar: (tr.) to triturate (cf. pistar). — EFIS

triumf-ar: (intr.) to triumph, be triumphant (pri); -e: in t.; -ala procesiono: triumphant procession; persono -anta: triumphant person; -arko: arch of t.; -ar pri sua enemiki: to t. over one’s enemies. — DEFIRS

triumvir-o: triumvir; -aro, -eso: (collect., office) triumvirate. — DEFIRS

tri-un-o, -eso: (also theol.) trinity.

trivial-a: trivial, trite, commonplace, stale; -eso: triteness; -ajo: triviality, banality; -a verajo: truism; -igar: to make banal. Ex.: Trivial expresuro, stilo. — DEFIRS

tro(e): (adv.) too, too much (Note: Tro may be used by itself before verbs, adjectives and adverbs, but with substantives, multa etc. is added: el tro amas il; tro multa homi); -multa, granda, plena, frua: too many, great, full, early; il drinkas troe: he drinks too much; lu tro (multa) mentias: he lies too much; -a: too, over-great, excessive; troa bruiso, od, tro granda bruiso: too much noise; un glaso troa (od, tro multe): one glass too much. — FI

trofe-o: trophy. — DEFIRS

trog-o: trough (as for animals); hod, tray (as for carrying mortar); (cf. vazo), -o-roto: bucket (of a water-wheel); -edo: hodful, troughful. — De

troglodit-o: (man or animal) troglodyte: cave dweller. — DEFIS

«troika»: (Russian) troika.

trokanter-o*: (anat., zool., ent.) trochanter. — EF

trokar-o: (surg.) trocar. — DEFIS

troke-o: (poet.) trochee. — DEFIR

trokoid-o*: (math.) trochoid. — DEFIS

trole-o: trolley; -roto: t. wheel; -veturo: t. car. — DEFS

tromb-o: (phys.) water-spout. — DFIS

trombon-o: (mus.) trombone. — DEFIRS

tromp-ar: (tr.) to deceive, impose upon, delude (denotes intention; cf. eror-igar, deceptar, dup-igar); -(ad)o: deception, imposition, cheating; -uro: imposture; -anta, -iva, ema: deceitful; -iva: fallacious. Ex.: Trompar la fido di ulu per ulo. — F

tron-o: throne; -sidar: to sit enthroned; (fig.) to lord it over; diskurso de la -o: speech from the t.; en-tron-igar: to enthrone. — DEFIRS

trop-o: (rhet.) trope: word(s) used figuratively. — DEFIRS

tropik-o: tropics, torrid-zone. — DEFIRS

tropism-o*: (biol.) tropism. — DEFIS

trot-ar: (intr.) to trot (along); -et-ar: to go at a jog-trot; (of children) to toddle; -eskar: to fall into a trot; -igar: to cause to trot, to trot (a horse). — DEFIS

trotuar-o: sidewalk, pavement: footway of stone, asphalt, etc. — DFR

tro-uz-ar: (tr., intr.) to use to excess, abuse.

trov-ar: (tr.) to find, discover, come across; -ajo: thing found; (treasure-) trove; (fig.) godsend, windfall. Ex.: Trovar trezoro, kulpo, voyo, amiko. — FI

tru-o: hole, gap (cf. apert-uro, kavo, brecho); -ifar: to produce holes; -oza: full of holes; -izar: to cover (ulo) with holes; -iz-ita: bored with holes; mus- -o: mousehole; hom- -o: manhole; -ifilo, -izilo: punch, hole-punching press; -seg-ilo: (key-)hole saw. — F

trubadur-o: troubadour. V. exp.: Trubaduri apartenas a Suda Francia, e truvero a Norda Francia (e vicina landi); IV-645. — DEFIRS

trubl-ar: (tr.) to trouble, disturb, muddle: throw into disorder; (of liquids) to make turbid or muddy; (cf. konfuz-igar, perturbar); -ar l’aquo: to disturb or muddy the water; -ar la vino: to make the wine turbid; -ar la digestado: to disorder or disturb the digestion; -ar la raciono (di ulu): to disorder or disturb the reason; mento trublita: disordered, disturbed mind. — EF

trufl-o: (bot.) truffle (genus: Tuber); -izar: to stuff, or cover with t.s. — DEFRS

truism-o: truism. Def.: Verajo evidenta, triviala, di aqua l’enunco esas neutila, do ridinda; V-487. — EFR

truk-o: (R.R.) flat-car (cf. var-vagono). Def.: Fervoyala, platformatra var-vagono neklozita. — DeF

trul-o: trowel. — eFS

trump-o: trump (at cards); ludar- -o: to play, or lead with a t. — DE

trumpet-o: trumpet: large, keyless bugle (cf. klariono); -agar, plear: to play the t.; (fig.) to t. forth, spread abroad; son-igar la -o: to sound the t. — DEFIS

trunk-o: (also geom.) trunk of a tree; -igar: (geom.) to truncate; -a kono: truncate a cone. — EFIS

trunkon-o: (tech.) shell ring (of a boiler).

trup-o: troop, band: company of persons having same occupation; (theat.) company, troop; (of animals) band, herd, flock; -acho: gang; -ala, -atra, -ema: gregarious; navo- -o: ship’s crew; trupo-navo: t. ship; kavalrio- -o: cavalry t.; muton- -o: flock of sheep; trupe marchar: to walk in a group. — DEF

trus-ar: (tr.) to tuck up, put a tuck in; turn up, pin up, tie up. V. exp.: Trusar esas nek levar, nek faldar: on trusas robo, mantelo, maniki, pantalono, bordi di chapelo, mustacho; mem figurale nazo esas trusita; III-471. — F

trust-o: (com.) trust. — DEFIS

trut-o: (icth.) trout. — EFIS

truver-o: trouvère, trouveur. V. exp.: vid. trubaduro. — DeFIS

tu: (acc.: tun; pl.: tui ) thou: familiar form of 2nd person singular: you; used in speaking to a child or an intimate friend; -a: your; thy, thine; tu-ajo e me-ajo: thine and mine; tu-dicar: to say thee and thou (ad ulu). Ex.: Tu ne sat respektas tua olda patrulo. — DEFIRS

tualet-ar: (intr.) to make one’s toilet: wash and dress; careful adjustment of dress, etc.; -o: toilet; -eyo: dressing room; -tablo: dressing table; -tuko: towel. — DEFIRS

tub-o: tube, pipe (of lead, iron, etc.); -izar, -agar: to tube, pipe: put tubes in (ulo); -ala, -atra, -oza: tubular; vitra –o: glass t.; kamen- -o: chimney-flue, shaft. — DEFIS

tuber-o: (anat., bot.) tuberosity; node; (of wood) knot; -oza: tuberous, nodose; knotty, gnarled; (cf. tuberkulo). — EFIS

tuberklos-o: (med.) tuberculosis, consumption; -ala, -oza: tubercular, tuberculous: relating to the disease; -ika, -ik(ul)o: tubercular person). — DEFIRS

tuberkul-o: (bot.) tubercle; (physiol.) a small tumor (tumour), or tumorlike elevation; (cf. tubero). — DEFIRS

tuberos-o: (bot.) tuberose (Polyanthes tuberosa). — DEFIRS

tubul-o: (chem.) tubule (as of a retort). — DEFS

tuert-a, -(ul)o: one-eyed (person): blind in one eye. — S

tuf-o: tuft, bunch, cluster, clump, wisp (of straw: assemblage of things of the same nature: threads, feathers, hair, etc. (cf. penacho); har- -o: tuft of hair; arbor- -o: clump of trees; herbo- -o: bunch of herbs; tuf-nodo: knot (of ribbons), favor (favour); pudro- -o: powder-puff; -izar, -ifar: to form into t.s. — eF

tuk-o: (a piece of) cloth; (cf. drapo, stofo); naz- -o: handkerchief: vish- -o: (dish-) wiper, duster (of cloth). — D

tukan-o: (orni.) toucan (genus: Rhamphastus). — DEFIS

tul-o: (fabric) tulle. — DEFIRS

tulip-o: (plant, flower) tulip; -arboro: t. tree, whitewood, white poplar: liriodendron (Liriodendron Tulipifera). — DEFIRS

tumefakt-ar: (tr., med.) to tumefy, cause to swell; -o, -uro: tumefaction. — EFIS

tumor-o: tumor (tumour): morbid swelling. — DEFIS

tumul-o: (antiq.) tumulus, barrow, cairn, burial mound. — EFIS

tumult-ar: (intr.) to raise a tumult, disturbance, uproar, hubbub, to (cause a) row, a riot; -o: tumult, riot; -eto: row, squabble, brawl; bustle; -e: disorderly and noisy, tumultuously; -ala, -oza, -ema, -atra: tumultuous, turbulent, riotous. — DEFIS

tun-o: ton: 1000kg.; about 2205 lbs, avd.; -aro, -konteno: (nav.) tonnage. — DEFIRS

«tundra»: (Russian) tundra.

tunel-o: tunnel; (city R.R.) tube, subeway. — DEFIRS

tunik-o: (coat of soldiers, pupils) tunic, an antique undergarment; (anat.) coat, film, tunic (of the eye); wall (of the stomach); (bot.) coat, integument; -iero: (zool.) tunicate. — DEFIRS

tupi-o: (spinning-, peg-) top; ludar per -i: to spin tops. — F

tur-o: tour; -isto: tourist; mondo- -o: world tour; inspekto- -o: tour, round of inspection. Ex.: Facar turo di la mondo, di urbo, di lando, di domeno. — DEFR

turb-o: (of persons) crowd, throng, multitude; -acho: mob; -e: in crowds. — FIS

turban-o: turban. — DEFIRS

turbin-o: (mechan.) turbine; -navo: t. ship; vapor- -o: steam t. — DEFIRS

turbot-o: (ich.) turbot (Rhombus maximus). — DEFR

«turco»: turco: Algerian soldier.

turd-o: (orni.) thrush (genus: Turdus).

turgec-ar: (intr., med.) to be turgescent. — DEFIS

turkez-o: (min.) turquoise; -blua: t. blue. — DEFIS

turm-o: tower; (at chess) castle; (nav.) turret; Babel- -o: tower of Babel; -o-navo: turret-ship. — D

turmalin-o: (min.) t(o)urmaline. — DEFIRS

turn-ar: (tr., intr.) to turn (from right to left), turn around, to (cause to) move circularly), twist, whirl, wheel around; (cf. jirar, rotacar, renversar, volvar, tornar); -o: turn; -ar la kapo, la klefo: to turn the head, the key; roto- -o: a turn of a wheel; klef-klozar du-turne (od, per di turni) la pordo: to double lock the door; mi-turno: half turn; ri-turn-o: turn about, face about, change of side; turn-anta dervisho: whirling dervish; turno-plako, -tablo: turntable; turn-orgeno: hand-organ; turno-hoko: swivel; turno-kesto: revolving box (as for foundlings in a convent); turno-pordo, -bar-ilo: turnstile; turno-kruco, -bar-ilo: tourniquet; turno-morbo: (vet.) staggers; skrub-turn-ilo: turn-screw; screwdriver; turno-kont-ilo: revolution counter (on an engine). V. exp.: vid. jirar. — EFS

turnir-ar: (intr.) to hold a tournament, to joust, to take part in a tourney. — DeFIRS

turt-o: oil-cake (for feed of beasts); lin- -o: linseed. — F

turtur-o: (orni.) turtle-dove (genus: Turtur). — DFIS

tus-ar: (intr.) to cough; -etar: to cough: clear one’s throat, to hem; -aceso: fit of coughing. — FIS

tush-ar: (tr., intr.) to touch, be in contact with.. (N.B. not concern); to put one’s hand, foot, etc. (on); (cf. palpar, kontaktar, kontigua); -o-senso: sense of touch; -ala, iva: tactile; -ebla: tangible (cf. palp-ebla). Ex.: Tushar ulo per la fingri. Lua pedi tushis la sulo. Regardez ol, ma ne tushez. — eFIS

tusilaj-o: (bot.) coltsfoot (genus: Tusilago). — FSL

tutel-ar: (tr.) to be guardian of (ulu) -esar da ulu: to be under the guardianship of someone; -igar, ulu: to place someone under the guardianship (of another person); -(ad)o, -eso: (act, state) guardianship, tutelage; -anto, -ero: guradian; -anta: tutelary, protecting, guardian; -ato: ward. — eFIS

tuv-ar: (tr., nav.) to warp: move a ship or boat by a rope or cable attached to some fixed object; -o-kablo: stream-line, warping-hawser. V. exp.: Tuvar ne esas sinonima di remorkar. Navo tuvas (su ed altri) per kateno fixa en rivero o kanalo; IV-645. — F

tuy-o: (bot.) thuja (-tree), arbor vitæ (genus: Thuja). — DeFIS

tuyer-o*: tuyere: a nozzle through which the air blast is delivered to a forge, blast furnace, etc. — F


ube: (adv.) where; ad-ube: whither?; where to? (with motion), to what place?; de-ube, ek-ube: from where? whence?; altr-ube: elsewhere, somewhere else; irg-ube: anywhere, wherever; nul-ube: nowhere; omn-ube: everywhere; tra-ube: through what place, which way?; ul-ube: somewhere; me ne savas ube il esas: I do not know where he is; ad-ube vu, vu volas irar?: where do you wish to go?; dicez a me de ube vu venas: tell me where you are from; tra-ube vu iros?: which way will you go?; ube vu habitas?: where do you live? — FL

ubiqu-a: ubiquitous; -eso: ubiquity. Def.: Qua esas omnaloke; IV-270. — EFIS

ucel-o, -ulo, -ino: bird; -eyo: place for birds; aiviary; -nesto: bird’s-nest; -kaptar: (intr.) to catch b.s; -vend-isto:; -o migr-anta: migratory b., b. of passage; -o rapt-anta: b. of prey; paradiz- -o: b. of paradise; -vido: bird’s-eye view; ucel-ire: as the b. flies; in a straight line. — FI

uf*: (interj.) ugh! uff! oof!

ukaz-o: ukase: edict of (Russian) emperor. — DEFIRS

ul-a: some, any: indicates a certain, but only partly defined person or object; (semi-indefinite article) a, an (used only where it is desired to emphasize indefiniteness); ul-o: something; ul-u: someone, somebody, anyone; ul-i: some, any (persons or things); ul-die: some day; ul-loke, -ube: somewhere; ul-maniere (od, ule): in some manner or way; ulu altra: someone else; ula altra: some other; ul-foye: once, one time; ul-tempe: ever, sometime(s). V. exp.: Ula ne indikas kompleta nedetermineso (quan irga expresus plu juste), ma mi-determineso. Ula povas anke ludar la rolo di la nedfinita artiklo, se (o kande) on trovas ica necesa. Ex.: Me stacas avan la biblioteko di amiko (me ne dicas: di ula amiko, nam me pensas (pri) nula amiko partikulare o predere); me dicas a lu: «Me deziras libro». To signifikas: «Me deziras lektar, donez a me (irga) libro». Ma se me dicas: «Me deziras ula libro», to signifikas: «Me deziras lektar partikulara libro (konocata da me, o ja lektita),» quan me ne povas indikar plu exacte, pro ke me obliviis l’autoro, o la titulo: ma me tamen havas l’ideo plu o min konfuza di ta libro, e ne di altra: adminime, di libro apartenanta ad «ula» speco o relatanta «ula» temo, quan me povas definar; III-28. Note: Ula, irga: Ula is used in a semi-indefinite sense, irga emphasizes complete indefiniteness. Ex.: ula maniero: some manner or way; irga maniero: any manner or way whatever; ula dio en la lasta monato: one day (= a certain day, but date not specified; irga dio would signify any day whatever); ula viro decensis de Ierusalem a Ierico: a certain man (name not specified) went down from J. to J.; irga viro would signify any man whatever. — L

ulan-o: uhlan: a German lancer. — DEFIRS

ulcer-o: ulcer; -ala, -atra: ulcerous; -ifar (intr.), -izar (tr.): to ulcerate; -ifo, -izo: ulceration; -igar: to cause (ulo) to ulcerate. — EFIS

ulm-o: (bot.) elm (-tree) (genus: Ulmus). — DeFIS

uln-o:ell: 45 or 46.5 inches. — FIS

ultimat-o: ultimatum. — DEFIRS

ultr-a: ultra: beyond due limit; further, additional; -a zelo: extreme, exaggerated zeal; ultr-a, -e royal-isto: ultra-royalist, royalist in an excessive degree; -e: (prep., adv.) besides, further, moreover, in addition (to this); -e ke: (conj.) besides (that) (followed by verb). Ex.: Ultre, me volas dicar … Ultre la prezenta infinitivo, Ido havas pasinta e futura infinitivo. Ultre ke, el esas richa, el esas bela e saja. Ultre mea patrala linguo, me savas plura altri. V. exp.: Ultre, pluse: Ultre esas prepoziciono, qua qua signifikas: adjunte ad … Exemple: «Ultre mea repasto me prenis kafeo.» Do ultre grande diferas de plus, qua indikas la kozo adjuntata. Advere de la matematikal vidpunto la difero ne esas grava, pro ke A + B = B + A. Ma en la komuna vivo l’ordino ne esas indiferanta, sive pro la tempo, sive pro l’importo relativa e tre neegala di l’adicionendi. Exemple, l’antea frazo equivalas: « Me prenis mea repasto plus kafeo». Esus ridinda dicar: «Me prenis kafeo plus mea repasto», kontre ke on povas dicar tre bone: «Me prenis kafe ultre mea repasto.» De to konsequas, ke on nultempe bezonas adverbigar ultre: la adverbo uzenda esas sempre pluse, qua anuncas l’adjunto di altra kozo a l’unesma o predicita; VII-481. — DeFIS

ultramar-o, -a, -ea: ultramarine. — DEFIRS

ultramikroskopi-o: ultramicroscope. — DEF

ultramontan-a, -(ul)o: ultramontan-e, ist; -ismo: ultramontanism. — DEFIRS

ulul-ar: (intr.) to ululate: (of owls) to hoot; (of dogs, wolves, etc.) to howl. — DeFIS

umbel-o: (bot.) umbel. — EFIS

umbelifer-a, -o: (bot.) umbeliferous (plant). — DEFIS

umbilik-o: (anat., bot., geom.) navel, umbilicus. — EFIS

umbr-o: (pigment) umber. — DEFIR

un: (cardinal) one (for derivative forms, cf. du); -a: one (adj. showing unity); -o: (arith.) unit; -ajo: (objective) unit; -u: one (person); -eso: unity, oneness; -es-ala: unitary; -esma: first (abbr.: 1a); -igar: to unify: to form into one (cf. uniform-igar); -igo: unification; -foye: once, one time; -esme: first, at first, first of all; unesme on devas studiar e pose on darfas ludar: first you should study and afterwards you play; l’una e l’altra: the two together; l’una o l’altra: one of the two; li amis l’una l’altra: they liked one another (or, each other); el amis nek l’una nek l’atra: she loved neither; nek l’una nek l’altra venos: neither will come; un-kolora: one-colored. Ex.: La kombatinti vundis l’una l’altra. Li vovis fideleso l’una a l’altra (od, la una a l’altra). La Una Santa Eklezio. Unu dicis ico, la altru dicis ito. Un ed un facas du. — EFIS

unanim-a: unanimous; -eso: unanimity. — EFIS

unc-o: (zool.) ounce (Felis unce).

uncial-a, -o: uncial (letter). — DEFIS

uncion-ar: (tr.) to anoint (ulu, per ulo); extrema -o: (R.C. rel.) extreme unction; (cf. unguento). — eFIS

ungl-o: (anat.) nail, claw, talon; -oza: unguiculated; emundar (od, taliar) sua -i: to trim, cut one’s nails; la kato unglo-tenas su ye l’arboro: the cat clings to the tree. — eFIS

unguent-o: ointment, salve, unguent. — EFIS

un-huf-a: solipedous, solidungulate, whole hoofed (animal).

uniform-a: uniform; (of movement) regular; -o: (regimentals) uniform; -eso: uniformity (cf. monoton-eso); -igar: to make (ulo) u.; soldat- -o: soldier’s u.; granda -o: full dress u. Def.: Qua havas la sama formo; simila. Ex.: Uniforma domi, stilo, vesto. Uniformeso di opiniono. — DEFIS

unik-a: unique; without another of the same kind; only, single, sole; (fig.) unequalled, unrivalled, unparalleled, unprecedented (cf. nura); -eso: uniqueness; -ajo: a u. object; -a filio: only child; -a talento: u. talent. — EFIS

unikorn-o: (also astron.) unicorn: a fabulous animal. — EFS

unikursal-a: (geom.) unicursal.

union-ar: (tr., immaterial sense) to unite (cf. juntar, ligar); -o, -uro: union, conjuction (cf. konkordo); -o post-ala: postal u. Ex.: Unionar la plezuri a l’aferi. Unionar la gefianciti. Uniono laboristala. La spirito di unioneso. — EFIS

unipol-a: unipolar.

unison-o: (mus. and fig.) unison. — DEFIRS

unitar-a, -(ul)o: Unitarian; -ismo: (rel. sect., doctrine) Unitarianism. — DEFIRS

univalv-a*: (of shells) univalvular.

univers-o: universe; -ala: universal; -al-eso: universality; -igar: to make (ulo) universal; -al-ist-i: (rel.) universalists. — DEFIS

universitat-o: university; -ano: member of u.; an (under)graduate. — DEFIRS

un-later-a: unilateral; (jur.) binding on one party only.

un-senc-a: having but one meaning, signification.

un-sexu-a: (bot.) unisexual.

unt-o: coom: old cart-grease. — IS

un-valv-a: (bot., conch.) univalvular.

upup-o: (orni.) hoopoe (genus: Upupa). — EFI

uragan-o: hurricane, violent gale. — eFIRS

uran-o*: (chem.) uranium; -oxo: proto-oxide of u., pitchblende.

uranografi-o: uranography. — DEFIRS

urat-o*: (chem.) urate.

urb-o: city, large town; (cf. civito); -ego: a large c.: (cf. metropolo); -ala: urban; -o-domo: city-hall; -estro: mayor. — eFIS

urd-ar: (tr., of weaving) to warp (cloth). — FIS

ure-o*: (chem.) urea. — EFIS

uremi-o*: (med.) ur(a)eia. — DEFS

ureter-o*: (anat.) ureter (duct).

uretr-o: (anat.) urethra. — DEFIS

uretrit-o*: (med.) urethritis.

uretroskop-o*: urethroscope.

uretrotomi-o*: (surg.) urethrotomy.

urin-o: urine; -ala: urinary; -ifar: to urinate, make water (cf. miktar); -vazo: urinal, pot; -if-eyo: (public) urinal. — DEFIRS

urj-ar: (intr.) to be urgent, pressing; -igar: to urge (ulu, ulo); -anta: urgent; -ant-eso: urgency; la kazo -as: it is an u. case; en -anta kazo: in case of urgency. — EFIS

urn-o: urn; -o elekt-ala: ballot-box. — DEFIRS

urogal-o: capercailzie: the largest European grouse (Tetrao urogallus). — L

urox-o: (zool.) aurochs: European bison (Bos urus). — DeFS

urs-o, -ulo, -ino: (zool.) bear (genus: Ursus); -yuno: young b.; granda, mikra urso: (astron.) Great, Little Bear; -ala: ursine. — eFIS

urtik-o: (stinging-)nettle (genus: Urtica); -ago: (med.) urtication: whipping or stinging with nettles. — eFIS

urtikari-o: urticaria, nettle-rash. — EFIS

usher-o: usher (judicial courts, etc.). Def.: Ta qua komisesas oficale por konocigar ed exekutigar la judiciala decidi. — Mondo XI. 227, dec. 1580. — EFS

utard-o: (orni.) bustard (Otis tarda). — FIS

utensil-o: utensil, tool, instrument, implement; -i koqu(ey)ala: kitchen u.; -i kultiv-ala: farming tools. — DEFIS

uter-o: uterus, womb. — DEFIS

util-a: useful, of use; -eso: (quality) utility, usefulness; -ajo: utility, useful object; -esar: to be useful (ad); to be used (por); -eskar: to become u.; -igar su -a: to make oneself u.; -igar: to utilize, turn to good use, turn to account, avail oneself of; -igo: utilization; -ismo: (philos.) utilitarianism; -isto: utilitarian; -ista, -ism-ala: utilitarian. — EFIS

utopi-o: utopia; -a, -ala, -atra: utopian; (cf. kimera); -isto: utopist. — DEFIRS

utrikul-o: utricle. — DEFIS

uve-o: (anat.) uvea. — EFIS

uvertur-o: (mus.) overture. — DEFR

uvul-o: (anat.) uvula. — EFIS

uz-ar: (tr.) to use, employ: make use of (ulo); to wear out (clothing, etc.); -o, -ado: use, usage (cf. kusumo, util-eso); -o-yuro: right of use; -i e kustumi: ways and customs; vest-aro ja uz-ita: worn clothing; uzar la vest-aro: to wear out clothing. Ex.: Uzar violento, remediilo. Vorto rare uzata. — DEFIS

uzufrukt-ar: (tr., jur.) to have the usufruct of (ulo). — EFIS

uzukapt-ar: (tr., jur.) to have the usucaption of (ulo). —EFIS

uzur-ar: (intr.) to practice usury. — EFIS

uzurp-ar: (tr.) to usurp (ulo de ulu); to encroach upon, trench upon, infringe; -o: usurpation, encroachment. Ex.: Uzurpar la trono, ula yuro, povo, domeno. — DEFIRS


vab-o: honey-comb. Def.: Konstrukturo ek vaxo, quan la abeli facas en la abeluyo IV-398. — D

vacil-ar: (intr.) to vacillate: be unsteady, waver, reel, stagger; to fluctuate, waver in mind or opinion; (of light) to flicker; (in speaking) to falter; -(ad)o: vacillation; -ar sur la gambi: to shake in or be unsteady on the legs. Ex.: La tablo vacilas. Ta homo havis vacilanta marcho (-maniero). Lumo qua vacilas. — EFIS

vacin-o: (disease) cow-pox; -serumo: vaccine (matter); -izar: to vaccinate (ulu); -iz(ad)o: vaccination; -ifar: to produce cow-pox. — EFIR

vacini-o: (bot.) red whortleberry (or billberry), cowberry (Vaccinium). — L

(tra-) vad-ar: (tr.) to ford, wade across (a river, etc.); -eyo: ford; -ebla: fordable. — eIS

«vade-mecum»: vade mecum.

vafl-o: waffle: thin cake; -muld-ilo: w. iron. — DeR

vag-ar: (intr.) to wander, rove about, stroll, stray, straggle; -ado: roaming, vagrancy; -ema; -em-acho: vagrant, vagabond; -anta mendikero: strolling beggar; -anta mento: (fig.) wandering mind. — DEFIS

vagin-o: (anat.) vagina. — DEFS

vagon-o: railway-carriage, car; -o un-esma-klasa: first class c.; lit-, dormo- -o: sleeper; restor- -o: dining-car. — DeFRS

vajis-ar: (intr., of infants) to wail, cry. V. exp.: La specala krio di nove naskinta o yuna infanto; IV-578. — FIS

vak-ar: (intr.) to be vacant; -o: vacancy; -anta: vacant. Ex.: La trono, la ofico vakas. Vakigar la trono, lo ofico. Vakanta aprtamento, episkopeso. — DEFIRS

vakanc-ar: (intr.) to have a (or, be on a) vacation, holiday; -dio: a day's holiday. Ex.: Pasar la vakanco en la ruro. Ni vakancas dufoye dum la yaro: la paskala e la somerala vakanco. — DeFIRS

vaku-a: empty, void, blank, vacuous (de); -o: vacuum, blank; -eso: vacuity, emptiness; -ajo: gap, chasm, hole; -igar: to empty, vacate; to draw (poultry), to gut (fish); to drain (a ditch, etc.); -eskar: to become empty; -ifar: to make a void, produce a vacuum (as by air-pump); -a chambro, stomako, spaco: empty room, stomach, space; -a muro: blank wall; -a tempo: unoccupied time; aer- -o: air-vacuum, -hole; latrin- -igo: emptying of cess-pools or water-closets; -igar botelo: to empty a bottle; la botelo vaku-eskas lente: the bottle becomes slowly empty. Ant.: plena. — DEFIS

vakuol-o*: (biol.) vacuole. — DEFIS

vakuometr-o: vacuum gauge. — DeFIRS

val-o: vale, valley, dale; (cf. ad-vale); -eto: small valley, dell; tra monti e vali: up hill and down dale; -o lakrim-oza: (fig.) vale of tears. — EFIS

valent-a*: (chem.) having valence; -eso: valence.

valerian-o: (bot.) valerian (genus: Valerians); -acido: valer(ian) acid. — EFIRS

valerianel-o: (bot.) valerianella, corn-salad, lamb's lettuce (Valerianella olitoria). — EFL

valid-a: (jur.) valid: having legal force, good; -eso: validity; healthfulness; -igar: to validate; -a mariajo: a legal marriage; ne- -igar: to invalidate. — DEFIS

valiz-o: valise, portmanteau. — EFIS

valor-ar: (intr.) to be worth, be equal to in value, be as good as; be fit, be useful or good (for something); (of laws) to be in force; -igar: to make (ulo) of worth, of value, make useful for; -o: value, worth; -anta: worth; -oza: valuable; -ajo: valuable object; -paperi: (com.) valuable papers: stocks, securities, etc.; -igar lego: to put a law in force; sen- -igar: to deprive (ulo) of value, to demonetize (money); sen- -a: valueless; min- -igar, -eskar: to depreciate; pen- -ar: to be worth the trouble, be worth while; plu- -o: superior, increased value; min- -o: less, inferior value; ica stofo valoras kin franki po metro: this fabric is worth five francs a meter; to valoras nulo: that is good for, worth nothing; -ar sua pezo de oro: to be worth its weight in gold; quante co valoras: how much is this worth; ica medikamento valoras kontre febro: this medicine is good for fever; ica plumo neplus valoras por skribar: this pen is no longer fit to write with; to valoras la peno (od, pen-valoras) askoltar: that worth listening to; -igar sua talento: to turn one's talent to account. — eFIS

vals-ar: (intr.), -igar: (tr.) to waltz. — DEFIRS

valv-o: (tech., zool., bot.) valve. — EFIS

vampir-o: (also fig.) vampire. — DEFIRS

vams-o: doublet, jerkin. — D

van-a: vain: fruitless, ieffectual; (cf. vanitat-oza, frivola); -e: in vain, to no purpose; no use! -eso: vanity (N.B. not of person), emptiness, vainness (of a project, etc.); -igar: to thwart, baffle, foil; -ajo: a v. act, wish. Def.: Sen-efikiva; sen-rezulta; sen reala fundmaneto. Ex.: Vana esforci, esperi. Vaneso di homala grandaji. Vaneso di la vanaji, omno esas vanajo. — EFIS

vanad-o*: (chem.) vanadium.

vandal-a, -(ul)o: vandal; -eso, -ajo: (spirit, act) vandalism. — DEFIRS

vanel-o: (orni.) lapwing, peewit, plover (genus: Vanellus). — FIL

vang-o: (anat. and fig.) cheek; -oza: chubby: full cheeked; -egi, -o-sako: jowls; cheek-pouch (of certain monkeys); -o-barbo: whisker(s); -o-frapar, -batar: to slap, cuff, strike (ulu) on the face. — D

vanil-o: vanilla; -iero: v. plant (genus: Vanilla). — DEFIRS

vanitat-o: vanity, self-conceit; -oza, -oz(ul)o: self-admiring, vain (person). Ex.: Lua vanitato esas netolerabla. V. exp.: vid. superba. Ant.: modest-eso. — EFIS

vant-o, -i: (nav.) shroud(s); -i granda: main s. — DR

vapor-o: steam (from boiling water); vapor (from liquids or fluid floating in the atmosphere); (of wine) fume (affecting the head); -oza, -atra: vapor-ous, ish; -igar: to vaporize, volatalize; -eskar: to evaporate; turn into vapor; -ig-ilo: evaporating machine; -agar: (tr.) to steam (ulo), give a steam bath to; -balno: vapor-, steam-bath; -mashino: steam engine; -navo: steam boat; incens- -o: cloud of incense; arseno- -i: fumes of arsenic. — EFIS

var-o, -i: ware(s), commodit-y, -ies; merchandize (cf. komerc-ajo). Def.: Kozo vendebla, granda o mikra; II-76. — DE

varang-o: (nav.) floor-timber (of a ship). — DFS

vari-(ad)ar: (tr., intr.) to vary, change; (cf. chanjar, divers-igar); -igar: to cause (ulo) to vary; -anta, -iva, -ebla, -ema: variable, versatile, unsteady, fickle, flighty; -anto: a variant (reading, interpretation, spelling. etc.); -ebl-eso; -em-eso: variableness; variability; versatility; -ar la frazo: to say the same things in other words. Ex.: Mori varias segun la nacioni. La vetero varias perpetue. V. exp.: Chanjar ne esas exakta sinonimo di variar: variar esas chanjar segun quanteso od inteseso; III-103. — DEFIS

varicel-o: (med.) varicella: chicken-pox. — DeFIS

varietat-o: (zool., bot.) variety. — DEFIS

varik-o: (med.) varix: varicose vein. — eFIS

variol-o: (med.) variola: smallpox; -ala: variolous: relating to v.; -iko, -ika: (person) suffering from v.; -mark-iz-ita: pock-marked. — eFIS

varm-a: (also fig.) warm; -ega: hot; -eta: tepid, lukewarm; -eskar: to get warm; -igar: to heat, warm; -ig-(ad)o: heating; -ig-ilo: heating apparatus; ped-, lit-, plad-varm-ig-ilo: foot-, bed-, plate-warmer. Ant.: kolda. — DE

vars-ar: (tr.) to pour (out) (as liquids); to spill (accidentally); shed (blood); to empty (solid things); -ero: (astron.) Aquarius. V. exp.: vid. rakar. — FI

vart-ar: (tr.) to await, wait for (ulu, ulo); -igar: to keep (ulu) waiting; -anta: waiting, expectant; -ante: while waiting, in the interim (cf. dume); -eyo: waiting-place, -room. Def.: Restar en la ula loko o stando, til ke ulo eventas; III-423. Ex.: Me vartas nepaciente la decido. V. exp.: vid. expektar. — DE

vasal-a, -(ul)o: vassal; -eso: vassalage. — DEFIRS

vask-o: basin (as of a fountain). — FI

vaskul-o: (anat., biol.) blood vessel, tube, canal; -ala, -oza: vascular; -aro: vascular system. — DeFIS

vast-a: vast, extensive (in all directions); -eso: vastness, vast extent, spaciousness; plu-vast-igar: to spread (ulo), to make more extensive. Def.: Granda segun omna sua dimensioni; III-42. Ex.: Vasta agro esas agro same longa e larja; vasta salono esas salono same proporcione longa, larja ed alta. Figurale, on pluvastigas ula ideo od opiniono (donar ad ol plu granda areo). Vasta eruditeso. — EFIS

vat-o: wadding, padding: soft stuff of loose texture; prepared sheets of carded cotton (as used to thicken dresses, quilts, etc.); -izar: to wad, pad, stuff (with wadding). — DFIR

vax-o: wax (of any kind, nat. or artific.); -izar: to (smear, rub with) wax; -o-telo: oil-cloth; siglo- -o: sealing w.; modlo- -o: modeling w.; parquet- -o: floor w. — DE

vaz-o: vessel (for holding liquids); vase (as for flowers, etc.); -aro arjenta: silver service; stana -o: tin-pot, -vessel. — DeFIRS

vazelin-o: vaseline. — DEFIRS

(ho) ve: alas! oh dear!

vech-o: (bot.) vetch (genus: Vicia). — EFI

vedet-o*: vedette: (mounted) sentinel; -batelo: scout-boat. — DeFI

vegr-o: (nav.) plank (for ceiling). — DFS

veh-ar: (intr.) to go about in any sort of vehicle: ride, drive, sail; -igar: to convey, carry, cart, transport (in a vehicle); -(ad)o: riding, driving, sailing; -ilo: vehicle: any means of transport by land, air or water; (fig.) any means of transmitting; (med.) excipient; menstruum; aero esas -ilo di sono: air is v. of sound; imprim-arto esas -ilo por instrukto: the art of printing is a v. of instruction. — eFL

vein-o: (anat., also of marble, wood) vein; (geol., min.) vein, seam; -ala: venous: relating to v.s; -iz-ita: marked with v.s; -aro: venous system; -izar: to v.: mark wit v.s; -o-seko: phlebotomy. — EFIRS

vejet-(ad)ar: (intr.) to vegetate: grow as or like a plant; (fig.) to lead a dull life; -(ad)o: vegetating; -ala: vegetable; -anta: (of persons) vegetating; -iva: vegetative; -ant-aro: vegetation; -anto, -ivo: vegetable, plant (cf. legumo). — DEFIRS

vejetar-ar: (intr.) to be a vegetarian; -o, -ismo: vegetarianism; -anto, -ano: vegetarian. — DEFIRS

vek-ar: (intr., also fig.) to awaken, wake up; -igar: to wake, rouse (ulu); -o, -igo: awakening; -ig-ilo: alarm. — DE

vekt-o: beam (of scales); tiro- -o: swingle-tree, -bar (of a carriage). — L

vektor-o*: (geom.) vector.

vel-o: veil; a piece of stuff used to conceal something; (fig.) cover, screen, shade; -eto: small v.; lady's v.; -ego: awning; -izar: to veil; cover, hide; -o gaza: gauze v.; nubo- -o: v. of clouds; palat- -o: (anat.) velum. Ex.: Eskartar, levar la vel(et)o de la vizajo. La velo di la templo. La veli (E. shades) di la nokto. La nubi velizas la suno. — EFIS

velin-o: vellum; -papero: v. paper. — DeFIR

velit-o: (Rom. antiq.) velite: a light-armed soldier.

velk-ar: (intr.) to fade away, wither, lose freshness; (of flowers) to droop; -igar: to cause (ulo) to wither. Ex.: La suno velkigis la folii di la planti. — D

velociped-o: velociped. — DEFIS

velodrom-o*: velodrome.

velur-o: velvet; -a: made of v.; -atr-ajo: imitation v.; velous. — DeFIS

ven-ar: (intr.) to come (ad, de); par-ve-ar: to arrive; par-ven-into: an arrival. — FIS

vend-ar: (tr.) to sell; -o, -ado: sale, selling; -eyo, -erio: shop, store; -anto, -into, -isto: dealer, vendor; -ebla: vendible, salable, marketable; -o-table: shop counter; -kontrato: bargain (written). Ant.: komprar. — eFIS

«vendetta»: vendetta.

venen-o: (also fig.) venom, poison; -a, -oza: venomous, poisonous; (fig.) malignant; -agar: (tr.) to poison (ulu); -izar: to put poison on (ulo); rat- -o: rat poison. — EFIS

vener-ala: venereal (relating to the disease); -iko, -ika: (person) afflicted with v. disease; -ala monto: (anat.) pubes, mons veneris. — DEFIRS

venerac-ar: (tr.) to venerate, reverence; -inda: venerable; -ema: reverent. Def.: Veneraco: projunda respekto religioza o religiatra; III-328. — EFIS

venerdi-o: Friday. — FI

venial-a: venial: that may be forgiven; excusable; -a peko: v. sin. — EFIS

venj-ar: (tr.) to avenge, revenge; -ar su: to revenge oneself (su, ulu, kontre ulu, pri ulo); -o: revenge, vengeance; -ema: revengeful, vindicative; -em-eso: vindictiveness; -anto, -ero: avenger. V. exp.: Venjar ulu esas punisar, pro rankoro, altru qua facis domajo od ofenso ad «ulu». Venjar esas tranzitiva; on povaos venjar su od altru; on povas anke venjar ulo (ex. l’ocido di sua patro). Pluse la venjo aplikesas, ne nur al autoro di la domajo od ofeso, ma anke a lua familio o havajo. Exemple, en Korsika, la venjo (vendetta) praktikesas inter du familii: se A ocidis B, la filio di B ocidas A; pose la filo di A ocidas la filio di B, . . . e tale senfine, o ti la destrukto di la du familii; VI-143; kp. revanchar, reprezalar. — EFIS

vent-ar: (intr.) to blow, be windy; -as: (impers.) it is windy, the wind is blowing, there is a (high) wind; -o: wind; -ego: strong wind, gale; -stroko: squall, gust of wind; -oza: windy; -izar: to give wind to; -iz-ilo: fan or fan-like instrument; para- -o: w. screen; -o-muel-ilo: w. mill; -o-flecho, -flago: weathervane; -o-rozo: (nav.) compass card. — DeFIS

ventil-ar: (tr.) to ventilate, air. — DEFIRS

ventilator-o*: ventilator; kanvas- -o: (nav.) windsail.

ventr-o: belly, paunch, stomach; (of bottles, etc.) belly, body; (cf. abdomeno, stomako); -ala: ventral: relating to the b.; -oza: paunchy, big bellied; -edo: bellyful; -zono: b. band; girth (of a horse); -doloro: b. ache. — eFIS

ventrikul-o: (anat.) ventricle. — DEFIS

ventro-parol-ar: (intr.) to ventriloquize; -ado, -iv-eso: ventriloquism; -anto, -ero: ventriloquist.

ventuz-o: (surg.) cupping-glass; -agar: to cup (ulu). — FIRS

ver-a: true, veritable; (cf. reala, autentika); -eso: (quality) truth; -ajo: a truth; la -a: (abstract) the truth; -e: verily, truly (cf. ad-vere); ver-simil-a: likely, plausible, true seeming; versimil-ajo, -eso: likelihood, versimilitude (cf. probablajo); ver-sembl-anta: ostensible, apparent; ver-sembl-eso: speciousness; -igar: to make (ulo) true; (math.) to prove; ne-ver-ajo, -eso: falsehood, falseness. Ex.: Vera diamanto. Vu ne dicas la verajo. Esas nula vereso en to quon vu dicas. Matematikala verajo. Fato vere tragediala. Ulfoye la verso povas semblar tre neversimila. La deskovro di lo vera ofte dependas de la komparo di versimilaji. Lu esas verdicanta homo. La verdicemeso di historiisto. — EFIS

verand-o: veranda. — DEFIR

verb-o: (gram.) verb; -ala: verbal: relating to v.s. — DEFIS

verbask-o: (bot.) mullein (genus: Verbascum). — IL

verben-o: (bot.) verbena, vervain (genus: Verbena). — DEFIRS

verd-a: (color) green, verdant; -eso: green(ness); -ajo: a g. object; verdure; (pl., fig.) salad-herbs, pot-herbs; -igar, -izar: to make, cover with, g.; -eskar: to turn g. — eFIS

verdigris-o: verdigris. — EF

verdikt-o: (jur.) verdict; finding; facar -o: to render a v. — DEFIRS

verdron-o: (orni.) greenfinch, greenlinnet (Fringilla chloris). — F

verg-o: rod, wand; ferule or birch (used for punishment); -eto: small rod, switch; -agar: (tr.) to flog (with a birch), to cane; -o-marko: mark of a rod. Ex.: La vergo di Moses, di magiisto. Frapar ulu per vergeto. — FI

verifik-ar: (tr.) to verify (by examination), to confirm; to try, test (weights and measures); to audit; to prove (a will); -(ad)o: verification, examining, auditing; (of wills) probate; -isto, -ero: verifier, inspector, auditor. Def.: Kontrolar l’exakteso, justeso di kalkulo, di mezuro o mezurilo; III-203. Ex.: L’evento verifikas lua predico. Verifikar aserto, signaturo. — DEFIS

verjus-o: verjuice: the sour juice of unripe or green fruits; (fig.) acid liquor. V. exp.: Dicesas metafore pri vino tro yuna od acida; IV-646. — EF

verk-o: (lit., artist., moral, social) work; -eto: essay, pamphlet; small deed; -aro: literature (= books in general; cf. literaturo); -aro cienc-ala: scientific works (books). Ex.: Verki da Molière. La merito di bona verki. On opinionis ne vivar vane quankam lua verki apene lasas traci. — DE

verm-o: worm: any small creeping animal; maggot, grub Z(cf. larvo, lombriko, silko-raupo, tenio); -oza: wormy; -o-rod-ita: w. eaten; -o-forma: w. shaped; (anat.) vermiform; -et-oza: (arch.) vermicular. — DEFI

vermicel-o: vermicelli. — EFIR

vermut-o: (liqueur) verm(o)uth. — DEFIRS

vernier-o*: vernier: a sliding rule.

vernis-o: varnish; -izar: to v. — EFI

veronik-o: (bot.) veronica: speedwell (genus: Veronica). — DEFIS

vers: (prep., physical sense) toward(s): in the direction of (cf. ad); vers la nordo: t. the north; levar la manui vers la cielo: to hold up the hands to heaven; lu turnis sua kapo vers me: he turned hes head toward me. Def.: Directiono en la spaco; VI-144. — FI

vers-o: verse (in poetry; also of Bible); -ajo, -aro: a piece of poetry, verse(s), poem; -o sen-rima: blank v.; -ifar: to write v.; -igar: to versify (ulo). — DEFIS

version-o: version: manner of relating a fact (cf. tradukuro). Ex.: Existas plura versioni pri l’acidento. — DEFIS

versor-o*: (math.) versor.

vertebr-o: vertebra: joint or bone of spine; -ala kolono: vertebral column; -oza, -ozo: vertebrate animal; sen- -a, -o: invertebrate (animal). — DEFIS

vertic-o: vertex: top, crow (of head), sinciput. — EFIS

vertig-o*: (vet.) staggers.

vertij-ar, -eskar: (intr.) to be dizzy, have a swimming, whirling sensation; (cf. aturdar); -o: vertigo, dizziness, giddiness; -anta: dizzy (sensation, head); (med.) vertiginous; -ig-iva, -ig-anta: causing dizziness (heights, etc.). — EFIS

vertikal-a: vertical, perpendicular, plumb; -o: v. line; -eso: verticalness (cf. perpendikl-eso). — DEFIRS

vertu-o: vrtue; (cf. chast-eso); -oza: virtuous; esar -oza pro neceseso: to make a virtue of necessity. Def.: Etikala tendenco facar lo bona ed evitar lo mala. Ex.: Vertui kardinala. Vertuoza homo, ago. Ant.: vicio. — EFIS

veruk-o: (med.) wart. — FIS

verv-o: verve: animation, spirit, go; -oza: animated, spirited, racy; -oza stilo: animated style; -o poeziala: poetic spirit. Def.: Ardoro di imaginado, di la spirito, qua anmizas la poeto, l’oratoro, la konversanto, e.c. V. exp.: vid. entuziasmo. — DeF

vesp-o: (ent.) wasp; -eyo, -o-nesto: w. nest. — DeIS

vesper-o: evening; -ala: evening, vesper (star, prayer, etc.); -e: in the evening; -festo, -kun-veno: evening party, soiree; ca- -e: this evening; pasar la -o: to spend the e.; dicar (od, dezirar) bon- -o (ad ulu): to say good e. — eL

vespertili-o: (zool.) bat (genus: Vespertilio). — L

vespr-o, -i: (R.C. rel.) vesper(s). — DEFIS

vest-o: garment: article of clothing, vestment; -aro: clothes, attire, dress, toilet, garb, habiliment; raiment, wearing apparel; -eyo, -iz-eyo: dressing-place, -room; -izar: to clothe, dress, array (ulu, per ulo) (cf. metar); -iz-ita: dressed, clad; -iz-achar: to rig out in, bedizen (ridiculously); -o-dono regul-ier-ala: taking the habit or veil (friars or nuns); -o-vend-isto: clothier; sub- -o: undergarment; trauro- -o: mourning garment. — eFIS

vestal-o: vestal-virgin; (fig.) chaste woman. — DEFIRS

vesti-o: round jackets (without tails, as for waiters, fencing, etc.). — F

vestibul-o: vestibule: front hall of an edifice, anteroom, lobby. — DEFIS

veston-o: jacket: short coat for men (cf. jaketo). — F

vet-ar: (tr.) to veto, negative (ulo); -o-yuro: right of veto.

veter-o: weather; -o nub-oza: cloudy w. — De

veteran-o: veteran: old soldier; (fig.) any one of long practice. — DEFIRS

veterinar-o: veterinary (-surgeon). — DEFIRS

vetiver-o: (bot.) vetiver (genus: Andropogon). — DEFS

vetrin-o: glass case (for showing objects, as in museums, shops, etc.), show-case. — FI

vetur-o: vehicle (serving to transport persons or merchandise, carriage, wagon, conveyance; -irar: (od, -vehar): to go, travel, drive in a v.; -agar, -transportar: to carry in vehicle (cf. veh-igar); -edo: wagonful; quar-rota -o: four wheeled v.; manu-, hom- -o: hand-cart; lokac- -o: v. for hire, fly. — FI

vex-ar: (tr.) to vex, provoke, irritate; (cf. despitar, molestar); -etar: to tease, plague, tantalize; -et-ema: teasing (person); la deskomforto jenas me; me esas vexata pro to: the inconvenience annoys me; I am vexed because of it; la pueruli vexetas la puerini: the boys tease the girls. — DE

vezik-o: (anat., zool.) bladder; -eto: small b.; (of skin) vesicle; -igar: to vesicate: blister; -ig-iva: vesicatory. — eFIL

vezikatori-o: (med.) vesicatory: blistering application. — DEFIS

vi: you (plural, see vu); via: your (plural).

viadukt-o: viaduct. — DEFIRS

viatik-o: money or provisions given for a journey; (R.C. rel.) viaticum, last sacrament. V. exp.: La primitiva senco esas voyajo-subvenciono, de qua venas la religiala senco; IV-646. — DEFIS

vibr-(ad)ar: (intr.) to vibrate. Ex.: Vibrado di la violin-kordi, di la aero, di pendulo. — DEFIS

vibrion-o: (bacteriol.) vibrio (genus: Vibrio). — DEFIRSL

viburn-o: viburnum, snow-ball tree (genus: Viburnum). — EFIS

vice(-): (prep. and prefix) vice, instead of; - ke: (conj.) instead that. Ex.: Vice Iphigenia cervino sakrifikesis ad Artemis. Vice laborar, vu dormis..

vice-parol-anto, -ero: spokesman.

vice-prezid-anto: vice-president.

vicer-o: (anat.) viscus; -i, -aro: viscera; -ala: visceral. V. exp.: Vicero havas senco diferanta de intestino, e plu vasta: ex. la kordio esas vicero; IV-81. — EFIS

vice-rej-o: viceroy.

vici-o: vice: fault of character (cf. defekto, manko); -ozeso: viciousness, depravity; -oza: vicious (cf. perversa); -oza cirklo: (fig.) vicious circle; -izar: to vitiate: taint, contaminate; to sully (the character of); (jur.) to render defective or void. Ex.: Ebriemeso esas vicio. Vici-zar legal akto. Ant.: vertuo. — EFIS

vicin-a: (esp. of people) neighboring, bordering, contiguous, adjacent (cf. proxima, apuda, kontigua); -(ul)o: neighbor; -aro: neighborhood: neighbors; -eso: (state) neighborhood: nearness, vicinity (of); -ajo: vicinity: (place); something neighboring (cf. cirkum-ajo); -esar: to be contiguous. — eFIS

vid-ar: (tr.) to see; -igar (ulo da ulu): to cause someone to see something; -(ad)o: sight, vision: act of seeing; -ajo: what is seen, a sight, a view; -eyo: (locality) viewpoint; -punto: (mental) viewpoint, point of view; -ala: visual; -ebla: visible, apparent (cf. apar-anta, sembl-anta); -inda: worth seeing; -ind-ajo: something worth seeing; -enda: what ought or must be seen; -organo: organ of vision; mi- -ar: to catch a glimpse of, see imperfectly; inter- -o: interview: meeting for conference. Ex.: La lasis me vidar nulo, ma lu vidis omno vidinda. Konocar ulu per la vido. Pagebla ye vido. V. exp.: vid. regardar. — FIR

vidam-o: (feudalism) vidame. — EFIRS

vidv-a: widowed; -ulo: widower; -ino: widow; -eso: widowhood; -eskar: to become a widow(er). — DeFIRS

viel-o: vielle: a stringed instrument played upon with a wheel; (cf. turn-orgeno). Def.: Instrumento muzkala kun kordi, quan on pleas per manivelo e klavi. — DeF

vigil-ar: (intr.) to abstain from sleep; to watch; to sit up; (cf. vekar); -(ad)o: vigil: being awake; on the alert; watching; (act.) vigilance; -anta: wide-awake, vigilant (act); -ema: (tendency) watchful, vigilant; -em-eso: vigilance; -anto, -ero, -isto: watcher; armo- -o: armed watch; -ar por malado: to sit up for (with) a sick person; -ar til jorno (lumo): to sit up, stay up, keep awake until daylight; -anta patrulo di la familio: a watchful father fo the family; -anta sorgo: vigilant care. — eFIS

vigili-o: vigil; eve of a feast pf R.C. church. V. exp.: La dio ante la dio, quan on konsideras. Necesa ed internaciona en la religial uzo; IV-646. — DEFIS

vigor-o: vigor; -oza, -oze: vigorous (ly). Ex.: Vigoro di yuneso, di la mento. Agar vigoroze. — EFIS

vikari-o: vicar: substitue in office; curate; -eso: vicariate; curacy; la -o di Iesu Kristo: the v. of Jesus Christ, the pope; grand- -o (od, vikario-generalo): v. general. — DeFIRS

viktim-o: victim: person or animal sacrificed; (fig.) sufferer, dupe; -igar: to victimize (ulu); -o-homa: human v. — EFIS

viktuali-o: victuals, provisions; (nav.) stores. Def.: Provizuri por manjar; IV-646. — DEFS

vikun-o: (zool.) vicuna, vicugna (Auchenia vicunna); -lano: v. cloth. — DEFIRS

vil-o: (bot., anat.) villosity: coating of hairs; -oza: villous; (cf. vilozit-o). — eFIS

vilaj-o: village; -eto: small v., hamlet; -ano: villager. — EFI

vilanel-o: villanelle: a kind of rustic ballad or dance. — DeFIRS

vild-o: (wild) game; -oza: full of g.; -izar: to stock with g.: -chasar, -kaptar: to hunt; -kapt-isto, vend-isto: fowler, sportsman; dealer in g.; -o-karno: flesh of g.; -o-sako: g. bag; plum- -o: feathered g.; wild fowl. — D

vilej-ar: (intr.) to rusticate; -(ad)o: sojourn in the country. — FI

«villa»: villa.

vilozit-o, -i: (of intestines) villosity; (cf. vilo).

vimpl-o: wimple (as of nuns). — E

vin-o: wine; -ala,-oza, -atra: vinous; -ea: w. colored; -if-ado: vnification, w. making; -vend-eyo, -erio: w. shop; -o nefermentacinta: unfermented w., sweet w.; -o sen-sukra: dry w. — DEFIRS

vinagr-o: vinegar; -ifar: to make v.; -izar: to put v. on; -uyo: v. cruet; -holder. — EFS

vind-ar: (tr.) to reel up; to wind or hoist (as with a windlass; cf. spular, hisar, en-volvar); -ilo: windlass, winch. — DE

vink-ar: (tr.) to overcome, vanquish, conquer, master, defeat, get the bette of; (intr.) to win; be victorious; -o: victory; -anto, -ero: conquerer, victor; -anta, -ema, -oza: victorious; -ala kanto: song of vicory. — eFIS

vintr-o: winter; -ala: windtry; -e: in w.; en meza -o: in the depth of w. — DE

vinyet-o: (engraved) vignette (of books, papers); -oza papero: paper with ornamented borders. — DEFIRS

viol-o: (bot.) violet; -ea, -kolora: v. colored, purple; -atra: v. like; purplish. — eFIRS

violac-ar: (tr.) to violate: to infringe, transgress, break a law, one’s oath); to ravish, rape (a female); -o: rape; violation; -ante la reguli: in violation of the rules. — EFIS

violent-ar: (tr.) to violate: do or use violence to, to ill use, force (ulu, ulo); -(ad)o: violating, violence; (jur.) force; -ala morto: violent death; -oza, -ema: violent: (persons, winds, passions, etc.); -esar: to suffer violence (da). Ex.: Violentar la koncienco. — EF

violin-o: violin, fiddle; -plear: to play the v.; -agar: to play (ulo) on the v.; -(ple)ero, -isto: v. player. — DEFIS

violoncel-o: violoncello, ’cello. — DEFIS

viper-o: viper: venemous reptile, as adder; (fig.) malignant person; -ala, -atra: viperine; -lango: (fig.) an evil tongue. — DEFIS

vir-o: a (grown) man, a manly person: male adult possessing masculine qualities, as a soldier, etc.; -ala, -atra: virile, manly (of voice, sexual organs, etc.); -eso: virility, manliness, manhood, man's estate, vigor; -aro: crew (of a ship), squad of men, etc.; -atra mulier-o: virago; -izar: to man, provide men for. — eFIS

virg-a: virgin(al: entirely chaste, also in fig. sense; -a tero: v. soil; -a foresto: untrodden forest; -a metalo: native, v. metal; -ulo: a chaste man or male; -ino: virgin; -ala, -in-ala: virginal, maidenly; -eso, -in-eso: virginity, maidenhood. — EFIS

Virgili-ala: Virgilian, of Virgil.

virtual-a: (philos., opt., mechan.) virtual, potental; -e: virtually; -eso, -ajo: virtuality, potentiality; -a rapid-eso: v. velocity; -a foko: v. focus. Def.: Qua esas en potencialo, ma ne en efekto aktuala. Ex.: Armeo virtuale vinkita. — DEFIRS

virtuoz-a: (highly) skilled, artistic, masterly; -(ul)o: virtuoso; -eso: virtuosity, virtuosoship: professional or consummate skill, artistic perfection, masterly style or play. — DeFIS

virulent-a: virulent; -eso: virulence. — DEFIS

virus-o: (med.) virus; -oza: poisonous. — DEFIS

vis-ar: (tr., intr.) to screw in: turn in a screw; -(ad)o: screwing (of screws); -ilo: screw-driver; -ilo ajust-ebla: a spanner, stillson or monkey wrench. V. exp.: On visas skrubi. On skrub-agas, skrub-ligas ulo, quale kesto, buxo, e.c. — F

vish-ar: (tr.) to wipe (off), wipe dry by rubbing; (cf. sik-igar); manu- -ilo: towel; plum- ilo: pen-wiper. — D

viskomt-o: (title) viscount. — DEFIRS

viskoz-a: viscous, viscid; (cf. glutin-iva); -eso: viscosity. — DEFIS

vist-ar: (tr.) to visé: to endorse, countersign; -o: visé: official signature. Def.: Oficale signatar o autentikigar dokumento od akto. Ex.: La visto di konsulo sur pasporto. — eIS

vit-o: (bot.) vine; -eyo, -agro: vineyard; -folio: leaf of the v.; -kultiv-ado: v. culture; (fig.) wine-growing; -bero: grape; sika vit-bero: raisin; vito-grapo: bunch of grapes; -re-koltar: to gather the vintage; -o Virginiana: Virginia creeper. — eFIS

vital-ismo: vitalism: a biological doctrine; -isto: vitalist. — DEFIRS

vitel-o: vitellus: yolk of egg; -ala: vitelline. — EFIS

vitr-o: (the material) glass; -a: (made of) g.; -ala, -atra: glass, vitreous; -izar: to furnish or cover (ulo) with g. (windows, etc.); -iz-isto: glazier (cf. glezar); -igar (tr.), -eskar (intr.): to vitrify; -ifar: to make g.; -if-erio: g. works; -if-isto: g. maker; -o-karelo: pane (as of a window); -o-tekto: g. roof; -o-papero: sand-paper; -o-parieto: g. partition; -o-plako: plate g.; -ach-ajo, -aji: glass trinkets, g. beads. — eFIS

vitrali-o (-fenestro): stained-glass window (as in churches). Def.: Vitro artala, kolorizita, dekoriva, qua klozas fenestro (quale en kelka kirki e laika edifici); IV-646. — F

vitriol-o: vitriol. — DEFIS

viul-o: (mus.) viol; name for instruments of violin family; bas- -o: bass-viol (cf. violoncelo). Def.: Anciena formo d grosa violino de qua developesis la moderna speci di violini). — DEFIRS

viv-ar: (intr., tr.) to live: be living, be alive (cf. habitar, kondutar); -o: life; -ala: vital (cf. esenca, ne-kare-ebla); -anto: living person; -anta: alive, living; -oza, -ema: full of life, animated, lively, vivacious; -oz-eso: vitality; -em-eso: vivacity (cf. vivaca); -etar, -achar: to make shift to live, live from hand to mouth; -igar: to vivify, quicken, give life to, animate (cf. anm-izar); -iva, -kapabla: likely to live, capable of living; -ez! viv- klamo: vive! long live! hurrah, cheer; trans- -ar: to survive: remain alive; bon-viv-anto: bon-vivant, high-liver; gaya viv-anto: lively, good-humored person; dum-viva (od, viv-dur-anta) rento: life annuity. Ex.: Fishi povas vivar nur en l’aquo. Lu vivas mizerosa vivo. Lasar ulu vivar. Vivar sua vivo. Qua vivos vidos. La tempo dum qua lu vivis. Vivar quale ermito. Dum la vivo di. Vivala povo, principo. Vivozeso di forta viro. Vivemeso di pueri. La mediko dicas, ke ica infanto esas viviva. La mento vivigas la korpo. Ant.: mortar. — eFIS

vivac-a: lively, nimble, vivacious, sprightly, brisk; -eso: vivacity: liveliness; ta infanto esas tre -a: that child is very lively; il vivacigas omno quon il agas: he puts life into whatever he does. — EFIS

viv-dis-sek-ar: (tr.) to vivisect: to dissect living beings.

vivipar-a: viviparous.

viz-ar: (tr., intr.) to aim at, to take aim (cf. intencar, tendencar, ambiciar); -o: aim: direction of the sight toward an object; -ar (vers) ucelo: to aim at a bird; -o-grano: sight (of a gun); -lineo: line of aim. — F

vizaj-o: visage: face of a person. Def.: L’avana parto di la homala kapo, konsiderata de extere ed en lua expresiveso; V-679. — EFI

vizel-o: (zool.) weasel (Mustela vulgaris). — DE

vizier-o: visor (of a helmet, a cap); okul- -o: eye-shade (for the head). — DEFIS

vizion-o: vision, apparition; -era, -ema; -ero, emo: visionary (person). Ex.: Imaginar sua vizioni esar realaji. La vizioni di la profeti. Unesme la populo nomizis Columbus kom vizionero. — DEFIS

vizir-o: vizier; granda -o: g. v. — DEFIRS

vizit-ar: (tr.) to visit, pay a v. to, call upon (ulu, ulo); -karto: visiting card; -festo: (rel.) visitation. — DEFIRS

voc-o: (also gram.) voice; (fig.) expression of opinion; -o alta, basa, klara, obskura, rupto-sona: high, low clear, unclear, broken v.; mi- -e: in an undertone; -e: by word of mouth; voca voto: viva voce vote; -ala: vocal, verbal, oral, uttered or relating to the v.; -o-kondukt-ilo: v. conductor (cf. parol-tubo); la -o publika: (fig.) public opinion; la -o di koncienco: (fig.) the v. of conscience; elekt-ita per 7 voci ek 12: elected by 7 out of 12 (viva voce) votes; -o-reflekt-ilo: sounding board (as for pulpit); sen-voc-eso: loss of voice, aphonia. — EFIS

vodevil-o: (theat.) vaudeville. — DEFIR

(ad)vok-ar: (tr., intr., also fig.) to call (to) (ulu), ask to come, summons; -eso: vocation. Ex.: (Ad-)vokar la hundo per lua nomo. (Ad-)vokar la guardo. Vokar por helpo. Kun-vokar la rezervo-trupi a la militala servado. Vokar (a) Deo por helpo. Mea patrio esas en danjero, la honoro vokas. V. exp.: vid. klamar. — eIL

vocal-o: (gram.) vowel. — DeFIS

vokaliz-ar: (intr., tr., mus.) to vocalize: to sing a vowel sound without uttering words. — DEFIRS

vokativ-o: (gram.) vocative (case). — DEFIS

vol-ar: (tr.) to will: determine in the mind, to decide, resolve, exercise volition (cf. dezirar, voluntar); -o: (act) will, volition; -ado: (faculty) the will, volition; -eto, -esko: low degree of will, fancy, mind, slight degree of inclination, caprice, humor; -ala: willful: relating to will; -ata, -ita: willed, willful, intended, voluntary (cf. voluntar); -e: willfully; -anta: voluntary: proceeding from free-will; sen-vol-a: involuntary; segun-vol-a: optional; segun-vole: at pleasure, at will; segun-vola pafado: firing at will; bon-, mal- -volo: good, ill will; me volas vidar il: I will (am determined) to see him; me volas facar ol: I mean to (will) do it; me ne volas: I won’t, I do not mean to; volo ne-flex-ebla: inflexible will; la reflexi esas ne-dependanta de la volado: the reflexes are independent of the will (volition); me havas vol-eto refuzar: I have a mind to refuse; vol-ala (od, vol-anta) ago, movo: voluntary act, motion; vol-ita eroro: willful error. — DeFIRS

volatil-a: volatile; -eso: volatility. Def.: Vaporeskema ye l’ordinara temperaturo; IV-4. — EFIS

volf-o, -ulo, -ino: wolf; (astron.) Wolf, Lupus; -o-homo: (mythol.) were-wolf.

volkan-o: volcano; -ala, -atra: volcanic (stone, etc.); -oza: volcanic: full of v.s; -o exting-ita: extinct v. — DEFIRS

volontari-o: (esp. military) volunteer. — DEFIRS

volt-ar: (intr.) to volt: make a sudden turn or leap aside (as in fencing); (cf. voltijar). — DEFIRS

volt-o: (elec.) volt. — DEFIRS

voltij-ar: (intr.) to vault (on a horse, on a slack rope, etc.); -(ad)o: vaulting, leaping, tumbling; -anto, -isto: leaper, vaulter, tumbler; -ero: (fig.) voltigeur: F. light-infantry soldier. — DeFIR

voltmetr-o: voltmeter. — DEFIRS

volumin-o: (geom.) volume: space occupied; (cf. maso, tomo); -oza: voluminous, bulky. — DEFIS

volunt-ar: (tr., intr.) to be willing (to); to have no objection (to); (in polite phrases) to be so kind as, be pleased to; -o: willingness, good-will; -a, -ala, -anta: voluntary, willingly; -ez: please; -e: gladly, readily, willingly. Ex.: Me voluntas facar to. Voluntez enirar, sioro. Voluntez dicar a me. Me akompanos vu tre volunte. On volunte (E. readily) kredas to quon on deziras kredar. V. exp.: Voluntez esas vicina a komplezez, degnez, ma min forta; VI-213. La tri vorti: voluntar, komplezar, degnar formacas gradaro: komplezo esas ulo plu kam volunto; degno esas komplezo o favoro di altranga persono; II-648. — EFI

volupt-o: voluptuousness; -oza: voluptuous (sensation, etc.); -ema, -emo: voluptuous (person). Def.: Granda plezuro sensala. — EFIS

volut-o: (arch.) volute, spiral scroll. — DEFIRS

(en-)volv-ar: (tr.) to roll up, wrap around; to coil (a rope); -ar su: to wrap up oneself; (cf. spular). Ex.: (En-)volvar standardo cirkum lua shafto. Volvar kordo cirkum la korpo. (En-)volvar peco de stofo. V. exp.: vid. envelopar. — L

vom-ar: (tr., intr.) to vomit, throw up, belch out (wind, gas, etc.); -ajo: vomit: what is thrown up; -ig-iva, -ig-ivo: vomitive, emetic. Ex.: Vomar sango. La volkano vomas flamo. — EFIS

vomer-o*: (anat.) vomer: nostril bone.

vomik-o*: (med.) vomica: abscess cavity in the lungs.

vomiknuc-o: nux-vomica, vomic-nut; -iero: n. v. tree (Strychnos Nux-vomica). — EFIS

vomitori-o: (anc. arch.) vomitory. Def.: Arkeologiala termino: enireyo ed ekireyo en la teatri ed amfi-teatri; IV-647. — DEFIS

vort-o: (written, printed) word (cf. parolo); -aro: collection of words; vocabulary; -o-libro: word-book, dictionary; -ope, -opa: verbatim, word for word, literal (translation); -ifar: to build words; -if(ad)o: word building. — DE

vortic-ar: (intr.) to whirl, rotate rapidly; -o: whirling, vortex; aer- -o: whirlwind; aquo- -o: whirlpool; vortico di aferi: rush of business; polvo- -o: cloud of dust. — EI

vot-ar: (intr.) to vote (either viva voce or by ballot) (por, kontre): (tr.) to v. for (ulu); to enact (ulo); -(ad)o: vote, voting; voice, suffrage, ballot; -anto, -into: voter; -yuro: right to v.; balot-voto: vote by (second) ballot; listo- -o: ballot by list; -o-konto: polling: count of votes; -o per manui: show of hands; -ado universala: universal suffrage; votar por lego: to vote for a law; votar lego: to enact a law. — DEFIRS

vov-ar: (tr., intr.) to vow, make a v. (of); -o: vow; -ajo: votive offering; -ala: votive. Ex.: Vovar absteno. Vovar templo a deo. — EF

voy-o: (tera, fera, mara) way, road; (R.R.) track, route; -eto: path(way), footpath; -ego: broad road, highway; -ifar: to make a road; mi- -o (ye): half-way; lakto- -o: (astron.) Milky Way; fer- -o: railroad; kargo-letro fervoy-ala: way-bill; voy-administrado: administration of public ways; voy-labor-isto: road worker. — F

voyaj-ar: (intr.) to travel; (by water) to voyage; -eskar: to start on a journey; -o: travel(ing); trip (cf. turo); -ado: frequent or continued travel; -anta; -ero: traveling, traveler, passenger; -ema; -emo: (person) fond of t.; itinerant, strolling; -o-spensi: traveling expenses; vivo- -o: (fig.) life’s journey; komerc- -isto: commercial traveler; -era kolombo: carrier pigeon. Ex.: Voyajar en Azia, de London a New York. — EFIS

vu (pl. vi): you; (for familiar usage cf. tu); vua (pl. via or vui): your(s), your own; vua relati: your relations; mea esas verda, vua esas reda: mine is green, yours (pl.) are red; ube esas la kamizi? Vui esas en l’armoro e mei esas en la laveyo: where are the shirts? yours are in the press and mine are in the wash; prenez elia manteli kun vii: take their cloaks with your own (pl.). — FIR

vulgar-a: vulgar: used or done by the common run of people, common, popular, unrefined; (N.B. for low, coarse sense, cf. grosiera, ne-polita, mal-gusta); (noun form = populo, turbo, plebey-aro); -eso: (quality) vulgarism: commonness, unrefinedness (N.B. not «low» cf. grosier-ajo); -igar: to vulgarize: make popular; -ig-anto, -ero: popularizer; -a traduko di Biblo: vulgar version of the Bible (cf. vulgato); -a parolado, opiniono, pre-judiki: vulgar tongue, opinion, prejudices. — DEFIRS

vulgat-o: Vulgate: Latin version of the Bible. — DEFIRS

Vulkan-ala: (geol.) Vulcanian.

vulkaniz-ar: (tr.) to vulcanize. — DEFIRS

vulnerari-o: (bot.) kidney-vetch, wound-wort (Vulneraria rustica). — FIS

vult-o: (arch.) vault; (cf. mason-ita tombo, kelero); -atra: v. like, archlike; -izar: to cover with a v.; -igar: to arch; -iz-ita, -ig-ita: vaulted, arched. — EFI

vultur-o: (orni.) vulture; (fig.) a rapacious person. — EFI

vulv-o: (anat.) vulva. — DEFIRS

vund-ar: (tr.) to wound; (cf. lezar, kontuzar, ofensar); -o, -uro: wound(ing); -ebla: (also fig.) vulnerable. — DE


«wampum»: wampum: Indian currency.

warant-o: (jur.) warrant; (dogan-) waranto: (com.) dock-warrant. Def.: (com.) Recev-atesto pri vari pozata en dogan-depozeyo; II-77. — DEFIS

warf-o: wharf, jetty; -eto: landing-stage, gang-way. V. exp.: Warfo esas nek digo, nek kayo, nam ol ne esas masiva, ma speco de eshafodo formacita ek ligna o fera trabi; II-712. — DEF

warp-o: (in weaving) warp; (cf. urdar). — E

wat-o: (elec.) watt. — DEF

weft-o*: (weaving, etc.) woof.

weld-ar: (tr.) to weld, forge together (iron, steel); -o, -uro: a weld, welding. V. exp.: La F. S. havas nur un vorto por soldar e weldar, a la I. usas ofte la sama por la du diferanta juntamieri. La soldo e la brazo esas fakte du speci di glutino di du metalspeci per konvenanta metal, qua esas en la soldo soldostano, en la brazo kupro. Pro la tre diferanta fuz-temperaturo di stano e kupro, on soldas ye cirkume 300° C. ed on brazas ye cirkume 1000° C. On povas soldar e brazar omna metali, anke du diversa. Ma on povas weldar nur tre poka de li, ex. l’oro, la fero (se ol ne kontenas troa karbo), e.c., e nur du peci di la sama metalo. La weldo konsistas en varmigo til komencanta fuzo e posa kunbato per marteli, de quo rezultas junturo preske tam forta kam la solida metalo; III-87. — E

west-o: west; -a, -ala: westerly: of or relating to the w.; -e: (direction) westward, in, to the w.; ad- -e: (with motion) westward. — DEFIRS

wiski-o: (spirit) whisky. — DEFIRS

wist-o: (card game) whist. — DEFIRS

wistiti-o: (zool.) ouistiti,marmoset (monkey). — DeFIR

wolfram-o*: (min.) wolfram: tungsten.


xantin-o*: (chem.) xanthine.

xantofil-o*: (chem., bot.) xanthophyl.

xeni-o*: satirical epigram (first introduced by Goethe and Schiller); (biol.) xenia.

xenon-o*: (chem.) xenon.

xerofit-o*: (bot.) xerophyte.

xifoid-a*: (anat.) xiphoid, ensiform.

xilofag-a, -o: xylophagous (insect, bivalve). Def.: Una de la multa speci de insekti, qui rodas la ligno; IV-647. — EFIS

xilofon-o: (mus.) xylophone. — DEFIS

xilograf-ar: (tr., intr.) to engrave on wood or print from wood engravings. — DEFIRS


ya: indeed, most certainly, truly (used in a sentence to lend emphasis, to confirm a statement); esis ya mea kulpa: it was truly my fault; me ya facis to: it was I indeed who did it. — D

yakt-o: yacht. — DEFRS

yar-o: year, twelvemonth; -ala: yearly, annual; relating to y.; -ala (od, un-yara) planti: annual plants; -libro: yearbook, annual (cf. almanako); singla-, omna-yar-a, -e: yearly; which takes place every year; -deko: decade; -dek-a: happening every ten years (cf. dek-yara); -cento: century; mi-yar-a: twice a year; -rento: annuity; ca-yar-e, -a: this year; ante un yaro: one year ago; en yaro mez-valora: in the average year, one year with another. — DE

yard-o: (nav.) yard (for a sail), yardarm; -o granda: main y. — E

yatagan-o: yataghan; long Turkish dagger. — DEFIS

ye: preposition of indefinite meaning to be used when no other preposition covers the meaning; especially denoting position, place, precise situation, time: ye la fino di la libro: at the end of the book; il prenis il ye la manuo: he took him by the hand; ye ca vorti: at these words; ye la di-mezo: at midday; ye dek metri de me: at (or, within) ten meters of me.

yen: (conjunction with an interjectional character) (with or without hike, ibe) here is, there is; (interj. meaning) look here! behold! lo! yen la volfo: here is the wolf; look, the wolf! yen (hike) me: here I am; yen (ibe) lu: there he is; yen me: behold, it is I! yen lu: there he comes; yen pomi, prenez le bona: here are apples, take the good ones; yen (ke) la treno arivas: here comes the train; yen quale la kozi eventis: this is how things happened; yen me itere: here I am again.
yes: yes, aye, yea. Ant.: no. — E

yiterb-o*: (min.) ytterbium.

yitr-o*: (chem.) yttrium.

yodl-ar: (tr., intr.) to yodel (in singing). — DEF

yol-o: jolly-boat; a ship’s boat of medium size; yawl. — DEFIR

yuft-o: Russian leather. — DR

yug-o: yoke; (fig.) bondage. — DeFIS

yuk-o: (bot.) yucca (genus: Yucca). — DEFIS

yun-a: young; -es-ala: juvenile, youthful; -o, -ulo, -ino: a young person; -eso: (time) youth; -aro: (collect.) youth; -es-ala stroko: prank, frolic; -es-ala aspekto: youthfulness (in appearance). Note: The suffix -id denotes the descendant, offspring of persons: Izraelido, Napoleonido. For progeny other than of persons -yuno is used: bovyuno, kavalyuno, etc. V. exp.: vid. anciena. Ant.: olda. — DEFR

yur-o: right (founded on law, property, vested interest) legal-right, -title, -authority; right (moral claim founded on justice, equity); (cf. lego, yust-eso); -o-cienco: law (as a science); jurisprudence; -isto: jurist; -izar: to entitle, authorize, give the (legal) right to; (cf. darfar); -iz-ita: entitled, legitimate, lawful; -izo: authorization; yur-iz-iti: (jur.) assigns. Ex.: La legi definas la yuri di la homi. La yuro votar esas civitanala yuro. Yuro naturala. Yuro defensar su, parolar (pri), laborar. — DeFIRS

yust-a: just, equitable, rightful, fair, justifiable (cf. yur-iz-ita, equitatoza, justa); -(ul)o: a just act; -eso: (moral) justness, justice, fairness, uprightness, integrity (cf. equitato, yuro); -igar: to make just (cf. justifikar); esez yusta e ne timez: be just and fear not. Def.: Konforma a personala justeso, a la yuro, a la raciono.


zagay-o: assagai: S. African spear.

zebr-o: (zool.) zebra; -ea, -o-bunta: striped like a z. — DEFIRS

zebu-o: (zool.) zebu (Bos indicus). — DEFIRS

zefir-o*: zephyr, gentle breeze. — DEFIS

zek-o: (ent.) tick (Ixodes). — DI

zel-ar: (intr.) to be zealous; -o: zeal; -anta, -oza: zealous, sedulous; -anto, -ozo: zealot; ne- -oza: lukewarm. — EFIS

zenit-o: (astron. and fig.) zenith. — DEFIRS

zeolit-o: (min.) zeolite. — DEF

zer-o: (temperature) zero; (arith.) cipher, nought; super, sub -o: above, below z. — EFIS

zest-o: the woody skin quartering the kernel of a walnut. — F

zeze-ar: (intr.) to lisp. Def.: Pronunciar j quale z e sh quale s; IV-647. — FS

zibelin-o: (fur, animal) sable. — FIS

zigomat-o: (anat.) zygoma: cheek bone. — EFIS

zigomorf-a*: (bot., zool.) zygomorphic. — DEFIS

zigospor-o*: zygospore. — DEFIS

zigot-o*: (bot.) zygote. — DEFIS

zigzag-ar: (intr.) to zigzag. — DEFIRS

zimaz-o*: (chem.) zymase. — DEFIS

zimologi-o: zymology. — DEFIRS

zimosimetr-o: zymosimeter. — DEFIRS

zimoteknik-o: zymotechnics: technology of ferments. — DEFIRS

zink-o: zinc; -a: (made of) z.; -labor-isto: z. worker; -izar: to cover with z. — DEFIRS

zinkografi-o: zincography.

zirkon-o*: (min.) zircon. — DEFIRS

zodiak-o: zodiac; -o-signo: sign of z. — DEFIRS

zon-o: (geog., geom.) zone; (for body) girdle, belt, sash, waist-band (cf. tayo); -izar: to girdle, girt; inclose in a z.; -o torida: torrid z.; -o militala: military z.; -o-kateno: chatelaine; espado -o: sword-belt; kordo zonizis lumbo (od, tayo): his loins were girt with a cord. — DeFIRS

zoofit-o: (zool.) zoöphyte. — DEFIRS

zoografi-o: zoögraphy. — EFIRS

zoologi-o: zoology; -isto: zoölogist. — DEFIRS

zoosperm-o*: (biol.) zoösperm. — DEFIS

zoospor-o*: (bot., zool.) zoöspore. — DEFIS

zuav-o: (soldier) zouave. — DEFIRS

zum-ar: (intr.) to buzz (as flying insects), to drone: make a humming or buzzing noise. — DS



Abisini-a: Abyssinia; -ano: Abyssinian

Acor-i (insuli): the Azores.

Adriatik-a: Adriatic.

Afgan-o: Afghan.

Afganistan: Afghanistan.

Afrik-a: Africa; -ano: African.

Akadi-a: Acadie; -ano: Acadian.

Akay-a: Achaia; -ano: Achaian.

Albani-a: Albania; -ano: Albanian.

Aleuti (insuli): Aleutian Islands.

Algarvo: Algarve.

Aljer: Algiers (town); -ano: inhabitant of A.

Aljeri-a: Algeria; -ano: Algerian.

Alpi: the Alps.

Alzaci-a: Alsace; -ano: Alsatian.

Amerik-a: America; -ano: (an) American.

Amhara (lando): Amhara (Abyssinia); -ano: inhabitant of A.

Anam: Annam; -ano: Annamese.

Anatoli-a: Anatolia.

Andaluzi-a: Andalusia; -ano: Andalusian.

And-i: (the) Andes.

Andora: Andorra.

Angli-a: England.

Anglo: Englishman.

Angol-a: Angola.

Anhalt: Anhalt (German duchy).

Antil-i: the Antilles.

Apenin-i: the Appenines.

Apuli-a: Apulia.

Aquitani-a: Aquitaine.

Aqitan-o: inhabitant of A.

Arabi-a: Arabia.

Arab-o: Arab.

Aragon-o: Aragon.

Arame-a (lando): Aram; -ano: Aramean.

Arden-i: the Ardennes.

Argolid-o: Argolis.

Arjentini-a: (the) Argentine.

Arkadi-a: Arcadia; -ano: Arcadian.

Armeni-a: Armenia; -ano: Armenian.

Arveni-a: Auvergne.

Asiri-a: Assyria; -ano: Assyrian.

Asturi-a: Astrias; -ano: Asturian.

Atlantik-a, -o: the Atlantic.

Aulid-o: Aulis.

Australi-a: Australia; -ano: Australian.

Austri-a: Austria; -ano: Austrian.

Avan-Azia: Asia Minor.

Azi-a: Asia; -ano: Asiatic.


Badeni-a: Baden; -ano: (man) of Baden.

Baham-a: the Bahamas (islands).

Baktri-a: Bactri; -ano: Bactrian.

Balear-i: Balearic (islands).

Baltik-a,-o: the Baltic (sea).

Barbados: Barbados.

Bavari-a: Bavaria; -ano: Bavarian.

Belgi-a: Belgium.

Belg-o: a Belgian.

Beludjistan: Baluchistan.

Beludjo: a Baluch.

Bengal: Begal; -ano: Bengalese.

Beoti-a: Boeotia; -ano: Boeotian.

Berberi-a: Barbary; -ano: Berber.

Berber-o: Berber.

Bermud-i: the Bermudas (islands).

Besarabi-a: Bessarabia.

Biskay-a: Biscay.

Bitini-a: Bithinia.

Blanka Monto: Mont Blanc.

Bohemi-a: Bohemia; -ano: Bohemian.

Bolivi-a: Boliva; -ano: Bolivian.

Borne-o: Borneo.

Bosni-a: Bosnia; -ano: Bosnian.

Brabant: Brabant; -ano: (man) of Brabant.

Brazili-a: Brazil; -ano: Brazilian.

Bretoni-a: Brittany.

Breton-o: a Breton.

Britani-a: Great Brtain; -ano: British.

Britan-o: Briton (ancient).

Brunsvig: Brunswick (Duchy of).

Bukhari-a: Bokhara.

Bulgari-a: Bulgaria; -ano: Bulgarian.

Burgundi-a: Burgundy; -ano: Burgundian (modern).

Burgund-o: Burgundian (ancient).

Burm-a: Burma; -ano: Burmese.


Ceylon: Ceylon; -ano: Cingalese.

Champani-a: Champagne; -ano: (man) of C.

Chek-o*: Czech.

Cheko-Slovaki-a*: Czechoslovakia.

Chili: Chile; -ano: Chilean.

Chini-a: China; -ano: Chinese.

Chipr-o: Cyprus; -ano: Cypriot.

Cilici-a: Cilicia.

Cirkasi-a: Circassia; -ano: Circassian.


Dacia: Dacia.

Dalmati-a: Dalmatia; -ano: Dalmatian.

Dani-a: Denmark.

Dan-o: Dane.

Danubi-o: the Danube.

Dardaneli: the Dardanelles.

Dominik-a: Dominica.

Dominga Republiko: San Domingo (in Hayti).

Doming-ano: Dominican (of the Republic of Domingo).


Egad-i (insuli): Egades Islands, (Sicily).

Egipti-a: Egypt; -ano: Egyptian.

Epir-o: Epirus; -ano: an Epirot.

Equador: Ecuador.

Eritrea: Erythea.

Eskim-o (-i): Eskimo(s).

Estoni-a: Esthonia; -ano: Ethonian.

Etiopi-a: Ethiopia; -ano: Ethiopian.

Etoli-a: Aetolia; -ano: Aetolian.

Etruri-a: Etruria; -ano: Etruscan.

Europ-a: Europe; -ano: European.


Fairo-tero: Tierra del Fuego.

Faulkland (insuli): Faulkland islands.

Fenici-a: Phoenicia; -ano: Phoenician.

Fernandopo: Fernando Po (islands).

Fidji: Fiji.

Filipin-i: Philippines (islands); -ano: Philipino.

Finland-o: Finland; -ano: Finn, Finlander.

Flandri-a: Flanders; -ano: Flemish.

Focid-o: Phocis.

Formoz-a: Formosa.

Franci-a: France.

Franc-o: Frenchman.

Frankoni-a: Franconia; -ano: Frank.

Frigi-a: Phrygia; -ano: Phrygian.

Frizi-a: Friesland; -ano: Frieslander.


Galati-a: Galatia (Asa Minor).

Galici-a: Galicia (Austria); -ano: Galician.

Galile-a: Galilee; -ano: Galilean.

Galisi-a: Galicia (Spain); -ano: Galician.

Gallia: Gaul.

Gall-i: Gauls.

Gambi-a: Gambia.

Gaskoni-a: Gascony; -ano: an inhabitant of Gascony.

Gaskon-o: Gascon.

Geldri-o: Geldern

Germani-a: Germany.

German-o: German.

Glacial-a (oceano): Polar Ocean.

Goti-a: Gothland.

Got-o: Goth.

Greki-a: Greece.

Grek-o: Greek.

Grenland-o: Greenland; -ano: Greenlander.

Gruzi-a: Georgia, Gruzia.

Guadelup-a: Guadelupe.

Guatemal-a: Guatemala.

Guayan-a: Guiana.

Guine-a: Guinea.


Haiti: Hayti.

Havayi: Hawaii.

Hebrid-i: Hebrides.

Helveti-a: Helvetia.

Helvet-o: Helvetian.

Herzegovin-a: Herzegovina.

Hesi-a: Hesse; -ano: Hessian.

Hindu-o: Hindu.

Hispani-a: Spain.

Hispan-o: Spaniard.

Holand-o: Holland; -ano: Dutchman.

Honduras: Honduras.

Hungari-a: Hungary; -ano: Hungarian.


Indi-a: India; -ano: Indian.

Ioni-a: Ionia; -ano: Ionian.

Irland-o: Ireland; -ano: Irish(man).

Island-o: Iceland; -ano: Icelander.

Istri-a: Istria; -ano: Istrian.

Itali-a: Italy; -ano: Italian.

Ivora Rivo: Ivory Coast.


Jamaik-a: Jamaica; -ano: Jamaican.

Japoni-a: Japan; -ano: Japanese.

Jav-a: Java; -ano: Javanese.

Jude-a: Judea; -ano: Judean.

Jud-o: Jew.


Kab-lando: Cape Colony.

Kabo di Bon Espero: Cape of Good Hope.

Kabverdo: Cape Verd.

Kafr-o*: Kaffir.

Kalabri-a: Calabria; -ano: Calabrian.

Kalde-a: Chaldea; -ano: Chaldean.

Kaliforni-a: California; -ano: Californian.

Kabodj-a: Cambodia; -ano: Cambodian.

Kamchatk-a: Kamchatka.

Kamerun: Cameroons.

Kampani-a: Campania.

Kanaan: Canaan; -ano: Canaanite.

Kanad-a: Canada; -ano: Canadian.

Kanal-o: (English) Channel.

Kanari-i: Canary (islands).

Kapadoci-a: Cappadocia.

Karinti-a: Carinthia.

Karpati: Carpathian (mountains).

Kashmir: Cashmere, Kashmir.

Kaspi-a: Caspian (sea).

Kastili-a: Castile; -ano: Castilian.

Kataluni-a: Catalonia; -ano: Catalonian.

Kaukazi-a: Caucasia; -ano: Caucasian.

Kaukaz-o: Caucasus.

Khiv-a: Khiva.

Kolchid-o: Colchis.

Kolumbi-a: Columbia; -ano: Columbian.

Kongo-land-o: Congo; -ano: Congolese.

Konstantinoplo: Constantinople.

Kordilier-i: Cordilleras.

Kore-a: Korea; -ano: Korean.

Kornwal: Cornwall.

Korsik-a: Corsica; -ano: Corsican.

Koshinchini-a: Cochin-China; -ano: Cochin-Chinese.

Kostarik-a: Costa-Rica.

Kroati-a: Croatia; -ano: Croatian.

Kub-a: Cuba; -ano: Cuban.

Kurland-o: Kurland.


Lago di Quar Kantoni: Lake of Lucerne.

Lagos: Lagos.

Laponi-a: Lapland.

Lapon-o*: Laplander, Lap.

Latva*: Latva (people).

Latvi-a*: Latvia.

Leman-a, -o: Lake of Geneva.

Liban-o: Lebanon.

Liberi-a: Liberia.

Libi-a: Libya; -ano: Libyan.

Lici-a: Lycia; -ano: Lycian.

Lidi-a: Lydia; -ano: Lydian.

Liguri-a: Liguria; -ano: Ligurian.

Likaoni-a: Lycaonia.

Lituani-a: Lithuania; -ano: Lithuanian.

Livoni-a: Livonia; -ano: Livonian.

Lombardi-a: Lombardy; -ano: Lombard.

London: London; -ano: Londoner.

Lotring-a: Lorraine; -ano: man of Lorraine.

Luxemburg: Luxemburg (town).

Luxemburgi-a: Luxemburg (Duchy of); -ano: man of L.


Macedoni-a: Macedonia; -ano: Macedonian.

Madagaskar: Madagascar.

Madeir-a: Madeira.

Madyar-o: Magyar.

Malay-o: Malay.

Malt-a: Malta; -ano: Maltese.

Mande-o, -a: mandæan.

Mandjuri-a: Manchuria.

Marian-i: Mariana (islands).

Marok-o: Morocca; -ano: Moroccan.

Marquesas: Marquesas (islands).

Martinik: Martinique.

Mauric-o: Mauritius.

Mauritani-a: Mauritania.

Mayork-a: Majorca.

Medi-a: Media.

Med-i: Medes.

Mediterane-a, -o: Mediterranean (sea).

Mexiki-o: Mexico (country); -ano: Mexican.

Mexik-o: Mexico City; -ano: Mexican.

Mezopotami-a: Mesopotamia; -ano: Mesopotamian

Minork-a: Minorca.

Mizi-a: Mysia.

Moldavi-a: Moldavia; -ano: Moldavian.

Monak-o: Monaco; -ano: (man) of Monaco.

Mongoli-a: Mongolia.

Montenegr-o: Montenegro; -ano: Montenegrin.

Moravi-a: Moravia; -ano: Moravian.

Mortinta Maro: the Dead Sea.

Mozambik: Mozambique.


Nabate-i, a: Nabatæans.

Natal: Natal.

Navar-a: Navarre.

Nederland-o: Netherlands; -ano: Dutch.

Nigeri-a: Nigeria.

Nigra Maro: Black Sea.

Nikaragu-a: Nicaragua.

Normandi-o: Normandy.

Norvegi-a: Norway; -ano: Norwegian.

Nova Guinea: New Guinea.

Nova Kaledoni-a: New Caledonia.

Nova Skoti-a: Nova Scotia, cf. Akadi-o.

Nov-Land-o: Newfoundland; -ano: Newfoundlander.

Nov-Sud-Wals: New South Wales.

Nov-Zeland-o: New Zealand.

Nubi-a: Nubia; -ano: Nubian.


Oceani-a: Oceania.

Oranji-a: Orange River Colony.

Ora Rivo: Gold Coast.

Orkad-i: Orkney Islands.


Pacifik-a, -o: Pacific (ocean).

Paflagoni-a: Paphlagonia.

Palateni-o: Palatinate.

Palestin-a: Palestine.

Pamfili-a: Pamphylia.

Panam-a: Panama.

Panoni-a: Panonia.

Paraguay: Paraguay.

Paris: Paris; -ano: Parisian.

Parti-a: Parthia.

Part-o: Parthian.

Patagoni-a: Patgonia; -ano: Patagonian.

Persi-a: Persia; -ano: Persian.

Pers-o: Persian (ancient).

Peru: Peru; -ano: Peruvian.

Piemont: Piedmont; -ano: Piedmontese.

Pikardi-a: Picardy.

Pirene-i: Pyrenees.

Podoli-a: Podolia; -ano: Poldolian.

Polinezi-a: Polynesia; -ano: Polynesian.

Poloni-a: Poland.

Polon-o: Pole.

Pomerani-a: Pomerania; -ano: Pomeranian.

Porto-Riko: Puerto Rico.

Portugal: Portugal; -ano: Portuguese.

Posni-a: Posen; -ano: (man) of Posen.

Prezidi-i: Presides (islands).

Principe (insulo): Principe (island).

Provenc-o: Provençe; -ano: Provençal.

Prusi-a: Prussia; -ano: Prussian.


Quinsland-o: Queensland; -ano: Queenslander.


Reda Mar-o: Red Sea.

Reunion: Reunion.

Reus: Reuss.

Rhen-o: Rhine.

Rodezi-a: Rhodesia; -ano: Rhodesian.

Rokoza Mont-i: Rocky Mountains.

Roma: Rome.

Rom-ano: Roman.

Rumani-a: Roumania; -ano: Roumanian.

Rumeli-a: Roumelia; -ano: Roumelian.

Rusia: Russia.

Rus-o: Russian.


Sahara: Sahara.

Samari-a: Samaria; -ano: Samaritan.

Samoa: Samoa.

San-Domingo: San Domingo.

San-Gall: Saint Gall.

San-Marino: San Marino.

San-Salvador: San Salvador.

San-Thome: San Thomas (island).

Sant-Helena: St. Helena.

Sardini-a: Sardinia; -ano: Sardinian.

Sarmatia: Sarmatia.

Sarmat-o: Sarmatian.

Savoy-a: Savoy; -ano: Savoyard.

Saxonia: Saxony.

Saxon-o: Saxon.

Senegal: Senegal; -ano: Senegalese.

Serbi-a: Serbia; -ano: Serbian.

Siam: Siam; -ano: Siamese.

Siberi-a: Siberia; -ano: Siberian.

Sicili-a: Sicily; -ano: Sicilian.

Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone.

Silezi-a: Silesia; -ano: Silesian.

Siriak-a (dialekto): Syriac.

Siri-a: Syria; -ano: Syrian.

Skandinavi-a: Scandinavia; -ano: Scandinavian.

Skitia: Scythia.

Skit-o: Scythian.

Skoti-a: Scotland.

Skot-o: Scot, Scotsman.

Slavoni-a: Slavonia.

Somal-o, -i: Somali.

Somali-lando: Somaliland.

Sporadi: Sporades (islands).

Stiri-a: Styria; -ano: Styrian.

Suabi-a: Swabia; -ano: Swabian.

Sudan: Sudan; -ano: Sudanese.

Suedi-a: Sweden.

Sued-a, -o: Swedish, Swede.

Suisi-a: Switzerland; -ano: Swiss.

Sumatra: Sumatra.

Surinam: Surinam.


Tasmani-a: Tasmania; -ano: Tasmanian.

Tatari-a: Tartary.

Tatar-o: Tartar.

Tesali-a: Thessaly; -ano: Thessalian.

Tibet: Tibet; -ano: Tibetan.

Tigre-ana: Abyssinian language.

Tirol: Tyrol; -ano: Tyrolese.

Togo: Togo, Togoland.

Tonga: Tonga.

Tonkin: Tong-king; -ano: (man) of Tong-king.

Toskania: Tuscany.

Toskan-o: Tuscan.

Trakia: Thrace.

Trak-o: Thracian.

Transilvania: Transylvania.

Transilvan-o: Transsylvanian.

Transval: Transvaal; -ano: (man) of Transvaal.

Trinidad: Trinidad.

Tripolis: Tripoli (town).

Tripolit-o: Tripoli (country); -ano: Tripolitan.

Tunis: Tunis (town).

Tunizi-a: Tunis (province); -ano: Tunisian.

Turingi-a: Thuringia; -ano: Thuringian.

Turkestan: Turkistan; -ano: (man) of Turkistan.

Turki-a: Turkey.

Turk-o: Turk.


Ural-o, -i: Ural (river, mountains).

Uraguay: Uraguay.

Usa: U.S.A., United States of N. America.

Us-ano: American (of the U.S.).


Valaki-a: Walachia; -ano: Walachian.

Venezuel-a: Venezuela; -ano: Venezuelan.

Vestfali-a: Westphalia; -ano: Westphalian.

Viktoria: Victoria (Australia).

Vogesi: Vosges (mountains).

Volini-a: Volhynia; -ano: Volhynian.


Wals: Wales.

Wurtemberg: Wurtemberg; -ano: Wurtemberger.


Zanzibar: Zanzibar.

Zulu-lando: Zululand.

Zulu-o: Zulu.